My Inheritance

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Dec 3, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"My Inheritance" Chapter 29

Tryas and Keith stood in the back yard and watched as the caterer lined up two large pull behind grills. Tryas is the one that had dealt with the caterer and the menu. He had an estimated headcount and had told the caterer that he wanted enough burgers and hotdogs to feed three times that many. He planned to announce that there was enough food for each to have three hamburgers and three hotdogs. The rest would be divided to go home with the guests. There was everything imaginable to put on both the hamburgers or hotdogs. He also had them add chicken strips for those that may not want a burger or hotdog. "They have a lot of ground beef there." Keith said. "Yes I told them I wanted hand made patties. No frozen pre-pressed ones." Tryas said. "I hope you know how special you are." Keith said and leaned up and kissed Tryas. "Careful there lover. This morning was a quickie and the little grunt is ready for more." Tryas said. "Little grunt ? Baby it ain't little." Keith said as he lightly groped Tryas' package.

"Alright you two. Take it indoors or to the woods." Davis said as he walked up. "Morning Gunny. Sleep well ?" Tryas said. "I think I did get a nap at least." Davis said and winked. "I will leave you two to talk sexual conquests. I need to go help Mom and Doris with the desserts." Keith said. "It smells good in there. I may have to skip the burger and go for some of those cakes and pies." Davis laughed. "My lover here ordered enough burgers and hotdogs so that every guest can have three. I am sure there will be plenty of food for you too." Keith laughed as he turned to head inside.

"Well ?" Tryas said. "Wellwhat ?" Davis said. " Listen Gunny. I saw that look in your eye all night last night. I have seen it too many times. Did you get what you expected ?" Tryas said. "Damn buddy. Those two are like Tasmanian Devils. Kyle is the intimate one more so than Claude. Claude likes it rough." Davis said. "I am guessing you had a busy night then." Tryas laughed. " Gunny junior is feeling a little raw but I told him to suck it up and get use to it." Davis laughed. About that time there was a little shout. "Unca Tias." Audrey shouted and ran towards Tryas. Tryas caught her and picked her up and spun around. Audrey laughed and giggled. "You have a kiss for Uncle Tryas ?" Tryas said. Audrey quickly kissed Tryas on the cheek. "Unca Tias, did you know that Santa comes in a few days ?" Audrey said all bubbly. " Yes I did, baby girl. Have you been being good for your Mommy and Daddy ?" Tryas asked. "Uh huh." she said. "Um she still acts just like her Mama." Danny said as he got closer. Tryas smiled as he looked up to see Clayton with his arms out and grunting. "Baby girl did you know Grandma and Mrs. Doris were in the kitchen making cupcakes and pies ?" Tryas said. "Can I help ?" Audrey said as her eyes got wide. "I am sure that Grandma would love you to help, just don't get in the way." Tryas said.

Tryas got another kiss on the cheek before he put the little girl down. Audrey took off to the house and Clayton's grunts got louder. "Come here little man. Are you happy to see Uncle Tryas ?" Tryas said as the little boy went straight to his neck and hugged him tight. " I see you have two more fans." Davis said. "Hang around long enough and you will be Ucle Davis." Danny laughed. " I can do that." Davis laughed. "Let me go check on Misty junior and make sure she is not in the way." Danny said. Danny turned and walked towards the house. "I generally like them younger than him but that is one sexy mother fucker." Davis said. "You should see him naked." Tryas said and smiled. "You are shitting me. You have seen him naked ?" Davis said. "More than once." Tryas said. "Damn Serge, you are still the top man." Davis said and laughed.

The guests began to arrive. Davis helped Misty set up some child gates with blankets under a tree. Tryas laughed as he watched closely as Misty barked orders just like a drill sergeant. Calyton hung tight to Tryas with his head against Tryas ears watching. "Does that mean mommy and daddy put my baby boy in a cage ?" Tryas said. "Every chance we get. You are the uncle that is suppose to deprogram them and spoil them. Then we have to take them home and reprogram them." Misty said. "I will have to teach you how to escape." Tryas said. "You do and he may have to live with you." Misty said. "Is that all it would take ?" Tryas laughed.

