My Life as a Cocksucker

By Steven889

Published on Feb 13, 2012


My Life as a Cocksucker Part 6 By steve 889

Yesterday, after returning home from sucking off each guy at the now weekly poker game, my wife asked me to sit down. She explained that she wanted to talk about something important. My heart instantly started racing. Did she know that the man she married was now a depraved cum sucker and cock lover?

She began, "I'm worried about Dad. I know you've been extra busy keeping everyone happy, but I want I want you to make an effort to hang out with him once in a while. You both enjoy watching sports. He could use the company, now that mom's gone, it would do him good to think about dating again. Maybe you can bring this up in passing. He really won't talk about much with me, and I think he's depressed.

I had conflicting emotions, I was so happy that we were discussing something other than she found out about my extra activities, and wanted to help her with her dad's problem, but was worried it would cut into the time I now needed to drain everyone's balls daily.

"I'll call him tomorrow and touch base with him honey" hoping he would just tell me to make it another time, or simply just blow me off as I was never his favorite in-law.

"Thank you honey, Let me know how it goes. Tomorrow is Saturday; he should be home all day. I have a meeting, so that would be a good time to visit".

The next day:

I called Phil, that's her father's name, and we talked for a few minutes about sports, weather, etc. I asked him if he would like some company for the ND game that afternoon. He didn't answer right away, but then said "Sure, come over at 2:00".

I called Dave and told him I had a family emergency and wouldn't be available until later. He was alright with that, but told me he expected a through tongue bath this weekend, and should let him know when I was to be available, reminding me that my priorities have been permanently reset by him and the group, and that I would do well to remember that. His tone left me nervous, and intimidated. It also turned me on, and as a cocksucker, I thanked him for reminding me of my status.

I showed up at 2:00 and Phil took me into the back yard where he had a TV set up. It was a beautiful day, and he wore a swim suit, and a tank top. For a guy in his mid 50's he was in pretty good shape. He offered me a beer, and we had some banter back and forth about the action.

It was around the end of the first quarter that Phil started moving around his cock with his left hand. He actually was fingering his cock which was now erect. I had heard he was somewhat of a ladies' man earlier before marriage, and from the expanding bulge, I was beginning to see why.

I asked him, in a guy's way if he had thought about what it would be like to have a girlfriend again. He took a swig from his beer and told me he didn't want to get involved with anyone yet, but wouldn't mind a blow job now and then. He laughed a few times. "Just don't want a real hooker, scares me with all the stuff going around now, and damn if I'm just cheap. It doesn't sit well with me giving money to girls who will spend it on dope and cheap clothes"

I laughed then, and said "I may have an alternative for him if he wanted a real blowjob?" I knew I was taking a chance, but I kind of felt sorry for the poor bastard, and I couldn't keep my mind and my eyes off his expanding crotch.

He could not help but notice my attention to his rapidly expanding cock, and a smile and awareness settled on his face. He leaned forward and grabbed my collar and pulled me aggressively onto the floor between his legs. Without a word being said, he pulled his cock out and with his left hand still on my collar, moved it to the back of my head and forced his cock head into my mouth.

"This is what your really here for" he said as he laid back into the couch and pushed down hard so that soon his balls were settled on my lower lip. We stayed that way for several minutes. His cock being wide but not do deep allowed me to take a breath here and there during our "seal suck". I breathed his musky smell and filed it away. It would soon join all the other musky scents I would regularly smell. I just didn't know at that time just how much he would be using me, as we became sport buddies.

It wasn't long before he began to move my mouth up and down his pole, happy with himself that is son in law was eagerly sucking his neglected cock. After about 10 minutes of slow sucking, he softly pushed my head down deep and unloaded, almost without any real deep breathing or tells sign of his impending orgasm. I swallowed a rather large load quickly, not really tasting the sperm as it went directly down my throat. We stayed that way for several long moments, and he pulled me up and off and directed me to suck his balls. I looked up and thought it seemed unusual that he wanted his balls sucked after cumming and not before, but this was to be something I would soon be getting used to. It seemed he would always want at least two nuts, and sucking his nuts after he came, was how he likes to get primed to cum again while he jerked off. It was later after he put me on a schedule that I began to lap his anus for him.

