My Love Corey

By moc.oohay@95c3tv

Published on Jul 21, 2002


All rights reserved. Copyright held by the author. If you are underage or are offended by gay fiction, containing graphic sex and explicit language, please exit now.

**************** My Love, Corey 4 ****************

**************** JOHN'S POV ****************

I was disturbed when I felt a heavy weight on my shoulder, I looked over, and surprisingly, his head was resting on my shoulder, I tried not to exaggerate anything, but I couldn't help it. He, after all was a 6 foot 5, blond, green eyes, medium built and I couldn't help it but knowing how good he smell (God, I love guys that smells good, just turn me on so fast). I tried to control my urge, but I couldn't help myself putting my left arm around him, caressing him. The one thing I knew I didn't regret doing was smelling his hair, OH MY GOD, his hair smelled's smelled good, he had long blond hair (not long, long, like girl-ish long, what I mean is that he doesn't have spike hair. Long about 5 inches of hair) I took my left hand, which was caressing his side stomach (I couldn't resist feeling his fine toned muscles!!) and was messaging through his hair. His hair was so soft and silky. He had perfect skin, not one zit or pimple on his face, lips not too red, or too pale, just the right color. His eyes were hazel/green, it wasn't too green, or too hazel, just a 50/50 mix of the two, which made it just right. Sniffing his hair, lying back, and looking at the falling cherry blossom petals, its aroma were filling the whole field with love and peace. It was so pleasant and relaxing, I too, slowly fell as sleep with his head on my shoulder.

"Sir? Sir? Hello? Are you alright sir?" I heard someone lightly jerking me on the shoulder

"...Huh? Oh...I'm sorry, what can I do for you?" I said

"Oh, you've been here for about 3 hours now, and I was just wondering if everything was alright" she said

"...Huh?" I heard Richy moaned. As soon as I heard him moaned, I took my hand away from his head immediately, not wanting him to know about my sexuality. "Is everything alright?" he asked

"No, nothing, just go back to sleep, she was just wondering why we were out here for so long" I told him

"I'm really sorry for bothering you sir," the waitress said, walking off

I didn't dare to look at Richy in the face, I was afraid that he noticed me caressing him. After we were awakened, we got up, and got ready to go back. In the car, we had a little chat

"Hey, wow, that was one of the best spots in the world that I've been to in my life, I was wondering if we can do it some more." I asked

"I'd be more than happy to" he said "So you like nature huh? How about camping trip?" he said

"Camp? I've been camping once in my whole life, and it was with my family, and it was really fun. I'd love to camp with you Richy." I said

"Then it's settled, when are we going then?" he asked

"Any time, I told you, I'm free this whole week," he said

"Ok, then, do you want to go tomorrow then?" he asked, "Wait, better yet, right now" he said

"That...would be incredible," I told him

We drove back to my house, I packed up, and we drove off to his house next. I got the honor to meet his uncle.

"Well, hello there" his uncle said

"Hi" I said, nervously

"Are you Richy's new friend?" he asked

"I guess," I said

"Well, he seem to like you very much, or too much" he said "Whoops, I've said too much, get going now, don't want Richy to be waiting up for you now would I" he said

"Do you mind that we are using your car at all?" I asked

"Oh no, I'd do anything for Richy. That boy, ever since he was young, he was always thinking of others, and never of himself. What makes the people around him happy, makes him happy, and he would do anything for the ones he loves, and he had done a lot for me, so now, this is nothing compared to what he have done for me, so you feel free and take that car wherever you like Sonny" he said "Just don't come back with 2 doors missing, and I'll be a happy man" he said

"Ha" I said with a smile, "Don't worry, a door most a door," I said with a laugh

We took off, driving for about 2 hours. In the car, we took turn driving, we didn't know where to go, and neither of us was around there, so we had to ask around for the local camping site. Finally, we got there, and we settled down for a good spot, which was right next to a river, it was a "bad" spots according to the other campers, but to us, it was the perfect spot. It was away from civilization and away from everyday worries. We were alone in the woods, only with our skills to survive for 4 days.

I picked a spot right under a tree; it was a flat spot, with grass, and about 5 foot away from the shallow river. I thought it was a perfect spot and so did Richy.

"Hey, let's get started on setting up, we have all day" he said

"Ok" I said

**************** COREY'S POV ****************

"So who's this person that can help us?" I asked

"Um, a friend of mine, he's a cop, and he has hook ups, and could find people all over the country" he said

So we went to the cop, and he took sometime looking up John's number and address.

