My New Apprentice

By Spike Meyers

Published on Mar 16, 2023


Author: Spike Meyers E-Mail:

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Notice: This story is a work of fiction and contains explicit sexual material. It may also include, incest, sex between minor(s) and adult male(s), sex between minors, and sexual fetish.

If you are offended by such material, do not read this work of fiction. The character(s) in this work of fiction are not based on any known person(s).

My New Apprentice 25

At that very moment, Joel's cell phone started ringing. He reached over and picked up the phone. He looked at Randy and said with a smile, "Guess who's calling?"

"Good morning, dad," Joel said answering the phone as he straddled Randy's torso. We were just talking about you."

"Really? Who may I ask is we?" Mark asked.

"Me and Randy," Joel answered him as he scooted forward letting his cock fall across Randy's lips. Without hesitation, Randy opened his mouth and took Joel's cock in.

"All good things I hope," Mark said imagining in his head they were in bed together.

"Of course, what else other than good things," Joel giggled. "What's up, dad?"

"Well, since you and your mother had a good chat yesterday, I was hoping that we could have a nice, long chat today; just the two of us. I know you and your mother have talked about going down to the Heard today, however, I spoke with her this morning and she said she was fine with delaying it one more day. What are your thoughts?"

"Um, sure, dad. That sounds good. I'd love to spend the day with you. Randy has his shift today for the shelter and if Mom is OK delaying the Heard trip, I'm free and clear. I'm all yours," Joel said as he gently thrusted forward into Randy's mouth.

"Terrific! It's sorted then. When can I stop by. Actually, I'll just have your mom drop me off and she can go shopping or something. You know how she loves to shop."

"OK, just stop by whenever you're ready Dad. Randy will leave for his shift around 9:30. You'll see him if you arrive before that; if not, he'll see you when he gets home."

"Sounds good, son. I'll see you soon," Mark said and hung up the phone.

"My dad is coming over. You obviously heard my end of the conversation," Joel said as he ran the back of his hand down Randy's face.

"Um-ha," Randy muffled out with Joel's dick in his mouth. He cupped Joel's little, bubble-butt in his hands and pulled him against his face, taking Joel's cock down his throat.

Joel opened the front door to see his father standing there with a smile on his face.

"Hey, dad," he said looking behind his father. "Where's mom?" he asked.

"Your mom said she will see you when she picks me up. She checked on her phone and found a Barnes & Noble and a DSW Shoe Store in the same shopping center. She also found a Kohl's across the street from that. She's going to be happily occupied for a few hours."

"That sounds like mom alright. Come on in dad. Would you like some coffee," Joel asked. "I can make a fresh pot if you'd like; no problem."

"I'm good son, but thanks. I've had my coffee. I could go for something cold though," Mark responded.

"Sure, come on into the kitchen and I'll see what we have."

As they walked out of the foyer and headed towards the kitchen, Mark said, "So, where is Randy or did he leave already?"

"Oh, he's still here, dad; he's just in the shower. He'll be out shortly. Have a seat, dad, and I'll see what we have in the fridge. We haven't stocked the house with supplies yet. We have got so used to just buying what we need for a day or two, we haven't really gone food shopping yet," Joel answered him.

"OK, we have club soda, pineapple juice and cranberry juice. That's about it other than beer or water. Which of those would you like, if any. I can always run over to the market if you'd like something else," Joel offered.

"No, no, how about club soda with a splash of cranberry juice for a little flavor. That sounds good at the moment."

"Coming right up," Joel said.

As Joel filled a tall glass with ice from the door dispenser of the refrigerator, Randy suddenly appeared in the kitchen, naked with a towel over his head drying his hair. "Hey, baby, have you seen my leather sandals around?" he asked as he continue drying his hair. He took the towel off of his head and noticed Mark sitting at the kitchen bar. "Oh shit! Sorry Mark!" he said, turned and hurried out of the kitchen.

