My Inheritance

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Nov 12, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"My Inheritance" Chapter 23

Tuesday morning came too quickly. "Can't we just stay this way all day ?" Tryas whispered in a labored voice. He lay on top of Keith still flexing his cock inside him as it began to soften. "After last night I would be glad to stay here all day like this but the next three days are going to be busy as hell." Keith said. "I know. I am ready to get you all to myself again." Tryas said. "Me too baby but we will get that chance again." Keith said, as he lifted Tryas' head and kissed him as the large cock softened and slipped from Keith's ass with a pop.

Rufus and Doris arrived just as Keith and Tryas finished their shower and were dressed. Doris brought a breakfast casserole while Mom was cooking bacon and sausage. Keith made a pan of biscuits while Tryas made more coffee. They all sat at the table and after the food was graced and began to discuss the days plans. Rufus and Dad had the job of policing the yard and cleaning the outdoor kitchen. Tryas and Keith had house duty until Doris and Mom returned with the supplies for Thanksgiving lunch. Tryas and Keith also had to go to the Appalachian store to make sure everything was ready for the food give away on Wednesday. Tryas and Keith were pleased at the efforts of their purchasing department. They had even ordered enough spices so that the box each family received contained everything that was needed for a complete meal. Gail had the purchasing department have everything except the meats delivered to the extra warehouse beside Tramell Group, Keith teared up when she called and said that the employees had chipped in and stayed late to help make up all the boxes. Their delivery trucks would be there at seven Wednesday morning and the reefer trailer with the meats would be delivered late on Tuesday afternoon. The meat company would come back the day after Thanksgiving to remove it.

Rufus and Dad were finished before anyone. "We need to rest before the women get back." Dad said. "Yeah I was the one in the military but I know Doris. For the next three days she will have her drill sergeant hat on." Rufus laughed. "This should be interesting because my wife is the same way." Dad laughed. "What are you two doing ?" Tryas said, as he walked out the back door. "You know your Mom son when she has a task and a deadline. Rufus here says that Doris is the same way so we figured we had better get our break in now." Dad said. "I have been practicing. I have yes Mom down pat. That will work for whichever one barks and order." Tryas laughed.

The house was always practically spotless. Keith and Tryas had everything done they could until it was time to clean after food preparation. They stepped out and spoke to the men before leaving for the Appalachian store. Keith and Tryas arrived and met the two ladies that ran the store. Both ladies were in tears. They had already received clothing, blankets, sheets and other items from Keith and Tryas and now they were bringing complete meal kits to all of their clients. "We are going shortly to pick up the items for a couple of new clients that we got this week." one lady said. "No need in that unless you just want too. I had my people order enough for fifteen extra families. I figured you had some larger families that may end up needing two." Keith said. "The extra boxes will be fine for you to break up and put in the store. Do you have enough freezer space for extra hams, turkeys and broilers ?" Tryas asked. "We have two chest freezers that are empty. We seldom get any meat to pass out or anything else frozen." the other lady said.

"We expect each of you to take a box and meat also." Keith said. "We are just here for the clients." one lady said. "Yes and from what I hear you volunteer your time. It's time that you got something too for all your work." Tryas said. He and Keith both quickly received a hug from both ladies. As they got in the truck Keith looked over at Tryas. "I know baby. Let's get through Thanksgiving and we wiill see what we can do to help get them more supplies. Those shelves were empty." Tryas said.

As the two pulled in the drive they were met by a dark green pickup. "I wonder who that is." Keith said. "The truck says department of natural resources. It must be a ranger." Tryas said. Tryas stopped the truck and lowered his window as the truck approached. "Good afternoon sirs. You must be Mr. Tryas and Mr. Keith." the young man said. "It's just Tryas and Keith. The Mr. makes me feel old." Tryas said, and laughed. "My name is Claude and I am your areas DNR Ranger." Claude said. "Nice to meet you Claude. How may we help you >" Keith said. " I just stopped by to introduce myself. Since your land borders the Chattahoochee National Forest I try to patrol the border as much as I can. I caught a couple of deer hunters last week across the line. I also wanted to know what your wishes are on that." Claude said.

