My New Apprentice

By Spike Meyers

Published on Feb 8, 2023


Date: 01/04/2023

Author: Spike Meyers


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Notice: This story is a work of fiction and contains explicit sexual material. It may also include, incest, sex between minor(s) and adult male(s), sex between minors, and sexual fetish.

If you are offended by such material, do not read this work of fiction. The character(s) in this work of fiction are not based on any known person(s).

My New Apprentice 22

After about ten seconds, Roger released Jason's hand, pushed the chair back from the table and stood up. "I'm going to get more coffee; would you like some more coffee, Jason?"

"Um, no, no thanks; I'm good," Jason stammered his response.

Roger refilled his cup, walked back over to the table and sat down across from Jason.

"Um, I think you've convinced me, Rog. I'm a believer now, not to mention, shocked. You sure surprised the shit out of me. Never in a million years would I have imagined that you would do something like that. What other surprises are you hiding?" Jason giggled softly.

"I'm going to take the fifth on that for the time being. I should probably get to my office. Have a good day, Jason. I'll see you later."

"Yeah, see you later, Rog," Jason responded and watched Roger walk out of the employee lounge.

"Hi Mom. I just wanted to call and see how you and dad are doing? I trust you both are well?" Joel asked his mom.

"Oh yes, Joel, your dad and I are just fine. How are you? When are you going to come and see us? It's been so long since we have seen you; we miss you.

"I know mom. I'm sorry I haven't called recently. I have been so busy helping Randy with the house and Roger has been having a bit of a rough time lately. He and Tiffany are divorcing or did I tell you that already?"

"No, you didn't. I'm sorry to hear that. What's the problem with the two of them?"

"Well, I'm not entirely sure I understand it myself, mom. But to put it in a nutshell, we think Tiffany has had some kind of mental breakdown or something. I don't know how else to explain it. She just freaked out for the lack of a better term. She trashed their kitchen and living room; broke everything in sight including the living room window. She won't even talk to Roger. For the past several weeks, she has been staying at her parent's house. They are taking care of her. Roger has kind of been forced out of the picture so to speak."

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry to hear that. Is he OK? I mean, how is he doing with all of this?"

"Honestly, he is doing remarkedly well, mom. He was pretty mixed up for awhile but he's really handling everything so well. He and Randy have become good friends and I think he discusses it more with Randy than he does me. But he's good mom. Actually, he's going to be staying here with us until he finds a new place to live."

"I hope Tiffany is getting some help," she said with a sigh.

"She is mom. She's seeing a therapist. None of us know what the status of that is because it's confidential, but from what Tiffany's parents have shared with Roger, she appears to be working on whatever her issue is."

"Thank God for that. I'm glad she's getting help. We all need help from time-to-time."

"Yes, we do; I totally agree. I thank God for Randy every day."

"So, you and your roommate are getting along well I take it?"

"Oh yes. Randy and I get along perfectly, mom. He's, my rock; my anchor."

"I'm so happy to hear that, Joel. Your dad and I worry about you. Are you OK with money? I know you said you're not working right now. How are you getting by if you're not making any money?" she asked.

"I'm fine, mom. I don't need any money. Randy takes care of everything. I have no bills. I don't owe anyone anything. All I have is food to worry about. Besides, it's part of the deal Randy and I made when I became his apprentice. As long as I'm his apprentice and live here, I don't have to pay rent. Plus, I still have some money in the bank. We share the food bill. Well, to be honest, Randy pays most of that too. So, I'm good on money."

"Randy sounds like such a good man. I wish your dad and I could meet him."

"Well, what don't you come out and visit us? What do you think about that idea?" Joel asked his mom.

"Really Joel? We'd love to come over and see you. When?" she asked excitedly.

"Anytime, mom. You and dad figure it out and let me know. Randy is not going back to work until we finish the house, so we are open. Whatever works best for you and dad. Just let me know. You already have my address."

Roger was walking back to his office from a brief meeting with his boss, Jeff. He stepped into the employee lounge to get a coffee and ran into Gail Burling. Gail works in the local Human Resource office there in his building.

"Hey Roger," she said, "I hear you are transferring to the Surprise Office."

"Wow, news gets around fast, doesn't it?"

"Actually, it hasn't been announced publicly yet. I know because I'm handling the transfer paperwork. I'll have a couple of things for you to sign. I'll drop you an email when the paperwork is done."

