My Inheritance

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Dec 10, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"My Inheritance" Chapter 31

Keith and Tryas stopped and bought steaks on their way to the mountains. Steak, potatoes, green beans, salad and cupcakes were the quick menu. Keith and Misty stood back and laughed as they came through the door. Danny put Clayton down just inside the door. Audrey ran and hugged Keiht first and then Tryas . Clayton was getting better with walking but still not quite as steady. He would take a few steps and look around and grunt. He heard Tryas voice and began to squeal. He took off towards the voice trying to run. Tryas stepped out from behind the counter so that he could see Clayton. "My little stinker." Tryas said in that deep baritone voice. Clayton looked up instead of watching the floor and tripped over his own two feet. Tryas quickly swooped up the toddler as he started to cry. "That's alright little man. Uncle Tryas has you now." Tryas said. Tryas was able to pull the toddler back from his shoulder enough to see that he was not injured. That lasted only a second or two before Clayton was wrapped so tight around Tryas neck he was almost choking him while he cried.

Keith walked up and rubbed Clayotn's back and whispered in his ear. The toddler stopped crying and turned his head and smiled at Keith. He reached his hand out and touched his cheek before pulling his hand back under his chest. "Be careful sweetie. You are going to get caught. Keiht leaned up and kissed Tryas lightly on the lips. Calyton caught the action and quickly pushed Keith's face away. "He is alright. " Keith laughed. The frown on Clayton's face turned to a smile as Keith backed away. "You say it will take you a year to reprogram your kids. I may never get him reprogrammed after this." Keith said , causing Danny and Misty to laugh.

Supper was no different than usual. Clayton sat in Tryas lap and used his hands to eat off Tryas' plate. Tryas made a few small shreds of steak so that Clayton's two teeth could handle it. Tryas was a little messier this time because anytime someone would reach across the table for something Clayton thought they were coming for him. Tryas had baked potatoes even in his beard and down his shirt. It even got messier when the cupcakes came out. Clayton figured it was easier for him to feed Tryas his cupcake which meant frosting all over his face as well as Clayton's. " I hope that this is not bothering you." Misty said. "Bothering Tryas ? He would have both of them out rolling in a mud puddle if they wanted to. He would be right inthere with them." Keith laughed. "You better not have my babies in a mud puddle." Misty said. "What Mommy don't know won't hurt her, right babies ?" Tryas said. "That's right Unca Ties." Audrey said as she slid he frosting covered hand up Tryas' arm. "No need to worry. Audrey is a great little talle tail. We will know." Danny laughed.

"Alright you two. You know the drill." Misty said, looking at Danny and then Tryas. Tryas got up from the table with a food covered toddler. Danny started the water in the tub for Audrey before stripping Clayton while Tryas held him. Danny stripped and reached in and turned the shower on. When Clayton saw the water in teh tub and Audrey playing he was having no part of the shower. Tryas tried twice to hand Clayton off to Danny. Clayton was having no part of that either. TRyas finally pulled his arm inside his shirt. Danny was able to pull it over his head so that Tryas could switch arms with Clayton to get his shirt off. Tryas looked to the ceiling and prayed as Danny got down on his knees in front of him to remove his shorts. Tryas had been so horny since lunch he could barely stand it but had not had a chance to Keith alone to empty his balls inside him.

Danny stuck one foot over in the tub and held his hands out for Clayton. Clayton spun his head and buried it in Tryas chest. They guess he figured if he could not see you that you could not see him. "Guess you are getting in then." Danny said. "Are you sure. I mean this is different than a shower." Tryas said. "At her age it's fine. In a few years we will have to rethink this." Danny said. Danny helped Tryas into the tub since Clayton would not let Danny hold him long enough. Once seated Tryas sat there while Clayton and Audrey splashed in teh water while Danny took a quick shower. Tryas had to take a deep breath as Danny stepped out of the shower to dry off. His pubes were wet and dripping. He loved Keith and to him Keith had the perfect dick but he had to admit that Danny's was a work of art. The wet hair on his chest and belly combined with the beautiful cock was sending extra blood to Tryas' already horny cock.