He got off making me beg to suck him.

"How much do you want my load" he would say as he slapped my face with his erect penis

"More than anything, more than having a regular meal"

"Then beg me for it"

"May I please pleasure you and have you feed me sir"

"Not good enough"

he replied

"I'll suck you off twice if you give me the honor of sucking your balls dry, PLEASE let me suck you off. I'll even jack off afterward and suck up my own cum if you let me"

"That I would like to see, who would have thought my little girl was married to such a cocksucking faggot. Well at least you're making her happy spending so much time keeping me company."

"Yes sir her happiness is very important to me, as well as emptying your balls"

"It's more a reward for you than a pleasure for me, don't you think?"

"Yes sir, I love being fed your cum loads. It puts me into my place like nothing else does, thank you for that".

"Don't mention it cocksucker", he laughs, and shoves his cock deep, holding my head in place, his place, and now our place.

The repeated oral assault by my father-in-law did help his mental makeup, and his depression did diminish, much to my wife's delight. I didn't get to watch much sports, although the sound of the games was always in the back ground. That first month we "watched games" three or four times a week. I learned to swallow his prodigious and thick cum loads, and milk his softening cock for extended time afterward. He got a kick when I began to lick his anus between sucks as it caused him to become erect, and stimulated his prostate to again feed me his precious sperm.

He had also used me as his cock barber. I trimmed his pubic hair, and shaved his balls and around his anus. I used my tongue each time to insure a close shave and no stubble was left. I shaved him at least once a week. He would sit in an easy chair and put his legs up over the arms. I wet the area with water and using shaving cream, would shave his most intimate area. It is exciting to keep his balls and ass clean of hair. He loved to watch me do my work, and complimented me each time I finished. As a reward he would let kneel and jack off while licking his anus. I had to squirt my meager load onto his hole, film the entire sequence, and lick every drop of my spend until he was clean again. It was especially humiliating when I had to watch, narrate, and comment about my servitude while we watched for his amusement.

Feeling of Gratitude:

There is an immediacy of gratitude that sucking cock gives you, which you cannot find anywhere else. I love this overwhelming moment of purpose at the moment of ejaculation. You're providing a biological need to empty the testes of millions of sperm, meant to fertilize female eggs, swallowed instead to fulfill your desire to use and to submit to the more important task pleasing and not wasting the precious fluid. Feeding his desire to give you the load, and your mental desire to ingest and not waste a drop. Sucking cock gives a beautiful balance of desire and response, giving both immense yet brief delight to both parties. Others may look upon cocksucking as something low and beneath them, but they are missing the picture of a selfless beautiful act, and something to be truly proud of.

The next day:

I'm not sure if it was a good or a bad thing when my wife had to leave town for a few days to help take care of a medical emergency with her Aunt in another state, but Dave and Ed certainly believed it was.

I'm lying on the floor again, but this time my feelings of being used extended to the cum dripping from both ends of my body. Again I had to ask myself, how do I end up this way?

It's been a year since Dave made it clear to me that I was now his personal cocksucker. And even though I had sucked some of his friends, some strangers, and become a surrogate cunt hole for others, he felt I still needed to be reminded that servicing his crotch was still the main focus and reason for my continual existence.

In Ed's presence, Dave grasped my face with one of his large hands, "Remember when I told you there was nothing more important than sucking out my nut?

"Yes sir, I remember" I knew better than to disagree with him while he was projecting his dominance.

"Then why when I ordered you to be here yesterday to take my load, and have Ed fucked your ass pussy. Did you tell me you couldn't make it, and even cut me off when I asked why?

"I tried to explain that I had to take my wife to airport, and she was insistent on me listening to her about what to do why away. I've had to take care of her Dad lately, and I know it's been difficult to keep everyone's balls empty with the extra responsibility"

"Fucking excuses, I don't care if you're draining your father-in-Law's balls, your main focus should always be between my legs cocksucker" He screamed loudly as he made me aware of my failings.

