My New Apprentice

By Spike Meyers

Published on Aug 25, 2022



Date: 08/21/2022

Author: Spike Meyers


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Notice: This story is a work of fiction and may contain explicit sex between adult male(s), sex between adult male(s) and male minor(s), sex between minors, incest, and sexual fetish. If you are offended by such material, do not read this work of fiction. The character(s) in this work of fiction is/are not based on any known person(s).

My New Apprentice 03

"I sense you are scared now. Am I correct?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I'm scared. I don't know what you are going to tell me and it's a little scary," he answered.

"Ok, that tells me something too, but I'll explain that comment after I give you my theory. Are you sure you want me to tell you?" I asked him again.

"Fuck, yes, just tell me," he said impatiently.

"Alright, I'm just going to spit this out; my theory is this: "You did not get upset until I asked you if you had ever thought of having sex with a man. It wasn't until I asked that question that you became emotional. That tells me that you have thought about having sex with a man. Perhaps you are more physically attracted to men than you are to women. That could possibly explain why you didn't really enjoy having sex with women and prefer masturbation over heterosexual sex.

You may not even be consciously aware of this; it could completely be a subconscious part of you. For whatever reason, you were not ready to admit it to yourself. I think you became emotional because it started to bubble up from your subconscious mind. There it is; that's my theory.

The other alternative is, you are asexual; you are not attracted to men or women. However, I don't believe that would warrant such an emotional response. I may be completely wrong, gorgeous, and if that's the case, you can tell me I'm wrong."

I took a long sip of my beer and waited for his response. I must admit, I was concerned about scaring him off. I did not want that to happen, but I was convinced that I hit the nail on the proverbial head. I sat my beer down and looked over at him to see his expressionless, handsome face staring straight ahead.

After a few seconds, I said, "Joel, are you OK, handsome? Are you pissed at me?"

He picked up his beer and chugged down the remainder of the bottle. I could sense his tension and turmoil. He calmly sat the bottle down on the corner of the hot tub and stood up to face me. He looked at me, then looked past me at something in the back yard. He did this repeatedly as if he were searching for words. He suddenly reached up and ran his hands through his hair and sighed heavily.

"Are you OK, Joel? I asked him again. "Joel, whatever you are feeling, it's OK to tell me. I want you to tell me, handsome. I know how strange this sounds, but I care about you, so tell me what you're thinking."

"Fuck, Randy! I don't know how or where to begin. All of these thoughts are bouncing around inside my skull. I feel like I going to wretch any second," he said animatedly with his arms waving about.

"OK, just say the first thing that comes to mind then, it doesn't have to make sense. Just say it and get it out," I advised him. He clenched his fists and suddenly, the flood gates opened.

"Fuck! Why do you have to be so fucking smart? Why do you have to make me feel so good with your kind words? Why am I so fucking comfortable in your arms? Why do I like the way it feels when I hug you? Why am I so fucking drawn to you? Why am I even attracted to you. Why do you make me feel so fucking safe? Why do I want you to suck my dick? Why do I want to suck your dick? Why do I like men more than women? Why was my dick getting hard when I was hugging you? I didn't think I was gay but now I'm not sure! Why am I having all of these fucking weird-ass feelings? It's your fault, Randy! It's all your fucking fault!"

Suddenly he fell back into the hot tub and took a deep breath. "I fucking told you I had all of these thoughts bouncing around in my head; they make no fucking sense!" he said as he got up and grabbed my beer. He guzzled the rest of my beer down as his crotch pressed up against my leg. He sat the empty beer bottle back down and took a seat on the hot tub wall opposite me.

"Do you feel better now, gorgeous?" I calmly asked him. He looked over at me and started to laugh. "There you go again. Fuck! Do you see what I mean? The way you talk to me; the way that you look at me; I like it so much, Randy. Why do I like it so fucking much?" he asked.

"Duh!" I said, "Isn't it obvious? Everyone likes and wants to feel attractive, gorgeous. Perhaps you like it so much because you know that I'm sincere when I say it. Not to mention the fact that we all like to have our egos stroked now and again. But other than stating the obvious, perhaps you like it because you yourself, have similar feelings. Is that a possibility?"

He looked over at me and squinted his eyes. He shook his head slightly and grabbed a fist full of his hair in each hand. "Fuck! Ok! Yes, I admit it! I'm am fucking attracted to you! I don't ever remember, consciously anyway, being attracted to a guy before. I mean, like I am to you. It's just freaky," he answered softly.

