My Inheritance

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Oct 29, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"My Inheritance" Chapter 19

The next morning both men were glowing. Tryas had gotten over most of his money stresses. He had blown one load of stress deep inside Keith in the middle of the living room floor in the condo fulfilling Keith's first time being fucked by a CEO and then later Keith once again fell asleep on Tryas' chest with the large dick he had just ridden still buried inside him. They greeted everyone in the showroom as they headed for the office section. Dawn was standing at Gail's desk. She had her clipboard but after the day before was not sure what she was suppose to be doing. "Good morning boss one and boss two." Dawn said. "One and Two ?" Tryas said. "Hell everything happened so fast yesterday I have no idea who I work for, who my boss is, what my job is. I still have a key so I figure I have a job." Dawn said.

"You come with me if it is alright with Keith. We can look at the blueprints and at least start our strategy." Tryas said. "Why ask me ? I just work here." Keith laughed. "I had my husband look at the blueprints with me last night. He had some very good ideas." Dawn said. "I have never asked. What does he do ?" Keith asked. "He is the night shift warehouse manager at one of the grocery company warehouses." Dawn said. "So you two now work different shifts ?" Keith said. "We have for years. I had only transferred to night shift a couple of months before I left the VA." Dawn said. "That has to be tough." Keith said. "It is but we have had to do that for years. We figure it out and make it work. It has played heck on a social life because we can not go out with friends because one of us are at work." Dawn said.

Gail came in next. Tryas and Dawn had gone to the conference room already. "Good morning Keith. How are you this morning ?" Gail said. "Doing great. I think that little talk with Munsey Group did me a lot of good." Keith said. "Your Uncles would be proud of you." Gail said. "For telling that prick off ?" Keith said. "Maybe that too. They would be so proud of you for everything you have done. The business decisions, Tryas, the condo and being so money conscious. Burton would say good boy and Archie would be saying lighten up they print green every day." Gail laughed. "I have got to learn to let some go. I have never had two nickels to rub together. Now I am stressing trying to find places to put extra money to keep it safe." Keith said. "I was that way too. I had to break myself from that." Gail said. "How ?" Keith said.

"My husband and I had just enough to pay the deposit on an apartment and the first month's rent when we got married. My husband told me on our wedding night that one day he was going to take me to Venice. He said that once we could afford that trip then we could say we made it. After I got my second promotion here we bought a house. We lay in bed one night and talked about the early days and Venice. I told your Uncle Burton about it the next day. He told me that he would pay for it. I told him no that this was one of our goals on our own. He made me sit in his office for three hours that day. He went all through my finances and income etc... The last hour he had mapped out a trip for us on the computer. That trip cost me over eight thousand dollars. I cried on the way home about the money we had spent. My husband just held me and said everything was fine. The day after we got home I started going through our finances and realized that the spent money did not really affect us. From that day forward I don't worry about it." Gail said.

"I may need to figure something like that." Keith said. "Baby boy you have over a million dollars just in checking accounts. If you planned a trip for you and Tryas and spent a hundred thousand, would it affect you as far as bills or financial security ?" Gail asked. "I guess not. I put over a hundred thousand of the house sale money in Tryas' account earlier this week and have not thought twice about it." Keith said. "Baby boy your uncles built this business so that you and Misty could enjoy life. It's time to live and not worry about the cash. By the end of next year, adding the new company will over double the value, income and profit of this company. Enjoy it." Gail said. "You are an angel." Keith said. "Tell that to my husband. Your uncles spent money like it was water but it was because they knew they had structured this company to survive and provide. Spend a fortune on that hot man you have back there. You will not miss the money and you will build memories, " Gail said. "Thank you Gail. You will never know how much I love you." Keith said. "Me too." Misty said. "Ah hell the quiet is over." Keith laughed. "Oh by the way Gail. Did you know that Dawn's husband was a night shift warehouse foreman for one of the grocery companies ?" Keith said. "Nightshift huh ?" Gail said. "Yep. Must be tough on a marriage. Just some FYI is all." Keith said. "You just keep finding the good ones. Good FYI." Gail said.

"I need some extra, but stealth help from you." Tryas said. "I will if I can." Dawn said. "There should not be much to it but I can't get caught." Tryas said. "Now I am concerned." Dawn said. "Oh no it's nothing like that. Keith's land has a beautiful waterfall on it. His uncle Burton had cleared an area to build a cabin or have one of those prefab cabins put on it. The neighbor said that when Archie got sick that Burton lost interest. I want to have that done for Keith. The problem I have is that it is a surprise so I can not have the contractors and builders calling asking me questions. I need someone they can call." Tryas said. "Sure, give them my cell phone. That way there is no chance of them getting to Keith through the switchboard." Dawn said. "I will pay you." Tryas said. "You already are boss." Dawn said. "I talked to Glenda in interior design. She said that whoever I got to take care of it that she would be glad to help and keep it secret." Tryas said.

