My New Apprentice

By Spike Meyers

Published on Nov 13, 2022


Date: 11/06/2022

Author: Spike Meyers


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Notice: This story is a work of fiction and contains explicit sexual material. It may also include, incest, sex between minor(s) and adult male(s), sex between minors, and sexual fetish.

If you are offended by such material, do not read this work of fiction. The character(s) in this work of fiction are not based on any known person(s).

My New Apprentice 12

Roger brought his arms up and hugged Randy. Hearing his words somehow made him feel a little better. Randy released him and Joel stepped up and gave him a hug. "We're here if you need us, Rog."

Joel stepped back and looked at Randy, concern on his face. After Roger got dressed, he grabbed his keys and his phone and looked over at the guys. "I guess it's time to face the music," he said sadly.

"Will you call me soon and let me know how you're doing?" Joel asked.

"I'll call as soon as I can, Joel. I promise. Wish me luck guys."

"How can I help you, Sir?" the receptionist asked Roger as he stepped up to the counter of the Glendale police station.

"Yes, um, my name is Roger Manning. I believe my wife is here; her name is Tiffany Manning."

The woman behind the counter looked up at Roger for the first time. "Have a seat over there," she said pointing across the room. I will have an officer come out and speak with you."

"Is she alright?" Roger asked in concern.

"Just have a seat, Sir. Someone will be with you momentarily," she said with a curt, authoritative tone.

Roger turned away from her and slowly made his way across the room to an empty chair. He had no clue what had really happened. He only knew what his neighbor had told him when he got home from Joel's house. It had to be something really bad though. His living room window was broken and his house was a shambles. He only knew what his neighbor told him; his wife was apparently arrested and taken away by the police.

Roger sat there for just a few minutes before he saw an officer step out from behind a closed door. He looked up at him expectantly as the officer approached him. "Mr. Manning," the officer asked as he approached Roger. "Yes, I'm Roger Manning."

"My name is Officer Kyle Daymond. May I see some ID Mr. Manning," he asked.

Roger was still wearing his New Mexico Lobos tank-top and a gray pair of cut-off sweats. He pulled his wallet from the waistband of the shorts and handed the office his driver's license. Officer Daymond took the ID, read it over quickly, and handed it back to Roger. "Please come with me Mr. Manning," he said to Roger.

Roger followed behind the officer down a hallway until they came to a door marked "C". The officer slid the tile on the door to the side and the word occupied appeared. Roger was becoming more anxious by the second. The officer opened the door, the room was no more than 8' X 8' square. It had a stainless-steel table in the middle of the room like you would see in a traditional interrogation room in a movie. There were four stainless steel chairs on either side of the table that were permanently attached to the floor.

The officer stepped through the door and held it open for Roger to enter. Roger stepped into the room and immediately noticed the camera in the upper right-hand corner of the room. "Please take a seat Mr. Manning," the officer said.

Roger's hands started to tremble a little. His heart was beating so fast he thought that it was going to jump out of his chest. "Officer Daymond, please tell me what the hell is going on!" he blurted out. "What has happened to my wife?"

"Please, Mr. Manning, try to remain calm. Have a seat. I'm going to tell you everything as we understand it. First, your wife is fine; she is at Brazo Hospital for treatment of a laceration to the hand and forearm. She had to be sedated for her own safety as well as everyone else. My partner, Officer Holly Ramirez is with her."

"What the hell happened?" Roger asked.

"The short story is, we received a call about a disturbance at your address. When we arrived at your address, we were met by the complex Manager, a Mr. Tom Davidson. Mr. Davidson said that someone in your residence was freaking out, his exact words not ours, in your house. He escorted us to your unit and we saw glass on the sidewalk. It appeared to us as if something had been thrown through the window.

We could hear a lot of noise and screaming coming from within your residence. We approached and knocked on your door but received no answer. When no one answered the door, we entered your residence and saw a woman screaming and throwing things around the room. She was yelling obscenities and other gibberish that we could not understand. She wasn't making any sense.