"Alright monkeys." Danny said. Danny reached in and pulled Audrey from teh tub. He stood her on the mat with his back to Tryas. As he bent over to dry Audry Tryas could see the small pink rosebud surrounded by hair. Tryas had to move to make sure that his now half hard cock stayed under the bubbles. Danny wrapped Audrey in the towel and sent her to her mother. Turning back, Tryas could swear that Danny's cock was becoming semi hard. Instead of hanging beautifully over the semi low hanging balls it was arched a little. Danny put one foot over in the tub and reached over to pick up Clayton.

Clayton was too fast and scooted away. Danny's foot slipped and he fell forward a little. Tryas reached up and caught his hips but not before Danny's semi hard cock and balls landed on his lips. "Oh shit Tryas. I am so sorry." Danny said. "For what. Some of your friends may not like kissing a dick but it does not bother me one bit." Tryas laughed. "I am still sorry." Danny said and blushed. "Look dude. Now at least you can tell Masity that you had a man kiss your dick. Better be glad my mouth was not open." Tryas laughed.

Tryas leaned back and took a deep breath after Danny left with Clayton. To get Clayton away he had draped the towel over his face and tickled him through the towel. "Merry Christmas Cuz," Danny said as he walked into the living room naked. "What happened to you ?" Misty laughed. "His husband kissed my cock and balls." Danny said. "Do what ?" Keith laughed. "That was his Christmas present but my wife is here so all you get to do is look." Danny said. "Is he serious ?" Keith asked. Misty just shrugged her shoulders. "You can ask him. He kissed my privates. At least his mouth was not open." Danny laughed and headed up the stairs. Keith moaned to himself as he watched the firm hairy ass cheeks move as he took each step. "Oh I had my hands full and forgot the clothes." Danny said. "I will get them." Keith said. Misty followed Danny to dress the kids. Halfway up the steps Danny stopped and turned. "By the way your husband may be a big macho guy but he has very soft lips." Danny said and laughed.

Tryas was in the shower when Keith walked in. Keith grinned as he saw Tryas' cock was almost fully erect. "So I hear you are kissing strange men's dicks." Keith said. "Wasn't by choice. He shoved his dick and balls in my face. If I had thought fast enough I would have opened my mouth." Tryas said. "All these years and I just get to see it. Now you get to kiss it." Keith said. "Baby I have so horny since lunchtime but we have not had a minute alone so I could pump you in a load. Yes Danny is one sexy mother fucker but it was all his doing." Tryas said. "I see he got you a little wound up." Keith said as he reached in the shower and pulled Tryas towards him. Out of the spray of water Keith got down on his knees and kissed the head of Tryas' cock. "Please baby. This grunt can not take much more." Tryas said. Keith opened his mouth and took the head of Tryas' cock into it. He reached around and grabbed a handful of furry ass cheeks to hold Tryas still. On Keith's fifth attempt he was rewarded with his nose buried in Tryas' pubes. "Baby you know that as soon as that little cock blocker is dressed he is going to come looking." Tryas said.

Tryas placed his hands on Keith's head but did not hold on. Keith would push Tryas' cock in until he had deep throated him and then he would swallow and moan. He smiled to himself as he could see Tryas' body shiver. He quickened his pace and hummed the whole time. Tryas gripped his head a little tighter and began to slowly meet Keith's strokes as he fucked his face. Keith's cock was aching also and he had reached down and pulled his cock free from the loose leg of his shorts. "Uhh....Uhhh..Uuhhh.... OOOOOHHHHH....FFFFFuuuuccccckkk." Tryas growled as he cock flexed and began to unload down Keith's throat. Tryas went to his tiptoes as Keiht's body shivered and his humming became a high pitched moan on his erupting cock. Tryas pulled Keith to his feet and quickly shoved his tongue deep in Keith's mouth. "Thank you so much baby. That will last a good fifteen minutes." Tryas said. "Cock blocker will be back before then." Keith laughed. "I love that little boy to death but he does a damn good job at cock blocking.:" Tryas laughed. "Yeah Danny came out naked. He said he had his hands full so I came in to get the laundry. Good thing I did a load while I was in here.

