My Inheritance

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Oct 18, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"My Inheritance" Chapter 16

After two days the storms had finally passed. There was a chill left in the air and the two men had enjoyed fires in the fireplaces. Tryas would not dare admit it to Keith but his cock was beginning to feel a little raw. He usually averaged fucking someone while in the Army maybe three times a week and jacking off a couple. Sometimes he was lucky enough to get a fourth piece of ass or a mouth. Since Keith's birthday he was getting either ass or mouth at least four times a day. "You are an Army dick buddy. You better toughen up and get with the program." He whispered to his cock as he rinsed off in the shower. Keith also would never admit it to Tryas but he was just a little sore and raw but each step he took he was afraid that his insides were going to fall out. Things had not calmed between the two but the storms had offered more time to talk and learn more about each other.

Mike stood in the shower an hour or so later. Tryas was cooking part of their supper. It was Saturday night and they were trying to clean out the refrigerator. Tryas had offered to carry them out to eat since they would be leaving Sunday to head back to Atlanta. Keith had countered with keeping Tryas naked just as long as possible. Tryas just smiled and agreed. Keith had prepared himself for hopefully a fun filled, well dick filled evening. As he washed quickly he washed his chest. "Alright you two. I have hated you for over sixteen years. Now I have someone that thinks you are better than sliced bread so suck it up and get with the program. I refuse to tell him that you are getting sore." Keith said as he washed his breasts.

Tryas was in the kitchen talking on the phone to his Mom. Keith snuck up the stairs and pulled something out of the closet that he had found. Sneaking back down the stairs he hid his surprise so that Tryas would not see it. "No Mother, I will not help him. He has stolen as much money and medication from me as he is going to get and I had better not find out that you and Dad helped him." Tryas said. "But he is my son." she said. "I know he is your son but it's time for him to get a little tough love. You and Dad have spent almost all of your savings and now I find out that Dad has cashed in part of his retirement for him it really pisses me off. It is time for him to sink or float." Tryas said.

Keith walked up behind Tryas and just wrapped his arms around him from behind and lay the left side of his face against Tryas' back. Keith could hear Tryas' Mom's voice but could not hear what she was saying. "Mom I am sorry that he came to you when my credit card was declined and the bank account was closed. I am done. I love my brother but I am not helping him anymore and do not ask Keith for money for him either. They can both go get a job. I love you Mom but that is final." Tryas said. Keith still could not hear what Tryas' mother was saying. " Alright I love you and Dad but you have to stop and think. What will he do when you two are gone ? He need not call me. Time for him to start taking care of himself." Tryas said. "Love you too <Mom and I will talk to you soon." Tryas said.

Tryas lay the phone on the counter and growled. "Sorry baby. Is there anything we can do ?" Keith asked. "NO. The bastard showed up at my parents today moaning because he could not use my credit cards or bank card. He is now claiming that his girlfriend is pregnant and they need money." Tryas said. " Do not get mad and think about it for a few minutes. We have money. If she is pregnant we can send your Dad some money." Keith started."NO." Tryas said. Keith squeezed really tight around Tryas. "Sorry baby. Go ahead." Tryas said. "What I was going to say was that we could put some money in an account that your Dad has access too. If they need food or a little help with utilities he can pay directly to the utility company or take them grocery shopping. If she needs vitamins or whatever he can get them. No pocket money. If she is pregnant we can not stand back and possibly have harm come to your nephew or niece. At least not sometihng that we have the ability to help." Keith said. "How did you get so level headed." Tryas said, and turned in Keith's arms. "I am not talking hundreds of thousands of dollars. I am not that generous. I am talking starting out with five thousand. See how that goes and we can add to it if we need to." Keith said.

Tryas leaned over and kissed Keith. "I do not want you to feel obligated to my family in any way. Hell you already bought an expensive damn refrigerator." Tryas said. " If I did not want to do it I would not offer. I have no dependence and there are no children to save to leave anything too and that means there will be no Grandchildren either. I can't take it with me but then again I refuse to waste it. I want enough for you and I to retire one day and enjoy life. This will not hurt us a bit." Keith said. " You know I love you don't you ? And it has nothing to do with the money. I would be just as much in love if we lived in that tent." Tryas said. "I thought you loved me for my bulldozer." Keith said and smiled.

