My Love Corey

By moc.oohay@95c3tv

Published on Jun 29, 2002


All rights reserved. Copyright held by the author. If you are underage or are offended by gay fiction, containing graphic sex and explicit language, please exit now. Message by Author: Save Sex = Best Sex

My Love, Corey


"Guess what John? I'm getting married!" Corey said with an excited expression

"WHAT! Now? But you and Lana just met! You can't get married yet!" I told him

"What do you mean can't YET, we've been together for two years now, and we love each other, so we're getting married, is there something wrong with that?" he asked me, giving me the "aren't I right" face

"...Yeah, I guess you're right," I was defeated

Corey was my best friend since we were freshmen in high school, though, I didn't' realized that I fell in love with him until that summer, I just woke up one day, and realized I've missed him so much, and that's how it all started, all my pain and my suffering. Crying myself off to sleep, and thinking of him continuously became a daily routine. There wasn't one day that I didn't think about him (I'm not lying). Ok, you're sitting there waiting for Corey's description, so here it is. Corey is 21 years old (I'm only 20), blond, about 5'9, hazel/green eyes (I can stare at his beautiful eyes for hours!) medium built, (I can fantasize about his body for days!) funny, (his jokes are the funniest)

And really handsome (I'd vote him the most beautiful man on the globe). Yeah, you're sitting at your desk right now thinking, "Damn, this guy's a freak," but that's how much I love him.

"Hey John, I want you to be my Best-Man (Is that what they call them?)" Corey asked in a demanding way

"I don't know, I may have stuff to do that day" I lied

"You don't even know when it is you faggot!" he said

"Well, I'm busy a lot" I said

"Make time, if you're not coming, I'll come to your place and kick your ass little bitch," he said

"I'm not saying yes," I said

"Ok, see you there, I gotta go and spread the good news" Corey said

"Ok, late" I murmured

Why do you have the get married Corey! And why Lana? Not me! Fuck! I hate my life, why do I always fall in love with guys that I know I can't be with! I hate my life!

"Hey, hey, hey John! What's wrong? It's my wedding man! Cheer up! Aren't you happy for me?" he asked

No! I'm not happy for your ass little fucker! Why do you have to marry this bitch, and not me!

"Yeah, congratulations, I wish you two a lifetime of love and happiness" I said, walking off, ignoring Corey

When I got outside, I decided to take a drive, knowing that I was drinking a lot inside, I was going to take a walk, but hell, I wanted to get out of here, the love of my life is inside, marrying another woman, what's the point for me to stay here, so I just took my car, and drove off. I was driving for about half an hour. I noticed something bright up ahead, but I was too drunk to put the pieces together, so I just kept driving. When I got there, I realized it was a car, parking on my lane, I didn't stop soon enough, the two cars collided and my car was knocked over the steep hill. When I opened my eyes, I was being moved, and all I could see was light, bright lights, I told myself that I was dead...


"Come on Alex! Have another shot!" I yelled out

"COREY! IT'S AN EMERGENCY! IT'S FOR YOU, IT'S FROM KERRY!" a guy said, handing me the phone

"Hello?" I said, half drunk

"Hello? Corey? Hey, can you come to the city hospital immediately? John's been hurt! He was involved in an accident!" Kerry said

"...W..a...What?" I can't hear you! Call back later! Thanks" I said still drunk

"Hello! Hello? COREY!" Kerry yelled out over the phone

"Shit, oh fuck this, I gotta check on John" he said


When I woke up, I found myself surrounded by a lot of people, mostly friends, my parents died two years ago, and I was force to go out on my own.

"John! You're awake!" Kerry said,

"John! Are you feeling alright?" Kathy said

"You made us worried to death John!!!" Brian yelled out

"Can I speak to Kerry alone for a moment guys?" I asked them slowly, I barely had any energy to speak

"Yeah, of course, anything you like" Kathy said, walking out, dragging the others with her

"Hey, Is Corey here?" I asked Kerry

Kerry was the only friend of mine that knew I was gay and I had feelings for Corey.