"Good morning, Randy, nice to see you," Mark called out laughing as Randy hurried down the hallway. "Give me a sec, dad. I'll be right back," Joel said as he hurried out of the kitchen. He walked into the bedroom to see Randy getting dressed quickly.

"I didn't know your dad was here, baby. He certainly got an eye full now, hasn't he?" Randy smiled.

"He already knows we're together, and he's already seen your dick, daddy, so no big deal. Your sandals are on the back patio on the far side of the hot tub. Do you want me to grab them for you?" Joel asked.

"Thanks, baby, but I'll grab them. I'll be right there; you'd better not keep your dad waiting."

Joel walked over, kissed him and stepped out of the bedroom. When he walked back into the kitchen, he saw his dad sitting at the kitchen bar sipping his drink.

"I hope you don't mind, son, I helped myself. Your Randy is certainly solidly built, isn't he?" Mark commented giving Joel a smile.

"Yeah, he certainly is. He sure gave you an eye full. That's my guy. I'm sure Mom told you all about our talk yesterday. We chatted for hours; she had a lot of questions as I'm sure you probably do. Mom and I were very open and honest with each other yesterday. She didn't beat around the bush. She just came right out and asked me things and then told me things about you guys. I have to admit, I was a little surprised. I had no idea you guys were that open let's call it. Don't get me wrong, I think it's great, dad; I really do.

I was so nervous about telling you guys about me and Randy I came close to popping a vein when you arrived. I'm glad that you and Mom had already figured it out. It was certainly easier for me that's for sure."

"I can only imagine how difficult that must have been for you, Joel. I'm glad you were planning to tell us during this visit. I wanted to spend the day with you today so I can tell you personally that I'm fine with you being gay. I have no problem with it in the least. I also want to tell you that I really like Randy. He's a good man, Joel. I can tell. Randy and I had a really good talk yesterday. It's obvious to me, especially since I spent most of the day with him yesterday, that he is over the moon for you, not to mention, incredibly loyal to you. As your dad, I was thrilled to hear him talk about you the way he did. I know he wasn't just blowing smoke up my ass; he was sincere."

"What did he say, dad?" Joel asked.

"That's between Randy and I, son. Just know that he loves you very much. I can, however, tell you that I made a big mistake yesterday with Randy. He's probably already told you all about it. I just hope you don't hold it against me. I told Randy yesterday that from here on out, I was going to be honest and open with both you and Randy, and I'm going to be a man of my word."

"So, what was the big mistake, dad?" Joel asked just as Randy walked into the kitchen, fully attired for his shift at the thrift store. He walked up to the bar counter, gave a nod to Mark and Joel, a big smile.

"I'll be home at the usual time, baby. You guys have a great day together and have fun. I'll see you when I get home." Without hesitation, he bent down and kissed Joel on the lips, turned, and walked out of the kitchen, through the laundry room and into the garage.

Joel was slightly surprised that Randy kissed him in front of his dad. He was expecting his dad to say something but he didn't. It made Joel immediately comfortable when he looked over at his dad and his dad gave him a wink and a smile.

"Hey Dad, I have an idea. It's not especially comfortable sitting here in the kitchen on the bar stools for any length of time. I found that out yesterday with Mom. Why don't I go fire up the hot tub and we can sit in comfort and talk. How does that sound?" Joel asked.

"That sounds great son, but I think you are forgetting about one small detail," Mark responded.

"What's that, dad?"

"A suit," Mark answered. I did not bring a suit."

"Oh, that. That's not a problem. Randy has a couple of suits. You guys are about the same size. You can borrow one of his; it might be a tinse-bit tight on you. We'll have to see how it fits you. We never wear suits in the hot tub; we always go naked. I'll go grab one and you can try it on; be back in a sec," Joel said, turned around and started to walk away.

"Son, wait a minute," Mark called out quickly.

"I'm OK with being naked in front of you if you're OK with it. I'm not shy; I got over that decades ago."

"Um, yeah, I'm cool with that. Randy helped me get over that shortly after I met him. I'll just grab us a couple of fresh towels. I'll be right back."

