My New Apprentice

By Spike Meyers

Published on Dec 31, 2022


Date: 12/19/2022

Author: Spike Meyers


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Notice: This story is a work of fiction and contains explicit sexual material. It may also include, incest, sex between minor(s) and adult male(s), sex between minors, and sexual fetish.

If you are offended by such material, do not read this work of fiction. The character(s) in this work of fiction are not based on any known person(s).

My New Apprentice 20

"So, you don't think that I'm a perverted, low-life, creepy child predator?" Joel asked hopefully.

"No, baby; not in the least. Stop punishing yourself," Randy responded squeezing him tightly.

Roger was sitting on the sofa watching Netflix when his doorbell rang. He hurried to the door expecting it to be Joel and Randy. "Hey guys, it's..." he started to say excitedly until he saw his father-in-law standing there.

"Dad!" he said surprised, "come on in. What are you doing here? Is Tiff alright?" he asked in quick succession.

"Oh, yes, yes, Camille and Tiff are fine. Forgive me for stopping by unannounced, son, but I just had to get out of the house for a while. There was just too much estrogen floating around in the house and I needed a breather. I hope you don't mind."

"No, dad, of course, not. You know that you and mom are welcome anytime. I was just so surprised to see you standing there. Have a seat, dad. Can I get you something to drink?" Roger asked.

"Do you have any Scotch?" Alan asked hopefully.

"Sorry, dad, no Scotch. I think I have some Seagram's though. Will that do?"

"That will do just fine, son. One cube please, two fingers," he answered.

"Coming right up," Roger responded. Roger prepared the Seagram's and grabbed a Heineken for himself. He walked over, handed Alan his drink, and took a seat on the couch across from him.

"It's good to see you, dad, but you look tired."

"Yeah, I am son. I am tired. There is so much tension around the house with Tiffany the way she is, I'm exhausted to be honest with you. I don't know how Camille does it: she is so attentive to Tiff's needs and her mood swings. The woman's a saint." He shook his head side to side and took a big swig of his Seagram's. "Ah, damn, that's good," he exclaimed.

"Dad, I am assuming that Tiffany has filed for FMLA with her job? I'd hate to see her lose her job," Roger asked.

"I don't know, son. I know that Tiffany and her mother were talking to a Linda, I think her name was, on the phone the other day but I don't know what it was about," Alan answered.

"Linda, yes; Linda is her boss, dad. I met her a few times over the years; she's a nice person. I liked her. She and Tiff always got a long together," Roger added.

"I hope she doesn't lose her job either, but I don't think she can handle going back to work right now, Rog. She's still to fragile for the lack of a better word. Sure, she's functional, but she's not herself yet; not even close. It breaks my heart to see her like this."

"Does Tiff know that this place is going away soon; that we lost the lease?" Roger asked.

"No, son; we haven't told her yet about that. Obviously, we have to tell her soon. Have you started searching for a place yet?" Alan asked.

"Not yet, dad. I have been putting it off until we knew what was going on with Tiff. But I can't wait any longer, I have to start looking for a new place to live."

"I take it you're going to search for a place for yourself, then?" Alan asked.

"Yeah, dad. Like we talked on the phone, I just don't see things working out for Tiff and me. She won't even talk to me. So, I'm just going to find a little place to hang my hat until whatever happens, happens. Maybe I can find a little studio or something like that. I don't need a lot of space; just a roof over my head for the time being. Of course, I'll let you and mom know where I wind up.

I just finished up the laundry this past weekend, I should put Tiff's clothes in your car so you can take them to her. Also, please let her know when you tell her that we have to move, that she is welcome to anything in this place that she wants. We bought all of this stuff together so she may not want any of it. But just in case she does, she can have it all."

"Are you going to file for divorce soon," Alan asked.

"No, dad, that can wait. I don't want to make things even more difficult for her. I'm not going anywhere and I'm certainly not interested in pursuing a relationship with another woman. Unless Tiff tells you guys that she wants to divorce me sooner rather than later, we can cross that bridge when we come to it."

"Christ, what a fucking mess this is!" Alan commented as he downed the rest of his whiskey. He ran his hand through his hair and rested his head in his hands. I don't know how you can be so calm and accepting about all this Roger."