We approached her and when she saw us, she tossed whatever she had in her hand at my partner, striking my her on the side of the head. We had no other choice but to subdue her; it took both of us to cuff her and wait for the paramedics to arrive. Tell me, Mr. Manning, does your wife have a substance problem, alcohol or drugs?"

"God, no. Tiffany rarely drinks and if she does, it's a glass of wine with dinner on occasion. She is very anti-drugs."

"Does she have any mental illness that you are aware of?" Officer Daymond asked.

"No, I mean, she has been much more moody than usual these past few months, and she has a short fuse with an equally short temper, but that's it," Roger answered.

"May I ask Mr. Manning, where you were at the time this occurred?"

"Um, I was visiting my best friend, Joel. He just moved here from New Mexico. I was at his place all day. Tiffany and I had an argument this morning and when she started yelling at me and cussing me out, I left and went over to Joel's house."

"What was the argument about, Mr. Manning?"

"I took the day off because I got tickets to Les Misérables downtown. When Tiffany asked me why I was not getting ready for work, I reminded her that I took the whole day off since the show starts at 5 PM. She just started screaming at me and said that I told her the show was next week, not this week. I disagreed with her and reminded her that the tickets for the show were attached to the fridge with a magnet. She grabbed the tickets, read the date, and threw them on the floor. She continued yelling at me and calling me names so, I left."

"That's it?" the officer asked. "You haven't seen her since this morning?"

"No. When I got back to the house, I ran into my neighbor and Tom and they told me that Tiffany was here. I came here straight away," Roger answered.

"OK, then. I just need you to fill out a contact sheet for me, Mr. Manning. It's just in case we need to get in touch with you. Are you willing to do that?" Officer Daymond asked.

"Yeah, sure. What happens now?" Roger asked.

"Your wife assaulted a police officer, Mr. Manning. My partner had to be stitched up from the assault. It's up to the D.A., but he may or may not file charges. He will wait until he receives a full report, including a medical report from the hospital regarding your wife. He will make his decision following the review of that report.

If your wife is not on any illegal drugs, most likely she will get probation. It is also possible that the judge may mandate anger management classes. I'm not an attorney Mr. Manning, so don't quote me. It's out of my hands. Do you have any other questions for me, Mr. Manning?"

"May I see her?" Roger asked.

"I don't see why not; as I said, she's at Brazo. Remember, she has been sedated so she may not be conscious."

Randy and Joel were in the living room installing the last bit of insulation in the room. With two of them working on it, it took almost no time at all. All of the wiring was complete and with the insulation done, it was starting to look like a real room. Soon, they could start sheet rocking.

The guys took a short break to have a beer. While they were sitting on the living room floor admiring their handywork, Randy asked, "Have you heard from Roger?"

"I was just thinking about him. I have called him about three times, but his voicemail is still full. I texted him but I haven't heard back from him yet. I hope he's OK. I will call him again tonight after dinner if I don't hear from him before that. I don't want to be a nag and keep bugging him but I'm worried. I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope I hear from him soon."

"Hi Mom", Roger said as he greeted his mother-in-law at the front door. "Where's dad?"

"He's grabbing the luggage dear," she answered. "He'll be here soon."

"Come on in. Thank you so much for coming over. It's good to have you guys here. I could sure use your help and advice," Roger said with appreciation.

"Roger! Give me hand with this stuff," Alan, his father-in-law called out behind his wife."

"Here, dad. Let me take that for you. I'll just put this stuff in the guest room straight away. Come on in and have a seat guys; I'll be right back," Roger said as he left with the bags in hand.

While Roger was out of the room, Camile looked at her husband and whispered, "Alan, just look at this place, it's a complete mess, there's a huge whole in the window, the lamps are broken, the coffee table is cracked; good Lord!"

"Yeah, sorry about that, guys. I know the place is a complete train wreck," Roger said as he walked back into the room. "Fortunately, all the damage is out here. The good news is that the bedrooms and the bathrooms are good. I would offer you guys something to drink but Tiff smashed all of the glasses in the house."

"Christ, Roger, what the fuck went on here?" Alan asked.

"I don't really know, dad. I was not here at the time. I have told you everything that I know and what the police told me. We still don't know what happened really. When I spoke to the doctor yesterday, she said that they were checking to see if there were any drugs in Tiff's system that would make her freak out like this.

