My Inheritance

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Nov 19, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"My Inheritance" Chapter 25

Danny and Misty had packed an overnight bag just in case they decided to stay. The decision was made early because Dad and Rufus had invited Danny to go fishing the next morning. Supper was left overs but no one had a complaint. Tryas had a supper helper once again. "You can't say that I am not clean today. I guess I have to take another shower." Tryas laughed. This time Clayton had chocolate and mashed potatoes all over him and Tryas. It was even in both's hair. "I guess you know the routine now." Danny laughed. This time Audrey wanted a shower. Tryas told Danny that he was not comfortable with her height and his appendage so Tryas washed Clayton as he showered himself and once he stepped out Danny stepped in with Audrey. Tryas watched as the water wet the hair on Danny's body and it stuck to his chest and stomach. When Danny squatted to wash Audrey's hair and his ass cheeks parted, Tryas had to take Clayton to the bedroom to dress him. If not there would have been no doubt he was a gay man and it would be embarrasing.

Danny came out with Audrey wrapped in a towel. Tryas was still naked but chasing Clayton all around the bed. He had a diaper in his hand and was trying to catch the little boy crawling on the bed to put it on him. "I have only put on three diapers in my life. How the hell do you diaper a moving target ?" Tryas said. "You just have to out smart that one." Danny laughed. It was not sexual but Danny could not take his eyes off of the large cock and huge low hanging balls as Tryas chased Clayton around the bed. "Damn Keith." Danny thought. Tryas finally got the diaper on Clayton as Danny finished putting Audrey's pajamas on. "Do you want his pajamas ?" Danny laughed. "He looks fine just as he is." Tryas said and laughed.

Clayton was getting sleepy. Tryas carried him upstairs and tried to put him in the portable crib. Ten minutes later he came back down the stairs with Clayton wrapped tight around his neck. "This little stinker is strong and he WILL not go in that baby bed." Tryas laughed. "Looks like you and Keith will have a bed guest tonight." Misty laughed. "I don't think he is going to release his death grip until he falls asleep. When he started crying I could not take it so he was coming with me." Tryas laughed.

Doris and Rufus were leaving and Mom and Dad decided to go to bed. Audrey decided that she needed to sleep with her new Grandma and Grandpa. "They may not want you to sleep with them." Danny said. "Young man you just hush. I have children older than you so I think I can make decisions for myself. Come on Audrey, give them a goodnight kiss and you are going to sleep with Grandma and Grandpa." Mom said. Keith made sure that Misty and Danny were settled. After checking the doors and turning out the lights he walked into the bedroom. Tryas lay on his back wearing a t-shirt and shorts. Clayton lay partially on his chest with his face turned to face Tryas but under the edge of his chin. Keith checked to make sure that Clayton was looking away as he slowly stripped so that Tryas could see him.

As he searched for shorts and a fresh t-shirt he bent over to look in the bottom drawer. He could hear Tryas growl as his ass cheeks parted exposing his rosebud. He finally dressed and had to put on a show as if he were trying to get his breast comfortable under the shirt. As he crawled in bed he leaned over and kissed Tryas. Tryas slid his hand up the back of Keith's shorts and tapped his finger on Keith's rosebud. "This little stinker right here is the perfect cock blocker.": Tryas said, and chuckled. Keith reached under the covers and slid his hand down the waistband of Tryas' shorts. "You mean this ?" Keith said. "I wonder how Misty and Danny got pregnant with this little boy in the bed. I should have gotten some pointers from Danny." Tryas said.

Keith lay on his side facing Tryas. He reached over and rubbed his hand lightly on Clayton's head. He then moved his hand back and slid it up Tryas' shirt and lightly rubbed his hairy chest. "Did you enjoy your showers. I am sure you are quite frustrated seeing Danny naked." Keith said. " He is a sexy man. Lightly hairy chest. good size cock, and that hairless muscled ass." Tryas said. "Yeah I have had many jerk off nights over his naked body." Keith said. "You have seen him naked ?" Tryas asked. "Misty use to show me pictures." Keith said. "Oh she did ?" Tryas said. "Yep and I will admit. She said I had to play fair so she has seen pictures of you naked too." Keith said. "Fair is fair. I love everyone being around but I can not wait to get you back to myself. Be prepared baby because I plan to tear that ass to pieces. Well when all the cock blockers are gone." Tryas said. " I will remind you of that." Keith said. "Baby I will not need reminding, I promise." Tryas said.