"Please sir, I'm really desperate, could you put an extra effort into it?" I asked

"Please sir, have patience," he said

"I'm sorry." I said

After about an hour of waiting, he finally came up with something

"You've got something? Where?! Where is he?! Please tell me!" I yelled out to the officer

"Please sir, keep it down," he said "He's in Washington D.C. right now, but that's all I can say, it is not up to me to say where he is" the officer said

"What the fuck! Just tell me! What do you think I'm going to do?" I said

"Come on, let's get going" Kerry said, dragging me along

"NO! I need to know where he lives!" I said

"If you love him that much, you'll dedicate some time in looking for him" Kerry said "And if you guys are meant for one another, you'll end up with one another," he said

"I don't care! I just need to see him! I need to talk to him!" I yelled in Kerry's face

"Calm down, you're the reason he left in the first place, you're the reason you're in this state, you're the reason all this happened in the first place, so don't get pissy over people around you!" He said

"I know! I know! But I just need to see him so bad, I need to talk to him!" I said, "I'm going crazy! If I don't talk to him within the next week, I think I'm going crazy" I said

"Then go and find him! If you're in time, you may be able to convince him to come back with you" Kerry said

"Fine then, I'm going to D.C. tomorrow then!" I told him

"Good, then it's settled" he said

**************** JOHN'S POV ****************

It was evening when we were finished. We set up the tent, we went to gather fire food (which we had more than enough), and we caught ourselves some dinner provided by the river. But the one thing I was really looking forward to was that there was only one tent, and it was a size large, so we'll be spending the night together. The thought of sleeping next to him was overwhelming, and for some reasons, I was a little afraid.

"John, I'll go wash up now, I'll be right back, then you can take your turn, it'll be just in time to have some dinner and go to bed, looks like tonight it is going to be starless" he said "Luckily, I bought a electric lamp, so we'll have some light in the night. I'm really looking forward to tonight, he said, sleeping outside, next to a river..." he said

"Yeah, I look forward to it too" I said

Then to took off to wash him off. I was wondering where he was going to do it. The nearest shower and bathroom was about half a mile away, and it was getting dark already, so he couldn't have taken the route, so I thought he'd shower right there in the river, and I was curious, so I went to check it out. When I heard his footsteps, I stopped, and hid behind a tree. The next things I saw took my breath away. He undressed, revealing his perfect toned body, and I couldn't help myself but to look at his ass, it was the roundest thing I've ever seen and he was not too tanned, or too light, just right, which made him 10 times more inviting. I had a hard-on by now. He stepped into the river (it was about chest high). He ducked down to get his hair wet, then came back up, flicking his hair back, not with his hands (but you know how in those commercials, the women swing their hair back? With one stroke of the head? Yeah, that's how he was J) then he took the soap that he took along with him, and started lathering himself, the water was so clear, that I could see through the water (you're sitting at home wondering why I'm not giving a description of his prick, well, to tell you, I'm not really into guys for their dicks, I'm not that type, I really like guys for who they are, and how they are, so just to note you, I wont give off any descriptions J but you will see some sex scenes). It was getting to overwhelming for me right now, I sat down, I was breathing hard, now, I'm really scared for tonight, I'm afraid I might not be able to control my urges and may do something that I might regret. I heard him getting ready to get out of the water, so I sprang up, and ran back as fast as I could. When I got back, about 10 minutes later, he came back, with only a towel around his waist. "You're not going to wear that for the rest of they day are you?" I asked myself my in head

"Hey, I'm done, you can go now if you want to" he said

"Alright" I said, walking off to the river

I took sometimes washing up, I was a really clean guy, so I tried to clean every part of my body as much as possible. When I was about to finish I decided to take a swim. When I got my head out of the water, I saw Richy standing right there, gazing at me, I turned red and started stutter to him.

"Ric...Richy...Do you mind?" I asked him nervously

"Actually, no, I enjoy the view" he said

"W...What" I asked

"No! I mean the setting sun, and the sound of water..." he said "Hey, dinner's ready, why don't you come back" he said

"Yeah, ok" I said, sinking down so he wouldn't get a view of me, I didn't like attention, not from one person, or any person, so...

"Ok, just don't take too long, or the fish is going to be cold" he said, walking off

"Phew" I thought to myself "Damn, would he warn me before he do that? That was close" I thought to myself, getting out of the water, suddenly, I heard something move behind the bush, I thought to myself that Richy may be looking, but again, Richy doesn't look like the type that would do that stuff, so I just thought it could have been a raccoon or something, so I just continue dressing. Just when I was about to put my boxer on, it did it again, I was getting freaked now.

