My Inheritance

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Sep 10, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"My Inheritance" Chapter 5

Keith became even more anxious as the young lady talked to the Admiral on his cellphone. "Sir I have gone back multiple times and tried to wake the doctor. He said if I came back and there was not an ambulance outside, that he would inject me with something that would make me sick as a dog. I tried to wake the security guard and he said if I came back one more time he would put me outside and lock the doors. I have called the night administrator twice and gotten no response. His temperature is one hundred four and he has been setting in the lobby in a wheelchair for over three hours. I don't know what else to do." she said in a low voice. Her chair was turned to the wall and she did not realize that Keith was standing at the desk and could hear. She was startled when she turned her chair back. "Yes sir...... Yes sir....Yes sir. I will get on that right now. You said thirty minutes ?" Dawn said. "Yes I will be there in thirty minutes. Unless it is absolutely necessary do not go through those doors." he said. "I won't sir. See you in thirty minutes.." Dawn said and ended the call.

Dawn quickly explained that the Admiral had said to stay right here. He would be here in thirty minutes and he would handle it." Dawn said. "Will he get a doctor ?" Keith asked. "He is a doctor Mr. Keith and he is the head of the ER and day clinic section. He also threatened me not to tell anyone that he was coming in." she said and showed a nervous smile. She was steadily typing in orders to the laboratory and some other department. "Keith, do you mind me asking how you know the Admiral and have his home phone number ?" Dawn said. "That was his cellphone." Keith said. "Wow. You must be friends." she said. "He was great friends with my Uncle Archie and my Uncle Burton. That's how I know him." Keith said. "Oh I was so sorry to hear about both your Uncles. I had to stop and cry when I found out they had passed. I use to work in main reception and made the mistake of transferring here for more money. Hold on a second." Dawn said. She pulled out her purse and dug through a side pocket. "You Uncle Burton gave me this just after Mr. Archie died.

Dawn handed him one of Archie's business cards and had written on the back. Fifty percent off one item and signed it, Burton Lindsey. "He used Uncle Archie's cards after he died for these. He was the only one with access to Archie's cards and we knew when we saw one that it was serious business. You have not used it." Keith said. "I went by the store but even at half price the picture I wanted was over a thousand dollars. I can't afford that." Dawn said and smiled. "Can I borrow your pen ?" Keith asked. "Sure." Dawn said. "Additional fifty percent off including taxes. Keith Colvin." was put on the back of the card. Keith handed her the card and the pen back. "Oh wow Keith. I can not do this. Besides, the new owners may not like that." Dawn said. "I am the new owner. Well my cousin and I are. You take this card to a lady named Gail and you pick out whatever you want." Keith said. "This lady Gail may think that I stole this." Dawn said. "Not Gail. When she finds out how much you have helped me she may tell you to pick out another item too. Now I will be asking if you brought this card in and picked out something." Keith said. "Thank You. You are too kind." Dawn said. "You are the kind one. You have done everything within your power to help me. Most would not." Keith said.

About that time the doors opened. "Hey Keith, how are you doing ?" Admiral Turner said. "Better now that you are here." Keith said. "Is this our patient ?" he asked. "Yes sir, this is Sgt Major Tryas Tramell." Keith said. "Dawn, will you get fresh vitals for me while I go unleash hell in the back ?" the Admiral said. "Yes sir. Right away." Dawn said. "She has been a blessing. She has tried jumping through hoops since we got here and got nowhere." Keith said. " Someone will be out in a minute to get him." Admiral Turner said. Dawn had returned and the Admiral waited for the vitals. "One hundred four point two sir. Dawn said. Get a band on him and call upstairs and tell them to get a room ready. He will at least have to stay overnight." the Admiral said. "Yes sir." Dawn said.

Another forty five minutes passed and the Admiral came back to the waiting room. "He will be fine Keith. The blood work showed that he had a kidney and bladder infection and it had caused a mild case of sepsis. I am glad that you called because by in the morning it could have become a life or death situation." The Admiral said. "I am sorry I had to wake you but thank you so much." Keith said. "Do they have his room ready ?" The Admiral said, turning towards Dawn. "Not exactly sir." Dawn said. She motioned for the Admiral to come to the desk. She pushed the speakerphone on her telephone. "Third floor." the lady said. "I need a room prepared." Dawn said. "Dawn you already called once. Everything is calm up here so just hold them over and let dayshift handle it." the lady said. "I want a room ready in the next fifteen minutes." The Admiral said. "And who are you ?" the lady asked. "This is Admiral Turner." he said. "Yeah right." she said and hung up. "I just fired the doctor and the guard. Guess I am not done yet." The Admiral said. Dawn pushed her chair back a little and looked at the floor. "Not you Dawn. You are safe." The Admiral said and started down the long hall. "He stopped and turned to Keith. You won't be able to see him until probably lunch time. Go get some rest. I will call you in a little while and let you know how things are going." he said.

