My New Apprentice

By Spike Meyers

Published on Mar 8, 2023


Date: 02/21/2023

Author: Spike Meyers


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Notice: This story is a work of fiction and contains explicit sexual material. It may also include, incest, sex between minor(s) and adult male(s), sex between minors, and sexual fetish.

If you are offended by such material, do not read this work of fiction. The character(s) in this work of fiction are not based on any known person(s).

My New Apprentice 23

Roger's head was thrown back, his eyes closed tight, bouncing up and down on Joel's cock. They were so involved with each other; they were not aware that Randy was standing there watching them. A huge smile came across Randy's face. He turned and headed for the kitchen to put the coffee on.

"Good morning again," Randy said smiling as Roger walked into the kitchen. Roger's dick was still at half-mast.

Roger smiled, walked over to Randy and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "It is a good morning," Roger said as he patted Randy on the ass. Randy reached up and grabbed a coffee cup from the cupboard and sat it on the counter.

"Where's our boy?" Randy asked.

"He's in the shower," Roger answered as he poured his coffee.

"Oh, that's right, he's having breakfast with Calvin this morning. I almost forgot.

"They have become friends, haven't they?" Roger asked and took a sip of his coffee.

"Yeah; I guess so. He appears to be a nice guy. He had Joel and I over for dinner a while back you may remember. He doesn't live too far from us. Joel and I run into him at the recreation center once-in-a-while. Joel sees him much more than I do, of course."

"What are your plans for today?" Roger asked.

"I have to call Mason's Glass & Mirror to make sure that the shower enclosure is going to be delivered and installed on time. I'll call them as soon as they open this morning. After that, I'm going to start the master bedroom demo. I'll move the mattress into the front bedroom. Once the shower enclosure is installed, we will have to use the hallway bathroom until I finish the master suite. How about you, sexy; what are you doing today?"

"Not much daddy-man. I'm going to go get the oil changed in the truck this morning, then I'll take it over to Cobblestone and get it washed. It should only take me a couple of hours to do that. When I get back, I'll give you a hand with the demo if you'd like. I haven't done that kind of work since I was in college." Randy responded.

"Awesome! Sounds like a plan to me. I appreciate the help." Randy said as he refilled his coffee cup.

"Are you two making plans without me?" Joel chuckled as he walked into the kitchen.

"That's a definite yes," Randy quipped back. "Want some coffee, baby?"

"Just a half daddy. I'll have coffee with Calvin this morning at breakfast. So, what are you guys planning today?"

"Rog is going to get his oil changed and then wash the truck. When he gets back home, we're going to start the demo in the master suite. Nothing too exciting." Randy answered.

"Hey Buddy, can you do me a favor when you see Calvin this morning?" Roger asked.

"Sure, anything you want stud-man."

"Will you ask him for a recommendation for a divorce attorney for me? I have no idea where to begin with that project. I suspect he must have run into at least one at the courthouse." Roger said.

"Absolutely; he probably knows more than one."

"Thanks, Buddy. I was going to wait to start proceedings but considering that Tiffany's attitude towards me has not changed, I see no logic in waiting any longer. At this point, I have zero interest in getting back together anyway so why should I wait? I just want to get it done and move on with my life."

"Your new job starts Monday; correct?" Joel asked.

"Yes, yes it does. I'm kind of looking forward to it. A new office, new people, a short commute. It's all good."

"Yeah, I can come over and we can go to lunch sometimes. Or, better yet, I can come over and have you for lunch since you'll have a private office," Joel giggled.

"Or, or, how about this, I can come home at lunchtime and you both can have me for lunch. That sounds like an excellent idea to me," Roger laughed.

When Roger got home, he heard a lot of noise coming from the master bedroom. As he entered the hallway, he saw the plastic hanging from the doorway to block the construction dust from flying all over the house. "Hey guys, may I come in?" he called out from the hallway.

"Grab a mask first, Rog. I don't want you inhaling this dust. There is a box of them on the workbench in the garage," Randy called back to him.

Roger fetched a mask, pulled the plastic to the side and stepped into the master suite. "Damn, daddy, you sure don't waste any time! Did you guys save anything for me to rip apart?"

"Not much Rog," Joel answered immediately. "It all came down pretty easily."

