My New Apprentice

By Spike Meyers

Published on Jan 14, 2023


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Notice: This story is a work of fiction and contains explicit sexual material. It may also include, incest, sex between minor(s) and adult male(s), sex between minors, and sexual fetish.

If you are offended by such material, do not read this work of fiction. The character(s) in this work of fiction are not based on any known person(s).

My New Apprentice 21

"It's no imposition, sexy. You know you're always welcome for as long as you want, Rog," Randy said immediately. "You are a part of us."

"In that case, I accept your kind offer, but I will be getting my own place eventually. I'll let my boss know first thing next week."

Together, they sat in the hot tub for another thirty minutes and talked about various things. Randy was sitting between the two of them and would gently stroke their thighs and fondle their cocks from time-to-time as they talked and laughed. Joel was the first to jump up and announce that he had to pee, the beer suddenly kicking in.

"Me too," Roger commented as he stood up, "I'll come with you, Buddy," he said.

Joel stepped out of the hot tub, Roger right behind him. Joel made his way to the end of the patio, pointed his pelvis at the back yard and waited on Roger to take his position beside him. Roger grabbed his dick and pointed it towards the back yard. Joel's clear stream arched up and out with force.

"You weren't kidding when you said you had to pee; you could put a fire out with that much liquid," Roger giggled. Roger's stream started to flow but not nearly as strong due to having half a hardon. Without warning, Joel cut off his stream, bent forward and stuck his tongue in Roger's stream.

"Fuck!" Roger bellowed, "What the fuck are you doing, Buddy?" he asked cutting off his stream.

Joel started laughing, "Relax Rog, it's just processed water. It won't kill you."

"Why, why, did you do that?" Roger asked shocked that anyone would do such a thing.

"Because it's fun, Rog. It's hot, sexy, and fun. Why not do it?" Joel asked in return.

"Well, because, it's disgusting; that's why!" Roger quickly responded.

"You only think it's disgusting Rog, because that's what you have been taught. As long as you're healthy, a little piss won't hurt you." Joel reached over and ran the tip of his finger across Roger's cock knob and licked his finger. It doesn't taste that bad, Rog. Recycled beer is very mild. Daddy and I do it sometimes."

Roger looked over at Randy still sitting in the hot tub. "It that true; you guys are into piss-play? Really?" Roger asked shocked that his mentor and his best friend would do such a thing.

Randy stood up and stepped out of the hot tub. He approached Roger and put his hand on his shoulder. "Yes, Rog, we are into water sports; I'm not going to lie to you. We don't do it all the time, but Joel and I indulge on occasion. Are you disappointed to hear that, Rog?"

Roger's jaw dropped. "I'm just so surprised. I don't know what to say. I have never known anyone who was into this. No one has ever done that to me before. I was just so taken aback. I'm sorry, I don't mean to judge you guys but I find it strange."

"Don't worry Rog, I understand. It's not for everyone. I introduced Joel to the fetish. You certainly don't have to participate if you don't want to; it's not a problem. For Joel and I, we do not see it as a slave and master type of relationship. For us, it's not about treating someone disrespectfully or having power over someone else, it's just a part of our sex-life on occasion. We find it exciting, naughty, and sexy; that's us. Obviously, there are folks who see it differently and that's OK.

Think of it this way, Rog. You know how much Joel and I love each other. You know how much Joel and I love you. For us, it is simply and extension of the love we have for each other and you. You're gorgeous and sexy; we love your body, cock, balls, and ass, in addition to your heart and mind. We both love your cum so why not your piss too. I mean, we all have our limits with it, but recycled beer, it's the best when it comes to innocent piss play."

Roger didn't respond verbally, instead he simply stood there and contemplated what Randy said to him. Joel wrapped his arms around Roger. "I'm sorry Rog, I did not mean to upset you. I shouldn't have done it; surprise you like that. I'm sorry, Rog; forgive me."

They stood in silence for several seconds. Roger placed his hand on top of Joel's but did not make any attempt to pull away from him. In fact, just the opposite, he turned around and hugged Joel back. He released Joel and took half a step back, "Is there any other weird stuff that you guys do that I should be aware of? If so, please just tell me now; please."