Keith sat in the chair and placed his head between his hands. For the first time in twelve hours he could breathe a sigh of relief. He and Dawn had talked about Tryas' situation. "Mr. Keith, I mean Keith. I have requested a case worker meet with him late in the afternoon. He will not be awake before after lunch. The case worker can get down to the details of his situation." Dawn said. "Thank you so much Dawn. I better find out that you used that coupon I gave you too. That will be one of the first things I tell Gail I want to hear about when you use it." Keith said. "You are sweet just like your Uncles. You don't owe me a thing." Dawn said. "My dear sweet friend, that is not a payment. That is a thank you for going above and beyond your job description to help me." Keith said. Dawn held her finger up as her phone rang. "ER reception Dawn speaking." she said. "Don't get huffy with me. I did as I was told. I guess you will find out in about three of four minutes when the elevator doors open who that was trying to play a joke on you and calling himself Admiral. I will say the doctor and guard down here have already been fired tonight." Dawn said and ended the call. "At least my job is safe." she said and smiled.

Keith was exhausted as he pulled out onto Clairmont Road. He wanted to stay close so he decided to go to his office instead of all the way out to his apartment. It was just after four in the morning when he parked his truck outside the office. He usually just pushed the door open but had to dig around for his key this time. Once he made it through the main door he locked it back and headed to his office. He exhaled heavily as he sat in his chair. He turned on his computer and googled Sgt Major Tryas Tramell U S Army. He found different press releases. One for receiving the Bronze star, one for the Congressional Medal of Honor. He then went to the next reference. It was an article from a military news paper.

Decorated Office Sergeant Major Tryas Tramell retires from the U S Army active duty after sixteen years of exemplary service. Sergent Major Tramell served one tour in Iraq and four tours in Afghanistan after serving two tours in Desert Storm. Sergent Major Tramell was in a convoy in Afghanistan when the Humvee in front of his was hit with mortar. The humvee he was in flipped to it's roof and as Sergeant Major Tramell crawled from his vehicle he witnesses three insurgents overtaking a fellow soldier. It seemed they were trying to take him as prisioner. Sergent major obtained a weapon from the soldier trapped in the front if his humvee and was able to kill the three insurgents before they could kidnap his fellow servicemen. He then crawled to the aid of the servicemen and once he was deemed secured he crawled back and was able to free the two trapped men from his own humvee before help arrived. He and another servicemen administered first aid to the injured officers from the blast. Sergent Major Tramell refused medical aid and was back on his feet within forty eight hours. He went on to serve another tour before retiring. Sergent Major Tramell was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his efforts and had received the silver star during his tour in Iraq. When asked for a comment he stated. "I did what any other serviceman would do for me. It was what I took my oath to do." We wish Sergent Major Tramell the best of luck in his new ventures.

"Wow" Keith said. He pulled up the picture of Tryas and enlarged it. This was the first time he could see the deep blue eyes. As tired as he was he felt his cock twitch as he looked at the beautiful man in full dress uniform. "Thank you for your service sexy." Keith said and kissed his fingers and placed them on Tryas's lips on the computer screen.

"What are you doing here ?" Ginny almost shouted. Keith jumped and his chair flew back from his desk. " Damn girl. Scare a man, almost make him shit himself will ya ?" Keith said. "What are you doing here? You are supposed to be off all week." Ginny said. " First off, thank you for not cursing me out for waking you last night. Second of all, I did not leave the hospital until after four. They kept Tryas and this was closer than my apartment." Keith said. "Tryas huh ? Start talking cuz." Ginny said, taking a seat in front of Keith's desk. Ginny grilled Keith about what had happened and how he had met Tryas. "So he is homeless ?" Ginny said. "I don't think so. He is in too good a shape and too clean." Keith said. "Too good a shape huh ?" Ginny said and grinned. "What was that for ?" Keith said. "Is he cute ? No military, Is he hot ?" Ginny asked. "Well I wouldn't know." Keith said and blushed. "Cuz you know I love you to death but I have known since the day I started work here that you were gay." Ginny said. "How did you know that ?" Keith asked. "I herad Uncle Burton and Archie talking about it." Ginny said. "They knew ?" Keith said.

"Yes they did and I did too. So what are you doing here ?" Gail said, startling Keith. Gail had stood at the door and heard part of the conversation. "You knew too ?" Keith said. "Hell it was me that told your Uncles. Your Uncle Archie had pretty good gaydar but not near as good as old Gail's." Gail said. "I was afraid to let anyone know. I thought everyone already hated me and I did not want to give them one more reason." Keith said. "My mother and siblings may hate you. Hell they hate me and hated our Uncles but I have always loved you cuz." Ginny said. "Now since I am the Operations Manager I am ordering you to get over to that hospital. Mr. Tryas is in room three seventeen." Gail said. "Wait, that is the address to my house." Keith said. "I know that. Your Uncle Burton and Archie built that place just for you. Your Uncle Burton was a little hesitant but it didn't take him long to say yes dear." Gail said.