"OK, now you're the one making me feel good," I said with a big smile.

He looked over at me and gave me a big smile. "I'm glad I can return the favor, daddy," he said jokingly apparently feeling better since he got a few things off his chest and out in the open.

"I suspect, gorgeous, if you let yourself, I suspect that you can think back to a time that you were attracted to a guy before. Perhaps it was in grade school or high school. Perhaps, just perhaps, it was some good-looking guy in the locker room that caught your attention. That special guy that made you do a double-take." I watched as he thought back in his mind and a slight smile came to his face.

"There, that's the guy, gorgeous; that's the one. Admit it; you remembered him."

"Yeah, OK. I remember. His name is Nelson Bradly. But I liked him just because his body was so sculpted; plus, I wanted to see how I measured up in the dick department. His dick was bigger than mine," he said shrugging his shoulders.

"Ok, so you have been physically attracted to a guy before; you just didn't let yourself remember it," I told him matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, I guess so. But why would I not want to remember that?" he asked.

"Look gorgeous, as soon was pop out of the whom, we are incessantly bombarded by subliminal programming. You know what that is correct?" I asked him.

"Yes, daddy, I know what that is," he said rolling his eyes.

"Ok then, so in part, you can chalk it up to subliminal programming and our fucked-up society. We learn at a very young age that it is not OK to harbor feelings for your own sex. That's way, way, taboo. As a child, we blindly accept that. We constantly see it and hear it all around us. I accepted that until I learned better; just like you did. That's why you hid your true feelings from yourself. That's why you had that emotional experience; all of those feelings you kept deep down inside came rushing to the surface like a geyser. They came to the surface because you are now ready emotionally to expose it and deal with it. Congratulations!

As you continue to stop keeping secrets from yourself, you will find that life becomes much easier. I'm not saying you won't have your challenges, you definitely will, however, it should be much easier to handle emotionally. You'll see once you learn how to put shit in perspective. They key from here on is to not hide your feelings and be honest with yourself. Hiding your feelings causes ulcers; that's not good."

"But, what about all those things I just blurted out?" he asked.

"What about them? They are just feelings and thoughts, baby. First, you didn't say anything wrong or cruel. I want you to understand that. They were just feelings and thoughts you have been repressing. They may be scary now, but trust me, once you acknowledge them, they lose all of their power over you. My advice is to not dwell on them. Think about what you said and why you said it for sure, but don't obsess over it. Except the one you said about you sucking my cock and me sucking your cock. That was a good one. That one you can dwell on for sure; and just for the record, I'm ready.

Seriously, gorgeous, just because you said those things doesn't necessarily mean your gay. You may be, but you may just be curious and want to explore your options and that's OK. I am very willing to help you explore, or did I already mention that. Just let yourself have your feelings. Let yourself feel those feelings; acknowledge them and don't stuff them in a jar and close the lid.

When you permit yourself to feel what you are feeling, the flood-gate of emotion that you just experience, becomes less and less. Just make sure you are truthful to and with yourself when these kind of feelings surface. If you don't do that, you will make no progress. If you get scared, I'll be right here. You're not alone in this, gorgeous. How does that sound?" I asked him.

"That sounds good; it makes me feel safe, knowing that I can come to you. But I'm exhausted now. I'm so tired."

"Good, I'm glad to hear you feel safe with me. Are you hungry? I asked him.

"No thanks; I'm good. But I do have another question for you," Joel said.

"What's that gorgeous? I asked him.

"You suggested that you knew why I was a bit apprehensive or afraid for you to share your theory behind my emotional outburst. I'd like to know what you meant by that."

"What I meant by that is that deep down inside, you knew what I was going to say. That's why it scared you. It would not have scared you if you were truly clueless about what I was going to tell you. You just weren't sure you wanted to hear it or were ready to hear it. If you heard me say it out loud, then you may have to acknowledge it and perhaps, admit it to yourself."

"You're a Mr. Smarty-pants, aren't you? I'm so tired; I feel wiped-out. I think I'd just like to take a quick shower and go to bed if that's OK with you."

"Sure, that's fine, gorgeous. The shower control is a little tricky until you get used to it. First, the controls are reversed, whomever installed it crossed the water lines. Hot is cold and cold is hot. I found that out the hard way. You also need to turn it almost entirely to the cold side, remember that's going to be to the left in this shower, or you will scald yourself. The plumbing in that shower is really fucked."