"Sorry, Rog. That's about as hardcore fetish as we get. I don't think there is anything else that we all have not already done to you or with you. This was the only thing we left out; well, until now," Randy answered with a slight laugh. "Um, sorry, I take that back; sometimes, Joel and I will piss in each other's ass after we fuck each other. But other than that, that's it, sexy."

"Thank God," Roger sighed. "At least I know now. I'm always learning new things with you guys. Perhaps I will learn to like this too; I don't know, I have to be honest, that's a stretch for me, but I can try."

"Only if you want to Rog. Neither one of us want you to do something you don't want to do," Joel said softly.

"Absolutely," Randy reiterated. "Thanks, I appreciate that guys. So, how often do you guys indulge? How does this work exactly?" Roger asked.

"Like I said, we do it whenever the mood strikes us. It happens when it happens. It's not something we do daily or something we plan; it happens spontaneously," Joel answered. "Would you like to see a quick example?"

"Um, I guess; sure," Roger responded shyly.

Joel stepped over to Randy and dropped to his knees. He looked up at Randy, smiled and took Randy's cock in his mouth. Randy ran his fingers through Joel's hair and released his stream, sighing softly as he looked over at Roger. "It feels so good," Randy said smiling. Joel grabbed Randy's thighs and moaned as he drank. After a few seconds, Randy cut off the flow and slowly pulled his dick out of Joel's mouth. Joel licked the end of his dick off and looked up at Randy.

Randy looked down at Joel and smiled. He pointed his cock at Joel and said, "Open up, gorgeous."

Joel immediately opened his mouth, Randy took aim and opened fire, his stream flowing through the air and into Joel's mouth. Joel let his mouth fill and Randy cut his stream off again. Joel closed his mouth, swallowed and took Randy's cock back in his mouth.

"You want more, baby?" Randy asked in a sexy whisper.

Joel moaned and grabbed Randy's thighs again.

Randy reached over and wrapped his hand around Roger's cock. He looked at Roger and slightly nodded his head with a smile. He tapped off his stream, pulled out of Joel's mouth, and gently tugged on Roger's cock pulling him towards Joel. Joel, still on his knees, turned to face Roger. Roger hesitated for a second or two, stepped forward and stood in front of Joel. Randy gently guided Roger's cock towards Joel's mouth. Joel reached up and cupped Roger's firm ass in his hands.

"Just relax sexy and let it go," Randy whispered.

Joel took Roger's cock in his mouth and waited patiently. It took several seconds before Roger was able to release his stream. Eventually, Joel felt a weak stream hit his tongue and immediately started to swallow. In no time at all, Roger's stream became stronger and Joel found himself swallowing quickly. Since this was Roger's first time, he had no concept of how to control his stream. Joel's mouth started to overflow from the corners of his mouth. The fluid ran down his chin and neck flowing down into his crotch.

"Fuck, that's so hot!" Randy growled. He stepped up, pointed his dick at Joel and let go. He directed his stream at Joel's mouth making sure it hit Roger's cock. Roger jumped slightly feeling Randy's hot stream hit his cock and splash against his pubes. Randy heard him moan softly and side step a little closer to him. Randy directed his stream so it hit Roger's dick full on for a few seconds before turning it back onto Joel.

Joel felt Roger's cock growing in his mouth by the nanosecond. He got so hard his piss stream stopped. Without delay, Joel started sucking Roger's cock with gusto. Roger grabbed Joel's head in both hands, bellowed out and shot his cock-juice down Joel's throat. Joel squeezed Roger's ass hard as he felt Roger's cock spasming in his throat. Once he felt the spasms come to a halt, Joel pulled back on Roger's cock and let it rest in his mouth.

Roger released Joel's head and let his body fall against Randy. Randy wrapped his arms around him to help support his weight. His legs were shaking trying to support his own weight.

"Let's get you back over to the hot tub, sexy." Randy said. Joel released Roger's cock and Randy wrapped one of Roger's arms around his shoulder and guided him over to the hot tub.