Tiff claims that she doesn't remember much of anything. I have to warn you though, she is still being a little difficult to talk to. She gets angry very easily. I don't know, it's as if something inside her has just snapped. I'm hoping that you guys will have a beneficial influence on her. Maybe she will open-up to you. I don't know what else to do.

I don't know if Tiffany has told you guys this, but we have been having problems for about two years. Sometimes she seems perfectly fine and other times, it's as if no matter what I do or say, she takes issue with it. It feels as if she just wants to fight with me all the time for some reason. It's so exhausting. I don't know what to do."

Camile and Alan looked at each other as if they knew something. "It's happening again, Cammy?" Alan said to his wife. "I thought she grew out of this!"

"Grew out of what, dad?" Roger asked.

Camile grabbed Roger by the hand. "Come here Roger, sit down next to me."

"What's this about, mom?" he asked.

"Look Roger, we love you like a son. We haven't said anything before because we honestly thought that this issue with Tiffany had run its course. We thought she grew out of it and it was over with. Apparently, we were wrong."

"I don't understand, mom. What has run its course?" Roger asked.

"It started when Tiffany was about three years old, she would have these horrendous tantrums. The first few times it happened; it scared the bajezus out of us. No matter what we did, we could not calm her down. She would cry and scream and thrash herself around until she was physically exhausted and then fall asleep. When she woke up, she went back to being normal. We took her to the doctor and they could not find anything wrong with her.

She would have these outbursts from time-to-time for no apparent reason. Her father and I were beside ourselves. We didn't know what to do. We took her to doctor after doctor and they all told us the same thing; physically, she was fine. They couldn't find anything wrong with her. When she was about fourteen, these outbursts stopped. We thought that perhaps puberty had something to do with it. We were just grateful that she was normal. Perhaps this issue she has, whatever it is, has resurfaced."

"You have to tell the doctor all of this, mom. She has to know. Perhaps she will know what to do to help Tiff," Roger exclaimed. "Let's go to the hospital right now mom; we'll leave immediately.

Joel stepped into the guest bedroom and saw Randy standing on a small step stool. He was securing electrical wiring to the mounting box for the ceiling fan. Joel stood in the doorway admiring Randy's physique and his dangling appendage. He felt his own schlong start to twitch and smiled to himself. For some reason, following Roger's visit, his desire for Randy has increased ten-fold. It's as if he can't get enough of him. He feels closer to him now than ever before.

He walked up to Randy and threw his arms around him and squeezed. Since Randy was at a perfect height on the ladder, Joel took one of Randy's balls in his mouth. He grabbed ahold of Randy's firm ass and pressed his face into Randy's crotch. Randy grabbed Joel's head quickly to maintain his balance on the small ladder. Once he felt secure, he forced Joel's face tight against him. "Is my baby hungry?" he groaned. He released Joel's head and heard Joel take a deep breath through his nose.

"That's my boy, lick those balls. Get them good and wet!" Randy moaned as he took his growing cock and patted Joel across the face with it. Joel squeezed Randy's ass hard and took the head of his cock in his mouth. Joel let out a loud moan as he tasted his lover's cock. He wasted no time and swallowed Randy's cock pressing his face firmly in his pubes, inhaling deeply. "Fuck, Joel, you are getting really good at deepthroating my dick. Fucking eat me!"

Joel moaned loudly and grabbed a hold of his own hard cock and started stroking. He started sucking Randy's cock with a fervor as if time itself was running out. "Damn, you want Daddy's juice bad don't you, stud?" Randy growled. Joel started moaning continuously hearing Randy's words, he let go of his cock and grabbed Randy's ass in both hands. Randy's cock was covered with spittle and mucus from Joel's throat.

"Come on boy, suck the juice out of that fucking cock!"

Joel's moaning increased in volume. "That's my boy, make Daddy cum in your mouth. You love Daddy's cum, don't you? Open your mouth, I want to watch my cum shoot in your hot, little mouth!"

