My Mother Is Coming

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Nov 4, 2016


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My Mother is Coming


My name is Christopher Gundersen. I grew up on a farm in Minnesota that had been in my family since the early days of the nineteenth century. My ancestors came from Sweden, and the Minnesota climate reminded them of home. I have no idea if they just started to till Native American land, or if they purchased their acreage. At this point I really don't care. The county records indicate that we own the land.

From a very early age, I worked in the fields side by side with my father, planting and harvesting wheat. By the time I was sixteen, I had the body of an ancient Greek statue. I was already six feet, two inches tall. My baby blond hair had been replaced by a slightly darker hue. My clear blue eyes remained the same color as they were in my childhood. My chin was square and had a cleft in it. My nose was small and pugged, giving me the look of a baby, even in my maturity.

My best feature was one nobody ever saw. My cock was five inches flaccid. It was very fat around. When I jacked off I could not put my whole hand around it, and, believe me, my hands are very big. It was uncut and grew to a little over eight inches when I was aroused. Unfortunately I was the only one who ever touched that cock, so I could not know if it might grow larger yet, if I was having sex with someone. Before my eighteenth birthday, I grew a little more in height, width, and cock.

I knew everyone in my rural high school. All the girls came on to me. I just couldn't get interested in any one of them, but in the shower, after a phys. ed. class, I got plenty aroused by all the cocks I saw. It didn't matter if they were big or small, fat or skinny; I wanted to play with them. Not one of my friends was circumcised so I didn't see one of those babies, until I got to college.

After a few fights with myself in the locker room, struggling to remain soft, I finally realized that I was gay. As big and strong as I was the idea of being gay scared the shit out of me. For sure, I knew that I could not spend my life in rural Minnesota.

On my seventeenth birthday, seven weeks before my high school graduation, I asked my parents to sit with me, as I had something very important to discuss with them. After dinner we all got comfortable in the living room. My folks looked at me with expectation, so I figured I might as well drop the bomb.

"Mom, Dad," I whispered, "I've been applying to colleges back east. I got a partial football scholarship to Syracuse University, and I'd really like to go. I realize I won't be around to help you on the farm, but the long and the short of it is I don't want the farm, Dad. I want to study law. I want to be a lawyer."

The room was deadly silent. My mother feared what was going to happen. She jumped up and said she was going to make coffee. She ran to the kitchen leaving me alone with my father. What happened next completely bowled me over. He wrapped me in his big arms and started rocking me back and forth. I realized he was crying.

"Are you very disappointed in me?" I asked. My father changed from crying to laughing so hard, I thought he might choke.

"Disappointed in you? Never," he said. "You're doing exactly what I didn't have the guts to do twenty-five years ago. I hate this fucking farm. Now that I know you don't want it, the minute my social security and medicare kick in, I'm going to sell the fucking place with great pleasure, and retire to a warm climate."

I didn't quite get what my dad was saying. I had never heard him curse in my lifetime, and he had said "fucking" twice now. I had to force myself to understand what he was telling me.

"Then you approve?" I asked stupidly.

"Of course I do. Go, Son, live your life."


I lost my cherry, the first week I attended Syracuse. My roommate came on to me, and I gladly gave in. Marty wasn't anything special. He was five feet, ten inches, lean and muscular, but rather plain, I thought. His cock was half the size of mine, and it was uncut. It would be a while before I had the pleasure of playing with a cut baby. None of this mattered to me. I yearned for man sex, and I was about to get it.

That night all we did was suck each other to conclusion. Marty had some experience, and his instructions were good enough that we both enjoyed ourselves immensely. A couple of nights later, we fucked each other. We prepared ourselves well, and I did not have too much trouble entering Marty. We used plenty of lube, and he instructed me how to ream his ass hole, and stretch it out.

Entering me was a piece of cake. I am big all over and that includes my ass hole. Marty wasn't very big and he slipped right in. We both had a very enjoyable experience.