As Davis made it back to Tryas a familiar little boy came running up. "Hey Mr Army man." the little boy said, putting his hands on his hips and poking his chest out. "Hello little buddy. Are you ready to eat ?" Tryas asked. "Are you an Army man too ?" the little boy said, looking at Davis. "Sir, yes Sir. Gunny Sergeant Davis reporting for duty." Davis said and went into full attention and saluted the little boy. They could see the little boy trembling in excitement. He threw his hand up and tried to salute Davis. "PAW< PAW, there is another Army manhere." the little boy shouted as he ran back to the group coming around the back of the house. "Next generation private." Davis said. "If he gets the chance." Tryas said. The little boys father walked up with a cane. "My son thinks you two are the best." he said. " You can tell he has been raised right." Tryas said. "Thank ya sir but I weren't able to make him proud. Messed up my leg cuttin' firewood and they won't take ya with a cane." he said. Davis' counselor training kicked in. "Sir you do not have to serve in the military to do good work for our country and to make your son proud. Raise him to be a good man and to honor people and his country and you have done as good a job as if you went to the desert with a gun." Davis said. "Thank ya for sayin' it." he said. "It's the truth. Never doubt that." Davis said.

Tryas tried to pass off Clayton to Keith. That lasted all of two minutes until Clayton realized Tryas was leaving. Needless to say Tryas had to drive the truck to the barn to get the trailer with Clayton standing beside him with his arm around his neck. Davis leaned over the console so he could grab Clayton if need be. He smiled as Calyont placed his free hand on his shoulder. " Alright you little stinker. Are you planning on jumping ship on me." Tryas laughed.

The food was ready and the trailer in place. Keith and Misty began to stress when there were a couple of new kids there. "Calm down. I ordered extras to go to the store. Find out what you can and we will box it and wrap it while they eat." Tryas said. Keith's eyes lit up and he l;eand over and kissed Tryas. The all familiar hand came up and pushed him away. "Alright stinker." Keith said and tickled Clayton. " Possessive little man." Davis said. " Number one ace cock blocker." Tryas said and laughed.

Tryas walked up to a makeshift podium with a small amplifier. "We would like to welcome everyone here for our first annual Christmas party. There is plenty of food. I told the caterer to prepare for three times as many as we expected so if you leave hungry it is your fault. We want you to enjoy, eat all you want because the leftovers will be divided up and sent with you. I may be a big man but I can't eat that much so eat all you want. Once everyone has eaten and the kids have played, the adults socialized and everything else is done we have gifts for the kids and parents. The wrapped gifts you have to wait until Christmas Day. Santa Claus will be upset if he does not see the wrapped gifts so you have to promise you will not open them." Tryas said. "We won't." one little voice shouted out causing the crowd to laugh. " My name is Tryas Tramell and this is my partner Keith Colvin. We want you to enjoy, and if you need anything please find us and ask. At this time I would like to ask my father to bless the food and then everyone eat until you are stuffed. Oh and my Mom and Mrs. Doris have a full table of all types of desserts for you to eat too." Tryas said.

Keith and Misty stood and smiled as they watched the children first tear into their food. A little boy came walking up with his little sister in tow. Keith wanted to laugh as the little boy was still chewing on the last bite of his hamburger and his little sister had a bare hotdog in her hand. " Maw told us to come thank you fur the food. It shore is good. I was scared we would have bone soup again fur supper." he said. "Bone soup?" Misty asked. "Maw boils any bones we got left with some roots she digs to make soup. Tastes more like water but I wouldn't dare tell Maw. Paw would skin me alive." the boy said. "How often do you have bone soup ?" Misty asked. "Quite a bit. Paw got paid fur a job he done yesterday and Maw said she could go to the store tomorrow for some food." the boy said. Tryas had walked up and caught the end of the conversation. He looked and saw tears in both Keith's and Misty's eyes. "Tell you what little buddy. Tell you Mom that a new truck of food will be at the store around ten tomorrow. If she goes after that there will be more to choose from." Tryas said. "Thank ya mister. I hate askin' but do you mind if I get another hamburger. Them are good burgers." he said. "You can have all you want. You come with me and we will get you whatever you want and your Maw and Paw can't say anything since I am the one getting it for you." Keith said. "Mind if my sister comes too ?" he asked. "Not at all and you tell your Maw and Paw that they better get more so I don't have to throw the leftovers away." Keith said.

Davis had both Claude and Kyle on edge. Walking by he leaned over and whispered to Kyle. "Don't worry sweet baby I plan to fuck that pussy until you can't stand up in a little while." he whispered. Everytime he was close to Claude he would whisper something similar. Claude was busy setting up a table that he planned to use once the gifts were given out. He had contacted his supervisor and he had approved complimentary hunting and fishing licenses for those that required them. There was a five dollar filing fee but he planned to pay that himself and not let them know there was any cost.