"Hey, Rog. Fancy meeting you here," Jason said with a smile.

"Hey, Jason, what are you doing in my new neck-of-the-woods?" Roger asked.

"I knocked off early today so I thought that I would stop by and see your new digs. Plus, I wanted to see you," Jason whispered.

"Well, let me show you around. It won't take long; this office is much smaller than the old one. My office is actually in the back of the building. I'll show you that last," Roger smiled.

It took no more than ten minutes for Roger to show him around the entire place, including the small break room.

"You weren't kidding, this place is much smaller than the Glendale office," Jason commented as they headed to Roger's new office.

"Here we are, Jace; my new digs. I told you it was small. It's OK though. I really don't mind it at all. Just the three-mile commute from home makes it all worthwhile. Have a seat," Roger said pointing to one of the two fabric chairs that sat in front of his desk. Roger took a seat in the other chair next to Jason.

"Odd that you have no windows, don't you think?" Jason said.

"I have windows, you just can't see through them; they're too high," Roger responded pointing towards the ceiling.

"Oh, I see now; they are more like transoms than windows. How do you like it here so far?" Jason asked.

"You know, I'm still kind of getting used to it here. It's very different than Glendale. I will say that it feels like more of a relaxed atmosphere here. Probably because there are not as many people here. Everyone is friendly and willing to answer any questions that I have. I have also learned that many socialize outside of work. That wasn't the case really in Glendale. Overall, I think I'm going to enjoy working here," Roger answered honestly.

"So, where are you living if you don't mind me asking?"

"Um, with my best friend and his partner. We all get along so incredibly well together. I'm not sure how long I will stay there; that's still up in the air right now. However, I have no plans to leave anytime soon. I like it there. I'm very comfortable there. I love both of the guys, and it's super convenient for work. It's three miles away from the office. It's perfect. I couldn't ask for anything better."

"What about your wife?"

"That is a different story. She still won't talk to me. I keep in touch with my in-laws though. They keep me informed for the most part. I have a good relationship with them; thank heavens. I have also recently filed for divorce. That's the story there."

"Enough about me, Jace. What's going on with you?"

"Watch your step dad when you go through the doors, there's a small step down to the patio." Joel stepped out first and pointed to the step down. He tossed the towels over the back of the patio chair, stepped back over and shut the French doors.

"You can hang your clothes over the arm of the chair Dad. I'm going to fire up the hot tub. We have the temperature set very low so it doesn't get too hot. Randy just fixed it not too long ago. We used to use it without any heat, but of course, it was hotter outside then than it is now. Once we finish the interior of the house, we are going to build a patio off of the master bedroom. It's going to be so nice. Randy wants to get a new hot tub when we do the patio."

"I guess with him being a contractor, you guys can do virtually whatever you want. He has the expertise so why not. It just takes time and money. May I ask Joel, about Randy's finances. I mean, yes you can save gobs of money doing all of the work yourselves, however, the cost of materials has skyrocketed as I understand it. Especially after the pandemic. A new hot tub must cost somewhere in the thousands alone," Mark asked.

"Honestly, dad, I have no idea how much money Randy has. We have never talked about money. I mean, in terms of his financial portfolio. I do know that he had a very successful acrylic cabinet business that he sold. It is also my understanding that he was quite successful as a contractor. Other than that, that's all I know. We have never talked about it," Joel answered. "To be honest, dad, I really don't care how much money he has. He is what's most important to me. I'd live in the car as long as I have Randy."

"That's love talking son. However, I understand your perspective," Mark said as he pulled his polo shirt over his head and tossed it over the chair arm as Joel suggested. "From my perspective, I'd say at the least, Randy appears to be financially comfortable."

"That would be my guess," Joel said. "Me on the other hand, not so much. I have no idea what I want to do after we finish the house. Randy told me long ago to not worry about it. He said I still have plenty of time to figure out what I want to do when I grow up. I do think about it a lot Dad. I have no clue what the fuck I want to do in terms of a career. Roger on the other hand, he loves what he does. He's happy working for the water company and as I understand it, he makes good money. I'm the one who needs to figure it out. I hope I do and sooner rather than later. It's a little scary when I think about it."

