My Inheritance

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Sep 6, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"My Inheritance" Chapter 4

Keith woke the next morning. He smiled and stretched. The night before was a big blur. "I dreamed about the sexy military man." he thought. As he started to lift his head he realized what he had done last night. The bulldozer that was sitting on top of his head had rolled back into place. " What the fuck did I do last night and how much did I drink ?" Keith moaned and put pressure on both of his temples trying to ease the pressure and the pain. His bladder would not allow him to wait any longer. Slowly getting out of the bed he tiptoed into the bathroom because the sound of his feet on the carpet were sending pains to his head like he was locked in a bell tower at noon.

Keith sat on the toilet until his head began to ease some. He opened the cabinet and was pleased to find some headache medicine. Brushing his teeth sounded like shoveling gravel in his head. Foul taste from the night before and pain meds down he made his way to the kitchen. Keith had stood and lay his head on the counter while the coffee pot brewed a fresh pot. The clinking of the spoon in the cup sent more pains to his head. Keith had taken a piece of bread and put it in the toaster while the coffee brewed. The dry toast, coffee and pain pills had calmed his hangover. Keith was surprised that the toast stayed down and after his second cup of coffee he curled up on the couch. Finding a movie was easy. Trying to stay awake to watch it was what proved to be difficult.

Keith woke again about two in the afternoon. Still not fully over the night before he did feel better. Keith began to look around to see what he may have done the night before. He kept reliving the dream of talking to and touching the sexy military man. In the yard he found the liquor bottle that still had about a forth in it. "No way in hell." Keith said and turned the bottle up and emptied it into the grass. "Eww." He could see the signs of where he had been sick the night before. He saw the towel hanging from the outside shower door As he walked over to take the towel down he looked at the seat at the edge of the firepit. A pair of shorts that he did not recognize lay on the seat. Picking the shorts up it hit him. These are the shorts he was washing in the shower. "FUCK ME." Keith growled out in his head. "Was I dreaming that he helped me last night or was he really here. Oh fuck if I said to him what I dreamed I did. Oh fuck." Keith said.

Keith sat there looking at the shorts for a minute. He pulled them up to his nose and breathed deep. He remembered that scent from the night before but was not sure from when. Keith stood and looked toward the woods. "It's time to find out who the gorgeous man is. He stood and headed towards the woods. "Wait you idiot. You are naked." Keith thought and stopped. "Fuck it. This is your land. He is way out of your league so who gives a shit." he thought. Keith walked down to the lake and began to walk around it looking for any signs. He wanted to call out but he did not know who to call out too.

Keith was almost back to his original point that he had stepped out of the woods. As he scanned the ground and the edge of the woods he saw what looked like a fresh trail of pushed over grass. "This better not be from a damn bear." Keith thought. He walked into the edge of the woods and saw what looked like a fairly fresh trail. He followed the trail around a couple of trees and as he came around a couple of large rocks that were taller than him he spotted the tent and campfire area. "Hello. ... Hello anyone in the tent ?" Keith called out. Keith moved slowly into the campsite. He could see tennis shoes just inside the tent. It looked as though someone was laying on their back in the tent. "Hello." Keith called out again. He walked up to the edge of the tent and pulled the tarp back that covered one part of the opening.

"Holy fuck my brains out." Keith thought. There before him was the gorgeous military man laying on his back. Keith missed the man's foot when he first reached for it. His eyes were fixed on the most beautiful, hairy man's body he had ever seen. The thing that had him staring and forgetting there was a world around him was the huge cock. In its full glory he realized why the head was much larger than the shaft. When it filled up with blood there was not a major difference. The head was still larger but not near as much difference as it was soft. As he watched the cock move up and down as the man would breath he could see that fully erect it had to be close to nine inches. Maybe not quite but it would be damn close.

Keith regained his senses and looked around. 'Sgt Major Tryas Tramell " was stitched on his back pack. "Tryas. Tryas buddy. Are you asleep ?" Keith asked. The hairy man was soaking wet. "It's not that hot in here." Keith thought. Keith moved up and sat beside Tryas. He reached out and lightly shook the hairy chest. "Tryas. Wake up buddy." Keith said. The man just moaned and moved his head a little. Keith leaned over and placed his lips on Tryas' forehead. "Oh my God you are burning up." Keith said. As he went to move back he leaned down and could not resist a light kiss on the lips. "I am here buddy. I will take care of you." Keith said. Keith was sitting Indian style. As he leaned back up Tryas rolled towards him and placed his head in Keith's lap. "Please don't wake up and punch me." Keith whispered. Tryas' head landed in his lap with his lips touching the tip of his leaking cock.