"Can I sign electronically?" Roger asked.

"Sure. I'll set it up for you. No problem," Gail answered him.

"Awesome, see you later, Gail."

"Bye," she said with a smile.

Roger turned and walked away with his coffee. On his way to his office, he suddenly felt the need to pee. He decided to drop his coffee off at his office first and then circle back to the bathroom. He walked into bathroom. It was equipped with three urinals and three stalls. He stepped up to the first urinal. He stood there no more than five seconds when he heard the door open. Until then, he was standing there in solitude.

He paid no attention to the door and released his stream into the urinal. The guy that just walked in stepped up to the urinal right next to him. Roger did not bother to lift his head and look over to see who it was.

He half expected another guy to step up to the third urinal assuming that two guys walked into the bathroom together. He assumed that because it was unusual for a man to step up to another man at a urinal if there is an available urinal separating them.

"We meet again" he heard coming from the guy standing next to him at the urinal. He lifted his head and turned to his right to see Jason with a big smile on his face.

"Jason, good to see you again," Roger said softly as he took half a step back and held his dick up higher for Jason's benefit.

"It certainly is good to see you; all of you," Jason said lowly looking down at Roger's cock. "Damn, you are a big boy," he said pleasantly pleased at what he was looking at. "Does it taste as good as it looks?"

"You tell me," Roger whispered back as his stream came to an end and he shook off. Roger packed himself away, smiled at Jason, and walked down to the last stall and stepped inside leaving the door ajar about an inch.

Jason just stood there for a couple of seconds. He could not believe this was happening. He quickly decided to cast caution to the wind. He stuffed himself back into his pants, zipped up and made his way to the last stall. He saw that the door was ajar so he reached out and gently pushed the door open halfway. He peaked in and did not see Roger anywhere. He pushed the door open farther and stepped into the stall.

Roger was standing over in the far-right corner of the stall next to the tank on the toilet. He looked at Jason, reached for his belt and unbuckled it.

"Close the door," Roger whispered.

Without hesitation, Jason closed the door and latched it. He looked over at Roger as he licked his lips subconsciously.

"Come here," Roger whispered. "Take a seat; straddle the toilet and face me."

Jason stepped over to the toilet, closed the lid, straddled the toilet and sat down.

Roger let his belt fall to either side and unbuttoned his pants. "Take it out," Roger whispered looking down at his growing bulge.

Jason swallowed hard. His hands were shaking as he reached up and pulled Roger's zipper down. He spread the flaps on Roger's slacks, grabbed his shirt tails and pulled them up and out of Roger's slacks. As he lifted Roger's shirt, he gasped audibly as Roger's six-pack abs came into view. Jason leaned forward and kissed Roger's six-pack repeatedly.

With one hand, Roger held up his shirt and with the other, he placed it on the back of Jason's head. "Go on, take what you want," Roger whispered down hoarsely at Jason.

Jason removed his face from Roger's abs, hooked his thumbs under the waistband of Roger's slacks and pulled them down just under his ass. Roger was wearing boxer briefs, bright orange in color, and fit snugly and perfectly to his body. Jason sat there on the toilet looking up at Roger. He couldn't believe that this Adonis of a man was standing before him letting do whatever he wanted.

"Fuck, Rog. You are so smoking hot. What a fucking awesome body you have. I could sit here and look at you all day."

Roger was so loving the attention. No woman has ever said anything like this to him; ever. He certainly loved the way gay men received him. It made him feel so good about himself. He was now so appreciative of the work he has put into his body.

"I'm glad you approve," Roger whispered softly with a big smile on his face. "You want my cock, don't you Jace?"

"Fuck! More than you'll ever know!" Jason whispered urgently.

"Then take it out. Do what you want," Roger repeated.

Jason slipped his finger under the waistband of Roger's boxer briefs and slid them down to his pubes. As soon as Roger's pubes came into view, Jason shoved his nose in Roger's bush and inhaled deeply.

Feeling like they are running out of time, Roger removed his hand from the back of Jason's head and lowered his briefs over his now fully engorged member. It swung out and over hitting Jason on the side of the face.

"Have at it!" Roger whispered.

Immediately, Jason placed the head of Roger's cock on his nose, took a deep whiff and licked the clear drop of liquid from the tip. Roger placed his hands on Jason's head letting his shirt fall down; each shirt tail landing on either side of his cock.