Gail startled Tryas and Dawn when she stuck her head in the conference room door. "Good morning. What are you two up too ?" Gail said. "Ummm. Uh.. nothing." Tryas said. "Son, you are a bad liar." Gail laughed. "If you can keep a secret I will tell you." Tryas said. "Honey, over the years I have so many secrets around this place they are going to have to bury an empty casket beside me just to hold some of them." Gail said and laughed. Tryas opened his laptop. He pulled out his phone and showed Gail the pictures of the waterfall and the site beside it. He showed her the shed shell that he wanted to buy and told her what he wanted to do. "I just can't let Keith find out." Tryas said. Gail looked at the pictures again and then turned to Tryas. "I was right. You are perfect. I tried to get Burton to go ahead and do this but he lost interest when Archie got sick. He would be soo thrilled with you." Gail said and leaned over and kissed Tryas on the cheek. "Hey, What is going on in here. He's mine lady." Keith said. "Go back to work baby boy. Your presence was not requested nor needed." Gail said. "Well I know when I am not loved or wanted." Keith said as he smiled and headed back to his office.

"I will have some papers for both of you to sign after lunch. Everything is set up and here are the keys to the warehouses down at the end. The phone will be on before the end of day Friday. I have to go out to the warehouse for a few minutes but I need to see Tramell Group's operations manager when I come back." Gail said. "I thought it was Tramell export, import or import , export." Tryas said. "Well the lawyer called and said that we could expand our business license easier and for more things if we changed the name. It is now Tramell Group LLC." Gail said. "Are you excited about your promotion ?" Gail asked, looking at Dawn. "It is scary." Dawn said. "Well the pay raise will help plus Misty is just itching to take you car shopping." Gail said. "Wait. Pay raise ?" Dawn said. " Tryas will start getting CEO pay. You will get a major raise and since I am controller I will too." Gail said and smiled. "Wow." Tryas said. "If you need money for this project just get me bid sheets so I can cut checks." Gail said. "No ma'am. I am doing this for Keith and I am paying for it myself." Tryas said. "You are perfect. If you need money and can not find Tryas then come to me. Tryas can pay it back. Is that better ?" Gail said. "As long as you let me pay it back." Tryas said. "You would have to so Keith would not see it on the daily sheets." Gail said.

Dawn came back from meeting with Gail. "Tryas we need you in the office." Dawn said with a huge smile on her face. "From the look on your face I must not be in trouble." Tryas laughed. Gail explained everything that was going on where things stood. "Now to the important part. I have talked to the warehouse manager here. If you are willing, he is willing to go to your warehouse. He knows all the vendors and their shipping habits. Since we are going to be buying from you I think he would be a better asset there." Gail said. "What about this warehouse and the internet sales part." Tryas said. "That is mainly shipping's issues and I have talked to Dawn. I am talking to her husband when he wakes up and offering him a job as warehouse manager here." Gail said. "Are you alright with that ?" Tryas said, looking at Dawn. "We have been married for twelve years and have only worked the same shift for about four months out of all that time. He has said lately that he needs to find a day shift job now that I have a secure, well paying one. Besides, we will be in separate buildings in seperate companies." Dawn said. "Sounds fine to me." Tryas said.

It was a busy morning. Keith, Misty and Gail spent most of the rest of the morning in Gail's office going over the finances and plans. The receptionist knocked on the door just before noon. "Would you like for me to pick up lunches for everyone. You all look like you are not near a stopping point." she said. "That would be wonderful. Let us know where you are going and find out what Tryas and Dawn want. Pick up something for yourself too." Misty said. " I am not sure where Mr. Tryas is ?" she said. Keith pulled his phone out of his pocket and punched Tryas' contact so the number would dial. "Yes sweetheart. What can I do for my red ?" Tryas said. "Um Mr. Tryas, this is the receptionist. I am going to get lunch for everyone. Mr. Keith wanted me to ask you what you and Mrs. Dawn would like." she said. "Just have Keith order for me." Tryas said. "Just a good salad for me." Dawn said. "I will let you know when I return." she said. Keith burst out laughing. "Sorry I did not think about what he might say when he answered." Keith said. "It was PG rated ." the receptionist said and smiled.

