My Inheritance

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Nov 29, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"My Inheritance" Chapter 28

The Christmas party was fastly approaching. Keith realized that he may have made a mistake but he and Tryas had discussed having a party also on Sunday afternoon for the clients of the Appalachian store. Gail had found another caterer that would do grilled chicken, burgers and hotdogs the next day. That would give the caterer for the party plenty of time to clean up and then there would be a full cleaning crew on Monday to clean up after both parties. Mom, Dad, Doris and Rufus all said they would chip in to clean the house between the parties. The food would be given once again the Saturday before Christmas but the purchasing department were busy with the list of kids in finding gifts for Sunday.

Keith, Tryas and his parents arrived at the house after picking them up from the airport. The decorators would start the next day and Keith gave Mom and Doris full charge. The tension was beginning to rise because Keith had expected about half of the guests invited to attend. At last count there were only four that had not RSVP'd. "Son, do not worry. Everything will go great. It will be here and over with before you realize it and it will go like a charm." Mom said. "I hope so. Tryas and I are going back in the morning and will be back sometime Friday. The shipping containers arrive this afternoon and we have to get the rest of the Christmas orders shipped." Keith said. "Doris and I have this handled. You go do what you need to just make sure you are back before the guests arrive." Mom said.

By the time Thursday evening had arrived both Keith and Tryas were exhausted. They had worked late at night to get orders packed and ready to ship. They were even more pleased that Dawn had arranged a UPS, FedEx and also a freight trailer to be left at the docs so they could load as they packed. Dawn pushed them out the door about ten at night on Thursday. There were less than a dozen orders left to pack and label and the trailers would not be picked up until lunch time on Friday. Davis had been to the condo a couple of times that week for carry out supper after coming over after his last appointment to help pack and ship. The awkwardness between him and Keith was now long gone. They each felt like they had known each other for years. "Bro when I first met Keith I wondered what the deal was with you and him. I see now there could not be a more perfect pair." Davis said. "He is perfect for me and that is all that matters. " Tryas said.

They arrived at the house in the mountains on Friday around lunch. Keith had been determined that business was not going to affect their sex life so most of the week had been quicky shower sex. Friday morning Tryas jumped out of bed full throttle but Keith pushed him back in the bed and used that energy with Tryas' cock deep inside him. The ride to the mountains was a little uncomfortable because his ass was sore but it was a good sore. Tryas stopped just before turning in the driveway. "Are you ready for this baby ?" Tryas said. "Too late to change now." Keith laughed. Tryas leaned over and kissed Keith. "Let the madness begin." Tryas said. The both gasp as the house came into view.

Each window had a beautiful wreath hanging in the center. A much larger one that matched the others hung on the front door. Each of the columns had a greenery swag with ribbons and flowers. To the right of the house in the yard was what looked to be about a thirty foot tall artificial Christmas tree. Tryas pulled a trailer full of gifts for every client at the store and a few extras just in case. Tryas did not want Keith to go with him to unhook the trailer at the barn because he may want to go to the falls. The shed had been delivered and the only thing left was the lights installed in the falls. He did not want Keith to see this before Christmas. The lawn service was even there doing last minute touch ups.

Both men were speechless when they opened the front door. The most beautiful, fourteen foot tall, Christmas tree stood in the corner of the living room. The mantle on the fireplace was elegantly decorated. Every area that seemed to have an empty space had some sort of decoration. It was not overpowering but very elegant. "Hey boys. What do you think ?" Mom asked as she walked up and hugged both of them. "It is amazing." Keith said. "They decorated each bedroom and bathroom also. The outdoor kitchen is decorated too." Dad said. "They did an amazing job. If it is not party ready it never will be." Tryas said.