"Suck the juice out of that cock," Roger commanded down in a whisper.

Jason grabbed Roger's butt in one hand and with the other, he gently grabbed Roger's ball sack. He opened his mouth, engulfed half of Roger's cock and started sucking.

Roger moaned lowly and started short thrusts in and out of Jason's mouth. "Fuck, that feels good, Jace. Don't stop!"

After just a couple of minutes, Roger felt his balls starting to churn. He was reaching the precipice. "I'm gonna cum soon, Jace. You want that cock juice?"

Jason answered by speeding up and increasing his suction. He started to moan softly and with both hands now, he dug his fingers into Roger's plump ass. Roger held Jason's head stationary and in short jabs, thrusted forwards and backwards until the first shot of jizz was ejected into Jason's welcoming mouth. Roger stopped thrusting as he emptied his balls completely.

"Hey Mom," Roger said as he answered his phone. "How are you?"

"I'm fine, thanks. I know you're at work but I just wanted to call you and let you know that Alan has made arrangements with the movers for this Saturday. Does that work for you?"

"Um, sure, Saturday is fine. What time?"

"They gave Alan an arrival time window from 7AM to 10AM. That's as close as Alan could get. He's planning on being there by 7AM Roger. He will leave the house at 6AM so he will be there by 7. He's going to take Tiffany's key so you don't have to be there if you don't want to. Alan can take care of everything."

"OK. That sounds good. I'll probably be there so I can clean the place after the movers are done. Besides, I'd like to see dad. Where is it all going?"

"Alan has prepaid for a year of storage. It's air conditioned so the furniture will be fine. The movers will take it to the storage unit, unload it, and pack it into the storage unit. Fortunately, there is not a lot of stuff. It should not take them too long. This is what they do; they're professionals."

"OK, that sounds like a plan. I certainly hope it doesn't take a year for Tiffany to recover. How is she doing by the way?" Roger asked.

"She has good days and bad days. At least her mood swings have settled down. They are few and far between now, thank God. I think the therapist is having a positive effect. She goes twice a week."

"Do you think she is willing to talk to me now?" Roger asked hopefully.

"I don't think so, Roger; I'm sorry. I will ask her now if you'd like me to. I just don't want to upset her. She is calm and peaceful at the moment, but I will ask her if you want me to."

"No, Mom. I don't want you to have to deal with the outcome if she gets upset. It's fine. Does she know about the divorce?"

"Well, yes. We have talked to her again recently. She knows."

"What was her reaction to the news?" Roger asked.

"Well, it was not what we expected. We were prepared and expected the worst."

"What do you mean, Mom. How did she react?"

"Well, kind of indifferent, really. She just shrugged her shoulders. She didn't say anything. I still don't know what to think."

"At least she wasn't upset and freak-out about it. That's a good thing."

"I guess you're right. I just can't figure her out. It boggles my mind."

"You know, mom, none of us may ever know what the problem is or was. That's a very real possibility. I'm just grateful that she's not freaked-out like she was. Thank God for that. Mom, I'm sorry, but I have to go. I'm getting another call and it's my boss so I have to take it. We'll talk soon and please let dad know I'll see him on Saturday."

"How's the grouting going?" Joel asked Randy from the doorway to the hall bathroom.

"Good, baby. I'm almost done. You can help me do the final sponge tomorrow."

"I love the tile. The keys in the shower look fantastic. This bathroom is gorgeous, daddy; masculine but elegant. I can't wait for us to shower together in it."

"Me too, gorgeous; me too. It's certainly big enough."

"Hell yeah, it is. You, me and Roger will fit just fine with plenty of room to maneuver around without stepping on each other. I love it."

"So, how did your conversation go with your mom today?" Randy asked backing out of the bathroom into the hallway.

"Um, good, I was going to talk to you about that. I kind of invited them to come out for a visit. I hope you don't mind. I know I should have talked with you first about it but it just kind of came out. I'm sorry."

"It's OK baby. I'm glad you extended them an invitation. I'm looking forward to meeting them. However, we are not ready to have guests yet. This house is still not ready. We don't even have furniture. When are they coming out?" Randy asked.

"I told them they could come out anytime, but mom will talk to dad and get back to me. If they visit sooner as opposed to later, they will have to stay at a hotel. I'll make sure they understand that if they come out before the house is ready. Perhaps a hotel is best anyway. It's not as if they can't afford it."

