My Inheritance

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Oct 22, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"My Inheritance" Chapter 17

Sunday was a somewhat busy day. Keith and Tryas had the house cleaned and ready to be abandoned for at least four days. They were finished well before lunch so Tryas made a couple of sandwiches and a thermos of the last of the sweet tea. It did not take much convincing to get Keith to climb in the XUV and ride around the property with Tryas. This was the first time that Keith had explored his property. He had been to the lake and waterfall but that was about the extent.

They stopped for a picnic in an opening that was on the top of a small hill. Well it was a hill on a mountain. The area seemed naturally clear and was not apparently an area that Keith's uncles had cleared. "This place is really a beautiful piece of property." Tryas said. "Even more beautiful now." Keith said, looking over at Tryas. Tryas lay looking as though he was posing. He lay on his side with one elbow in the soft grass. His head rested on his fist. One leg lay stretched out on the ground with the other bent at the knee with his foot on the grass. His flaccid cock almost touched the grass from this angle but his low hanging balls draped over his leg and rested on the grass. Keith licked his lips as he smiled. "Oh you are talking about me too." Tryas said. "Of course." Keith said. "You are crazy." Tryas laughed. Keith sat facing him Indian style. Tryas had to smile as Keith took two quick pictures with his phone.

Tryas showed Keith a few areas that had trees that needed thinning. "Those will supply us with enough firewood for quite a few years.' Tryas said. " Don't they have to cure once you cut them ?" Keith said. "It burns better if they cure after cutting them for a season. " Tryas said. "We can get out here and cut what we think we will need for next year and let it cure. Let's let the lawn guy keep it full this season and then my baby can keep us warm from then on." Keith said. "I will not argue. It is probably too late for this season anyway." Tryas said. "The first snow should be in a couple of weeks. At least within the next month." Keith said. " Yeah let him keep it full. If it is supposed to snow I will be busy keeping my ginger baby full." Tryas said. Keith leaned over in the XUV and kissed Tryas. " Yeah I will have to leave my Army man just long enough to go out for more wood. " Keith said. "No baby, your Army man will have all the wood you can handle." Tryas said, and kissed Keith again before pulling off in the XUV.

Tryas and Keith mulled around the house. Neither wanted to leave the mountain and get back to the real world. Keith finally spoke up and told Tryas that he did not mind getting up very early and driving in. They ended up deciding to stay. Tryas called Rufus and asked if they could take him and his wife out for supper. Keith added to it by telling Rufus to ask his wife to pick the restaurant claiming she knew more about the area then they did. Keith and Tryas both laughed as they pulled back in the driveway. "I wonder if Rufus will get lucky tonight." Tryas said. "Did you see the look on her face when Rufus offered to pay for theirs ? I thought she was going to faint." Keith said. "Well I was not about to invite them and then expect them to pay." Tryas said. "I know that baby and I for one want to thank you for a delicious supper." Keith said.

Tryas' bag was packed. Keith had stopped packing a bag long ago. He kept clothes and all his toiletries at the house and the apartment so he did not have to bring anything but himself. "While we are there we are going to stock up on clothes for you too. That way neither of us will have to pack anything." Keith said. "I did not think I needed clothes here." Tryas said and wiggled his hips causing his cock and balls to flop back and forth. "Baby if I would not have to spend all my time fending the women off and half the men at the store you would not wear clothes to work. One look at that amazing body and huge package and I would spend all my time keeping them at arm's length." Keith said. "You exaggerate." Tryas said. "Baby most of our male customers are gay. You will NOT be working in the showroom." Keith said. " Red I have all I could ever want or ever need so there is no worry there. Besides, if you think I am all that it may boost sales." Tryas said, and shook his hips again. "Good point but no. We do fine as it is." Keith said, and laughed.

