My New Apprentice

By Spike Meyers

Published on Dec 19, 2022


Date: 12/14/2022

Author: Spike Meyers


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Notice: This story is a work of fiction and contains explicit sexual material. It may also include, incest, sex between minor(s) and adult male(s), sex between minors, and sexual fetish.

If you are offended by such material, do not read this work of fiction. The character(s) in this work of fiction are not based on any known person(s).

My New Apprentice 19

"Danny," he said. "My name is Danny, bro, not Blondie."

"Stop being an asshole, Danny, and speak English," Roger said as he stepped up and grabbed Danny's dick. "You're too cute to be an asshole so knock it the fuck off."

"Hey, baby," Randy said as Joel stepped up to the counter. "How was the pool?"

"It was great. I love going over there; it's so pleasant. There are a lot more people there at that hour of the day. I had an interesting experience in the locker room while I was there. I think I may have made a new friend. I'll tell you the whole story when we get out of here," Joel smiled.

Twenty minutes later, they jumped in the truck and headed for home. By the time they reached the house, Joel had told Randy how he met Calvin and what they talked about.

"So, Calvin has invited both of us over to his place for dinner? That sounds nice. It's always nice meeting new people and making friends. It may not be a bad thing to become friends with a defense attorney. Strange things happen in this world you just never know when you'll need an attorney. I can attest to that from personal experience. When do you think you want to do this dinner thing?" Randy asked.

"Gosh, I don't know. I told him that I would talk to you and get back to him. Since our schedules are pretty open right now, I guess that it would mostly depend on him and his schedule. I'll call him in the next couple of days and set it up. I was just amazed at the size of his dick when I first saw it. I couldn't believe my eyes. I'm just glad he didn't clock me one for staring at him. He's a really nice guy; I think you are going to like him. I have always wanted a larger dick but after meeting Calvin, I should be more careful what I wish for."

Randy pulled into the garage and shut the truck off. "Any word from Roger?" he asked as he opened the door of the truck.

"No, I haven't heard from him since we left this morning. He said he had a shit-load of laundry to do," Joel answered as they walked into the house. "By the way, I stopped at the market and bought more beer; it's in the fridge."

Roger released his grip on Danny's dick, stepped over to the folding table and retrieved his shirt. He slipped it on and leaned back against the table.

"What's your name?" Danny asked.

"Roger," he answered folding his arms across his chest.

Danny stood there with a tent in his pants gazing up and down Roger's body. "So, you think I'm hot?" he asked smiling.

"I didn't say that. I said you are too cute to act like an ass," Roger corrected him.

"Yeah, well, where I live, you have to know how to take care of yourself if you want to survive. You have to walk the walk and talk the talk unless you want your ass kicked every day, or worse," he volunteered.

"Are you a gang member?" Roger asked him.

"Nah, bro. But I know a lot of them in my neighborhood. We're buds; that's why nobody fucks with me. We hang out sometimes."

"Do you work?" Roger asked next.

"Yeah man, I work," he said.

"What do you do?"

"Let's just say that I'm a delivery man."

"Meaning you're a drug runner."

"Bro, I just deliver whatever is in the package. I never ask what's inside. I'm not stupid; the less I know the safer it is."

"How old are you, Danny?"

"Twenty-one," he answered as he stepped up to Roger.

They heard a voice outside approaching. A woman stepped into the laundry room; she was on her phone and completely ignored the two of them standing there next to the folding table. She walked over to the last dryer on the right and opened the door. She tossed her basket on the floor and proceeded to remove her clothes from the dryer dropping them into the basket below. Danny turned sideways towards Roger, and leaned down, resting his arms on the table. He leaned forward and gently bit Roger on the shoulder. Roger turned to look at him and smiled.

"We have company," Roger said softly.

"Man, fuck that bitch! I don't care about her!" Danny responded with a frown on his face.

"You're being an ass again," Roger responded.

The woman ended her telephone call and pocketed her phone. She tossed the rest of her clothes in the basket and closed the dryer door. She picked up her basket, turned around and headed for the door. As she passed Roger and Danny, she smiled and said, "I'm sorry if I held you guys up; it completely slipped by mind that I had a dryer going down here."

