My Mother Is Coming

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Mar 31, 2017


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My Mother is Coming II

(My Father is Coming)

I still couldn't believe what my father told me. He and his best (golf) buddy were in a loving, gay relationship. He separated from my mother to be with his beloved, Ted. To think, it was I, who feared coming out to him. What a laugh. Ted and Dad were retired. They could travel and get away as they pleased, so they promised to come for a visit as soon as my mother vacated our guest room.

Greg and I had come out to my mother when she came to visit us after my dad left her. She had no idea what homosexuality was all about. My father reported that it was the same when he and Ted came out to her. She just couldn't wrap the whole concept around her brain. My father and I could not believe how naïve she was.

As you can imagine, Greg and I knocked ourselves out to find my mother a suitable apartment. My father, Chris, Sr., told me that money was no object. He was quite well off. Immediately after she signed a lease, we went shopping and furnished the entire apartment from one of those mega stores that promises one day delivery. We had Mom settled in her own home in record time. I called my father, and told him that the coast was clear, and to please come for a visit as soon as possible.

The very next day, he and Ted called to tell us when they would be arriving in Boston. My dad and Ted were just as anxious to visit us, as we were to see them. Greg and I had just ventured out on our own, and established our own law firm, so it was not a problem for me to take time off to pick them up at Logan airport. Their flight arrived at 3 PM on a Friday.

I waited just outside the secured area searching the faces of the arriving passengers, but I didn't see my dad. All of a sudden I heard my name called and I saw a very handsome young man running toward me. It took me a minute to realize that it was my father. He gave me quite a shock. He didn't look a day older than I did. He always had a great toned body from working on the farm, but he was even more muscular now. Did he sell his soul to the devil? Did he have a picture in the basement that was aging instead of him? Whatever he had done, he looked fantastic, and even though he was my father, I began to get an erection.

Then I saw Ted. No wonder my dad looked like he did. He had to keep up with his partner. I didn't know how old the man was, but he didn't look a day over thirty. He was even more handsome, and more muscular, than my father. I was beginning to tent even more, and I forced myself to put carnal thoughts out of my head.

Back on the farm, my dad had never kissed me or hugged me after my eighth birthday. Imagine the shock I got when he kissed me on the lips, and embraced me in a bear hug. There were tears running down his cheeks. He pulled me to him, and there wasn't a doubt in my mind that his package was pushing against mine. Not only that, but it was obvious that my dad was very well endowed. Lucky Ted. Not to be outdone, Ted gave me a bear hug also, and kissed me on the lips.

As we walked to baggage claim, I said to Ted, "I can't wait for you to meet Greg. He's holding down the fort at the office." My father had met Greg only once, at Law school graduation.

"Listen," my dad said, "Ted and I are taking you guys out to dinner tonight, and no arguments. We'll let you make the reservations."

That's done already," I smiled at them. "We're going to a great gay bar and grill. It's one of the less noisy gay establishments in the city."

As soon as we entered our town house, Dad and Ted oohed and aahed. "I love your place," Dad said. "Ted was renting in Hilton Head, and after your mom left, he moved into my condo. I thought it was a large place, but this is much bigger."

I took them upstairs to the guest room, and showed them their private bathroom. I had left towels and wash cloths on the bed, and suggested that they might want to freshen up before going out. "We have plenty of time," I said. "I'll make cocktails at home, and our reservations are for eight."

"I think a nice hot shower is just what the doctor ordered," Ted said.

I left them alone, and called Greg to see if he could get out of the office a little earlier. "Yes," he said. "I'll be home about five."

I could hear the water running in the shower, and about five minutes after it stopped, my father called down to me. "Junior," he said, "Can you come upstairs for a minute. I have something for you."

I bounded up the stairs. Their bedroom door was open and I walked right in. I got quite a surprise. They were still drying themselves and they both had whopper hard-ons. Ingenuously, I blurted out, "Wow!"

My father saw me staring at their cocks. "Don't mind us," he said, "We were playing in the shower. Also we never wear clothing in our apartment. We didn't think you'd mind since this is a gay household."

"I don't mind at all," I lied. "Greg and I do the same, but back home you were very careful never to let me see you without clothes on. I can't believe the change in you, and that includes your very youthful good looks."

