My Inheritance

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Sep 20, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"My Inheritance" Chapter 8

Gail stopped Tryas as they headed out of the office. "His birthday is Saturday. He thought it was Friday but I made him look at the calendar." Gail said. "Oh no. What can I get him ? How can I get him something ?" Tryas said. "The simpler the better for Keith. Look at this." Gail said, pulling Tryas behind her desk to look at the screen. "Is that enough ?" Tryas asked. The two were looking at a gold money clip that had space to engrave initials. "This would be perfect." Gail said. "How do I get it ?" Tryas asked. "Leave that to me. I will get it made today and overnight it to you tomorrow. You will have it in plenty of time." Gail said. " I need to get you some cash." Tryas said. "Why ? You have a card. Give it to me." Gail said. She put the order in online and put Tryas' card information in. "Done. It seems that I am going car shopping shortly myself. The owner of this company is a customer. I will call and tell him that I will pick it up in a couple of hours. Then I will ship it out tomorrow." Gail said. "What about shipping ?" Tryas said. "Honey, our shipping costs daily here is in the thousands. This little thing will not even be a blip on the radar. Now go and make my little boy happy. I have a new employee to chat with." Gail said.

Gail followed Tryas out to the parking lot. "I guess we need to put one in the warehouse." Keith said, looking at the two vehicles. "Why ? Tryas can drive one and you drive the other." Gail said. "But." Keith started. "But nothing. He is legal. Someone is picking up his temporary license as we speak. He is on the business insurance and even added to your personal vehicle. Speaking of that we need to talk about that agent of yours. It took a minute but he finally saw things my way." Gail said. "You said she was scary." Tryas laughed. Keith showed Tryas how to program the GPS in the truck. "In case we get separated this will take you almost to the gate but I think you can find your way from there." Keith said. "Alright. See you at home." Tryas said as Keith started to walk away. He watched as Keith stopped at the comment and took a deep breath. "Good start." Gail whispered.

Keith came back over to the truck. "I need to stop and get a few groceries. I am stopping at the Publix just as soon as we get off the interstate. If you want to stop and get things that you would like just pull over there and we can shop." Keith said. Tryas followed Keith into the grocery store. Keith could feel his precum leaking down his leg as they walked. He pushed the buggy and Tryas kept his hand on the small of his back as they walked the shelves. "Alright I have put all this shit in this buggy and you have only gotten one thing. If you don't pick some things you like then we will have to start all over in aisle one again." Keith said. Tryas leaned over and kissed Keith on the top of his head and walked back to get a basket. He caught up with Keith in the produce section. "Not good but better." Keith said. "I am not picky." Tryas said. "It is not a matter of being picky. It's getting what you like and enjoy." Keith said. Tryas leaned over and whispered. "Oh I will."

Keith swallowed hard and felt a full stream leave his cock instead of a drip.

Tryas left and went back to the meat department. He did not know if he would get a chance to stop before Saturday or not so he got two large steaks, some potatoes, green beans and salad mix and put it in his basket. Keith thought nothing of what Tryas had and did not question it. The argument came when it was time to pay. Keith tried to get the basket but was not successful. They had both picked beer and wine. When the girl hit the total Tryas had her add his and slid his card quickly before Keith could and paid for all of it. "I owe you now." Keith said. "You do not owe me a thing and never will." Tryas said.

They made it easily to the house and after bringing the groceries in placing them on the counter Keith asked Tryas to go out and get all the bags and boxes behind and under the seats of the truck. "What in the world is all of this ?" Tryas said, and grunted as he tried to get through the door with the loot. "I told you I went shopping." Keith said. "Did you leave anything for anyone else to buy ?" Tryas said as he stood there holding bags and boxes anyway he could. "Just put them on the loveseat." Keith said. "Do I dare ask what all this is ?" Tryas asked. "You will see soon enough. You have to try it all on before I wash it in case something needs to go back." Keith said. The kitchen was open to the great room and breakfast area. Keith was laying things out on the counter for their supper for later. He could hear bags rattling. "You said try them on. Like this ?" Tryas said. Keith turned to look as he saw Tryas standing naked in the great room holding up a pair of jeans. The wooden spoon echoed through the house as Keith dropped it in the kitchen floor. "Um yeah." Keith said and licked his lips. "You bought them so come in here and tell me how they fit." Tryas said as he lowered the jeans and stepped into them.