As Tryas came out of the bathroom drying his hair he heard a loud whine. To no one's surprise there was a little boy toddling through the door with tears in his eyes. "Come here little man. Did you miss our favorite Uncle ?" Tryas said Clayton quickly wrapped his arms around Tryas neck and pushed his face into the crook of Tryas neck. "So Danny came out naked. Turnabout is fair play." Tryas said and smiled. Tryas walked out into the living room area naked. His cock and balls were satisfied and relaxed so they hung low and swayed from side to side. "TRYAS. What are you doing ?" Keith laughed. "Got my hands full so I need to go to the dryer to get some shorts. Ain't that right Danny boy ?" Tryas said as he walked through. Misty just stared. "Whatever you say big boy." Danny laughed. Tryas was able to get Clayton to stand on the dryer long enough for him to pull on a pair of gym shorts before joining them in the living room. He grabbed a t-shirt but Clayton's patience had worn out.and was wrapped around Tryas' neck once again.

Keith lay in the bed smiling as Tryas lay on his side with Clayton's face plastered into his hairy chest and sound asleep. He lay on his back with Audrey half laying across his midsection and her knees on the bed. These two feel safe and are sound asleep." Tryas whispered. "Just like their Uncle Keiht when he is wrapped in your arms against that hairy chest. Safe, warm and loved." Keith said. "I love knowing you feel that way." Tryas said. Keith leaned over for a kiss and just as their lips touched Clayton began to squirm. "You are going to have to get over me kissing your Uncle Tryas little man." Keith laughed. "Stinker even objects in his sleep." Tryas laughed.

Keith stood and smiled as he watched Tryas. Tryas sat in a chair with Clayton on one knee. All of the children gathered around Tryas as the parents went through the lines to get the food packages. Each child, even the teenagers, at some point walked up and hugged Tryas. Keith laughed as he watched the expression on Clayton's face. He was sure that his little hand would come up at some point and push one away but he sat there with an angry look on his face but never moved. "Little turkey." Keith said. "Who ?" Misty asked. "Your son. You can tell he is not happy at all with the kids hugging Tryas but he has not been bold enough to push one away. He has even stood on Tryas leg and when one hugs him he moves his head in front of Tryas and just looks at them." Keith laughed. "I saw that. He can be possessive and I was waiting to have to intervene." Misty laughed.

"Alright I want honest answers. Raise your hand if you have opened the wrapped presents you got at the cookout." Tryas said. No one raised their hands. "Billy tried but Maw got a switch to him." a little girl said. "I am sorry you got switched Billy. Have you tried again ?" Tryas asked. Tryas was not sure which little boy standing beside the girl was Billy until he shook his head no. "I am proud of you then. I am proud of all of you." Tryas said. "Where is the other Army man ?" a little boy asked. "He is at work. He works at the Veteran's Hospital in Atlanta." Tryas said. "They say Atlanta is a big town." a little girl said. "Raise your hand if you have been to Atlanta. " Tryas said. One little girl raised her hand. "What did you see in Atlanta ?" Tryas asked. "Didn't see nothin' I was took by ambulance. They had to carry me to that big kid's hospital." she said. "I am sorry to hear that. Were they able to help you ?" Tryas asked. "Yes sir. Had some virus in my back that made me have a real high fever. They got rid of the virus." she said.

Misty had been close enough to listen to the conversation. She had tried to rescue Tryas from Clayton. Clayton slapped her hands away and pushed the side of his face into the side of Tryas' and just smiled at her. "Don't you worry little boy. You and I will have a long talk later." Misty said. Audrey had been Keith's shadow. From the moment they arrived she had either been pressed against his side or stood beside him with her hand around his leg. Tryas looked up at one point and looked down at Audrey and then up at Keith with a pout. Keith just smiled and stuck his tongue out at Tryas. "Alright you two. You know there is a third one on the way." Misty said. "Maybe that one will be mine." Keith laughed.

