My New Apprentice

By Spike Meyers

Published on Dec 3, 2022


Date: 11/20/2022

Author: Spike Meyers


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Notice: This story is a work of fiction and contains explicit sexual material. It may also include, incest, sex between minor(s) and adult male(s), sex between minors, and sexual fetish.

If you are offended by such material, do not read this work of fiction. The character(s) in this work of fiction are not based on any known person(s).

My New Apprentice 16

"Oh... Never mind. Take your time," he said imitating Gilda Radner on Saturday Night Live. He tossed the towel over his shoulder giggling as he walked back into the house.

Randy leaned back, looked in Roger's eyes and started to laugh. "I guess we better get back there." He patted Roger on the butt, turned and guided Roger into the house. They stepped out onto the back patio. Joel looked up at them and smiled. "I'm sorry if I interrupted anything," he said.

"Not at all, Buddy. Randy and I were talking when you stepped out. You didn't interrupt anything," Roger said as he stepped into the hot tub and sat down next to Joel.

"I'll grab us each a beer," Randy commented as he walked back into the house.

Joel reached over under the water and wrapped his hand around Roger's appendage. He leaned in and said, "I see Randy has the same effect on you as he does me," he giggled as he gently squeezed his best friend's chubbed-up dick.

"Yeah, like I said earlier, Buddy, he just gets me going. Seriously though, nothing was happening," Roger repeated himself.

"Rog, relax. It's OK, really. If you and Randy want to enjoy one another, just the two of you, I'm good with that. Don't worry. I think it would be a good thing. It would be so hot to watch you guys together. Just thinking about it makes me hard."

Roger reached over and grabbed Joel's cock as Randy stepped back out onto the patio. "What are you two conniving about now?" he asked.

"Joel was just telling me that he wants to watch you and me have sex together." Roger answered him with a smile on his face.

"Is that so? That can very easily be arranged. What do you think about that idea, Rog?" he asked as he handed the guys a cold beer.

"It might be fun. Of course, the timing would have to be right and everyone be on the same page," he answered twitching his eyebrows.

"Ok, then. That's a good answer. So, let's say we just let the pants fall where they may. It happens when it happens.

Randy pulled into the parking lot of the Recreation Center. For Roger's benefit, Joel made sure to point out all of the various activities as they made their way through the parking lot. Randy found a good parking spot not too far from the pool building. As they entered the building, Joel continued to play tour guide as they approached the locker room.

"What until you see the showers, Rog; they are so nice. They even come with complimentary soap; body gel more precisely, and shampoo. They have two pools; an indoor and an outdoor. The outdoor pool is huge and so nicely done. It's just beautiful."

As they stepped into the locker room, due to the later hour, Randy was a little surprised that there were so many people milling about in various forms of undress. Mostly older gentlemen whom most likely spent most of the afternoon there.

"Wow, busy place," Roger whispered to Randy.

"Come on, we'll go to the locker room in the back closest to the shower block," Joel said excitedly leading the way. Randy and Roger followed casually behind him.

"As you can see, Joel loves coming here. I think he'd be here every day if he could," Randy commented.

By the time they came around the corner to the rear locker room, Joel was buck naked waiting for them. "Come on slow-pokes," he called to them. Randy could not help but giggle to himself. He looked at Joel standing there in all his naked glory. "Fuck, I love that man!" he said to himself.

Together, they stepped up to Joel. Randy had to stop himself from taking Joel into his arms. He quickly opened the locker next to Joel and started disrobing. Roger watched for just a few seconds and then followed Randy's lead.

"Thanks again, Randy for letting me borrow a suit," Roger commented. It's been a long time since I have gone swimming.

"You're welcome, sexy," Randy whispered as he dropped his shorts and sat down on the bench in front of the lockers. He picked up his shorts, tossed them in the locker and pulled off his t-shirt. He looked up at Joel still standing there naked and smiled. Joel looked around the locker room really quick, grabbed Randy's head and pushed his crotch into his face.