Tryas sat at the table. He had some cut up soft fruit and he had Clayton sitting on the table with the plate put in front of him. "Little boy do not let your mother see you sitting in the middle of the table eating." Danny laughed. Tryas had to groan to himself. Danny stood with just a pair of shorts on. He lifted his arms above his head and twisted to stretch. Tryas looked at the handsome man and moaned even lower as the shorts slipped down lower in Danny's hips. It brought back memories of some of his conquests in the military. Bodies like Keith's really flipped all his switches but the memory of the fit young men in the military were great memories. There was no love in any of those encoutners but the hot sex will always be a memory. "Uncle Tryas has your back little man and this is his house." Tryas laughed.

Danny sat at the table with a cup of coffee. They both laughed as Clayton scooted a little closer to Tryas and smiled. "Looks like I lost my son to his new uncle." Danny laughed. "He knows who has his back when it comes to his Mom." Tryas said. "And who is bold enough to do that ?" Misty said as she walked up behind them. Audrey came running down the stairs and ran over to Tryas. "Unca Trice can I have some fruit like brother ?" she asked and lay her head against Tryas side. "Sure you can princess and as for your question cuz, Unca Trice has their back, no matter who." Tryas said and smiled. They laughed at Clayton. He did not move when Tryas got up but he stopped eating and never took his eyes off the man until he was back at the table with fruit and juice for Audrey.

Misty took Clayon when he was finished to clean him up and dress him. Danny headed upstairs to dress and Tryas went to shower and dress. Tryas had prepared Keith a cup of coffee and carried it in with him. Tryas heard the water running in the shower and hurried into the bathroom. His jogging pants were down to his ankles before he put the coffee on the vanity. The t-shirt was quick work as he tossed it and stepped into the shower. He wrapped his arms around Keith from behind and pulled his body back against his chest. He moved his hips back and forth until his growing cock was between Keith's ass cheeks. "Danny have you horny this morning ?" Keith laughed. "NO baby you do. Danny brings back pleasant memories. Memories of hot sex in the dessert but it was only sex. You my love flip all the switches, even my heart." Tryas said as he squeezed both Keith's breasts.

Keith turned in Tryas' arms and went up on his tiptoes. The two had a very passionate kiss while Tryas had each hand on a buttery ass cheek and squeezed, massaged and pulled them apart. "You are so fucking sexy baby." Tryas growled in his low baritone voice. "Danny is a sexy man." Keith said. "Do not go there. You could line up fifty Danny's and one you and I would pick you any day." Tryas said. "Baby I am just picking on you. I am not worried about you leaving me for Danny. I just wanted you to get worked up so you would enjoy this even more." Keith said, and he slid down and got on his knees in front of Tryas. "Baby you don't need to......... Ahhhh fuck." Tryas said, as his hard cock hit the back of Keith's throat and began stretching it. Keith pulled back and looked back up at Tryas. "I never do anything like this because I think I need too. I do it because I want to." Keith said before slipping his warm lips back over the mushroom head right in front of him.

Keith finally got the entire cock in his mouth and down his throat. "Damn baby. Take that Army dick. I can't fucking believe you can deep throat my dick. " Tryas moaned. Keith just moaned on Tryas's cock causing Tryas' legs to tremble. "Do you like that baby ?" Keith said, after pulling off Tryas' cock. "Oh I love it baby and I am going to tear that sweet pussy of yours up." Tryas said. "Not this morning." Keith said before diving balls deep on Tryas' cock. "Oh no baby. That little cock blocker in a diaper has to go home first. When I tear that sweet ass up I want you to be able to scream and shake the mountain. I plan to fuck that sweet ass in the shower, in the kitchen, on the table, at the wood shed, on the porch, in the pantry and everywhere else I can and I want both of us to get as loud as we want." Tryas moaned.

Keith pushed back down on Tryas' cock and began to swallow and hum. Keith could feel the large cock begin to grow and flex in his mouth. Keith pulled back and took a deep breath. Pushing back down quickly he began to hum in what would be a high pitched tone. Tryas placed his hands on Keith's head. Keith pulled back and took one more deep breath before humming continuously on the hard cock. " FFFFFFFFFuuuuuuuccccckkkkkkkk...... swallow all that grunt jjjjjiiiizzzzzzz.... ffffuuuccccckkk." Tryas said as he humped into Keith's face and shot ropes of cum down Keith's throat and then in his mouth.