"Richy?" I said "That's not funny, come out if that's you" I said giving attention to the bush in front of me

Then out of no where, a cub bear came out, he was big, but not that big, but he was still big enough to be dangerous. I got freaked out, I tried calling out to Richy.

"Richy!" I yelled out "Richy! Help!" I yelled out

"What it is?" Richy yelled out

"Just come here will you?" I said, standing so still

When Richy came, he cussed for the first time, first time since I met him 3 days ago

"Oh, shit..." he said "Ok, just slowly walk towards me" he ordered

"I can't" I said "I'm paralyzed!" I told him

"Oh, man" he said Then the bear suddenly came up to me, swung his paw, just when the beat moved, Richy ran up to me, taking the painful hit for me, he was cut in his back. Then we both fell down to the ground, and I was at the bottom. I suddenly noticed something, I was naked, I tried pushing Richy out of the way, to get dress, but Richy pushed me back down.

"What the heck are you doing?" he asked

"I'm naked!" I told him

"Being seen by me or losing your life is more important" he told me "Just lay there, and play dead" I told him

For about 15 minutes, we laid there, acting as if we were dead. Then surprisingly, the bear strode off. Suddenly, I felt a stream of warm fluid hit my body, I checked it, it was Richy's blood.

"Richy!" I yelled out

"You're bleeding bad!" I told him

"Are you ok?" he asked me

"Richy! You took that hit for me! And you're bleeding, and you're here asking me if I'm ok?" I said to him

"Don't worry about it, it's only a scratch..." he said

"Richy! Shut up! I held him, stood, up, and look at his wound, it wasn't deep or anything, it was just bleeding a lot

"Ok, you relax, let me carry you back the to tent, and get you clean up" I said

"It's ok, are you sure you're ok?" he asked

"SHUT UP! You're bleeding! Stop worrying about me! What's wrong with you?" I yelled out

"I just don't want to lose you," he said, fainting

"Richy! Richy!" I yelled out

I quickly carry him back to the tent. I laid him down inside. I didn't want to get him infected by all the insects outside. I laid him down and cut off his shirt. His wound was not serious, but it was pretty long, I came down to about his waist. I tried to find a way so that I wouldn't have to take off his pants, but I couldn't. I had to take off his pants in order to clean him up. So I did, I took off his pants, and his ass got my attention immediately.

"What the fuck! Fuck it off John! This isn't the time for that" I told myself. So I ran outside, got some water, boiled it, and I went outside again to look for something that would stop his bleeding. Luckily, I had some experience with plants. In high school, I took botany, and I knew a certain plant that would stop bleeding immediately. So I went outside to look for some of that. To my surprise, I found just the right plant. I took it back, mash it up, and took the chunk and apply it to his back.

"This is going to hurt" I whispered, even though I know that he wouldn't hear me. So I applied it, just when the plant touched his skin, he screamed out in pain.

"Arrrrgggggghhhhh!" he yelled out

"Relax, the more you resist, the more pain you're going to get!" I said to him.

He held in his yelling, and he was breathing hard. I tried to comfort him by holding his hand, and squeezing it lightly, and messaging his face and hair, which worked like a charm, he stopped breathing hard immediately. I went outside to take out some clean clothes, and cut it up, so I can make some bandages. I came back in, and I was going to apply it to him. When I came back inside, I found Richy already asleep, the bleeding has stopped almost completely and I found no reasons to awaken him from his beautiful sleep. I sat there, watching him, it was getting dark, I sat there a little bit longer. Hours after hours, I sat there to watch him, making sure he wont hurt himself by turning around or anything. Then after sitting there for what seemed like an eternity, I fell over to go into a deep sleep.

