My Inheritance

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Sep 13, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"My Inheritance" Chapter 6

Tryas was nervous. Night before last he had helped a sexy drunk man. Yes his fingers could still feel the flesh that he was able to touch. His lips and tongue could still feel the "boy titties" that he suckled that he until that night had only dreamed of finding any even close. Keith sat in the chair beside the bed. He had his laptop out and pulled up the website that he had read earlier. "Why are you doing this for me ?" Tryas asked. Keith turned the laptop so that Tryas could read the article. "I did not know they posted an article about me." Tryas said. "First I would like to say thank you for your service to me and our country. Next I will not stand back and see anyone suffering that I can help. Thirdly, I told you. I inherited you." Keith said and smiled. Tryas went to speak but could not find words. Looking into the sky blue eyes and sexy smile, Tryas could feel his heart leaving his body and sailing over to Keith's.

The case worker arrived and introduced himself. "Sergent Major, I am honored to meet you. I have pulled your file and I have some concerns." He said. " They say I will be fine." Tryas said. "For that I am thankful but my concerns are about your meds and your money." He said. "What money ?" Tryas said. " Sir, how long have you been away from your home in Indiana ?" He asked. "I guess eight months probably." Tryas said. "Hm. How often have you withdrawn money from your account ?" He asked. "I haven't. My retirement goes into savings and my VA disability goes into my checking." Tryas said. " I need to check on your retirement but I have five payments in the queue for your disability. The bank closed that account due to excessive overdrafts. We had nowhere to deposit it." He said. "Overdrafts? I have never ....... Oh I will have to deal with that." Tryas said. "Oh, Oh what?" Keith said. "My brother and his girlfriend. That is the only thing I can figure." Tryas said. "What about your meds ? Express Script has been sending your PTSD meds like clockwork and they have not been returned." he said. "Same person. I used to have to hide them. He wanted them to sale." Tryas said.

"I have put a halt on your meds pending a new address." He said. Keith quickly called out an address to the young man. The case worker looked at Tryas and he just smiled and nodded. "If for some reason there is an address change in the future I will be sure to let you know." Keith said. "Now about your disability payments." He said. "Give me thirty minutes and your email address and I will have you the information." Keith said. The case worker gave Keith his email address at the VA. He then thanked Tryas and Keith and said he would see him again before he was released.

"Why are you doing this for me ?" Tryas asked. "I haven't done anything yet. Do you have the number to your bank ?" Keith asked. Tryas pulled a card from his wallet. "I was good friends with this lady's husband." Tryas said. Within ten minutes both Keith and Tryas had talked to the lady. Keith was online on his laptop. "Alright. Your reference number is 43889HJ217. I will stay on the line until you show receipt and confirm that this matter is being handled." Keith said. The lady confirmed the wire transfer and that Tryas name had been cleared. "How long will it be before his name and social security are unblocked so he can open another account ?" Keith asked. The lady told him that he could tell any banker to look in the system and see that a clearance was pending. "Thank you for all your help." Keith said. Within five minutes Tryas was on a zoom call with Keith's banker. After another ten minutes Tryas was the proud owner of both a new checking and savings. The banker thanked both Keith and Tryas. "I will call Gail and have either her or Misty pick up the cards and counter checks when they bring the next deposit." Keith said. The banker got Tryas' o.k. for that and the zoom call ended.

"Alright what's next ?" Keith asked and smiled. "You last name ?" Tryas said. "My last name ?" Keith asked. " You know everything, including my underwear size. I don't even know your last name." Tryas said. "As for underwear I did not find any. Don't worry I don't wear them either. As for last name. Hello Sergent Major Tryas Tramell. My name is Keith Colvin. At your service." Keith said. "At my service ? I think I am at yours." Tryas laughed. "Well inheritance out ranks military rank. Get used to it." Keith said and laughed.

A different doctor than the one they both had met came in during their conversation. " How is our patient feeling today ?" he asked. "Much better Doc. Ready to get my DD 214's from here." Tryas said. "You will probably get those tomorrow. We want to wait twelve hours after your last dose of antibiotic to make sure there are no signs of sepsis and that your other infections are clearing up well." He said. "But I feel almost one hundred percent." Tryas said. "Do not worry, doctor he will not leave until you tell him he can." Keith said as Tryas moaned. "I figure we will not have any issues with him as a patient then." the doctor laughed. "Not at all. I inherited him and he is slowly learning the rules." Keith said. "Inherited him ?" the doctor asked. "He is right Doc. He inherited me." Tryas said and laughed.