"Well, I'm sure you will figure it out. It's not as if you have no skills. You do. You did well in school; you're not a dummy. You'll figure it out. Just try to not obsess about it if you can. You'll find your way," Mark said as he unbuttoned and dropped his shorts. Unlike Randy, Joel noticed, his dad wears underwear.

Joel couldn't conceal his smile. Randy was right, his dad is a good-looking guy; sexy even. He was anxious to see his cock if for no other reason than curiosity. Joel stepped back over and stood next to his dad. He pulled off his shirt and tossed in on the other chair arm across from his dad's clothes. He made sure that his dad did not catch him looking at his crotch.

"It's been a while since I've been in a hot tub. I'm looking forward to this," Mark said as he pushed his underwear down his legs and pulled them off his feet. He stood up and casually tossed them over his shirt resting on the arm of the chair.

Joel looked at his dad's cock immediately as he turned and tossed his underwear on the chair. Randy was right again, his dad's cock looked like his, only larger. He wondered what it looked like hard and smiled inwardly. Without hesitation, Joel dropped his shorts and tossed them on the chair.

Immediately, he noticed his dad checking him out. He made no attempt to hide it from his son. "Nice to see you putting on a little muscle son," Mark said as he placed his hand on Joel's shoulder. He looked down at his own dick hanging flaccidly, and then again at Joel. "It seems as if we are cut from the same cloth, you and I," he smiled.

Joel looked at his dad and smiled, he almost said, "yeah, that's what Randy said," but he didn't. Instead, he said, "Like father, like son," with a big smile. "How long have you been working out son? I heard you tell your mother when we first arrived that you've been hitting the gym."

"Just a couple of months. Between Randy and Roger, I look like a pee-wee wimp. I'm so tiny and slender, I wanted to see if I could buff-up a little."

"Well, you are tiny, yes, but you're not wimpy-skinny, son. You have a beautiful body and your body is well proportioned. I'm not just saying that because you're my son. You really are a very handsome man, Joel. I can see why Randy has fallen head-over-heels for you," Mark said sincerely.

"Thanks, dad, I appreciate your kind words. You're not exactly chopped liver you know. Even Randy thinks you're sexy. I probably shouldn't have said that. I need to get a filter for my mouth," Joel groaned shaking his head a little embarrassed.

"That's nice to hear. After seeing him naked this morning, I'm incredibly flattered. He's quite the stud, isn't he?" Mark commented.

"Yes, he is' he makes my head spin. I can't tell you how much I love him. He's not only physically gorgeous and beyond sexy, he's so loving and attentive. He treats me like I'm the king of the world. He loves, loves taking care of me, so I let him."

"Well, you certainly hit pay-dirt your first time off the block; that's for sure. I know now that your mother and I won't have to worry about you. You're in good hands. When you were schlepping around like a nomad, your mother was always worried about you. Where you were, were you eating, were you taking care of yourself, were you safe. That's all going to stop now. It's good to see you settling down, son. So, tell me, how's the sex between you two. I'll bet you two fuck like bunnies; don't you?" Mark asked.

"Dad! Really? What do you want; details? Joel asked somewhat taken aback by his dad's question.

"Well, yes, as a matter of fact, I do, and as detailed as you can be," he answered with a slight laugh. "It's been a while since I have had, hot, steamy, nasty sex. I miss it to tell you the truth. Just the thought of you and Randy going at it makes my dick tingle."

"Dad! For fuck sakes! How can you say that to me. I'm your son and Randy is my, well, my husband basically. He's more than just my boyfriend," Joel responded.

"Oh hell, Joel. We're both adults here," Mark said folding his arms across his chest. He spread his legs slightly apart causing his dick to flap side to side. Joel couldn't help but get a charge out of seeing his dad's dick flapping around gently.