"No worries," Roger said with a smile. "We're good. Have a good afternoon."

The woman smiled, nodded her head and walked out the door.

"She probably wants your dick too," Danny commented. "I'll bet her pussy is moist already."

"Danny, why do you insist of being an asshole? There is absolutely no reason to be like that. Don't you ever take a break?"

"Bro, relax, I'm just playin," he said as he grabbed Roger's dick. Before Danny knew what happened, Roger grabbed his arm, twisted it behind his back and bent him over the table. "Maybe I should fuck that skinny ass of yours right here and put you in your place! How's that sound?" Roger growled in his ear.

"Fuck, yeah! Do it! Fuck me right here; go for it," he groaned with a smile looking back at Roger.

Roger kept his arm locked behind his back, with his free hand, he reached around Danny and slid his hand under the waistband of his baggy jeans and grabbed his cock. Danny let out a gasp as he felt Roger's hand gripping his cock.

"Fuck, bro. Nice move; you caught me by surprise. Your hand on my dick feels good," he groaned softly.

Roger let go of Danny's cock and grabbed a handful of balls. They were soft, smooth and baggy. Suddenly, they heard footsteps approaching down the sidewalk. Roger withdrew his hand from Danny's pants and released his arm.

"Be good Danny," Roger advised him.

"Will you suck my cock if I'm on my best behavior?" he giggled.

"Don't push me blondie," Roger responded. Danny continued to giggle, jumped up and sat on the table placing his hands under his legs. Ten seconds later, a guy walked in, nodded at Roger and Danny and walked over to the washers. He lifted the lid on the washer, looked over at the dryers and proceeded to empty his washer. He tossed the wet laundry in the dryer that the woman had used. He looked at the other dryers, which had clothes in them.

He turned to face Roger and Danny. "Do any of these dryers belong to you guys?" he asked pointing to the dryers that had stopped but still had clothes in them. "Sorry, no. Just the one to your left there that's running; that one is mine." Roger responded.

"That's it?" he asked. Just the one?"

"Just the one," Roger repeated.

"Shit!" he huffed. He placed his hands on top of his head, arched his back, sighed deeply, and said, "Fuck it. I'm just going to take this stuff out and put it on the table." He emptied one dryer at a time, and tossed his wet clothes from the washers into the dryers. He started up the dryers and walked out of the laundry room.

Danny placed his chin on Roger's shoulder. "See, I can be cool," he said. "How about that blowjob you promised me?"

"I promised you no such thing," Roger immediately responded.

Danny gave him a smile, leaned back, his arms now behind him and spread his legs. "Come on bro, at least jerk me off," he begged. "I give you my word that I will be a total gentleman until we leave."

Roger looked at him and didn't say a word. He had to admit to himself, he was tempted because Danny was so cute. He also had a nice cock. Danny reminded him of Joel, except Danny is a blonde. He was probably never going to see this guy again. "Should I or shouldn't I" he pondered to himself. He stepped up to Danny, placed his hands on Danny's legs and forcibly, spread them as wide as his jeans permitted.

Danny, completely taken by surprise again, gasped audibly and looked intently at Roger. Roger reached up, grabbed the zipper on Danny's jeans and slowly pulled it down. A big smile slowly appeared on Danny's pretty face. Roger slipped his hands through the zipper and felt a wet spot on Danny's boxers. Roger quickly looked outside to make sure the area was clear and slipped his hand through the fly of Danny's boxers. He grabbed Danny's cock and pulled it out of his boxers and through the zipper of his jeans. Danny moaned softly as he felt the fresh air on his cock. Roger grabbed the base of Danny's cock, pulled forward, pointing Danny's hard cock towards the ceiling. He gave Danny's cock a few gentle strokes as Danny moaned appreciatively under his touch.

"Make me cum, Roger," he whispered as he thrusted up gently. "It's been so long since I've been with someone. I'm glad it's you, bro; even if it's just a hand job."

Hearing Danny's words touched a soft spot in Roger. He quickly peeked outside one last time, bent over and took Danny's cock in his mouth.