"What can I do to help?"

Randy stopped sweeping the debris in a pile and looked over at Roger. "It would be a big help if you could bring the wheelbarrow in and the flat shovel. You should find both of those things out on the back patio."

"You got it boss-daddy," Roger smiled back with a salute. "Be right back."

When Roger returned with the wheelbarrow and shovel, he asked, "So did you find out about the shower enclosure? When does it get installed?"

"I did; it will be here tomorrow at 8AM. Once it's installed, we will have to wait 24 hours before we can use it. I want to make sure we don't have any leaks. Once it is operational, I'll rip this one out," Randy said pointing thru the stud-wall of the bathroom.

"This room is huge without any internal walls," Roger commented.

"Yeah, it's a decent size room, isn't it?" Randy asked rhetorically. "We're going to have a sitting area over here with a set of French Doors that will lead out to the rear bedroom patio. We'll have a pergola, a fire-n-ice pit, and the new hot tub. We will have plenty of indoor slash outdoor living. It's going to be awesome."

"Yeah, Rog. Wait until you see what daddy is going to do back there. I'm so excited!" Joel said.

"Wow, if you make it too nice you guys may never get rid of me," Roger giggled.

"We don't want to get rid of you silly!" Randy immediately responded.

"You guys don't need a third wheel around here permanently," Roger said self-consciously.

"We don't consider you a third wheel, Rog; you are a part of us. We don't want you to go away. We told you that you can stay as long as you want. We want you; Joel and I both want you with us. Of course, you need to do what you think is best for you. I don't want you to feel any pressure from either of us.

When or if the time comes, we will accept and support whatever decision you make. But hear this clearly, Rog, Joel loves you and I love you. I can feel know you know that, Rog."

"Thanks guys, and yes, I do know that. I love you guys too. I hope you know that. I just don't want to be an issue or become an issue between you two guys. That concerns me the most. This is all new to me. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing other than letting myself have feelings and urges and acting on those feelings and urges."

"Joel and I understand, Rog, we have talked about this on more than one occasion. The truth is that we both have feelings for you. Sure, Joel is my fantasy man, he's my dream come true, but having said that, I also have feelings for you Rog. Joel has feelings for you. I don't want you to think that it's just about the awesome sex. It's not. Both of us have real feelings for you, Rog. Joel and I both are very aware of how each other feels about you. I do not believe that that will become a problem. It's not as if we are going to fight to see who gets to suck you off first," Randy giggled.

"We just want you to be happy, Rog.

Randy, once again was the first one up and around. He was looking forward to the shower enclosure being installed. He left the boys huddled together in bed fast asleep in the front bedroom. Per his morning routine, he walked out to the kitchen, put the coffee on and then went to pee.

As he was standing at the toilet, he sensed someone behind him. He knew who it was before he felt his arms wrapping around him. "Morning baby," Randy whispered, as he reached behind him and placed his hand on Roger's right butt cheek.

"It's Roger, daddy-man," he responded softly to Randy.

"I know, baby" Randy said.

"Am I your baby now too?" Roger questioned softly.

"Of course, you are; I have two gorgeous, sexy men in my life whom I love very much."

Roger hugged him and rested his head on Randy's shoulder. "It feels really good to hear you say that. You and Joel always make me feel good about myself. You two are so complimentary. In the past, that's not been the case for me."

Randy turned to face him, he looked lovingly into Roger's eyes, brushed the hair back from his face, and kissed him. "Get used to it you big hunk of man-stud, because it's not going to stop anytime soon. You may have noticed that Joel and I are very loving and affectionate guys. I have encouraged him to express his feelings without reservation. With time, I am hopeful you will do the same. You will always be a part of us baby, even if one day you decide to go your own way."

Just as Randy finished his sentence, the doorbell rang. "They're here early!" Randy said surprised. Roger was still holding onto Randy. For a second or two, he was hesitant to let him go. Randy gave Roger a quick wink and grabbed a towel hanging on a nail on the stud wall. He gave Roger a quick kiss and headed towards the front door as he wrapped the towel around his waist. Roger followed quickly behind him down the hallway.