We slept together very often that freshman year, but I began to make other "friends." Both of us branched out, and we had a slew of fuck buddies. I was a very happy and contented student. I even had sex with cut cocks at last.

During that first year, we were both inducted into different fraternities, and after that, we lived in separate houses. We managed to get together at odd times.

It was very expensive to fly to Minnesota from Syracuse, NY, so I only went home twice a year at winter and summer breaks. I didn't bother going home for spring break. Instead, I went down to Daytona Beach twice during my under graduate years. One of my frat brothers had a car, and we drove down. All I had to do was chip in for the gas. I didn't have a great time. I had to pretend to be chasing pussy. It was a draining process.

My folks came to my graduation, and they really dropped a bomb on me. My dad was all smiles and beaming with happiness. He had been offered an astronomical sum of money for his land by one of the big Japanese automobile companies. They intended on building a state of the art manufacturing plant in Minnesota.

"We'll have enough money to retire long before social security kicks in," he crowed. Dad was only forty-eight, and years away from official retirement. "In fact," he continued, "after graduation we're flying down to Hilton Head to look for a home. I intend on taking up golf and playing every single day." My mother smiled at him, but I could tell she was not happy with his plans.

I was accepted to Harvard Law on yet another partial scholarship. Every little bit helps. Graduate students generally live off campus. I found a small efficiency almost immediately, and moved right in. As soon as I was settled, I consulted the gay yellow pages on line, and found a gay bar within walking distance from my apartment. I decided to restrict my play time to weekends. I was not about to blow my partial scholarship and a promising future.


The first Friday I was in Boston, it was a stifling hot early September evening. It helped me decide what to wear to the bar. I ended up with tight short shorts, a muscle shirt and sandals. I did not wear underwear and my assets were well displayed. I had no idea what was awaiting me that evening, but for the first time in my life, I came to believe in love at first sight.

Greg was seated at the bar, and I could only see his back. It was quite early in the evening, and there weren't too many patrons yet. As a result, the seat on each side of him was vacant. He was talking to the bartender, and I sat down on his right. As I was seating myself, he turned to look at me, and I hate to be trite, but I almost fainted.

Staring into my eyes was the most handsome hunk of man I had ever seen, and I had seen plenty of hunks in my rural home town. He smiled at me, and I had to clutch the bar to keep from falling off the seat I had just occupied. The first things I noticed were his teeth. They were so white they were blinding. Then I noticed that with both of us seated, his eyes were above mine. I had to assume that he was even taller than I am. Finally my field of vision spread out, and I saw the most sensual deep brown eyes I had ever seen, surrounded by a pale face of exceptional beauty. We were staring at each other, and I could only dream about what he might be thinking of me.

He took my hand. He didn't try to shake it. He just held it, and said very quietly and very simply, "My name is Greg Reres."

It took me a while to regain my power of speech. Finally, I mumbled, "Chris Gundersen."

"I'm Law 1," he said, sounding exceptionally proud.

"Me too," I smiled. "I'm the first of my family to leave the farm in Minnesota and seek a career."

Greg laughed. "I'm first generation American," he said. "My folks came from Cuba. I'm not only the first of my family to graduate college, but to go on for an advanced degree. I'm really happy to know you, Chris."

After that, we just smiled at each other. We seemed to be out of words. I looked around me, and spotted an empty table at the rear of the bar. I nodded at the table, and asked Greg to join me there so we could get to know each other.

Get to know each other. What an understatement. After just a few more words of inane conversation, we were rushing off to my little efficiency apartment. We made love all night. Much to my delight, Greg was cut. He was indeed taller than I am by about one inch, and his wonderful, cut cock was about the same size as mine. The next day was Saturday, and we spent the entire day in bed. I have never had so sore an ass, nor loved it more.

