My New Apprentice

By Spike Meyers

Published on Aug 24, 2022



Date: 08/21/2022

Author: Spike Meyers


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Notice: This story is a work of fiction and may contain explicit sex between adult male(s), sex between adult male(s) and male minor(s), sex between minors, incest, and sexual fetish. f you are offended by such material, do not read this work of fiction. The character(s) in this work of fiction is/are not based on any known person(s).

My New Apprentice 02

"Damn, dude. How old are you?" Joel asked.

"I'm old enough to know what I like, handsome; I'm 42," I answered him.

"Really? You could be my daddy. You sure don't look like your 42, " Joel giggled.

"Don't tease me; I'd love to be your daddy, baby," I laughed.

"So, you are renovating this house until you decide what your next move will be. That's cool; I like it."

"Yes, plus I volunteer one day a week at a thrift store. They are part of an animal shelter here and all of the proceeds from the store go towards the care of the animals in the shelter. It's a way that I can make a positive contribution to the cause."

"Wow, a daddy and a good Samaritan," Joel giggled. "No, seriously, Randy, I think that is awesome. If I stick around long enough, perhaps I can volunteer too. I love animals; especially dogs."

"As I said, handsome, you can stay as long as you want," I reiterated.

"Randy, if I stay for a while, how much will you charge me for rent?" Joel asked shyly.

"No baby, there will be no rent. This place is barely habitable as it is," I answered him.

"Oh, come on, daddy," he said with a big smile. "I can't live here and not pay my own way. That just doesn't work for me."

"OK, how about this then. Until you figure out what you want to do, you can help me fix this place up. You'll be my apprentice. How does that sound?" I asked him.

"Um, I have to be honest, Randy, I've never done this type of work before. I barely know which end of the hammer to hold let alone something as involved as I'm sure this is going to be. I most likely will not be so useful for a while until I start to learn about construction."

"That's fine, Joel; I'll teach you as we go along. I'm a pretty good teacher, you would not be my first apprentice. Is that acceptable to you?"

"Yeah, that will work for me. As long as I'm contributing somehow. I'm not going to be this parasitic pretty boy just hanging around daddy's house," he laughed.

"Good, that's sorted then. Since it's already about two o'clock, let's play hookie for the rest of the day," I smiled. "I was going to do some work but I changed my mind."

"OK, what do you have in mind," Joel asked.

"I say we turn the bubbles on in the hot tub and relax for the rest of the afternoon. The patio roof will protect us from the sun. Do you drink?" I asked Joel.

"Yeah, once in a while. I'm a real light-weight though," he answered.

"Yeah, me too to be honest. I don't like the feeling of inebriation. I have beer and wine. Which would you prefer?" I asked.

"Beer, please," he said with that sweet smile of his.

As I started to exit the bedroom, Joel said, "Um, Randy, I don't have a swim suit?"

"Oh shit! I'm sorry, Joel. I didn't think about that. I live alone so I never wear a suit. I'm sorry, would you rather not go in?"

"You don't have a suit?" he asked, surprised.

"No, I haven't got around to buying one yet. This development has a community pool but I've never been there. Um, I don't want this to be awkward for you; we'll go in in our underwear. Is that, OK?" I asked him.

"I'm sorry, Randy. I'm just not sure I'm ready to be naked in front of you. It's not that I don't trust you because I do, I'm just not that comfortable with nudity. I hope you understand."

"No worries, Joel. I do understand. I used to be like that too. Just understand that you have nothing to be embarrassed about around me. Are you apprehensive about being naked around me because I'm gay?" I asked him.

"God, no; that's not it at all. I'm just self-conscious about being naked around other people. That's my hang-up," Joel answered almost apologetically.

"OK, handsome; good to know. So, if we wear underwear, you are OK with that?" I asked again.

"Yeah, I'm OK with that. I mean, you don't have to, Randy, but I will. It's my hang-up. This is your house; I do not expect you to change your lifestyle for me. I mean that, sincerely. I'm OK if you don't want to wear underwear in the hot tub."

"You are my guest, Joel. I am going to respect your feelings; I will wear underwear too." I did not want to focus on this issue any more than necessary so I casually walked over to the bed, pulled off my polo, and tossed it on the corner of the bed. I unsnapped my shorts and let them fall to the floor. I turned to see Joel just standing there watching me. I also noticed that he did a quick scan of me from top to bottom as I turned to face him.