"Um, Well, you se---" he said, but was cut off

"It's ok, you don't have to explain, I understand, he's married now, he has more important things to worry about" I said

"No, he did stop by earlier, but you weren't awake, so he left" Kerry said

"Ha, after knowing you for 10 years Kerry, you're still the same, you suck at lying, I can tell when I look at your expression" I said

"Am I that bad?" He asked

But I was sooo tired, and I dozed off.


I woke up in my house, I checked, I was naked. I was shocked, I looked to my right, and Lana was there. I knew exactly what was going on.

"Where I am," I said, half moaning

"What are you talking about Corey, you're at home, and we're in bed, what's wrong with you?" Lana said

"Ah...I was b---" I said, but was cut off, the phone rang and I picked it up

"Hello?" I said

"Corey?! Where the fuck have you been?! John's been in an accident and he's in the hospital! Get your fucking lazy ass here immediately! Hurry the fuck up mother fucker!" Kerry said

"What?! Are you serious? When did it happen? Why wasn't I told?" he asked

"Fuck! I called you last night, but you were so fucking occupied by your fucking alcohol, that when I called, you didn't know what I was talking about and you hanged up right after I told you, you fucking piece of shit!" Kerry yelled

"FUCK" I said, hanging up the phone

"I'm going to the hospital immediately, John's been in an accident, I have to go" I said, putting on some clothes and running out the door, but when I reached the door, Lana spoke up

"Fuck, what's wrong with you and that John? Do you care about him more than you care about me? If you walk out that door, don't bother coming back here" she asked

"Fuck, don't do this to me Lana, he's hurt, and we've been best friends ever since" I begged

"Fuck no, stay, or leave and we get a divorce," she yelled

"I--I-- Alright!" I yelled back



Kerry and I were sitting in my shared apartment, and we were talking. I was still bruises and bandages on my head, when I told him what I had planned.

"Hey, I'm moving away from here, I'm going to Washington D.C." I said

"What! Why are you going to do that? Kerry asked me

"I just want to get away for a little while, I want to have some time alone to think, I've felt sooo alone after Corey got married, I feel like I'm all alone in this world again" I said

"Oh, John, I don't know how it feels, but I'm pretty sure it hurts, just one advice, maybe you should forget about Corey, and move on with your life man, there are plenty more fish in the sea" Kerry said

"But this fish has my heart" I said

"...I'm sorry John" Kerry said

"Yeah, I planned everything out already, since summer is coming, I was planning to go to D.C. after I graduate from college, and apply for a job there, maybe it'll work out, and even maybe I can get over Corey, and meet someone else that will return my love, someone that will love me forever" I said

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea, I think you should just forget about Corey, and move on with your life. From my view, you're miserable as fuck, I haven't seen you smile for almost two months now, not from that day that you knew Corey wasn't there for you in the hospital, talking about Corey, I haven't seen him ever since his wedding, where did he go off to?" Kerry asked

"I don't really know, but it doesn't matter anyways" I said with a down voice

"I have the tickets ordered and everything, as soon as my graduation, I'm taking off, yep, out of California, out of this hell hole" I said

Four long months dragged itself by slowly, but finally, graduation was here. I haven't seen Corey seen the incident, and we don't go to the same school, so it's been so long since I last saw him, but I miss him like fuck, but again, thinking to myself, I already told myself that to get over him, and start a new life, a new fresh one, away from here, where all the memories are destroying me.

"Hey, ready? This is our big moment! Are you ready?" Kathy asked

"Yeah, I can't wait, I'm so glad we're finally done with school" I said, looking around for Kerry

It's been 2 days since graduation, and I'm here in my apartment, cleaning up, packing my stuffs, and getting ready to leave when the phone rang, but I was in the bathroom, taking a piss, and I hurried, and ran out, but when I got there, the answering machine was already recording, so I just stood there and listened to it

"Hey John? How have you been? It's been a long time since we last talk man, how about meeting me up a---" the machine said

I knew it was Corey, so I picked it up, and give him a message

"Hey, it's me, sorry, I can't do anything today, I'm packing my stuffs to leave for D.C." I said

"Taking a vacation eh there my man?" he said

"...No, I'm going to reside there, there's too much things here for me to take, too much bad memories and too much pain, so I'm moving away. Ok, I'll see you in a year or two, I have to go now, time's up" I said

"Wait...Le---" Corey said

I just hanged up the phone, and took my stuffs, and walk out of the door, I turned around and took a final look at my house.