Joel stopped sucking and opened his mouth. "That's my boy; just like that," Randy hissed. He grabbed his slicked-up dick and placed the head of his cock on Joel's tongue and started stroking. "I'm gonna cum in your mouth, stud; get ready, here it comes!" Randy bellowed as the first volley shot forcefully from his cock. "Fuck, baby, keep your mouth open, let me see that fucking juice! That's my gorgeous boy."

Joel's mouth was full of jizz. Instinctively he swallowed but not all of it. He made just enough room so Randy could fill it up again. He fired off another shot in Joel's mouth and quickly bent down and kissed Joel passionately as he shot the remainder of his load all over Joel's torso. In unison, they moaned together as they kissed and shared the sweet tasting fluid.

Randy stood back up and looked down at Joel. "That was fucking hot!" Randy said as he wiped his face off. He pointed his hard but spent cock at Joel and smiled. Joel moaned and took Randy's cock back in his mouth. He squeezed the remaining drops from the tube, grabbed Randy's ass and deepthroated him again. Randy's dick was becoming very sensitive but let Joel continue to milk him.

After a few seconds, Joel released him and Randy stepped down off the stepstool. He took Joel in his arms and hugged him tight. "My turn," Randy whispered. He picked Joel up in his arms and carried him to the bedroom. He placed Joel on the bed and kissed him hard. "You fucking make me crazy," he growled gently in Joel's ear.

"Eat me, daddy!" Joel moaned. Randy crawled down the bed, slid his hands under Joel's firm, little ass, lifted him up and buried his face between Joel's cheeks. Joel gasped out loud and grabbed a fist full of bed sheet in each hand. Randy started to eat his lover's ass with gusto. Joel bellowed out, let go of the bed sheet and grabbed his iron hard dick. He started stroking his cock as Randy worked his magic on his hole. After just a couple of minutes, Joel thrusted his pelvis up and shouted, "Fuck, I'm gonna cum!"

Randy stuck his tongue up Joel's ass as far as he could, burring his face firmly between his cheeks, as Joel's cock exploded covering his face and torso in hot, creamy cock-juice. When Joel's body stopped quivering, Randy withdrew his tongue and gently returned Joel's ass to the bed. He slowly crawled up the bed towards Joel stopping along the way to lap up the sweet nectar from Joel's smooth body.

When he reached Joel's head, he gently kissed Joel's face wherever he saw a cum spot and licked his lips clean. Joel giggled softly and said, "you always make me cum so fast." Randy kissed him gently on the lips and said, "I love making you cum, gorgeous. It's my favorite thing in the whole world. Now, get your sweet, little ass back to work," he said giggling.

Roger and his in-laws were finishing up their morning coffee when they heard a knock at the door. Roger sat his newly purchased coffee mug down on the breakfast bar and headed towards the front door. He opened the door to see his landlord standing there. "Oh, hi Becky," he said greeting her. "We were just having coffee; come on in and join us."

"No thanks, Roger, I have had breakfast already. I do need to talk with you though," she said still standing outside of the door.

"Sure, come on in, Becky." She stepped into the foyer of the condo and Roger closed the door. He looked over at his in-laws with a look that said "Oh shit!"

"Becky, I'd like you to meet my in-laws; this is Alan and Camile Hornsby, Tiffany's parents."

"Nice to meet you both," Becky replied with a nod of her head but did not offer to shake their hands. I am sure that you can take a guess as to why I'm here, Roger. I received a call from Tom Davidson informing me of the damage to my unit. I stopped by yesterday but you weren't here. I'm not going to pry into your personal life Roger, but I wanted to let you know, in person, that I will not be renewing your lease. I'm just not willing to risk any possible future issues. Per our lease agreement, you will receive a formal letter stating that your lease will not be renewed.

It's going to cost me a little over $1,700 to have this window replaced and I'm am going to tack that cost onto your rent. The Homeowner's Association has highly recommended a licensed and bonded contractor to make the necessary repairs. Tom will of course, coordinate everything with you."

"Becky, please, let me explain," Roger pleaded.

"Roger, I'm sorry, I truly am. I'm not going to change my mind. I think a clean break is best. I mean no disrespect, but honestly, I don't want to know what happened here. I just want to have the place repaired and move on," she firmly responded.