Just before graduation, Greg and I were both fortunate to receive offers from prestigious Boston law firms. We went to work for different firms, but we were wage earners now, and we rented a beautiful duplex in Beacon Hill. It was our first home together, and we furnished it as lavishly as we could.

Early on in our relationship I met Greg's family. They came for a visit from South Florida. They weren't thrilled with our life style, but accepted it, and accepted me, for which we were both grateful. Unfortunately, where my family was concerned, I was totally in the closet. I came from generations of farmers, macho men, and I was scared stiff for them to find out about me, about Greg and me. I was able to introduce Greg to my parents on graduation day. I simply introduced him as "my best buddy."

Things went along just fine in our first shared home for about two years. Then my mother called me, and told me that she was coming for a visit. She said she was fed up being a golf widow. Needless to say I panicked. We only had two bedrooms, and this could be very awkward.

I asked Greg if he would mind staying with a friend, during her stay, and he just about bit my head off. He insisted that my mother could have the spare bedroom, and that I should come out of the closet at long last. I knew he was right, and I reluctantly acquiesced, come what may.


My mother arrived at Logan Airport on a crisp fall Saturday afternoon. Greg and I were there to meet her. She was aware that we were "roommates" so it seemed appropriate that he might be with me.

I was greeted with hugs and slobbery kisses. When I could separate us, I asked if she remembered my roommate, Greg.

"Of course I do," she cooed, and Greg presented her with a small bouquet of roses. She was overwhelmed by that gesture, and she kissed Greg on the cheek.

In the car driving home, I casually remarked that we only had two bedrooms, so we were giving her the guest bedroom and I would bunk in with Greg. I avoided saying, "my bedroom," and left it at that. She thought nothing of my announcement, but she did say that she was sorry to inconvenience us. We assured her that it was not an inconvenience.

It finally struck me like a bolt of lightning. My naïve mother had never known or met a homosexual. I was certain that she didn't even know what a homosexual was. I suggested to Greg that I didn't have to come out at all, because she thought nothing of our sleeping together.

Greg grew angry. "We are going to tell her together, who and what we are to each other. I refuse to live partially in the closet." Again I conceded to him that he was right.

We let her settle in that first day, and decided to make "our move" on Sunday. Saturday evening, before going off to bed, Mom asked if I would take her to church in the morning. Of course I agreed, but I pointed out that Greg went to a different church, and we could meet up for lunch after services. We had decided on coming out at lunch. If Mom wanted to go home after that, I would gladly accompany her to the airport. I had no idea then just how naïve my mother was.

We had coffee and a bagel before going to church, and she repeated over and over again how much she hated inconveniencing us. The poor woman had no clue. We met up at a nice little restaurant for lunch. I waited until the three of us had ordered, and then I began.

I took hold of Greg's hand. At long last my mother looked the least little bit surprised. I smiled at Greg, and he clutched my hand reassuringly.

"Mom," I started, "Greg is more to me than my roommate. We're partners, life partners. We love each other, like you love Dad and he loves you. In fact we are so much in love, we want to be together all the time, so we are striking out on our own and starting our own law firm. Then, as soon as our firm is on solid ground, we plan on getting married."

The poor woman looked too perplexed to comment, and I glanced at Greg, who smiled at me with great pride in what I had just accomplished.

"Aren't you going to say anything, Mom?" I asked.

"I don't understand," she stated simply.

"We're homosexuals," Greg piped in.

"I don't know what that means," she said, almost whimpering now in her perplexity. "You're Christian, Greg? Aren't you?"

"Yes, Mom, we both are," I said. "Being homosexual means that instead of loving and desiring to be with women, we prefer to love men; members of our own sex."

My mother actually sighed with relief. "Thank God," she said. "I thought that both of you had some terrible disease."

Greg and I were now fully convinced that my mother had never heard of homosexuality, and therefore, she didn't see it as a terrible sin or an awful crime. We were both beyond amazed. Suddenly she started to cry. Of course we both believed that reality had struck her regarding our relationship. Once again, we were wrong.

