My Inheritance

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Sep 17, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair

Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author.

This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"My Inheritance" Chapter 7

Tryas was anxious as he got dressed to leave. He did not know what the future held with Keith, or what it held period. "You are an Army grunt. You can handle anything." he said to himself in the mirror. He was admiring the shirt and how the color seemed to work very well on him. He also complimented Keith in his mind because the jeans fit better than any pair he had ever had. He could feel a tightness across his ass and for the first time in years he felt a little bit sexy. " Keith is supposed to pick me up out front but I have no idea what he drives. I know we came in a pickup but I have no idea what type or color." Tryas thought.

Keith had been discussing certain matters with Misty and Gail when his phone rang. "I have to go. I am meeting them out front to pick Tryas up. They have released him." Keith said. "Do not forget to bring him back here to get his bank cards and sign these papers." Gail said. "We are all going to lunch and then you and I have shopping to do. I promise we will make it quick but the CPA (Certified Public Accountant) said we had to or get eaten alive in taxes." Misty said. "Alright, alright but no twenty million questions. Got it ?" Keith said. "Whatever you say." Misty said. "Not good enough cousin. I know you." Keith said. "I promise then." Misty said as Keith walked out. "Don't worry. He did not make me promise." Gail said and smiled.

As the automatic doors opened to the covered drive over the front of the hospital. He thought it might be easy to spot Keith but with three lanes full of vehicles he began to get nervous. "Alright sweetie let's find your ride." the nurse said. Luckily Keith stepped out of the lane of vehicles. "Over here." Keith said. Tryas spotted a pickup that was a dark brown, almost bronze color. Keith walked over and opened the passenger door. "Whew at least I know what his vehicle looks like." Tryas thought. Due to his PTSD he was getting even more nervous realizing that he was falling for a guy and he did not even know what he drove.

Tryas stood from the wheelchair to walk to the truck door. "You can bring this one back anytime. We usually get the old men. We don't get much eye candy around here." the nurse said to Keith. "Hopefully he will only be back on clinic days." Keith laughed. Tryas was in the truck with his seatbelt fastened as Keith climbed in the driver's seat. "Where to now ?" Tryas asked. "We have to go to my office to get your bank cards. I tried to get them myself but Gail would not budge. If you think the Admiral is scary you have not met Gail yet." Keith laughed. "Who is Gail ?" Tryas asked. "She was my Uncle's secretary. When my cousin and I inherited the business we promoted her to Operations Manager. Hell she knows more about the business than my Uncles did." Keith said.

The two had simple conversations on the way to the office. Keith had many questions so that he could get to know Tryas better but he wanted to wait until they were back on the mountain. "Thank you for the jeans. You did really good. They fit better than any pair I have ever had. I will pay you when I can get some money." Tryas said. "No you will not. I bought them and they are paid for so we will just leave it at that." Keith said and smiled. As they pulled up to park Tryas looked first at the name of the business and then at a large sign on the building next to the entrance. "In this establishment we do not discriminate for any reason. We hire and sell to everyone. We also salute our brothers and sisters in the Armed Forces and we support our brothers and sisters in blue and thank them for their service. We also pray daily for everyone in Emergency Services. This will not change to accommodate ANYONE."

Tryas sat there for a minute and then turned to Keith. "Thank you." Tryas said. "For what ?" Keith said. Tryas turned and pointed to the sign. "There is a story about that and I will tell you on the way home." Keith said.

To get to the offices you enter through the showroom. Tryas looked around at the furniture and accessories on display. He looked at a Queen Victoria couch. "Damn. People can afford a fifteen thousand dollar couch ?" Tryas asked. "You would be surprised at how many we sell." Keith said. Keith did not see Misty nor Gail. His curiosity did not last long because when he opened his office door they were both standing there. "Gail, Misty, this is Tryas. Tryas this is my cousin Misty and my adopted mother Gail." Keith said. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Gail said, reaching out her hand. "Hell, I am family. I hug." Misty said, surprising Tryas by stepping up and hugging him. "We have heard a lot about you and it is a pleasure to finally meet you." Gail said. "This is the one to be scared of, right ?" Tryas said. "You learn quick." Misty said and laughed. "Well you two talk about your plan. I have business with Mr. Tryas here." Gail said. "Yeah let's go get your cards." Keith said. "I said I had business with Tryas, not you." Gail said, turning Tryas and leading him to her office. "Poor fellow." Misty said and laughed.

"Have a seat Tryas." Gail said. "I have ordered your checks. I had it listed as Sgt. Major Tryas Tramell." Gail said. "You could have left off the rank." Tryas said. "No son. You served our country bravely and your rank carries weight. Never be ashamed of your rank or what you did for our country. You earned the respect." Gail said. "Thank you." Tryas said. "I have a copy of your balances and transfers. We can activate your cards from my office. The checks will take about ten days." Gail said. Tryas signed the papers while Gail activated his cards. "This information is for you only. " Gail said. "You did not give these to Keith ?" Tryas asked. "Kieth did his part and got it set up for you. I made sure it was all in order. The money in those accounts are your business and your business only." Gail said.

