My New Apprentice

By Spike Meyers

Published on Sep 2, 2022



Date: 08/30/2022

Author: Spike Meyers


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Notice: This story is a work of fiction and may contain explicit sex between adult male(s), sex between adult male(s) and male minor(s), sex between minors, incest, and sexual fetish. If you are offended by such material, do not read this work of fiction. The character(s) in this work of fiction is/are not based on any known person(s).

My New Apprentice 07

As we made our way across the Walmart parking lot on the way back to the car, I could feel that Joel was deep in thought. "Penny for your thoughts," I said as we hopped in the car. I started the car and immediately engaged the A/C.

"I can't believe we just did what we did," Joel said. "You sucked me off in a fitting room. Just days ago I don't think I would have done that with anyone. I wouldn't have even considered jerking off in a fitting room let alone being sucked off. It was so exciting. I'm learning so much about myself. It feels good.

"Honestly, I've never done something like that either. I guess we are both expanding our horizons, gorgeous. It feels good to be naughty sometimes."

"I think I'm quickly becoming a perv," Joel said giggling.

"God, I hope so," I responded.

"What time does the pool close?" he asked

"I'm not sure, but I think it's either 8 or 9 PM. Why?"

"Now that we have proper swim trunks, I was hoping we could go over and check it out. You said you have never been there before. If it doesn't close until 8 or 9 tonight, we have plenty of time."

"We can do that. We'll go home, put the groceries in the fridge, and go on over and check it out."

"Wow, this place in humungous," Joel said as we pulled into the entrance of the recreation center complex. "Look," he said pointing to a sign as we pulled in, "they have a fitness center, pickle ball, bowling alley, pool hall, craft center, meeting rooms, and a restaurant. I can't believe you haven't checked this place out already. They have everything imaginable in addition to the pool. This is so cool!"

"Yeah, I know. I bought the house when the pandemic hit. The complex was closed for an entire year. Since it reopened, it's just never been a priority for me to get over here. I had to pay the dues even when the joint was closed; that pissed me off. I didn't think that was fair. I have to pay my annual dues for all of this whether I use the facilities or not," I told him.

"I'll bet it's expensive, isn't it?" he asked.

"It is," I answered. "At current rates, it sets me back a grand each year. I have looked back at the dues history; the dues go up every year."

"Wow, it has a fitness center! I could start working out; get some muscle on me like you," Joel said excitedly.

"Yeah, if you want to. Personally, I like you just the way you are."

"Maybe this weekend we can come over and check the place out; everything," he said.

I parked the car and we made our way over to the pool building. We walked in and I had to show my membership card to the guy at the front desk. He checked the expiration date on the card and handed it back to me. "Have a nice time gentlemen," he said.

"Excuse me, I almost forgot, what time does the pool close?" I asked the gentlemen behind the counter.

"The pool closes at 9 PM as does the fitness center," he answered.

"Thank you so much," I smiled. As we made our way through the next set of double doors, we stepped into a large, rectangular, foyer-type room. It was about 15' deep and about 20' long. It had several couches, chairs and coffee tables placed strategically around the room with several large, live plants. It looked very nice.

On the far side of the room, directly across from the double doors we just stepped through, there was yet another set of double doors. Above the door was a sign that read Locker Rooms. We stepped through the door and detected a slight smell of chlorine, but not terrible. We saw a sign that read MEN with an arrow pointing left, and another that read WOMEN with an arrow pointing right.

We opened the men's door and entered a winding corridor that led into the men's locker room. We took a quick look around and noticed people a few people coming and going about their business. The locker room was extremely clean and contained everything that you would usually find in a locker room.

As we surveyed the locker room, we noticed a sign that read POOL, so we stepped through the doorway to see that it was yet another winding corridor. This time, however, it led us to our destination; the pool.

Joel looked at me and I could see the disappointment on his face. I almost started to laugh. "Don't worry, gorgeous; this is the indoor pool where they do the water aerobics and that kind of stuff; you know, the exercise pool. We have two pools; this is the indoor pool. There is another huge pool outside. Just keep walking."

I thought you said you haven't been here before?" he asked.

"I haven't, baby. I remember from the map when I bought the house. I have a map at home of this entire complex," I answered him. We stepped out of the building and there it was, the outside pool.

"Alright!" Joel said excitedly. "Now this is a pool. This is what I was hoping for. Wow, look at this, Randy; it's beautiful. The water looks so inviting; let's go in."

About 6:30 Joel surfaced next to me. I noticed his eyes were a bit bloodshot. "I think we better think about packing it in gorgeous; your eyes are getting very red from the chlorine," I said. "Perhaps we should hit the showers and wash off."

"You mean here; hit the showers here?" he asked.

"Yeah, unless you want to wait and shower at home. I'd kind of like to check them out. Is that OK or would you rather not? Are you apprehensive?" I asked.