Keith got out of the passenger side of the truck and walked around. Tryas stepped out and they both stood between the two trucks. Claude turned his off and stepped out so they could chat. "If it is an asshole, take everything they have." Keith said. "Do that to any of them." Tryas said. "Not so fast sweetie. If it is someone local that is trying to get food for their family just warn them and let them have thier kill if they have one. If it is someone that just crossed over because they "wanted" to then throw the book at them." Keith said. "The land is fenced and clearly marked so there is no excuse." Tryas said. "It is well marked and the fence is in great shape. These two were too lazy to cllmb over the fence so they just cut it. I gave them a ticket and added a note for fence repiar costs and not just the fine." Claude said. "Who do I need to contact to fix the fence ?" Keith said. "I can fix a fence baby." Tryas said. "No need. My partner and I came out and repaired it. He loves the waterfall. I hope you do not mind." Claude said. "Not at all and we would like to meet your partner at some point to thank him too." Keith said.

" I was told I needed to call you anyway. My Dad and Rufus said we needed a DNR agent to tell us what needed to be done to get the lake healthy again." Tryas said. "It has not really been fished in years. We wanted to have a children's fishing day or something for some of the kids in the community but were not sure if that was a good idea until we talked to a Ranger." Keith said. "Do you have a minute to go look at the lake ?" Tryas asked. "Sure. I have time." Claude said. Claude followed Tryas' truck back to the house. The four got in the Polaris and rode to the lake. Claude walked to the edge of the woods and picked some berries from a bush. He tossed the berries out and it was almost automatic that fish began to surface and hit the berries. " Already I can tell that you are over stocked. You said you had thought about kids fishing." Claude said. "We had thought about local churches or something like that." Keith said. "I may have a better suggestion to start." Claude said. "We are listening." Tryas said.

"I heard that you were giving away care packages tomorrow at the store. There are lots of kids that go through that store. There are a few that can afford a fishing pole or their dad's can make them a snatch pole. Most of the church kids would fish just for fun. Those kids would fish for fun and also for food. Most of them do not have the equipment and their father's can't fish for food unless it is on private land because they can not afford a fishing license." Claude said. "Perfect. I had wondered how to make the best impact around here. I could kiss you." Keith said. "My husband may not like that. I hate to assume but I think I am safe in saying that you two are a couple." Claude said. "Me top, him bottom." Tryas laughed. "TRYAS." Keith said. "Well I can't say that. Kyle and I are versatile." Claude said, and laughed. "Not me. Not interested." Keith laughed.

" If you can do me two favors I would appreciate it." Tryas said. "If I can." Claude said. "First, if you could find out about how many fathers and children there are. I will buy a rod and reel and a partially stocked tackle box for each. Then if you and Kyle can come help on the day we do this." Tryas said. "I will hire a caterer to cook hamburgers and hotdogs for the same day." Keith said. "That is too much." Claude said. "Do not worry my friend. If all goes as planned this will only be the beginning." Tryas said. "Do you think any of the parents will have an issue with us being a gay couple ?" Keith asked.

"I know them all and they know that Kyle and I are married. The only ones you have to worry about around here are the ones that play at being rich because they live in Atlanta and can afford a vacation home in the mountains. They think they own the area but there are only a couple of them that do not rent their houses out on a weekly basis just to make the payments. Present company excluded." Claude said. "Well our condo in Atlanta and our house here are not for rent and they are both paid for. We also have the money to help where we can." Keith said. "The people around here loved the men that owned it before. I am sure they will feel the same way about you. Just don't look down your nose at them or offer anything as charity and you will be fine." Claude said. "We are having a Christmas party here the second week in December. We would be honored if you and Kyle would attend." Keith said. "I would not dare turn that down. Kyle has been dying for years to see inside your house." Claude laughed.