"I have a question and I do not want you to think I am putting you on the spot, but that man back there has fallen in love with you. Do you plan on staying around ?" Gail asked. "I am not sure. You think he has ?" Tryas said. "I have known him since he was a small child and I know what he is thinking before he does. Yes he has fallen for you but would not admit it. You see Keith considers himself an ugly duckling. In fact he is one of the most beautiful swans I have had the honor of knowing. Both inside and out." Gail said. "Why would he think he is ugly ? He is far from it." Tryas said. "That is the atmosphere that Keith was raised in. You may or may not know how critical gay society can be of their own." Gail said. "Oh I know to well." Tryas said. "Well that answered one question. I will tell you this. If you are interested in Keith he will never make the first move. He does not feel worthy. If you are not interested I beg of you not to make a move on him and then leave or I will hunt you down. If you are not interested then just leave things as they are." Gail said. "He won't have me. I am broken." Tryas said.

Gail got up and walked around the desk and sat beside Tryas. "Honey, we are all broken. What we have to do is find the love that mends a lot of that. Hell, ask my husband. Keith's Uncle Burton was very broken. Archie is the one that brought him out of his shell and made him the amazing man he was. A lot of people think that it was Burton that just overcame his issues. It was all Archie. When you find someone that is willing to take you with all your faults and love you unconditionally then you have to be willing to take them with all their faults. Together it can be amazing but you have to be willing to let go and also accept their issues." Gail said. "He said you were scarier than the Admiral. I can see why." Tryas said and smiled. "Admiral Turner is a pussy cat." Gail laughed. " Can I be honest ?" Tryas asked. "Sweetheart that is all I will ever ask of you." Gail said. "I am crazy about Keith but I have to make sure that he is willing to deal with me and my issues because I would rather die than hurt him." Tryas said.

"So I take it you plan to stay." Gail said. "If he will have me." Tryas said. "Good you are staying. I need you driver's license and military ID card. If you have your social security card that would be great too." Gail said. "I have that but why do you need it ?" Tryas asked. "First you will need to sign these two." Gail said. She had made her way back around the desk. She had a lease agreement and an employee form. "What are these ?" Tryas asked. "It is for me to get you a Georgia driver's license and put you on payroll so I can put you on medical and vehicle insurance." Gail said. " Can you recommend a dependable used car dealer?" Tryas said. "Wait just a minute." Gail said. They sat in silence for just over a minute before they heard the door slam on Keith's office. "Well, it took about five minutes longer than I thought it would." Gail said and smiled. " Is everything alright ?" Tryas asked.

"Just a cousin quarrel. Keith has never had two nickels to rub together. His uncle tried to give him money and he would not take it. Misty's family was just the opposite. I am the reason he had that truck. He broke down one day in his old Buick and I had to send an employee to go get him. I told the employee that if Keith did not come back with a new vehicle that they did not need to come back either. This business makes money hand over fist. Keith does not realize that you have to spend money also or give it all to Uncle Sam. He thinks it should all stay in the bank. Trying to tell him that taxes will take it is like talking to this damn ink pen. He has been broke his whole life and now he has no idea what to do with it. The CPA said they had to buy new company cars because of the increase in business and profit or pay it all in taxes. Misty understands but Keith thinks it is a waste of money. After today you will have a new brown truck to drive. He is getting a company car if Misty has to buy him what she wants him to have." Gail said. "OH." Tryas said.

Tryas headed out of Gail's office. He had a lot to think about. He knocked on Keith's door. "Come in." Keith called out. "Tryas we are all going to lunch. I hope you like Greek." Misty called out from her office. "Why do you get to choose ?" Keith called back. "Because I am the youngest and the cutest." Misty called back. "Did you and Gail get everything taken care of ?" Keith asked. "I am not sure what all we just did. " Tryas said and smiled. "Alright you three I have a busy afternoon and I am sure that Tryas is ready for something besides Hospital food." Gail said. "And Keith's cooking." Misty called out. "Is it always like this ?" Tryas said and smiled. "Just another day at the office." Keith said. "Yes and you know you love it." Misty said as she stepped out with her purse.