"Thanks for the compliment," he said. "Ted taught me not to be so uptight with the great body God gave me. His words, not mine. Getting back to why I asked you to come upstairs. We were just unpacking and I came across something I brought you."

He handed me a small package, and I tore off the paper wrapping. It was a framed picture of l'l ol' me at about four years old, sitting on my father's lap. He had me in a bear hold, and we were both grinning from ear to ear.

"I remember this picture," I said. "It was taken on my fourth birthday. Looking at it now, Dad, I can see how much you loved me."

I don't know if my father was aware of it or not, but he grabbed me and wrapped his brawny arms around me. He was naked, of course, and he rubbed his cock on mine. "I have always loved you," he said. "Stay here and talk to us while we unpack and dress for dinner."

After they unpacked, and stowed everything away, they removed the final contents of their suitcases. Each of them had about a half dozen tubes of lube, which they carelessly threw on the dresser.

I must have blushed fifty shades of red. I just couldn't fathom my dad getting fucked or fucking another guy. As difficult as it was for me to picture that scene, I found myself getting as hard as they were. I kept praying for Greg to come home before something awful happened. I was convinced that they were trying to seduce me, which prompted me to say, "I don't mean to ask so private a question, but I gotta know. Are you two monogamous?"

My father looked uncomfortable, but Ted smiled broadly. "To answer your question," he said, "yes and no. We would never cheat on each other, but we have taken a third party into bed with us on a few rare occasions."

That was more information than I expected to get. I needed to get out of that room, and fast. If Greg didn't come home soon, I was convinced they would rape me. I began to laugh inwardly. I realized that I wouldn't mind having sex with them at all, and that thought shocked me.

"Greg will be home any minute now. Why don't you two guys finish dressing, and I'll make cocktails. Come downstairs as soon as you're ready," I just about pleaded. Then I did something daring. I never figured out why I did it. I kissed them both on the lips, and left their room.

Saved by the bell! While I was mixing cocktails, Greg came home. I quickly whispered my suspicions in his ear, and of course, he said that I was nuts. When my dad and Ted joined us in the living room, I made introductions. The older men shocked Greg by kissing him on the lips (hard), and patting his rump. Greg gave me a look that said, "You might be right." Then he looked at them and smiled. His smile translated into, "I wouldn't mind at all," and they grinned right back at him. I was getting a headache, and began to wonder how I would get through all this drama.

It was the first night of the weekend, and the restaurant was exceptionally crowded. The age of the patrons varied from barely legal to quite old. That is not to say that there wasn't plenty of eye candy at every age level. Much to my dismay, Ted and Dad flirted unashamedly with many of the guys. I didn't know what to make of it, and my headache was growing. I couldn't wait to get out of the place. On the other hand, I was afraid of going home. For the first time I considered confronting them, and asking what was going on, but I didn't know if I would have the nerve.

I guess that I did have the nerve, because in the car going home, I asked, "Okay, what's going on with you two guys? You flirted with every hunk in the restaurant including us."

"Don't make too much of it," Ted said. "The first time your dad and I ever had gay sex was with each other. We regretted all the years we had missed out on something so wonderful. I know we'll settle down, but right now we are like two lustful teenagers discovering sex for the first time. If you guys want to help us catch up, while we are here, we wouldn't mind at all."

Then my father piped in. "We're new at this," he said, "and you two are old pros. I'll bet you can teach us a thing or two."

Greg's grin threatened to crack his face, and on the other hand I wished a sink hole would swallow the car. My father certainly realized my dismay. "Relax, Junior," he said. "I've suspected that you were gay from the time you were thirteen or fourteen. Even before I had my first gay experience, or dared guess that I might be gay myself, I watched your developing body. The longing I felt for you then, is still with me."

I was flabbergasted, and I was also driving. "Let's talk about this at home," I requested.

"There's nothing to discuss," Ted said. "The four of us are going to make love all weekend."

Our immediate future was sealed, but I didn't feel any better about it. Nobody spoke the rest of the way home, and I tried to convince myself that I wasn't going to make love to my father, but to the sexiest hunk in Boston. I think my conversation with myself was beginning to work. I was getting aroused.