Keith watched Tryas closely over the afternoon. He could see his color and strength slowly returning. Tryas took a few naps during the afternoon but they were more like power naps. They talked a little but not about anything important until after supper was served. "You have not eaten all day. You need to eat something." Tryas said. "Don't worry about me. I have plenty in reserve." Keith said, reaching down and pinching his love handles. "Oh no you don't. '' Tryas said in an almost forceful voice. " Yes I do. I have needed to lose at least twenty pounds for a few years." Keith said. "Lose that twenty pounds and you may lose your inheritance." Tryas said. The comment caught Keith off guard and he was not sure what Tryas was talking about or how to reply.

The nurse broke the short silence as she entered the room. "Visiting hours are over in about three minutes. I expect to see you headed for the elevator before the announcement over the loudspeaker. Don't worry though you can get back in at eight in the morning. Quick reminder though tomorrow is clinic day." she said. "Shit. If I get here at eight I may get a parking space by eleven. I will probably take MARTA (Metro Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority)." Keith said. "Clinic day is usually pretty easy." Tryas said. "Honey I can tell that you have never been to this VA Hospital on clinic day. They start sign in at seven and by the time the doctors start at eight they usually have a three to four hour waiting list already signed in and those are the ones lucky enough to get a parking space or ride a VA transit from one of the other clinics." she said. "Damn. The one I went too on clinic day you were in and out in two to three hours maximum. " Tryas said. "Honey, in this one you can wait in line for two hours to just sign in." she said.

Keith made his way to the parking deck. He had remembered to bring cash with him like he always did with his uncles. Between the hospital and the parking deck there were always a handful of Vets that were patients there with no family members or friends. Most did not ask for money but he learned early which ones had no money to get extras from the vending machines. Each of those he would give them a five dollar bill and thank them for their service. "Tomorrow I will try the valet parking. Most won't pay to park so they sometimes have a space available." Keith thought.

Instead of going further down I-285 towards his apartment, Keith took I-675. He knew that he still had time to get to the outlet mall south of Atlanta and pick up some clothes for Tryas. "Good. An hour and half until closing." Keith said as he pulled into the mall parking lot. His first stop was the jeans store. He hoped he was a good judge at sizes judging how his clothes had fit Tryas. Three pairs of jeans, a pair of khakis and two pull over shirts and he was off to the next store. His main concern was the inseam but the young man that helped him was about the same height as Tryas. The next store was another pair of casual pants, five assorted t-shirts and a couple of pairs of jogging shorts. "Let's see if I can get him in these." Keith chuckled. The shorts were loose fitting style with high cuts up the sides. Needless to say they were short shorts.

The last store was the issue. They had shoes and clothes. Another t-shirt with an Army logo and a couple of pair of shorts and he stood in the shoe section. "I am not sure what he will wear but he can always bring them back. He was surprised at how many selections they had in size fourteen. Keith wore a ten and he only found a pair he partially liked in his size so they stayed. A pair of flip flops, deck shoes and another style leisure shoe and a pair of Crocs and he felt like he had all areas covered. He looked at the tennis shoes but decided that most people are pickier about their tennis shoes than they are their haircut. Some of the stores had begun to turn their lights out when he put the last bag in the back seat of his truck. "Damn I have never spent this much at one time on clothes for me. I can afford it now and that was fun. I will have to do this again." he thought.

Keith woke the next morning in his apartment. He had taken a pair of jeans from the bag and one of the pullover shirts and washed them the night before. "This medium blue print should make his eyes even sexier than they are." Keith thought. Keith was able to hide most of the bags behind the back seat of his truck. He had one shoe box he could not get back there so he pushed it as far under the passenger seat that he could get it. "DAMN those are big boxes." Keith said and laughed. Arriving at the VA Hospital he pulled to the valet parking deck first. Luckily the orange cone was not blocking the drive. He pulled up and the man walked out with his parking slip. "Just in time sir. You got the last space." he said. "Today will be a good day if I got a parking space this fast at the VA." Keith thought.

Keith had taken the jeans and shirt on hangers. He thought about shoes but he knew that Tryas had his tennis shoes and they looked fairly new and were very clean. Keith almost got lost in this thoughts on the elevator ride. :He can not be homeless, or if he is it is very recent. I guess I will find out in time." Keith was thinking. "Sir were you the one that pushed three ?" a lady asked. "OH yes sorry. The mind is a dangerous place to get lost in." Keith laughed. "You are preaching to the choir mister. You have a blessed day." she said. "You have a blessed day too and thank you." Keith said.