"Are you going to tell them about us? I'll understand if you're not ready."

"I think I'm ready to tell them. I have been thinking a lot about it and I was going to tell them over the phone but I'd rather do it face-to-face. I want them to know. I've never had secrets with my parents and I want to tell them in person. I'm not sure how I'm going to tell them, or when, but I do want to tell them."

"Good, whatever happens, you know I'll be there for you."

"Thank you for saying that. That's why I want to tell them. Whatever happens, I have you. I'll always have you," Joel said as he wrapped his arms around Randy. Randy embraced him in his arms lifting him up off the floor.

"I love you, baby. You're my everything," Randy whispered.

Joel wrapped his legs around Randy's waist and kissed him passionately. Randy reached down and cupped Joel's little butt in his hands and slowly walked down the hall to the bedroom as they kissed. When they reached the bed, Randy dropped to his knees and gently laid Joel down on the bed, never breaking their kiss.

Joel moaned softly as Randy broke their kiss. He kissed down Joel's slender body and took Joel's half-hard cock in his mouth. Joel gasped audibly as he felt Randy's hot, wet mouth on his cock. He wrapped his legs around Randy's head and lifted up slightly into Randy's mouth.

Randy sucked Joel lovingly, cupping his ass in his hands. "God, I love it when you do that, daddy," Joel cooed. "I want your cock, daddy! Turn around so I can suck your cock."

Without missing a single slurp on Joel's cock, Randy turned around into a 69 position. Joel reached up, grabbed Randy's hips and swallowed his cock halfway. Randy moaned in pleasure as Joel started tonguing the underside of his cock. Randy came up on Joel's cock, stuck his tongue into the piss slit and was rewarded by a single drop of sweet precum. Tasting Joel's sweetness, Randy swallowed Joel's cock into his throat as Joel let out a muffled growl, digging his fingers into Randy's ass.

In just minutes, Joel started to groan from deep within. Randy came up halfway because he knew Joel was about ready to blow. He wanted to taste every drop of Joel's essence. Joel squeezed Randy's ass as his cock erupted in Randy's mouth.

"Ughh!" He muffled out with a mouthful of Randy's soon to be spurting cock.

Joel let his head fall to the bed. He grabbed Randy's cock and started to stroke it with just the head in his mouth. Randy extended his legs behind him and lifted-up into a push-up like position as Joel stroked his cock. Still tasting Joel's gift on his tongue, Randy felt his orgasm quick approaching.

"Fuck, I'm gonna cum baby; you ready?"

Having Randy's cock head in his mouth, Joel started to moan continuously and he stroked Randy's cock.

"Here it comes, baby! Here it comes!" Randy called out as he filled Joel's mouth to overflow.

"Are you guys sure you don't need me to go with you to help clean up?" Randy asked.

"Thanks, daddy-man, but we're good. The place is not that big and Joel and I will have it finished in a jiff as soon as the movers have everything out of there," Roger answered him.

"Alright then, I'll stay and get some work done around here. You guys can bring some lunch back if you finish in time. If not, I'll see you when you guys get home. I will make you guys a coffee for the road," Randy offered.

"Thanks, daddy-man, but we can do it," Roger smiled.

"You two are my guys, let me take care of you," Randy said walking into the kitchen.

"Rog, you might as well get used to it. I had to. Randy has a HUGE parent or caretaker inside of him. He loves taking care of us. Don't deny him that pleasure. It's just a part of who he is. He would bend over backwards for either of us. He loves us."

"I'll try. I promise. I've just never met anyone like him before. He's such a daddy isn't he?"

"That he is. Why do you think I started calling him daddy? He's such a hot, sexy daddy too. He fills me."

"Yes, even I can see that. You two have something that goes deep, very deep."

"Yeah, we do. Randy calls it our connection. He says we are connected somehow and I believe him. Plus, the fact, I can feel it. He makes me feel it. It's real."

You know I love you too, Rog, right? I love you more than I know how to express. This relationship that all three of us have together. It's the best. I wouldn't trade it for anything. You and Randy are my whole world. I hope you know that," Joel said looking directly into Roger's eyes.

"Me too, Buddy. Me too. I never knew it could be like this between men. I love being with you guys. I love it. Honestly, I don't know what I would do without you two. I love you guys."