Keith could barely breath as Tryas stood and tried on the clothes. He never tried on any shirts. but he pulled them out to look at them. "They are all the right size." Tryas said. Tryas got to the jogging shorts. "Now this may be a trick." Tryas said. "What do you mean ?" Keith said. He was busy staring at the bottom of the bare, hairy ass cheek that was showing. The shorts showed the perfect round ass cheeks and were even tight enough to show the dimples. Tryas turned around and held his hands out. " You have any suggestions ?" Tryas said. The large mushroom head of his cock hung lower than the shorts leg on one side and his low hanging balls below the other side. "You try and fix them." Tryas said, stepping closer to Keith. Keith's hands were shaking as he reached up and placed his fingers inside each leg opening. His heart screamed and mouth watered as his fingers slid up beside the cock on one side and had to wiggle his fingers to get them under the low hanging balls. He pulled them down slightly and watched the top of Tryas' muscled hips come into view. "That works." Keith said, leaning back. "Until I breathe or cough." Tryas laughed. "Well I like them." Keith said. "They are keepers then." Tryas said. "Is he flirting ?" Keith thought.

"I guess I need to go check on my camp." Tryas said. "You go and get all your stuff and bring it to the house. I inherited you and there are four bedrooms upstairs and one.. um.. down stairs. You take your pick." Keith said. "Are you sure ?" Tryas said. "If I have to come looking for you it will be with a gas can and matches. We can both watch that tent burn." Keith said. "But it's a new tent." Tryas said. "It will be a burned one if you are not back in time for supper." Keith said and reached up and lightly squeezed an ass cheek.

Tryas returned with a small arm load of items. "Do you have somewhere I can charge my phone ?" Tryas asked. "Oh I am so sorry. I am sure there was someone you needed to call. You can plug it in anywhere. You can use mine or the house phone to call anybody you need to until it charges." Keith said. "It can wait a little while. I do need to call my parents. I haven't talked to them in a few weeks so I am sure my Mom is worried." Tryas said. "I am sure she probably is." Keith said. "How often do you talk to your's ? Oh shit I am sorry. You said you had to sale your home to pay for your Mom's funeral." Tryas said. " No need to be sorry. I have very fond memories of my parents. My mother especially." Keith said.

Supper went well and the two talked a little as they ate. Nothing interesting was said. Keith was trying to figure out how to begin the subject of finding out more about Tryas. "Your phone should be charged. Go make your calls while I clean up." Keith said. "I can help." Tryas said. "Not tonight. You go make your calls." Keith said. Tryas sat on the front porch looking out over the mountains while he made his calls. Keith took a beer from the refrigerator and carried it out to him. As he turned to walk away Tryas took his hand and pulled him into his lap. "I am fine Mom it was a light scare but I was well taken care of." Tryas said. Tryas smiled at Keith as he mumbled yes and uh huh. "Yes Mom, his name is Keith and I am sitting on the porch looking at the moonlight over the mountains." Tryas said. "Yes Mom. No Mom, everything is alright. Yes Mom and I am sure you would love him. He's a redhead." Tryas said and reached up and mussed Keith's hair. "Alright Mom I love you too. I will visit when I can. I just started a new job so it may be closer to the holidays. And no Mom, I will not have him arrested. My money has been moved and my meds will be sent here." Tryas said. He looked up and winked at Keith. "No Mom, if I press charges against her I will have to him too so lets just let it drop. Their supply has been cut off." Tryas said.

"Medication. Oh shit." Keith thought and jumped up and almost ran in the house. Returning as Tryas was ending his call he handed Tryas two pills. "Now mister. No complaints." Keith said. "Yes boss." Tryas said. "That is Gail and I don't think you want me to call her." Keith said and laughed.

After Tryas finished his beer they both realized it had been a long day. Not so much physical but mentally draining. "You choose a bedroom ?" Keith said. "For now I will take one upstairs. Just for now." Tryas said and leaned over and kissed Keith on the lips. "For now ?" Keith said. "Not fond of stairs so yes. For now." Tryas said. Keith watched as Tryas climbed the stairs. He saw the light come on in the first bedroom on the right. "Good, that has an adjoining bathroom." Keith thought. Keith stepped in the shower and slowly ran his hands over his body. His cock was so hard it was straining. He took some body wash and began to slowly jack his cock. "Oh yea Army man, slide that big dick inside your red head." Keith moaned. "Nice, tight and wet just for you sexy Army man. Hit that whole hard and make it yours." Keith said as he came to his tip toes and his load shot all over the shower. "Damn I have never cum that fast." Keith whispered. Keith walked out carrying his towel to the laundry room. He could hear the water running up stairs. "Damn I wish I was in there with him." Keith whispered.