To lighten the mood, I quickly said, "Daddy doesn't look too shabby does he? Come on, I'll grab us a couple of beers. I'll meet you out back. I grabbed a couple of fresh towels before I left Joel standing in the bedroom all alone.

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a couple of Corona's from the fridge and closed the door with my foot. As I came around the corner of the kitchen, I met Joel in the foyer. It took every ounce of self-control not to stop dead in my tracks and take in his beauty. Instead, I gave him a quick smile and continued on to the back patio. "All set?" I asked not expecting an answer as he walked behind me.

Holding both bottles in one hand, I slid open the slider and stepped out onto the back patio. I sat Joel's beer down on the far corner of the hot tub, flipped a switch, and the hot tub came to life. I walked around the hot tub to the other side and sat my beer down on the corner of the tub. It took everything I had in me not to look over at Joel.

I sat down on the side of the tub, swiveled around to bring my legs over the top of the tub and slipped down into the water. Once I was seated on the bench, I looked over at Joel for the first time. All I saw was the top of his head; he was bent over as he sat down in the water. As soon as he steadied himself on the bench, he looked over at me. I picked up my beer and said cheers as I waved the bottle in his direction thru the air.

"It feels good, doesn't it?" I asked him.

"It feels, great!" he responded. "The water is almost like a bath it's so hot," he commented.

"Yeah, I was hoping for it to be a little cooler than it is. If you start to feel too hot or uncomfortable, step out of the water. You are not used to this heat and I don't want you to get sick," I told him.

"Yes, daddy," he said.

It was then that I realized that the awkwardness regarding the nudity issue had passed. We were back to being ourselves and chatted the afternoon away. About an hour later, my beer was empty and I announced that I was going to get another. "How about you, handsome; another beer?" I asked him.

"Sure, one more sounds good," he answered with that beautiful smile of his. I think his smile is what I enjoyed about him the most. I sat my empty beer bottle down on the corner of the tub and stood up. I was wearing a pair of white, Hanes briefs and the water made them cling to my body. It revealed everything that I owned. I saw Joel look quickly at my package and then turn away.

I stepped out of the hot tub and collected the empty beer bottles. My crotch was even with Joel's face as I picked up his empty bottle. I consciously made no attempt to hide my package from him.

As I stepped over to the sliding glass door, I could see Joel's reflection in the glass. It appeared that he was taking a good, hard look at my backside and I could not help myself but take joy in it.

"Be right back, handsome," I announced as I slid the door open.

I tossed the empty bottles in the recycle container out in the garage and grabbed two more beers from the fridge. As I approached the back slider, I saw Joel sitting up on the side of the hot tub out of the water. I stopped dead in the middle of the living room. I knew he could not see me because of the glare on the sliding glass door. I stood there and drank in his beautiful, slender body. He had a small patch of hair on his chest between his pecs and that was it. I also noticed the happy trail that led down from his belly-button to his underwear. As I stood there and looked at him, I felt my cock twitch.

I slid the door open and stepped out onto the patio. I held both bottles once again in one hand as I slid the door closed. I walked over to Joel and handed him his beer. "I'm glad to see you took my advice," I said to him.

"Yeah, I got a little too warm. The breeze feels good: it's refreshing," he smiled as he took his beer.

I pulled one of the patio chairs over and took a seat next to him. In a seated position, I had a straight-line view to his crotch. He was slightly bent forward so I could not see anything but it gave me a jingle never-the-less. The promised was so close, but so far away. He brought the bottle up and took a big swig on his beer. "Nothing more refreshing than a cold beer on a hot day. Don't you think?" he asked me smiling.

"I won't disagree with you there, handsome," I answered him.

"So, Randy-Daddy, what's the plan for tomorrow?" he asked.

"Right, tomorrow; since it is summertime, anything that has to be done outside I do first thing in the morning. By noon, if it's not done, it will wait until the next day. I generally start around 8 AM; sometimes sooner. It just depends on when I wake up. Tomorrow I am going to replace the electrical panel. It is currently outside of the garage; anyone can walk up and mess with it. I'm going to relocate it inside the garage.

You will notice that much of the house has no electricity. That's because I ripped it all out. When these houses were built, they put way too much shit on one circuit. That doesn't work for me and it certainly does not meet today's code, so I'm going to rewire the entire house."

"You can do that shit?" Joel asked.

"Yeah, I'm a contractor, sexy. I can do all kinds of shit," I answered him.

"Awesome; I'm impressed," he responded.

"Stick with me, handsome. I can show you a lot of things," I joked with him.