"Your mother told you about us yesterday. I've had sex with a man before. I've had group sex before. I am not ashamed of being who I am, nor your mother of being who she is. What's the problem? It's just you and me here. I'm not going to broadcast your sex life over the air waves. What we talk about is between us."

Joel looked at his dad as if he had three heads. He just couldn't believe the words coming out of his father's mouth. He looked down and noticed that his dad's cock was beginning to grow. At least, it looked like it was growing.

"You've had sex with men before?" Joel asked intrigued.

"Yes, Joel. I have had sex with men before. The first time was when I was in college. A guy down the hall from me. We would play together once and a while. Nothing regular mind you; just once in a while. We had fun together. It sure beat the hell out of just jerking off," Mark answered.

"That's it; college?" Joel asked.

"No, son. That was the first guy. There have been others since. It has happened several times since then. Sometimes with your mother and sometimes without."

"I just can't believe you are telling me these things. I mean, you've never mentioned these things before. Why now?" Joel asked.

"Look, Joel; you are my son and a grown man. I am your father. Why shouldn't we be able to talk openly about these things. I haven't told you these things before because a). I just found out you're gay, and b). now that you are an adult, we should be able to talk about anything openly, and c). I want you to truly understand that your mother and I are supportive of you. You're an adult and I want to be open and honest with you. You do not need to fear that I'm going to judge you. Are you judging me for telling you these things about me?" Mark asked.

"Of course not, dad! Don't be ridiculous! Honestly, I'm kind of glad you told me. It's good to know that you're a perv too," Joel giggled. "I mean, it's good to know that you and mom are open to different things."

Mark started to laugh. "No, you were right the first time, son. I am a perv and don't deny it. I love sex and I love being sexual. That's not to say I'd have sex behind a dumpster with just anyone, but if the feelings are mutual, why the hell not? Life is too damn short to spend it in shackles."

"Have you ever had car sex?" Joel asked.

"No, I haven't," Mark answered with a smile. "Have you?"

"God, yes. Several times in fact. There's something about it that really turns me on. It's so fun. A car sex quickie is awesome," Joel said laughing feeling less embarrassed talking about this with his dad.

"Perhaps you can show me one day soon," Mark said.

"Show you? What do you mean?"

"Well, since you've done it before and I haven't, I thought perhaps my first car sex experience could be with you." Mark said rather frankly. "Dad, are you suggesting that you and I have car sex? Together? You and me? Have sex?" Joel asked, his eyes nearly popping out of his head.

"Well, yes. If it would make you feel better, you can ask Randy to join us," Mark answered.

Joel looked down and noticed his dad's cock was now sticking straight out. He remembered Randy telling him that he was probably slightly bigger than him when hard. Randy was right.

"Fuck me!" Joel said out loud taken by surprise by his father's request.

"If you prefer," Mark laughed. "That works for me too."

"Dad, dad, this is unbelievable. Do you really want us to have sex together?" Joel asked. "I guess that's kind of a stupid question since your cock is rock-hard and pointing at the patio ceiling."

Mark reached over, took Joel's hand and placed it on his cock. "Yes, that's exactly what I'm suggesting, son. You are a very handsome, sexy, young man. Why wouldn't I want to have sex with you?"

"Ah, because you're my dad," Joel responded pulling his hand off of his father's erection.

"Joel, son, we are both adults here. What would be so wrong about us having sex together?"

"Because you're my fucking dad!" Joel said. "That would be incest. What about Mom? What would mom say if she ever found out. Wouldn't that be betraying her? We'd both be guilty. Wouldn't we?" Joel asked.

"Look Joel, your mom and I have certain rules that we both adhere to when it comes to having sex outside of our marriage individually. I'll be honest and admit that we have never discussed this specific kind of situation before. How could I foretell that I would be sexually attracted to my son?" he asked rhetorically.