Roger could not only see but feel the determination in her face and body language. Anything he could say would be futile. "OK, Becky, I understand. I'm sorry you feel that way, but I understand; no problem." "I'll be in touch Roger. Nice meeting you both," she nodded before opening the door and stepping outside.

Roger closed the door and let his head fall forward, banging against the door. "Don't worry dear, we'll pay half of the cost for the repairs," Camile said as she approached him and rested her hand on his shoulder.

Roger stood up and looked at his mother-in-law, "Thanks, mom, I appreciate that, but it's not the money I'm worried about. I have the money, that's not the problem. It's just, Tiff and I have lived here since we got married. I might have a problem trying to find another place. Wherever I apply, they are going to look into our background. What happens when Becky tells them we trashed her condo? That's what I'm concerned about. It's not being late with a rent payment, or my credit status, it's the fact that any potential landlord will check references. It's very probable that any potential landlord is going to find out about this and deny us.

Plus, how am I going to take care of Tiffany, work my job, and try to find another place to live? I have to do it all; I can't ask Tiffany to help. She hardly says two words to me when I see her. And when she does say anything to me, it's not kind to say the least. You guys know; you have witnessed how she talks to me."

"Come on dear, sit down; perhaps we can come up with a solution together, the three of us. Don't you think, Alan? She said turning her attention to her husband.

"Honestly, Camile, I can only think of one solution. I have been thinking ahead. Tiffany is apparently going to require more support and assistance than Roger will be able to provide. He has to work after all in addition to other responsibilities like trying to find a new place to live. Considering Tiffany's current condition, and her obvious anger issues towards Roger for some reason that none of us understand, I think this calls for drastic steps that will change all of our lives," Alan said looking back and forth between Roger and his wife."

"What do you mean, dad?" Roger asked. What are you suggesting?"

"Don't poo-poo this right away now, at least give it some serious thought and consideration before you reject the idea; both of you. Sometimes, you have to make drastic decisions in life. Perhaps that's exactly what we must to do regarding this particular situation. Will both of you promise me that you will at least consider this idea?"

"Of course, dear," Camile said.

"Ok dad, I promise. Let's hear your idea," Roger said looking directly at Alan.

"I think that Camile and I should bring Tiffany back with us for a while. Not permanently, just until she is feeling better. We are less than an hour away. That would give you both enough time to do what you each need to do. You can do what you need to do and hopefully, Tiffany will recover quickly. That's my suggestion," Alan said and held up his hands as if he expected Roger and his wife to throw something at him.

Roger and Camile looked at each other in silence. After a period of silence, Camile looked at her husband and nodded her head, then looked over at Roger, "That would give you enough time to find another place, Roger. It would certainly be a lot less stressful not having to take care of Tiffany at the same time. That makes sense to me, dear. What do you think?" she asked Roger.

"Um, I'm kind of fence hopping here guys. I very much appreciate the offer, but wouldn't I be shirking my responsibilities here? I mean, she's my wife; it's my job to take care of her," Roger asked them.

"Roger, look, you can't look at it like that entirely; broaden your spectrum a bit. What's most important, at least, at the moment anyway, the way I see it is, you need to do what's best for Tiffany as well as yourself.

Considering that she apparently has this sort of animosity towards you for some reason, perhaps she would recover more quickly with us. What if her attitude towards you does not change when she comes home, or it gets worse. It's certainly not going to be good for either of you. Perhaps with us, we can figure out what the fuck is going on with her!"

"Alan, please, there is no need for profanity," Camile said rolling her eyes. I agree with Alan, Roger. Tiffany interacts much better with us than she does you; at least right now. I think it would be better for both of you if we can convince her to agree to come home with us. She may completely refuse; we won't know until we try. But obviously, we all need to be on the same page about this; we all have to agree."

"If I suggest this to her, she is going to go bonkers," Roger said. "They only way she would possibly agree to this idea is if you guys suggest it. I know she'll freak if I talk to her about it," Roger calmly stated.