"Ahh," Danny moaned not expecting Roger to start sucking his dick.

"Fuck, bro; that feels so good."

Danny placed one hand on the back of Roger's head leaving the other hand behind him to support his weight. Roger took his dick down his throat. He was about the same dick size as Joel; maybe slightly bigger but not by much. He quickly started sucking Danny's cock as Danny moaned softly almost continuously. In no more than two minutes, Roger felt Danny's dick get harder in his mouth and knew from his experience with Joel, that Danny was approaching orgasm. He started sucking in quick, short jabs and heard Danny start to groan from deep within.

"Bro, I gonna fuckin shoot!" Danny warned. He started to almost whimper as Roger felt the first shot shoot out like a cannon. It hit the back of his throat with such force it slid right down his throat without him even getting a chance to taste it. The second and third shots filled his mouth and he was able to taste Danny's elixir but he swallowed quickly. The final shots he savored a little longer before swallowing. Once Danny stopped shooting, he took Danny's cock all the way down before coming back up milking out the last few drops. He released Danny and quickly tucked his deflating cock back in his pants and zipped him up.

"Damn, bro. That was incredible. I really needed that. Thanks, bro."

Three hours later, Roger was on his way back to his condo with a hamper full of clean, folded clothes. It felt good to have that chore done and over with. He decided to put the clothes away where they belong and call his mother-in-law. He walked out to the living room, took a seat on the sofa and dialed the number.

"Oh, hey dad," he said surprised that his father-in-law answered the phone instead of his mother-in-law. "I expected mom to answer. How's it going?" Roger asked.

"It's been a rough day, son. Camille is in with Tiffany at-the-moment, that's why I answered her phone."

"Has she been acting out?" Roger asked.

"No, it's more like she is internalizing everything today. It's as if she's shutting down or something; she's uncommunicative. At least she's not freaking-out and tossing things around the house. Camille and I are at a loss; we don't know how to help her. Nothing we do or say seems to help or make her feel better. It's so difficult to see her like this. It breaks my heart."

"Isn't the therapist helping at all?" Roger asked.

"Well, I'm not sure, exactly. I suspect she is but their sessions are confidential so the therapist doesn't share with us what they talk about. I can say that Tiffany is calmer when she gets home from her sessions; at least for a while. Obviously, Tiffany is very depressed. I've done a little reading about depression online. From what I gather, it can take time to sort out; sometimes, a lot of time. Lord only knows how long it will take before she starts feeling better. Everything is a struggle right now, son," he answered Roger.

"Does Tiff have any idea where this is coming from; her depression I mean?" Roger asked hopefully.

"Unfortunately, she doesn't. She has said many, many times, `I don't know what's wrong with me!' I don't think she has a clue as to what's happening with her. Either that, or she does not want to face whatever it is because it's too scary for her. I don't know son; I just hope that the anti-depressant the therapist suggested will have a positive benefit. It can take a couple of weeks for the medication to kick in as I understand it."

"Dad, I don't know if this will help, but today as I was doing the laundry, I listened to the remaining voicemails that Tiff left for me on my phone that day. She said some really, awful and terrible things which I won't repeat, but a couple of times, she screamed that she `didn't want to do this anymore.' She said it multiple times and in multiple voicemails.

I have to tell you, dad, that the things she said to me were very painful and unwarranted. It's the kind of stuff that you can't unhear once you've heard it. I don't know how else to explain to you how it makes me feel. It has left deep scares in me. I'm not sure that I can forgive her for that, but considering her present condition, I'm going to work on it.

The reason that I'm telling you this dad, is because when Tiff said `I don't want to do this anymore!' I interpreted that as her saying she wants out of our marriage. Perhaps that is what's troubling her so deeply. She can only admit it to herself when she's in a rage. I think that you should let mom know this and perhaps, mention it to her therapist. Maybe she really does feel this way, dad, and is just afraid to admit it to herself for whatever reason. I don't know but I think it's something worth pursuing with the therapist."

"Damn! I had no idea, son; I'm sorry. If that is the case son, how does that make you feel? I mean, we're possibly talking about divorce here," Alan said with surprise and concern.