They chatted on the way back to the house. Tryas detoured to the waterfall. "This is beautiful. I have a favor to ask. Would you mind if I brought Kyle out here for a picnic sometime ?" Claude asked. "Anytime. I will tell Rufus and you just need to stop and tell him. He is our security guard." Tryas said, and laughed. They arrived back at the house. Keith thanked Claude and went inside. Claude had told them about the local bait and tackle shop and that the government had given him a grant two years before to buy ten full fishing kits. "He did a really good job with the outfitting." Claude said. "Get a number of kids and fathers, even possibly mothers. If he is willing to get the equipment I will pay him." Tryas said. " You will have a friend for life. He is a good man." Claude said. "As for the waterfall. They are coming in two weeks to put a building out there. It is a Christmas present for Keith. It is a one bedroom cabin and it will have running water, power, heat and air. Please keep it quiet so I can surprise him. After Christmas you and Kyle are welcome to use it anytime you want. If you know what I mean ?" Tryas said and winked. Claude's cock twitched a little a how he would be rewarded for this by Kyle.

Give away morning was a little hectic. Keith and Tryas were in a hurry to get to the store to make sure that their truck and the meat truck had arrived. Rufus and Dad rode with them to the store. Doris and Mom had made four large pans of biscuits the night before. They were warming them in the oven while they cooked bacon and sausage patties to put in them. "Those folks will line up early scared they may run out." Doris said. "Keith said that the store was giving each family a ticket to redeem with." Mom said. "Still hard to convince them that it will not run out before they can get a box." Doris said. "It is a shame that as much as we pay in taxes they send it overseas and not help the ones here." Mom said. "Most of these are too proud to ask for help. I have two tickets that I was asked to get theirs because they were ashamed to show up for a hand out." Doris said. "Can I go with you to deliver them ?" Mom said. " May need Rufus and your husband too. Both of these do not have roads or driveways to them. It is a short hike up a mountain side." Doris said.

They arrived just as their delivery truck pulled up. Keith and Tryas were both shocked as Gail and her husband stepped out of the truck. "Well hello. What are you two doing here ?" Keith asked. "It's Thanksgiving and besides our charitable contributions for tax reasons need to increase so I figured I would look for myself and see what can be done to help." Gail said. Mom and Doris arrived with all the biscuits before they could get the trucks set up. Keith first introduced Rufus and Doris. "I have heard the name for years. It is a pleasure to finally meet you two. Burton and Archie thought the world of you." Gail said. "They did you too. Anytime they disagreed Archie would say. "Let Gail decide" and Burton would back down." Rufus said and laughed. "Those two were a pair. I sure do miss them." Gail said. "Looks like you have two good replacements though." Doris said. "They are getting there. The problem is I had the others both trained." Gail laughed.

Tryas and Keith made sure that everything was ready. They were surprised that there were already a few people there when they arrived. There were a couple of smaller children sitting at a table with crayons and paper. Tryas walked over and asked if they minded him sitting with them. The two little girls just smiled. Tryas took a crayon and drew a tree. One of the little girls tried to copy what he had done. "That is a beautiful tree." Tryas said. The little girl grabbed the paper and ran to her mother to show her what she had drawn. The other little girl moved over and sat on Tryas' knee. "Can you draw me one ?" she whispered. "Sure sweetheart." Tryas said. Tryas took the paper and drew her a tree with the sun and clouds. "That is pretty mister. How did you learn to draw ?" she asked. "Practice. Your picture is pretty too. All you have to do is practice." Tryas said. About that time a young boy stepped up. He poked his chest out and put his hands on his hips. "My name is Carlton. They call me bubba." The little boy proudly stated. "Nice to meet you bubba. My name is Sergeant Major Tryas Tramell. My friends call me Tryas." he said. The little boy grinned from ear to ear and ran for his Dad. "Papa, papa he is an Army man." Bubba shouted. Keith and Mom stood and smiled as the table was now surrounded with children. Some wanted to watch, some wanted trees and some just stood like they were amazed.

"He has always been great with kids. They just seem to draw to him." Mom said. "He is big, muscled and brawny but anyone can see, especially kids, that he is harmless and just a big teddy bear." Keith said. "You see right through him don't you ?" Mom said. "I see the good and I also see the pain. I plan to pull out more of the good and get rid of the pain" Keith said. Their attention was drawn to the green truck that pulled up with a four wheeler on a trailer behind it. Keith recognized Claude as he stepped out. A smaller guy that looked to be barely eighteen stepped out of the passenger side. "Be right back Mom." Keith said. "Hello Claude and you must be Kyle." Keith said. The introductions were done. All of the children already knew Claude so he was welcomed into the pack. "What are you two up to today ?" Keith asked. " Some of these families will have a tough time carrying all of this back up the mountain so we came to help those that needed help. That is why he brought the four wheeler." Kyle said.