They were going to have to get up very early for the drive and to try to beat as much Atlanta rush hour traffic as they could. Keith was pleased to learn that there was a new meaning by the phrase taken to the woodshed. The wood shed was not as tall as a normal building. Keith held onto one of the roof support boards as Tryas stood behind him. Tryas had his hands on Keith's hips and his knees were bent so that he could lean back and watch his glistening dick move in and out of Keith's ass. The trip to the woodshed ended with Keith still holding onto the board and spraying his load onto the wood pile while Tryas had his arms wrapped tight around Keith's body as his hips bucked and his body growled and vibrated as he emptied his low hanging balls deep inside Keith.

Monday morning came too early. Keith and Tryas showered and dressed. Two large mugs of coffee and a couple of breakfast bars got them out the door quickly. There was a short discussion about vehicles. In the end they were both in Keith's Range Rover. Tryas said that he had not planned to go anywhere without Keith anyway. Keith reminded him that he was an employee and on the company's insurance so if he needed to go the key fob in his pocket was his. Keith had his own.

They arrived at the store just as it was about to open. They greeted everyone in the showroom and Tryas was introduced. Gail jumped from her desk and ran to hug Keith and then Tryas. Misty came out of her office to see what was going on. "Thank God you are alright. Why didn't you answer your phone ?" Misty said as she hugged Keith, almost squeezing the breath out of him. "What is going on? My phone did not ring." Keith said as he pulled it out. "Well I forgot to turn it on." Keith said and blushed. "You are not going back to that apartment. They had a shoot out there last night and two are dead. The news would not elaborate on the two claiming they needed to contact the next of kin. I have already cursed my husband out. He called to see if I had heard anything and when the phone rang my heart sank." Misty said.

"Calm down cuz. We are both fine." Keith said. "Is that normal ?" Tryas asked. "I have lived there for years and this is the first time I know of anything like this. There have been the usual car break ins and I think it was about three years ago someone got mugged." Keith said. "Well you don't live there anymore. I am calling the landlord and breaking your lease. He can even have everything in there." Misty said. "Calm down cuz. That was just a rare incident." Keith said. "I am done talking to you. Come with me, Tryas. I need to talk to the one out of the couple that has some sense." Misty said.

Tryas was shocked but happily surprised at his reception by all the employees. Gail had a floating job planned for him but wanted him to learn everything there was to know about the business. Tryas was even more shocked with his salary. He tried to convince Gail it was too high. Misty walked in during the conversation. "Just hush and take it. I decided what it was going to be and Keith had nothing to do with it. I doubt he even knows." Misty said. Tryas spent most of the rest of the day with Dawn discussing the new stocking program she was working on. Dawn was hired for inventory control and was loving her job. She still was not confident enough in her position to make some decisions without discussing it with someone. Gail had informed her that she had hired her to handle it anyway she thought would work better than the system they had in place.

Misty stole Tryas for a couple of hours to catch him up with the company's secrets. It was mainly how much business they did and she even showed him how to get in the vault. "Damn Misty. Is it safe to have this much cash ?" Tryas said. "Uncle Burton felt like you needed a rainy day fund." Misty said. "Hell this is a rainy year fund." Tryas said. "He always said in case of an emergency you need cash on hand. Cash makes people move." Misty said. "I do not need access to this." Tryas said. "You are family now. I hope." Misty said. "I am as long as Keith will have me." Tryas said. "You aren't going anywhere. Gail and I voted. There are only three votes around here and Keith was absent. He was busy trying out the new employee. By the way, do I need to restock my gift ?" Misty said and smiled. "Well Keith said the condoms would not fit so he tossed them in the trash. Besides, we have both been tested." Tryas said. "Too small. DAMN." Misty said, and whistled.

Monday went well. MIsty had informed Keith that there was no need to worry. Inside sales were now up twenty two percent and the new internet sales had boosted them to over a seventy percent increase in total sales. Keith was surprised but thoroughly pleased. He and Misty had made the right decision in promoting Gail to run the company. " Tryas seems great. I heard that you tossed the condoms. Apparently they were not BIG enough ? Do tell cuz." Misty said. "They would have probably broken anyway." Keith said. He pulled out his phone and pulled up his pictures. Over the years Misty had shown him nude pictures of her husband. Misty's husband was a looker also. Handsome man with a beautiful body. Hair in all the right places. Keith had to admit to himself that he had many jerk sessions over the years over Misty's husband but they had always been so close personally he had never considered having sex with her husband. Danny is his name and he was also no slouch in the cock and balls department. As far as the pictures he had seen he would probably be a little above average in that department. Misty was a beautiful young lady and she and Danny looked like they could easily do family photo advertising.

