My Life as a Cocksucker

By Steven889

Published on Feb 17, 2012


My life as a cocksucker. Part 7. By steve889

Honey wake up. Wake up, it's time for your milking.

I opened my eyes and saw my lovely and assertive wife standing next to her lover Ed.

"Come on sleepy head, stand up and follow us into the master bedroom. You remember that room don't you? It's where you used to sleep before Ed replaced you as the man in this house" She gleefully said.

I followed in a semi sleepless state her and Ed into what has become my "milking place". It consists of a small mat in the corner near the bedroom window. My wife has decided that since my status has changed, that I no longer should achieve orgasm like most men do. Since I take sperm in both ends in so many ways, and by a multitude of cocks, that this is the appropriate way for the "bothersome excretions" her words, to be extracted from my body. It's her opinion this will also keep my frustration and submissive behavior levels high.

"Assume the position cocksucker" she says, and I fall to my knees and drop my head to the matt.

"Good boy, now Ed is going to film you for review later, and we have something new planned when you are finished. Aren't you glad to hear that?"

"Yes Mamm". I knew better than to disagree about anything at this point.

"It's so much better to do this when you wake up. Your so much more awake and able to fully apreeciate the feelings and humiliation of having others control your ejaculations" she gleefully said.

I groaned as I felt the first of several lubed fingers enter my anus.

"Don't you just love that first penetration?" she asked.

I didn't answer as I was concentrating on her inserting a second and then a third finger widening and relaxing my anus. It was then that I felt my erect penis being immersed into what looked like a tall cup of iced water. The cold immediately shocked me even further awake and caused my cock to slowly shrivel. My balls were also immersed into the widemouth cup.

"There, there, that's much better. We don't want you to accidentally cum with a hard cock do we?"

My mouning was now more pronounced, as was my humiliation, as Ed was laughing consistently and calling me a wimp and cocksucking whore.

"Now Ed, stop that, this is serious and necessary. We don't want a frustrated cocksucker servicing us daily do we. He might get too excited and bite your delicious cock. Now keep the camera steady, we don't want to miss anything"

My cock now reduced to a shriveled one inch, and was removed from the ice and dried off lightly.

Her fingers were now replaced with a custom prostate massager with heat and vibration. It supposly guarantees better and more complete draining of my balls. I have to attest to its effectiveness, as the last two times, my balls were so completely drained I was unable to get an erection even after sucking cock continually for the next two days.

After about fifteen minutes my wife exclaimed loudly. "Look Ed, it's working so well again. Isn't it exciting to see the cum drip out this way"

I looked down between my legs and saw the

dripping of my manhood onto a small black saucer. The color contrast was striking, as was the quantity. It already looked like twice what I usually shot off. At least it looked that way from memory. I hadn't been allowed to cum like most men do for several weeks already. This was due to my wife's opinion that a cocksucker doesn't deserve to feel the same wonderful sensations of those I service.

She slowly and lightly continued to manipulate the massager over my prostate, and pushed and pulled it like a dildoe. This wasn't necessary, but she said I should feel as if I am being fucked as it adds to the whole experience, and looked hot on video.

She slowly and lightly pulled down on my shaft, carefully not to touch the head. Effectively milking me in one motion. Milk down, release, begin again. Just like you see a cow being milked. She continued until remainder of my sperm was expelled from the shaft.

" I think we got it all. How long Ed?"

"Just under 35 minutes. Is that a record? He replied, while keeping the camera steady.

"I think it is. Honey I am so proud of you. You hardly moved at all, and your attitude has gotten so much better being drained this way".

She removed the saucer and placed it in front of my face near the floor for me to see and smell.

"Isn't that impressive, who would have thought those little balls of your could contain so much man juice, or in your case cocksucker juice" they both chuckled which added to my overall mental discomfort.

"Now I promised you something different. And since you have dutifully and obediently consumed your own spend each time your have been milked, Ed and I decided you get to lick it clean from his crotch this time as a reward"

Ed laid down near my face as she slowly poured my still warm cum over his cockshaft and balls.

"Doesn't that just look delicious? Like icing on a tube steak". They both laughed out loud at my wife obvious attempt at humor and deep humiliation.

I was allowed the treat of tongue cleaning the plate first of the slimy film remaining before starting to lick the cockshaft.