"Can you just do it for me, Randy, please?" he asked.

"Can I wash your back too while I'm in there?" I asked him.

"Um, I have no objection to that," he said flashing that beautiful smile of his. He stepped out of the hot tub and helped himself to one of the towels. I turned the hot tub off and he handed me a towel as I approached him. Thanks, gorgeous," I said. I could see that he was a bit drained, so I started to dry his back off. He did not object so I continued south down his body. I quickly ran the towel over his beautiful ass and dried off his legs one leg at a time.

Before I stood up, I kissed him on the ass without a second's thought. He turned to face me as I stood up and flashed me that beautiful smile. "Sorry, I couldn't resist," I said softly.

"I think I'm going to skip the shower and go straight to bed. Do you mind?" he asked.

"Not at all. I'll put some fresh sheets on the bed for you," I said.

"You don't have to do that, Randy. Thanks for offering though; I appreciate it. Can we just go to bed?"

"That we can do, baby," I answered him and slid the door open. He tossed the wet towel on the chair and stepped through the slider into the house. I closed the door and followed behind him admiring that gorgeous, smooth ass of his. "Fuck, this guy is so beautiful," I said to myself as I felt my dick start to expand.

He walked into the bedroom and immediately laid down on the bed. I crawled into bed but made sure that I stayed on my own side. I gazed at his body; his gorgeous cock laying limp pointing at his hip. My cock was anything but limp. I was well on my way to a roaring hardon. He rolled over onto his left side, his ass pointing in my direction. It took every bit of self-control I had in my being not to reach over and touch him.

To my surprise, he reached back, grabbed my arm pulling it over his body, and hugged it to his chest. I snuggled up to him and kissed him on the shoulder. My hardon was quite obvious and nestled into the crack of his ass. I fully expected him to pull away from me but he didn't. I thrusted forward slightly and pulled him tight against me. Just holding him in my arms was absolute heaven. Seemingly in seconds, he was fast asleep.

I woke about 4 AM and heard a strange sound. I live alone so I was a little perplexed for just a second as to what the sound was. When I heard Joel's stream hit the toilet water I rolled over onto my back and waited for him to come back to bed. I reached down and grabbed my raging boner and pointed it to the ceiling, giving it a gentle squeeze. I heard Joel close the toilet lid but not flush. The room was virtually pitch-black so I could not see much.

I felt him crawling back into bed slowly. "Are you OK, baby?" I asked him.

"Sorry if I woke you up; I had to pee," he said as he stopped half way up the bed. "Come here, gorgeous," I said to him as I reached out and coxed him over to me. He let me guide him the rest of the way up the bed. Then he so pleasantly surprised me by throwing his leg over my hips and laid down on top of me. We were now cock-to-cock and I could not help but let out a moan when I felt his semi-flaccid, moist cock-knob on my raging boner.

"Am I to heavy?" he asked as he heard me moan.

"No, gorgeous; you're perfect," I answered him. He let himself relax and nestled his head into my neck. I hugged him tight and kissed him gently on the cheek. With one hand I started to gently rub his back, and with the other, I stroked his hair. "This is absolute heaven," I whispered. "I could stay like this for all eternity." Although I could not see his beautiful face, I could feel him smiling.

Now using both hands, I continued to rub his back. I could reach down just below his flawless ass. I could feel my dick leaking as I continued to caress him, my hands gently squeezing his firm globes. I could hear him moan softly. "That feels so nice," he whispered into my neck. I kissed his cheek and said, "You feel so amazing, gorgeous. This is heaven for me."

"Your cock is so hard I can feel it throbbing," he whispered softly.

"Yeah, well, you do have that effect on me; you certainly get me juices flowing. Are you OK with what we're doing?" I asked him.

For a few seconds he did not respond so I waited patiently. "This is a lot of firsts for me. This is the first time that I have done something like this; I haven't even snuggled with a girl before. I have never slept in someone's bed with them before. But I am totally comfortable with you right now; you make me feel safe. You make me feel wanted and desired. I have never felt that before from anyone; it's feels both strange and amazing at the same time. To be honest, this just feels right to me; you know, normal."

"Good, I'm happy to hear you say that. We can take whatever this is, one day at a time, one hour at a time if necessary. I have no intention of rushing you; we go at your pace."

"I really like being naked with you, daddy. I never thought that was something that I could do or even wanted to do. I really like it; it feels so emancipating."