"We need to sit down and talk after the holidays. Tryas is over there telling the kids what all there is in Atlanta. I have an idea. We have a trust fund through the company that the CPA tells us how much we can put in every year. Then Gail dolls the money out to different charities. We need to do the same with Tramell. We can use that to help more kids. We can rent a bus and take these kids to the Aquarium and the Coke museum on a trip. Then maybe one day we can take them to the beach and back." Misty said. "Tryas will freak. That is an amazing idea." Keith said. "Just be careful. You have to be some sort of education group or these parents will turn you down. They will think it is charity." one of the ladies that ran the store said. "Tramell Education Outreach trust maybe ?" Keith said. "They would buy that." she said. "Do you think they would go for that if we invite any parents that can go and call them chafforones ?" Misty asked. " As long as it is not just a free trip they will go for it. You just have to show them that your kids are not the only ones that benefit from the company." she said. "Don't worry. The amount of money that will go into that trust every year we will have to donate in many areas." Misty said.

"Just let him cry. He is so tired he will be asleep before we get off the mountain." Danny said. The giveaway was over and they had returned to the house. Misty and Danny were loading the car to leave. Tryas had put Clayton in the car seat. He was sleepy and rubbing his eyes but began to cry wanting Tryas to hold him. " I can't stand to see him cry." Tryas said. "Don't worry you get used to it. As long as they are not hurt you learn to overlook it." Danny said. He then laughed when Tryas stood and he saw tears in Tryas' eyes from seeing Clayton cry. "You will get over it too. Do you need a hug ?" Danny laughed. "No you have clothes on. Naked, maybe." Tryas said and patted Danny on the shoulders. "Alright you two stop perving over there. We have to hit the road." Misty said. Clayton still cried but he gave Om, Dad adn even Keith a hug but stayed strapped in his car seat. Audrey held on to Mom a little longer than anyone else. "I love you Grandma." she whispered. "I love you too angel." Mom said.

Rufuas and Doris had gone straight home from the event. "Dad and I are going to take the golf cart and go to Rufus'. Mom and Doris have to watch their soaps and Rufus and I may take the cart and ride around." Dad said. "Have fun. I will start supper later and try to have it all ready around six." Keith said. "Do not dare cook a thing. We need to clean out the refrigerator. We will just pull out all the leftovers and you can fix a plate and warm it." Mom said. "Sounds perfect to me." Tryas said. "I don't mind cooking." Keith said. "Do not cook a thing." Mom said as she and Dad headed out the front door. "Don't worry baby. You are going to be cooking but it won't be food." Tryas said. " What can you possibly be talking about ?" Keith said. "Listen." Tryas said. "Too what ?" Keith asked. "No noise, no people and especially no little cock blocker." Tryas said.

Tryas went out to make sure that everything outside was packed away so they would not have to do that later that evening or in the morning. Keith hurried to clean himself because he kad plans of what he planned to cook. Mainly Tryas. Tryas made sure all the cabinets in the outdoor kitchen were secure and found a couple of towels that had been left behind. As he entered the house it was eerily quiet. He listened and could hear the faint sound of water running. Tryas followed the sound to the master bathroom. "My, my. And what do we have here ?" Tryas said as he quickly wstripped his colthes off. Keith was on his hands and knees in teh shower. "Baby do you think we need to get these drains cleaned ?" Keith said. "Stay right there. I do see a drain that needs to be rooted out and put some special drain cleaner in it." Tryas said as he stepped into the shower. "Are you a plumber ?" Keith said. "For this drain I have the perfect drain snake. By the time I am done it will be good and open and draining." Tryas said as he got on his knees behind Keith.