Tryas and his Dad went to unhook the trailer full of gifts. He and Tryas snuck away from the barn to go and look at the finished product of the shed. "Son if I ever doubted that you loved Keith after seeing what you had done with this shed I have no doubts. Your Mom wanted to move in it." Dad said. Tryas' eye got wide and a huge smile came on his face as they made their way into the clearing. It was perfectly situated to have optimal views of the falls but not block the view as you arrived. The colors were perfect and made it look to be part of the landscape. There were bushes and winter cabbage planted around it with multiple colors. Opening the door all Tryas could say was "Wow." There was firewood stacked by the wood burning stove. The inside had distressed barn wood stained almost like a white wash but in a beautiful color. Below the chair rail area was treated rusted roof tin. The floors were a knotted hardwood stained in a medium to light color. The furniture was simple but nice and most importantly spacious. There was a television mounted on the wall that he had not even considered. The bedroom was large and stained a different color but had no tin in it. The master bath was mainly thick glass. The shower looked like it was open to the outside and was plenty large enough. The toilet was behind a small wall for privacy. "Dad, I am not sure I can wait until Christmas." Tryas said.

Saturday morning was insane. The caterers were there early to erect tents in the back yard. The estimate was for around forty five guests but the tables were set for fifty just in case. The guest list for Sunday was even higher but it was going to be a much simpler affair. Misty got frustrated with Keith because he had called her four times before eleven in the morning to make sure that the two limousine busses they had rented would be at the store in plenty of time to bring their guests that wanted to ride from Atlanta. "Chill cuz. You are going to make me gray heaed." Misty said.

The party was planned from four in the evening until eight. The bar would open at four and the meal would be served at six. That would give a couple of hours before the meal and at least an hour after for people to socialize. Doris stayed close to make sure she could introduce Keith and Tryas to any of the local business owners and guests that they may not have met. Keith let out a deep sigh when the two limousine busses pulled up just before four. Tryas was pleased to see that General Eastwick, Admiral Turner and their spouses were on one of the buses. Tryas saluted both men and then shook their hands. "You have really outdone yourself this year Sergeant Major." General Eastwick said. " I have to give my Mother and our neighbor Mrs. Doris credit for all of this. Christmas season hit us very hard and we were not prepared so we have been at the warehouse almost non stop." Tryas said.

The introductions were completed and both the General and Admiral were surprised that they knew a couple of the local guests already. Davis was a little frustrated as they arrived. He had hoped to get to Claude and Kyle's early enough to possibly get in some play time to take the edge off his balls. He was anticipating a full weekend and had refrained from jacking himself off for five days. He had to promise his large balls some action so they would even fit inside his casual pants. "Don't worry troops. I plan to get you drained many times over the weekend." Davis whispered. The holidays were always busier for him so he had made appointments for Saturday morning and had arrived at their house just in time to leave for Keith and Tryas'.

Davis was a little surprised when they arrived. He only saw two women. He quickly learned that MIsty had carried the rest of the women on a guided tour of the home. Keith also saluted the General and the Admiral. "Are you getting settled in ?" The General asked. "Yes sir. Still trying to get the lay of the land in the hospital." Davis said. "I have heard good things about the work you have done so far. If you need anything just call my office. We will make it happen." The Admiral said.

The caterer informed Gail that the food was ready. She, Doris, Dawn and the Admirals wife moved everyone to the heated tent. Keith called Tryas, Misty and Gail to the podium. "We would like to welcome you all to our Christmas party. Our two companies joined forces to throw this party. My cousin Misty and I inherited the company from our Uncles Burton and Archie Lindsey. We have added a new company this year named The Tramell Group. This is my partner Tryas Tramell and last but not least the one that keeps us grounded and keeps both companies running our Operations Manager Gail. We are pleased that everyone was able to attend and we hope that you enjoy socializing and the food. I have not tasted any of it but it really smells good. At this time I would like to ask General Eastwick to bless our meal and then we can move to the next tent to prepare our plates." Keith said. Everyone applauded before the Admiral stood for the blessing. Keith went into the food tent and told the caterer to make sure that all of their employees were able to prepare a plate along with the two limousine drivers. "Add all of them to the head count too." Keith said.