"Me too, gorgeous; me too. As far as I'm concerned, you can be naked as much as you want. I would love that. I love looking at your perfect body."

"Perfect?" he questioned.

"Yes, perfect. At the risk of salivating all over myself, in my eyes you are perfect. I told you that you are my fantasy man; just the way you are, even with the beard."

"You crack me up, daddy," he said and hugged me tight.

"That's my boy; squeeze daddy tight."

"You're so funny. It feels silly and juvenile to me calling you daddy; but I like it. You are such a daddy," he giggled.

"I have to admit, I like you calling me daddy. I'm not sure why yet, but I'll figure it out soon enough. When you first called me daddy in the garage, I was a little taken-aback, but I like it now. I'll gladly be your daddy, gorgeous; with pleasure."

Around six thirty, I felt Joel moving about on top of me. I looked at the clock and we had slept in that position for another hour and a half. He rolled off of me onto his back, his glorious, hard cock pointing at his belly-button. I couldn't help but smile appreciatively to have this beautiful man in my bed. I reached over and ran my hand gently up his exquisite, slender body to his neck. "Good morning, gorgeous," I said as I gently caressed his face with the back of my hand.

He opened his eyes and gave me a smile. I leaned over and kissed his belly. I so badly wanted to take his beautiful cock in my mouth but I controlled myself. I leaned over quickly and kissed his perky nipple. I gently kissed him twice again on his chest and said, "I'm going to put the coffee on. Would you like some?"

"Yes, please; coffee would be great," he answered softly.

"Cream and sugar?" I asked.

"One sugar, no cream," he answered.

"You just stay right here. It won't take long," I said as I placed my lips on his smooth belly. I lingered for two seconds enjoying his soft skin on my lips before I kissed him again and went to the kitchen to put the coffee on.

I set the pot up and turned it on and headed back to the bedroom. There was enough outside light coming through the windows that I could see just fine. Joel was not in bed so I went into the bathroom. There he was standing at the toilet peeing. He looked over at me as I stepped into the room. I stood next to him and released my stream as I placed my hand on the small of his back.

"Your skin is so soft; it feels so nice," I whispered. He surprised me again by wrapping his arm around my waist and resting his head against my bicep. He stopped peeing, pulled his arm away from my waist, and shook the last drops off his dick. He stepped behind me and wrapped both arms around my waist, resting his had between my shoulder blades. I was absolutely thrilled inside. It appeared to me that he was starting to let himself have his feelings and express them.

"You are really tall," he whispered.

"Yeah, I'm 6' 2", I said softly.

"Do you work out?" he asked next.

"No, baby; I don't have the patience nor the discipline to do the gym thing. I stay in shape by doing my job. That's good enough for me."

"How much do you weigh?" he asked.

"Somewhere around 225 or 230; somewhere in that neighborhood," I answered him. "Why do you ask?"

"Just curious. I just wanted to know. You feel strong and hard; I mean firm. I like that," he said as he circled his finger around in my happy trail. I have all of these thoughts and feelings bouncing around inside. It's weird," he said a little concern in his voice.

I placed my hands on top of his hands and squeezed gently. "Don't let them scare you, baby. Remember, they are just thoughts and feelings right now. Don't push them away; acknowledge them, feel them. I know it's hard, but remember you are perfectly safe here with me. There is no shame and no judgement. If you want to talk about it, we can do that. OK?" I could feel him nodding his head in understanding as he hugged me tight against him.

He suddenly released me and stepped back. I bent down, flushed the toilet, and turned to face him. He just stood there looking at me with his big, brown, puppy-dog eyes. I reached out and wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tight. "Everything is going to be OK, baby. I promise," I whispered to him. I released him and grabbed his face in my hands and kissed him quickly on the lips.

"I'm going to go get our coffee. I'll join you in bed. Sound good?" I asked him.

"Sounds good," he responded softly.

I grabbed two mugs from the cupboard and poured our coffee. I was anxious to get back to Joel. When I walked into the bedroom, I saw him sitting up in bed and my heart skipped a beat. I don't think that I have ever been so enraptured with anyone like I am with Joel. He looked over at me and smiled. As I made my way over to the bed, he did not attempt to hide the fact that he was staring at my package which pleased me beyond belief.