"What's the matter, Mom? Why are you crying?" I asked, fearing the answer.

She got herself together. "I've got a confession to make," she muttered. You say you love Greg as much as Dad and I love each other. I hope you're wrong, because we don't love each other anymore." Once again she started to cry.

"What do you mean?" I asked, starting to panic.

Once again she took a deep breath and continued. "As soon as we got settled in our home in Hilton Head, your dad joined a country club. He enrolled in a beginning course in golf. He loved it, and became very adept in a relatively short time. He began to play golf three or four times a week. He made a friend at the club, a young widower named Ted. They played together all the time.

"They never rushed home. After the game they had a few drinks at the nineteenth hole, and then after a while, they stayed at the club a couple of times a week, and had dinner together. I was completely ignored.

"Last week your father told me that he was moving in with Ted, but I shouldn't worry. He said that he would take good care of me. Well, I don't want to stay in Hilton Head. I hate it there. I decided that I wanted to be near you, Son. Help me find a nice apartment, and I'll be out of your hair as quickly as possible."

The restaurant was noisy with laughter and conversation, but it was so quiet at our table, we could have been sitting in a vacuum. A million dark thoughts about my father were going through my head. I'm sure Greg was thinking the same thoughts. It was Greg, who finally took my mother's hand, and said, "Mrs. Gundersen, you can stay with us for as long as you find necessary."


At 8AM the next morning I took my cell phone, and went out to my car. I called my father from there. He answered immediately.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked without preamble. "Mom wants me to help her find an apartment."

"I wish there was a simple explanation," Dad said. "Let me try."

"I'm sitting in my car, out of earshot of Mom, so start talking. I'm all ears."

"You know what rural Minnesota is like. There were only a handful of girls in my high school that I was mildly interested in. I started to date your mom. We went together all through high school. She was my prom date and all that jazz. I never formally asked her to marry me, and she never formally accepted. Our folks just started to plan a wedding, and I guess we just rode the crest of the wave. I'm fond of your mother, Son, but I can't say that either of us ever loved each other. Find her a nice apartment and don't worry about the cost."

"You're skirting the issue," I said. "What about you and this Ted?"

"That's a lot harder to explain. We just became very good friends. He's single and we started hanging out together. I'm sorry to say, I never even thought of how much I was ignoring your mother. Anyway, Ted and I did everything together. We played golf, used the gym, and drank at the bar. After a round of golf, we usually had a little too much to drink at the nineteenth hole. After a while, we realized that it wasn't safe for either of us to drive home, so one day we agreed to shower at the club, bring a change of clothing, have dinner at the club, and then drive home, somewhat sobered up.

"It was bound to happen. One day, neither of us wanted the evening to end, so I went back to Ted's house for a night cap. I can't explain what happened next. It's too bizarre. I never went home that night. I spent the night in Ted's bed. I'd like to say that we had sex, but that would be a lie. In all truth, we made love. After all these years, I finally know what true love is, and I don't intend to waste another minute of my life. Don't even try to think about dissuading me, Chris. You'll fail."

"I'm not doing that. I'm happy for you, Dad. I'm happy that you are so happy. Does Mom understand your relationship with Ted?" I really needed to know the answer to that question."

"I honestly don't think she does. She believes that we're just good buddies."

I started to laugh so hard, I couldn't answer my father. After a while, he finally asked, "What's so funny?"

As best I could I told him how I had actually come out to Mom, but she had no idea what I was telling her.

"You mean you and Greg?" he asked. "I knew it. I've been suspicious for a long time."

"Dad," I asked. "Once we have Mom settled in her own place, and we have our spare bedroom back, would you and Ted come for a visit, so we can get to know him, and you guys can get to know Greg?"

"I'll count the days, Son. Find her something quickly. Did I ever tell you how much I love you?"

"No, you never did, but it's nice to know; better late than never."

Next: Chapter 2

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