"We can do that Roger. Perhaps you should stay home today and not go with us to visit her. It might make it easier for everybody. She is scheduled to be released tomorrow. Don't worry about dinner tonight, Roger, Alan and I will stop some place and have dinner on the way home. Just leave everything to us."

"I completely agree you would be more successful in convincing Tiffany if I was not there. There are a few things that I have to do that I have been putting off anyway. I promised that I would call Linda, Tiffany's boss, and let her know how she was doing. I also promised my friend Joel, that I would call him. He's called me like five times already. I will also call Tom Davidson and see when the contractor is going to replace the window. There are a few other things that I have been putting off too. Maybe I can get everything taken care of today.

I do have one request if you wouldn't mind, will you let me know ASAP whatever decision Tiffany makes before you guys get home tonight? Just send me a short text; I'd like to know sooner rather than later."

"Of course, Roger," Camile said.

"So, what are we doing today, sexy?" Joel asked.

"We are going to finish installing the insulation in the guest room. Once that is finished, we'll make our way down the hallway. It won't take long to finish the insulation, then we'll start installing the vapor barrier. Tomorrow the drywall will be delivered so it will be here when we are ready to install that. Our delivery window is between 8 AM and noon. Did you want to do something this afternoon?"

"You mean other than suck you off, daddy?" Joel giggled.

"You don't have to wait until this afternoon to do that," Randy quipped back placing his coffee cup on the floor next to the bed. He spread his legs slightly and pulled Joel over on top of him. Joel wrapped his arms around Randy and rested his head on his chest.

"If I don't hear back from Roger by 2 PM today, I'd like to drive over there this afternoon and check on him. Is that alright with you?"

"Sure, baby, we can do that. I am curious too. We'll finish our coffee and get to work so we'll have plenty of time to drive over this afternoon. You should be ready though gorgeous, he may not be up to having visitors," Randy cautioned him.

"Then we'll leave but at least I'll get a chance to see that he's alright."

"Mom, when you see Tiff today, will you let her know please that she doesn't have to worry about her job. I'll call Linda, her boss, and take care of everything. She can take a Leave of Absence; she'll probably qualify for FMLA. I'll find out today what we need to do," Roger requested.

"Of course, dear. I'll let her know. Try not to worry, Roger. We'll see you tonight; we should get back around 9ish," Camile said as she hugged him.

"No problem, mom; you guys have a key," Roger responded.

As soon as they left, Roger got on the phone and found out what they needed to do to secure Tiffany's job. Her boss was very understanding even though Roger did not give her any personal details about their current circumstances. At least that was one thing he did not have to worry about. Instead of calling, he decided to take a short walk over to Tom Davidson's office.

When he opened the office door, he heard the little bell jingle that was attached to the inside of the door. Tom looked up from his desk as he entered the office. "Hey Roger," Tom greeted him as he stood up offering his hand. "How is Tiffany?" he asked.

"Well, she has had better days Tom. The doctors say that they can't find anything wrong with her but obviously, there's something wrong somewhere. Her parents are here, thank God; they are going to give me some much-needed help. Anyway, I just stopped in to see if you knew when the contractor Becky hired was going to replace the window?"

"Yes, I believe he will be here tentatively on Monday, Roger. If that works for you, I will call him to confirm," Tom answered. "In the meantime, I'd like to have Henry, our handyman, stop by and tape up the window so no more glass falls out. Is that OK with you?"

"I'd very much appreciate that, Tom. Can he come over and do it soon? I have a few errands to run later this morning."

"He's already on property. I don't see why not. I'll call him now and make the arrangements. Becky told me yesterday that she was not going to renew your lease. I'm sorry Roger. I always got along with Tiffany. She was not friendly, but she was always polite."

"Yes, Becky told me this morning when she stopped by the house. I do understand her position, I'm just worried about her giving me a bad reference when I find a new place. They will call my previous landlord and I don't know what she'll tell them. It's not as if Becky and I were friends," Roger said as he looked down at the floor.

"That's not a problem Roger, have them call me not Becky. I processed all of the rent checks not Becky. You were never once late and until now, there were never any problems. You have them call me. You have been a good tenant in my book. Besides, Becky told me that she is seriously thinking about giving the place to her son; apparently, he just got married or is about to get married. I don't quite remember which she told me."

