My New Apprentice

By Spike Meyers

Published on Nov 7, 2022


Date: 11/06/2022

Author: Spike Meyers


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Notice: This story is a work of fiction and contains explicit sexual material. It may also include, incest, sex between minor(s) and adult male(s), sex between minors, and sexual fetish.

If you are offended by such material, do not read this work of fiction. The character(s) in this work of fiction are not based on any known person(s).

My New Apprentice 11

"Christ, Joel. You make me want to join you guys. Fuck, you're making my dick hard just listening to you. I think I'm jealous. You certainly make it sound so incredible."

Suddenly, they heard the sliding door open. "Hey guys," said the handsome man with the friendly voice standing in the doorway. "Everything OK?"

Joel stood up in the hot tub smiling at Randy. "Randy, I'd like you to meet my friend, Roger."

Randy closed the sliding glass door behind him and stepped up to Roger. He extended his hand in greeting and Roger immediately stood up. He grabbed Randy's hand and shook it firmly. Randy gave him a friendly smile and couldn't stop himself from giving Roger a quick onceover. Joel immediately noticed that Roger was a little chubbed up; he wasn't lying when he said he was getting a hardon.

"A pleasure to meet you, Roger. Joel has mentioned you favorably several times since we have met. It's so nice to put a face with the name." Randy released Roger's hand and stepped back.

"You guys make me feel overdressed," Randy joked as he stepped over to the center of the patio. He removed his sneakers and kicked them to the side. "If you gentlemen have no objection, I'm going to take this overall off out here. I'm sweating my ass off in this thing."

"Considering Rog and I are buck-naked, you'll hear no objection from us. Why don't you join us?" Joel suggested as he watched Randy start to disrobe on the patio. "The water feels good; it's warm but it feels good."

Randy looked over at Joel and smiled. "I will baby, I just want to take a quick shower first and rinse off." Roger turned around to face Joel. He made a smoochy-face and mouthed the word baby to Joel with a smile. "Bite me!" Joel whispered back at Roger before returning his attention to Randy.

Roger turned back around to face Randy just as he was in the process of slipping the last leg of the overall off. Randy stepped over to the side of the patio and dropped the overall on the patio floor. He stepped back to the center of the patio as he pulled his t-shirt up and off his body. Joel watched him intently as his muscles flexed. Randy unbuttoned his jeans, unzipped, slid the jeans down his legs, and kicked them to the side. Joel was not surprised in the least to see Randy was going commando. Randy stood up, his appendage swaying about slightly, and stepped up to the hot tub positioning himself between the two studs standing in the water. He took secret pleasure seeing Roger checking him out. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm starving. Are you guys hungry? It's a little after noon o'clock." Randy questioned.

Roger started to giggle. "Noon o'clock," he repeated. "That's cute. I've never heard that before. I am a little hungry I must admit. I only had coffee this morning before I had to leave the house. How about you, my friend?" Roger asked Joel turning his head towards him.

"Yeah, I could eat. What do you have in mind?" Joel asked Randy.

"I was thinking about a sub from Longfellows. They are close," Randy answered.

"What's Longfellows?" Joel asked.

"I've never heard of them either," Roger joined in.

"Longfellows is a small sub shop; they are privately owned. They are similar to Firehouse only better in my personal opinion. They make the best subs. It's owned by Jack and Ellen Burnham. They are nice people; permanent east coast transplants. They've lived here now at least fifteen years and have no plans to leave the area. I met them shortly after I moved here," Randy volunteered.

"Sounds good to me," Joel commented. "Me too," Roger agreed.

"Good, that's settled then. You guys think about what you want while I take a quick shower. I assume you two studs will want to stay here since you are all naked, wet and looking too sexy for words?" Randy asked.

Roger looked over at Joel and smiled. He enjoyed hearing Randy's compliment. Joel and Roger looked at each other and in unison responded, "stay here."

"Alrighty then, I won't be long guys," Randy said as he started to turn around and walk back into the house.

"Oh, oh, on your way out, can you check to see if we need more beer?" Joel asked.

"You bet, gorgeous," Randy answered him and walked into the house.

Joel and Roger turned to face each other after Randy went back into the house. Roger looked at Joel with a big shit-eating grin on his face as he sat back down in the water. "OK, out with it smart-ass. I know you want to bust my balls so go right ahead. Get it out of your system!" Joel said as he sat back down in the water.

"He calls you gorgeous," Roger giggled. "What other pet-names does he call you; sweetie-pie and honey-bunch?"

"As soon as Randy said that I knew you were going to give me some shit. I just knew it. Go ahead, make fun of it if you want to. Knock yourself out!" Joel responded.