Roger quickly walked into the guest room and closed the door behind him. Randy opened the door with one hand and with the other, clutched the towel hanging around his waist. He opened the door to see this handsome, 30'ish guy standing there with a clipboard in his hand. He had short, brown hair, a mustache and go-tee, and beautiful, brown eyes. He was about 5' 9", slender and looked very nicely put together.

"Good morning," Randy greeted him pleasantly. "You guys are just a little early, as you can undoubtedly tell since I'm dressed in nothing but a towel."

"Oh, sorry about that," the guy smiled as he looked up and down Randy's frame. Sensing the guy's interest, Randy adjusted the towel around his waist to fully expose his left leg. "If it's not a good time right now, would you like to reschedule the installation for a later time, Sir?" the guy asked.

"Oh God, no; your early arrival is not a problem for me as long as you're not offended with me in a towel," Randy giggled in response.

"No Sir, that's not a problem in the least," he smiled flashing a beautiful set of teeth.

Randy returned his smile, unlocked the security door and pushed it open. "In that case, come on in." The guy stepped into the house and closed the security door behind him. For just a second, they stood in the foyer and looked at each other. Randy could not conceal his attraction to the guy standing there. "I just made some fresh coffee. Would you like some?" he asked the guy.

"It smells so good, but I shouldn't. If the boss found out I could lose my job. That is frowned upon by management," the guy answered Randy.

"Oh come on, I won't tell if you don't. It will be our secret."

"Deal," the guy smiled suddenly feeling comfortable with Randy.

"Come on, the kitchen, such as it is, is right thru here. As you can most-likely tell, I gutted the house when I bought it and I'm in the process of remodeling it."

"Are you going to flip it?" the guy asked.

"No, no. I'm going to enjoy the fruits of my labor for a change," Randy said as he reached up to grab a cup from the cabinet and lost his grip on the towel. The towel fell to the floor and Randy stood there buck-naked.

"Oh shit," he said carrying on the charade. "Sorry about that," Randy said as he turned to face the guy.

"Um, yeah, no problem," the guy smiled as he scanned up and down Randy's body. As his eyes came back up to meet Randy's, they both started to giggle. Very quickly, it turned into a full-on, robust laughter.

"Wow, really subtle move on your part," the guy said as their laughter came to an end.

"Did you like that? Personally, I thought it was rather realistic," Randy quipped back immediately continuing to laugh.

"You could return the favor you know. Being that you're a hot, sexy man. I would certainly appreciate the gesture, I assure you," Randy smiled as he poured they guy's coffee.

"Really? You just want me to drop trau right here in your kitchen?"

"Yeah, why not?" Randy asked.

"I thought you'd never ask?" he said smiling as he shoved his clipboard under his arm, unbuckled his belt, then his shorts, unzipped and pulled his shorts down to mid-thigh, exposing his Ralph Lauren boxer briefs.

"Wait!" Randy said, "permit me," he said as he stepped up to the guy, dropped to his knees, and slowly, lowered the guy's underwear. The guy's dick popped right up as it continued to grow.

"Fuck, that's a nice cock!" Randy growled. He grabbed the guy's ass in hand, shoved his face in the guy's crotch and inhaled deeply. The guy's cock continued to grow as it rose up against the side of Randy's face.

"Feeling his hormones jumping all over the place, the guy looked down at Randy and said, "Blow me!"

Randy with a firm grip on the guy's ass, squeezed hard, pulled his face out of the guy's crotch, and swallowed his dick in a single gulp. The guy groaned out from deep within as he felt Randy engulf his hard cock. "Fuck!" He growled, "Suck my cock!"

"Immediately, Randy established a fast and frenzied rhythm as he bobbed up and down on the guy's cock. In just minutes, the guy moaned out, "Fuck! You're gonna make me cum already. Fuck, I'm gonna cum!" he called out as he filled Randy's mouth with his man-juice.

Randy savored his taste before swallowing him down. The guy's legs started to shake as Randy gently maneuvered him back against the small kitchen counter for support, never letting his cock out of his mouth. Immediately, the guy's dick started to shrink but Randy did not release him until the guy became so sensitive, he grabbed Randy's head and urged him to let go.

Randy stood up. He looked into the guys eyes and smiled. "Damn! Thank you so much. It's been a while. Sorry I came so fast," he said.

"I'm not. It was a lot of fun. I love quickies like that," Randy responded.