He started to giggle, "I'll bet you can, daddy; I bet you can. But, at the moment, I have to pee," he said as he swung his legs over the side of the hot tub.

"Just pee right there," I told him.

He turned and looked at me as if I had three heads. "What do you mean' pee right there?" he asked.

"The back yard is nothing more than a big sand box right now. You can pee anywhere you like; pick your spot," I said casually as I gestured to the entire back yard with the wave of my hand.

"Really? Seriously?" he questioned.

"Yeah, haven't you ever peed outside before?" I asked him.

"Aah, no," he answered.

"Joel, we do need to loosen you up, handsome. Just pee; go for it." I said as I stood up and walked across the patio. I stood next to him, lowered the front of my underwear and immediately started to pee. "See, it's not that hard, handsome. Give it a try."

Joel looked down as I held my dick in my hand and started to giggle. "You are a hoot, daddy," he said to me. I smiled at him and started to wave my dick around spraying the back yard just to make him laugh.

The beers must have made him brave because he reached down and pulled the front of his underwear down and started to pee. I looked down to see his beautiful, flaccid cock. I so fought the urge to drop to my knees and take his spurting dick in my mouth. He's an average size guy and just too cute for words in my book. He checked all of my boxes that's for sure.

I stopped peeing and stood there shaking off as he continued to pee. I waited to pack myself away until he finished. He shook off a couple of times and put himself away. For just a couple of seconds, we stood there, side-by-side with a silly smile on our face. Perhaps the beers were having the same effect on me.

"So, how did that feel?" I asked him.

"You know, it felt really, awesome. That was a first for me," he answered.

"I'm proud of you, handsome. From now on, you don't have to be self-conscious about being naked anymore. You saw me and I saw you. How do you feel about that?" I asked him.

"Holy shit! You're right. I didn't even think about that. We've seen each other's junk and we have only known each other for what, six hours?" he said rather excitedly.

"So, are you OK with all of this? I asked him.

"Yeah, I'm good; thanks. I'm glad it's over though. I mean I glad that I don't have to feel weird about being naked around you. I'm don't know why I was so scared about that," he commented almost to himself.

"Maybe because you didn't know how you would measure up. Maybe that's why. It's a guy thing; it's normal. It's just a guess," I told him.

He looked at me as if a lightbulb just came on. I could tell he was thinking about what I said as he casually nodded his head in sudden understanding. "Yeah, maybe," he said softly.

"Well, whatever the reason, handsome, it's not something you need to worry about anymore; at least I hope not," I said as I removed my underwear. "As you can see," I said pointing at my crotch, "I'm just your average guy. Besides, I have never been a size-queen. More than a mouthful is a waste as far as I'm concerned. Trust me, your package is perfect; at least in my book."

"You are good for my ego, Randy; thank you," he said as he removed his underwear.

"There you go, that's so much better. Don't you think?" I asked excited for him.

"Yeah, it does; it feels real good to be honest. Thanks, Randy," he said in all sincerity. "I mean it; thanks."

"What are friends for; we all learn from each other, handsome. We never stop learning. Do you want to go back in the hot tub?" I asked him.

To my surprise, he gently slapped me on the ass and returned to the hot tub. I quickly turned around and followed him over. I stepped into the hot tub and took my seat. He stood outside of the hot tub and I finally got a good look at him from the front.

"God, he is so fucking beautiful!" I said to myself as I felt my cock start to respond. He grabbed his beer and made a funny face. "It's warm already," he said.

"Grab two fresh ones," I told him. "We have two left in the fridge."

"Look handsome, we only have one rule in this house; make yourself at home. As long as you live here, this is your home. If you want something, take it; you don't need my permission. This is your home too. Understood?"

"Understood," he said as he walked back in the house. As he turned around, I saw for the first time, his beautiful, round, smooth, little butt. I so wanted to bury my face between his globes my head hurt. I reached down and grabbed by cock and started to fondle it gently. I could have made myself cum so easily but instead I released it and rested my arms on the side of the hot tub.

"Here we are," Joel said as he stepped over and handed me a cold beer, his beautiful crotch so close to my face I could have leaned forward and took his magnificent cock in my mouth.

"Thanks, gorgeous," I said as I grabbed the beer.

"Have I graduated?" he asked as he slipped back in the hot tub.

"What do you mean," I asked.

"First, it was handsome; now it's gorgeous. I must have graduated," he said with a giggle.

"In clothes you're handsome. When you're naked, you are most definitely, gorgeous," I quipped back.

"Oh, that's how it works; does it? He said smiling before he took a sip of his beer.