"Sorry guys, my body feels like a lead weight all of a sudden," Roger said softly turning around and sitting on the hot tub wall.

"Just relax, sexy until you get your land-legs back."

Joel walked up to Randy and hugged him. "That was so freaking awesome!" Joel said happily. "I definitely want to do that again!" He stood up on his tiptoes and kissed Randy and then stepped over to Roger. He stood between Roger's legs, placed his hands on Roger's thighs and said, "That wasn't so bad was it, Rog?"

"No, I guess not. Truthfully, I kind of enjoyed it. It's not what I thought it would be. It's kind of a turn on, isn't it?" he smiled.

"It sure is for us," Joel responded. "Do you think you would like to do it again sometime?"

"I have to admit, when Randy pissed on my dick, it actually felt kinda good. So, yeah, I think I would do it again. You guys are turning me into a kinky, sex-pig," he giggled. "You're Randy's apprentice but I think I am too."

"After Rog recovers sufficiently to walk on his own, I think we all need to jump in the shower," Randy said as he pulled Joel into him.

Randy felt a pleasant sensation on his cock and woke up. He lifted his head off the pillow and opened one eye. He looked up to see Roger straddling his legs and lightly stroking his cock with a slick hand. He opened his other eye and smiled up at Roger. Joel was curled up next to him sleeping soundly. Roger brought one finger up to his lips perpendicularly suggesting he not make a sound. He inched up Randy's body carefully until their similar sized cocks came together. Roger placed his lubed-up cock against Randy's and continued to stroke both together gently, his hands sliding effortlessly up and down.

He leaned forward and kissed Randy gently on the lips. "I want you to fuck me, daddy-man," he whispered softly in Randy's ear. Randy grabbed Roger's head in both hands and kissed him hard. With one hand, he grabbed Roger's, firm bubble butt and slid a single finger between his cheeks and over his rosebud. Roger broke their kiss, leaned up, grabbed Randy's hard cock and placed it against his already lubed hole.

Randy cupped Roger's ass in his hands and spread his cheeks. Roger pressed back against Randy's hard rod and in seconds, the head of his cock breached Roger's tight ring. Roger took a deep breath when he felt Randy's cock enter him but remained silent; neither one of them uttering a single sound. Roger leaned forward, placed his lips on Randy's and completely impaled himself taking Randy's entire cock deep in his ass.

Randy released his grip on Roger's ass, grabbed his head in both hands and kissed him passionately. Roger quickly adjusted to the intrusion and started a slow, gentle rocking motion back and forth being careful to not wake Joel. After just a couple of minutes, Roger broke their kiss and whispered softly, "I love feeling you inside me." He leaned back and started to ride Randy's cock. Randy reached up and took Roger's perky nipples between thumb and index finger and squeezed gently.

Roger tossed his head back, his jaw dropped but he didn't make a sound. His cock was iron-hard and bouncing up and down with his movement. Randy grabbed Roger's cock and started to gently stroke it as Roger rode up and down on his cock. Roger leaned back, his arms behind him supporting his weight, as he lifted himself up and down on Randy's appendage. Randy moaned softly as he watched Roger's beautiful, muscular body flex as he rode his cock. "You're so fucking gorgeous, Rog," Randy whispered.

Randy lifted his head up and took Roger's cock in his mouth. He placed his hands under Roger's butt and lifted him up and slightly closer to his mouth. Roger moaned softly and stopped moving completely enjoying Randy's mouth on his cock.

"Suck the cum out of my dick, daddy-man," he whispered. Roger started to gently ride Randy's cock again as his cock slid in and out of Randy's mouth. "Fuck, you're gonna make me cum daddy! Get ready; it's coming now!"

Roger used every ounce of will power within his being not to call out as he unloaded in Randy's mouth. He shot volley after volley and Randy did not lose a single drop. Once Roger's cock stopped erupting, he held the last of it in his mouth savoring his precious nectar before swallowing.