Keith entered the room to an empty bed. He stood for a minute before hanging the clothes. He heard water running in the bathroom so he sat in the chair beside the bed. "Looks like you are ready to leave." Keith said as Tryas came ou in his hospital gown. "I wish." Tryas said and laughed. Tryas looked at the bed and tried to figure out the best way to get in wearing the gown without just totally exposing everything he had. "To hell with it." he thought. Tryas turned and hiked the gown high enough that Keith could see his hairy belly button. Keith's mouth drooled as he watched the sexy man slide himself up into the bed fully exposed. "I need to see if the hospital will sell me a few of those." Keith said. "Hell I prefer just to go naked." Tryas said. "That can be arranged." Keith said and blushed when he realized he said it outloud.

"What is that hanging up there ?" Tryas asked. "Oh I went shopping last night. I may have gotten a little carried away but I bought you some clothes. It was fun." Keith said. "I guess you like to shop." Tryas said. "Like an impacted wisdom tooth but I enjoyed that last night. The rest is hidden behind the seat of the truck." Keith said. "The rest ?" Tryas said. "I only washed those so if they don't fit just right you can carry the rest back. I left the shoes in the truck because you have your tennis shoes." Keiht said. "Shoes ?" Tryas said. "You can model it all for me when you are out of here." Keith said and smiled. "This is not sounding too promising for me." Tryas said. "Don't worry you don't have to model. I just want you to try them all on before I wash them in case they need to be taken back." Keith said. "That is a pretty blue shirt." Tryas said. "It matches your eyes." Keith said and swallowed hard realizing he had also said that outloud. "Do you like my eyes ?" Tryas said, and smiled.

Keith went to speak but was rescued as the doctor entered the room. "How is our patient today ?" he asked. "Sick of military ration hospital food." Tryas said and smiled. "Hopefully we will have you out of here before the next meal. I am sending you down stairs to run a few tests to make sure everything is working perfectly and you would not need to turn around and come back. Your last test came back clean. No diseases and no STD's. I am going to give you a week's worth of antibiotics just to make sure all this nasty stuff goes away. How long has it been since you took your PTSD meds ?" the doctor asked. "Maybe a month, maybe six weeks." Tryas said. The doctor turned and looked at Keith. For the first week I want him to take his PTSD medications twice a day. After that it will be back in his system and he can go back to once a day. You did inherit him so it's your responsibility." the doctor said and winked. "Hey I am right here." Tryas said and laughed.

The doctor told Keith that he may as well go and they would call him when Tryas was ready. With it being clinic day it would probably take a little longer to get the tests done and the results. He also said that he would have a nurse get what he needed from the pharmacy. "Will you need to see him back here ?" Keith asked. "Only if he starts running a fever again." the doctor said. Two orderlies appeared to get Tryas. "Don't get lost." Keith said. "Don't worry I will find my way out of this place." Tryas said. Keith and the doctor stayed in the room as they took Tryas out in a wheelchair.

"How long have you known Tryas ?" the doctor asked. About that time Admiral Turner walked in. "I don't really know him. I just felt he was no threat and needed help" Keith said. " We have looked over his file and we have not found any violence but do you know what PTSD is and how it affects people ?" the Admiral asked. "I know a little about it." Keith said. "Are you sure you are willing to take the chance ?" the doctor asked. "I can tell he has a heart of gold. I read some articles about him. I inherited him so yes I am willing." Keith said. "May I ask how you inherited him ? I have wondered about that since the ER." the Admiral said. Keith just laughed and told him the story of his uncle leaving him the land and everything on it. "Just remember this. If he has an episode, call him by his name, not rank, and continually tell him your name. If you feel in danger, get to safety and call for help." The Admiral said. "I seriously don't think I will need it but I will remember that." Keith said.

For the first time it hit Keith that this could be a struggle but he was falling for the Sergent Major and he decided that he would do everything necessary to help him even if he did not feel anything for him. "I am guessing you are going to the office. I will have them call your cellphone when the tests are done and they are bringing him upstairs to dress. By the time you get here we should have him discharged. You can pull up out front and we will bring him out in a wheelchair." the doctor said. "Will I need a wheelchair ?" Keith asked. "No it's just hospital policy just like in civilian hospitals. "We wheel them in and we wheel them out. Yours is a lucky one and he gets wheeled out in a wheelchair. Another day or two and it may have been a different story." the doctor said.

"What are you doing here ?" Gail asked. "They are supposed to call me when Tryas is ready to be released. It was easier for me to come here and do a little work. "I have his cards from the bank but he has to come see me and sign the final papers." Gail said. "You must not have been listening. He has to come see "me". Not the bank's rule but Gail's rule." Gail said. "Yeah I want to meet my future cousin." Misty said. "Putting the cart before the horse ?" Keith said. "No but if you need instructions on getting you under the horse." Misty laughed. "Enough of that. How did you know he was a horse ?" Keith said. "Oh do tell. How did you know he was cousin ?" Misty said. "No clue cuz." Keith laughed

Next: Chapter 7

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