Roger gasped, "Joel, what the fuck are you doing, Buddy? Someone could see you!" he said suddenly alarmed.

"Rog, relax. There is nobody around. We have the place to ourselves at the moment," he giggled. "Christ, Joel, you're going to give me a fucking heart attack!" Roger whispered coarsely as he sat down on the bench next to Randy.

"Just breathe, Rog. No one saw anything. We're OK," Randy said as he placed his hand on Roger's shoulder to try and comfort him.

"Sorry, sorry, it just freaked me out a little. It was such a ballsy thing to do," Roger whispered.

"Come on, Rog; I wouldn't have done it if we weren't alone," Joel said as he leaned down and smiled at Roger.

"Damn, you sure have a set of brass-balls on you, Buddy. But please, no more surprises like that today; my heart can't take it," Roger asked.

"I promise; Scouts honor," Joel said giggling softly.

"Come on, let's get our suits on and go enjoy the pool," Randy advised them.

As they stepped out onto the cool-decking around the pool, Joel took Roger and showed him around the entire pool area. As they approached a few lounge chairs all by their lonesome, Randy stopped and tossed his towel down on the chair. "You guys go on ahead; I'm going to make myself comfortable right here."

As Joel showed him around the pool, Roger said, "I'm surprised that there are no kids running around."

"That's because the kids have their own pool area. Half of the kiddie pool is inside and half of it is outside. It's a little smaller but plenty big for the kids to have fun. The interior pool inside and this pool is for adults only," Joel told him. As they made their way around the pool, several people nodded and said hello. As they reached the end of the pool area, Joel stepped over to the steps leading down into the pool. "Let's walk back in the water," he suggested.

As Randy laid back on the lounge enjoying that late afternoon sun on his skin, he heard his name being called.

"Randy. Randy, is that you?" he heard the voice ask.

He opened his eyes, raised his head and looked left, then right.

"Down here," he heard the voice say.

He sat up and looked down at the water. It took him a couple of seconds to recognize who it was. "Oh, Tony, hi. How are you?" Randy asked politely secretly wishing he did not have to interact with anyone.

"I'm good, thanks; it's good to see you again. Where's your friend?" Tony asked.

"Oh, they are around here somewhere. Joel's best friend is with us today. Joel is showing him around the pool," Randy answered him.

"May I join you for a minute?" Tony asked.

"Sure, have a seat," Randy said pointing to the lounge chair beside him. He watched Tony lift himself out of the pool. He found it interesting that Tony was wearing a black speedo; it looked good on him. Tony stood next to the pool, gripped his crotch and squeezed as the water fell to the pool deck from his crotch. Randy could not help but wonder if the display was for his benefit or Tony was just shedding excess water.

"Make yourself comfortable," Randy said as he laid back onto the Lounge chair and placed his hands behind his head.

"I haven't seen you around for a few weeks," Tony commented.

"Yeah, Joel and I have been working diligently on the house. We have made quite a bit of progress since we saw you last. It's finally starting to look like something."

"That's great, I did all of my renovations via my checkbook. I'm not very handy with that kind of thing. Now cars, that's a different story. When you own car dealerships you learn a thing or two. I can see that you stay in shape; you are certainly easy on the eyes."

"Are you flirting with me, Tony?" he smiled.

"You can't blame a guy for trying," Tony laughed nervously.

"I'm surprised, I thought that perhaps you were more interested in Joel. But thank you for the compliment. You're not bad yourself," Randy returned the compliment.

"Am I correct in assuming that you and your friend, Joel, are boyfriends?"

"Yes, you are correct," Randy smiled.

"He's really cute; young, but cute." Tony commented.

"That he is indeed," Randy said with a big smile on his face.

"Is Joel's friend gay too?"

"Um, no. He is, however, a total Adonis. Why all the interest, Tony?" Randy asked him point-blank.