Lunch was a fun affair. Tryas sat back and watched Keith and Misty pick on each other and then when they got bored they turned their attention to Gail. Tryas was not left out by any means but the bulk was thrown at each other. "Did you enjoy your lunch ?" Keith asked. "I was a little concerned when you said Greek but it was delicious." Tryas said. The waitress brought the bill and Tryas reached for it. Gail slapped his hand. "Taxes allow us to take a new employee out to eat." Gail said. "New employee ?" Keith asked. "Seems like you not only inherited me . You are now my boss too." Tryas said. "No he is not. Just me." Gail said. "What is your job ?" Keith asked. "I will figure that out later. We had to put him on payroll to get a Georgia drivers license and add him to the insurance. Both health and vehicle." Gail said. "Hell my uncle owned the company and it was harder for me to get hired." Keith said. "He is too cute not to hire." Misty said. "Down cousin. You are married." Keith said.

Tryas was nervous when Misty informed him that she was borrowing Keith for a couple of hours and he had to take Keith's truck and carry Gail back to the office. "Thank you Gail, you are a special lady." Tryas said. "You are too Tryas and don't let anyone tell you different. If I did not trust you and think you had a good heart you would be headed on the first bus or plane headed away from Atlanta." Gail said. " Just let me know what my job is. I can drive a forklift or a delivery truck." Tryas said. "I pick my battles with Keith and that one I would never win. I have a few ideas. I just need to figure out how to incorporate them. I am also going to work it out so that you are off when Keith is. If I did not he would fire both of us." Gail laughed.

It was just over two hours when they heard the two cousins arguing in the parking lot as they came into the showroom. "I guess that went well." Gail said. "Can you do something with her ?" Keith asked. "Not in my job description." Gail laughed. Misty had picked a Mercedes SUV. Keith wanted something with four wheel drive because of occasional snow in the mountains. He ended up with a Land Rover. "You are next Gail. I almost bought the pearl blue one because it just looked like it was made for you." Misty said. "I am fine thank you." Gail said. "We have bought a new delivery truck and two new cars and still not spent as much as he told us to spend. You are next." Misty said. Gail looked up at Keith. "Not in my job description." Keith said and smiled as he walked away. "Assholes." Gail said. "We heard that." Keith called back.

Keith looked in his office and there was no Tryas. He walked back to Gail's desk. "Did you scare him off ?" Keith asked. "No, he and a young lady are walking around the warehouse." Gail said lifting the card Keith had given Dawn. "Did she pick out something ?" Keith asked. "She asked what the cheapest thing we had here." Gail said. "I hope the sales person did not show her." Keith said. "No, when they saw the card they brought her to me. She recognized Tryas and they started talking and went on a tour." Gail said. "She had told me she saw a picture here on her first trip. " Keith said. "The girl that brought her to me said that she kept going back to a picture on the wall and staring at it. I have them taking it down to wrap it and find something to take its place." Gail said. "Why do I even come to work ?" Keith said and laughed. Gail just waved him away. "The warehouse is that way." Gail said.

Gail and Misty met the three in the hall as they came in from the warehouse. Gail smiled as she would watch Tryas place his hand on the small of Keith's back as they walked. "We have your purchase in Keith's office." Misty said. Dawn walked in and saw the painting that she had fallen in love with standing in the corner. She stood with a shocked look on her face. "Candice told me you kept going back to this picture and staring at it." Gail said. "But that is too much." Dawn said with tears in her eyes. "We added an employee discount to it and that covered the sales tax. That is if you are interested." Misty said. "Employee ?" Dawn said.

"One of the guys from shipping called up here and said that we needed to find out exactly what you were talking about as far as stocking inventory for easier pulling and shipping. Plus at the moment if we put anything in the showroom or sale over the internet we have to do a sales slip to that department and then one to the buyer. He said that you talked about upgrading the system to cover all inventory. This is what we are willing to offer as starting pay. I know you work night shift but this will be days with all holidays off. We have a fantastic benefits package including full paid family insurance." Misty said. Dawn opened the piece of paper and gasped. "We know you work for the VA. If that is not enough we can talk amongst ourselves and see if there is any way to sweeten it." Gail said. "Oh no. That is almost double what I make there. But I am. Uh well I am a.. " Dawn started. "What, Black woman ?" Gail said. "Well yeah and I only have one year of college." Dawn said. "Alright people. Secret time and I never want to hear about it again. Burton said I came here straight from high school. That much is true but I never graduated. My father was a brutal man. We lived in Warner Robins, Georgia. My father almost beat my mother to death one night. I was about to start my senior year. We fled to Atlanta and lived in a women's shelter. I had to get a job to help get a place to live. I was thirty five when your uncle demanded I get my GED." Gail said.

"I graduated but my mother died during my senior year. I had to sell our home to pay for her funeral. I was already working here and just went to full time." Keith said. "I have a Bachelor's degree in psychology." Misty said. "You always thought you were special." Keith said. "I am ." Misty said. They then turned to Tryas. "Me ? I graduated high school and ten days later I was in basic training, and now I am here." Tryas said. "Did you see the sign on the front of the building about how our business works ?" Keith said. "Yes and I love that." Dawn said. " This is living proof. The job is yours if you want it." Keith said.

Next: Chapter 8

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