"You tell him about this and I will tell Danny about all the nude photos I have seen of him over the years." Keith said. " He knows about a couple of them." Misty said. "I know. He told me he knew about the shirtless. He never mentioned nude." Keith said. "Damn you are good." Misty laughed. Keith first showed her the two pictures by the waterfall. He then flipped to the picture of Tryas on his side in a modeling position. "DAMN cuz. Fuck me." Misty said. "No way cuz. I agreed years ago to keep my hands off of Danny so you keep your hands off of mine." Keith laughed. "Not interested cuz. My husband might not be as....well endowed as Tryas but Danny proves to me every day that he knows how to use what he has to make me the happiest woman in the world. EVERY day" Misty said. "With two kids ?" Keith said. "With two now and hopefully a third next year." Misty said.

"When I told Uncle Burton and Archie that Danny had asked me to marry him Uncle Archie wanted to talk to us. He sat us down and said that he could tell that we loved each other but we needed to get our priorities straight. He said that regardless of anything that was going on, for this to be a long term loving marriage we had to find time every day to connect. "Exhausted from work, babies and housework aside, we needed to find a few minutes every day to connect." He then asked if we had, had sex and we were honest and said yes. He then asked if I had orgasms. He told us that he was not trying to get personal but many women admitted after fifty years of marriage they felt sex was an expected chore. They had never had an orgasm. I told him that most of the time I did. Archie handed us a video cassette tape. He wanted us to watch it together. It was from a marriage counselor. It was almost porn but very informative. The last thing he told us was that connecting daily did not mean sex every day but that was the most intimate way to connect. He also made me promise that I would tell Danny if he was not causing me to orgasm and to NEVER fake it. Fake is deceit and leads to much larger deceit. We decided early on that we like the connection better as sex. I look forward to a daily dose of Danny and I think he does me too. Might be words of wisdom for you too." Misty said.

"Just once a day ?" Keith said and smiled. "Well Danny and I do once every chance we get a day. Try having sex in a broom closet with a toddler bumping against the door in a walker." Misty said and laughed. "No thanks. I don't need that vision." Keith laughed. "What I want to know is if he used that thing on you, how the hell are you sitting down ?" Misty said. "A few days ago it may have been tough but once you get used to it there is no pain.... just unbelievable pleasure." Keith said. "Enough cuz. You did not want to picture me in the closet and I don't want to picture you on your stomach. " Misty said and laughed. "Oh you can do it on your stomach ?" Keith said and smiled. "Where is Uncle Archie and his VHS tapes ?" Misty laughed.

Gail came by and stuck her head in the door. "Are you two going to do any work today ?" Gail laughed. "Waiting here to see what condo you found to buy." Misty said. "Now why would I look for a condo to buy ?" Gail said. "For Keith and Tryas." Misty said. "Like I said, why would I look for a condo to buy when you already own quite a bit of rental property already." Gail said. Both turned quickly to look at Gail. "Come in and shut the door." Keith said. "Don't tell me that you two have not run across any of the paperwork or the account ?" Gail said. "Paperwork?" Misty said. "Account ?" Keith said.

Gail walked around and pulled up the accounts on the computer. "Your Uncle Burton liked to see numbers in the bank. Your Uncle Archie liked ensuring that those figures were safe. Burton started buying retail properties and Archie bought residential. He would come in many days and hand Burton a stack of papers.and say I bought this today and by the way I signed your name to it too. There are six commercial and twenty seven residential. You collect rent every month from all but one. There is a corporate condo off Moores Mill road that they kept for out of town guests when they were having a..... party." Gail said. "Where does that money go ?" Keith asked. Gail pulled up an account. "Holy shit. Is this the business's money ?" Keith asked.