"I'd like to return the favor, but I think I should get back to my crew and start the job. Perhaps I could get a rain-check?" he queried.

"You bet, anytime, just stop by," Randy smiled back.

The guy picked up his coffee that Randy poured for him and took a sip. "Damn, that's good coffee. Thank you."

"You're welcome," Randy said as he dropped back down on his knees and took the guy's now soft cock back in his mouth.

The guy started moan urgently. "Ah, sensitive. Too sensitive," he repeated himself.

"Law office of Roberta Davies," the woman said over the phone.

"Yes, good morning. My name is Roger Darby. I'd like to make an appointment with Ms. Davies please."

"Certainly, Mr. Darby. I can help you with that. When would you like to come in?" the receptionist asked.

"Um, the sooner the better, I guess," Roger answered as he took a sip of his soda.

"I understand, Mr. Darby. How about Thursday, say 11 AM. Does that work for you?" she asked.

"Um, yes, thank you. Thursday at 11 will be fine. Thank you."

"Yes, sir; no problem. If you could get here about 30 to 40 minutes early to fill out some paperwork, that would be helpful. If you prefer, Mr. Darby, I can email the paperwork to you so you can fill it out prior to your arrival on Thursday."

"Yes, please. That would be better for me; thank you."

"You are very welcome, Mr. Darby. You most-likely already have our address, but in the packet that I will email to you, all of our contact information will be on the cover page in addition to a detailed list of what Ms. Davies will discuss with you on Thursday. Should you have any questions while you are filling out the paperwork, please don't hesitate to call me. I can guide you through all of it. Do you have any questions at this point that I may help you with?"

"No, I don't think so; not at this time. That may change as I start to fill out the packet. Thank you so much for your help; I appreciate it."

"Yes sir; you're very welcome. Divorce is never an easy thing to deal with."

After giving the receptionist his email address, Roger hung up the phone with a bit of anxiety. He was on his lunch hour, his first day on the new job. As he looked around the dining room, he thought to himself, "I can't believe this is actually happening. How quickly things can change in life." He thought of calling Randy but decided he would deal with the anxiety himself and on his own.

As he took a bite of his tuna salad sandwich Randy insisted on making for him, he could not help but smile. He suddenly realized that he wasn't really alone; he had Randy and Joel. They would help him through this. Although he knew in his heart that he was doing what he needed to do, he still felt sad accepting that he and Tiffany were now over. They were happy at the beginning. It made him feel better that at least Tiffany had her parents and her therapist for support. At least, they both had support from people they loved and people who loved them. It made most of his anxiety and sadness fade away.

As he took another sip of his soda, his cell phone started to ring. He smiled widely as he saw the name on the caller ID.

"Hey, daddy-man, I was just thinking about you," he said happy to hear Randy's comforting voice.

"I know, baby; that's why I'm calling."

"Wow, I can't believe my parents are going to be here in just three days," Joel said. "The time just flew by."

"I wish I could comfort you more about their visit, baby," Randy said to him. "I understand why you are so nervous about their visit. Just remember, whatever happens, I'm with you all the way; so is Rog."

"Yeah, I know; thank you guys. I don't know what I would do without you two. You guys are my whole life you know."

"Which hotel are they going to be staying at again?" Roger asked.

"They are using their timeshare and booked a suite at the Marriott. At least, I think it's some kind of suite. They will be here for a week. My mom will want to go shopping. God only knows what my dad will do. He's not a shopper at all."

"No worries, baby. I'll take him golfing. You said he loves to golf; correct?" Randy asked.

"Oh, yeah; big time. He loves to go golfing," Joel answered.

"There you go; problem solved. You can go shopping with your mom and I will keep your dad occupied and entertained.

"The next time, they come to visit, they can stay with us. The house is not too far from being finished. Tomorrow the crown molding goes up in the master bedroom and the last shower enclosure is installed. We'll put the floor in, then the baseboards. Once that is done, we all go shopping for furniture. I want to show you guys what I have in mind for that. I already picked it out but that can change if you guys don't like it. I'm flexible."

"Yes you are daddy, you can fuck Rog and suck his dick at the same time," Joel giggled.

"That's one of my better talents," Randy quipped back. It helps that Rog has a big dick, but that's beside the point."