"I'm sorry, Randy. I was just curious, you see, I belong to a club that meets once a month. This club I belong to is mostly gay men, but not all, and we meet and have dinner together. It's a pot luck and everyone brings a dish. The difference about this club is, it's a naked dinner. Our members rotate hosting the party.

We have a calendar and everyone who can host, takes turns hosting the party. Now, I know what you are probably thinking, but it's not a sex party. It is just a gathering of men, many of whom are naturists, who enjoy being nude and socializing in the nude.

There are no fees to join and I maintain the roster and the calendar. Some of our members come up from Phoenix and some attend who live out in the middle of nowhere. For some, it's their primary means of socializing. It is really quite an enjoyable mix of people. It usually starts around six thirty and is over around nine or nine-thirty. Does that sound like something that you and Joel would be interested in?"

"It sounds intriguing. I'll talk to Joel and get back to you. But, before I do, I have a couple of questions," Randy said sitting up. "You said that it's a naked dinner, how does that work exactly?"

"Yes, it's a naked dinner. Everyone disrobes completely upon arrival. There is a designated changing room in the house of the host. Once you arrive and deliver your dish, whatever you are contributing to the dinner, you are directed to the changing room. Often times it's a spare bedroom or den. In the changing room, you will find plastic bags with a built-in tie cord. You place all of your belongings in the plastic bag, write your name on the bag, and join the party, naked. It's as easy as that."

"You said everyone has to bring a dish of something. Does it have to be a specific something and homemade?" Randy asked.

"No, you can bring whatever you want to bring and it doesn't have to be homemade. Not all of us are cooks. You can bring a bucket of chicken from KFC if you want to. We could possibly wind up with five different desserts. That's kind of part of the fun, you never know what the dinner will consist of."

"Everyone takes turns hosting you said."

"Yes, we usually have hosts set up at least three months in advance so everyone has plenty of notice for their schedules. Many of our members are still working of course, so if the party is going to be hosted in Phoenix for example, they have to know what their commute time is going to be if they want to attend," Tony responded.

"So, attendance is not mandatory then?" Randy asked.

"No, of course not. If you can't make it or don't want to attend for any reason, you just don't go that month. It happens all the time.

"I need to slip into the pool and cool off, Tony, but what happens to all of the left-over food?" Randy asked as he stood up and stepped over to the pool. Tony stood up, followed behind Randy and slipped into the pool next to Randy.

"If there is anything leftover, and sometimes there certainly is, whomever brought the dish takes it home with them when they leave. If they don't want to take it home, someone else can if they like. Out of respect to the host, nothing is left for him or them to deal with."

"I have one more question, Tony. You said that it's not a sex party. What happens if two guys meet at the party and sparks start flying all over the place and they wind up sporting a boner, what then?"

"As long as they are not going at it right there, nothing happens. As of yet, in the three years we have been doing this, it hasn't been an issue. Do guys get boners, absolutely. It happens from time-to-time. You're a hot guy, you know that it happens without warning. But unless he's shoving his dick down some guy's throat or up his ass, so what. It's a boner; just enjoy the sight."

"I like that answer," Randy smiled.

"Anything else?", Tony asked.

"Nothing I can think of at the moment," Randy responded.

"Oh, I almost forgot, and this is mandatory; each person is required to bring a towel with them. It doesn't have to be big; it could be a dish towel. It just has to be big enough to cover your ass when sitting down. You place the towel down and then sit your ass down on your towel. We do that to be as hygienic and respectful to the host as possible. No exceptions."

"Got it; that makes perfect sense," Randy commented.

"I'm sorry, Randy, but I have to go. Give it some thought and let me know if you want to join. I will leave my card at the front desk for you. If you and Joel are interested, just give me a call."

"Will do, Tony. Thanks. I'll let you know what we decide."

Joel and Roger arrived just minutes after Tony left. There were not too many people around or in the pool around them so when the boys arrived, Joel swam up and wrapped his arms around Randy. "You two were gone for a while," Randy commented. "You just missed Tony."