"No, no, it's OK. Let's go check them out," he smiled and swam over to the pool steps. We grabbed our towels and headed to the locker room. Joel was quiet as we walked across the pool deck and through the indoor pool area. We stepped into the locker room and saw a few guys ambling about, most of whom seemed to be a few years my senior to say the least.

"Joel, this way," I said as I casually pointed towards the shower block which was located way in the back behind the lockers. Joel looked over at me and I led the way back to the showers. The entire shower block was tiled; floor, walls, and ceiling. It was quite attractive and very nicely done.

There were a total of 18 showers; nine on each wall opposite each other, and all numbered. To the right as you walk in, there was a row of double-hooks all labeled 1 thru 18. The center of the block was vacant or empty. The showers were about 3 feet apart from each other and there was no partition between them. It was just a large room of shower heads.

There were only four showers occupied; 1 on the left side of the room and two on the right. I looked over at Joel and he was just standing there looking around. "Joel, we'll take six and seven", I said casually. I walked over to hook number six and hung my towel up and removed my swim trunks. Joel stood there watching me. I hung the suit on the bottom hook and turned to face Joel. I looked at him and gave him a wink.

He gave me a big smile and stepped up to hook number seven beside me. He hung his towel up on the larger of the double hook and removed his suit. He hung up his suit and gave me a smile that just makes my heart melt.

"Ready?" I whispered. "Ready daddy," he whispered faintly.

There was a small wire-like shower caddy hanging over each of the shower heads. Joel walked up to the shower head and removed a small white container from the caddy. "Randy, it's hair and body wash. Look, you just flip the top over and bingo. Wow, this place is awesome," he said, "free shampoo and gel."

I took such pleasure in seeing him so happy. I stepped up and to the side of the shower facing Joel, and turned the water on. It took just seconds to adjust the water to a comfortable temperature.

I let the water cascade down my body and grabbed some body wash from the caddy. I broke the seal, flipped the cap open, and squeezed the contents into my hand. Just before I ducked my head under the water, out of the corner of my eye, a guy walked up to shower number 4 just two showers down from Joel and I. I started washing my hair and paid him no attention.

When I finished rinsing my hair, I looked over at Joel and noticed he had a semi hardon. I was pleased that he was obviously enjoying himself. I squeezed more gel into my hand and started washing my crotch. When I turned around, I noticed the guy at shower number 4 and took a quick look from head to toe. I would place him in his early to mid-fifties. He had short, brown hair, graying a bit at the temples, about 5' 9" tall, and relatively slender; he was a handsome man.

He caught me looking over at him, he smiled and gave me wink. "Hi, I'm Tony. I haven't seen you around here before," he said as he squeezed gel in the palm of his hand and grabbed his dick.

"Hi, Tony," I responded. "I'm Randy, and this is Joel. Nice to meet you. This is our first time here," I answered. "We just came over to check out the pool," I volunteered.

"We have a really nice facility here. If you live here and you're bored, it's your own fault. There is plenty to keep you busy and plenty to do," he said as he continued to rub the lather around his cock, and cup his balls occasionally. He stepped under the water and thrusted his crotch forward rinsing the soap off. "I come here several times a week. I figured you guys were new since I haven't seen you around before."

"What do you do?" Tony asked as he grabbed his dick and squeezed a glob of gel on it.

"I'm a contractor by profession. Right now, I am just remodeling my house. I'm not really working," I answered him.

"How about you, Joel? What do you do?" Tony asked as he made no attempt to hide the fact that he liked what he saw.

"Actually, I just arrived in town not long ago; I'm new to the area. I have not started looking for work yet. I'm going to give Randy a hand with his house until I find a job."

"How about you, Tony; what do you do?" I asked him.

"I'm retired now, but I had a couple of car dealerships; one down in Phoenix and one up here. I'm a man of leisure now," he answered. He stepped under the water again, rinsed off, and shut the water off. His dick was certainly a bit larger now than it had been before.

"I have early dinner plans so I have to be on my way. It was nice meeting you guys. I hope to see you again," Tony said with a friendly smile. He turned and started to leave and then hesitated. He turned back around to face us, looked down at our dicks and smiled. "See you around guys," he said and walked away.

We got home shortly after 7 PM. "Did you have a nice time, gorgeous?" I asked him as we walked in the house.

"Oh yeah," he said as we headed towards the bedroom. "I had a great time. Thank you for indulging me. I'm looking forward to going back this weekend so we can check out everything."

"We're not going anywhere for the rest of the night, right?" Joel asked.

"No baby, we are in for the night as far as I'm concerned. Why do you ask?"

"No reason; just asking," he responded. "Give me your suit and I'll rinse them out. It's not good to leave the chlorine in the fabric," Joel commented as he lowered his suit. "Look, my dick is all shriveled up," he commented.