However, having said that, your mother and I have agreed to not divulge having sex with someone individually outside of our marriage. Simply put, what that means is, if she has sex with someone on her own, without me, she will not tell me about it and the same is true for me. That was a rule that she wanted to implement, not me. The only rule that we have about having sex with other people alone is that we must play safely. We don't take any chances with our health.

So, with this situation, you and I, with or without Randy, I would not divulge it to your mother. That complies with our set of rules for this kind of activity. So, since it falls within the established guidelines that your mother and I have agreed to, I would not consider it a betrayal. Now, I will say that I have no idea how your mother would react if she ever found out about this. I would prefer not to test the situation either."

Joel looked at his dad square in the eyes and then down at his ridged cock. "It's not that I'm pissed at you, Dad. I'm not angry; I guess I'm just incredibly surprised that you want to have sex with me, or me and Randy. I mean, that just about floored me. I can understand you wanting Randy; that would be easier to swallow, no pun intended. I guess I'm more surprised that you want to have sex with me. That just blows my mind."

"You are such a sexy guy, Joel. I don't know why you are so surprised. I mean, I know why; I'm your dad. That part I get. But, you're fucking hot, Joel. You are a hot man. Just because you're small in stature, doesn't preclude you from being sexy and desirable. And, just because you are my son does not preclude me from finding you sexy and desirable. You're my son and I would not be adverse to having sex with you; so what. I don't think that is a bad thing."

"I don't know, Dad," Joel said. "I could never not tell Randy about it if it happened. I would have to tell him; we have no secrets from each other. "I mean, yeah, you are a sexy man, Dad, and you have a nice cock, but I could not keep this kind of thing from Randy. I would not be comfortable doing that."

"I'm not asking you to keep anything from Randy, son. I wouldn't ask you to do that. Do you remember just a little while ago that I told you that I made a big mistake with Randy?" Mark asked.

"I do, yes; what kind of mistake?" Joel inquired.

"Come on, son. Let's get in the tub and get more comfortable. Can we do that?" Mark asked. "Once we get in the tub, I'll tell you the whole story."

Roger and Jason chatted for another thirty minutes in his office. Jason filled him in on everything that happened with him personally since they saw each other last. Just as Roger started to ask Jason a question, his desk phone rang.

"Sorry, Jace. I need to get that," Roger said as he jumped up out of the chair and hurried to the other side of his desk to answer the phone.

"Analysis and Statistics, this is Roger," he said answering the phone. He placed one hand on his hip as he listened intently to the other person on the phone. Jason could not help but check him out. Roger turned slightly and noticed how intently Jason was watching him. He couldn't help but let out a slight smile from the corner of his mouth. He enjoyed Jason's attraction. He reached down and pretended to lightly scratch his balls as he listened on the phone.

"Yes, that data is on the shared drive. I uploaded it before I left the office the other day. It should all be there," Jason heard him say on the phone. He turned to face Jason and ran his hand nonchalantly over his crotch. Jason groaned very softly and cupped his crotch. Roger looked at Jason as he grabbed his own crotch.

Roger covered the mouthpiece on the phone with his hand and whispered, "Close the door."

Jason immediately got up from the chair and quickly closed Roger's office door. He turned around to face Roger with a huge smile on his face. Jason stood by the door, reached down and wrapped his hand over the growing cock in his pants.

"Show me," Roger whispered, his hand still over the mouthpiece of the phone.

Jason looked at him questionably.

"Go ahead, Jace. Show me your cock," Roger whispered.

Jason hesitated and then reached for his zipper. "Really?" Jason whispered.

"Henry, hold on for just a sec. Let me check. I'll be right back," Roger said on the phone before pressing the hold button.

"It's OK, no one can see; the windows are too high. Just lock the door," Roger said softly reassuring Jason it was safe.

Roger pressed a button on the phone and said, "OK, Henry. I'm back. Yes, that data is there too, it just on a different drive since that data is specific to Phoenix. You'll see it if you have access to that drive. It's all there," Roger said. He sat down in his chair at his desk, spread his legs and grabbed his cock giving it a little tug.