Keith and Tryas talked about the money and how to handle it. While Keith finished up putting together leftovers Tryas called his father. Tryas instructed him to go to the bank Monday morning and open an account pending a wire transfer. That way he would not have to put any cash in it. Tryas spoke for a couple of minutes. The phone was on speaker in case Keith needed to add instructions. Tryas' Mom took the phone from her husband. "Oh thank you son I knew you would help your brother if you could. " she said.

" It was not my idea. This was all Keith's. There are rules. I love you Mom but you will not have access to the money. You have always given him every penny you could get your hands on hoping it would finally straighten him out. If they need groceries, Dad will go get them. If she needs vitamins, Dad will go get it. If they say their lights are going to get turned off and the bill is one hundred fifty dollars Dad will pay seventy dollars or so directly to the power company and he will have to come up with the rest. I understand why you want to help him but to get our help he will have to help himself. NO cash and I mean not even a dollar in cash goes to him. I will be watching this very closely and if any money is taken out for anything else that will be it. Never another penny." Tryas said. "Keith is willing to help." she said. "No ma'am. We will transfer this money and from that point forward it is totally up to him. If you call and ask me for money for him I will give the phone to Tryas." Keith called out.

"Dad is going to have his hands full." Tryas said, as he lay the phone down. "Why is that ?" Keith asked. "I am sure that Mom is pestering Dad right now telling him that it will not hurt to slip my brother a hundred dollars here and there from the account." Tryas said. "You gave them the rules you set up." Keith said. "Yes but how long will we have to keep putting money in that account?" Tryas said. "Hopefully when he sees that he is getting no cash and all of his bills are not going to be paid he will buckle down and at least start trying." Keith said. "I love you red for seeing a brighter side to this." Tryas said. "One of us has to be optimistic." Keith said and laughed. "Just do not get your feelings hurt if this backfires." Tryas said. "Its five thousand dollars. If it gets wasted then we know better next time." Keith said. "This gets wasted and there will be no next time." Tryas said. "Good enough." Keith said.

Supper was unusual but delicious. All of the leftovers were warmed an it almost seemed to be a restaurant buffet. Keith had made two salads from the remainder of a salad mix bag. As fast as the food was disappearing Keith was afraid there would not be enough. There was one or two bites of salad left in Tryas' bowl when he pushed back from the table and rubbed his hairy belly. " Red, you are going to get me fat. I need to start exercising again." Tryas said. "I thought I was already giving you all the workouts you can handle. Guess I need to step up my game." Keith said. "Baby I need to exercise to keep up with you." Tryas said. "I guess I need to exercise too." Keith said. "No baby, I am your personal trainer. I will handle your exercise." Tryas said, and smiled.

Keith and Tryas quickly cleaned the kitchen. Keith figured there was enough room in the dishwasher for breakfast dishes so he decided to wait and run it after breakfast. He would have plenty of time to empty it before they left the next day. "Alright, sexy. I have a surprise for you. I need you to go and get a shower. Use the water as hot as you can stand it." Keith said. "Alone ?" Tryas said and lightly slapped a bare ass cheek. "If you do not go alone then you will not get your surprise." Keith said. "I guess I will survive." Tryas said, leaning over for a kiss before walking off. He stopped just before entering the bedroom door. "Last chance. You will not get to play with this in the shower." Tryas said, flexing his hairy ass cheeks. "If you only knew." Keith said to himself.

Tryas returned carrying his towel to the laundry room. "What is this ?" he asked. "It's your surprise." Keith said. Keith had been going through closets upstairs and found a massage table. He had placed a sheet over the table and stood waiting on Tryas. "So I get to put you on that table and have my way with you." Tryas said. " Later stud. My turn first." Keith said and patted his hand on the table. Tryas climbed on the table. It took him some adjusting to get his cock and balls so they were not being crushed. He placed his face in the elevated opening. "Is this going to be a happy endings massage ?" Tryas asked. "It's all according to how you act." Keith said, and lightly slapped a hairy ass cheek.

"Careful back there baby. That area has been off limits. Tried it a few times and I could not adjust. If you want to fuck me then I am game to try though." Tryas said. "No worries there, my love. I have never tried it and it does not really interest me. I have always had performance anxiety." Keith said. "Sexually ?" Tryas said. "I had never thought of it in a sexual way. I tried drama and sports in school and it stressed me out too much. I have even had to deal with it at work. Uncle Burton knew this and he would push me. So in short I have no interest in fucking you as long as you enjoy fucking me. I would freak out knowing that a hard dick was wasted and not inside me." Keith said. " Let me just say. If you ever change your mind I am game to try." Tryas said. " I think you are safe in the fact that will never happen." Keith said.