"Your dick is perfect," I said grabbing his cock. It was certainly chubbed up a bit in the showers. You were driving me crazy."

"Yeah, I started to get a bit puffed-up. I liked being naked with you in front of the other guys that were in the shower. There weren't that many, but I liked it. That Tony guy didn't help the situation by pulling on his cock like that. I thought for a second he was going to start jerking off."

"I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it and acknowledged your feelings; that's great."

"What would you have done if Tony started jerking off in front of us?" Joel asked.

"Um, good question; I'm not sure. He's a handsome man so I'm sure I would have popped a boner. I may have joined him. I guess it would just depend on the situation. If anything, I think Tony was far more interested in you, rather than me hot stuff. I don't blame him."

"Oh, come on, I seriously doubt that. But he is kind of a sexy guy, isn't he?" Joel asked rhetorically.

"What would you have done, gorgeous, if Tony started jerking off right there in the showers?"

"Honestly, it was exciting for me to be naked with you in the shower block with the other guys. Not that I was interested in the other guys; I wasn't. If I was there alone, without you, I'm not sure I would have felt the same. I feel safe with you, so, I don't know. If you started jerking your dick, I probably would have too. I did get a charge seeing Tony, basically stroking himself while he looked at us. Before you, I never would have permitted myself to enjoy something like that. I'm really liking this naked thing."

"I'm loving it: I love seeing you naked all the time," I told him. "While you rinse out the suits, I'm going to start putting dinner together before it gets too late. I'll bring it in when it's ready." I kissed Joel and went to the kitchen.

Twenty minutes later, I walked back into the bedroom with a plate of food in each hand. Joel was journaling again. "I'll be right back gorgeous, I'm going to grab napkins and silverware," I commented and returned to the kitchen. When I returned, Joel was still at it. "You ready to eat, baby?" I asked.

"Yeah, daddy, I'm ready. I was just jotting down some thoughts," he answered.

"Is everything OK? I mean, you're feeling OK; no icky stuff?" I asked hopefully.

Joel closed the notebook and sat it on the floor. He looked over at me and smiled. "What do you think?" he said as he lowered his legs and showed me his hardon.

"I think my baby is having happy thoughts?" I said as I grabbed his hardon. "Maybe I'll have you for dinner tonight?" I said as I bent over and took his dick in my mouth.

"Fuck! You do that so well, but not yet; dinner first," he said as he pulled my head up and off his cock.

"Oh, alright," I said dejectedly. "I'll go grab us a couple of cold beers."

When I returned with a beer in each hand, Joel was sitting on the bed with his legs crossed, Indian style. His cock was standing up strong and proud. I sat down on the bed across from him to see him grab his cock, pull up and squeeze the sweet goo out of the tip of his cock. God I just wanted so badly to pounce on him. I watched intently as he ran his finger over the tip of his cock and inserted it into his mouth. It was so hot to watch him do that my dick started to rise.

"I took your advice this morning," he said softly. "I tasted my own load."

"And, what did you think; did you like it?" I asked him grabbing my dick.

"Yeah, I did. It tasted just like you said," he answered.

"See, I told you; it's good. I could suck you off ten times a day and would still want more,"

"I don't think I can cum ten times a day. When did you do taste your own cum the first time?" Joel asked.

"Oh gosh, I was very young. I probably did it soon after I started shooting loads; thirteen maybe, for sure by fourteen. I loved it from the very start. Daryl, I told you about him, he was the first guy to cum in my mouth. I didn't much like the taste of his cum but it never stopped me from sucking him off. He had a big uncut piece of meat; you'd never know it though; he never showed a bulge."

Joel and I continued talking throughout dinner. I collected the dinner plates, rinsed them off in the kitchen sink and tossed them in the dishwasher along with the silverware. When I walked back into the bedroom, Joel was lying flat on his back and his arms locked behind his head. I crawled up next to him and licked his arm pit. Immediately, he started to giggle and brought his arms down. "You have such sexy pits; they look like they have been styled; so sexy," I told him.

"My arm pits are sexy?" he questioned. "How are arm pits sexy?" he asked.

"For me, I find them to be very sensual. I think a man's arm pits are very sexy, especially on a good-looking guy and he doesn't have a complete forest under each arm. Yours are sexy; the hair looks soft and silky, and it's not too dense. Definitely, sexy pits."

"I must admit, I do find that a little strange, daddy. You give me so much to think about, but I'm learning."

Author's Note

Hey Guys, I am rushing to get this chapter to you because I am going out of the country for a couple of weeks. I will not have internet access so I wanted to post this ASAP. If you find any errors, my apologies, I want to get this posted now because I have to leave almost immediately. See you all in a couple of weeks.

Next: Chapter 8

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