Jason, now feeling bold, lowered his zipper, reached in and pulled his cock out. It was well on its way to full-mast as he struggled to set it free from the confines of his pants.

"Look at that hard cock!" Roger said softly, a big smile on his face. He motioned with his finger for Jason to approach him. Jason, wasting no time at all, was standing beside him in seconds. Roger reached up and wrapped his hand around Jason's hard cock. He gave it a gentle tug and ran his tongue over the piss slit. Jason couldn't help but moan softly as he felt Roger's tongue on his cock.

Roger pulled back immediately and said, "Yes, that's the correct file. Double click on the filename and it should open right up. If it has Tuesday's date in the report header, that's the correct file. That's the most recent data that I have."

Roger looked up at Jason and smiled before taking the head of his cock in his mouth. He ran his tongue on the underside of the knob then stuck his tongue in the slit scooping out the clear fluid from within. Jason groaned and placed his hand on the back of Roger's head. "Fuck, Rog!" he exclaimed softly. Hearing Jason's groan, he swallowed Jason's now fully engorged cock to the hilt.

Jason gasped as his cock was fully engulfed in Roger's hot, wet, snug mouth. Roger rotated the phone to his ear so the mouthpiece was behind his head and out of the way. He started sucking Jason's meat as best he could while he continued to listen to Henry on the other end of the phone. After about fifteen seconds, he released Jason's cock to answer another of Henry's questions.

Jason immediately dropped to his knees and pushed his face against Roger's crotch. His nose encountered a very hard cock in Roger's pants. Jason pulled back and immediately unzipped Roger's pants. He quickly unbuttoned Roger's belt and unfastened his pants. He pulled the pants flaps to the side exposing Roger's CK's. Roger placed his hand on the back of Jason's head forcing his face into his crotch. Jason groaned a grabbed a hold of Roger's thighs squeezing forcibly.

He started licking Roger's ball sack through the cotton fabric moaning softly. Roger pulled down on the waistband of his underwear in an attempt to release his roaring hardon. After some fidgeting with only one hand, his cock popped out with force slapping Jason across the face. Immediately, Jason pounced on his cock taking it down his throat. Roger thrusted upward in an attempt to get it farther down Jason's throat.

Once again, Roger rotated the phone and placed his hand over the mouthpiece. "Fuck yeah! Suck that big cock!" Roger hissed. "Suck the cum out of that cock, stud. Show me how much you want my load," he growled softly before going back to his phone call.

Jason started sucking franticly. It was as if time itself was running out. Roger felt the churn start in his balls. With his one free hand, he grabbed a fist full of Jason's hair and held on as he bobbed up and down on his cock. Roger's balls were covered in Jason's drool. He was quickly approaching orgasm. He extended his legs out as his muscles flexed hard, he felt his balls pulling up and before he knew it, his cock was gushing a river of cum. It took all of his will power not to shout out as his cock exploded in Jason's mouth.

"Henry, hold on a sec. I'll be right back," Roger panted in the phone as he hit the hold button on the phone without giving Henry a chance to respond. He tossed the phone down on the desk, grabbed Jason's head, pulled him off his cock and kissed Jason hard tasting his own load on Jason's tongue. He pulled back from the kiss and said, "Stand up, Jace. I want your cock!"

Roger placed his hands under Jason's arms and forcefully lifted him to his feet. Jason's cock was leaking profusely and a string of precum hung down at least four inches from the tip. Roger stuck out his tongue under the end of the string and followed it up engulfing Jason's cock. He took Jason's cock in his mouth and started sucking franticly as Jason did to him just moments before.

Jason grabbed Roger's head in both hands and started fucking Roger's mouth like a wild man. "Fuck, Rog. Make me cum. Make me cum," he growled. Roger reached around and grabbed Jason's ass in both hands as he bobbed back and forth on his rock-hard cock. In seemingly seconds, Jason started to growl softly from deep within. "Fuck, Rog. You're gonna make me cum. I'm gonna fuckin cum!"