"It's a good thing she will be away for awhile, because you deserve some serious reminding of your place, and your priorities in it. The group and I have decided you should get some special treatment "

I really didn't know what to say. Dave had never seemed this angry about anything before, and the look on his face actually scared me.

Before I could react, I was taken from behind and pushed down over an ottoman and my hands were tied behind my back. A red ball gag was pushed into my mouth, secured behind my head, and a pair of headphones turned on to a tape of Dave reminding me of my responsibilities as his cocksucker was played at a loud volume. It kept saying "cocksucker, this is your punishment for not being available to suck my and other cocks at request" and then it played multiple recordings of me being fucked and sucked, lots of moaning, humiliating comments and the like. I remembered some of the sounds from the many times I had been used as a cocksucker and cum dump by Dave and the group.

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud crack and intense pain as what seemed to be a hard paddle was administered to my backside. It quickly followed with another and another. The pain was so intense that I caused the ottoman to move. One of the guys quickly sat on my back to keep me in place. I next felt a large object being inserted in my used ass-pussy. It started to heat up and vibrates. I did hear laughing even through the recordings. The spanking continued, and I was aware of crying uncontrollably. I would have screamed if I could, but all I could do was endure what was surely the most intense beating of my life. It went on for what seemed forever. I saw the paddle. It was a frat paddle that Dave had on the wall in his basement. I was afraid to see what damage the heavy wood had left on my ass and legs.

When it ended, the headphones, anal plug and ball gag were removed, and quickly replaced with cocks at both ends. I felt and heard the presence of others in the room. It wasn't long before cocks were inserted balls deep into either end of my body. I was pulled back and forth relentlessly, deep ended at both sides. No mercy or softness involved. Each stroke down my throat bottomed out at Ed's balls, and I assumed the cock deep fucking me was Dave's as I heard his failure grunts. They didn't last long, as the paddling must have primed them both to blow early. I didn't even taste the load in my mouth as it was shot past my tongue. I was aware of the intense burning from my ass and cheeks. I didn't think I deserved such punishments, but my life as a cocksucker did not allow me control over the why or when I took cock, or the consequences of those who gave it to me.

The scene repeated itself for the next hour as other guys in the group used me in a similar fashion to drop their loads. I was deep fucked at least 4 times and face fucked until my throat throbbed. I didn't actually suck the last two times, as my face was just a hole to be fucked, and I concentrated on keeping my teeth out of the way, catching a breath here and there, and swallowing the sperm shot off, each time with a loud announcement like "take that load you fucking cocksucker, or here is your reward". Such language was actually almost like music to my ears as I had preformed as well as a pussy in extracting the cum from another set of full and bloated nuts. I was allowed to kiss each set of nuts to show my appreciation for the precious gift each had given me. Each guy stepped up and presented their spent nuts for my oral attention. . I never get tired of licking spent nuts, especially if they had shot off in my mouth.

Again I was left naked on the floor with cum dripping out of both my holes. In addition, I had welts on my backside and thighs. The coldness of the floor was somehow comforting physically and mentally. I belonged on the floor at the feet of my masters and tormenters. It was the proper place for a cocksucker to end up after being used. It felt unnatural being on my feet in their presence.

I was order to stand. I didn't want to get up until Dave said to me.

"Don't make us repeat this again. I expect you to make us your number one priority. It's my cock you belong to, understand"?

I looked up into Dave's eyes. "Yes I understand, and thank you for making it clear to me" He actually scared me with his stare.

"Now get up and go wash the cum away. I want to be rimmed while I read. It will give you something useful to do, and keep your mind focused for awhile"

"Yes sir" I replied submissively.

I spent the better part of the evening kneeling licking, kissing and eventually French kissing his asshole while he read a new book. I don't know how anyone could concentrate while being rimmed, but he had nut twice in me and was spent. His cock didn't get hard for most of my oral servitude. It was comforting to be allowed to tongue and lick his anus and balls. I had to continually wet my mouth to give the quality of rimming he desired.

After an hour and over 100 pages, Dave put the book down and directed me to stiffen my tongue to fuck his hole. He stared to stroke his 8 inch cock with the rhythm, and after 10 minutes he had me cap his cock head as he shot off five strong streams of sperm onto my tongue. He petted my head like a dog afterward.