"I love that! It's absolute heaven when you fuck me and suck me at the same time," Roger said with a big smile.

"God, I almost forgot. I have a little surprise for you guys. Come on; come with me guys," Randy said as he quickly ushered them to the back patio.

He pushed the boys out the back door, which was now French doors having replaced the slider a few weeks ago. He left the doors open and walked over to the hot tub. He flipped a switch and the hot tub came to life. He looked at them looking at him expectantly and smiled a big smile.

"Yeah, it's the hot tub. What's the surprise," Joel asked.

"Just wait," Randy said as he reached down and flipped on the second switch. I fixed the heater guys. We can use it this winter. It's fully functional now. I replaced the heating coils. We have a real hot tub now," he said excitedly.

"Really!" Joel said excitedly. When did you do that?"

"While you were over at the Rec Center with Calvin the other day and Rog was working. I was just curious and took a look to see what the problem was. Before I met you guys, I didn't care that the heater was shot. It was not a priority at the time. Now that we are three, I thought it would be nice to enjoy the tub this coming winter. Surprise!"

"So, now that it works, does that mean we are going to keep it where it is?" Joel asked.

"Just until we start the patio off the master bedroom. We'll get a new one then, but until then, we have a fully functional hot tub," Randy answered.

Joel rushed over and jumped into Randy's arms. "Thank you, thank you," he said repeatedly, planting kisses all over Randy's face. "I love you so fucking much, daddy!"

"Let's get in!" Roger yelled with excitement.

"They're here! They're here!" Joel called out. "Fuck! They're here!"

"Baby, calm down. Everything is going to be alright. Take a deep breath and just chill," Randy said calmly to him as he grabbed him by the upper arms to make sure he had his full attention.

"OK, OK; I'm sorry. I'm just really nervous," Joel said looking intently into Randy's eyes.

"I promise, everything is going to be OK. You trust me, don't you?"

"Of course. Of course. Yes," Joel responded.

"Good; let's go welcome your parents to our home," Randy smiled.

Randy took Joel by the hand and led him into the foyer. He placed his hand on the door lever and gave Joel a quick wink. "Ready, baby?" he asked softly. Joel simply nodded his head in the affirmative. Randy opened the front door, then the security door and held it open for Joel. Joel took a deep breath and walked out the door.

"Joel!" his mother called out to him excitedly as he came around the corner. "Oh my God, it has been too long since we have seen you. Let me take a good look at you. I actually think you have finally gained some weight. Is that true?" she asked.

"It is mom; I have starting working out at the gym. Thanks for noticing," Joel answered her with a proud smile on his face.

"Hi son," his father greeted him. "It's so good to see you," he continued as he wrapped his arms around Joel and gave him a bear hug. Joel's dad was just a little smaller in stature than Randy. Joel takes after his mom as opposed to his dad. His mom is on the petite side.

"It's so good to see you guys," Joel said as he took a step back. "Come on in. I want you to meet Randy."

"Is Roger here too?" his mother asked.

"No mom, Roger's at work." Joel placed his hand on his mother's shoulder and led them to the front door of the house. "Now, remember what I told you guys. This house has been a complete construction zone for months and months so we don't have any furniture yet. As you already know, Randy and I have done all of the work ourselves. Well, except for the shower enclosures and the granite in the kitchen. But everything else, Randy and I did together," Joel announced proudly. "Roger has been helping too when he's not busy working or doing other things."

"So, you're not searching for work yet, Joel?" his father asked.

"Not yet, dad. This house has been my job. It's been a lot of hard work too. Wait until you see it. I mean, it's empty, but it looks fantastic. You'll see. I'm very proud of what we have done here."

"I'm sure you are, son; as well you should be," his father said as Joel opened the security door. "Come on in, guys," Joel said. Randy was in the kitchen. He had just made a fresh pot of coffee and had some refreshments waiting for them on the kitchen counter bar.

"Da... Randy?" Joel called out quickly correcting himself.

"In the kitchen," they heard Randy call back.

"My folks are here," Joel called out.

"Please, bring them in. Everything is ready."

"Oh, I hope you guys did go to any trouble on our account," his mother said.