Tryas could not stop kissing Keith as they tried to dry off. "I bet that little diapered cock blocker is looking for you." Keith laughed. "He is so cute, hell they both are. I was shocked that they both took to me so fast and especially the little man so strongly." Tryas said. "Does not surprise me at all. You are just a huge teddy bear." Keith said. "Your huge teddy bear." Tryas said. "I do not mind sharing you with Clayton and Audrey but I am not sharing you with Danny." Keith said, and slapped Tryas' bare ass cheek. " No worries there, my love. I have all I could ever want right here." Tryas said. The two were dressed and Tryas was the first to head for the living room. "And what are you doing, little stinker ?" Tryas said. As he opened the bedroom door Clayton almost fell into the room. He stood with one hand on the door frame and was using his other hand to push on the door. Keith just laughed and shook his head.

When Keith emerged from the bedroom he stood and smiled as he watched everyone moving around the kitchen and the table. Doris had brought a breakfast casserole and Mom and Misty had made grits, toast and bacon. "Did you two lose any sleep with the little bed hog ?" Misty said ruffling Clayton's hair as he sat in Tryas' lap. "If he moved I never knew it." Keith said. "He went to sleep with his head under my chin and his knees on the bed. When I woke up he was in the same position." Tryas said. "Audrey barely moved. I got her up twice to go to the bathroom." Mom said. "She does that when she is in a strange bed." Danny said. "Thank you for letting me sleep with you Grandma. I love you." Audrey said and hugged Mom. Mom leaned over and kissed her on top of the head. The group laughed as Clayton watched and as soon as Mom stood he grunted and held his hands out for her to take him. "Still the little trader." Tryas said and laughed.

Tryas and Danny both had to sneak out of the house so Clayton nor Audrey saw them. Mom and Doris had packed sandwiches for Tryas, Danny, Dad and Rufus. Keith had offered to watch the kids while Mom, Misty and Doris went to see the waterfall and then were heading to the store. It was only going to be open from ten until one in case someone needed emergency supplies. Misty wanted to talk to the women to see how their company could help and it be the most effective. "Are you sure you want to watch them ?" Misty said. "Go ahead cuz. Enjoy your break and I get some time with them and they not be all over Tryas.," Keith laughed.

"Wow this is a beautiful lake. I have never made it back here to see this." Danny said. "We are going to host a fishing day for the kids and parents from the mountain store." Tryas said. "That will be great. If you need any help I will be glad to help." Danny said. "Careful what you volunteer for." Tryas laughed. "I need to thank you. I have never seen Keith so happy." Danny said. "That man makes my heart sing." Tryas said. "Well we are grateful. Keith has always been special to us. He is nothing like Misty's siblings." Danny said.

"It just amazes me that your in-laws can act the way they do towards him. Well what I have heard of it anyway." Tryas said. "Misty's Mom and siblings are all fakes. Nora Jean hated Keith's Mom with a passion. She would say that she only had a brother. The only reason she acknowledged Burton was because he was rich. She would not go to the store because she said she was better than Archie and Gail and she should not have to deal with them, much less socialize." Danny said. "So she is all about the buck then." Tryas said. "That is only part of it. She has watched too many soap operas. Those people that are supposedly rich acted as though they were above all others. Hell, I even had to take out a loan to pay for our wedding." Danny said.

"Why would you do that ?" Tryas said. "Nora Jean planned the wedding. In her mind it had to be the social event of the year. A month before the wedding we started getting calls. They would call Nora Jean wanting payment and she would give them my number. Luckily my credit was good enough that I was able to borrow the money. Hell, I even paid for her designer dress. It cost more than Misty's wedding dress." Danny said. "That is sick." Tryas said. "I wish Burton and Archie could have met you. Nora Jean refused to invite Burton to the wedding. She was afraid that he would bring Archie. Misty cried because Nora Jean got very vocal and demanded that Archie and Gail were NOT invited." Danny said. "I heard that she and Misty's brother and sister had some very ugly things to say to Keith when the will was being read." Tryas said. "Nora Jean even made up a story and had guards outside the church and would not let Keith in for the funeral. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall to see her when she found out that she did not inherit Burton and Archie's estates." Danny said.

Danny and Tryas talked about Keith's background and also the two uncles in between reeling in fish. Danny told of the siblings and their loans from their uncle that were unpaid. He told about his children being made to sit in the corner quietly unless Nora Jean addressed them. "How in the world could anyone turn away those two sweethearts. That is beyond sick." Tryas said. "I stopped trying. Misty kept trying for a while. Her father would take the kids out in the yard when she went if he was there. That stopped too because Nora Jean said that the kids had to stay inside since most of the neighbors did not believe she was old enough to have grandchildren. Misty finally gave up too." Danny said. "I don't think I care to meet her." Tryas said. "I do not think that will happen. Keith has a restraining order against her, Toby and Alana. They had to sign papers stating they would leave him and the business alone if they wanted the money from the sale of the house." Danny said.