Roger leaned up and thrusted forward into Randy's mouth gently. He grabbed Randy's head in both hands as he gently fucked Randy's throat. Randy was physically fatigued in his current position and let himself fall back on the bed. He looked up a Roger and smiled as he ran his hands down Roger's sculpted torso. "You're so fucking hot!" Randy mouthed silently.

Roger leaned down and kissed Randy getting a subtle taste of his own jizz. He sat back up, grabbed Randy's cock and impaled himself again. "Cum in my ass daddy," he said softly as he started riding Randy's cock once again. Randy reached down, cupped Roger's ass in his hands, lifted him slightly, and started to fuck him gently with a steady rhythm.

Roger bent forward and grabbed Randy's face in his hands. "I'm not going to last long, stud. You've got me so fired up I'm gonna shoot deep in your ass!"

Roger stuck his tongue back in Randy's mouth and kissed him hard. In seconds, Randy moaned softly as he felt his orgasm quickly approaching. Roger grabbed his nipples and instantly, Randy thrusted up burying his cock deep in Roger's ass as he fired off multiple rounds of cock juice in complete silence.

Once the wave of orgasm subsided, Randy wrapped his arms around Roger and squeezed him tight. "I love that sweet, hot ass of yours," Randy whispered as he gently lowered his pelvis and Roger back down on the bed. Roger pushed back to make sure Randy's now softening appendage remained buried in his ass. He let his body collapse onto Randy, his head resting on Randy's shoulder. They remained in that position until they both drifted back into sleep.

"Hi Becky, it's Roger. Do you have a minute to talk?" he asked his landlord.

"What can I do for you Roger?" she asked.

"I would like to ask if you have any objection to me moving out of your unit a little early. I don't see any logical reason to stay another six weeks or so until the lease expires. I have already made other living arrangements and would like to put all of this behind me sooner rather than later," he said.

"No, Roger, that's fine; I have no objection. Please just let me know when you vacate the premises. Is there anything else?" she asked very business-like.

"No, nothing else. I'll call you when I'm out. What would you like me to do with the keys?" he asked.

"Just give them to Tom at the office there on site. I'll pick them up from him.

"Very good, I'll leave the keys with Tom. Thanks Becky. Have a good afternoon," Roger said and hung up the phone.

"That was easier than I thought it would be," Roger said looking over at Joel and Randy in bed. Now all I have to do is wait to hear from my in-laws. I still don't know what Tiffany wants to do about the furniture."

"Why don't you just call them, Rog?" Joel suggested.

"Apparently, I'm going to have to. They have had enough time to talk to Tiffany about it. I'll call them as soon as I pee," Roger responded getting up from the bed.

"While you pee, I'm going to refill my coffee cup. Does anybody else want more coffee?" Randy asked.

"I'm fine daddy, thanks," Joel answered.

"I'll take a half if you don't mind," Roger said as he made his way across the room towards the bathroom. Randy grabbed Roger's cup in his other hand and walked out of the bedroom. He refilled both cups emptying the carafe and turned off the coffee pot. When he returned, Roger was sitting in bed, his back against the wall, and Joel was nestled between his legs holding his cock in his mouth.

"I thought you were going to call your in-laws?" Randy asked as he smiled and handed Roger his coffee.

"I'm going to call them right now, daddy-man. Joel decided he wanted to keep my dick warm," he said shrugging his shoulders holding his hot coffee to the side. "His idea by the way, not mine," he giggled.

"Is that so?" Randy giggled, "Sounds like a flimsy excuse to suck your dick. I can't say that I blame him mind you."

Roger smiled and picked up his phone. He pressed a couple of buttons on the phone and placed it against his ear. Joel remained in place and closed his eyes holding Roger's dick in his mouth. Randy sat his coffee cup down on the floor next to the bed and cuddled up next to Joel.

"Hey Mom, it's Roger. How are you?" Roger asked as he hit the speaker button on the phone so Joel and Randy could hear the conversation.

"Oh, we're OK, Roger. I'm a little tired though dear. How are you doing?"

"I'm fine, Mom. I'm doing OK. How is Tiff doing? Is she any better?" Roger asked.

