My New Apprentice

By Spike Meyers

Published on Oct 29, 2022


Date: 10/27/2022

Author: Spike Meyers


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Notice: This story is a work of fiction and contains explicit sexual material. It may also include, incest, sex between minor(s) and adult male(s), sex between minors, and sexual fetish. If you are offended by such material, do not read this work of fiction. The character(s) in this work of fiction are not based on any known person(s).

My New Apprentice 10

                              • AUTHOR'S NOTE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Greetings my friends, I just want to let you guys know why there was such a gap between chapters of this story. Once again, I had some hardware trouble with my laptop. This time, it was entirely my fault. I spilled a small amount of liquid on the machine (no more than half an ounce) but apparently, it was sufficient to do a lot of damage. When I brought it in for repairs, I was honest with them and told them what had happened. They told me that the "normal" turn- around time for repairs would be two to three weeks because they had to send the laptop out to their service center. OK, fine, understood, no problem.

I checked the status of the repairs once a week online with my phone via a tracking number. Each time I checked the status, it said under repair. I thought to myself, wow, I really did a number on this machine. It's taking a long time to fix it. Perhaps they have had to order parts multiple times or something.

When I did not hear back from them in four weeks, and the status of my repairs online hadn't changed, I decided to call them. I called and left a voicemail. Another week passes by, and I still have not heard from them, nor has the online status changed. I called them again and this time I got a chance to speak to a real person. This person then informed me that my machine could not be repaired, and therefore, it was recycled. The good news was that they would replace my system with a new unit. Thank God I bought the warranty insurance when I purchased the laptop, an additional $200 expense.

I asked the guy why no one had called me to let me know that. I don't know sir; someone should have called you. The thing that pissed me off was that the replacement approval only took four days from the time I dropped the unit off to them. However, no one called me to let me know that, nor did anyone respond to my voicemail, nor was the online status updated with that information. Had I not called them back, I probably would have never heard from them again. This is not a mom & pop shop. This is a major National Chain, coast to coast in the United States.

When I spoke to the representative on the phone, I was also told that I could just come into the store and select a replacement laptop from the store floor. As soon as I got off the phone, I drove over there immediately. I waited my turn in line and then found out that was not the case. I actually had to make an appointment with them to get my new machine. As you can imagine, I was extremely frustrated, however, I was not going to take that frustration out on the poor kid behind that counter. It wasn't his fault. So, I made an appointment. I also asked to speak with the store manager and was informed that he was not on site. The kid offered to try and get the assistant store manager for me. He called the guy on the walkie-talkie and there was no response. Two or three minutes pass by and I had the kid page him again. I see the kid's eyes open wide and his face flushes. He has an ear-piece, so I can't hear what he heard. The kid looks up at me and he said, I'm sorry Sir, the assistant manager is a lunch.

Two days later, I arrive at my scheduled appointment time to get my new machine. I then find out that they have to order the new system because they don't have one in stock. They would order it and then I would have to come back to the store to pick it up. Now mind you, this was my forth trip to the store at this point. I appreciated the fact that I was getting a new machine and had no choice but to accept the facts as they were.

The guy ordered the new machine for me and at checkout, it was mostly paid by the voucher slip from the insurance, I just had to pay the cost differential since the prices had gone up. At checkout, I was informed that the 2-year warranty that I purchased during the original transaction, was now null and void. I then asked if the warranty was not transferrable since I purchased a two-year warranty when I bought the original laptop. After all, my machine was not quite a year old.

I was then informed that since they (the insurance) was paying to replace the machine, they have fulfilled their obligation and therefor, the policy is now closed. Period, end of story as far as the insurance was concerned.

He then asked me if I wanted to purchase a new warranty. My blood was boiling inside, however, I was not going to take my frustrations out on the kid behind the counter. He was just doing his job. Considering what I have experienced in the past, I felt I had no choice but to shell out another $200 for a new policy for this laptop. I would rather pay $200 for a new policy than $600 for a new machine should something happen again.

After the transaction was completed, I asked again to speak to the store manager. If we don't let management know that something is wrong, they can't fix the problems. I was then informed that the store manager was again, not on site and the assistant manger was "in a meeting". I'm sorry Sir, the kid behind the counter said, as he must have seen my face turn fire-engine red. I took a deep breath and said, it's ok baby, it's not your fault.

He looked at me with a surprised expression on his face. It wasn't until then that I realized I had called him baby. Have a good evening, Conner I said with a smile reading his name tag pinned to his shirt. He was really, really cute. He returned my smile and nodded his head and I walked away.

At this time, I'm am still somewhat angry about the situation. I will call and ask to speak with the store manager at some point in future, but I would prefer to talk with him when I'm not angry. I think he needs to know that someone or some-ones dropped the ball regarding procedure. We are all human and all of us sometimes make mistakes. We certainly can't expect perfection in every situation. I understand that and will keep that in the forefront when I speak to the manager.

Honestly, just sharing this with you guys makes me feel better about the situation. I just did not want you guys to feel that I suddenly dropped off the planet or was kidnapped by aliens to another world. So, in the not-to-distant future, you will see more chapters of this story arrive and other stories that I have in my head on the Nifty site.

As always, thank you so much for your emails. They are so very much appreciated.

Next: Chapter 11

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