"Thank you so much, Tom. I really appreciate that. That takes a load off my mind. Thank you."

"Of course, Roger. If I can do anything else for you, just give me a call or stop in."

"Babe, it's one o'clock. If you want to drive over to Roger's we should knock-off and get cleaned up," Randy announced.

They gathered up their tools and placed them on the floor of the guest room. "Piggy back!" Joel announced and jumped on Randy's back wrapping his legs around his body. Randy started laughing and carried Joel on his back to the master bedroom shower. He held onto Joel with one hand and with the other, reached into the shower and turned on the water. Joel's cock started to grow quickly pressed against Randy's body.

Randy released his grip on Joel as he slid down his body, his cock sliding down between Randy's butt cheeks. Randy turned to face Joel and kissed him as he grabbed a handful of Joel's smooth ball sack. Joel's cock continued to harden as Randy gently played with his sack. Joel wrapped his arms around Randy's neck and kissed him hard. Randy let go of Joel's sack, reached around his slender body and cupped his little, firm butt cheek in each hand. He pulled Joel tight against him pressing Joel's now hard cock between their bodies.

He kissed Joel quickly and stepped into the shower. He turned and reached out for Joel and guided him into the shower. He quickly adjusted the water temperature and when he got it perfect, he guided Joel under the spray. As the water cascaded down Joel's lean body, Randy caressed him from head to toe. Joel spread his legs slightly taking half a step forward so the water would cascade down his back and over his butt. He reached up and grabbed the shower gel and handed it to Randy.

Randy squeezed a glob of gel into his palm, pressed his hands together to warm up the gel a little and proceeded to wash Joel's body starting at the jaw line. Joel raised his arms slightly as Randy's hands glided across his body to his arm pits that Randy so adores. Joel leaned his head back into the water and closed his eyes enjoying Randy's hands rubbing on his body. He felt Randy's hands on his upper thigh as Randy worked one leg at a time. When he had finished washing the second leg, Randy took Joel's ball sack in his mouth. Joel thrusted his pelvis up and forward as he gasped, his hard cock resting on Randy's forehead. He reached down and grabbed Randy's head and held on gently.

"Fuck, that feels so amazing! Work my balls, daddy."

Randy grabbed Joel's ass in each hand and tongued his balls lovingly in his mouth. Joel was groaning softly, thoroughly enjoying Randy's efforts. Randy released Joel's balls and swallowed his cock in a single gulp.

"Fuck!" Joel cried out. "Suck my cock, daddy!"

Randy knew that if he continued sucking Joel's cock, he'd cum too soon and Randy had other things in mind for his young lover. He released Joel's cock and stood up.

"I'm not going to let you cum yet gorgeous; turn around."

Joel complied immediately and turned around as the water rinsed off the lather from the front of his body. Randy reached down and grabbed his rock-hard cock, bent his legs slightly and placed it in Joel's ass crack. He grabbed Joel by the hips and pulled him back against him wedging his cock between Joel's cheeks. He bent forward and kissed Joel on the side of the neck just below the ear which elicited a soft moan from Joel.

As he continued to grind his cock gently and slowly between Joel's cheeks, Joel turned his head sideways and kissed Randy as best he could with the awkward angle. As they kissed, Randy released his piss stream. He pulled back from their kiss, leaned back slightly and watched the stream flow from his hard cock hitting Joel between the shoulder blades and cascade down his body. Joel thrusted his ass back and out feeling the hot liquid run down his body.

"Fuck yeah, daddy, piss on me!" he growled.

Randy grabbed his hard, pissing cock and sprayed all over Joel's back and ass. He spread Joels cheeks and pissed on his rosebud. He placed his cock between Joel's ass cheeks, sliding up and down gently until the stream came to an end. He dropped to his knees and buried his face in Joels ass as he worked the hole with his tongue. Joel placed his hands on the shower wall in front of him for support and pushed back against Randy's face.

"Oh, fucking eat me, daddy! He bellowed as he grabbed his cock with one hand and started stroking.