"Tony, that guy we met in the showers the last time we were here?" Joel inquired.

"That's the one, gorgeous. He invited us to join a men's group for the lack of a better term. I'll tell you all about it later. So, what do you think of the place, sexy?" he asked Roger.

"It's really nice. I can't say that I blame Joel for being such a fan of the place; it's beautiful and the people are real friendly. We took our time and just strolled back in the water; we were probably stopped about five times a long the way. People just came up and introduced their selves," Roger smiled as he floated on his back in the water.

"Look at that bulge," Joel whispered so only Randy could hear as he maneuvered behind Randy. "Piggy back," Joel giggled softly as he wrapped his legs around Randy's waist and his arms around Randy's chest. Randy reached behind him and cupped Joel's little butt in his hands. Joel moaned softly and pressed his crotch against Randy's back just above his ass. Roger stood up in the pool and faced them, a smile forming at the corner of his mouth as he noticed both Joel and Randy looking at him intently.

He locked eyes on Randy and walked slowly towards him. As he slowly passed by Randy, feeling brave all of a sudden, he extended his hand under the water and ran it across the front of Randy's trunks. He continued walking, stopping about two feet behind them as Randy turned slowly to face him. Randy was elated that Roger was letting his hair down a little and enjoying himself. Joel was still pressed tightly against his back. He casually waded over to the side of the pool, grabbed ahold of the pool coping and Joel slid off his back into the water.

Randy placed his arms on the pool coping, his crotch facing the pool wall. Joel followed suit to the left of Randy and Roger took up residence on the right. Once Roger got into position and had a comfortable grip on the coping, Randy reached down under the water and wrapped his arm around Roger's waist, pulling him closer to him. He then slid his hand under the waistband of Roger's suit and grabbed his right butt-cheek. Roger simply turned towards Randy and smiled lightly. Randy squeezed his ass gently and then stuck his middle finger between Roger's globes.

Roger flinched slightly at the expected the surprise. He reached down and wrapped his left arm around Randy's waist beneath the surface of the water and slightly spread his legs. Randy ran the pad of his middle finger across and around Roger's rosebud softly and gently as Roger squirmed his hips ever so slightly.

"No one has ever touched me there before," Roger whispered. He placed his arms on the coping, rested his head on his arms and let Randy do what he wanted without objection. Randy reached down in front of Roger and with one hand, untied the draw-string on Roger's suit. He slid his hand down inside Roger's suit and grabbed his rapidly growing cock. Roger groaned lightly as Randy gently squeezed his dick.

Suddenly Roger remembered that they were in a public place and started to pull back. "It's alright, stud," Randy whispered, "no one can see anything; they're not close enough. Just relax. I promise it's OK."

"I don't know about this Daddy-man," Roger whispered but stopped pulling away and let Randy pull him back closer to him. Joel slipped around Randy and placed a hand on each of their shoulders. "Don't worry, Rog. My body is blocking anyone's view; they can't see anything."

"You guys are so brazen," Roger whispered with a smile as he reached down and placed his hand on Randy's cock. "It's scary but exciting," he said as he squeezed Randy's cock firmly. Randy pulled his hand from Roger's ass and slid it down the front of Roger's suit, cupping his balls. Joel reached up with his left hand and ran the tip of his finger across Roger's nipple as he slid his right hand down the back of Roger's suit. Joel quickly found Roger's rosebud and started fingering it.

Randy pulled the front of Roger's suit down releasing his cock. He started a slow jerk and so badly wanted to shove his tongue down Roger's throat but resisted the temptation.

After just a couple of minutes, Roger whispered urgently, "Guys, guys, we need to stop before it's too late! If you don't stop, you're going to make me cum soon. Besides I should probably get my ass home soon, my in-laws will be calling me in a couple of hours."

"Do you want to have dinner with us before you go home, Rog?" Joel asked. We can take a quick shower and stop on the way back to the house.