"There is a little that got on the edge of the plate honey, we don't want to waste a drop"

I licked up the spot she pointed out and then began a slow lapping of the cum on Ed's cock and balls. Not sure why, but it tasted delicious. I watched it later as they committed how I looked just like a cat lapping milk from a bowl while completing my task. So contented and proud of myself.

"Keep your eyes open honey, it's best for you to fully experienced consuming your own spend."

I finished licking up the cum in about 10 minutes, and expected this scene to end.

She then pick up the vibrator, switched it on, and reinserted it several inches into my already sore anus.

"We don't want this to get cold and lonely" as she moved it back and forth.

The other thing I wasn't expecting was Ed's cock to get so stimulated from my oral cleanup. I knew he had fucked her before we started as she had cum dripping from her pussy and smeared on her inner thigh. It was obvious when she woke me up. I could smell the sex on her.

" Baby, it looks like Ed probably needs to cum again. I'm going to cook us all breakfast, so why don't you be a dear and suck Ed off for me. You can both come to the kitchen when your finished"

She kissed Ed fully on his lips, and smiling at me said" make sure he eats it all" before she left the room

"Don't worry I promise he will" he replied.

Ed grabbed my hair and quickly buried his cock balls deep in my throat. He began moving my head rhythmically up and down his shaft.

"She didn't really have to say that, did she? I mean you've been addicted to swallowing my load from wherever I leave it"

I tried to answer, but he just shoved my head down hard.

"Just nod cocksucker"

I moved my chin in the affirmative.

" Not polite to speak with your mouth full anyway" he chuckled, proud of being the alpha in this arrangement.

Ed began to move his hips faster into my sucking face, and in no time his cock spammed and spewed five strong contractions giving me a respectable load. I swallowed after swishing it around on my taste buds. I sucked the head for a few minutes to collect any post orgasmic cum dribble.

I finished up and thanked his for his load.

"Don't mention it, I think we should get our breakfast, that is if you still have an appetite".

I put on some shorts and followed his naked ass into the kitchen. He found a robe, put it on and sat down at my table.

" you can sit with us cocksucker" he said as I looked for permission to sit and eat.

My wife served them both eggs, coffee, sausage,and toast.

" here's your breakfast baby" and I was served cream of wheat.

It was the approiate breakfast for a cocksucker.

"This will help to bind all that liquid you will be sucking down today" she said with a sinister smile.

She then handed me a blue pill and told me to swallow it. I was handed a glass of milk. It seemed that she fed me drink and food that reminded me of what I was now, and what I consumed everyday.

"Honey Ed and I have a surprise for you"

She pulled out a bag and showed me a plastic device in three parts.

"This is your new chastity device. Ed is going to help you put it on. It will ensure you don't wack off and should increase your obedience and desire to serve"

Ed being much stronger than me quickly grabbed my balls and pulled me to the floor.

"I did a lot of research, and this is the newest device on the market. Its electronic and allows for you to get and keep erections, but gives small and then powerful electric shocks when you try and handle your cock. It also has a gps device built in so I can keep track of you, and remind you remotely if you slack off of your cocksucking responsibilities. This small extra lock will keep you from removing it completly. I have a remote that allows you jack off or milking time. This device won't interfer with your bodily functions and is hardly noticeable when you are allowed to wear street clothes. Oh, and by the way, I gave you a extra strength Viagra just now. I wanted to test your resolve in wearing it and having uncontrolable erections."

My rewards

"So I promised you some new ways to cum, and now that you've experienced milking, how do you like cumming this way?"

I measured my words as I was afraid to tell her my true feelings.

"I enjoy the attention you are paying to help me achieve satisfaction" I replied

She seemed annoyed. "That's not what I asked you cocksucker"

I gulped some air and said" it's frustrating yet somewhat enjoyable. I would prefer to cum from an ejaculation"

"But of course you do, but that is reserved for real men, and we know you don't fit that discription don't we?"

I looked down at the new device and nodded.

"It's going to be a good thing for you to have less frequent releases. This is the direction we have decided is right for you. It's now up to Ed, Dave, Phil and I to decide when you are allowed to get sexual satisfaction. I mean other than when you are swallowing cum from their cockheads or sucking it from my sweet used pussy.

