My Life as a Cocksucker

By Steven889

Published on Aug 30, 2011


Part 3 - How I became a cocksucker

It was decided by Dave that I was to accompany his three friends on a 4 day fishing trip to southern Tenn over the coming holiday weekend. I was not consulted for permission, that is was not asked my opinion. I was just suppose to arrange by whatever means to be ready at 5 o'clock this coming Friday. He made it clear that I didn't have any decision in the matter. I was told that this would be a working trip, and that I was not to consider being "One of the guys".

I picked a moment the next day to tell my wife that I was going on a fishing trip and would not be back until Late Monday. It actually worked out, as she wanted to visit her sister in Chicago over the weekend. I was relieved as her sister really did not like me, thinking I was a "wimp" in her words. I guess other women can tell things about you that even you want to hide.

Friday I was on time, and met Dave and his 3 friends at his house where a large Motor home was waiting. I brought a small suitcase and a cooler. They laughed at me when Dave grabbed the cooler and put it in the coack, but stopped to check the contents of the suitcase.

"Lets see what the wimp brought guys" he sneered, while pushing me out of the way. He laid the suitcase on the ground a preceded to remove the contents. "Well, you won't be needing these" he said as he took my underwear and threw them into a trash container. He left me with toiletries, one pair of shorts, one pair of pants, a belt, and two pairs of shoes. He walked up to me and whispered " Did you bring any Lube". This scarred me, as I didn't see any use for lube as I was his cocksucker, and had never had anal intercourse" I replied "No, was I suppose to bring that?"

"Don't worry I cook with Crisco" and laughed out loud enough for the other guys to hear.

I wasn't sure if everyone knew the depths of my commitment to sucking Dave off, so I said nothing as he humiliated me before leaving.

In minutes we boarded and were off. We all took seats with Brian driving. It was decided that the Four of them would take turns driving, which seemed odd since the drive was just over 7 hours. It was to make sense real soon.

About 15 minutes, just after we hit the highway Dave stood up and introduced me as " His personal cocksucker and cum eater". And that " I was there to relieve them of all stress and take care of their needs without question for the next few days"

That was followed by a round of applause from the guys, and a honk of the horn my Brian up front.

The guys placed a collar and leash around my neck and led me back to the rear bedroom of the motor home. This home had two extensions that could be moved when we were parked. This make the bedroom kind of cramped when we were moving, but no one seemed to care. For the next few hours I was ordered to give head to each guy to completion. It started with their friend Ed. A slightly heavy set guy about 6'1 220, with what turned out to have a 7 inch cut cock and large mushroom head. Dave told me to make it good for him as he just broke up with his girlfriend and he was still angry and needed relief. He also had large hanging shaved balls, one of my favorites. I told him so. It didn't make any difference. I was just a cocksucker to him, not his buddy or even someone who he wanted to talk with.

Ed was agitated, and he was demanding and expected me to pay for "that fucking cunt who walked out on him". It wasn't more than a few minutes after he put me on my knees that his erect cock was balls deep in my throat. He put his large hands behind my head and just kept me there while he flexed that hugh cock-head in my throat. I nearly passed out from lack of air before he let me breath. "Ready to do that again" he laughed. My eyes watered, but I said nothing as he again drove his cock deep and pushed me so hard his pubes were up my nostrils. I held my breath for about 30 seconds, and he yanked his cock abruptly and shoved his balls into my face and told me to take over. I licked and sucked his large shaved balls (my favorite) and spent several minutes getting to know them personally. He held my head fast to his nuts, and gave me direction on where he wanted to be licked and suckled. Within minutes I was face fucked hard until he drove his cock deep and with a loud groan unloaded several spurts of heavy thick sweet tasting cum in my mouth. Out of desperation, I swallowed fast, and let the last spurts fall on my tongue, grateful to be able to breath and taste his load. I pressed my face hard to his softening cock and softly milked him for about a minute. The other guys jeered me on, and finally he yanked his cock-head out and wiped it on my forehead.

"Better get used to that cocksucker, I like to cum 3-4 times a day. The cunt said that was the reason she was leaving me, just could not keep me satisfied"

As I was trained properly by Dave I replied through with a now croaked voice " Yes sir, and thank you for feeding me".

They all laughed, and my sucking service was now nonstop until we reached the Tenn stat line. Even Brian got sucked off after a stop at a rest area for fuel.

My Direction and discussion for the trip.

Before we left on Friday Dave called and told me to me at his place in 30 minutes, and " don't be late cocksucker" was the most evident idea of the tone of our meeting.

I showed up on time and knocked on the door.