"Yes. After Archie got sick he stopped buying and Burton lost interest. I don't think anyone has been to the townhouse at Panama City beach in five years. I started to ask one time but ARchie loved the place so much I did not want to remind Burton that he still had it." Gail said. "Panama CIty Beach ?" Keith said. "Right on the water. This account pays the taxes and Home Owners Association fees. I got a letter last week that I needed to discuss with you two. The association is wanting to tear them down and build new ones. Since you already own one and they want to tear it down, the new one will only cost you about one hundred thousand. The new ones will sell for over a million." Gail said. "Do it." Misty said. Keith just looked up with his mouth partially open. "Don't think cuz just act. Hell that account has just over two point one million in it from the rent. Don't think, hell it's just money. Act." Misty said. "Yeah, it's just money, is the issue." Keith said. "Sweet boy I know that you have never had a dime. You and Misty are both quite wealthy now. You can't take it with you and if you closed this place tomorrow and liquidated everything you could both probably live fairly comfortably and never work again." Gail said. "But I don't want to retire." Keith said. "Did not say you had too, just said you could. Besides I like my promotion so I hope you two keep this at least until I retire." Gail said, and laughed.

Tryas was busy on his computer. He had figured out what his take home would be. He still wanted his retirement to go into his savings and after he raised enough to buy that shed to turn into a getaway at the waterfall he would probably have his disability transferred there too. He was thankful that military disability was different from Social Security disability in that he could earn as much as he wanted and not get penalized. Also now with the company's health insurance he could go to any doctor he wanted and his Tricare from the VA would be secondary. "I may not have enough to get this done by Christmas for this year but I can plan that for next Christmas." Tryas thought.

Tryas drove to the apartment after the store closed. Keith had put the address in the GPS. Tryas started to ask what was going on with Keith but decided to wait until they got to the apartment so he could concentrate on Keith and not the traffic. Keith seemed to be in a fog and Tryas was determined to get him out of it. Once inside the small apartment Keith sat on the couch and more or less stared at the wall. Tryas felt dusty from the work in the warehouse and quickly took a shower. "What do you want for supper baby ?" Tryas asked. "Oh whatever." Keith said and looked back at the wall. Tryas got Keith up and walked him to the bathroom. He ran a tub of hot water and undressed Keith. "You soak and relax and I will figure out supper." Tryas said. There was very little to choose from in the refrigerator or freezer. Taped to the refrigerator was a list of restaurants that delivered. He quickly pulled out his phone and ordered a pizza . There was a selection of drinks in the refrigerator and he could make tea.

Tryas had to laugh and shake his head as he walked to the bathroom. He had let Keith soak while he waited on the pizza. Thinking about his lover being naked in the tub had made his cock semi hard. Well it was to the point that instead of resting against his low hanging balls it had a little arch to it. The pizza arrived and Tryas quickly grabbed the wet towel he had tossed on the arm of the couch. As he opened the door the young guy delivering gasped. He quickly looked up and down the sexy Army man standing in front of his with a towel that was too small and showed a bare hip.

" Pizza for Tramell." the young man finally croaked out. "That's me. Come in while I get you a tip. The apartment had a bar that separates the kitchen from the living room. Tryas opened his wallet. He pulled out a ten dollar bill. He had placed it on the counter and when he dropped his wallet the breeze blew it off the counter. He leaned over and picked the bill up and as he stood the towel gave up the fight and fell to the floor. The young man gasped again as he saw Tryas' equipment. "Sorry about that little guy." Tryas said as he retrieved the towel. After he re wrapped himself he handed the bill to the young man that still had his mouth open. "I can set this up for you sir. No extra cost. Just tell me where the plates are." he said. "I can handle it but thank you." Tryas said. "But I can..... Uh.. Thank you sir. If you need anything my name is on the box just call and ask for me. Anything at all." he said. "Thank you." Tryas said.