"Honestly dad, I have been giving this a tremendous amount of thought, even before I listened to the rest of her voicemails. The fact is dad, that Tiff and I have been struggling in our marriage for the past two years now. It has been very difficult sometimes and other times, it's been very indifferent at best. There has been no intimacy between us; we have been living a very plutonic life for two years; we have been no more than roommates.

For me personally, I don't want to live the rest of my life like that; it's just not enough. One day, I'd like to have a family. I'm don't think that is something I can do with Tiffany, I'm sorry to say. So, if Tiff does want out, I'm OK with that dad. It's not because I don't love Tiff, I do. We got married very young; perhaps foolishly, but we did. She will always have a place in my heart. I also want you and mom to understand that there is no fault here, dad. It is what it is and shit happens in life. I'm not pointing the blame finger here.

"It sounds like you have already made up your mind, son. Is that an accurate statement?" Alan asked.

"Yes, dad. I do not see Tiffany and I having a future together. It's just not in the cards for us. It pains me to say that, but that's how I feel. I hope you and mom don't hate me for that. I love you guys very much."

"Hi, I'm Randy and this is Joel. We're here for the party," Randy said to the naked guy standing in the doorway.

"Welcome, guys; come on in," the naked host said greeting them. "I'm Andre," he said extending his hand in greeting. Randy and Joel shook his hand and stepped into the house.

"You can set your dish on the buffet table on the back patio. You guys are new to the group?" he said.

"Yes, this is our first time. We ran into Tony at the pool a while back and he extended an invitation," Randy responded.

"Good, it's always nice to meet new members. Here we are guys," he said, "just set your dish down wherever you see an available spot."

Randy sat the dish down on the table and looked at Andre. "Come with me guys, I'll show you where you can change," he smiled leading them back into the house through the double French doors. Andre led them through the house and down the hallway stopping at the first door on the right. The door was wide open as Andre stepped through.

He stepped over to the foot of the bed and turned to face them. "Since this is your first time, permit me to explain," he started. I see you guys brought a duffle bag with you and that's perfectly fine. You will see that we have draw-string plastic bags on the chair next to the bed. You will also see that there is a black magic marker next to the bags on the chair.

Many of our members simply show up with their dish of food, their towel, and the clothes on their back and nothing else. When they disrobe, they will write their name on the plastic bag with the marker provided and place their clothing in the bag. They will place the bag in any available spot in the room and join the group. It's as easy as that. Since you guys brought your own duffle, you can certainly use your own bag if you prefer. Any questions?" Andre asked.

"I think we're good," Randy answered as he walked over to the bed and sat the duffle bag down.

"Great. I'll leave you to it then; just join us when you're ready," Andre said and walked out of the room.

"Are you ready, baby?" Randy asked Joel sensing a little nervousness from him.

"Yeah, at least I think so," Joel whispered as he stepped over to Randy.

It took seconds for them to disrobe. They removed their respective polos and dropped their shorts; done. They both went commando so no underwear to fuss with. Randy opened the duffle bag and removed their towels. Joel folded their clothes and placed them neatly in the duffle bag. Randy placed the duffle on the floor and turned to face Joel.

"Ready, gorgeous?" he asked with a big smile tossing his towel over his shoulder and placing Joel's over his shoulder. Joel nodded and they walked out of the bedroom, Randy leading the way.

"Hey guys, over here," Andre beckoned to them as they stepped into a room full of naked men. Just like the locker room, there were various shapes, sizes and colors, however, for the most part, most of the men were nicely proportioned. As they approached Andre, Andre placed his hand on their shoulders.

"Let me introduce you gentlemen around and then I'll leave to mingle about," he smiled.

As Andre guided them around the various rooms in the house introducing them, Joel couldn't help notice a man standing in a group of five guys deep in conversation. He had a drink in one hand and what looked like an egg roll in the other. This guy had a roaring hardon as he casually stood there chatting with the other guys. What felt odd to Joel was that absolutely no one seemed to notice that the guy's cock was throbbing hard. It appeared as if they were all oblivious to the fact. "How strange," he thought to himself.