Keith woke to a shout. "NO...NO....DUCK...SNIPER.." was a shout from upstairs. Keith did not think about being naked as he ran from his bedroom and up the stairs. He ran into the bedroom and there was enough light coming through the window to see Tryas naked on his back with his arms out and his body twisting. "LOWER... GET LOWER." Tryas shouted. Keith climbed onto the bed. "Tryas it's me Keith. Wake up. You are safe. Tryas it's me Keith." Keith called out. Tryas slowed a little but was still struggling. Keith moved and straddle Tryas lap. He leaned over and put his hands on Tryas' face. "Tryas it's me Keith. You are safe. You are having a bad dream." Keith said. Keith had remembered what the doctor had told him. Keep calling him by his name and telling him your name. It took three or four more times and Tryas' eye shot open. "Keith. It's you." Tryas said and took a deep breath.

"Yes it's me. You are safe." Keith said. Tryas reached up and pulled Keith's face to his and gave him an intense , deep and passionate kiss. "It's you." Tryas whispered. "Yes it's me." Keith said. Tryas pulled Keith to his side and pulled him down so that his back was to his chest. He wiggled his hips so that his semi hard cock easily trapped itself between Keith's ass cheeks. He put one arm under Keith's neck and the other over his side. "It's you." Tryas whispered as his breathing began to slow. "Yes baby it's Keith." Keith whispered. Tryas pushed his nose into the back of Keith's head. "It's you." Tryas whispered. He reached one hand up and wrapped it around one of Keith"s tits. "Mmm. Boy titties. All mine. My boy titties." Tryas whispered as he slowly fell back asleep.

Keith woke the next morning to Tryas' hard cock wedged between his ass cheeks and Tryas's fingers lightly kneading his nipples. Tryas woke moments later and realized his situation. He slowly released the nipple and went to move to his back. He had to move slowly because his cock did not leave it's warm, tight cocoon. "Sorry. He was too comfortable and did not want to leave. " Tryas said. "No complaints from me." Keith said. Tryas turned Keith so that his head was laying on his hairy chest and his hips up against Tryas' leg. Tryas smiled, feeling Keith's morning hard on against his hip. "Thank you for last night." Tryas said. "It was nothing. You were having a nightmare." Keith said. "That was the best night's sleep I have had since before desert storm. You have no idea how thankful I am." Tryas said.

After breakfast Keith decided the campsite was coming down. He may not have the man inside him like he wanted but he was trying to be content with having him in his bed. There was very little left except the sleeping bag and the tent. The sleeping bag was in the washer and the two were in the yard with the water hose and the tent. Tryas' package arrived for him to sign for just before they went out. The box was much larger than he expected. He carried it upstairs and opened it. The money clip was stunning but there were two more boxes. The one from Gail had a bottle of champagne and a cake mix with it's own pan to cook it in and a pack of frosting. Misty's box on the other hand had a large bottle of lube, a box of condoms and a note. "I hope you don't need instructions on how to use these. Love Misty."

Tryas had to smile as they started washing the tent. Keith was determined to show his worth. He went inside the tent and turned on the hose. Tryas laughed as he fell back out of the tent quickly. "Not so smart." Keith laughed. "I thought it was and you get a ten." Tryas said. Keith had not realized that he was wearing a white t-shirt and it was soaked. The cool breeze caused his nipples to harden. "Ten ? " Keith asked. "In the wet t-shirt contest." Tryas said. Keith quickly put one arm across his chest and the other across his waist. Tryas walked over and took Keith's hands. "Never cover something that sexy up." Tryas whispered, causing Keith to blush.