The meal was perfect and the first limousine had left. The second carried Misty and Danny along with Gail, Dawn and their spouses. They had stayed behind to help with the clean up and storage of the extra food. Keith tried to get everyone that was willing to take home the extra food. The two full prime rib roasts that were left over were carved and packaged so that different ones could take them home and freeze them. He and Tryas still ended up with almost a fill rib roast left. There were more than enough leftovers to feed he, Tryas, Mom, Dad and Rufus and Doris for days. Doris, Mom, MIsty, Gail, and Claude packaged food. Kyle went around the house and pulled the trays of appetizers and packaged them. Keith dealt with the caterer and clean up crews while Tryas, Dad, Rufus, and Davis helped remove the tables and chairs so the tent could be taken down and packed away. Danny was in charge of packing the bar.

The last limousine left just after nine. Each person had a box of food to take home including the limousine driver. Kyle had completed vacuuming the living room and the master bedroom while Claude and Mom cleaned and mopped the kitchen. Just before the last limousine left Keith had gotten everyone together and thanked them for their help. "We could not have done this without each and every one of you." Keith said. "What else can we do to help ?" Kyle asked. "Go home and rest because you said you were helping tomorrow too." Keith said. "Tomorrow will be busy but more laid back so it should be fun." Tryas said. "Goodnight, great people. We will see you tomorrow." Davis said. "Not too early though. Sleep in." Keith said. "Sleep huh ?" Davis whispered and smiled.

Clsude, Kyle and Davis arrived at the couple's house. As they walked in Kyle asked Davis if he wanted a beer. "Sure one more will not hurt." Davis said. Claude had disappeared but returned shortly after Davis and Kyle had the food they had brought home safely put away. "I need to do like you." Davis said. Claude only wore a pair of short, loose fitting gym shorts. "Finish your beer and you are more than welcome to shower if you wish. The hall bathroom has everything you will need I think." Kyle said. Kyle excused himself. Davis eyed Claude up and down as he walked in from the kitchen with a beer. Claude did not look like he lived in the gym but he had a tight muscular body with a thin coating of short brown hair on his chest and bellie. Davis easily spotted that Claude was commando because he could see his package move around in the shorts as he walked.

Davis stood and walked towards Claude. He sat the empty beer bottle on the end table. He thought that he noticed Claude blush as he approached. Davis stood just over six foot one to Claude's five foot nine. Kyle was almost two inches shorter that Claude coming in at just over five foot seven. Davis leaned over and placed his head just beside Calude's. "Where was that shower ?" Davis said and turned his head to kiss Claude's neck. He slid one hand down the back of Claude's short and ran his hand down the crack of Claude's ass. "Just down the hall. That way." Claude whispered , frozen in place. Davis took his hand slid it around and wrapped his fist around Claude's growing cock. "Nice. I will be back shortly." Davis said and lightly bit Claude's bottom lip.

Davis had planned his trip all week hoping he would get lucky. Arriving late he only brought his toiletry kit in the house leaving his clothes in his car. He showered well making sure he cleaned all areas that would be on the menu. Davis still had the bad Army man mentality when it came to sex. He was the Alpha or he did not participate. That included never bottoming. He was the top and an aggressive one at that. "Now for you to get some action, private." Davis said as he looked down at his semi hard cock. Like Tryas, Davis' cock was a thing of beauty. Even flaccid, if was very heavy. Soft he remained around six inches. Full mass was not as long as Tryas only reaching just over seven inches but it had the same girth. Where Tryas had the huge cock head Davis was the opposite. Once fully hard the head was smaller than the shaft. The shaft widened from the head to the base. The deeper he got the more the bottom was stretched with the base being the widest part. His cock started a good finger and half at the tip and widened to almost three fingers by the time he bottomed out.