Once the meal was finished and people sat around rubbing their full bellies Claude took the microphone. He asked that all fathers or heads of households come to the table he had set up. There was a group of around twenty gathered around the table. "As you all know I am the local DNR ranger. The state of Georgia has given me complimentary hunting and fishing licenses. They don't cost a dime. Kyle, Mr. Rufus and Mr. Tramell are going to help me get these all filled out. If you have a child over twelve I will need their name also so we can give them one. Under twelve they can not hunt but they also do not need a fishing license." Claude said.

The next item to be given out was fishing poles and tackle boxes. Every man, woman and child got a fishing pole and tackle box. The smaller children got a beginners cartoon rod and reel and the older ones and parents got adult size. "Now don't start pulling everything out until you get home. I don't want to walk across the yard and step on a fishing hook, plus you may lose something out of it. When time and weather permit we plan to invite you all to the lake for a day of fishing and more hamburgers." Keith said. There were a couple of fathers they had to convince to take a fishing pole and tackle box. "Just handsome proud you got one fur my kids. That is plenty." one said. "This is food. If you have a pole, tackle and a license you can feed your family. Believe me we will not run short. We have plenty." Tryas said.

There was a young boy that looked to be about twelve that walked by carrying his plate to the trash. "You better get up there and get you a pole and tackle box." Davis said. "Granny said we don't take charity but thanks." the boy said. Davis had noticed the boy sitting over to the side with an elderly lady. Davis walked over and sat in a chair near the elderly lady. " I feel sorry for that little guy. Somebody told him he could not have a pole and tackle box. Makes a kid that age think he is not worth it." Davis said. "Tain't that. Some of these mountain folk don't take kindly to charity." she said. "At least he got to eat." Davis said. "He was hungry so made him split a burger." she said. "Split a burger ? With all that food up there ? All those cakes and pies ? No wonder he feels like he is not as good as the other kids." Davis said. "What you sayin' mister ?" she said.

"My name is Davis and I am a counselor at the Veterans Hospital in Atlanta. I deal with men every day that fought for our country. At some point they were told they could not have it, or did not deserve it. A lot of them sleep in a cardboard box under a bridge because they have always been told they don't deserve better and even though they have fought for our country and taken care of their families they were told no." Davis said. "He's a good boy." she said. "Oh I can tell he was raised well. Do you see that red headed guy over there fixing that little boy and girl a plate ?" Daivs asked. "Yes. This was his uncle's place." she said. "That's right. Before he got his house he lived in a one bedroom apartment in a bad section of Atlanta. He had an old car that he prayed over every time he needed to go to work or go home. That guy standing beside him is his partner. He served in the Army. Got shot at and slept in the desert with no tent for this country. He was living in a tent over near the pond. Both of their pride would not let them ask for help. I am not even going to say help. It would not allow them to accept a gift. Not charity, gifts. Keith's uncles left him this place and their business along with his cousin. They don't consider it charity, they feel like God has blessed them and it is his wish to do what we call pay it forward. They figure if they do good for others and that person does something good for another even if it is simple that they have made God happy." Davis said.

"Some folk don't have the means to pay it forward as you say." she said. "Pay it forward does not require money. Let's just say that one of these ladies comes to you with some clothes that need mending. They don't have a needle or thread but you have plenty. It may cost you ten cents worth of thread to do it for them. That in God's eyes is just as important as those fishing poles and other gifts. It has nothing to do with money. The gifts they are giving out later have clothes, shoes, a couple of age appropriate toys and there is a box with books. Some to just read, some to help learn and according to the age it may be a coloring book with crayons or a drawing pad with art pencils. Each one also had a personal bible in it." Davis said.

"A bible ?" she asked. "Every person here will get a bible if they will take it. Tell me that's charity not not paying it forward." Davis said. "He can use a couple of new dungarees." she said. " I am going to take him over to the trailer and get him and his granny a fishing pole. He will have to talk to his Granny about her fishing license. When the other gifts are given I am going to make sure him and his Granny get what God put on their hearts to get them, but first I am going to get him a couple more hamburgers. Then he can have some of Mrs. Doris' fresh pound cake. I hear it's the best in the land." Davis said. "Well almost the best." she said and laughed. "Can I have him bring his Granny smoe more food ?" Davis said. " Have him leave off the onions. They cause the vapors." she said and smiled. Davis stood to walk away. "Mister, thank you. Tell him to place a piece of that cake on his Granny's plate. She would appreciate it. " she said. "Done." Davis said. The young man resisted Davis until he turned and looked across the yard at his grandmother. She nodded giving her permission. "Thank you mister. The fishin' poles are good but right now I was mighty hungry. There is plenty of food so eat like a pig. Your Granny wants another burger with no onion and some of Mrs. Doris' pound cake. I will bring you the poles and tackle boxes." Davis said.