" Come in and take your clothes off, and get into kneeling position" he told me the moment he opened the door. His demeanor was unusual as he didn't usually become dominate until his cock was buried down my throat. He said "why do you think I invited you on this trip?" looking down on his naked cocksucker on the floor. "To continue my training, and to make sure you get serviced properly while on vacation" I replied "No, that's what you think I want to hear" he sneered, actually kind of angry in tone. Again he took my chin in his big left hand and squeezed tight, " Now why are you coming on this trip? I understood, "Because I am your personal cocksucker and I have no choice but to be near your cock and cum" "Yes and go on" he squeezed harder. And because I suck cock, and there is no more important task in my life than sucking you whenever and wherever you command" I replied again hoping that was a sufficient answer. He seemed satisfied, and I was somewhat relieved when he withdrew his hand from my chin. " Yes, I think you know your place, but on this trip, you will have 4 masters, and each will expect a level of oral service new for even a cocksucker like yourself" "Now lick my balls while telling me what your going to do on this trip to please me". I moved closer and began to lick each nut while speaking " I'm going to slurp.. suck your balls dry all day... slurp... and suck the cum from all your friends off when needed...lick...and swallow all the precious cream they give me" He reached down and stuffed both his large balls into my mouth filling them totally. "look up at me cocksucker" he hollered, He began to stroke himself off slowly and then faster as I caressed his nuts with my overstuffed mouth, I soon had him ready to shoot, and he yanked the balls out of my mouth and placed the head inside my lips and shot several large cum spasms on my tongue. I was able to taste every drop and swallowed all he shot. He then sat down and I followed on my knees not letting his cock leave my warm sucking mouth. He interlaced his fingers behind my neck and pulled my head forward until his cock-head was lodged in my throat. I couldn't breath for several seconds until he began to soften. I lovingly suckled his cock, all the while he pressed harder on my neck keeping me pressed to his balls, and his pubic hair was up my nose. We stayed this way for at least ten minutes, I know because my knees began to ache, never relieving the pressure on my head and neck. Eventually he let go and I began to move my head back away but was disturbed by the order " lick my ass and perineum while I jack out another load, I don't like to drive with full balls" He grabbed his legs and lifted them up spreading his crotch and again pressed my head with one hand back to according to him "where I belonged". I had to agree and dove back and latterly kissed his bud over and over again like I was greeting a long lost love. He eventually stroked himself off and came again this time deep in my throat. The load was not as strong, but I felt satisfaction knowing I had emptied the bothersome loads he needed to shoot. Dave's It's after sucking Dave's asshole that I get a rush of happiness. I tried to rationalize it recently and came to the conclusion that it's the only time I feel truly "needed" his words. Like a mother must feel when breast feeding her infant, knowing she is giving nourishment, I get the same feeling knowing my tonguing and licking is giving him the needed stimulation needed to help him reach orgasm, and then he rewards me with his "milk" and I am like the infant feeding and getting my need fulfilled. I know my cock is never harder than when my tongue is stiffened and entering the hole, my face pressed as hard as possible, my tongue aches from trying to get one more millimeter deeper, knowing the need to reach a new area will make him feed just that much better. I'm almost unhappy when he stops to unload his nut, as my service is ending, at least until the next time. The nice thing about this trip is the times between ass, ball and cock service will be shorter as I will be servicing 4 sets of balls, and hopefully tonguing new and different assholes, and feeling the "needed" feeling over and over again.

Day 2 After the discussion with Dave, it was very clear to me what was expected from me, and quite honestly I didn't want to let him down. In the morning i got up early and made everyone a fresh breakfast of eggs, toast, coffee, and sausage links. Everyone got up except Steve, as he had trouble sleeping and slept in. The other guys grabbed fishing poles and took off to find a good spot. Dave told me to "make sure that Steve was fully taken care of when he woke". I knew what that meant and was looking forward to pleasing him.