"Trust me, dad, that has not always been the case. But really, when you think about it, dad, what other choice do I have. It would do no good to scream and shout and jump up and down because this is happening. It wouldn't change anything.

I am fortunate to have a really, good friend who has helped me put all of this in perspective. It's not Tiffany's fault this is happening; she's not doing this because she wants to. It's not my fault this is happening. But it is happening and I have to accept it. That's the reality of it, dad."

Over the next week, Roger didn't do much more than go to work and come home and watch Netflix. He even declined Joel's multiple invitations to join him and Randy for dinner and or a beer. He wasn't really dwelling on the situation with Tiffany or his impending divorce, he was more focused on his increasingly physical attraction towards men.

He has found himself checking out guys more and more. The situation with Danny in the laundry room last week has crossed his mind several times. He will walk into a room at his workplace and suddenly, as if for the first time, see a guy whom he has known since he worked there, and comment to himself how handsome he is. "How did I not notice him before?" he'd ask himself.

He caught himself staring at a guy's ass in the fast-food place he had lunch today. He was at the supermarket yesterday and found himself checking out the bag-boy's crotch to see how big his bulge was. He now sees an attractive guy and thinks, "I wonder what he looks like naked? How big is his dick? Is he smooth or does he have chest hair? Is he cut or uncut? He sure has a nice ass. I wonder what his load tastes like? Does he cum a lot like Randy or just a regular amount? Does he squirt across the room or does he just dribble out his wad? Look at those lips; it would be so nice to kiss that guy."

He found himself chubbing up a lot lately. It got to a point where he started wrapping a tissue around the head of his dick because of the wet spots. And that was in addition to thinking about Joel and Randy and popping a boner. He thought about how Randy had fucked him and how much he loved it and was so looking forward to doing it again.

Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, he is seeing men as sexual people. He is learning that he is now sexually attracted to men more and more. It's not that he's not attracted to women, it's more that he's not consciously paying attention to women exclusively as he once did. Men are suddenly intriguing to him. The world suddenly got a whole lot bigger.

"Do you think Rog is OK? Joel asked lifting his head off Randy's chest. "It's been so long since we have seen him.

"He's OK baby; I'm sure of it. Don't forget he's back to work now. He's probably got a lot of catch up to do at work. I'm sure he's just busy."

"But you would tell me right if you sensed that something was wrong?" Joel inquired.

"Baby, it's not like I have a super heightened Spidey-sense. But, yes, I would tell you if I felt that something was wrong," Randy answered him as he slid his hand lovingly down Joel's back.

"But you do have a Spidey-sense, you just won't admit to me how strong it is for some reason. Your ability doesn't scare me you know. I know you feel things; more things than you tell me."

"You give me far too much credit my love. I'm just your average Joe; nothing more," Randy chuckled softly.

"Um-hum, right; average Joe. Not in my book, daddy. Not in my book."

"Let's change the subject, what would you like to do for dinner, gorgeous. Do you want to go out or just throw something simple together here at home? Randy asked.

"Since we're in bed, naked, and I'm lying on top of you, and quite comfortably may I add, I have no interest in going out, daddy. Actually, I don't have much interest in dinner either unless you want to feed me," Joel giggled pressing his crotch against Randy.

"I'd love to feed you, gorgeous, but like Chinese food, you'd be hungry again in no time."

"Then you can feed me again," Joel laughed.

"How about I throw something together for dinner and then I'll feed you for dessert?" Randy said jovially.

"Can't we just skip right to dessert instead?"

"Statistics and Analysis, this is Roger," he said answering the phone.

"Roger, it's Jeff, do you have a minute to come to my office," his boss asked.

"Um, sure, I'm on my way," Roger answered and hung up the phone.

He tapped lightly on Jeff's door and walked into his office. "Rog, take a seat." He fumbled about with some papers on his desk, and looked up at Roger. "How are you doing, Roger; at home I mean?" Jeff asked.

"It's been better, but I'm hanging in there; thanks," Roger responded.

"Glad to hear you're hanging in; that's good. Do you know Glen Purdy? He's out in the Surprise office just off the 303," Jeff asked folding his hands on his desk.