What do you think Ed, does this cocksucker deserve to have his balls drained?

Ed looked at me for an instance measuring his words. I was being treated like a sick animal.

"He does do a mighty fine job of cocksucking and cunt cleaning my cum. He really seems to be adjusting to his new schedule, and I have to say I love to hear his moans when you are milking him. Oh, and by the way when the guys and I had sissy intercourse with him a couple of days ago, he didn't cum from the stimulation for the first time I can remember. It was very satisfying to drop our loads repeatedly inside his ass pussy and see he was getting no immediate release or orgasm like he usually did. The guys wanted to fuck him extra hard just for that reason. If we stopped draining his nuts beforehand, he also might start having those old guilty thoughts he used to have about sucking cock so frequently. No I'd have to say, it's best if we continue his milking. As for being allowed to cum like any man worth his salt, that's up to debate. Maybe on his birthday" he laughed loudly.

Ed continued, "I was thinking he should be conditioned differently while being milked. I read somewhere that having a cuck do a specific task while being milked will make him unable to achieve release in the future without that stimulus."

"My Ed you really have given it some thought, kudos to you. What do you have in mind?"

Ed continued. "He seems to get very excited when he rims the guys and your dad. I was thinking he should have his mind around all things anal while he is being milked"

"What a lovely idea Ed. What exactly do you mean? She replied.

"Well for one, he should he lapping and tongue fucking my asshole while being milked, or at the very least sniffing my anus while he is dripping his useless cum onto the saucer"

"It's a nasty and humiliating thought. I like the idea. Let's try that the next milking. What do you think of that darling?" she said while directing me to answer.

" I want whatever you think is best for me and your happiness" I replied

"We'll then it's settled, I may have more than one asshole for you to lick next time if that's alright with you. This is getting me so excited. After breakfast I want you to suck me clean of Ed's morning load. It's was so large it's still leaking from my pussy. I think you deserve that treat for being such a obiedient cuckold cocksucker. Keep in mind baby, this may not be the only way for you to cum. Im still researching for new ways for you to enjoy your new status"

I didn't know what that meant, but was sure it wasn't a good sign.

Home resonsibilities

The next day after my wife came home from work.

"Honey I'm very proud that you've been able to work your job around all the new people and actities in both of our life's. Ed has raved about having you there each morning to suck out his first of second load of hot cum. With my new job, Im not always available to suck or fuck him and get to work on time. He says sometimes he just wakes up and there you are already licking his full nuts, or sucking away without even being asked. That's initiative, and it's to be commended."

I smiled as its not everyday I get a compliment, even if it's just for being a obediate cum dump and cocksucker.

She continued, "And dad still sings your praises. Says your rarely late to take his cock, and always seem to have a good attitude. He told me you and him have been having intercourse, and he particularly enjoys the oral attention you give his cock and balls afterward to make sure he leaves your cock as clean as he found it."

She waited for my reaction, but I again only smiled.

I've decided you deserve a reward. At that she sat down in a chair in the living room She removed her shoes.

"Baby please come in here"

I got up and walked into the room as she removed her shoes and socks.

"My feet have been aching me today, would you please remove your clothes and caress my toes with that talented mouth and tongue of yours?"

It was more like a demand in the form of a question.

I was never one to enjoy sucking or licking feet, it just wasn't my thing, and I didn't know it was hers either, but you have to sacrifice for the ones you love.

She extended her left foot outward and presented her toes to me while saying in a baby voice, "my little toesies needs some attention"

I stuck out my tongue and began to lick her small toe. It wasn't that bad, a little salty with a musky smell. I got a little of the same humiliating sensation as when I was tongue fucking Dave's asshole.

"Take the big toe into your mouth and suck it like you do Ed's big cock. "

I did just that and closed my eyes to see if there was any sensual similarities. The nail and texture of the skin made the experience different. But my love was enjoying it and that really was all that mattered.

She then removed the toe and asked me to swab the sole and heel with my saliva. I lavished her foot with licks and kisses, and she moaned throughout. I guess this was going to be a new home responsibility.

After a few minutes, she extended the other foot, and I began again with the same oral attention.