"Alright my friend I have this deep, strange feeling that you helped me last night when I needed you so I am going to help you. "Tryas buddy I know that you don't feel good but I am going to need your help to get you to the house. I am going to need you to work with me." Keith said. "Alright buddy I am going to need you to either scoot out or crawl out of the tent so I can get you to your feet and help you to the house." Keith said. Tryas moved a little but then stopped. His lips grazed Keith's leaking cock as his head went back down. " If you ask what that funny taste is on your lips when you wake up I swear I will lie." Keith chuckled.

Keith tried again to get him to move with no luck, "Sgt Major you have to crawl. That's an order." Keith said. To his surprise Tryas slowly rolled to his hands and knees and backed himself out of the tent. Keith knew he was really sick as he watched the man's arms shake as he moved. Once outside the tent Keith leaned over. "Alright buddy I am right in front of you. I will help you stand and you grab wherever you need to help. One, two, three." Keith said. With his arms under Tryas' armpits the two began the slow dance of bringing Tryas to his feet. Keith blushed as as Tryas's face and lips went across his wet cock. "Doing good buddy. Work with me." Keith said. Keith fought not to wiggle as Keith's close cut beard tickled his stomach and chest as he made it to his feet. Once to his feet Tryas lay his head over Keith's shoulder. "Thank God he is up here now." Keith thought because as he wrapped his arms around the beautiful man he could feel his cock began to drip instead of just leak.

The two men slowly moved down the path and out to the lake. A few feet further down they moved bak into the woods towards the house. Tryas did fairly well. There were times that he began to slump. Keith moved quickly in front of him. They would stand for a moment with Tryas forehead placed against his. "You are doing great sexy. We are over half way home." Keith whispered. Tryas' moan was deep and baritone. "Fuck if he speaks with that deep a sexy voice I will burst all over him." Keith thought. Keith took a deep breath as they cleared the trees into the yard. "Almost there, sexy. Stick with me." Keith said. Once they made it to the house Keith helped Tryas up the steps. "Alright buddy this may shock you a little but we are going to get you in a cool shower before I lay you down. I need to get you cooled off." Keith said.

Keith started the shower out warm and washed Tryas quickly. Tryas still leaned against him to keep from falling. " Alright buddy. Now for the unfun part. I am sorry but you need this." Keith said. Keith reached up and touched the temperature pad on the shower wall and began lowering the temperature of the water. The water was not full on cold but the warmth of the hot was gone. Keith gasp as Tryas turned him quickly and pulled his back to his chest. Tryas cock was now soft but pushed easily between Keith's ass cheeks. One arm was around his chest and cupping one of what Tryas called "boy titties." and the other was partially on Keith's bush with his pinky and next finger laying over Keith's soft cock.

Keith turned the water off and pulled Tryas out and sat him on the toilet. He took the towel from the rack and dried Tryas as best he could. Wet hair does not dry well with just a towel. Keith had Tryas up and was directing him to the bed. Tryas legs were beginning to give out. "Alright sexy. Hold on as best you can around my neck and I will crawl onto the bed and pull you with me." Keith said. Tryas did the best he could and once Keith had them both on the mattress he was able to move Tryas around to get him settled. "Keith jumped from the bed and went back into the bathroom. He came back with a digital thermometer. "Open up for me sexy. I need to check your temperature. Try and keep this under your tongue. It is digital and does not take long." Keith said. Tryas opened his mouth just enough to get the instrument in his mouth and under his tongue. Within a minute it beeped. Keith removed it. "Damn buddy you are sick. One hundred two point four. That is a long way from ninety eight point six." Keith said. Keith left the bed and moments later was back with a small glass of water and two Tylenol.

"Alright sexy I will need a little help just one more time I promise. I want you to swallow these two pills and drink as much of this water as you can. I need to bring your fever down if I can." Keith said. Keith crawled on the bed and lifted Tryas' head. He moved behind Tryas enough that he could lean his head back on his chest. Tryas opened his mouth a little and Keith put the two pills in. Tryas tried to help hold the glass of water but his hands were shaking too bad. Keith got him to drink about half the glass before he acted like he was going to choke. Tryas let out a deep groan that shook Keith to his core. "What the fuck was that?" Keith thought. Tryas wiggled himself down and once again had his face pushed into Keith's bush and his lips touched right at the tip of his cock. Laying on his side he moved an arm around and his hand stopped as it cupped the far ass cheek.. Keith leaned up and placed another pillow behind his back. He took his fingers and traced down the side of Tryas's face and to his shoulder and back up behind his ear. "Sexy man I know you are way out of my league and would never look at me twice but I promise if you get well for me you can have all of either side you want." Keith whispered. Tryas just squeezed lightly once on the ass cheek.