"Good boy.... good boy cocksucker". It was music to my ears, and made everything worthwhile. We both fell asleep afterwards; Dave with spent balls, and me with the taste of his ass and cum comfortably in my mouth and stomach.

The next Day:

It's been about a year since I decided to tell your readers about my transformation from a straight married guy to a reluctant, doubtful, but honest and dedicated lover of cocks and cum. actually it was Dave who tactfully and forcibly turned my curiosity and submissive nature to his advantage, thereby becoming his personal cocksucker and crotch tongue washer. Whatever you want to call what I've become, it is hardly evident when I look at myself in the mirror, or when I sit down for dinner with the family. It's only when Dave or someone he wants me to suck has their cock balls deep in my throat, swallowing another large load of sperm, or when I am quietly and slowly rimming yet another anus, that my true nature and place in life is revealed.

I got a call Monday morning at work on my cell phone from Dave.

"Be at my place at lunch time, I got a surprise for you"

"I've got a meeting scheduled with a client at noon today. I think I mentioned it to you on Sunday"

There was an uncomfortable pause, "Alright make it at 2, but don't be late, and expect to spend the rest of the afternoon here, understand cocksucker"

"Yes sir, I replied, not liking the disappointed tone of his last statement.

Dave had claimed me as his own personal property, and I'm okay with that. There is a comfort and satisfaction is having someone who needs you, even if that need is just to dump the contents of their bloated balls inside you. I'm even alright with the realization that He has control over others who have the same need and, with his permission, shove their hard cocks into my ass-pussy and down my throat.

I was able to arrive right at 2 pm and Dave let me in. He was wearing a robe and slippers, even though it was a weekday and the middle of the afternoon. I quickly undressed and sported a leather studded collar which now had a nametag attached that said "cocksucker".

"Get on your knees and come with me" I crawled and followed Dave into the next room, and saw two muscular black guys naked and sitting on the couch near the window. On a tripod nearby was a video camera and Dave manned it while telling me what I was there for.

"These two studs are associates of mine, and I've promised them a cocksucker for the afternoon"

I have never been with a black person before, male or female, and was a little scared, and it showed.

One of the guys who was introduced to me as Stacy told me in a deep masculine voice, "It's going to be alright, you're going to love this black honey, shit by the time were through your wonder why you ain't never had black cock before" They all laughed, and Dave told me to crawl over to the couch and start sucking him while he filmed it all for the groups later viewing.

It never was my intention to be the cocksucker of black men, or groups of men in general. I really only wanted to be used and needed by one man, and have the responsibility for keeping his sexual desires and specifically his balls empty of all sperm he produced. Dave made it very clear to me that this was my expressed purpose in life. I had my doubts and concerns, and this was causing me anxiety.

"Why am I being used this way, I only wanted to keep you satisfied? I only want to taste and swallow your cum"

Rather than being angry for my insolence, I was surprised with Dave's response.

"You've done well at keeping my balls empty cocksucker, but it's important to me to take your skills to a new level, and having only one cock, mine, does not provide enough cum, cock length, and balls size to take you there. I want to video your subservience and obedience, so as to get ideas for improvement, and because the group likes the entertainment seeing your continued debasement, humiliation, and obedience. And besides, where else would you get the opportunity, sanctioned by me to suck and swallow the contents of so many full and bloated nuts. You should be thanking me for allowing you to be on your knees and providing you with the cum you love"

I understand what he was saying, and was grateful for the process of being a more experienced cocksucker, as that is secretly what I wanted to be, but I still felt butterflies in my stomach, and the anxiety hadn't left me.

"I'm still nervous"

"Well you won't be after you feel the first black cock bottoming out in your throat, Let's get started and I want to see the same enthusiasm you show when ever my cock is balls deep in your cocksucking throat, understand?"

"Yes sir and thank you again for using me this way, and keeping me in my place mentally as well as physically"

"Don't mention it cocksucker, now crawl over to Derrick, and beg to suck his nice cock and balls.