After making the rounds in the house, Andre led them beyond the buffet table out to the back yard. The back yard was rather large, beautifully landscaped with solar lighting strategically placed throughout the space. Other than the pool light, and the light emanating from the house, the solar lights were it. Randy found it quite attractive and comfortable.

After their eyes adjusted, they noticed that there were probably about ten to twelve guys in the back yard wandering about. A couple were in the pool, and three or so in the detached hot tub. The rest were spread about wandering around the back yard. There were walkways, gorgeous artificial grass areas, benches, trellis, fountains, and plants all over the back yard.

"Your yard is stunning, Andre; it's absolutely gorgeous," Randy commented.

"Thank you," Andre responded. "I spend most of my time outside when I'm home. Even during the heat of our summer I'm out here. I have spent more on this back yard than I have in the house I must admit. It's worth every penny; I love being out here. So does my nephew; he's around here somewhere. He's a good kid but a little too smart for his britches," Andre said as if he were just thinking out loud.

Andre had no sooner made the comment and they heard a voice yell "cannon ball" and a big splash in the pool. "Speaking of my nephew, that would be him," Andre said turning towards the pool.

"Erik!" Andre yelled out as he hurried over to the pool. Andre converted to French as he animatedly pointed his finger at his nephew and swung his arms through the air apparently admonishing Erik for jumping in the pool like he did.

Together, Randy and Joel started mingling about and talking with people. It didn't take long for Joel to get comfortable with the group. Eventually he and Randy got separated as they got involved in conversation with different people at the party. After about an hour, Joel excused himself, refilled his drink and wandered out to the back yard. He made his way over to hot tub. It looked so inviting he decided to get in and enjoy the bubbles. There was only one other guy in the tub at the time.

"Hi, I'm Joel," he said extending his hand to the guy in the hot tub.

"Hi, Joel. I'm Greg; nice to meet you. Don't take this personally, Joel, but I was just going to get out when you arrived. I've been in here for awhile and I'm done. I hope you understand," Greg said.

"Oh sure, no problem, Greg. No offense taken," Joel said nodding his head in understanding.

As Greg stood up, Joel got a good full-on view of Greg's crotch. His bush was full and dense. It looked as if you could insert a fork in his bush and it would stand on end. As Greg stepped out of the hot tub, Joel looked up quickly to see the hairiest ass he as ever seen. Greg's bum and his crotch were covered in hair. Remembering what happened with Calvin in the locker room, he looked away immediately. "I'm not going to make that mistake again," he said to himself.

He sat there alone for just a minute before he heard someone behind him. He watched a slim, smooth pair of legs step down into the water, followed by a bare, little bum. Suddenly, he knew that it was Andre's nephew. The one who did the cannon ball in the pool. Erik stood on the hot tub bench in front of Joel. Joel couldn't help but notice a hair patch just above his youthful, uncut dick, and his smooth, soft-looking ball sack. The kid was cute; young, but cute.

"You must be Erik," Joel said looking at the naked boy.

"That's me," he said in English with just the smallest hint of a French accent.

"I saw your cannon ball in the pool; nice job," Joel commented.

"Yes, thank you, I thought so too, but my uncle did not appreciate it," he responded.

"You speak English quite well," Joel said.

"Thank you. I speak three languages; French, German and English. My father is German, my mother, French. But we live in France," he volunteered.

"Where do you live in France?" Joel asked.

"Nice," he answered. "It's quite beautiful there. You're very handsome. What's your name?"

Joel was a little taken aback. He was quite surprised to hear Erick say that. "Um, I'm, ah, I'm Joel," he stammered as he extended his hand up to Erik, who was still standing on the bench across from him

Erik jumped down from the bench into the hot tub. He took Joel's hand, pulled it to his body and sat down on the bench next to Joel. "You are very cute, Joel and very sexy," he repeated.

"Erik, how old are you, exactly?" Joel asked.

"In March, I will be fourteen," he answered. "But, don't let my age scare you," he continued. "As you Americans say, I know which side of the bread to butter," he said comically with a giggle. "I would like to kiss you now."