"Well, I think she's better overall. Her mood swings have lessened a bit. I think the therapist is finally starting to have a positive affect on her. She actually looks forward to her sessions now. That's a good thing. Don't you think?"

"I do mom, yes. I think that's a very good thing. Listen, Mom, other than wanting to see how you guys are doing, have you and Dad had a chance to talk with Tiffany about the furniture yet? It's been a while since Dad stopped by my place and we talked about it."

"Um, yes, we have. I was going to call you about that, Roger. I'm just concerned about how you are going to react dear," she answered hesitantly.

"Why mom? What do you mean how I'm going to react?"

"Well because, I don't think that Tiffany is being fair dear and Alan agrees with me. I know you two bought all of that stuff together. I have tried to convince her that she is not being fair with you but you know how stubborn she can be."

"I take it that Tiff wants everything, Mom. Is that it?" Roger asked.

"Yes, Rog, I'm sorry. I don't know what to do. I know you told Alan that she can have everything if she wants, but I just don't think that is fair to you. It shouldn't be that way. We did not raise her like that. That's why I haven't called you yet."

"Mom, really, it's OK. I told Dad that if Tiff wants everything she is welcome to it. I don't want to make this any more difficult than it already is. It's OK, Mom; really it is. I'm not mad. However, she is going to have to make her own arrangements to have it removed from the unit. Do you know why she is being so hostile towards me? I just can't figure that out. I didn't do anything to her. I don't get it, Mom. I just don't get it."

"Oh Roger, I'm so sorry. I don't know what to tell you. I don't know myself. I'm not sure that she even knows. It doesn't make any sense. It has to be some kind of irrational thought in her head. That's all I can think. When I ask her about it, she just get upset with me so I back off."

"I'm sorry that you and Dad have got stuck in the middle of all of this Mom. That's not fair either. But if you hadn't intervened on Tiffany's behalf, Lord only knows what would have happened to her. She would have either wound up in jail or in a rubber room somewhere. I assume that she's now on FMLA Mom; is that correct?" Roger asked.

"I think that's what Linda called it; I'm not sure. I know that her job is secure for now. I also know that they will not hold her job forever. Hopefully she will return to normal soon and go back to work before they fire her."

"Mom, I'm glad you answered the phone. I suspect that Dad has already told you this, but I want you to hear it from me directly. I want you to know that Tiffany will forever and always have a place in my heart, however, under the circumstances, I feel that I have to move on with my life, Mom. I can't and won't just put my life on hold, stick my head in the sand, and hope for the day that Tiffany returns to her old self. I can't wait for something that may never happen. I also told Dad that I would like to have kids one day. I don't think that is going to be possible with Tiffany. Since Tiffany refuses to talk to me, I have to do what I think is right for me. I hope you can understand that Mom and not hate me for it."

"I do understand, dear. Alan and I have talked about it at length; he shared with me what you guys talked about when he made that impromptu visit. It hurts our hearts deeply but we understand completely. We could never hate you dear; we love you. I just hope that whatever happens in future, you will keep us in your heart as we will you."

"Always, Mom. I love you guys too. I so appreciate your understanding; it means so much to me. I also need to tell you Mom that I am transferring offices at the request of my boss. The commute to my new office from our condo would be extremely cumbersome with traffic; my new office is not close to home. As a result, I have made arrangements to stay with some close friends of mine who live close to where my new office is located. So, we need to have the furniture removed from the unit as soon as possible. I have asked Becky, our landlord, to let us out of the lease prior to its expiration and she has agreed."

"I will talk with Alan and see what we can arrange Roger. Obviously, this is something that has to be done as soon as possible I take it?" she asked.

"Yes, the sooner the better. If possible, within the next two weeks. My transfer will definitely not be more than two weeks from now. I'll let you know as soon as I get a confirmed date," Roger said.

"Are you're sure that you don't want anything from the condo Roger? I just want you to be absolutely sure about this."

"I'm sure, Mom. I don't want it to me more difficult for you guys with Tiffany than necessary. If Tiffany wants everything, she can have it. That's fine with me," Roger answered feeling relieved that he does not have to do anything about the furniture.