Keith moaned as Tryas began to massage and kneed his soft ass cheeks. He then felt his cock leaking as Tryas leaned over and blew puffs of warm air on his rosebud. Keith's body trembled as Tryas' tongue went from his ball sack, up between his ass cheeks and circled his twitching ass ring. A deep moan came from Keith as his tongue pushed his way through the tight ring. "Damn baby you are always so tight and taste so sweet." Tryas said. Tryas pushed his face in as far as he could before pulling Keiht's ass cheeks to his cheeks and shaking them as hard as he could. Tryas leaned back on his heels and continued to shake the buttery ass cheeks. "Baby you make me want to cum just looking at you." Tryas said.

Tryas leaned over Keith's back nad placed his hard cock between Keith's ass cheeks. He moved his cock up and down as he kissed Keith's neck and used both hands to pull and twist Keith's nipples. "Fuck me baby. Fuck me please." Keith moaned. "I will baby but this plumber has to do his job right. We do not want any customer complaints." Tryas whispered. Tryas pulled Keith up so that his ass was pushing against his hard cock. He flexed his cock as he took one of Keiht's arms and put it behind his neck. He turned Keith's body and leaned over and took one of Keith's breasts in his mouth. Tryas nibbled, sucked and chewed on the one breast. He released the nipple and moved Keith so that the one arm was back down and the other was around his neck so he had access to the other breast.

Keith moved his hips up and down on Tryas' hard cock. He reached over and took the bottle of hair conditioner and filled his palm. He moved his hips carefully so that Tryas did not loose the nipple he was sucking on. He lubed Tryas' cock and then his ass. Reaching back he pulled Tryas' cock down so that it was level with his rosebud. Tryas moaned as Keiht lowered his body on his dick. The large mushroom head opened Keith's insides up and wrapped around every inch like a glove as it slid completely home. Keith moved his hips up and down on Tryas' dick as Tryas sucked harder on the breast in his mouth.

"Ah fuck baby. I love that sweet tight ass these boy titties. I could die and go to heaven." Tryas moaned. Keith began to move faster, raising and lowering his hips on Tryas' cock. Tryas moved Keith's arm back in front of him while lifting his hips. Leaning Keith over slightly he cupped one nipple and held it tight. He wrapped his other arm around Keith's waist and began to shove his cock up into Keith's ass lifting Keith up with each push. At one point Tryas had his lips on the back of Keith's neck as he lowered his hips freeing his cock from Keith's ass but then shoving it back in balls deep before the gape in Keith's ass ring could close.

Tryas held tight to Keith's body and growled as he pounded his hard cock up into Keith's loosened ass. All Keith could do was whimper and moan. He turned hishead so that he and Tryas could kiss as Tryas mercelessly fucked him from behind. "Ooohhhh Baby you are so fucking perfect. Your sweet pussy hugs and kisses my dick every inch of the way." Tryas growled. "Built just for you." Keith moaned. Tryas began to punch up into Keith's gut with hard sharp jabs. Each jab he would bottom out and hold his cock balls deep inside Keith. Tryas began lifting Keiht' hips even higher with every push. "I have been wanting to fukc this sweet ass and breed it all fucking day." Tryas whispered. "It's all yours baby." Keith moaned. "Your damn straight and I am about to breed it so full you will know you don't need a plumber." Tryas growled. "Ahhhh... AAAAHHHHHH....... UUUUGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH." Tryas shouted and after two very hard jabs up into Keth he held Keith tight to his body as his cock began to unload deep inside Keith. The growl and rumble from Tryas' body caused Keith to shake. Tryas watched over Keith's shoulder as Keith's ccok shot it's load across the shower floor.

Tryas stood pulling Keith up to his feet still buried on his cock. He washed Keith's body and smiled at the moans from Keith as he used his hairy chest to wash Keith's back. Once dried Keith was still fully impaled and they moved slowly to the bed. Tryas lay them on the bed and moved both bodies back into the middle. Tryas pushed a couple of times up into Keith's seeded ass to make sure he was in well and deep as he spooned behind Keith. "It's been a busy day baby. Just relax and take a nap." Tryas said as he flexed his cock deep inside Keith getting a relaxed moan.

Next: Chapter 32

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