"Woah, Erik, back up, tiger. I'm much older than you and I have a boyfriend that I love very much. Besides, I could go to jail. People who get caught messing around with kids go to jail for a long time in this country. Are you aware of that fact?" Joel asked pulling his hand away from Erik's grip.

"Yes, of course, but that's only if we get caught. We won't get caught. I want to kiss you," he repeated.

"But, why? Why do you want to kiss me, Erik. You don't know me."

"Because, you are so handsome and sexy, Joel. I want you to make love to me; please."

"Erik, that's not possible; I'm sorry. I am flattered, I truly am. You are a very cute boy and very sexy may I add, but what you ask of me is not possible."

"You think I'm just a kid and that I don't know what I ask of you. You are wrong, Joel. I have been with men before. I like being with men. I love everything about men; beautiful men like you. I want to make love with you, Joel."

"Does your uncle know that you do this?" Joel asked.

"My uncle knows that I'm gay. So what, so is he," he answered shrugging his shoulders.

"That's not what I asked, Erik. Does your uncle know that you proposition his quests? That's what I'm asking?"

"No, of course not; he would be furious with me. Joel, you know that you want to kiss me. I know you do, so do it. Kiss me, Joel," Erik whispered.

Joel looked at him not believing his ears. This kid was not backing down. He was extremely flattered and absolutely terrified at the same time. He was at a loss and did not know what to do. He knew he should get up and leave the hot tub immediately, but he just couldn't quite make himself move for some reason.

He looked around the back yard as if something would magically come to mind. As if, suddenly, he would see something and think of a way out of this situation. He also realized that he was excited. "What the fuck is wrong with me?" he said to himself. "Get up and get the fuck out of here!" he screamed at himself in his head.

"This is true; no?" Erik said softly.

Joel turned to face him and as he did, Erik leaned in and kissed him. Joel was so completely surprised that for a couple of seconds, he did not react. When he realized what was happening, he pushed Erik back gently away from him. "Erik, stop. You can't do this; it's wrong," he said sternly but softly so no one else could hear. He was so relieved that no one saw Erik kiss him. When some of the initial shock wore off, Joel was suddenly aware of the taste of Erik's kiss.

"Kiss me, Joel. Kiss me like I know you want to kiss me," he whispered to Joel.

"Erik, stop; just stop. I don't want to kiss you," Joel whispered.

"No, then why are you hard?" Erik asked as he reached over and grabbed Joel's cock under that water.

Joel gasped as he felt Erik grab his cock. Instinctively, he spread his legs and let his head fall back.

"Yes, I thought so, Joel," Erik whispered as he stroked Joel's cock under the water. "It feels good, no?"

Joel brought his head forward and opened his eyes. He looked at Erik and surrendered to him. Erik reached over and took Joel's hand and placed it on his own hard, teen cock. It felt good in Joel's hand as squeezed it gently and started to stroke it slowly. He felt the foreskin ebb and tide over the boy's cock knob. What he really wanted was to take Erik's young cock in his mouth and suck him off.

Joel looked around the see if anyone was close by. Satisfied that the area was clear of onlookers, he turned to face Erik, leaned in and kissed him hard. Their tongues exploring each other's mouth.

"Erik, I want you to cum in my mouth," Joel groaned. "I want to taste your sweet, juice," Joel panted. "I need to taste you!"

Erik stood up and placed himself in front of Joel. He grabbed his cock and started jerking. "I will let you know when," he whispered down to Joel. Joel had to release his own cock or he would have cum in the hot tub. He couldn't let that happen. He sat up as close to Erik as possible and waited for his cue. He didn't wait long before he heard Erik start to breathe heavily. Erik started to moan and Joel immediately bent over, took Erik's teen cock in his mouth and started sucking intensely. In less than fifteen seconds, Erik let out a little grunt as his cock started spewing his sweet, boy-juice in Joel's mouth.

Joel grabbed Erik's firm, little, butt in his hands as Erik feed him his yummy, boy-milk. Joel groaned softly as he savored Erik's offering holding it in his mouth before swallowing it down. He wanted to hold Erik's young, hard cock in his mouth longer but knew he had to release him and be quick about it.