The two finished washing the tent and positioned it so it would drain and dry. Keith walked in and watched as Keith quickly removed his shirt and headed for the bedroom. "Where are you going ?" Tryas asked. "To get a dry shirt." Keith said. "Please don't." Tryas said. "I am not wearing that wet shirt." Keith laughed. " I know that. Don't get another shirt please." Tryas said. "But.." Keith said. "But nothing. You cover it all up." Tryas said. "Um That's the purpose." Keith said. "Bull shit. Come here." Tryas said . Keith covered his chest and walked over to Tryas. Tryas leaned over and kissed Keith and pulled his arm away. He could feel Keith's body trembling and he moved his hairy chest back and forth on Keith's until he felt the nipples harden again and heard Keith moan.

As they ate supper Keith noticed that Tryas began to just pick at his food. "Penny for your thoughts." Keith said. "It's not important." Tryas said. "It is to me." Keith said. " I am a broken man Keith. You deserve a complete man. I have PTSD and I don't know if there is a cure. I can't control it and can't help it." Tryas said, running his fork through his salad. "Is that all ?" Keith said with a heavy lump in his throat. "That's enough." Tryas said. "You wait right there. Don't you even twitch." Keith said. Keith got up and went to one of the hall closets. His two uncles loved putting puzzles together. He grabbed a puzzle from the closet and came back in and slid all the dishes to the side. He opened the box and dumped the puzzle on the table. "You want to put together a puzzle ?" Tryas said. "In a manner of speaking." Keith said

Keith spread the puzzle pieces out on the table. "Alright Army man. I am broken too." Keith said. "There is nothing broken about you. Not a thing I would change." Tryas said. Keith began to tell his story. He made it up to his mother's death. "Look at me. I need a sports bra, I have red hair. I have hair on my chest but it is shaped crazy. It's above my boobs and around my belly button. Look at these love handles. This fat ass could spare enough for two more people. I am gay. I have had two people jerk me off and I have jerked off one. I have had one blow job in my life and given three. I have never had a man inside me and untli you kissed me the other night I have never had a man kiss me. The last time I touched another man's body was when I was in high school and until you touched me the other night no man has touched me since. I will be thirty tomorrow... well soon and I have no prospects. We are all broken but the beauty of it is if you take these pieces and start putting them together it may take a while but the broken parts will snap together. We are all broken Tryas and you can do much, much better than me." Keith said as tears rolled down his cheeks.

Tryas smiled up at Keith. "Well I can fix part of that right now." Tryas said as he stood. He took Keith's hand. He took his other hand and pulled Keith's shorts down until they fell to his feet. He then pulled at the band of his shorts until they fell to the floor. "Finally." Tryas said. "What ?" Keith said. "I have been naked in these woods for two months. I hate clothes." Tryas said as he took Keith's hand and led him to the bedroom. Keith was nervous because he knew he had not prepared for anal sex. Tryas pushed him back on the bed. He crawled up and hovered over Keith for a moment before leaning down to kiss him. He lowered his body onto Keith's before he started to move down. "The most gorgeous boy titties I have ever seen." Tryas said. "They need liposuction." Keith said. "Oh no baby they are going to get Tryas suction and I may even make them bigger." Tryas said as he sucked one in and began to suck like a calf on an utter.

Tryas spent equal time on each tit. He then moved down and sucked and chewed on Keith's love handles. Moving down he took his tongue and licked Keith's hard cock. "I make a mess. It's so embarrassing." Keith said. "Oh no baby. You have no idea how many boxes you tick in the perfect man for me. I left leaker off my list but it was a bonus. " Tryas said as he took the head of Keith's cock between his lips and began sucking it in. Keith wiggled and moaned and ended up placing his hands on Tryas' head. Tryas took and ran a finger through the precum that had leaked just above Keith's bush. He slid that finger down and slowly slid it inside Keith's very tight ass. Keith arched his back and tried to pull Tryas' mouth off his cock but he lost that fight and lost his load into Tryas' mouth.

"Your turn." Keith said. trying to move from under TRyas. "Not quite. Almost." Tryas said. He moved and sat across Keith's hips. He spit in his hand and began to jack his cock. "My beautiful redhead. Those delicious boy titties. That beautiful big ass I just want to bury my face in. Perfect and he LLLLLLEEEasaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkksssssss, " Tryas growled as he shot his load all over Keith's face and chest. The low full body growl shook Keith to his core. He could feel the roar going through his body and tickling all his nerve endings. Tryas lowered his body onto Keith's and began rubbing his load all over Keith's chest with his hairy chest. " So perfect and now this grunt's spunk is all over those boy titties. Just perfect." Tryas said as he leaned over and kissed Keith

Next: Chapter 9

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