"It's no trouble, mom. It's our pleasure. Randy loves entertaining. He's such a big dad-type. He takes care of everyone. It's just his nature. Joel led them through the foyer into the kitchen. Mom, dad, I'd like you to meet Randy. Randy this is my mom, Kathy, and my dad, Mark," Joel said introducing them.

Randy stepped around the counter extending his hand in greeting. "It's so nice to finally meet you. Joel often mentions you. You guys have a great son here. He's a quick study too. What you see here today, we did together. You should be very proud of your son. May I offer you something to drink Mr. and Mrs. Banks?" Randy asked.

"First, let's drop the Mr. and Mrs. It's just Mark and Kathy," Joel's dad said as he shook Randy's hand firmly. "You've got quite the grip there, Randy," he said.

"Oh, sorry. I'm a contractor; I work with my hands. My apologies," Randy said as he stepped back.

"No, no; there's no need for apologies. I think when a man shakes another man's hand, it should be a manly hand shake and not some wet dishrag your shaking. Don't you agree, son?"

"Yes, dad. You instilled that in me," Joel said as he rolled his eyes which elicited a slight giggle from his mom.

"It so nice to finally meet you, Randy. Our Joel talks about you with such respect I must say. You have certainly made a favorable impression on him. I thank you for that," Joel's mother smiled as she shook Randy's hand.

"That's good to hear. Please, have a seat. May I get you something to drink?" Randy offered again. "I apologize for the lack of comfort at the moment, but we're not quite ready for furniture yet. We're almost there though, a couple more weeks and we should be done with the interior. The next time you visit, you can stay here with us."

"Oh, we wouldn't dream of putting you out. We have more timeshare weeks banked than we'll probably ever use," Kathy stated.

"I assure you; it would not be an imposition. Just know that you have that option if you choose," Randy quickly responded.

"What would you guys like to drink?" Joel asked. "Randy just made a fresh pot of coffee too."

"I'll take a beer if you guys have any," Mark quickly responded.

"How about you, mom?" Joel asked.

"I'll have a glass of wine if you have any," Kathy answered as she took a seat at the bar height counter.

"Red or white?" Randy asked.

"White, please."

"Is Chardonnay alright?"

"Sounds perfect, Randy. Thank you," she answered secretly pleased she got her wine of choice.

Over the next two hours, they all got to know each other a little better. The conversation flowed with very few pregnant pauses in conversation. All the food disappeared; the shrimp, the Bree, the olives, the hummus, the cheddar, the grapes, the crackers; all gone. Randy was pleased that everything had been consumed between the four of them and Joel's parents seemed to be enjoying themselves. He was sure of it.

He sensed a little something from Joel's father but wasn't entirely sure how to interpret what he was feeling. During a small pause in conversation, Randy offered to show them around the house. With their wine and beer in hand, off they went; Joel next to his mother, and Randy next to Joel's dad. After the tour, Randy offered to show them pictures of the house before the renovation. Joel was quite interested in seeing the before pictures since Randy had already pretty-much gutted the house before they met.

Before they realized what time it was, Roger walked into the house; home from work. "Hey guys," he said as he walked into the kitchen. Joel jumped up, ran over to Roger and gave him a hug. "Look Rog, my folks are here," he said excitedly.

"Wow, what a nice surprise. I thought I was going to miss you guys by the time I got home from work. This is a nice surprise."

"Roger, how nice to see you. I'm so sorry to hear about you and Tiffany," Kathy said as she walked over and hugged him tight.

"Thank you, Kathy. I appreciate that. But Joel and Randy have helped me through all of that. They have been by my side the entire time. Thank God for good friends," Roger said.

"Indeed, I totally agree," Mark said as he walked up and hugged Roger. "Good to see you again, son. Damn, Rog! You have put on some muscle; look at those arms."

Roger's face became a little flush at the compliment. Randy sensed his self-consciousness and intervened. "Hey, Rog. Want a beer?" he asked.

"Sure. I'd love a beer," he said, grateful for the opportunity to change the conversation from his physique.

"Here, have a seat, Rog. I'll get you a beer," Randy said giving him a smile. As he opened the fridge to get Roger his beer, he suddenly paused holding the refrigerator door open. He suddenly understood what he has been sensing about Mark. "No fucking way!" he said to himself.

Next: Chapter 24

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