"Corey! Please! Stop this now! No! You can't! Please! Arg!" I said, tears started flowing out of my eyes. Then I realized, no matter how hard I try, I could not get out of his powerful grip, and he is now getting down to my stomach, so I just gave up, and lie there, I was tired from all the fighting, I was crying now, slowly and slowly. I was really, really afraid now, he was down, about 2 inches away from my crotch, and I was being turned on (After all, this IS the guy that I fell in love with for 10 years you know!) My cock was responding to the activity that was going on, but not wanting to temp Corey, I fought, and kept my cock down, but to my surprise, he skipped my cock, and he just messaged it for a while, and then he came to my hole. He stopped, moved up, and turned me on my stomach, and turned me around, then he took his boxers off, I didn't really want to know what was going to happen next, but I knew what was going to happen. This time, I really tried to fight my way out, and to my surprise, I kicked him, and got out of his grip, and I spring up, and ran for the front door. I was running so wildly, that I tripped, and fell down, and Corey was catching up in back of me, I tried to stand up, but I was just so afraid, I couldn't, then Corey got a hold of my leg, and pulled me back, I tried to get a grip of the carpet, table leg, anything I could see at that moment, but his pull was too strong. When I was pulled up to him, he turned me around, and wasted no time, trying to take my virginity away, he was trying to enter me. I tried to throw a punch, but he caught my hand, and instead of balancing himself by holding onto my hips, he pulled my hands backwards, and was going in, I could feel his head at my butt hole, and I know this was it, this is how I'm going to lose it, and I again, stopped fighting, and just gave up. I felt him, getting ready for the push.

"Oh, my god, this is going to hurt like a mother fucking bitch" I told myself, since this is my first sexual encounter ever. Then I felt him pushed, then......the bell rang. I fought violently for the door, and got free, I opened the door wide, and saw a man standing there, his face wasn't recognizable because of the shining sun, and next thing I know, I was tapped by someone on my shoulder.

"John! John! Wake up!" Richy said

I slowly open my eyes, and found that Richy is awake, and was laying there, upside down. I thought of the dream, I remembered this from 2 days ago, when I had that dream, but it didn't bother me, I just thought to myself that it was coincidence. I noticed it was already dawn.

"Did you have a bad dream or something John? I was awaken by all the "Corey" and "Please! No! Corey, you can't do this, you can't do that." What was that all about" he asked

"No...N...Nothing, it's nothing you have to worry about, you just rest" I said

"No, I want to know what was that all about. Are you gay John? Is Corey the person that you left behind in California?" he asked

I was stunned. I couldn't say anything. I tried, and tried, but not a single word would come out of my mouth, so I just lowered head, and put on my sad face.

"So you ARE gay" he said

"So?! Is something wrong with that! I'm sorry, I couldn't control the sex that I was attracted to! And I'm sorry that I never told you! I'm sorry if you feel dirty for sleeping with me! And I'm sorry we ever met! This is how my life is! I'll never get to know anyone! I only started liking you, and I know we're not going to make it!" I said, crying

"Wait, John!" he said

"I don't want to hear it" I said

Without saying anything more, he pushed himself up, and crawl to me. I was concern about his wound, and tried to stop him, but thinking about touching him now that he knows I'm gay is just too much, I didn't want him to say I was taking advantage of him, and sexually harassing him, so I just stay put, and he came over.

"John, you gotta know something! I know it's not your fault of the sex you are attracted to. And it's your friend's lost for not understanding your feeling, but I...I...I love you. I've loved you ever since the day we've first met, I knew you were the one, and only one for me. I knew you were my destiny" he said

"What are you talking about? Are you making fun of me?" I asked with a face of hatred

"No! I'm serious! I...Love...You!" he said

"No...No...This is too good to be true" I said "I never get anything this special in my entire life" I said

"Well, I wouldn't consider myself special, but you know buddy, what special here is..." he said

And without finishing, he plunged towards me and hugged me tight. I was paralyzed by his touch so I couldn't move. He then laid me down, and started to unbutton my shirt.

"You know John, I'm attracted to you in both ways, Physically, and for the way you are" he said

"I...I...I...I...I...I..." I stuttered

"Don't speak, just keep quiet" he said

He continue to strip me. Although he had a wound, he grips and holds are powerful. He then bend down to give me a passionate kiss on the lips.

"Please don't ruin the perfect moment?" he asked

I was going to try to resist, knowing that I was still in love with Corey, and if I fell for this wonderful man too, that would be a sin. But thinking about Corey, and the way he treated me for the past 10 years. I couldn't help myself but to let Richy explore my body. He stripped me down to my boxers, then laid me on my back and then used his magical hands to explore my chest and stomach, he had amazing hands, I couldn't help myself but to let out a moan. Then he next climbed up to my neck and ears, while he nibble on those, he ran his fingers through my hair, I was laying there, couldn't say a word, the feeling was too overwhelming for me to say anything, I didn't have enough time to moan and groan. Then he got up, stripped down also, and got back down to me. He told me that it's my turn now, it's my turn to explore his toned body, which I did with ease and pleasure. His body was ten times more beautiful up close then from a distance view. I just noticed his eyes are sky blue, his hair were silky, smooth and long. He skin is medium tanned (Surfer body). His chest is PERFECTLY sculptured and his nibbles are perfect size, considering his big chest. His stomach was toned, not rock hard toned, but just enough so it can be seen and admired (and get me hard). His thighs had few hair, and his legs were implanted with a perfect amount, I was thinking this guy was an angel that was sent to me. I explored his neck, mouth, and ears with my mouth, which he enjoyed. His chest and stomach was an endless adventure. After I explored him, he flipped me over, so now that he is on top, both of us were in boxers. I was really tired from taking care of him from last night and I was awoke early this morning, so I fell asleep, handing him the passport to my body, and my virginity.