"Don't get your panties in a bunch," Roger said with a giggle. "I was just fucking with you; that's all. It's actually really, sweet of him. Although, I was a little surprised to hear a guy say that to another guy. I don't hear that every day. In fact, this was a first for me."

"Well, if all three of us are going to hang-out together, you're going to have to get used to it. That's just the way we are together. And you will most likely at some time in future hear me call him Daddy. It's a little inside joke that we have between the two of us. As I said, I have strong feelings for Randy and I'm not going to hide them."

"OK, I hear ya; understood my friend. If I give you shit in future, it's not because I am having any adverse feelings about you, or him, or you two collectively. I didn't say anything in judgement or disapproval or anything like that. I was just fucking with you. Something we have done with each other since we met and not in disrespect. I love you, Joel; we've been friends a long time."

"I know; I love you too Rog. I knew you were kidding in my heart but it still kind of hurt my feelings. This is all new to me so I'm sorry if I'm a little sensitive right now. I'm still trying to figure shit out. Would it freak you out if I asked for a hug?" Joel asked.

Roger immediately stood up and grabbed Joel. He almost literally picked him up out of the water and hugged him tight and hard, lifting him off his feet as he did earlier in the driveway. Joel felt Roger's cock against his skin and relished the feeling. In a fraction of a split second, he acknowledged a tingle in his cock as he hugged his best friend back. After five or ten seconds, Roger released his grip and Joel slid down his wet body. He subconsciously let out a little moan as he felt his cock slide down Roger's body and over Roger's crotch. For just a split second, they were cock on cock and it was most enjoyable.

Roger stepped back and smiled at Joel. "May I ask a question?" Roger said standing in the center of the hot tub. Joel nodded his head in the affirmative. "Do you call Randy Daddy due to your age difference?"

"Kind of," Joel answered him. "When I first met Randy, he was kind of giving me some fatherly advise about something that I can't remember now. I rolled my eyes and said, yes daddy, sarcastically and it just kind of stuck to the wall. When I found out that he was twenty years my senior, it just solidified the term. I say it now in respect and admiration not sarcasm. I was really surprised when he told me how old he was. I would have never guessed since he doesn't look his true age."

"No, he doesn't" Roger responded. "I would have guessed that he was in his mid-thirties. He's a good-looking man. I would never have guessed that he's gay. Don't get pissed, I just mean he's very masculine. He has one hell of a handshake."

Joel was happy to hear Roger's words regarding his boyfriend. It was important to him that Randy and Roger got along. Hopefully, they would become friends. Roger certainly had no qualms about being naked in front of Randy that's for sure. Joel suddenly found himself seeing Roger in a different light. As of today, he was very aware that Roger was really cute and had an awesome body. He was attracted to him physically for the first time in his life. It felt weird considering he was his closest friend.

Over the next thirty minutes or so, he and Roger talked about various things as usual. Roger started to share specific things about his marriage. Taking into consideration that he was only hearing one side of the story; he thought Roger was a saint to stay in his marriage as long as he has.

Joel was not sure that he himself would have stayed in it that long. He admired Roger for his commitment to his marriage. Considering what he has learned about himself over the past week since meeting Randy, he was convinced that there had to be something going on inside of Roger's wife that would explain her behavior. It's unfortunate that she refuses to seek out a mental health professional for help. His heart hurt for his dear friend. Roger was putting on a brave face, but Joel could tell he was really struggling inside.

They heard the slider opening and looked over to see Randy standing there. He had a tank top on and a pair of shorts that hid almost nothing from the imagination. Joel felt a little tingle in his cock again. "Lunch has arrived, gentlemen."

"Where are we going to eat?" Joel asked.

"I guess the usual place since we have no furniture. Perhaps Roger would be more comfortable eating out here on the patio. I'll get everything together and let you two work it out. Just come on in when you're ready." Randy closed the slider and disappeared in the house.

"What did that mean?" Roger asked.

"We don't have any furniture as you know, so we always eat in bed. We throw a cover over the bed and eat in bed. If you're not comfortable with that, we can throw a blanket down on the patio floor and have a picnic out here. Entirely your call, Rog."

"Honestly, I would prefer not to sit on the hard concrete, covered or not. So, I say the bed. It will be much more comfortable. Don't you think?"

"Yeah, absolutely the bed will be more comfortable," Joel responded.

They stepped out of the hot tub each grabbing a towel. They stood apart, but facing each other, and dried off. Joel could not help himself and watched Roger intently as his muscles flexed with the movement of this body as he toweled off. He felt his dick tingle again and held the towel in from of him just in case it escalated beyond a tingle.