"Sorry guys. I forgot to get my suitcase out before I showered." Davis said as he walked in with the small towel only covering part of his body. The arching half hard cock exposed on full hip and ass cheek One wrong move and the tight twist at the waist would have him totally naked because the towel was not big enough to cover him. "We can get that in the morning." Kyle said as he walked in from the kitchen with fresh beers. " Careful with that outfit little boy. It may get you Army dicked." Davis said in a growl. Kyle wore a thin see through robe that did not quite cover the bottom of his ass cheeks. His cock was flacid with a small set of balls that stayed close to home. With the robe he wore there was nothing left to the imagination except how tight his ass ring may be and Davis planned to test that out shortly.

Claude stood and met Kyle and Davis about the same time. "We usually don't wear clothes when we do not have guests. I could not shock you and be naked." Kyle whispered. "Naked huh ?" Davis said , as he reached over and pulled Claude's shorts down quickly having them fall to his ankles. Kyle reached over and slight tug caused the towel to drop and both he and Claude's eyes got wide. Claude's cock was about the same length as Kyle's flaccid but a little thicker. The two men grew almost instantly hard. Claude's balls hung a little lower tha Kyle's but they quickly began to climb. Once hard the two seemed to be around six and half inches.

Davis licked a finger on each hand and reached balc and slid the slick finger up each man's ass and pulled them close to his side. "Naked it is then. Thouroughly fiuked senseless is next." Davis said as he leaned over and kissed Kyle first and then Claude. Claude and Kyle moved and began kissing and licking the nipples on Davis' hairy chest. Davis pulled his fingers free of the two asses. Davis backed away and walked over to an oversized chair. He sat with his hips pushed out some. "Over here private Claude. On your knees and get to work." Davis said as he took one hand and waved his cock. "You private Kyle. Up on the chair with your back to me. Place you hands on Claude's shoulder and present that pretty pink pucker for inspection. "Sir, yes sir." They both said.

Claude began licking and then sucking on Davis' cock and moaned as it grew to full mast in his mouth. Kyle stood in the chair with his back to Davis as he leaned over and placed his hands on Claude's shoulders. Kyle moaned as Davis leaned forward and licked from the base of his tight ball sack and up to the top of his ass cheeks. Davis spent extra time on the pretty ass ring on each pass until he shoved his tongue as deep as he could. He held onto Kyle's hips to keep him from falling forward. Davis growled and rubbed his gruff face into Kyle's ass cheks. He then leaned back and spit on the ass ring before sliding first one then two fingers deep inside Kyle's ass. Davis felt the pleasure from Claude's warm mouth on his aching cock but had learned in the desert to focus on holding off his orgasm because sometimes there were spells between sex as dry as the desert they were in and he learned to make the attention last. After about ten minutes. "Swap privates." Davis commanded.

Davis had eaten a lot of ass over the years. Kyle's seemed to want attention but in a tender way but Claude's was one of the angry ones that seemed to like it rough. "Best of both worlds." Davis thought to himself. The excitement had taken his attention away from holding off his orgasm. Kyle was a pro. He had never had a blowjob to compare that he remembered. Kyle was even able to deep throat him to the base. "Alright troops. Assume the postion. Side by side on the floor on your hands and knees." Davis barked. Claude and Kyle quickly assumed the postion. Davis got on his knees behind the two men. "Two sweet pussies just for me. I am about to show you two just how a Gunny wrecks a s sweet piece of ass." Davis said.

Davis licked and chewed on Calude's ass while he used his fingers to stretch Kyle with his fingers. Davis reached back and took the bottle of lube that Claude had brought out while he was in the shower. Davis lubed both asses really well before lubing his raging cock. He reached his lubed fingers over and began finger fucking Claude as he place the head of his cock at Kyle's rosebud. "You ready baby ?" Davis whispered. Kyle moaned and shook his head indicating he was ready. Davis placed his free arm under Kyle's waist. Kyle moaned as the smaller cock head entered his from behind. Davis smiled and held tighter to Kyle as he pushed more and more of his cock inside. Kyle began to squirm as the cock got even wider. "That's it baby. Take this Gunny dick." Davis growled. As the last inch of his cock began to stretch Kyle to it's maximum, Davis ended up lifting Kyle's knees off the floor so he could not escape. "UUUGGGHHH. There sexy you took all this Army dick." Davis growled. Davis lowered Kyle's knees back to the floor. He began slowly moving his dick in and out of Kyle's ass and ordered the two to kiss while he fucked Kyle and finger fucked Claude.