When Keith knew that Tryas was good and asleep he moved them both around so that Tryas was fully on the bed. In the kitchen he dug through the cabinets trying to find the ingredients to make some sort of soup or broth to try and get Tryas to sip some. He finally took some fresh vegetable and beef bouillon and began to simmer a soup. He knew that Tryas would probably not be able to eat the vegetables but it would flavor the broth. The sun was beginning to set and he went in and woke Tryas just enough to get him to take more medication for his fever. Once again it took him about an hour to get Tryas back fully on the bed. Keith smiled as he ran his hands up and down Tryas' body lightly. When Tryas lay back on his back Keith looked down at the large cock. Tryas may have been sick but the attention Keith had given his face, neck and shoulders had him fully erect.

Keith got up and leaned over the bed and placed his fingers against the cock. He knew that his was almost one and half fingers wide when erect. Tryas on the other hand seemed to be just over two and half. "Damn sexy. Now THAT would take some work and some stretching." Keith whispered. It had been an hour since he had given Tryas the tylenol when he returned with the thermometer. He was able to get Tryas' mouth open without waking him. "One hundred two point two." "Damn. This is not getting us very far." Keith thought. Keith tried to wake him about nine to sip some soup. After about five minutes he gave up becasue it was only irritating Tryas and he still did not have a drop of soup in him.

Keith decided to take his temperature before giving him more medication. "One hundred three point two degrees." "That's it. Time to go to the hospital." Keith said.

Keith slipped on his flip flops and headed for the back door. He stopped and rummaged through the utility room closet looking for a flashlight. "Think Keith, think. You have to find that tent and see if you can find a billfold or ID of some sort. Keith arrived at the clearing around the lake. He stopped and thought about which direction he had gone earlier and realized he needed to go the other way. The trail was much closer. The sky was full of dark clouds so there was virtually no moonlight. Keith had walked out on the front porch an hour earlier and watched the lightning show around the distant mountain. He had wanted to stay and watch the amazing light show but he had a sick, sexy man in his bed so he did not have time. He reached the large oak tree with the bushes around it and used his flashlight to look closely for the path.

Keith made one wrong turn but quickly corrected that. Once at the tent he looked around but no billfold laying out. He took the back pack and began to pull the clothes out of it. He finally found a billfold tucked into an inside, side pocket. Opening it up he found an Indiana driver's license and Tryas' military ID card. He also found a VA card. "VA huh ? I guess it will be best to carry him there. I don't know if they would pay for a local hospital." Keith thought Keith put the billfold in the front pouch of the backpack. He stuffed all the clothes he could find inside it and headed back. "Please forgive me for going through your belongings but I promise it is for a good reason and I can wash and dry these clothes instead of a shower wash and air dry." Keith said as he walked back down the path.

Back at the house Keith took Tryas' temperature one more time "One hundred three point two degrees" "Alright this is not working anymore." Keith whispered. Keith stepped in the bathroom and took a quick shower. Once out he dug through the dresser and pulled out a pair of shorts and t-shirt. He figured that they wer about the same size. The t-shirt was a little too big for him so he figured he could squeeze the huge muscles in it. "Tryas buddy. I need you to help me. I will get the shorts on you but I will need help with the shirt. Please don't be mad but I went to your tent to find your ID. I brought your clothes back so I could wash them. I did not see any underwear and I don't wear any so you will have to go commando. It took a good thirty minutes to get Tryas dressed. He sat on the edge of the bed with his forehead in between Keith's "boy titties" while Keith tried to get the t-shirt to stretch over the muscles. Once Tryas was clothed, Keith pulled on a pair of jeans and a polo shirt. He put Tryas' tennis shoes back on and slipped on a pair of deck shoes. "Can't help you with the shoes, sexy. I wear a ten. Hell you must wear a size twelve or thirteen." Keith whispered.