After they finished toweling off, they each tossed the towels across the back of the patio chair. Roger looked over at Joel and giggled softly. "So, are we going to be sitting in cum stains?" he asked.

"Of course not, that doesn't go to waste in this house," Joel said seriously with a smile on his face. He decided not to elaborate and left it at that. He took pleasure in the few seconds that it took for Roger to figure what he was saying.

"Oh man, you guys are nasty," he giggled. "So, if you ever suck my dick, you'd swallow my load?"

"Yeah, don't hold your breath. But to answer your question, that would depend on what it tastes like. Randy's is really sweet. I love it. Mine is sweet too but not as sweet as Randy's" Joel answered calmly and factually.

"Wait, you mean, you eat your own jizz?" Roger questioned him.

"Well, not until recently. I'm sorry it took me so long to taste my own cum. Had I only known then what I know now all of those loads I shot off over the years wouldn't have gone to waste," Joel responded.

"Tiffany would never do that; she'd never swallow my jizz. She'd never let me cum in her mouth. Christ, she doesn't even like sucking my dick." Roger said out loud softly as if he were thinking out loud.

"Don't knock it until you've tried it my friend; you might be pleasantly surprised. I certainly was when Randy suggested it to me."

"Randy eats his own spunk too?" Roger asked.

"Well, yeah; that's how I learned about it. He's a really good teacher."

Randy slid open the slider. "You two are certainly taking your time; I'm hungry so what's the decision?" he asked standing there completely naked.

"Bed!" they both shouted out. "Why should today be any different?" Joel asked rhetorically with a smile.

Roger looked at Randy and said, "So, I'm gathering we are having lunch naked?"

"We don't stand on ceremony in this house; I'd prefer not to get dressed if that's OK with you," Randy responded.

"Cool! I'll go for that," Roger giggled.

"Then get your sweet, little asses in here before I spank you both! The bed has been prepared for eating." Randy stepped to the side and gestured for them to enter. Roger being the closest to the door said, "Sir, yes, Sir!" and hurried on into the house, Joel right behind him. Randy gently smacked Joel on the butt cheek as he entered the house. As Joel stepped in, Randy quickly wrapped an arm around Joel's waist and whispered, "You are so fucking gorgeous!" and immediately released him.

"Everything is ready and waiting in the kitchen guys. I got both of you turkey and swiss with avocado on the side. Roger, I didn't know if you liked avocado, so I had Jack put it on the side for you."

"Thanks, Randy. I do like avocado by the way. That's perfect. How much do I owe you for lunch?" Roger asked.

"Don't be silly, lunch is on me." Randy answered him as he handed Roger his plate. "This one is yours, baby," Randy said as he handed Joel his plate. "I got something spicy for myself," he said as he stepped over to the fridge and pulled out three beers. He handed the boys each a beer.

"Let's eat guys!" Randy said enthusiastically as he led the way to the master bedroom. Randy sat at the top of the bed, Joel on his left, and Roger on his right. They sat in a triangle facing each other, legs crossed, Indian style if you'll pardon the expression.

"Thank you so much, Randy. I really appreciate your kindness letting me stop by like this when you don't know me from Adam. Seriously, thank you."

"You are very welcome, Roger. You are Joel's best friend. Our door is always open to you. Joel tells me that you have been friends since you were kids. That's awesome. Unfortunately, I have lost a lot of my friends. You guys are lucky to have each other."

"May I ask what you do for a living, Roger?" Randy inquired.

"I work for the water district. I'm an analyst. It's my job to analyze data collected from various sources and submit reports and statistics. I know it probably sounds boring, but I really enjoy it. Math is my thing; I'm good at it and I enjoy it. I got this job right out of college. I mean, not this job specifically, but I started working for the water district when I got out of college."

"That's awesome; if you have to work for a living, and most of us do, it's important to try and make a living at something you enjoy doing. I have almost always enjoyed what I have done across my career path. You just have to learn how to accept the good with the bad. As long as the good side weighs heavier than the bad, we're golden in my book."

"Joel told me you're a building contractor," Roger inquired.

"Yes, that's right, although I have certainly been dragging my ass on the ground with this place. As you can see, this house is a work in progress."

"Yeah, Joel told me that he was going to be giving you a hand with the house. I worked as a laborer for a contractor when I was in college. It's wasn't easy; I busted my ass every day. I was in good shape though; built like a brick shit-house as the expression goes. I have tried to stay in shape since I sit behind a desk now."

"If you don't mind me saying, you still are. You look good, Roger. I wish I had your discipline to hit the gym but I don't. I am well disciplined in many things, but the gym, not so much."