Keith spent his time massaging all of Tryas' muscles. He spent extra time now that he could finally get his hands on the firm, hairy ass cheeks. He had to laugh as he moved on the sides of the table. Tryas would reach his hand out and cup Keith's balls and fondle them. As he moved further up Tryas was able to fondle the buttery ass cheeks with the back of his hand. Keith leaked as Tryas would moan as he applied pressure to the muscles. When he got to the head of the table he was surprised when Tryas reached up and pulled him against the table and pulled his cock up and was able to get part of it between his lips. "Hey, this is supposed to be your massage." Keith said. "It is and I am enjoying every second of it." Tryas said, before pulling the cock back between his lips.

Keith played with the furry ass cheeks one more time. "Alright mister time for the fun side." Keith said. "Sorry . I have a slight issue. My boyfriend may get mad if I turn over with a hard on." Tryas said. "Your boyfriend would be upset if it was not. He would think he did something wrong. " Keith said. "You asked for it." Tryas said as he turned over and his cock stood at full mast and seemed to even be straining. " Now that is a beautiful sight." Keith said. " I am glad you like what you see." Tryas laughed. Keith started at the handsome face with the trimmed beard and goatee. He then traveled down with his eyes to the huge, broad, muscled and hairy chest. Though Tryas' chest and stomach were hairy he could easily see the six pack under the hair. As his eyes went further down he licked his lips at the strong muscles that traveled to his hips in a V shape. The large cock standing tall and proud was a sight to make any woman, gay man and half the straight men drool. The huge hairy legs were covered with a beautiful coating of hair and nestled between them were two of the most perfect balls in a lightly hairy sack.

Keith started at Tryas feet. He deep kneaded the tissue as he moved up towards Tryas' waist. Keith leaned over and took one of the large nuts and sucked it into his mouth. He moaned as he looked at the other but knew that he would never fit the other in his mouth without causing pain for Tryas. That one would have to wait until he got to the other side. Tryas tried to arch his hips as he moaned. Keith looked towards Tryas' face and could see the large dick pulsing and straining to grow even larger.

Finally releasing the well massaged ball he looked at the monster standing high and proud. "What is this ?" Keith said as he leaned over and licked the drop of precum on the tip. "Baby it's all you . I never produced precum that I knew of until I met you." Tryas said. "Did I do that ?" Keith laughed. "That and so much more red." Tryas said. Keith massaged the cock and around the cock well before moving up. He had been fighting off Tryas' wandering hands. "Ugh you are killing me." Tryas said. Keith had been careful to keep his arm out of the way as he leaned over to suck on the testicle and then the cock. His boy titties hung from his body and he would move his upper body so they seemed to bounce and jiggle.

Keith was caught by surprise when he moved close up to Tryas' chest. Tryas had licked two of his fingers and as soon as Keith got close enough he quickly slid his hand between Keith's legs and quickly slid two fingers inside Keith's ass. "This is supposed to be your message." Keith said. "It is. It's all mine." Tryas said and wiggled his fingers inside Keith. Keith enjoyed his slow finger fuck and he leaned over and licked and kissed around the hairy belly button. He then moved to Tryas' large, hairy pecs. Keith lightly kissed, nibbled and sucked as best he could on Tryas' nipples. His mind went back to Tryas having him try to suck on them showing Keith why he loved Keith's boy titties so much. "You are killing me red. I only have one hand on this side. I can not play in the pussy and grab the titties at the same time. You making them bounce is driving me crazy. Tryas had to remove his fingers so that Keith could move further up. He took Keith by the arm and pulled him over so that one of the breasts dangled over his mouth. Keith wiggled a little, making the soft flesh bounce. Keith gasp as Tryas sucked the nipple in and lightly bit on it everytime Keith tried to pull back. Keith smiled as he looked down and saw a fresh beed of precum on the tip of Tryas' monster.