"You are, you know," I said softly.

"What?" he asked.

"Gorgeous," I immediately responded. "You are a walking wet-dream!"

"Oh, please; I find that hard to believe, Randy!" he said, shaking his head in the negative disbelievingly.

"Why is that, Joel? You are such a drop-dead, gorgeous man."

"So, let me ask you this, if you could make any man on this planet fall madly in love with you, who would that be?" he asked.

"First, let me just say this before I answer your question. There are a lot of beautiful, gorgeous men all over this planet, as there are women; no question about it. The fact is, I love men. I won't deny that. I am physically attracted to a lot of men, that's also true. However, for me, physical attraction is only a factor in the equation. We all have certain preferences or characteristics that attract us to a person. Physically, I think you are absolutely, gorgeous. As soon as I saw you, I thought that immediately.

What is as equally important, arguably more so in fact, is that for whatever reason, I feel somehow, someway, connected to you. Perhaps we knew each other in a past life or something. I don't know. This connection that I feel towards you, whether it be a figment of my imagination, or it be real, it doesn't matter. The fact is that the connection that I feel for you increases the physical attraction that I have for you. Therefore, to answer your question, my answer is, I'm looking at him sitting in this hot tub.

"No shit! That's heavy, Randy. I'm really surprised that I totally understand what you just said. Fuck me; I get it. I've never had this kind of conversation before; it's pretty fucking amazing. Just that I understand what you said amazes me. I'm just so blown away I don't know what to say.

"You don't have to say anything, gorgeous. I'm not sure how we got around to this so quickly but here it is. That's kind of what I meant when I said that I have this connection with you. I don't understand it, but it's there at least for me anyway."

"Um, it's easier for me to wrap my head around this connection-thing," Joel said making quotation marks in the air, "I don't get it, but I feel something too. I mean, I'm pretty comfortable around you and I feel safe with you even though we're total strangers. Well, since we have seen each other's dicks, I guess were not total strangers anymore. I guess I'm more surprised to hear about your physical attraction towards me. I'm just this plain, ordinary, little guy; nothing to get excited about."

"You're wrong, Joel. In my opinion you are exquisite. You're my fantasy man. Even with the beard I think you are the cat's meow.'

"You don't like beards?" he asked.

"Facial hair is not my thing, however, having said that, you look great with a beard. It's kept short and neat, it looks good on you."

"Um, to be honest, I don't do anything with it. I have kind of been homeless in a way for the last year. I have always managed to keep a roof over my head one way or another, but it was just easier to not shave. I was lazy," he confessed as he sat up on the edge if the hot tub.

"I rest my case, you're a natural beauty." I smiled enjoying the fact that his legs were spread-eagle and he seemed not to care. His balls hanging slightly below his beautiful cock. He looked at me and smiled knowing full well I was looking right at his cock. "You caught me," I smiled.

"Do you like it?" he asked me as he took a sip of his beer.

"What's not to like; it's perfect," I told him.

He started to giggle and choked on his beer. "You crack me up, daddy," he said after he cleared his airway. "I must admit, this is the very first time that someone has been enthralled with me, my body, and my dick. I just find it odd."

"If that's the case, handsome, I'd say you are long, long overdue for a little love and admiration. Have you ever been in love before?" I asked him.

"I'd have to say no to that question. I have certainly not experienced the kind of attention that you give me. I mean, I can feel you; your desire. It's hard to explain. I have not been attracted to or had that kind of connection with anyone before. Perhaps, it has been self-inflicted. I don't know," he answered solemnly.

"What do you mean, handsome; self-inflicted?" I said softly.

"Um, I guess that I have never allowed myself to get involved with anyone. I mean involved, he said making air quotation marks. I'm not sure why, but it was always something I shied away from," he answered honestly.

"Are you a virgin?" I asked him.

"Oh no; I've had sex before. I was just not interested in going beyond that. Sex was something that I did when opportunity presented itself. It was not something that I pursued or craved. If it happened, fine, if it didn't happen, that's fine too. Um, honestly, I enjoyed jerking off more. That was much more pleasurable for me. I discovered my dick when I was nine; he and I are very intimately aquatinted."

"I assume the times you did have sex was with a girl?" I asked him.

"Yeah, always with a girl. I have never had sex with a man," he answered.

"Have you ever thought about having sex with a man?" I asked him.

"Um, I, Aah, I think so," he answered softly. "I mean, I'm not really sure, Randy. I know how ridiculous that sounds. How can I not be sure of my own thoughts? But the truth is, I'm not sure!" He said rather exasperatedly.