"Believe me, the feeling is mutual," Randy said walking out of the kitchen with two take away coffee mugs in his hands.

"Were you eves dropping?" Joel giggled.

"I have Spidey-powers; remember?" Randy laughed. He walked up to Joel, kissed him and handed him his coffee. He then turned to Roger and did the same.

"Go on now. Go do what you need to do and drive safe. If I don't see you around lunchtime, I'll see you whenever you get home. I love you guys. Now get a move on you two."

"How much time do we have before your father-in-law arrives?" Joel asked.

Roger glanced at his watch and said, "About 20 minutes. Why?"

Joel gave Roger a big smile, closed the front door, walked up to him and rested his hand on Roger's firm butt, giving it a gentle squeeze. "That's enough time for a quickie," Joel said. "What do you say, stud?"

"You're such a perv," Roger laughed. You just want to suck me off again, don't you? The load I gave you last night wasn't enough?" Roger laughed. "Are you going to be like this when I move in with you guys?"

"Probably. Most-likely. Um, definitely; yes. Do you have a problem with that?" Joel giggled.

"No, not at all. I just thought I'd ask," Roger laughed as he placed his hands on Joel's shoulders forcing him to his knees. Once Joel was on his knees, Roger placed his hand on the back of Joel's head and pulled his face tightly to his crotch. "Suck my dick!" he commanded.

As soon as Joel reached up to lower Roger's sweat pants, they both heard a key in the door lock.

"Shit, he's here already!" Roger whispered urgently. "Hurry, get up!"

Joel quickly jumped up and rearranged his growing cock in his shorts. By the time the door opened, they were both standing apart and waiting expectantly.

"Hey, dad!" Roger said as his father-in-law stepped through the door.

"I see you're early too," he said as he extended his hand in greeting.

Roger shook his hand and said, "You know how the expression goes, dad; Great minds think alike. Dad, I want you to meet my best friend, Joel. Joel and I have been best buddies since we were six years old."

Alan turned to face Joel and extended his hand in Greeting. "Nice to meet you, Joel. You can call me Alan, not dad," he joked.

Joel giggled at his joke. "Alan, it will be then. Nice to meet you too," Joel said with a smile and a nod of his head as he shook his hand.

"So, what are you guys doing here so early?" Alan asked.

"I wanted to be here by the time you arrived, dad. Once the movers are finished clearing the place out, Joel is going to give me a hand cleaning the place up. With the two of us, it shouldn't take any time at all. It's not as if Tiff and I kept a dirty house."

"Isn't that the truth," Alan said. "Tiffany has always been somewhat of a clean freak. She likes things in their rightful place just like her mom. I on the other hand, not so much. I believe a house should be lived in and look like it's lived in. That's just me," Alan volunteered.

"Would you like something to drink, dad? I don't have anything left in the house but there is a Circle K right across the street. I can make a coffee run. My treat," Roger asked.

"A coffee sounds perfect," Joel responded. "Maybe a Danish of some kind to go with it?" Joel added with a raise of his eyebrow.

"How about you, dad. Would you like a coffee or perhaps something else?" Roger asked.

"I think Joel's suggestion is a good one. I'll have the same if you don't mind," Alan answered.

"You got it. Coming right up. I'll be back in just a few minutes," Roger said as he stepped towards the front door.

After Roger left, Alan looked at Joel and said, "Why don't we have a seat at the breakfast bar and chat until Roger gets back."

Joel shook his head in agreement and took a seat on the stool. "Roger said you guys have been friends for a long time. You guys go back some then?" Alan asked.

"Yeah, we have been best friends for a long time. We were neighbors. We lived down the street from each other but did not become friends until we started school. Rog and I just hit it off and became the best of friends. Even when I was galivanting around from place-to-place we kept in touch. I came out here to visit him. Truthfully, that's the only reason I came here. I came here just to visit Roger. I stayed with him and Tiffany the first night I was here," Joel answered.

"So, you have met my daughter?"

"Yes Sir. I don't really know her. I was here just the one night," Joel said cautiously.

"Why just one night, son?" Alan asked.

Joel looked at him and hesitated to answer. He looked down at the bar and asked himself, "What would Randy say? How would Randy handle this?" Having made his decision, he looked up at Alan and said, "Honestly, with all due respect, I decided it was best for everyone for me to leave the following morning. I didn't want to cause any problems for Roger. It was obvious that Tiffany did not want me here."