They gathered in the conference room about forty five minutes later. The warehouse manager had gone with Tryas and Dawn so the receptionist had gotten his lunch order also. "Everyone have a seat." Keith said. The receptionist took her salad and headed out. "You too. You as much as anyone will need to know what is going on." Keith said. "What did you guys find in the warehouses and office space." Misty asked. "We are going to make the showroom smaller. We won't need a showroom like here because most of our business will be over the phone and internet. We can use that as a warehouse." Tryas said. "It will work. It's my understanding that you will increase stock over what we carry. The only issue I see is that we will need forewarning of what you want added to inventory so that we can shift current stock as needed to make room." the warehouse manager said. "See what did I tell you." Misty said, punching Keith on the arm. "Alright, alright. It's just money and they print more every day." Keith said. "I will make the calls after lunch." Gail said. "What calls ?" Tryas asked.

"Before Burton died he had been negotiating to buy the other two warehouses in that block. He wanted to own the whole block. The company already owns all but one in this block. Those two have been for sale for about five years. He was content with their counter offer but he was Burton. He wanted to squeeze another dollar ouf of it. I will contact the owners and see where they stand. We have the funds." Gail said. "So you are paying cash ?" Dawn asked. "Everything we have is paid for." Keith said. "I understand that but this is a new business. I worked for a startup one time. They started in a building that one of the owners already had. Being a new business they had trouble building credit. The CPA told them they needed to borrow half the value of the building. The bank reported to the credit companies and between that and the credit cards they paid the loan off a year later because their credit was established." Dawn said. "We have investment holding accounts that we can use if we need to for collateral." Gail said. "Pay half in cash and talk to the CPA about the rest." Keith said. "I am glad that we have you as our hidden gem." MIsty said, looking at Dawn. "Um, you gave her to me." Tryas said and smiled. "Cuz how much did we say this one had in that business ?" Misty said. "Fifteen percent." Keith said. "Eat your lunch mister fifteen percent." Misty said and laughed. "I know when I am not loved or wanted." Tryas said. "Get over it cuz." Misty said and laughed.

The rest of the day went fast. By three the owners of the other two warehouses had made a new counter offer that was lower than the one Burton had gotten. Papers were faxed from the attorney to both the sellers and the bank. Tryas, Keith and Misty had to take the corporate papers, tax ID numbers and all other paperwork to the bank. The loan was no problem as they were paying half in cash and putting up investment cash accounts for the balance. The deed to the property would be free and clear. As the doors closed for business that Thursday Misty bid the men farewell since she would be off the next week. Tryas had tried to convince Gail that he needed to be there on Friday since there was so much going on with the new business. " Young man, do you think I do not know how to do my job ? " Gail said. "No but with everything going on I figured you could use the help." Tryas said. "You and Keith are off on Friday's and that will not change. So go." Gail said.

Keith and Tryas were the last two to leave. "Ready to go red ?" Tryas asked. "Yes. Let's go straight to the mountains." Keith said. "I need to get my stuff from the apartment." Tryas said. "Damn, damn. I forgot to take you shopping so you would not have to pack but I realized that this morning and I put what you needed in the back of the vehicle." Keith said, and smiled. "I guess it's the mountains we will go then." Tryas said. "Not so fast." Keith said. "What ?" Tryas said. "Just stay right there." Keith said as he went out to the SUV. Coming back he had a small piece of cloth in his hand. "Strip." Keith said. "We may get in trouble if I drive that far naked." Tryas laughed. "I never mentioned naked." Keith said as he pulled out the too short running shorts that were split all the way to the elastic waist. "You are joking right ?" Tryas laughed. "Nope and here are your flip flops. Only two articles allowed now strip grunt." Keith said.

Keith smiled as they turned off Interstate 85 headed for Blue Ridge. Tryas was squirming in the seat trying to adjust the small amount of cloth he was wearing. "Here let me help you with that." Keith said and he reached over and cupped the two large balls that had escaped the shorts leg. " I love you to death red but you keep playing with that and the other side will escape and I may just have to pull over on the side of the road and plug that sweet ass just to get home. I am trying really hard here." Tryas laughed. They decided to stop at a drive thru window to get supper to carry it. The sun had set by the time they made it through Friday afternoon rush hour traffic. Keith had wanted to stop at the grocery store but Tryas acted as though he did not hear him. "I love you with all my heart red but I draw the line at wearing these things in a grocery store. Hell I would get arrested. I guess I could use some of the money to get reduction surgery." Tryas said. "Do not dare. You get that reduced and I will be in the next room getting breast reduction and liposuction on these love handles and this flabby ass." Keith said. "Truce then." Tryas said.