Davis began to pick up the pace as he moved in and out of Kyle's ass.

He pulled his fingers from Calude's ass. He wrapped a lubed hand around Kyle's cock and began to jack his cock as he moved faster and faster inside Kyle. He felt Kyle's ass ring begin to spasm on his cock. Davis pulled out and flipped Kyle over on his back. In one swift move he was buried balls deep inside the stretched ass. Kyle's legs were sprawled and his eyes glazed as Davis jacked his cock. Kyle arched his back and shouted as his cock began to spray. Davis held his cock inside Kyle balls deep and flexed it as Kyle's body went crazy. Davis jerked Kyle's cock as fast as he could as it shot it's load all over his chest. "UUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHH." Kyle shouted.

Kyle lay on his back with his knees up trying to catch his breath. Davis pulled Claude back and put him between Kyle's legs. Pushing Claude's head down he leaned oer his back. "Look at this pussy trying to close after this Gunny dick spread it open. Now you eat and I will stretch yours even wider." Davis growled. Davis had been able to get three fingers inside Claude so he was stretched a little more than Kyle's. " I get the idea this private likes it a little rougher." Davis growled. He placed the head of his cock at the entrance to Claude's ass and shoved. One hard push and the base of his cock stretched Claude's ass wider than it had ever been. All Claude could do was gasp. "Now eat private." Davis ordered.

Davis held tight to Claude's hips as he pounded in and out as hard as he could. Davis would push in all the way and then punch his hips making sure Claude was stretched to the maximum. "Oh yes. FUCK ME, FUCK ME HARD," Claude shouted. "I fuck, you eat. Now get to it, soldier." Davis barked. Davis began jacking Claude's cock. Both men grunted loudly each time Davis punched his hips hard, stretching Claude even wider. Davis could feel Claude's cock start to flex. He pulled Claude up and flipped him to his back. he wrapped his fist around Claude's cock and punched his cock in as deep and hard as he could. "FFFFUUUUCC.. CCCCKKKKKKK." Claude shouted as his cock began to spray all over his chest.

Davis pulled his cock quickly from Claude's ass. The slurping sound made him even hornier. Calude and Kyle lay side by side on their back trying to regain their strength. "Time to mark some horny recruits as MMMMMMIIINNNNNNNNEE EEE E. FFFFFUUUCCCCCCCK." Davis shouted as his cock began to spray it's load on top of both Claude and Kyle. When he caught his breath and stopped jerking he took his hands and rubbed his seed in with Kyle's and then in with Claude's He then rubbed the mixture of the three seeds on each man before licking his fingers clean. "My private pussies, all mine." Davis growled, as he leaned over and kissed Kyle and then Claude. Kyle smiled as Davis' slick cock dripped on his hips. "Sir, yes sir." Kyle smiled.

Davis smiled up at the ceiling as he lay on his back in the bed Claude was on one side with his hip across Davis' and Kyle the same on the other. Davis had his hands down and a finger inside each man's ass. "Are you disappointed ?" Claude whispered. Davis wiggled his fingers in each ass. "Why would I be disappointed. Two private pussies I can pound and fill anytime I want. Right now I am a happy man. Besides you two need rest. I plan to pound and load each one of these sweet asses before the sunrises. "Davis said. Each man leaned up and kissed Davis on the lips before settling back down and pushing their asses harder onto the fingers inside them.

Next: Chapter 29

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