I sat the coffee mugs on the floor next to the bed and crawled up next to him. I picked up his coffee and handed it to him. "It's hot, so be careful," I warned him. He gently took the mug from my hand and passed it under his nose. "Yum, it smells so good. I do love a good cup of coffee," he groaned. I watched him as he took several quick sips of coffee savoring the flavor.

"Are you hungry, baby? I asked him.

"No thanks; I'm good. I usually don't do breakfast," he answered.

"That's true for me too, most of the time. I generally only eat breakfast when I'm on vacation. I'm not sure why that is, but that's what I do," I volunteered.

"May I ask you something," Joel said.

"Of course; shoot," I answered him.

"How and when did you know you were gay?" he asked.

"Um, wow; the truth is, I always knew. I was just a little boy when I had my first crush. I didn't know what it was or what it was called. I just knew that I liked boys and not girls. I was physically attracted to boys. I also learned quickly that I had to keep it a secret. I had my first boyfriend when I was 14. He was every bit of a dork as he was fun."

"Fuck me! You were 14?" Joel said astonished. "You were having sex at 14? I just can't believe that. I didn't have sex until I was 19!"

"What was his name?" he asked.

"Daryl; he was 21. We had a lot of fun together for about six or eight months," I answered him.

"Oh, come on! You're shitting me. Right?"

"No, babe; I'm telling you the truth. Honest to God; why would I lie to you?" I answered him.

"I had my first crush on a boy in the third grade. His name was Andy. He sat two rows up ahead of me. He had dark, black hair and blue eyes. He also had these beautiful red lips. I remember standing up to say the pledge of allegiance in school every morning and staring at his ass. He had such a little, bubble-butt. Of course, I had no idea why I was so taken with him other than the fact I thought he was cute." "So, what happened?"

"I wrote him a love letter. I drew it in art class one day. I remember it was on a yellow sheet of paper. I drew three big hearts; one red, one blue, and one green, and I colored them him. The hearts were big enough that the three of them covered almost the entire sheet of paper. On the top of this piece of paper I wrote, "I love you, Andy." I remember being so proud of it. I was going to give it to him the next morning in school.

"So, did you give it to him?" Joel asked.

"Um, no. I never got the chance," I answered him.

"Why? What happened?"

"Understand that his was a long, long time ago. We, my family and I, were living on a dairy farm at the time. Now, you have to realize that this area where we lived was just miles and miles and more miles of farm land. My Aunt and her family lived just a few miles down the road from us. I went to the same school that all of my older cousins did. It was a school for kids from the 1st grade up to the 7th grade. There was only the one school and so all the kinds went to the same school.

My cousin, Tressie, was a few years older than me. We used to ride to school together on the bus; we were buds. She was kind of my best friend. The day that I wrote the love note to Andy, I couldn't wait to show it to her. I was so proud of it. We were on the bus going home when I showed her the letter. Her eyes bugged out of her head. She immediately crumbled up my love letter in her hands and tucked it in her coat pocket. I was very upset that she ruined my perfect love letter."

"You can not give this to your friend, Andy!" She said very sternly to me with a big frown on her face. "I could not understand why she was so upset. She was quite angry and looking around the bus to make sure that no one else saw my letter."

"What's wrong with you? Somebody could see this you stupid, ass!" she scolded me.

"But, I love him!" I told her. "I made it just for him!"

"Shut up, you idiot!" she said to me. "Someone will hear you! You can't give this to him; I won't let you!"

"But why?" I asked her. "Why can't I give it to him?" I pleaded with her.

"Because you just can't; that's why. Now, that's the end of it! Shut up and be quiet!" she said and sat back in the seat angrily and folder her arms across her chest. That was it. I had no choice but to accept her decision."

"That was my first lesson that boys like me had to keep their feelings to himself. It was unacceptable and it had to be a secret. For a very, very long time. I felt like an outcast, like I didn't belong anywhere. I was all by myself."

"Man, that's so sad," Joel said. So, I mean, how did you get to where you are now?"

"A whole lot of hard work, tears, pain, fear, guilt, shame, self-loathing, and five different therapists. You name it, I probably experienced it. I think that the only positive card I had in my deck was realizing that I was a good person inside. I knew that I was not at all the hideous, evil, vile creature that the church and society told us we were. It wasn't easy, but I got through it.

So, you see, gorgeous, you are certainly not the only one who has stuffed his true feelings and fears in a can and buried that can in a deep, deep hole. I have learned from personal experience that when you do that, it starts to fester like a boil. It spreads like a cancer internally and you have no idea it's happening. That is until one day, you start having anxiety, panic-attacks, bleeding-ulcers and all kinds of fun things like that. It can take a huge physical toll on the body as well as the mind.