"It's OK, Joel. We all have thoughts that can sometimes be confusing and downright scary. It happens. Would you like to explore that thought with me right now? Perhaps together, we can figure it out. You know you're safe here with me," I said trying to put his mind at ease.

"Fuck, Randy! You're bringing up all this shit in me to the surface. What the fuck is happening?" he said as he stood up in the hot tub.

I could see how emotional he was becoming. The last thing I wanted to do was to make him clam up and shut himself down. I knew inside he wanted to just spit it out but he needed a little help and guidance. I sat my beer down on the corner of the hot tub and rushed over to him. He looked like he was suddenly in pain and about to break down. I took him in my arms and hugged him tight.

"Joel, it's OK, baby, we don't have to talk about this if you don't want to," I whispered to him reassuringly. You're OK baby; you're safe with me. You're alright." Suddenly he wrapped his arms around me and started to sob. I stood there in the hot tub with him and let him sob as I held him in my arms. At that moment, that was the best that I could do for him. I felt his tears rolling down my chest. I wanted so badly to make him feel better but I knew instinctively that he had to go through this for his own good. Whatever was causing this internal distress in him had to work its own way out, and he had to be willing to finally let it out; whatever "it" was. I knew that from personal experience.

As the sobbing started to lessen and eventually stop, I continued to hold him in my arms. I wanted him to know and feel that I was there for him so I wasn't about to let him go until he was ready to step back. Eventually, I felt him lessen his grip on me. He didn't let go, but I felt him relax in my arms. He lifted his head to look me square in the eyes. I brushed back the hair from his face and wiped the tears from his cheeks.

"Are you OK, baby?" I asked him softly.

"He nodded his head, released me and took a step back. I could not help but notice that his dick was a little chubbed-up. I was very proud of myself that I didn't have a roaring hardon. He sat back down on the side of the hot tub and wiped his eyes. I sat down next to him on the hot tub.

"I feel like such a fool," he said softly. "I'm sorry, Randy."

"Don't be silly, handsome; men are aloud to cry. Lord knows, I done plenty of crying in my time. It's nothing to be ashamed about. We're human, we all have feelings and we should be allowed to express those feelings without shame. Don't be sorry, handsome. I'm honored that you shared it with me."

"I cried like a baby. I'm am 23-year-old man and I cried on Daddy's shoulder. How pathetic is that?" he asked rhetorically.

"It's not pathetic at all, handsome. I'm sorry to see you in such distress, but it was also a beautiful moment that you shared with me. Think about it, Joel. Here we are, we just met and you exposed a vulnerable piece of you with me. That is special; it's not something that happens every day. Plus, plus you felt save enough to show me that side of you. It's a beautiful thing, gorgeous."

"You certainly have a unique way of looking at life I must say. Perhaps one day I can do that," he said softly.

"It's all about life-lessons gorgeous and accepting things the way they are. Without acceptance, life can be incredibly challenging to say the least. I have learned that the hard way. I suspect, most people do. We learn as we live our lives. I'm older than you, I have had many more life lessons than you have. Fortunately, I've had some really, good teachers. You have to be willing to listen though; that's key," I told him as I wrapped my arm around his shoulder.

"I'm going to remember that, daddy," he giggled.

"I truly hope you do. If you leave me tomorrow, I hope you will remember what we have talked about today," I whispered in his ear.

"If it's all the same to you, I would like to stay for a while," he said looking me directly in the eyes.

"Like I said, gorgeous, stay for as long as you like. And, even if you don't stay, my door will always be open to you. All you have to do is show up at my door; you're always welcome."

"Thank you, Randy. That is so comforting to hear," he said as wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight.

As we embraced I whispered, "At the risk of upsetting you again, may I ask what happened? You were really upset."

He released me and sat back. "I'm not sure, Randy. I was suddenly emotionally overwhelmed and I don't know why. You're the wise man, you tell me," he answered with a smile.

"I don't want to upset you, gorgeous, so I'm hesitant to offer a theory. After all, it would just be a theory, I can't read your mind." I answered him.

He looked at me, gave me that magic smile of his and said, "I don't want to get upset again either; trust me, however, I have no clue why I became so emotional. It was scary, Randy. I would kind of like to know why it happened so it doesn't happen again. So, please share your theory with me."

"I sense you are scared now. Am I correct?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I'm scared. I don't know what you are going to tell me and it's a little scary," he answered.

Next: Chapter 3

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