Randy knew, once again, that Joel would cum too soon and he wasn't quite ready to let that happen, just yet. He stood up, grabbed Joel's stroking hand and guided it back to the wall if front of him.

"Stay just like that, baby. Don't move," Randy ordered.

He grabbed the shower wand, rinsed Joel's back off and returned the wand to its rightful place in the cradle. He then grabbed the bottle of shower gel and squeezed a glob into his hand. He washed Joel's back lovingly and when he arrived at his bum, he loving washed and caressed it until it was fully lathered up. He grabbed his hard cock, squeezed more gel on it making it good and slick. He placed his cock between Joel's cheeks and slid gracefully up and down between his cheeks.

He reached down and slid a finger across Joel's rosebud in a circular motion. He could feel Joel's butthole flexing from his touch. He continued to switch back and forth between his cock and finger on Joel's butthole. Once he felt Joel relax sufficiently, his started to gently insert his finger thru the ring until he slowly gained entrance. He wanted so badly to stick his cock in Joel's ass but instinctively knew that he couldn't go that far just yet.

He leaned forward and whispered into Joel's ear, "Do you trust me baby?"

Joel did not respond verbally; he simply nodded his head slowly. Randy smiled and kissed him softly. He grabbed the hair conditioner and squeezed a glob into the palm of his hand. He dipped his finger into the glob and returned to Joel's butthole. He spread the conditioner across Joel's rosebud twice before he went any further.

After the third application, he leaned forward and started kissing Joel on the neck. Joel turned his head to the side and kissed Randy back. Randy continued to gently caress Joel's hole and slowly apply just a little pressure as they kissed. When he felt Joel pushing back against him, he increased pressure, little-by-little, until he breached through. Joel moaned loudly in Randy's mouth and then held his breath.

"Just relax, baby," Randy said softly after breaking their kiss momentarily. He pulled back just a little and made slight, gentle movements until he felt Joel's ring adjust to the intrusion. Joel opened his eyes and looked at Randy.

"I'm nervous about this," Joel whispered.

"I know baby, we'll take baby steps," Randy replied lovingly keeping intense eye contact with Joel. He continued to work Joel's hole gently until his entire index finger was fully lodged in his ass. In seemingly no time at all, Joel had adjusted and seemed to be enjoying being finger-fucked. He started pushing back against Randy's finger and moaning gently, his head hanging down under the shower spray.

Randy reached around and grabbed Joel's cock; it was rock hard again. He wanted Joel to thoroughly enjoy this and started caressing Joel's prostate gently. Joel gasped loudly and flung his head backwards.

"Oh fuck!" he bellowed out. Randy stroked his cock slowly as he massaged Joel's prostate. After just a few passes over his prostate, Randy felt Joel's cock get even harder in his hand. He knew he was at the precipice. He caressed Joel's prostate continuously.

Joel suddenly yelled out, "Fuck! You're gonna make me cum!"

Immediately, Randy felt Joel's cock throbbing and pulsing in his hand. Joel's load firing hard against the shower walls. Joel's asshole gripped his finger tight as it flexed with Joel's orgasm. When Joel's body stopped spasming, Randy slowly withdrew his finger. He grabbed Joel by the hips, placed his cock between Joel's butt-cheeks, still slick from the conditioner, and started frotting.

He pulled Joel tight against him as he slid his cock up and down between Joel's cheeks. "I love you so much, Joel!" he yelled out as he shot up and over Joel's head. The second shot landed between Joel's shoulder blades. By the time his orgasm came to an end, Joel's back and ass was covered in his cum.

Randy pulled Joel back against him, his still hard cock embedded between Joel's cheeks. He wrapped his arms around Joel and squeezed him tight. "I could just eat you up," he whispered in Joel's ear. Joel reached back and cupped Randy's ass in his hands and pressed his ass against him.

"That was a nice surprise, daddy. Something new for us; maybe next time you can fuck me. I'd like to try anyway."

"That would be awesome. I'd so love to stick my cock in that sweet, tight ass of yours."

"We better rinse off, the water is getting cold," Joel said flexing his butt-cheeks against Randy's cock.

Next: Chapter 13

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