He waited for me with the most evil grin on his face. He reclined with his ass on the edge of the sofa and a large light brown flaccid cock lying against his left thigh. I crawled between his legs and kissed the head of his cock reciting the words Dave had taught me when allowed the privilege of sucking someone new.

"May I please suck your wonderful black cock and swallow your cum"

"You sure you can handle this cock, it gets a lot bigger when you suck it right"

"Yes sir and I will suck your balls first to make sure you shoot the largest load possible"

"All right cocksucker, get to work and make it last"

Last night I went over to Dave's after I finished bowling. Yes I bowl in a league of mostly macho guys; it's a good cover for my hetro lifestyle. Well anyway, I was again having some misgivings about my role as his cum drainer and I needed some reassurance being a closet cocksucker was the right thing to continue doing. I confessed again to him about my anxiety coming to the surface. He suggested some oral devotion time, and not just sucking to completion.

This involved me getting naked and using a variety of positions where he would bury his large cock completely in my mouth and throat. He speaks softly to me, reinforcing his dominance, and giving me what I need to hear. We began with me on my knees, his legs crossed behind my neck, his hands hard behind my neck, and his cock balls deep in my throat. We Sealed sucked in two minutes increments for about 30 minutes leaving me gasping for air each time, but feeling the contentment of having served and tasted his cock. He would say things like "breath in the musk of my balls first before swallowing" or "This is where you belong, nowhere else" He would make me recite that mantra over and over again in my head and then out loud between gulps of air.

At the end of the seal sucking, he would have me lap the area between his balls and asshole while making me take large breaths with my nose, smelling his ball musk. Again he speaks about my happiness servicing his crotch, and that being between his legs was the only thing I could count on in life. He was right; the anxiety does leave me after such service. I usually start with an oral worship of his nuts, individually and together. The main difference is that I can breathe regularly. He again wraps his legs around my head, keeping me in place. I love this time, and he uses it to again tell me this is where I belong. He wants me to know that this is the norm. That everything I do when between sucking is not important, but just a pause in my day between my true purpose as a cum dump for real men, of which I am not a member.

I've been fortunate lately in that Dave and my father in-law have discussed, with me present, my time constants in servicing both of them orally. Dave felt that he was entitled to rights of first ownership as he trained me to take cock and cum, and to be a cocksucking cumslut.

They worked out a schedule where I would blow and rim him 3 days a week and my Father in law would get the other 3. Considering his advanced age, it only makes sense. He too began to require that I spend a considerable amount of time orally rimming his tight asshole before feasting on his delicious cum loads. This did require me to work longer hours to finish my regular job requirements, and this was having an adverse effect on my marriage and my wife was starting to complain. I tried my best to orally satisfy her when I could, but she complained that my heart didn't seem to be into it when we had intercourse. I knew what she was saying was true, as all I could think about was my commitment to emptying the balls of both Dave and Phil.

Phil thought it was time for me to level with my wife about my Bi-sexual activities, and allow her to find an outlet for her own sexual satisfaction. This made me extremely nervous; as I was afraid she would freak out and leave me, taking her affections, and maybe Phil's extremely suckable cock with her. He assured me that everything would work out alright, and set up a meeting for the next day after I sucked him dry.

It was decided that a meeting would take place at Phil's the next day with Him, Dave, my wife and Ed. I'm not sure why Ed was included as I had little time to suck him recently with the full schedule of sucking and my job. I showed up at 11 and everyone was already there. The meeting was more official that I was used to, I was even allowed to sit on the furniture. Dave started it off.

"Thank you everyone for meeting here today as I have an announcement that concerns everyone here"

Dave continued speaking directly to my wife. "Lori it's time you knew about your husband's devotion of extracting the semen from men's balls. He has been hiding and deceiving you, and acting this way on my orders. I know this must be a shock, but I want you to know that we have decided to act today in order to stop this deception. He needs your help to feel comfortable as our personal cocksucker, and to fill in for your sexual and emotional needs.

I was floored and couldn't believe he was leveling with her. I was in shock at the cavalier attitude she exhibited. It was then that I saw she was holding Ed's hand while Dave continued.