"I have to go, Mom. Keep me in the loop and let me know if I can do anything to help with the move."

"OK, dear; I'll talk with you soon. Take good care."

Roger hung up the phone and grabbed his coffee cup. He took a sip and made a funny face. "Yuck, it's luke-warm now," he said out loud to himself.

Randy looked up at Roger and said, "I'll pop it in the mic for thirty seconds." He scooted up the bed and grabbed Roger's coffee cup out of his hand.

"Is he sleeping?" Roger asked pointing at Joel still holding his dick in his mouth. Randy looked at Joel and smiled. "He's out cold it appears," Randy whispered with a smile.

"He fell asleep with my dick in his mouth. I don't believe it," he giggled softly.

"Believe it. That's not the first time he's done that. Trust me, Rog," Randy said as he stepped off the bed and headed towards the kitchen.

Roger arrived at his office early the following Monday. He was hoping to see Jeff, his boss, first thing in the morning before he got too busy. He walked over to Jeff's office and was told by Mariann, his boss' Admin, that his boss was in a meeting until about 10:30.

"Will you do me a favor, Mariann, and let him know that I need to speak with him about the Surprise office," Roger asked politely.

"Is it safe to assume you made your decision?" she asked.

"Yes, I have. I been giving it a lot of thought since he asked me," Roger answered her.

"And, what decision have you made?" she asked standing up from behind her desk and reaching for a folder behind her desk.

"I'm going to do it; my answer is yes," he said smiling.

"Good for you, Roger. That's going to make his day when I tell him. I have already prepared the necessary paperwork just in case," she said as she handed him the folder that she just retrieved. "Please review this to make sure everything is correct and sign the last page. Once you sign it, bring it back to me and I will e-mail you an electronic copy for your personal records."

"When would this take affect?" he asked her.

"It's all in the file, Roger. After you review it, just call me if you have any other questions," she said pleasantly. "He's going to be so happy to hear the news," she said again.

Roger stepped into the employee lounge to grab a coffee on his way back to the office. He grabbed a disposable coffee cup filling it two thirds full. He glanced at his watch, since he came in early, he still had twenty minutes before he actually had to start working. He had the lounge to himself so he decided to take a seat at one of the tables and check his personal email on his phone.

After just a couple of minutes, he heard someone enter the room and looked up. It was Jason, one of the guys from the Metering Department that he has known since he worked there. "He is really handsome," Roger said to himself. "I can't believe I never noticed that before."

"Good morning, Roger," Jason said as he walked across the room towards the coffee pot. "Morning, Jason. How are you?" Roger asked.

"I'm a little tired to be honest. I went out last night with a couple of friends and my ass is dragging a little today. Other than that, I'm good," he laughed.

Immediately, Roger looked him up and down. "Looks like a nice ass to me; no drag at all," he said to himself as a smile came across his face.

Jason grabbed a disposable cup and filled it with coffee. "May I join you, Roger?" he asked as he turned around to face him.

Roger was still eyeing him up and down and missed his question. Jason looked across at Roger, who had a smile on his face, and waited for Roger to respond.

Jason waited a few seconds longer for Roger to answer him. When Roger didn't respond, Jason repeated his question.

"Roger, may I join you for a little bit?" he asked again.

This time, Roger heard the question and looked up at Jason. He noticed that Jason was looking at him strangely as he suddenly realized what he was doing.

"Sorry, Jason, I was in my own world for a second. Please, join me; have a seat."

"You're in a little early today, Roger. I usually don't see you before 9AM. Special project?" Jason asked.

"No special project. I was hoping to get an impromptu audience with the boss but he was already in a meeting. No big deal. It can wait. Mariann will take care of it."

"Everything is OK with you isn't it. I hope you're not leaving us or anything like that?" Jason asked.

"No, I'm not quitting; just transferring offices," he responded patting the folder lying on the table that Mariann had given him. "That's why I wanted to see Jeff first thing this morning." "What? Why?" Jason asked seemingly disappointed in the news.

"Honestly, Jeff basically of asked me to. Do you know Glen Purdy?" Roger asked.