"They built that for me ?" Keith said. "That was the first property that the two bought when the business took off. It had a small cabin on it. That cabin was where your Uncle Burton proposed to Archie. It stayed the same for many years. When Archie found out he was sick he told Burton that he wanted that house demolished and he gave him the plans of the one that is there now. Burton argued for a few minutes but Archie told him. That was our happy. It will be Keith's soon enough. This will be Keith's happy." Gail said. "And they built it ?" Keith asked. "Well there was an hour or so of intense discussion and Archie came to my desk and handed me the plans and told me to find a contractor. He then said if that old fart came out and said anything about it to tell him to kiss mine and your asses." Gail said. "Did he argue ?" Keith asked. "No he shouted yes dear from his office. Then the old house was torn down and yours was built. Now get your sorry redheaded ass out of that chair and go get your happy." Gail said. "How did you know what room ?" Keith asked. "Your Uncles are not the only ones that are frineds with the Admiral and the General." Gail said and smiled. "Oh the General told me to tell you that the case worker would be there at one and he expected you to be there too." Gail said.

Keith stood and turned his computer off. "Since you broke the rules I don't want to see you in this office until the week after next." Ginny said. "But I was only taking this week." Keith said. "I own the damn company so don't argue." Ginny said. "Half my dear cousin." Keith said. "Well my half overruled your half." Ginny said. "You get him well and then we want to meet him." Gail said. "That may not be possible. I am sure he will run when I get him back. I am guessing he had been hiking the Appalachian trail and was just camping out there." Keith said. "No my sweet boy. I truely believe he was camping there waiting on his red headed happy. Now go." Gail said.

It was just after twelve when Keith walked back into the hospital. He had driven around the parking lot and all the parking decks for over an hour before he found someone backing out of a space the he could take. Walking into room three seventeen, his heart skipped a beat. Tryas , even though sick, looked hot as hell laying in the bed even though he was in a hospital gown. A food tray sat on the table in front of him. Keith lifted the lid to see that there were only a couple of bites taken from the chicken and the potatoes. Tryas moaned and moved a little and opened his eyes. "Hey Keith." he said, almost seeming scared. "Hey Tryas. You need to eat." Keith said. "not really hungry." Tryas said. "And your point ? If you expect me to spring you from this place anytime soon you better move the head of that bed up and eat." Keith said. "Oh a bossy one huh ?" Tryas said and smiled. The smile made Keith lose his train of thought for a moment. "That was suggestive. Bossy comes later." Keith said.

Tryas began to eat more of his lunch. "I need to apologize for squatting on the land. Will you please tell the owner that I am sorry and will clear out as soon as I am out of here. I only planned to stay a night or two but I never saw anyone there and so I overstayed my welcome and have been there for two months." Tryas said. "You have been in that tent for two months ?" Keith asked. "Yes. Please tell the owner that I will pay for any damages or compensation." Tryas said. Keith looked around the room and then stood. He walked over to the mirror over the sink. "Sergent Major Tryas Tramell wanted me to tell you that he was clearing out as soon as he was out of here and he would pay you for any damages and something else. " Keith said. He stood in front of the mirror for a minute. "Alright I will tell him." Keith said. "What the hell was that ?" Tryas said and smiled. "You said to tell the owner so I did. He said bullshit. I am the owner." Keith said and smiled.

"You seem too young to be rich enough to have a house like that and just let it stay empty." Tryas said. "Nope, not rich. I have a little money but I inherited the house, contents, land and everything on it. You were on it so I inherited you." Keith said. "You did not inherit much." Tryas laughed. "You let me be the judge of that mister." Keith said. "Now the bossy side." Tryas said. "Almost." Keith laughed. "Look, I inherited that from my Uncle and his husband. I also inherited, along with a cousin a multi million dollar furniture business. The business is rich, not me." Keith said. "But I was trespassing." Tryas said. "Only if I say you were." Keith said. "So your Uncles were gay ?" Tryas said, as he ate the last o f the jello. "Yes and they were together for forty years. I have one condition for you staying but you have to know something first. I am gay too but you are perfectly safe. My condition is that you move in the hose and out of the tent." Keith said. "I could not do that. Besides, you don't know me." Tryas said. "I know that you have been out there in that tent for two months and I have not had as much as a stick of firewood go missing. I trust you fully." Keith said. "So you are gay too ?" Tryas said. "As gay as RuPaul but not quite as flamboyant." Keith said. "Thank the good Lord." Tryas said. "What that I am not a drag queen ?" Keith said. "No the other part." Tryas said and smiled.

Next: Chapter 6

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