"So, you went through all of that stuff because you realized that you were gay at a very, very, young age," Joel asked.

"Oh, God, no. Truthfully, being gay was the least of my issues. I had a multitude of demons that I was battling all at the same time. The fact that I was gay, gosh, that was cake in comparison to the other shit I was struggling with. I came out when I was seventeen. I mentally prepared myself to be kicked out of the family. I grabbed the bull by the horns and dove right into the deep end of the pool; balls to the wall baby."

"So, what happened when you told your family you were gay?"

"I had rehearsed in my head over-and-over again how I was going to defend myself when I told them. I felt that I was as prepared as best I could be. It turned out that all of that rehearsing I did went to waste. They reacted nothing like I expected. They were caring, understanding, and accepted the news with the utmost grace. I felt very fortunate that I had them as parents. They reinforced my internal courage to complete my quest and tell everyone else in my life who were important to me."

"So, it went really, well?" he said.

"It did, I was very lucky. I have had friends in the past who were far less fortunate. I was anxious to go home and tell my boyfriend at the time. We had an apartment together," I answered him.

"Woah, wait a minute. You were seventeen when you told your parents you were gay, and, and, you were living with your boyfriend at the time. And this boyfriend was not this Daryl guy?"

"Correct," I answered him.

"So, who was this guy?" Joel asked.

"His name is Matt. I was working in a restaurant at the time; that's how I met him. Matt used to come in for lunch. He was a Legal Aid Investigator."

"Ok, so, how old was Matt?" Joel asked

"Thirty-six," I answered him.

"Fuck me! You were 17, Matt was 36, and you too were living together?"

"Correct again," I chuckled.

"I think I need more coffee, daddy," Joel said to me.

I poured us two more coffees and returned to the bedroom. I squatted down and handed Joel his mug.

"I must admit, Randy, that I could listen to your stories all day long. Your life is so, so, more interesting than mine. My life in comparison to yours is like watching paint dry. It does bring up another question for you if you don't mind," Joel said with true interest.

"You mentioned that Darryl was 21, that would make him 7 years your senior. You said that Matt was 36, which would make him more than twice your age. That suggests to me that you apparently have a preference for older guys. So, I'm a little confused. You have been repeatedly complimentary towards me, so given the fact that I am younger than you, how exactly do I fit into this equation?" he asked.

"Very good question, very smart question, very understandable question, and a very easy question to answer, gorgeous. When I was young, I was almost exclusively interested in older guys because guys my age, at that time, I found a bit too immature. I had no interest in them; I wanted a man. As I aged, that age gap in men that I was initially attracted to, became smaller and smaller until it basically faded away because now, I'm older and the age factor fell out of the equation. As I continued to not only grow in terms of age, but intellectually too, I learned that I very much appreciated the company of younger men too. I broadened my horizon so to speak. Does that answer your question, gorgeous?"

"Yeah, I think so. The short answer is, you now like younger guys as well as older guys," he answered.

"Yeah, that's what I meant to say, I guess I took the scenic route to get there though," I giggled.

Joel sat there in bed, his legs crossed but fully extended on the bed. His cock was completely flaccid and pointed at the ceiling. The skin on his balls was pulled tight, a pinkish color reflecting the light coming into the room. He held his mug in both hands and appeared to be quite content. I reached up and ran my fingers through his hair brushing it back from his forehead. He closed his eyes and moaned softly. I so badly wanted to kiss him but resisted the temptation. He opened his eyes and smiled.

"You so beautiful," I heard myself say out loud. His smile grew larger and he reached over and ran his hand down my back sending a shiver through my body.

"If I don't get up from this bed right now, we're going to spend the whole day right here, just like this. It is such an appealing thought and I would love nothing more, but, I really have to get some work done on the house today. So, I'm going to be a big boy, get out of this bed, brush my teeth, and get to work before I change my mind," I announced. I leaned over and put my face on his lower belly, just above his pubes where his happy trail ends, and kissed him softly.

I turned my face sideways and looked up at him to see him smiling down at me. I smiled back and he twitched his eyebrows up and down at me. I had to jump off the bed or I was going to lose all self-control. I hurried into the bathroom and turned the sink faucet on and grabbed my toothbrush.

Next: Chapter 4

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