"That works for me, Buddy; as long as it's OK with Daddy-man here," Roger responded.

"Good morning, gorgeous," Randy said as Joel walked into the kitchen. Joel walked up to him and hugged him, resting his head on Randy's chest. Randy wrapped his arms around Joel and hugged him tight. "Would you like some coffee, baby?" he asked.

"Yes, please," Joel mumbled against Randy's chest. Randy kissed him on the top of the head and released him. "It's been a couple of days since we have heard from Roger; you should call him and make sure he's OK," Randy suggested.

"I'll give him a ring later today. I have been trying to not worry so much about him as I have been doing lately. He's a big boy, and I'm not just talking about his dick; he knows where we are if he needs us. I am really glad that the two of you get on so well; I was praying that you would. He really has a thing for you, daddy. You know that right?" Joel asked.

"Yeah, baby, I know," Randy said softly. I can feel it."

He handed Joel his coffee and added, I'm glad that he's secure enough in himself to let his hair down with us. I'm enjoying our relationship with him and I know you are. Has there been any weird thoughts or periods of weirdness between you two since your relationship has escalated to what it is now?"

"No, not at all. In fact, he seems just the opposite; he seems to be comfortable and often shows affection towards me. It's not always sexual but sometimes it is. He seems to be just fine with the freedoms we now have with each other. He's adapted very quickly, just like you said he would. Sometimes, I have to remind myself that we, all three of us, are not a throuple. It's a weird feeling in a way, but a pleasant feeling," Joel said as he grabbed Randy's cock and led them back to the bedroom.

Randy crawled into bed, leaned back against the wall and spread his legs. Joel settled in between Randy's legs and leaned back against him. Randy immediately reached around Joel, grabbed Joel's cock and held it in his hand. Joel sat his coffee cup down on the floor and slid his hands under Randy's thighs.

"I was thinking about suggesting to Rog that he look for a place closer to us. It's not that he's so far away now but it would be nice if he were a little closer. Don't you think?" Joel asked.

"I think that is going to depend a lot on what happens with him and his wife baby. Plus, I'm not sure how far away from his office he wants to be. He'll be returning to work soon. If memory serves correct, he only took a week off. Plus, a lot has changed in his life lately; he needs some breathing room. He has a lot on his plate right now. You can relate to that considering how much your life has changed recently."

"Yeah, thanks to you," Joel commented as he turned around and straddled Randy. He cradled Randy's face in his hands and kissed him gently. "You know I love you, right?" he whispered.

"Hi mom," Roger said as his mother-in-law answered the phone. "It's been a couple of days since we spoke and I was just wondering how things were going?"

"Well, not too bad, dear. We have our first appointment tomorrow with the therapist. Tiffany has finally agreed that talking to a neutral third party is not a bad idea. She is very remorseful for what she did at your house. She doesn't remember things specifically but she acknowledges that it happened. At least, she can talk about it now with us and not get angry. That is a step in the right direction."

"So, taking Tiff back home with you was the right thing to do then?" Roger asked.

"Yes, dear, I think that was the best thing we could have done. She's comfortable here with us. I think she feels safe here and not seeing you and the house, such as it is, well, it's less stressful for her. I think if she were home, it would be a constant reminder of what she did. She has to face the reality of it, of course, and accept responsibility for her actions, but I think she can do that more successfully with the therapist.

Roger, I want you to listen closely to what I'm about to say, Alan and I love you very much. You are a good and decent young man, you are a good husband, and in no way, shape or form is any of this your fault. If that's what you have been thinking, just stop it right now. You are a good and decent man, Roger; we all know that and believe that. Alan and I couldn't have asked for anything more for Tiffany."

Roger could not hold back his tears. He took a deep breath and tried to speak but could only mumble, sounding incoherent. It took a couple of seconds to get his emotions under control and said, "Thanks mom for saying that. I really needed to hear that. I have thought so many times if this happened because of something that I did. I just couldn't imagine that I did something so bad to make this happen. It's been so confusing for me."