"I see," Alan said softly.

"I'm sorry. I mean no disrespect, Alan," Joel added.

"No, I understand. No offense taken, son. May I ask what you do for a living?"

"It's interesting how life hands you opportunities if you're open to it. The very morning that I left here, I ran into a building contractor at a restaurant right down the street not too far from here. We got to talking and now I am his apprentice. I have never worked with my hands before. I have learned so much working with him. He's a very good teacher," Joel said with a smile.

"That's great. I think working with your hands gives one a sense of accomplishment. It's satisfying."

They both turned towards the door as it opened and Roger stepped through with a carrying tray of coffee and a paper bag of pastries.

Randy was the first to wake. He was completely covered in arms and legs as usual. Joel was on his left, and Roger on the right. If he didn't have to pee so bad, he would have been happy to spend the entire day cocooned between the two of them. Suddenly, he felt Roger's dick throb against his thigh. He gently worked his hand down and wrapped it around Roger's cock giving it a gentle squeeze. In his sleep, Roger thrusted forward ever so slightly and let out a little moan. Randy turned his head towards him and kissed him gently.

"I'm sorry sexy, but I have to pee like a race horse," Randy whispered. Roger opened one eye trying to focus.

"Need any help?" Roger asked sleepily leaving his head resting on Randy's shoulder.

"Um," Randy moaned. "That's always appreciated."

Roger lifted his head and started to roll over silently. He made it to his back and stopped. "I think you're going to have to let loose of my cock if you want me to get up," Roger whispered.

Randy looked at him and smiled releasing his grip on Roger's morning wood. He gently extracted himself from Joel successfully without waking him up. Roger stood up next to the bed, his morning boner bobbing slightly to his heartbeat.

"Jesus, Mary and Joseph, you're so fucking beautiful, Roger," Randy said as he slowly rose up from the bed. He stopped halfway and took Roger's cock in his mouth. He grabbed Roger's ass in his hands and started a slow suck.

"I thought you had to pee daddy-man?" Roger said looking down into Randy's eyes.

He released Roger's cock for just a second and said, "That will just have to wait for now."

He immediately went back to sucking Roger off as he grabbed his own cock and started stroking. Roger grabbed Randy's head in both hands but let Randy control his own movements. Roger looked down and watched as his cock disappeared repeatedly in Randy's mouth.

"That's so fucking hot to watch you suck my cock daddy-man. You love my dick don't you? You want me to shoot in your mouth? Feed you my load? As Roger coaxed him on, Randy let go of his own cock and cupped Roger's ass in his hands.

"That's it, Daddy; keep going. You're gonna make me cum fast."

He squeezed Roger's ass hard and sped up his sucking. In seconds, Randy felt Roger's cock begin to spasm and in a split second, Randy received his reward. Roger shot hard and fast filling Randy's mouth with his gift. Randy moaned so loud it woke Joel up. It took just a couple of seconds for Joel to realize what was happening right beside him. Randy stopped sucking and held Roger's cock stationary in his mouth. Roger was breathing heavily and almost leaning on Randy's shoulders for support.

Joel quickly rolled over to Randy. Randy started stroking his cock again as Joel took the head of his cock in his mouth. After only half a dozen strokes, Randy fired off in Joel's mouth. Joel wasn't quite ready, still a little slow from his sleep. His mouth overflowed and he coughed slightly spewing some of Randy's copious jizz from his mouth. Joel quickly recovered and not another precious drop went to waste.

Joel was not ready to let go of Randy. As soon as he swallowed the last of Randy's offering, Joel started sucking Randy's dick with gusto. Randy let him suck as long as he could but he became so sensitive, he literally had to pull Joel up and off of him.

"Baby, baby, stop. I can't take anymore. I'm super sensitive right now," Randy pleaded.

Once Randy was free, he hurried off of the bed and ran to the bathroom. He made it just in time. As he approached the toilet, his stream had already begun. He stood there peeing for the longest time; it felt like it took forever to drain his bladder. When he returned to the bed, Joel was on his back, his dick buried in Roger's ass.

Roger's head was thrown back, his eyes closed tight, bouncing up and down on Joel's cock. They were so involved with each other, they were not aware that Randy was standing there watching them. A huge smile came across Randy's face. He turned and headed for the kitchen to put the coffee on.

Next: Chapter 23

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