"Oh please," Joel said rolling his eyes. "Both of you are walking wet-dreams; total man-studs. Give me a break. You both have the bodies and the dicks to go with it. Let's not pretend here guys; you two are fucking hot!"

Roger started howling with laughter. He fell backwards in laughing thrusting his pelvis out slightly and upwards as his six-pack flexed in response. It appeared as if he was offering himself up for the taking. Randy just wanted to pounce on him and swallow that beautiful cock of his but resisted. Joel looked over at Randy knowing full well what Randy was thinking and smiled devilishly. Roger suddenly sat upright seemingly without the faintest of effort on his part, and slapped his leg with his hand. "Damn, Joel, tell us how you really feel!" he said catching his breath. "Thanks for the compliment, Buddy!"

"Yeah, well, don't let it go to your head. Saying it out loud, especially to you made me nauseous," he said giggling.

"Good; blow me then!" Roger quipped back laughing.

This time it was Randy who started to laugh. "You two are a riot together. No wonder you are the best of friends. For the next ninety minutes or so, and each of them with another beer under their virtual belts, they talked and joked with each other like they have been good friends their entire lives. Joel was pleased to see that Roger and Randy were getting along so well and even exchanging jabs with each other all in good fun.

During a pause in the festivities, Roger said, "Damn, I have to piss like a race horse!" He stood up in bed, his dick dangling about two feet from their faces. - "The bathroom is just around the corner, Roger," Randy said pointing across the room. He had such an urge to grab a hold of Roger's cock just hanging there as he pointed.

"Thanks," Roger said and walked across the bedroom disappearing around the corner. Once Roger was out of sight, Joel quickly jumped on Randy's lap facing him. Joel wrapped his arms around Randy and said, "Thanks Daddy for being such a good host to my friend. You like him, don't you?"

"What's not to like, my love; he's cute, sexy and smart. Yeah, I like him. He's fun."

"Do you want to suck him off?" Joel asked just as they heard a strong, heavy piss stream hit the water in the toilet.

"Yes. I'd gladly suck him off if the opportunity arose, however, that's not likely to happen. He's straight and married. But remember, you are the one I love, Joel."

"I know, Daddy. I just want you to know that I'm OK with it. Roger wasn't joking when he said he had to pee; he's still going," Joel whispered. "Damn, now I have to pee too." Joel said listening to Roger's stream hit the toilet.

"You can pee right here," Randy whispered.

"No, Rog is here. He'd see the wet bed." Joel whispered his response.

"No, in my mouth not on the bed," Randy whispered back.

Joel smiled and felt his dick twitch. "Rog will see us."

"Just a little gorgeous, real quick. Just a little taste." Randy whispered and ran his tongue across Joel's lips. Joel's cock started to grow just at the thought. Roger's stream came to a halt and a couple of seconds of silence passed by.

"Too late," Joel whispered and returned to his place on the bed next to Randy. He crossed his legs tight and placed his hands over his crotch. They heard the toilet flush and then saw Roger come around the corner into the bedroom.

"Guys," Roger said as he stepped over towards the bed. "I'm just going to grab my phone on the back patio. I should probably turn in back on and check my messages even though I don't want to. I won't be too long; I hope."

"Sure, Rog. Take your time; do what you need to do. We'll be right here." Joel said warmly not envying what his friend was going through.

Roger nodded and walked out of the bedroom. As soon as Joel heard Roger step out of the hallway, he jumped to his feet and stood before Randy. Randy looked up at him and smiled. Joel's perfect package was staring him right in the face; his gorgeous cock on the rise with excitement. Without hesitation, Randy leaned slightly forward and took Joel's cock in his mouth. Joel moaned softly and grabbed Randy's head in both hands. Joel parted his legs slightly, leaned his head back and released his stream in Randy's mouth.

He moaned with both relief and excitement as he felt the hot liquid surround his entire cock in Randy's mouth. "Fuck!" he whispered hoarsely, "Drink it Daddy. Drink my fucking piss." Randy's mouth filled almost instantly. Immediately he had to start swallowing the hot, mild, mostly recycled beer, or it would have forced its way out the sides.

He has wanted this so badly and now it was actually happening. He grabbed Joel's thighs and held on tight as he continued to swallow with enthusiasm. He actually surprised himself that he was able to not let his mouth overflow since Joel's stream was so hard and so fast. It seemed as if Joel had opened the flood gates and a tidal wave was let loose. He was loving every second of it. Eventually, the stream became less and less and easily manageable. Joel's cock was a solid mass of manhood when the stream stopped completely.