"Yes, I've talked to him on the phone a few times but I've never met him," Roger answered.

"Have you ever been to the Surprise Office?" Jeff asked.

"No, never," Roger answered him suddenly curious what all this is about. "Glen is going to be working on a special project down in Phoenix. Surprise is a small office compared to ours here and I'm going to need an Analyst there when he leaves for Phoenix. I was wondering if you would be interested in covering for him while he's away. I know you have some personal stuff going on right now, and Surprise is a bit of a commute from here, but I need an Analyst in that office; a seasoned individual who can work alone without supervision. Are you interested?"

"How long would I be there?" Roger asked.

"At least six months, Rog. However, I want you to understand, it could be longer. I'm not privy to the details of the project, but I would not be surprised if it runs into overtime; as projects go, they often do. I just want you to be fully aware before you say yes or no. Give it some thought, I don't expect an answer right now."

"When do you need and answer?" Roger inquired.

"At the latest, next week," Jeff responded.

"Alright then, I'll think about it and let you know. Anything else?"

"No, that's it, Rog. Just let me know as soon as you decide what your decision is."

"Will do, boss," Roger said, turned and walked out of the office.

"Well, it's about freaking time you called, Rog, I thought you got kidnapped by aliens," Joel snarled answering Roger's call."

"Hey, Buddy; how's it going?" Roger chuckled.

"Good, Rog; everything is good. You should see how much we got done on the house, Rog. It's looking amazing. It's starting to look like a real house. How are you? I miss you. Why don't you come on over; we haven't seen you for so long," Joel begged.

"Well, that in part is why I called, Buddy. What are you guys doing?"

"We are having dinner at the Village Inn at the moment. Daddy wanted a piece of key lime pie, so here we are. Do you want to come over?"

"Yeah, there are a couple of things that I want to pass by you guys. I need a sounding board. What time will you be home?"

"We just sat down, so maybe ninety minutes at the most," Joel responded.

"Make sure it's OK with Daddy-man for me to stop by," Roger commented.

"Rog, you're getting on my nerves. How many times do we have to tell you that you are always welcome. You don't have to call; just stop by whenever you want. Do you honestly think Daddy would object to you coming over? Please, he loves you like I do."

"OK, OK, I'll see you guys soon," Roger surrendered.

Joel hung up the phone and smiled across the table at Randy. "Rog is coming over," he said excitedly. He said he wants to talk to us about something. I hope it's good news for a change," he sighed.

It was already dark outside by the time they left the restaurant. Randy placed his hand on Joel's shoulder as they walked across the parking lot to the truck. He pressed a button on the fob and unlocked the truck. Joel hopped in first and was already seated with the door closed by the time Randy got in. As soon as Randy jumped in the truck and closed the door, Joel reached over and placed his hand on Randy's thigh. Randy placed his hand on top of Joel's and squeezed it gently before he brought it up to his lips and kissed it.

"You're my everything you know," Randy said softly. Joel smiled hearing his words, leaned over the console and kissed him. Randy wrapped his arms around Joel and pulled him as tight as possible. Joel leaned into him forcing him back against the seat, and grabbed Randy's crotch. Randy reached down beside the seat, pulled up on the lever and the seat fell backwards.

As Randy pulled Joel to him, Joel brought his legs up and crawled over the console on top of Randy, straddling him so they were crotch-to-crotch. Randy reached down and cupped Joel's ass in his hands. He placed his feet flat on the floor of the truck bracing himself and thrusted up against Joel. Joel buried his face in the crook of Randy's neck and thrust down.

"Wait," Randy said. "Lift up for just a second."

Joel complied immediately and Randy slid his hand down the front of his pants and positioned his rapidly growing cock towards his belly. He then reached into Joel's pants and did the same.

"There, that's better," he said. He cupped Joel's ass in his hands and pulled him down onto him. He could feel Joel's hard member against his own. Joel immediately started grinding his pelvis against Randy. He lifted his head up and kissed Randy hard as they pressed their crotches against each other.

"Fuck, I can cum just like this," Joel moaned.

Randy squeezed his firm, little ass in his hands and groaned, "Do it baby; cum for me."

