My Love Corey

By moc.oohay@95c3tv

Published on Jul 13, 2002


All rights reserved. Copyright held by the author. If you are underage or are offended by gay fiction, containing graphic sex and explicit language, please exit now. Message by Author: Be careful whom you have sex with, that person may carry STD (Hey all, Please stop emailing me through, some fucker sent me a virus, and i have 2 mails in it, and it says that i have used over 76% of my 4 meg storage, so I guess until I find a new server for my mail, please don't email me through Thanks for being patient and enjoy!))

My Love, Corey 2


When I got off the plane, the airport was deserted, it was a weekday, so everyone was at home, or either at work, with their kid tucked away in day care or school, the airport seemed to be deserted. I started walking, dragging along side with me my baggage. I was still down about Corey back in California, I was wondering how they were all doing, I was planning to visit them once I'm all settled down on these new lands. The moment I step outside, holy shit! I was so hot, I thought I could fried an egg along the sidewalk, I decided to call for a cab immediately, not wanting to get sun-sick. When the cab arrived, I got in, and drove off to the apartment I rented over the Internet. In the car, the driver and I had a little chat.

"You're not from around here are you?" he asked

"No, I just came from California" I responded, looking out the window, at all the cherry blossom that's blooming

"Oh, is that so? That's what I thought, I knew you weren't from around here with that face," he said

"You're fair at reading others" I commented

"Thank You" he said

When we started talking, I didn't pay attention to him, but now that I looked around, I think I just saw an angel. No, this was not an old guy, he was about in his 20s 25s, and he had sky blue eyes, just right built, and he was the most handsome person I've ever met (Well, except for Corey).

"You don't look like you're from here either," I said

"Yeah, I'm also from California, I'm from San Diego" he said

"What are you doing here, vacation?" I asked

"Yeah, Just a vacation from high school, I just graduated from high school and I wanted a vacation" he said

"WHAT?! You just graduated from high school? Wow, you look pretty mature for an 18" I said

"Oh, is that what you're thinking? No, I'm not 18, I got held back 2 years when I was in elementary school, that's why I'm so old" he said

"Oh, I was going to say, wow..." I said

"So, why are YOU here?" he said

"Oh, I'm just decided to move away, and because I just graduated from college, so I wanted to get a good job, and I got a recogmendation" I said

"Oh, WOW, you look pretty young yourself for someone of 24 years of age" he said

"How did you know I was 24" I asked

"As you said yourself, I'm pretty fair at reading people" he said

I laugh, and there was an awkward silence for about 10 minutes.

"Here's my stop, would you turn left next corner?" I asked

"Yeah, sure" he said

"Hey, my name is John, and it was nice talking to you, Here" I handed him some money for the ride. "Keep the change, and thanks again man," I said, closing the door and walking off

"Wai---" he tried calling out, but I couldn't hear and already inside my house

When I went inside, it was a small, but spacious house, with a spacious backyard, but the thing that caught my eyes the most was the oak tree in the backyard, it was big, and seemed ancient, there's something that I have with trees, it just relaxes me and all. I was so tired, when I got to my room; I laid down my stuffs, and fell into a deep sleep.


"J...John...Why?" I mumbled, a drop of tears dripped from my eyes. "Why did you leave?" I asked myself

I was so confused and pissed. I was THAT close to stop him from leaving, and tell him how I truly feel about him. Did he leave because I got married? I didn't even want to get married! I just wanted to marry Lana to try to forget him, but to my discovery, it only bought more misery, not allowed to see him, not speaking or seeing him for 2 months. Now thinking of it, when we were still in high school, there's not a week that goes by without us not talking to each other, and now...God, I hate myself for not telling him! And I hate myself for marrying Lana!!! I decided to call Kerry to ask him about John's whereabouts.

"Hello?" I heard Kerry said on the other line

"Hello? Kerry?" I said "Hey, when John left, did he said where he was going to be in D.C.?

"Wh---" Kerry said

"Did he say he's going there permanently? Or just a vacation" I asked "Why is he going there" I asked Kerry

"Wait, wait, wait! Hold your horses" Kerry said "What are you talking about" he said

"Kerry, I have something to tell you, I...I have feelings for John, ever since we first met, and everyday, I cry for him, and I don't know how to tell him! Please help me! I don't even know where to find him now! I'm scared! Please help me! I don't want to lose him! He's the one, and the only one, if I don't have him in my life, I'd rather die" I said "Hello? Why aren't you responding" I said

"Oh, my god" I heard Kerry said on the other line "Oh, my fucking god" he said

"What! Oh come on Kerry, what's wrong with me being gay?!" I asked


I almost fainted when Kerry was finished. John? Have feelings for me? For 10 years now?