Immediately, Roger felt Jason's cock start to throb and twitch. The first shot hit the back of his throat. He closed his lips tightly around Jason's cock and started swallowing immediately. Jason, placed his hands on the back of Roger's office chair to maintain his balance as his orgasm passed through his body. Roger didn't release him until he was convinced that Jason's cock had nothing left in the tube. He released Jason's cock and picked up the phone.

"Sorry, Henry. Something came up that I had to deal with. Sorry I had to cut you off so suddenly," Roger apologized.

Jason, fell back against Roger's dick, his softening cock still hanging out of his pants. Roger reached over and ran the tip of his finger over Jason's piss slit and licked his finger. Something he always found super sexy that Joel and Randy do to him. He then reached down and did the same to his own cock. Jason, fell to his knees and took Roger's cock back in his mouth. As he suckled on Roger's dick, Roger ran his fingers repeatedly through Jason's hair.

"My God, Dad. It's so hard to believe that you did that. I mean, I'm just so amazed I don't know what to say. Randy didn't say anything to me about it," Joel said. "Probably because he basically told me that it was not his job to tell you. I'm the one that fucked up, it's my job to tell you. I told him that I was going to come clean and tell you what happened. I don't know Randy that well, but I'm suspect that he would have told you had I not kept my word. He may leave the part out where he threatened to punch me in the face."

"What? Randy said that? Really?" Joel asked astonished that Randy would threaten him like that.

"Yes, yes, he did. He even told me that if I'm not honest you both you and him from here on out that he would, quote KICK MY ASS unquote. He really thought that I was willing to betray you, his words, not mine. That's when I realized that I made a big mistake and that I had to try and explain what I was trying to do or accomplish. I just went about it completely the wrong way. But I promise, Randy and I are totally good now. He even told me that I have a nice cock," Mark laughed.

"I'm glad to hear that. I want you, Mom and Randy to get along well together. I'm so relieved that you two worked it out."

"Yeah, me too. I would have been beside myself if Randy hadn't forgiven me. That would be awful. I did mean well though. It just backfired big time with Randy."

"So, Randy would be OK with you watching us have sex together? He said that?" Joel asked.

"Yes, he said that; I give you my word," Mark responded.

"I must admit, knowing Randy the way I do, and considering a recent conversation that he and I had, I'm not surprised. He's a pretty special guy and probably the most non-judgmental person I know. I have learned so much from him. He's a really good teacher," Joel smiled.

"So, now you know everything, Joel. I have told you everything."

"I should probably admit to you that Randy and I had a conversation regarding incest," Joel said bashfully.

"Oh, care to elaborate on that?" Mark asked intrigued.

"Well, just that the topic came up. He apparently does not have a problem with it. I on the other hand, was kind of gobsmacked at hearing his position on the topic. Now that you have expressed an interest, I'm not so sure how I feel about it. When Randy and I talked, I was adamantly opposed; now, I'm not sure," Joel confessed.

"So, what has changed?" Mark asked.

"I guess because I have been thinking about what Randy said. I won't go into detail, Dad, because it's Randy's private life, but he shared some things with me that he experienced. I suspect he has formed his opinion, at least in part, based on his experiences. Now that we have talked and I understand your position on the topic, I'm not sure that incest is as horrible as I originally believed. I guess if the sex is consensual and not forced in some way, under those circumstances, it would not be such a heinous act."

Mark slid closer to Joel on the bench of the hot tub. "Speaking selfishly of course, I'm glad you can see it from a different perspective. That shows me that you are open to the possibility. I'm so proud of you, Joel. Not just because of that, but overall, I'm especially glad that you are finding yourself. You have figured out who you are and becoming your own man. That makes me proud."

Mark reached over and wrapped his arms around his son. "I love you, Joel. I love you more than I know how to express. I'm so proud to be your dad."

"Thanks, dad, I love you too," Joel said softly. He hugged his dad feeling so much closer to his father; closer than ever before. As he embraced his dad, he suddenly felt a little tingle in his cock.

Next: Chapter 26

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