"Alright sweetie I am going to need you to pull out just a little more energy so we can get you in the truck." Keith said. Keith took Tryas's arms and wrapped them around his neck. Keith began to sweat a little when they had to stop for a second and Tyras' lips were close enough for him to pucker a little and they would kiss. It took a while to get to the truck. Keith had to stop and stand in front of Tryas and let him lean on him to catch his breath. He finally got Tryas seated in the passenger side and got his seatbelt on him. Once they got on the main road and off the mountain Tryas lay his head over and placed it on Keith's shoulder

Tryas rode that way through the backroads and down the interstate. "When Keith turned off North Druid hills road on to Clairmont Rd he knew they were almost there and Tryas was still alive. "Alright handsome we are almost at the VA Hospital. I am going to pull around to the Emergency room and go in and get a wheelchair. Keith pulled up under the cover to the ER and got Tryas situated with his head back on the headrest before getting out. He entered the first door and rang the buzzer for the inner door. A cute young black lady came to the door. Keith pulled out his money clip and showed her his driver's license through the glass. "I have a veteran here that is very ill. He reached into his other pocket and pulled out Tryas' billfold. He pulled out his military ID, driver's license and VA card and handed all four to the lady. " I need a wheelchair." Keith said. "Right there Mr. Keith. Do you need help ?" she asked. "I can handle that part so if you can get him in the system to get him help I would greatly appreciate it." Keith said. "I will leave the door unlocked. Just hit the handicap button." she said

By the time Keith got Tryas into the wheelchair and into the waiting area the young lady returned with a print out. "Can he sign this ?" she asked. "I doubt it." Keith said. "He is in the VA system already so I just need you to sign as his temporary caretaker. That is if you don't mind Mr. Keith." she said. "I will be glad to and it's just Keith. What is your name ?" Keith asked. "It's Dawn sir." she said. "I appreciate all your help so far Dawn. Can we get a doctor ?" Keith asked. " I have already requested the attending ER doctor." Dawn said. "Thank you." Keith said. Dawn went through the doors and came back with a unit on wheels. Keith had pushed the wheelchair over beside a corner chair. He had sat in the chair and placed Tryas's head on his shoulder. Tryas did not move as the girl took his vitals. "How long has his temperature been this high ?" she asked. "I found him this afternoon and it was just over one hundred and two. I have given him three doses of Tylenol and it keeps going up." Keith said. "You did the right thing but it is one hundred three point eight now." Dawn said. "Nothing has helped." Keith said.

Keith was about to blow a gasket. There had been no one else in the ER and it was almost three in the morning and he and Tryas still sat there. "Do you mind if I go back and see what is taking so damn long." Keith said. "Let me go see if I can find out anything." Dawn said. Keith was really good at body language after watching customers for so many years. He could tell that she was not too eager to go through the doors. She returned moments later and hurried to her desk. "I tried to hurry them up." Dawn said very quickly and ducked behind her computer screen. Keith moved Tryas' head and walked around one side of the reception desk. He walked down a couple of halls that led to the day clinic and pharmacy but he did not see anyone. He came back around and opened the doors that led to the main hospital. That hall looked a mile long and there was not a soul in sight.

"I have had enough." Keith said as he sat down. He pulled his laptop up and started looking at files, not finding what he wanted he pulled out his phone. "Hello." came a groggy voice. "Misty I am so sorry to wake you up. I need to know where I can find the information on Uncle Burton's friends at the VA." Keith said. "What's wrong ? Are you alright ?" Misty said. "I am fine. I found a very sick veteran and I brought him to the VA ER. We got here just after midnight and it is three in the morning. Nobody else here and they still have not seen him." Keith said. "I know one is a General and one is an Admiral. I had to find them to tell them about Uncle Burton. They are listed as General and Admiral as first names in the files." Ginny said. "ALright. Is Admiral Turner one ?" Keith asked. "Yeah he is second in charge there I think." Misty said. "Thank you cuz. Go back to sleep. Love you." Keith said. "You be careful and you call me and keep me updated. Love you too." Misty said as she hung up.

Keith pulled up the account and found a personal phone number. "Is this Admiral Turner ?" Keith asked. "Yes and who is this ?" he asked. "My name is Keith Colvin. My uncle was Burton Lindsey." Keith said. "Oh yes I know who you are. I have seen you at the store and a couple of his parties. What can I do for you ?" he said. Keith explained quickly what had happened. "I got him here just after midnight. There has not been anyone else come through the doors and the only person in here looks like he may be a homeless vet and he is sleeping in the corner. The nice young lady Dawn has been trying to help but there has been no success. I need some help. I can take him to Emory if the VA will pay." Keith said. "Let me talk to the young lady." he said.

Next: Chapter 5

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