Joel kissed him hard again and started humping quick and fast against Randy. He reached down and slid his hands under Randy's ass on the seat. Randy let go of Joel's ass and slid his hands into the back of Joel's shorts. He grabbed one ass cheek in his hand, squeezed forcefully, and with the other, he slipped it down and ran his finger over Joel's taint.

Joel gasped audibly and kissed Randy hard again. He started breathing heavily through his nose as his orgasm quickly approached. "Fuck!", he grunted, "I'm gonna shoot! I'm gonna shoot!" Joel pressed down hard one last time against Randy and stopped as he erupted in his pants. He squeezed Randy's ass hard as his body shook and shuddered. Once the wave subsided, he collapsed into Randy, breathing heavily. Randy slid his hands out of Joel's shorts and hugged him tight against him. He let Joel rest in his arms until his breathing normalized.

"I don't think I've ever cum in my pants before. Now I have to ride home like this," Joel said softly.

"Lift up a little," Randy said.

Joel lifted his butt in the air and Randy slid his hand down the front of Joel's pants. He grabbed Joel's cock, squeezed any remaining goo out of the tip, and carefully slid his hand out. He moaned softly as he licked his fingers. "I love your cock juice; too bad it went to waste in your pants." * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Roger was sitting in his truck parked to the far-left-side of the driveway when they arrived home from the restaurant. Roger got out of the truck as Randy pulled onto the driveway and opened the garage door. He pulled into the garage, put the vehicle in park and turned off the engine. Roger approached the back of his truck, his backpack over his shoulder. Randy got out of the truck, closed the door and smiled at Roger.

"Welcome back, stud," Randy said softly. "It's good to see you, sexy."

Joel came around to the back of the truck and wrapped his arms around Roger's neck. "I'm so glad you're here, Rog," he said as he raised up on his tip-toes and kissed him on the cheek. Roger wrapped his arm around Joel's waist as a smile came to his face enjoying his welcome back.

Come on in, Rog," Randy said as he turned and walked over towards the door leading into the house. As Roger and Joel followed behind, Randy reached up and hit the button on the wall closing the garage door.

"Oh my gosh!" Roger said surprised as he walked into the house. "You guys have been busy!"

"See Rog, I told you; we have got a lot done," Joel said proudly. "Here, let me show you," he said as he grabbed Roger's hand and started to pull him around the house.

"Um, Buddy, what's ah, what's with the wet spot in your pants?" Roger asked.

Joel looked down at his crotch then back up at Roger, "No comment," he said with a smile covering his crotch with his hands. Joel walked him around the house proudly showing him the progress that they made.

"Wow, you two have certainly made a lot of progress; it's looking good Daddy-man," Roger said as they stepped into the bedroom. Randy was leaning back against the wall on the bed with one leg bent.

"Thanks, Rog. It's been fun working with Joel. He's a quick study. I like having an apprentice again," he giggled.

"So, what do you think you'll do next?" Roger asked.

"The kitchen; I'm tired of not having a real kitchen. I have already finished the design and layout. Joel and I will go over to Lowe's and decide on a style of cabinet and then put the order in. I already have an idea in my head. Once that is done, we'll decide what we want for counter tops and have them fabricated. Joel mentioned that you wanted to talk to us about something. Have a seat sexy and tell us what's on your mind," Randy said with a smile as he patted the bed next to him.

"I was hoping we could have a beer or two in the hot tub and I can fill you guys in with all the news," Roger asked.

"Sure; we can definitely do that," Randy responded. He stood up and immediately started disrobing. He folded his clothes and sat them on the floor next to the bed. He turned to face the guys who were standing side-by-side and noticed both of them watching him intently. He smiled and said, "I'll grab us some beers and meet you guys on the back patio."

"I'll never get tired of seeing that man's muscles flex as he moves," Joel said out loud. Roger couldn't help but smile. Hearing Joel's words reminded him of what Danny said to him that day in the laundry room. "Come on, let's not keep the man waiting," Roger said as he pulled his shirt up and over his head.

Together, they stepped out onto the back patio not a stitch of clothing between them. "Damn, you two are fucking gorgeous!" Randy announced. "Your beers are on the table studs. The water feels good."