I woke up, I was afraid I might have pain in my anus, but amazingly, I don't, I thought that he was an angel foreals. He laid beside me, sharing the sleeping bag with me, he was behind me, he had his arms around my waist, and this feel nothing like anything I've ever felt before. Having a man, besides me, having me in his grip, and the feeling of skin touching me was overwhelming, I've wanted this ever since I was young.

"You're awake honey?" he asked

"Y...Yeah..." I said, stuttering

"You don't need to stutter, we're not one" he said

"Ok, hey Richy..." I said

"Yeah?" he asked

"Never-mind" I said

**************** COREY'S POV ****************


"COREY! Please! What are you're going nuts! Calm down!" he told me

I couldn't control myself, I picked up the knife nearest me and stabbed Kerry in the legs, then I was so tired, I just fell down to the ground and went to sleep.

I woke up in a hospital-like room, and later found out that it was the mental hospital for the sick-minded and stuff. I wasn't really sick or anything, I was just really desperate to see John. I begged, and begged to be let out, but they told me that I had hurt someone (Kerry) and I can't be let go if my conditions don't get better in the next month. I was so scared.

**************** JOHN'S POV ****************

We got home from camping, Richy's wound was doing much, much better, baby skin was already pulling in and thanks to a special cream, it won't leave a mark on my sweetie's beautiful body.

"Hey, there's barely a week left vacation, I was wondering if you want to come back to California with me, just to visit my family, and to meet up with your friends, and maybe you can introduce me to them" he said

"Oh, I don't know, I don't want to meet Corey there, and I don't want all the mayhem to happen, which I don't think is going to happen, because Corey is now married, and too busy to go anything to places" I said

"Then, what's the problem?" he asked

"I don't know" I said

"I know, most of your friends don't know about your sexuality huh?" he asked

"Um...Yeah" I said

"It's chill, we don't have to tell who I am, just say that I'm a friend that you met" he told me

"I guess that ok" I said

"Then it's settled then?" he asked

"I guess...I don't know if I can go for sure or not yet, so don't take my words for it" I said, giving him a kiss on the lips, before going out to apply for a job

It's been 3 days since we've been together, and we're really happy with each other, but somewhere inside of me, something's missing, something's not right, something tells me there's still something to be done. Richy had moved in together with me, we visit his uncle periodically. We're so happy together, we've done everything together since the camp. We've eat, slept, shower, out, EVERYTHING together, I'm just so happy with him. I was thinking about the trip back to California, I was thinking of the consequences that I was about to deal with, all my friends, and worst of all, Corey, if we happen to meet up, so I decided to call Kerry and fill him in.

**************** COREY'S POV ****************

"Hey Corey, how are you doing" Kerry said

"Hey, fine. I'm sorry for the wound that I gave you, I couldn't control myself, it was just too overwhelming" I said, thinking about the incident. Luckily, Kerry didn't press any charges against me.

"Oh, it's fine, it was just a little thing, don't worry about it" he said "What was I here to tell you again" he asked himself

"Hey, has John con..." I said, but was interrupted

"JOHN! That's what I'm here to tell you!" he said with excitement "He called me a day ago, and guess what? HE'S COMING BACK FOR A VISIT! THIS IS THE PERFECT TIME FOR YOU TO TELL HIM!" He yelled out

"You're kidding right" I asked

"No! I'm not kidding! He'll be coming back within the next week!" he told me "John...Finally, what seemed like an eternity has ended" I thought with a tear running down my face.

***************** To Be Continues *****************

Any, and all comments or commands welcome at Thanks for reading, I'll try to post the next chapter ASAP. Sorry this is going on for so long, but I have lots of ideas to write, so just bare with me. And again, please excuse my spellings, and grammar mistakes.

Next: Chapter 5

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