When we entered the house, Greg, Dad, and Ted ran upstairs. I dawdled, trying to delay the inevitable. We had a king-sized bed, and the guest room had a standard double. Greg led our fathers into the master bedroom. By the time I got there, they were all naked. They had whopping huge hard-ons, and they were all kissing. This time I could see plenty of tongue. I was happy to note that I was getting an erection. I stripped rapidly and joined them in bed.

My father embraced me tenderly, and placed his lips on mine. I responded by automatically opening my lips and offering him my tongue. All reason left me. I discarded the notion that I was committing incest. I just convinced myself, that the guy I was kissing was a long time fuck buddy. I glanced over at the other two occupants of the bed. They were similarly engaged, and I could tell that they were enjoying each other immensely.

After a short while, Greg suggested that we form a daisy chain, and my father insisted that he wanted my cock first. "We can switch plenty," he said, "but I want first dibs on Junior." He had called me `Junior' several times since his arrival. I can't tell you how much I hated it, but I wasn't going to say anything, and spoil the sensual activity in my bedroom. Dad took me into him; Greg got my dad, and I got Ted. I felt better, but when the first one of us felt an orgasm growing in his loins, we switched, and I got my father.

He tasted like all the other tasty cocks that I had enjoyed in my life time, and I continued to erase the fact that this was incest. I had a crazy thought. Maybe incest wasn't so bad after all. All my youth I was told that cock sucking and sodomy were no-nos, but I came to discover that they were totally enjoyable. Maybe it was the same with incest.

We all pulled apart at about the same time. None of us wanted to cum this way. Nobody said anything, but we all knew we wanted to unload in someone's ass. My head was spinning. I wasn't sure, but I think it was Ted who suggested that if we nested like spoons, we could all fuck at the same time. I was first, my father next, Greg next, and Ted took up the rear.

We all lubed up generously, and nobody even suggested condoms. When my dad entered me, I heard all the bells and whistles. He whimpered once, and I knew that Greg had entered him. I assumed that Ted was way up Greg's ass because all of them were pumping in a steady rhythm.

I think my dad came first. When I felt his seed spurting far up my guts, the same seed that made me, I started to cry. When he came, my dad contracted his ass, triggering Greg and Ted to join him.

When we separated I noted that I hadn't fucked anyone, and Ted had not been fucked. I moved to remedy the situation and I heard my father say that he hoped I would fuck him.

"This is the right thing to do," I said. My father looked very disappointed so I said, "I'll get you later, Dad." I prepared to fuck Ted, but this time I included rimming. I learned that Dad and Ted had never done this, so I guess we taught them something new after all. When I finally entered Ted, I was so full of lust that I came way too fast.

We resumed our nesting position, and drifted off, enjoying the afterglow of a sexual experience of a lifetime. I woke up in the middle of the night. Ted and Greg were in bed with me, and sleeping peacefully. I got out of bed and peed. Then I went to look for my dad. He was alone in the guest room watching television. He beckoned for me to join him in bed. I got into bed and cuddled up to him.

What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing is wrong," He sobbed. "I'm just so fucking happy. I know now that I lived most of my life lying to myself and everyone else. I didn't have a clue that I was gay. Thank God I met Ted. He was in the same boat as I was, so it was great that we discovered each other."

I kissed my dad. "I'm glad for you," I said sincerely.

"Do you think you could fuck me now?" he asked.

"I'm sure I can. I'm hard as a rock."

Please do that thing you did to Ted. What did you call it? Rimming?"

The four of us made love all weekend, but Greg and I had to go to work on Monday morning. Dad and Ted rented a car, and with the help of a city map they set out to discover Boston. Dad was paying my mother's rent so he had her address. They actually went to visit her. The poor naïve woman still had no idea that they were screwing each other, and she entertained them cordially. She seemed to be a lot happier also.

We managed to make a little love every night, but the following weekend we enjoyed another love making marathon. The hardest thing we ever did was to take Dad and Ted to the airport Sunday evening. They made us promise to visit them in Hilton Head as soon as possible.

"We'll give you golf lessons," Ted promised. "Then you can be as frustrated as the rest of us."

Greg and I agreed that we had just experienced the best visit by houseguests ever.

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