"I hope that I did not make you nervous when we were bathing the kids. Me being naked and all." Danny said. "It was fine. I was afraid that you would be nervouse knowing that I was gay." Tryas said. "Not at all. Besides I had already seen naked pictures of you. " Danny laughed. "Wait. Do what ?" Tryas said. "Don't worry. Keith has seen naked pictures of me for years. Nora Jean refused to allow Keith at our wedding. You know, the one I paid for, but he showed up at the reception. He did not come inside but he had a gift for us. He and Misty had grown as close as brother and sister and it broke her heart that he was not invited. He had brought us a gift. Nora Jean spotted us talking to him in the garden. She stormed out with two security guards and demanded Keith be removed bodily from the reception. She took the gift that he brought from Misty's hands and threw it in the trash. "We do not need gifts from white trash." she said and went back in. I got one of my groomsmen to take the gift and put it in my car. Misty and I talked about it on our honeymoon. We agreed that we wanted him to be as much of our family as he was willing to be. We both knew he was gay so I suggested the pictures hoping that he would be more comfortable around me, Misty bullied him in to pictures of you since he had seen years of pictures of me." Danny said. "I guess payback is fair enough." Tryas laughed. "I will say I feel for Keith because you are packing." Danny said. "You are a hot little number yourself but I have the sexiest so you can be naked around me all you want." Tryas said.

The men stopped at the house on their way to clean all the fish. Tryas walked in and smiled as he saw Keith laying on his back on the floor. Clayton was in the fetal position on his knees with his head on Keith's shoulder and Audrey lay with her head on his chest. Keith was awake but the two children were sound asleep. "You stay here and give him a break when they wake up. It will not take us long to clean the fish." Danny whispered. Tryas went in and showered quickly to get the fish smell off. He dressed in a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. He went back in and lay down between Keith's legs with his face over Keith's chest. "So I hear that there are nude pictures of me floating around." Tryas said. "Damn Misty." Keith said and closed his eyes. "Baby it is only fair after the years of naked pictures of Danny you have seen." Tryas said. "He knows ?" Keith said and blushed. "Baby from what I understand it was his idea. Well his and Misty's together." Tryas said. Tryas leaned up to kiss Keith. As their lips met and little hand came up and tried to push Tryas head away. "Well stinker is awake." Tryas laughed.

Danny and Dad returned just as the ladies returned. Rufus had stayed at home and the ladies dropped Doris off at home. "I need a shower before we leave." Danny said. Keith was holding Clayton at the time. Clayton held his arms out for Danny. "He heard shower. I guess you are up this time Keith." Danny said. "Up for what ?" Keith said. Tryas is out in the yard rolling around with Audrey so I can rinse this little one off and hand him off to you from the shower." Danny said. "Misty is here." Keith said. "Misty is packing all our stuff up so we can head home. Go help with your nephew." Misty said.

Keith was nervous as he stood there holding Clayton as Danny stripped. Keith let out a little sigh as Danny stepped under the running water and the chest and belly hair stuck to his body. Keith felt his cock leak in his warm up pants as he handed Clayton over and his hand ran across Danny's chest. Keith tried not to stare as Danny washed Clayton. Clayton was rinsed and Keith took him and wrapped him in a towel. "Where is his diaper bag ?" Keith asked. "Just wait there, I will get him when I am done." Danny said. Keith had begun to leak even more. He had fantasized about Danny for years and had many jerk off sessions over his pictures. Hell most of his hand job sessions for many years had been over Danny. He was not in love with Danny other than as family but Danny did have a smoking hot body. Keith's eyes got bigger as he looked down and saw that Danny's cock had gotten hard. Danny had noticed Keith eyeing him from head to toe and though he was not interested in Keith sexually the thought of someone eyeing his naked body seemed to turn him on.

Tryas had brought Audrey back in when Keith came out of the bedroom. Moments later Danny followed with only a towel wrapped around his waist and holding Clayton still wrapped in a towel. Keith looked up and saw Tryas and blushed. Mom and Dad were upstairs so it left only Tryas and Keith when Audrey followed her father. "How was it ?" Tryas whispered as he stepped up to Keith. "How was what ?" Keith said. Tryas slipped his fingers down the front of Keith's shorts. He brought them back up and licked the pre cum from them. "How was it ? I know you have jerked off to his pictures for years. How was it to see the real thing ?" Tryas asked before leaning over for a quick kiss. "You know you said you were going to tear my ass up ? Well I plan on almost tearing this dick off of you." Keith said as he quickly grabbed Tryas' package causing him to jump and moan. "If you tear it off baby then you can not play with it anymore." Tryas said. "I said almost." Keith said and smiled.

Next: Chapter 26

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