"No. Who is Glen Purdy?" Jason answered shrugging his shoulders.

"He's an analyst in the Surprise office. He has been assigned to a six-month special project down in Phoenix. Jeff asked me to take over for him during his absence. The project might run longer; we'll have to wait and see what happens."

"Oh, I see," Jason said as he looked down at the table and fell silent.

"Do me a favor, Jason; keep that under your hat until it's announced. It's not a secret but I don't want Jeff to think that I'm telling tales out-of-school so to speak. Will you do that for me?" Roger asked.

"What? Oh, sure; don't worry. I won't say anything." Jason responded softly.

"Jason, are you OK? You suddenly look as if something is on your mind since I told you about my transfer. Roger asked wishing he had Randy's ability to sense things in people.

"If you're happy, I'm happy for you Roger. But before I answer you, permit me to ask you this, and please don't take this the wrong way. I mean no disrespect or offense I assure you. When I was pouring my coffee just minutes ago, and I turned around to face you, I noticed that you were looking at me. Not just looking at me, but, "looking at me" if you know what I mean. Was I just imagining that? Believe me, I'm not upset about it if you were. Since you're leaving, I need to know if that was just a case of wishful thinking on my part."

"Sorry about that Jason. I did not consciously acknowledge that I was doing that at the time. I'm sorry. No, you were not imagining it; I was cruising you," Roger answered truthfully.

"But you have a wife; you're married," Jason said with a quizzical expression on his face.

"Yes, I have a wife. Without going into specifics, she will at some time in the not too distant future, be my ex-wife. However, I'll just say that I have recently discovered male beauty. And beauty, Jason, you have in abundance, hung-over or not. You're a good-looking guy. If you tell anyone I said that, I'll outright deny it."

"Oh fuck! Thank God," Jason said relieved. "I thought I was losing my mind there for a minute. Did you just tell me that you think I'm cute?" Jason asked amazed.

"Not just cute; you're sexy too," Roger giggled softly. "You said your ass was dragging but it looks damn good to me; all nice and perky like."

"Come on, Rog. You're fucking with me right. Having a little fun with the office fag; is that it? Straight, gorgeous guys like you just don't tell guys like me they are cute unless their intent is to coax them into a dark alley and gay-bash them," Jason said not believing him.

"Look Jason, I'm not fucking with you; flirting perhaps," Roger responded softly. "You are both cute and sexy. Hasn't anyone ever told you that?"

"Not by a super-hot, gorgeous, muscular, straight guy, no!" Jason answered him a little louder than Roger's comfort level at work.

"I'm being sincere, Jason. I can understand why you don't believe me but I'm being honest with you. Perhaps I should backup my words with actions," Roger said as he smiled at him with a wink.

"I'm not sure what you mean by that, Rog. What actions are you referring to?"

"Will you grant me some lead way here, Jason. I can show you what I mean if you'll allow me."

"Alright then; show me."

"I'd be happy to," Roger said as he stood up from the table, stepped around to the other side and sat down next to Jason. Roger looked directly into Jason's eyes, reached over under the table, and grabbed Jason's crotch.

"How is this for starters?" Roger asked him.

Jason gasped at the unexpected surprise. "Oh fuck!" he moaned. "What are you doing?" he asked completely taken by surprise of Roger's example of action. "I can't believe you just grabbed my dick!" Jason whispered hoarsely.

"You said I could show you. I could not think of a better example than this at such short notice considering we are in the employee lounge. Do you believe me now?" Roger asked as he withdrew his hand from Jason's crotch. "I'd like to kiss you too but I think it's best not to chance it here."

Roger sat back in the chair as if nothing had happened. Jason looked at Roger as if he were having a psychotic delusion. Roger simply grabbed Jason's hand and placed it on his cock. "Your turn," Roger calmly stated. "I'd like to slide this down your throat," Roger moaned as he placed his hand on Jason's and squeezed his growing member.

After about ten seconds, Roger released Jason's hand, pushed the chair back from the table and stood up. "I'm going to get more coffee; would you like more coffee, Jason?"

Next: Chapter 22

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