"That was where we played game 24/7, looking at the sofa. And that was where we slept, looking at my bedroom (It was a one bedroom house) and that...that was where we sat at night, and look at the starless sky" I told myself, locking the door, and walking out to the airport

When I got to the airport, I got checked in, and everything, I had an hour and a half before my flight took off, it was 2 now, so 3:30, I'm out of here, and off to my house life.


I was shocked when I heard what John said, so I hung up the phone, I tried calling Kerry to get John's new cell phone number.

"555-3842" Kerry said, and he sounded pissed too

"Hey, did he ever told you about this moving thing? Because he never told me, I was really shocked when he told me that he was moving away to D.C." I said

"Well, he had it in mind just right after he recovered, but you fucking never had any time for him, that and he didn't want anyone to know, he only told me" Kerry said

"You DO know that his flight takes off at 3:30 right?" Kerry said

"WHAT?! I want to talk to him in person, I have something to tell him, something really important, something that may change both of our lives forever" I said

"Well, you can call him" Kerry suggested

"Ok, then I'll talk to you later Kerry" I said

"Alright" Kerry said

"5-5-5-3-8-4-2" I punched

It kept on ringing, and ringing, and finally someone picked up

"Hello" John said

"John?! Don't you take off wi---" I said

"Hello, the party you're trying to reach is not available, please leave a message and your phone number and we will try to get back as soon as possible, Thank you" the message said

"Shit! Oh Fuck!" I said

I called Kerry once more


"Yea---" Kerry said, and was cut off by me

I didn't' even let Kerry finishes the sentence, as soon as I heard the "Yea," I took off, running off to the Air port, which was one hour away from my house


"Well, another hour and I'm off, I'm glad none of my friends are with me, I didn't want a hard departure" I thought to myself


"WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU LEARN HOW TO DRIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled out at a driver in front of me, who was driving slower than my sister can ride her bike

So I just moved to the side and when I look at the time, it was 3:15, I had 15 minute, no time to loose. This was the only time in my life that I wanted the doors to the plane to open late. I was approaching the airport, I was speeding, and I saw a cop in rear of myself, I didn't care, I just kept going. When I got the airport, I didn't even to bother locking my car, I just got out and ran in the airport, I look at my watch, it was already 3:20, I only had 10 minutes, but I knew that I was going to make it in time and see John. I was running, when I was held back, it was the cop, he wanted to give me a ticket for speeding.

"Hey buddy, don't you think you can get away" he said

"Sorry sir, I'm in a real hurry here, can you just stick it on my car or something sir?" I asked

"No can do sir, I need your SS number and your driver's license please" he said

After about 8 minutes of questions and writing, he finally let me through, I was running faster than I thought my legs would carry me, I was knocking everyone in my way out, but I didn't care, I got two minutes to spend.


"Attention Please, Flight Number 14, is now opening. Please take your packages, and personal belongings with you" the operator said

"Ok, that's my flight" I said, looking at my watch

"Oh wow! 2 minutes early" I told myself


"I'm going to make it, I'm going to make it, come on, come on" I told myself

When I got there, I looked all around for John, but didn't know which was the one to D.C, so I asked the admin, he pointed to the one under the big clock, I ran up to it, I saw John, and I yelled out JOHN!

"JOHN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled

But he didn't hear me, he was behind a sound prove class door, so I decided to run in the tunnel, but I was stopped by one of the staffs

"May I see your ticket sir?" she asked

"Sorry, I just need to talk to a friend really quick" I said

"I'm really sorry sir, you can't pass if you don't have a ticket

FUCK! So I just walk aside, and watched as John walks in the plane. And not very long after that, with my own eyes, I saw the plane took off, the plane with the love of my life, flying off, leaving me behind...

To Be Continued

Any, and all comments or commands welcome at Thanks for reading, I'll try to post the next chapter ASAP

Next: Chapter 2

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