"Baby, I want you to stroked your hard cock while licking my foot it would be so sexy to see you get excited while licking me"

She turned off the remote so I could touch my self while stoking. The Viagra had kicked in and I was extremely hard all day. It was frustrating to constantly have a hard cock and not being able to do anything about it, al the while everyone I sucked was getting off exceptionally well.

I was looking at the trimmed v of her pussy. She neglected to wear any underwear to work, which I thought at the time to be unusual.

I stareted to stroke with a rythym of my tongue. It didn't sake me long to get excited and in a position to shoot whatever meager load I had in my regularly miled balls.

"Are you close to cumming"

I moaned "yes" between licks.

"Good baby, be sure to cup your other hand, I don't want you to make a mess on the carpet.

"Keep licking. Aree you close"

"Yes Mamm" I replied

She leaned down and slapped my hand away from my steel hard erect cock.

" I don't want you to shoot just yet. Let's see how long we can keep this up"

I involuntarily moaned, but continued to lick her feet.

We kept this up for the next half hour, she getting me close, and again telling me to stop.

Finally after over an hour, I was tired, frustrated and sweating. She told me to stroke myself while looking at her spread pussy she was now presenting to me.

I stroked until I nearly exploded in orgasm, careful to catch my hot load with my left hand. I milked out the last drops, carefully not to lose any of my precious load.

"What a good boy. Did you catch it all? Now as your final reward, bring your cum filled hand and pour your load onto my pretty pussy. Oh look its dripping down my crack. I guess you better start back there, we dont want the sheets to get dirty. Ed wouldnt like that. Come closer, you cant lick it clean from there. "

Dave's cock

I've spent so much time recently servicing my wife's cum filled pussy that I've almost been sidetracked from my most important purpose. That being the continued draining of Daves's cum filled balls. His crotch is never far from my mind. He has been patient given the importance of saving my marriage, keeping Phil contented, and making sure Ed and the others have their fill of my throat and ever popular ass-pussy. Lately, even though we have three days each week, some of that time is interrupted by the demands of my job, and the draining of the groups nuts. We have set aside one of the days for just for the two of us.

"Are you out of breath cocksucker? You certainly look that way.

He was refering to my trying to catch my breath after a 2 minute seal suck.

"It's hard to breath when we seal suck three times in a row. Can I please suck your beautiful balls, or lick underneath. I promise to swallow ever drop as usual when you do shoot off"

" I know you will. It's what you live for. Kneel down and you can suck my nutsack all at once"

He tea bagged me for several minutes. Using his fingers mostly, he continuedly poked my cheeks where balls would protrude. I couldnt help but be overwhelmed as his nuts filed my mouth completely. You have no idea how submissive you feel when some stud is using your mouth this way. You truly can't get any closer sexually with another guy than sucking his nutsack, and tasting and smelling his musk. And just knowing only a thin soft patch of skin separates your tongue from the resovoir of cum just beneath. When Dave does this to me, I truly don't want it to end. I truly feel connected and at my most inventive orally when I'm mouthing his full set of testicles. I always maintain eye contact and express my love for him as my cocksucking mentor and master.

Sorry to go off on an oral rant. Sometimes the whole experience of keeping my face in another man's crotch, well it's almost a religious experience. Where else can you feel so connected, attached, needed, giving, and sexually charged at the same time.

When Dave uses me to get off, the transfer of his cum into my throat or my colon, fulfills a biological need for both of us. He as an alpha man feels the need to expell the bothersome load his body produces every day. I as his cocksucker, understand that need and respond accordingly. What a beautiful balance, and one that I can now openly express with the true passion I have to complete my daily tasks. I don't believe Dave, Phil, Ed, or even my wife can ever feed me enough, or use me in any more effective way. I know when I wake up each morning, someone close will use me to empty their balls, or reach an orgasm, or be pleasures orally beyond their dreams.

And that is why I will continue to live as a contented cuckold cocksucker.

I don't have much more to say right now, but will add new chapters as my experiences continue. Not sure how long I can endure with my wife feeding me regular does of Viagra every couple of days. She has even cut back on the frequency of my milkings. She says it keeps me more focused orally, and makes my moans louder and more authentic, whatever that means. All I know is that cocksucking is now all I live for. That and the creamy reward I'm privileged to swallow and wear each and every day.

Next: Chapter 8

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