"I know it's confusing. I know it's painful. But you have done nothing wrong. You certainly did not cause this, Roger; believe that," his mother-in-law reiterated."

"Do you think I should drive over for a visit, mom?" Roger asked.

"Honey, I really think we should give it some more time. Let's just play it by ear at least until next week. We'll see how it goes with the therapist and take it from there. I know this is hard; I'm so sorry. I'll keep you posted Roger; I promise you that."

"OK, mom. I understand. I'll leave it up to you and dad. Just let me know if I can do anything."

Roger hung up the phone after exchanging goodbyes and sat down on the couch. He felt a certain amount of relief in that his in-laws weren't blaming him for anything and were being extremely supportive of him. They weren't taking sides just because she is their daughter.

Would that support change if they knew he wanted dissolution from his marriage to their daughter. Whatever was going to happen in future, he just wanted to get it over and done with, so they both could move on with their lives, however, he also knew that he had to be patient. It was going to take as long as it takes.

He thought about Randy. What advice would Randy give him? As he gave it some thought, he realized his dick was firming up and smiled.

"Oh my, God!" Joel blurted out. "This is so exciting. Just putting the wallboard up makes such a huge difference." He commented after he and Randy finished the breakfast nook in the kitchen.

"It sure does, baby," Randy commented. "When it's all done, painted and we have furniture, you will appreciate it so much more because we did it together. You'll see."

"It makes me want to work faster. What's next?" Joel asked excitedly.

"Hold up there speedy. We are going to take our time and do it correctly and comfortably. One has a tendency to make mistakes when trying to hurry. In this situation, time is on our side, we don't have to rush. We start the living room next, but what do you say to a beer first?" Randy smiled as he took Joel into his arms.

"How about a blowjob instead?" Joel giggled as he jumped up into Randy's arms and wrapped his legs around him.

"We can do both," Randy smiled as he cupped Joel's ass in each hand. "I'll never pass on a chance to suck your beautiful dick," he said as he carried Joel to the bedroom. Joel kissed him hard all the way to the bedroom. Randy's dick was hard and pointing up by the time they reached the bed. He stepped up onto the bed, dropped to his knees and gently started to lower Joel down onto the bed. Joel wrapped his hands around Randy's bulging biceps and squeezed gently. "You're so fucking strong, daddy!"

Joel released his grip on Randy's arms and let himself fall backwards. Randy grabbed Joel's legs, lifted them up and pressed his cock between Joel's butt-cheeks. "You want to fuck me don't you daddy?" he growled.

"We haven't tried that yet. Do you want to try, baby? I would love to be inside you. We'll take it nice and slow. We can stop anytime you want."

"You can do whatever you want, daddy. I trust you." Joel whispered hoarsely.

Randy leaned down and kissed Joel passionately as he pressed his hard cock between Joel's cheeks. His dick was already beginning to leak. He pulled back from their kiss, scooted back, grabbed Joel by the hips and buried his face in Joels' ass. He lapped furiously moaning continuously. It did not take long before Joel's ass was sopping wet. Randy jumped up off the bed and ran into the bathroom. He returned quickly with a small plastic bottle in his hand.

He flipped the cap back on the bottle and squeezed a copious amount of clear, think fluid on his cock, spreading it around with his hand. He licked Joel's ass one more time before he squeezed out another glob of the liquid over Joel's rosebud. He spread the lube all over and around Joel's ass and slowly inserted the tip of his index finger in Joel's pucker.

"We're going to go nice and slow, gorgeous," Randy said. We can stop anytime you want; just say the word."

Randy inserted his finger little-by-little until he had his entire digit up Joel's ass. Once Joel adjusted to the intrusion, he moved his finger around and back and forth to loosen him up. Once he was satisfied, he started inserting his second finger and then proceeded with the third. He leaned forward supporting his weight on one arm, and kissed Joel as he worked all three fingers in Joel's chute.