As everything began to wind down Keith called all the fathers, single mothers and even Granny to the table that Calude had used. Making sure first that everyone that needed it had a fishing and hunting license. He then asked if every parent and child had received gifts. There was one little girl that had been left out and Misty quickly went to the trailer to gather things for her while Keith talked. Davis had told him to use the pay it forward so they did not think it was charity. "God has blessed mine and Misty's company more than you can imagine. We both believe in the pay it forward. It was paid forward to us so we in turn have to pay it forward. In these envelopes is money. We have included fifty dollars for each child and each adult. I know that the second hand store usually has lots of things during Christmas but you have to promise me that each child and each adult gets at least one gift from Santa that is brand new. This is not to pay bills. God will take care of that. This is for Christmas. There is fifty dollars a piece also for you to buy something new for your spouse. There will be plenty of food so do not spend this on food. Spend this on each other." Keith said. "You done so much we can't take this too." one said. "We are not God but he has put it on our hearts that this is what he wants. I wanted to put more but have been assured in my prayers that fifty is the right amount. The only thing that I ask is that you do something for free for a neighbor between now and Christmas. Fix a broken porch rail, fix a leaky roof. If you can do that then God will bless this moeny and your homes." Keith said. Keith and Misty were shocked when they got a hug and thank you from every man and woman there.

Everyone with a vehicle helped load everything up and get the families home. Davis used Tryas' truck since his arms were still full of little boy and Dad drove Keith's SUV. Everything was clean and back in place by the time they all arrived back after multiple trips. Tryas smiled as he placed the sleeping little boy in his car seat. "You sure you don't want to keep him?" Misty said. Tryas reached back in like he was going to unbuckle Clayton. "Hands off my son cuz. We won't be able to put him down for a week as it is." Danny laughed.

"Alright, troops get a move on. This Army man has wanted to fuck all day and he won't wait much longer." Davis said as they entered the house. Claude and Kyle headed for the master bathroom. Tryas went into the guest bath and stripped to take a shower. By the time Claude and Kyle were finished Davis sat naked on their bed. "Alright troops. I need you on your back with your head this way Kyle. Claude I need you on your knees over Kyle. You two are going to sixty nine while I wreck this hairy ass of yours." Davis said and began to rub his cock. Davis chuckled as he saw the disappointed look on Kyle's face. Once they were in position Davis leaned over and rimmed Claude for a couple of minutes and stretched his ring slightly. He then stepped back and took the bottle of lube. He leaned down and kissed the side of Kyle's cheek that was alredy full of Claude's dick.

"Don't worry baby. I want you to watch my big dick as I fuck this hairy ass hard and then once I fillhim up I plan to take my time when I fuck and fill that sweet smooth pussy of yours. I plan to fill that pussy so full it leaks for days." Davis whispered, causing Kyle to moan. "Alright Claude. Let go of his sick until I get my dick inside. Don't want you biting down on that pretty little dick." DAvis said. Claude moaned as he released Kyle's cock. "FFFFFUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKK>" Claude shouted as Davis shoved his cock in balls deep without warning. "Take that dick private. Take it like a man." Davis growled.

"Oh that's it baby. Squeeze that sweet ass on Gunny's dick. Make my dick as happy as this sweet ass of yours is." Daivs Growled as he pounded hard in and out of Claude's ass. He could tell that Claude was getting close so he pulled out causing a loud slurp. "Alright stop sucking. Clsude get over there and mount Keith and breed him." Davis said. Kyle looked up at his dripping cock with a questionable look. "The plan troops is you are going to breed Kyle, and then when you are done I am going to dump a load in you. When I fuck Kyle he is going to breed you and then I will breed him full. I don't take it up the ass but before we go to sleep I plan to suck and swallow both your loads. That way we will all three have double loads from lovers." Davis said. Davis was pleased that it only took Claude a couple of minutes to start jerking as he unloaded deep inside Kyle. Pulling him back up. "Now clean his dick and you can both clean mine once I am done. Once in position Davis placed one foot on the bed and leaned over CLaude's back. He began to pound as hard and fast as he could into Claude's loosened ass. "Fuck.. fuck.. oooohhh... shhhittt... fffuuucckkk.... you are soo ....fucking... tight......FFFFFUUUUUCCCCKKKKKKKKKK," Davis shouted as he slammed his cock into Claude as fast as he could and began emptying his balls deep inside Claude.

Next: Chapter 30

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