"Your husband Tim has been sucking and fucking cock at our command for several months, and wants to continue doing so in the future. I want you to feel pride in that his commitment to emptying the balls of your father and myself daily is his true calling, and one in which he has excelled. He needs the occasional discipline to keep him on plan, and we have come up with another aspect of his oral service that might benefit you as well.

One Hour later

I sat in stunned silence, trying to understand and accept all that had been explained to me for the last hour.

My wife spoke first.

"Honey are you alright? I know this will make things better for all of us. I have tried to make it easier for you to become a happy and fulfilled cocksucker, and now a cuckold too. You'll see everything will work out for the best"

She continued while holding my hand.

"I did all I could to help you in your desire to be submissive and get the training you needed. I didn't ask questions when you left the house or came home late. I didn't give you much grief when you couldn't perform like a man in the bedroom. And I allowed you to go on the fishing trip with Dave, Ed and the boys so you could get the grad school education and training you needed in cocksucking and being a male cunt for hard cocks and cum. You should be thanking me"

"You see my speaking with Dave several months ago was a blessing in disguise. I followed you over to his house and watched you sucking his cock and balls, and when I observed you rimming his fine asshole for an extended period, I knew I had lost you to cock, and knew I needed to find some strange cock to satisfy my lustful needs, as you were no longer capable in my eyes to be a man anymore"

I looked like a deer caught in a headlight as I continued to listen.

She went on.

"You see it was me who called Dave and asked for his help, and he suggested Ed and a couple of the other guys might be able to cool down my need for straight cock. Over time Ed won the race for my heart and pussy. You should be glad it wasn't some stranger. I have no plans to leave you my little cocksucker"

Dave, Ed and my wife laughed a little at that last phrase. I felt so humiliated, yet it was nothing compared to what she and the others had in store for my immediate future.

"It was Dave's idea to get Dad involved. It has worked out so well for him as a widow, and helped to continue your training. I also like that it has filled out your cocksucking schedule, given the extra helping of cum you need, and helped out dad so well in keeping his balls empty. He says you are the best dedicated cum swallower and ass rimmer he has ever had the opportunity to use"

"And now all I ask is that you do your small part in keeping my pussy satisfied and help Ed and I achieve some sort of balance in the bedroom now that I have had to fill in (pun intended) nor your inadequacies as a man in our relationship"

I finally found the courage to ask what she expected me to do.

"Well honey I'm glad you brought that up. You see while you have been away these past months sucking cock for Dave, Ed, My dad and the other guys in your new group. I would call Ed and knowing your schedule would come over and sex me in our martial bed. It was so wicked for me to fuck on the same bed where you slept most nights. Well anyway, as you know Ed delivers some exceptional loads, and we both feel that it's a shame to waste such a precious supply of cum, so I need you to be there on occasion to clean me of his spend, and get Ed ready to give me the fucking I need. I want you to clean his cock and balls too. It may also be necessary to drain him when I get my period, or I'm not around for him to fuck. Can you do that for me baby?"

I pathetically responded, "Will I ever get to put it in again"

"I don't think that's a good idea baby, and you wouldn't be able to feel much anyhow now that Ed has stretched my pussy with his big cock. It's best if you use your mouth to please us both. But don't let that get you down, I'm not going to leave you, especially with you being such a big help to dad, and Ed and I in the bedroom. This will all work out great for us believe me. You were never one to enjoy having an idle schedule anyway."

She continued, "Between Dave, Dad and I, we will keep you busy doing something you truly love and get so much personal fulfillment from. And the good news is that I have some new ideas to help you get off since you cock won't be feeling the softness of my wet pussy Of course you can still cum while having some of the guys fuck your ass-pussy. I've heard you really enjoy being used that way, and I can't wait to see you cum while getting ass fucked. But that will have to wait. Dad invited me over tomorrow to witness your cocksucking.