He sat back on the bench in the hot tub as Erik's deflating cock quickly descended back into the water. Joel looked around to make sure it was clear and brought his feet up onto the bench. He squatted on the bench, leaned back supporting his weight on his arms, and lifted his crotch up out of the water offering himself to Erik.

Immediately and without hesitation, Erik leaned down and took Joel's cock in his mouth. He cupped Joel's balls in his hands and started sucking Joel's cock with a passion. Joel groaned softly very much enjoying Erik sucking his cock and quickly felt his balls start to churn. "I'm going to cum, Erik," he warned the boy. Erik increased suction and in seconds, Joel erupted in the young teen's mouth. Erik swallowed immediately and did not pull back until Joel's cock ceased fire. He released Joel's cock and kissed him before stepping back and taking a seat on the bench across from Joel.

"Thank you, Erik. That was incredibly enjoyable," Joel said softly still breathing heavily. "You are quite a pleasant surprise."

"Yes, handsome Joel. As I said, I love men. I enjoy pleasing men. Pleasing men makes me happy. I would love to please you again, handsome Joel."

Over the next couple of days, Randy and Joel took their time and finished mudding and sanding the breakfast nook in the kitchen, the dining area, living room, guest room, bathroom and hallway.

"When mudding gorgeous, they key is to apply the mud evenly so there is very little sanding involved when it dries. It's not so bad once you get the hang of it. I rather enjoy it personally," Randy said to Joel. "Just like most things in life, practice makes perfect."

"Just like sucking dick," Joel giggled. "So, once this is done, what's next, daddy."

"Then we texture the walls. That won't take too long. We'll do that tomorrow so we can do it all at the same time. I have everything we need. I'll work with the hopper and then show you how to do the knock-down."

"And after that?" Joel asked.

"After that, we prime and paint when it's good and dry. I'll show you how to tape-off the windows and the doors."

Working together, Randy and Joel got a lot done throughout the day. Randy had to pee and when he walked back out to the living room, Joel was standing in front of the sliding glass door, his arms folded across his chest, staring out into the back yard. Randy could sense he was deep in thought and troubled about something.

"He walked up behind Joel and wrapped his arms around him. "A penny for your thoughts, my love," he whispered in his ear.

Joel leaned his head back against Randy and sighed. "I was just thinking about Erik. Did I cross a line with him? He's thirteen years old. I feel like such a creep," Joel asked obviously troubled by what happened between him and Erik.

"Baby, perhaps I see this a little differently than most people do because of my own experiences when I was that age. As you know, I had a boyfriend when I was fourteen; thirteen & fourteen. And an older boyfriend at that; an adult. Don't kid yourself, Erik knew exactly what he was doing and what he wanted. He made his intensions very clear. Based on what you told me, you made every attempt, at least initially, to thwart his advances. He knew what he was doing, Joel. He knew what he wanted and went for it. You both enjoyed yourselves so stop beating yourself up about it. You guys did nothing wrong in my book. It's not as if you forced him to do something he did not want to do. Had he not been so persuasive, it would not have happened. That's the way I see it. Let go of the guilt, baby."

"I'll try; it's just that I have never even considered doing something like that before. I mean, that's just not my thing but he was so insistent and he's just so damn cute. He got my juices flowing and I couldn't resist him. I was a little surprised that he was there actually. He's a minor at a party with about thirty naked guys meandering about. Don't you find that a bit odd?" Joel asked.

"Yeah, I get it, gorgeous. He's a cutie-pa-tootie. Personally, I don't blame him in the least for taking a shine to you. You know how much you make my head spin. But considering the premise of the group, I didn't think it was odd with him being there at the party. He's visiting his uncle from France, a country where nudity is no big deal, and two, the party is more of a naturist event. It wasn't a male "sex party" get together. Naturism can involve the entire family; it's not about sex. That's my understanding anyway," Randy responded.

"So, you don't think that I'm a perverted, low-life, creepy child predator?" Joel asked hopefully.

"No, baby; not in the least. Stop punishing yourself," Randy responded squeezing him tightly.

Next: Chapter 20

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