Tryas got Keith out of the tub. "Alright you, I can't have this hot water turning my boy titties into prunes." Tryas said. Keith had started to come out of his fog a little. Tryas dried him off and took him to the couch. "Alright baby. Talk." Tryas said. "I just feel so lost and disconnected. I don't know why." Keith said with a tear in one eye. Tryas stood and thought for a minute standing beside the couch. Keith reached up as he still stared off into space and ran his fingers under the semi hard cock. Tryas turned and went to his suitcase. He pulled out a bottle of lube and headed back to the couch. He took Keith's hand and pulled him from the couch. Keith snapped out a little bit as he felt two slick fingers slide inside him. "I saw the douche bottle baby." Tryas whispered. "Misty said Archie said every day." Keith whispered. Tryas had no clue but figured he would find out soon enough.

Tryas turned Keith around after a kiss. He wrapped his arms around Keith as he bent his knees. Keith quivered and gasped as Tryas pushed his hard cock up Keith 's tight ass until Keith's ass ring closed around the smaller part of the cock. Tryas moved them back and kept Keith fully impaled until he sat them on the couch. "Baby I might not can do much and may not be worth the money you are but it's my job to make you feel full and complete. That I can do easily." Tryas said, as he began to massage and pull on Keith's boy titties. Keith lay his head back on Tryas' shoulder and began to moan. "Alright baby. Tell this old Army grunt what has you so upset." Tryas said. Keith started to speak and then stopped. Tryas began to move his hips which caused his large cock to move around in the tight space it was cocooned.

Keith told Tryas about finding out about all the rental properties and the townhouse in Panama City Beach. Every time Keith would slow down Tryas would move his hips even more. He would even push his ass into the cushions as he held Keith's hips and punch quickly back up into Keith's love tunnel. "I have always had to keep up with due dates on bills. I have four checking accounts now and am about twenty thousand away from having a full million dollars in them combined. I am scared and the money just seems to flow in." Keith said. "Baby you know that I love you with all my heart. I don't care about your money. I have all I could ever want." Tryas said, as he flexed his cock inside Keith and placed his hand over Keith's heart. "You mean that ?" Keith said. "Actions speak louder than words." Tryas said. He took Keith's arm and placed it around his neck. He then took and placed his hands under Keith's knees. Tryas came to his feet almost effortlessly with Keith's body in the air and his cock buried deep inside him.

Tryas crawled onto the bed dragging Keith as he went. He lay Keith flat on the bed . He leaned over Keith as he reached one hand under Keith's face and turned it so they could kiss. He held the other hand on one of the love handles he salivated over. "That's it red. I can't fix all my baby's problems but I can make him feel full, connected and more than anything, loved." Tryas growled as he began moving his cock almost out of Keith and then slamming it back in balls deep. "I like what your Uncle said about once a day but I plan to fuck my babies pussy as many times a day as I can until we are pushing up daisies." Tryas growled. "Fuck me baby... Fuck me hard." Keith moaned. "That I can do my love." Tryas said. Tryas had pulled up the naked pictures of Keith during the day a couple of times and by the time they got to the apartment he was horny as hell.

Tryas kissed Keith as his hips bounced, pounding into Keith. "Baby as long as we have each other everything will be just fine." Tryas whispered. "As long as you fuck me at least once a day." Keith said spacing his words out between poundings. "Don't worry red. I plan to breed this tight ass of yours as often as it stays still long enough to get inside." Tryas growled. "Plan to fuck this pussy hard every day and plant my grunt JJJJJJJIIIIIZZZZZZZZZZZZZ .. GGGGGRRRRRRRRRR" Tryas growled as he pushed deep inside Keith's ass. He rocked his hips and growled as his cock flexed emptying his load deep inside Keith. Keith let out a constant moan and wiggled his hips as his load sprayed into the comforter.

Author's Note: I need to say that I am very sorry for any confusion. It seems that a "Mike" has tried to bully his way into this story. I have learned to stop making notes on future stories while I am writing one. I have tried to reproof future chapters and turn Mike back into Keith. I am sorry that I did not catch that earlier but hopefully Mike can tell his story another time and stay out of Keith's life. lol

Next: Chapter 18

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