"Don't worry honey, Dave and I have set up a new schedule for you. Monday, Wed and Friday you suck Dad off in the afternoon. He says he shoots the largest loads then, and sometimes can get off twice before dinner. He might want you Monday evenings in the fall so he can get off during Football, but you two can work that out. Tuesday, and Thursday, Saturday and some weekend trips, you belong to Dave. Now I expect some of the other guys from the group will be in attendance. I guess all this family activity has diminished the amount of time from draining their bloated nuts. It will be good for you to get a variety and larger volume of cum. I do want to watch them pull a train on you. That gets me wet just Thinking about it"

"Now this is the important part. You don't have to be worried about my pussy being neglected. Ed has graciously offered to fuck me and give me my pussy the attention it deserves. And since you are a cocksucker, something you can no longer provide. You can provide financially, and I expect to see no drop off in that department. Also whenever you are not sucking cum down, I expect you to provide clean up duty for Ed and I. I also expect you to suck us both off whenever we desire. You should be happy that I will allow you close to my pussy at all. You will have some evenings, a few morning, and also all day Sunday to orally please Ed and me.

I started to get teary eyed. This was beginning to sound way too much.

"Oh honey don't be sad, this is a great opportunity for you to fulfill your desire to suck cock without guilt, and keep your loving wife satisfied. You have to understand your status in this marriage standing in my eyes has changed. You're a cocksucker, and a good one I've been told. And Ed and I will help keep you happy. Oh, and I almost forgot, every Sunday you will be allowed to cum, that is if you have been good, and I don't get any bad reports from everyone. I have kept Sunday for just the three of us. You will get to suck all the pussy and cock you need, as you will be close to us all day. Isn't that wonderful?"

I was stunned and surprised.

"Do I have anything to say about all this?" I defiantly exclaimed.

In a baby voice my wife said, "No honey, cocksuckers suck and obey. You should be grateful. Not every cocksucker gets to suck and swallow cum so often. And according to Dave, you already have an understanding about what is expected from you. Oh and I have some new and exciting ways for you to cum in the future. Were all going to be so happy."

"Now don't fret and worry, in a few weeks, becoming a full time cuckold and cocksucker for others will be everything you ever wanted, you'll see".

Two Weeks Later:

"Swallow it cocksucker" This has become a command I am used to hearing, and like to or not, my most important and meaningful act each and every day. This load was coming from my father in-law, and being the second load in two hours, and I had to work awfully hard to get him to empty his nuts down my hungry throat. "So how do you like your new schedule and responsibilities cocksucker?"

"It's been very time consuming, but I am getting the extra training and cum I need to make me a better cocksucking slave to everyone. And thank you again Phil for feeding me so well each time I am allowed the honor of pleasing your crotch."

He smiled with that response. "I have to give it to you; what a fine job of taking all of my nuts each week. And if not for your suck time with my daughter and Dave, I would be feeding you daily. Well I guess that's best anyway as I am able to give you a larger load with the day off. By the way how did you ever get so good at rimming my ass? I mean no one has ever moaned like you do when your tongue fucking it, and the way you spread my cheeks to get your face deeper for stimulation is a testament to your dedication to getting the largest load from each suck."

"Thank you sir, that means a lot to me to know you appreciate my time on my knees. I truly enjoy the taste of your sperm, and look forward to our time together. It never occurred to me when you gave your daughter away at our wedding that I would be spending more time pleasing you then her"

"Well boy, that's just the way it worked out. And now she has Ed to dick her properly. How do you like watching her get fucked properly by a real man, and sucking up his cum afterward"?

I was not used to talking about my new cuckold responsibilities, and hesitated in answering.

"It's okay cocksucker, you can tell me everything. It will be good to get it off your chest" he replied.

"I've had to get used to them fucking at all hours, and in nearly every room of the house. Last week they were fucking outside on the patio. It was okay since the trees hid the area from the neighbors, but they insisted that I watch. Your daughter kept looking at me as Ed gave her orgasm after orgasm. I counted her cumming at least four times before he shot his load. I had to clean them both up afterward with my mouth, and continue sucking Ed until he was hard again. His cum tastes different from yours, a little more bitter, and a smaller quantity than you shoot. He likes to be rough with me, driving deep with each thrust, and calling me names. Lisa likes to hear him treat me poorly, and says it keeps me in my place.

I guess he's right in doing that. I know I get hard each time he calls me cocksucker, or faggot.

Watch for part 7 Home responsibilities and new ways to cum

Next: Chapter 7

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