Tryas was sexually frustrated as much as he could handle. He reached one arm around Keith and pulled him further over. He rolled his shoulders and pulled Keith up enough that he could slip at least two knuckles of his other hand inside Keith's ass. Keith's eyes started to glaze as the two fingers played inside him while Tryas tried his best to pull milk from his breast. Tryas acted like a starving man with both his lips and his fingers. Keith could only rub Tryas's shoulder and neck. Tryas had a grip on his body with both lips and fingers.

Tryas moved his legs around still sucking on the breast and his fingers moved deeper. He slid off the table and released the nipple and moved down and took Keith's leaking cock into his mouth. Once the majority of the precum was collected in his mouth, he raised up so that he could kiss Keith's now puffy lips. "I love my surprise baby but I have waited as long as I can for my happy ending. Junior is starting to hurt." Tryas whispered. "We can't have junior hurting now can we ?" Keith whispered.

Tryas walked Keith to the bedroom with his two fingers still buried inside him. Keith caught Tryas off guard and turned and pushed Tryas onto the bed on his back. Keith then leaned over and took the bottle of lube. As he climbed on the bed he was applying lube to his own ass. He straddled Tryas' waist . He reached behind him and applied lube to Tryas's straining cock. He leaned forward and watched Tryas huge smile as he moved the cock so that it rested in the soft tissue around his ass ring. "Slow baby. You are in control." Tryas whispered as he reached up and began to fondle the loose breast. Keith took in a deep breath and sat back on the large cock. He stopped and gasped as the large head popped through his partially loosened ring. Tryas reached up and pulled Keith over so they could kiss. He took both hands and began to fondle and pull on Keith's breasts. Tryas could feel Keith's body begin to relax. As he felt Keith's body relax he waited for Ketih to lower himself. As Keith lowered himself Tryas took and forced his hips up quickly fully impaling Keith on his cock. "UUUUUGGGGGHH." Keith shouted as his body quivered and his cock shot the first of his load hitting Tryas on the chin. " That's it baby. Cum for me. The grunt's big dick made his babies cock jizz." Tryas said as Keith's shaking body seemed to settle into his.

Tryas wrapped his arms around Keith and began to move his hips moving his cock in and out of Keith's ass. "Baby you are so sexy and I loved my surprise. You are too good for me." Tryas whispered as he held Keith's head next to his. He then moved Keith up so that he could move Keith's body up enough to long dick him. His eyes almost glazed themselves as he watched the breast bounce just above his face as he fucked up into Keith's body causing it to shake. Keith could only whimper and moan. His sensitive prostate was taking a beating. Keith had fantasized a few years back and would read werewolk gay stories. When Tryas would bottom out he felt like he knew what the characters were feeling as the werewolf would knot it's partner. It was nowhere near the same but Truas' cock shape played with his ass ring as they fucked more than most would have. He had dreamed of a man's cock stretching him even wider as he bottomed out but now could not imagine his ass ring not getting the stimulation of closing on the cocok and then restretching. He began to tighten his ass ring as Tryas lifted his lower body signaling he had bottomed out. "Oh fuck baby. What are you doing to my poor dick. God it feels so good. " Tryas growled. "Just showing it appreciation and planning to milk every drop of seed I can." Keith whispered.

Keith could feel Tryas cock getting even larger. Tryas had lowered his hips a couple of times enough to ring out the sound of his cock coming free of the well lubed ass and then moving right back in balls deep without missing a stroke. Keith began to squeeze the hard cock with his ass ring as Tryas lowered his hips " Oh fuck baby. You are too much. You are going to make me nut." Tryas said. Keith smiled as he tried to apply even more pressure. "You are so fucking perfectttttt.....GGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR." Tryas shouted as he held Keith's hips down and slammed his cock up deep into Keith, taking Keith's body weight off his knees and placing it on Tryas' strong hips. "UUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Keith shouted as the vibration caused a second and involuntary orgasm. The two kissed as their post orgasm glow began to slow a little. Keith moved to lift himself off of Tryas's cock. Tryas held him still and moved Keith's legs so that they went down along his legs. His cock was still lodged inside Keith as he reached down and pulled the sheet over the two. Just stay right there baby." Tryas whispered. Keith lay his head on Tryas' hairy chest and the Army grunts' heart beat seemed to sing him to sleep." He would moan ever so often as Tryas flexed his emptied cock still inside Keith blocking his seed from leaking. "I love you Tryas." Keith whispered. "I love you too, my ginger lover. To the moon and back." Tryas whispered.

Next: Chapter 17

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