Randy swallowed the last of Joel's piss and immediately started sucking his cock. He knew that he could make Joel cum fast. He grabbed Joel's ass and pulled him into him forcefully and deepthroated the cock that he loved so much. Joel placed his hands on the wall above Randy to maintain his balance as Randy worked his cock. At this point, neither one of them couldn't have cared less if Roger suddenly walked back into the room.

It didn't take long before Joel started groaning from deep within. "Fuck, you're gonna make me cum already," Joel called down to him. "Fuck, here it comes daddy!" Joel's entire body shook almost violently as the wave of orgasm passed through every cell of his body. His orgasm was so intense that he could no longer support his weight and collapsed down on Randy. His knees hitting Randy on the chest, forcing his body back against the wall. Randy had to literally pick Joel's body up and off of him and place him back down on the bed.

Joel's body was completely limp. Randy reached over him and extended Joel's arms and legs out on the bed. He looked down at Joel's beautiful body and smiled appreciatively. He was so elated to have him in his life. He noticed a drop of jizz seeping out of Joel's cock. He bent over and took the beautiful member back in his mouth not wanting a single drop to go to waste.

"I think I'm empty, daddy" Joel whispered when he felt Randy take his spent cock back in his mouth. Randy released his cock and lovingly kissed up his body. He gently kissed Joel on the lips and whispered, "I love you, Joel."

Joel wrapped his arms around Randy forcing Randy to roll over on his back. Joel rolled with him and laid on top of him. "I love you too, Daddy. Roger helped me understand that today. I love you. I've never said that to anyone before at least in this context. Randy smiled at Joel and squeezed him so tight Joel peed just a little. Randy's cock twitched when he felt Joel's cock squirt. Joel started to giggle. "Now I've pissed in you and on you. I guess that about covers everything."

They laid there in silence for about two minutes before they heard the patio door slide open. Joel started to roll off Randy and then realized Randy was holding him in place. "Rog is coming back," Joel whispered urgently. "He'll see us."

"That's Ok, let him see us. You're just laying on top of me; we're not doing anything. Besides, I have a roaring hardon. Would you rather he see my hardon? It's totally fine by me." Randy giggled.

"Oh yeah, I see your point," he whispered.

"Hey guys, you decent?" Roger called down the hall.

"Come on in, Rog!" Joel called out.

"Woah, I bet you guys fuck like bunnies don't you?" Roger joked as he walked into the bedroom and sat down on the foot of the bed. "You two just had sex, didn't you? What'd you do; suck each other off quick when I was on the back patio?"

"If you must know, yes; Randy sucked me off. Does that answer your question sufficiently?" Joel giggled.

"You guys are just two fucking sex feigned horn-dogs, aren't you?

"Yes, yes we are; and proud of it," Randy answered.

"I wish I could say that. I'm envious of you two right now. Randy, will you adopt me so I don't have to go home?"

Both Joel and Randy could see the torment and pain in Roger's eyes. "I'm sorry, Rog. I wish we could help you," Joel said softly to his friend.

"Just remember, Roger, if you need to, you are always welcome here with Joel and me. Just come over if you need to." Joel rolled off of Randy, completely ignoring the fact that Randy still had a hardon, and gave Roger a friendly hug.

"Seriously Rog, like Randy said, just come over if you need to," Joel said as he released his hug, reinforcing the open invitation.

"Thanks guys; that makes me feel better knowing that I have a place to go if I need to. Thank you for being my friend. I should go and get out of your hair so you two can get back to whatever you two were doing. It's obvious that I interrupted you," Roger smiled pointing at Randy's now semi-hardon.

"I have to say guys, this has really been a lot of fun hanging out with you today. I have never in my life hung out with two gay guys before, buck-naked, dicks swaying about, and be completely comfortable. It's really been cool; I must admit. It's too bad that us straight guys can't do that together."

"You can always do that with us, Rog. Next time you stop by you won't be surprised if you find Randy and I naked. We are almost always naked when we're home," Joel said as he stood up and stepped off the bed. Randy jumped up and stood next to Joel, his cock still puffed up a bit. Roger looked up at Randy's slightly chubbed-up dick and smiled before standing up. Together they walked, single file back out to the patio.

Randy closed the door behind them and turned around. For just a couple of seconds, they stood there on the patio in silence looking at each other. Randy could feel the turmoil emanating from Roger. "Come here, Roger," he said stepping up to him and taking him into his arms. "Just know this," he whispered, "No matter what happens, you are going to be OK Roger. Everything will work out the way it's supposed to. I know in my heart that you are going to be OK."

Roger brought his arms up and hugged Randy. Hearing his words somehow made him feel a little better. Randy released him and Joel stepped up and gave him a hug. "We're here if you need us, Rog."

Next: Chapter 12

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