Fifteen minutes later Steve woke and I heard him using the rest room and then the shower, I was still cleaning up breakfast when he called out for me to come back into the camper. Steve was a large guy, about 5'11, 210 with a large hairy chest. I asked him if he wanted breakfast as he was exiting the shower. He replied "I hear you give a hell of a shave and rim, is that right?. "Yes sir" I replied as that is what Dave told me to respond to each and every command or suggestion from all the guys. "Well then faggot, go get your razor and shaving creme, I got a job for you".he sneered with obvious disgust. He proceeded to relax on a kitchen chair, and put his feet up on the counter and another chair, and told me to "get to work, and make sure it;'s come out smooth". As I was already an accomplished crotch barber, I had his balls, ass, and most of the pubes off in no time, using my tongue afterward to make sure I didn't miss any stubble. Steve felt my handiwork and seemed to be pleased. "I also heard from Dave your an expert ass and ball lapper". he said with a laugh in his voice. I was used to being treated this way, isn't every cocksucker? He Continued, " we and the boys have decided to call you the Condiment cocksucker, isn't that a catchy name?" I didn't like where this was going, but knew better than to disagree. "Yes sir and how may I please you further" He then reached over to the fridge and took out some strawberry preserves and stuck two big fingers in the bottle and smeared a large amount of jelly from his ass to his balls. "I think it's time for your breakfast, get started and make sure you clean my ass out completely, I don't want to take another shower" He got up and turned around and got on his knees and reached back and spread his cheeks and told me in an angry tone to "get started, and sorry there is no toast involved" I got down with him and began the humiliating task of licking up the preserves and swallowing them as it went along. I was happy to have something to eat this morning even if I had to lick it from his crotch. I tongued his now hairless hole for about 30 minutes while he jacked off, eventually turning around and shoving his spurting cock in my mouth. Just as he was cumming Dave and the other guys got back and opened the door, I was startled not only my their return but by the sheer volume of cum shooting forth from Steve's 7 inch cock and balls. I guess getting shaved and having your ass sucked early in the morning causes guys to shoot extra large loads. A few drops escaped my lips and dripped down to his balls and base of his cock. I swallowed most of the rest of the sweet precious cream, and began to lap and mouth up the cum that missed, but knew that I had broken a strict rule about allowing any cum to escape my sucking mouth. Dave was furious, grabbing me by the neck and throwing me outside the camper and down onto the dirt. "Why am I upset cocksucker?' he yelled close to my face I replied " because I allowed precious cum to drip from my mouth without permission" "And what is the appropriate punishment for such an infraction for allowing that to happen cocksucker?" he replied. I was silent and afraid to respond, and this just made him yell it again. "I deserved to be whipped master" was the only thing I could think to say. "Yes you do, but instead I think the only thing you will get to eat today Condiment boy is just that and our cum. lets see how it feels to go 24 hrs with just asshole condiment rations and cum". And with that he kicked me in the stomach and told Ed to go take a shower and get the same treatment that Steve enjoyed this morning. Well it moved from Strawberry preserves, to ketchup, syrup, peanut butter, and apple butter. I lapped up everything after each guy showered and was shaved. By dinner time, I had 4 loads of cum and eaten most of the condiments we had brought. My tongue was numb, but I never felt so alive and humiliated. I thanked each one personally while licking their balls, and reciting my pledge for the privilege, and forgiveness for my earlier infraction. Each guy had given me a very large load, as getting your ass tongue fucked for twenty or thirty minutes can stimulate an explosive orgasm. I was careful to not loose a drop each time they unloaded. My reward after preparing a fish dinner for the guy, was being allowed to jack off into a small container of apple sauce and then eating it for their enjoyment. I then was allowed to give each guy another blow job before they retired for the evening , swallowing every drop they shot off in my sucking and wet mouth. All except Dave, who took my anal virginity soon after in the master bedroom of the camper. He tied me down, gagged me so as not to wake the other guys, and as be had already cum twice that day, pounded my virgin ass for over 40 minutes before he dropped his load. Sometimes shallow stabs, and sometimes hard deep painful thrusts. I was in pain for much of the time, but he untied me, went to wash up, and then told me to sleep with his cock resting in my mouth. I felt his load leaking from my ass. I had never felt so needed and satisfied. I counted 11 loads in my stomach and one in my ass. Everyone slept like babies that night, except me, as my ass throbbed all night. What was so wonderful is that the he didn't consult or even ask me if I wanted to be fucked, he just took it, and I let him.I love being treated this way, and am grateful he is man enough to use me for his pleasure.

Day 3

It wasn't so much that I woke up before sunlight with Dave shoving his 8 inch cock deep inside me, his light grunting and heavy breathing in my right ear, it was that he did it without any notice, a reaffirmation of what was now his property, his right of way, and I had better understand that now. I returned the movement, knowing his pleasure was what mattered. Just as I had mastered sucking his crotch completely, so now I was going to learn this too, no matter what. Luckily he didn't last long before he came deep in his new hole, and just as quickly kept his spent cock in me as he fell back to sleep. We stayed that way for the next hour or so. When he finally withdrew I breathed a sigh of relief, but that peace was shattered as two of the other guys came into the dark room and took me from both ends, pushing and pulling me back and forth, Steve shoving his cock balls deep with each stroke. I ended up licking his ass as he jacked off, finishing off on my tongue. Ed dropped his load deep in me a few minutes later.He laughed as he withdrew his spent cock, gasping at the size of my now stretched hole.

The rest of the day, was wildly random, Giving a blow job while someone fished, sucking off Dave while we went on a beer run, sucking balls while someone jacked off, getting butt fucked on video while jacking off into a condom. The last culminated with me eating the contents while everyone watched and videotaped for later enjoyment (and I suspect sexual blackmail). I was congratulated for swallowing every drop of my meager load.

One of the best things about the weekend was my nightly recap and group thank you for all the cock and cum I was being fed daily. I knew my place, was happy to be there. I was sorry that we were leaving the next day. I got a round of applause, and was rewarded by being allowed to sit on a large vibrating didoes while continuing my sermon about being their suck slave and cum eater. Guys just love knowing their load is being.swallowed and enjoyed. I think it makes them feel even more of a man, especially when someone like myself is describing each squirt of cum from their cocks. I love to tell them they shot off a large load, it makes them feel more masculine. em Dave stood up and wanted to take a vote of the guys to see if I deserved to service all of them when we got back home. Everyone eagerly agreed, and it was decided that I should be expected to service "the condiment group" as it became to be called. I thought the name was fitting, and over time it made me proud to be the cocksucker for such a group on their trips and just everyday. I even used honey and Always with a creamy finish.

Look for part 4 / My life as a cocksucker - Back Home By


Next: Chapter 4

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