As they turned in the dirve Tryas stopped the vehicle. "Your turn." Tryas said. "My turn to drive ? The house is right there." Keith said. "No silly. Your turn to strip but for you it is all the way." Tryas said. "But the house is right there." Keith said. "And it will still be there once you strip because I am not moving until you do." Tryas laughed. Tryas whistled as Keith tossed the last of his clothes in the floorboard and sat back in the vehicle. "Better ?" Keith said. "For the moment. Just until I can get my hands on it." Tryas said. Keith took his clothes and Tryas' bag and headed for the door. Tryas turned on the flood lights from a switch in the garage and headed out to turn the water on at the well house before going inside.

Tryas came through the front door with his shorts resting on his shoulders. He stepped out of his flip flops by the door. He had stopped and retrieved the bag of food from the SUV on his way in. "How long before we have hot water ?" Tryas asked. "Now. They are tankless. remember. "Oh yeah. Want a quick shower with an Army grunt ?" Tryas said and twisted his hips causing his cock to slap each leg. "You go and get yours and I will put on some tea to boil. When you get out I will take mine while you make the tea." Keith said.

Tryas started to argue but he quickly remembered that it took extra preparation for Keith in the evenings. "Be right back." Tryas said. Five minutes later Tryas was walking back in toweling his hair dry. "Your turn, sexy." Tryas said. Tryas stopped Keith as he went to walk by. He pulled Keith to him and leaned down for a deep passionate kiss. Tryas had an ass cheek in each hand and pulled them wide apart. Keith could feel the cool air from the house against his rosebud. Tryas pulled back from the kiss and looked down into Keith's glazed eyes and puffy lips. "I will get the food and tea ready sexy. Go shower real quick." Tryas said. "Uh.. yeah.. shower." Keith said. Tryas reached down and collected a drop of precum and placed the finger in his mouth. "Mmm." he said and winked at Keith as he miled. "Umm. yeah shower." Keith whispered.

The tacos disappeared quickly. Tryas had put the tea glasses in the sink and the wrappers in the garbage can. As he walked into the living room he saw Keith bent over fluffing the pillows Tryas tiptoed really fast and dropped to his knees behind Keith and as he went to stand he jumped as Tryas grabbed his hips and buried his face between the two buttery ass cheeks. Tryas growled and wiggled his face holding the cheeks tight against his face . He had to reach up and grab Keith's waist as he forced his tongue inside the tight ring. Tryas moved his face side to side between the ass cheeks as he darted his tongue in and out of Keith's ass. The louder Keith moaned the more vicious Tryas attacked his ass. After a good five minute licking, nibbling and tongue fucking session Tryas turned Keith and took his entire cock in his mouth with one motion. Keith placed his hands on Tryas head as his body shivered. Once the cock and also balls were licked clean of the current precum supply, Tryas stood and kissed Keith as he slid two fingers deep inside the twitching hole.

Tryas then lay Keith on his back on the large area rug. He lifted Keith's legs and placed his ankles on his shoulders. He reached over and took a large cushion and slipped it under Keith's hips. He then reached under the edge of the couch where he had placed an emergency bottle of lube. Satisfied that Keith's ass and his cock were both well lubricated, Tryas leaned forward looking into Keith's glossy eyes. "You ready for this CEO's big dick to work it's way inside you red ?" Tryas whispered. "Please." Keith whimpered. Tryas had a devilish grin on his face as he lightly pressed his hard cock against the ring. "Are you really sure ?' Tryas grinned as he pushed again and then pulled away. "You know there are other gRRRUUNNNNts." Keith shouted and moaned as Tryas pushed his cock in balls deep in one motion. "What were you saying ?" Tryas said as he released Keith's legs and leaned over and licked a breast. "Nothing." Keith said. "Thought so sexy." Tryas laughed.

Tryas sucked on each nipple for a couple of minutes. Keith's ass seemed to be tickling his cock. Tryas reached down and pulled Keith's arms up so they were around his chest. Keith wrapped his legs around Tryas waist. Tryas lifted Keith from the floor and took one hand and pressed the side of Keith's head to his hairy chest. Tryas began rocking his body back and forth, having Keith's body slid back and forth on his cock. Tryas began moving faster. He could feel his cock starting to grow inside Keith. Tryas lay Keith's head on the floor with his chest still pressed against it and pounded his huge cock in and out of Keith's ass. " You are so fucking sexy and so fucking tight." Tryas growled. "I looooooo vvvvvee eeeee... fuuccckkkk." Tryas growled as he pressed his body into Keith pushing his cock as deep inside as he could as he erupted. The low growl had Keith's body vibrating as he shot his load between the two.

Next: Chapter 20

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