The line was getting long by the time they started collecting tickets and passing out food. Tryas had whispered to Claude to help him keep a list of the children. Names, ages, boy or girl. The parents seemed to be happy with the way that Tryas was entertaining the children. The children seemed to love the attention. A couple of the parents laughed and as they saw Keith they would say. "You may not get him back. Look at those three girls pushing to be the one standing beside him." They said. "He is just a big teddy bear." Keith would laugh.

Gail came back from one of the trips with Doris and Mom. Keith noticed her go behind one of the trucks. As he stepped around the truck he could see that she was crying. "What is wrong Gail ?" Keith asked. "What can we do ?" Gail cried. "About what Gail ? What happened ?" Keith asked. "The two houses we delivered to had dirt floors. The houses were cleaner than mine but they had no running water and dirt floors." Gail cried. Kyle sensed something was wrong and walked around the truck. "How do they live this way ?" Gail cried. Keith had noticed a strange look on Mom's face when they returned too. His guess was that she was as stressed about what she saw as Gail. "These are proud people. They don't take handouts. Years ago quite a few applied for state and federal help. They turned them down. No explanation except they did not qualify. Something about the cost of living and average wage in the area made them ineligible." Kyle said. "That is bullshit." Gail said. "They would not even send case workers out here. Too many of the houses had only walk-in access. They told them to have a driveway installed and they would send a case worker." Kyle said. "Calm down Gail. I see those gears working. Like Kyle said, these are proud people. Let's see how we can help and not make it seem like charity." Keith said.

As the day began to wind down and all the tickets had been redeemed but one, Keith and Tryas spoke to the ladies that ran the store. There were twelve extra care packages other than the two no shows. "We have four families that have at least seven kids, They could use the extra if you don't care." one lady said. Claude had walked into the store as they spoke. "I know who you are talking about. I will be glad to deliver all six. The two that were no shows and an extra package for the others." Claude said. "After you two take yours then you can use the rest in the store." Tryas said. "We plan to do the same thing again at Christmas. With a little extra." Tryas said. "We also want to sponsor a fishing and cook out day for the families at our lake. We will supply the fishing supplies and the food." Keith said. "You two are a miracle for this area." one lady said. "No miracles, just people with a little money that can help out." Keith said. "And owners of two companies that are going to help too." Gail said. "Thank you for your help. I have not seen you around here before." one lady said. "This is Gail. She is the operations manager for my company." Keith said. "And the COO of mine. She writes the checks." Tryas said. "I want to come up and sit with you two and see what we can do and not offend these good people." Gail said.

Author's Note: A store similar to this does exist. I know that there are government funded programs to help families but some in this particular area live too far down the poverty line to qualify for help. Red Cross and Salvation Army have their parts in helping but they are major corporations and have to show a profit with their corporate and individual donations. A $10 donation will not even buy the CEO's lunch. In every state, country and community there are groups just like this one trying to do what they can with no corporate sponsorship. We ALL have children and elderly starving in our communities. These volunteers know their clients. They know who cashes in their food stamps for money and then come to them expecting help. They know who uses the gifts they can give for the right thing. $10 may not be a blip on the large ones radars but for a small group they can buy food. I know one that takes the money they can to buy noodles. At 25 cents a pack they can buy enough to ensure there are at least 40 meals. It does not have to be money since some of us can not afford it but you have time, your hands and I do not know anyone that does not have unwanted, used clothes they can donate. It does not have to be monetary. Always remember that the slightest things given in a time of need are the most rewarding and the most appreciated. I beg you all to do some research in your neighborhood and find a way to pay it forward just a little. A lot of littles becomes big.Thank you in advance from Kyle, Tryas and the gang.

Thank you for reading.

Next: Chapter 24

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