Roger picked up his beer and stepped into the hot tub. Randy watched him intently as his package swayed side to side as he stepped into the water. Joel stepped in right behind Roger and took a seat on Randy's lap. Joel wrapped his legs around Randy's legs, resting his feet behind Randy's calves. Randy sat his beer on the wall of the hot tub, wrapped his arms around Joel's waist and pulled him back against him. Once Joel was comfortable, Randy cupped Joel's package in his hands.

"Now that we're all cozy and comfy," Randy said, "you have our full and undivided attention sexy. What's happening?"

"Right, so, first of all, I can't believe that I actually did this, but I did. However, I'm going to preference it by saying it's all your fault; both of you, at least in part."

"Oh shit!" Joel said giggling. "Is it bad?"

"No, no. It's not bad really. It was actually a lot of fun, well, it turned out to be fun. It didn't start out that way, but in the end, it was fun," Roger answered.

"So, tell us already! What happened?" Joel said impatiently.

Roger took a swig of his beer, sat it on the hot tub wall, and told them the entire story of how he met Danny, the little gangster cutie from the Laundry Room. He told them in detail as best as he could remember it, what had happened.

"OK, so, I'm glad you had a little fun and some unexpected adventure, but how is that our fault exactly?" Joel asked.

"Because had you not met Randy and told me you were gay, we most likely would never have developed the kind of relationship that we now have; the three of us I mean. I would have never had sex with you guys, and I probably would not see men as I do now. I mean, I notice good looking guys all over the fucking place. If you two hadn't expanded my view on the world, it would have never happened.

"Never say never, sexy," Randy quickly interrupted. "So, are you saying that you are letting yourself see men from a sexual perspective now?" Randy asked.

"Well, yeah. I mean, I see guys differently now even though I still love women. Guys are not just guys anymore. I see them differently now. For the first time in my life, I guess I see them now as sexual beings. I am finding myself physically and sexually attracted to men and I'm completely OK with it. I think I'm bisexual now; I must be if guys are catching my attention.

"Awesome, Rog, that is good news. What I mean by that is that I'm so glad to hear you say you're OK with it. I'm so happy for you!" Randy said enthusiastically.

"You were right; again," Joel said looking at Randy.

"What do you mean, Buddy?" Roger asked.

"Quite some time ago, after our relationship changed to an intimate one, Daddy told me that you would figure this out on your own and be fine with it. I thought that you were figuring out that you were really gay, but this one," he said pointing at Randy, "told me that you weren't gay and to not get my hopes up about having a gay best friend."

"Is that true, Daddy-man; you knew this the entire time?" Roger asked.

"Um, yes sexy, I knew, but I don't want you to think for a second that Joel and I were talking about you behind your back. I promise you that was not the case. I just felt that I had to bring Joel's feet back down from the clouds. He was so excited about having a gay best friend. I did not want him to be disappointed when that fantasy he had in his head popped. I simply told him that you weren't gay and you would sort your feelings out on your own. That's all," Randy said calmly. "Joel loves you more than you know and frankly, now that I have got to know you better, I love you too."

Roger got up and stepped across the hot tub. He sat down on the bench next to Randy and Joel and wrapped his arms around them. "I love you guys too," Roger said. Randy wrapped one arm around Roger's waist and pulled him tight against him. "I love you so much, Rog," Joel said wrapping his arms around Roger's shoulders.

Roger extracted himself from the guys and stood up, his growing appendage floating on top of the water. He stepped across, grabbed his beer and sat back down on the bench next to Randy. "So, you guys ready to hear #2?" Roger asked.

"Wait, I have to pee first," Joel said quickly as he stood up.

"Can you grab me another beer, Buddy?" Roger asked.

"I'll have another too baby if you don't mind," Randy chimed in.

"Sure, be right back guys," Joel responded and quickly went in the house.

Roger looked at Randy and straddled his lap on the bench. Randy grabbed Roger's waist, pulled him in and kissed him. Roger moaned as he kissed Randy passionately. He took Randy's face in his hands and pulled back from their kiss. "I want you to fuck me again, Daddy-man," he groaned.