"Do you want me to stop my love?" Randy whispered.

"No daddy, I'm all yours. Take me," Joel said as he grabbed Randy's face and kissed him hard.

Randy broke their kiss and leaned back. He retracted his fingers and placed his cock knob against Joel's hole. He pressed forward a millimeter at a time and then pulled back. Each time he pressed forward, he went a little farther until he gained entry. He slipped through the ring, the head of his cock no longer in sight.

"There baby, I'm in. The rest should be a little easier. Are you OK?" he asked Joel.

Joel had his eyes closed tightly; it was obvious he was in discomfort. He nodded his head slightly, opened his eyes and looked up at Randy. "Fuck, it feels like you're going to split me in two daddy." . "Try to relax, baby. The pain should begin to diminish soon and your body will adjust to me." Randy leaned down and gently kissed Joel. Joel adjusted relatively quickly and wrapped his arms around Randy. "OK, I'm ready," he whispered as he squeezed Randy tight.

Randy started rocking back and forth slowly, "Push like you're having a bowel movement baby, it should make it easier for you. Joel did as Randy suggested but continued to grimace as Randy slowly pushed forward.

"Fuck, why do you have to have such a big dick? Joel hissed.

"We are almost there baby, just another inch and we're home free." Randy made one last push and he was completely inside Joel. "There my love, that's all of me. My entire cock is buried in your sweet, tight ass."

Randy lowered Joel's legs and let them dangle around his waist. He reached down and grabbed Joel's cock which was now completely flaccid. He flexed his cock in Joel's ass and watched as a smile came across Joel's face. "I can feel your cock twitching inside me. Do it again, daddy."

Randy started slowly stroking Joel's cock back to life as he very slowly started to pull back and then push forward again. "Ugh, Joel moaned as he dug his fingers into the bed sheets. In short order, Randy was pulling halfway out only to push all the way back in again. He felt Joel's cock start to firm up in his hand. Joel was starting to enjoy the experience and soon Randy found himself pulling back so just the head remained and plunge slowly back in to the hilt.

He grabbed Joel's legs and placed them over his shoulders. He leaned forward, placed his arms on either side of Joel, and started to ride Joel faster and harder. "You OK baby," he asked Joel panting.

"I'm good, daddy. I can't believe your cock is inside of me."

Joel wrapped his legs around Randy's waist and hung on tight. He pulled Randy's face down to him and kissed him. Randy broke their kiss, leaned back, grabbed Joel legs, and lifted them up and back towards Joel's head. He looked down and watched his hard dick sliding in and out of Joel's little ass. He pulled back a little too far and slipped out completely. He quickly pushed back in and buried his entire cock in Joel's ass in a single thrust. Joel let out a loud gasp, "Fuck, do that again," he called out.

Randy, not being one to disappoint, immediately complied and began to pull out completely only to plunge back in with a single thrust. Joel reached down and grabbed Randy's thighs, digging his fingers into his flesh. "Oh, fuck me, daddy!"

Randy increased his thrust fast and hard. Joel grunted each time Randy plunged in deep and hard. Joel felt his balls starting to pull up and tighten. "Fuck, you're gonna make me cum daddy!" he called out. The first shot landed on the pillows above his head. Joel left a cum trail from his neck all the way down to his pubes.

When Randy saw Joel's cock erupting, he thrusted full force one last time and emptied his balls deep inside of Joel. Once his cock stopping shooting, he fell forward onto Joel breathing hard. Joel let Randy relax and started rubbing his back. "You sure worked up a sweat. You came so deep inside me," Joel said hoarsely, his mouth suddenly dry from breathing hard.

Randy let out a soft moan but didn't move. He stuck his tongue out and ran it over Joel's nipple.

"Will you let me fuck you again?" he asked hopefully.

"Next time, I'll be the one doing the fucking, daddy, then we'll talk about it," Joel giggled.

"Fair enough, gorgeous. I'm good with that."

Next: Chapter 17

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