"But, but" I tried to say something, but words couldn't come out, I was shocked. I fell down onto one of the seats, and sat there, looking into space.


After laying down for 10 minutes, the door bell rang, I went to open it, I was wondering who it was, I didn't know anyone around here, or maybe it could be some salesman, or advertisement, who knows, I just stood up, and went to open the door. I opened the door, looked up, and to my utmost surprise, Corey was standing there, looking at me.

"Wh...What are you...what are you" I asked, but he didn't say anything, but I was still so shocked, what was he doing here, right here, right now. Before I could any anything more, he walked up to me, and put his arms around me, holding me tight to him. I was REALLY surprise now. Then he picked me up, walk inside, closed the door, and took me to my bedroom, which was still unfurnished.

"What...What are you doing?!" I yelled out, frightened, but still, he didn't say anything. Then he laid me down. I was so afraid, I just backed up to the corner of the room. Then he started to undress, he took off his shirt, then his khakis, and then soon enough, he had nothing left on except for a pair of socks, and his boxers. Oh, boy, I was FREAKED out! Then he came up to me, lowered himself to my position, and started to undress me, I tried to fight, but he was the more swifter, faster, and had more accuracy. He had done it, soon enough I was down to nothing but my boxers also, then he pinned me down to the ground, and started nibbling my ears.

"Corey! Stop! No!" I said

"Aahh!" I groan "No! What are you doing! Please! Stop! COREY!!!" I yelled out, but he didn't seem to hear me, he just went on licking me. After my ears, he went down to my neck, damn, he was sooo good at this, I tried to moved my head back and forth so his tongue couldn't reach my neck, but amazingly, it did, and I exploded.

"Shit! Corey! This is insane! Fuck, please, stop! I'm sorry that I didn't say good bye to you in person, and I'm sorry that I went off, I'll do anything for you, just stop this! Aahh!" I said, moaning and groaning at the same time. I tried to struggle to get free, but naturally, Corey was the stronger, and more muscular one between us. I tried to fight, but he had me pinned down good. After my neck, he slowly moved down to my tits, this was getting too much for me.

"Corey! Please! Stop this now! No! You can't! Please! Arg!" I said, tears started flowing out of my eyes. Then I realized, no matter how hard I try, I could not get out of his powerful grip, and he is now getting down to my stomach, so I just gave up, and lie there, I was tired from all the fighting, I was crying now, slowly and slowly. I was really, really afraid now, he was down, about 2 inches away from my crotch, and I was being turned on (After all, this IS the guy that I fell in love with for 10 years you know!) My cock was responding to the activity that was going on, but not wanting to temp Corey, I fought, and kept my cock down, but to my surprise, he skipped my cock, and he just messaged it for a while, and then he came to my hole. He stopped, moved up, and turned me on my stomach, and turned me around, then he took his boxers off, I didn't really want to know what was going to happen next, but I knew what was going to happen. This time, I really tried to fight my way out, and to my surprise, I kicked him, and got out of his grip, and I spring up, and ran for the front door. I was running so wildly, that I tripped, and fell down, and Corey was catching up in back of me, I tried to stand up, but I was just so afraid, I couldn't, then Corey got a hold of my leg, and pulled me back, I tried to get a grip of the carpet, table leg, anything I could see at that moment, but his pull was too strong. When I was pulled up to him, he turned me around, and wasted no time, trying to take my virginity away, he was trying to enter me. I tried to throw a punch, but he caught my hand, and instead of balancing himself by holding onto my hips, he pulled my hands backwards, and was going in, I could feel his head at my butt hole, and I know this was it, this is how I'm going to lose it, and I again, stopped fighting, and just gave up. I felt him, getting ready for the push.

"Oh, my god, this is going to hurt like a mother fucking bitch" I told myself, since this is my first sexual encounter ever.

Then I felt him pushed, then...the bell rang, and I was jerked, and I opened my eyes, I was on my bed, I checked, and my clothes were still on, it was only a dream.

To Be Continues

Any, and all comments or commands welcome at Thanks for reading, and I'll try to post the next chapter ASAP. Sorry if I took so long on this chapter, I was just really busy with things (Going to Vegas!J) Sorry, but here it is! And sorry if there's any errors, I only write this when I'm depress or sleepy, so excuse my mistakes, and thanks to all of you that emailed me and supporting me. Thanks

Next: Chapter 3

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