"I'd love to fuck that sweet ass of yours again," Randy whispered. He cupped Roger's ass in his hands and squeezed. Roger forced his tongue back into Randy's mouth and started grinding his hard cock against Randy's abs. Randy stuck a finger between Roger's firm globes and started massaging his rosebud.

"Fuck me, daddy," Roger growled in Randy's mouth.

Randy growled as he pulled back from their kiss. "Oh, I'm gonna fuck you alright, but not here like this. I'm gonna fuck you properly like you deserve to be fucked."

"Ice cold beers," Joel announced as he stepped out onto the patio. Roger extracted himself from Randy's lap, stood up, and grabbed the beers from Joel. He pivoted to his left and handed a beer to Randy. He sat the other beer down on the wall of the hot tub and helped Joel into the water.

Joel wrapped his hand around Roger's hardon. "I see something came up during my absence," he giggled. "Fuck, Rog, you have such a gorgeous cock!" Joel moaned.

Roger shuddered feeling Joel's cold hand on his cock. "Damn, Buddy, your hand is like ice," Roger said stepping back. "Shit, sorry, Rog, it's the cold beers."

"Have a seat guys," Randy said, "so Roger can continue filling us in.

Joel took a seat on the bench next to Randy. Roger remained standing in the center of the of the hot tub. He looked down at the guys sitting on the bench, cleared his throat, and said, "The second thing that I wanted to share with you guys is that I told my in-laws that I wanted a divorce."

"Fuck, me!" Joel said out loud in surprise. "How did that go, Rog? Start from the beginning and don't leave anything out," Joel said sitting on the edge of the bench giving Roger his full attention.

Roger took a seat next to Randy and proceeded to tell them the entire story how it just kind of came out when his father-in-law paid him a surprise visit.

"So, the entire experience was a positive one," Joel asked after Roger finished the story.

"Well, positive in the sense that my father-in-law was very understanding. He didn't get pissed off or threaten to put a bullet in my head for wanting to divorce his daughter. We discussed it in detail and I got the feeling that he understood my position. Perhaps in-part, because I told him that I want to have kids one day. I don't believe that it would be wise to do that with Tiffany. I think that was the solidifying factor in his acceptance of the situation."

"But, all of your furniture, Rog. Is there nothing that you want to keep for yourself?" Joel asked.

"There might be one or two things that have sentimental value that I would keep, but all of the other stuff, she is welcome to it if that's what she wants."

"Have you given any thought to the possibility that she may not want any of it, Rog?" Randy asked.

"Yeah, of course. If that should happen, I'll either have a moving sale and sell everything and split the proceeds with Tiff, or I'll donate the lot to a charity. I'm starting over and wherever I find a place to hang my hat, I want it to have a fresh feel.

"Have you started looking around for a place yet?" Joel asked.

"No, but, that's the third thing I wanted to talk to you guys about. Something has come up at work and I'm seriously considering it," Roger answered.

"Did you get a promotion?" Randy asked crossing his fingers hoping it was something good.

"No, it's not a promotion; it would be a lateral transfer to an office around here. The office is somewhere in the vicinity of Bell and the 303 loop," Roger responded.

"That's not too far from us, Rog; maybe 15 minutes with traffic," Randy said. "Would it be a permanent move?"

"No, at least not initially. The guy in that office now has been assigned to a special project down in Phoenix. It's projected to last six months, but you know how that goes; sometimes projects tend to take longer than projected. But it would be a minimum of a six-month commitment. I have to give my boss an answer early next week. I'd basically be on my own and the only analyst in that office. It's very tempting."

"That's a lot of change in your life all at the same time, Rog, but I know you can handle it. It appears as if the universe is letting you know that even with the turmoil you're dealing with right now, there is positivity too. What do you think you want to do?" Randy asked already knowing the answer to his question.

"You should take it, Rog," Joel blurted out. "You can stay with us," he said hopefully, "at least until you find a place."

"Thanks, Buddy, I was hoping the offer was still on the table. I don't want to impose on you guys though. I promise it would only be temporary," Roger smiled.

"It's no imposition, sexy. You know you're always welcome for as long as you want, Rog," Randy said immediately. "You are a part of us."

"In that case, I accept your kind offer, but I will be getting my own place eventually. I'll let my boss know first thing next week."

Next: Chapter 21

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