My Ra

By moc.liamg@arsnosaj

Published on Apr 13, 2007


My RA Chapter 2 "The First Date?" My email is

Again this is my first nifty story but I read enough of these that I'm giving it a try. The names have been changed but for the most part this is a true story. Besides that I really would love to hear comments back. If this writing style works, is there a good enough picture to understand the story, things like that. So without further interruption the story continues.

My roommate Corey moved in the next day. He was nothing to be excited about. I spent the next several days just trying to get to know people on the floor. Now, when I came to college, I didn't really have a plan for if I would be out or not. I came out in high school but I didn't really know how I wanted to approach college. But within a week I had come out to about 10 girls on the floor. (My floor is co-ed, about 50 guys 50 girls.) I liked having girls on my floor. It made it more fun.

I had been at college for about three weeks and I hadn't really seen much of Mark. That doesn't mean I wasn't thinking of him, though. He was a constant daydream topic of mine. The friends that I had made were girls for the most part. On the weekends they were going to frat parties. Frat parties are not really my thing. This basically left me with nothing to do. It was a Friday night and I was watching TV in my room with my door open. It was around 7 when I turned around to a knock at my door.

"Hey, Happy Birthday Jason."

"Oh Hey Mark. Thanks." I looked at him odd wondering how he knew. I think he sensed it.

"I know everyone birthday on the floor. It's a thing we are supposed to do as an RA."

"That's kind of cool I guess."

"So what are you doing tonight?"

"Um, no plans." I sounded like such a loser.

"Well I can't let you sit here on your birthday. Come on, let's go out." I was hesitant at first, but I was just sitting in my dorm room on my birthday.

"You don't have to do that Mark."

"I want to." With that I grabbed my key and we left. He let me pick and I decided on just eating at Noodles & Company. It was downtown and within a nice walking distance of our dorm. I learned a lot about Mark. I found out he was a junior but already had enough credits to be a senior. He played baseball in high school and he played on a club team here. I thought this was funny because in high school, the guys I always had crushes on were the baseball players—it seems to have followed me to college.

After sitting at Noodles for a while we decided to go to the movies. We walked over the theater and he let me pick again. We went to The Covenant. I don't think this was the movie he would normally go to, but he didn't show any hesitation. He even bought my ticket. We went and sat down and nothing really happened during the movie. It seemed like a date to me almost. But I shouldn't make it anything more then what it was. He was just taking pity on a guy who lives on his floor, as much as I wanted to think otherwise.

When the movie finished I looked over at him. "So did you like the movie?" I asked.

"Um yeah I guess it was ok. I usually wouldn't go to something like this."

"Sorry. I guess I should have let you pick the movie. It was nice of you enough to hang out with me on my birthday."

"No, No. It is alright. I had fun."

"I had a lot of fun too. Thank you Mark. This sure beats sitting in my room watching some rerun on MTV." Our attention was immediately turned to the protesters standing outside the movie theater. Their signs were the same old thing. "God hates homos," or "You deserve to go to HELL." It was your normal crazy bible crowd. Saying something about how we are going to split the mouth of hell wide open. Good to know I guess. There was also a sign that said "God Hates Wet Dreams." I don't know what that was all about. This was a normal thing for me to see. The protesters were usually on campus, but they go to movie theaters and concerts, too. Wherever the young sinner hotspot is I guess.

Mark didn't seem that offended or mad or anything. He didn't even look at them. I didn't know for sure if he knew about me or not. I know of couple of guys talked about it on my floor but I know Mark wasn't the kind of person that got all caught up in gossiping. I really wanted to know what he was thinking. I waited until we were almost a block away. "Do you think they were there to see the Covenant too?" I sarcastically say. He laughs and then looks at me with a kind of a serious face.

"No I don't think you are going to hell."

"What?" I looked at him with a puzzled look and then put it together. That was his way of him telling me he knew. He realized that I had put it together.

"I'm sorry. I don't even know if it's true. And it's not any of my business anyway." He was all nervous.

"It's true. I'm not offended. Why should you say sorry that I'm not going to hell? How did you know? Am I just that obvious?"

"No, one of the guys came to my room and told me he felt uncomfortable living with a gay guy on the floor. I was totally surprised because I didn't think anyone was gay. So he then told me that it was you. I was really surprised. Anyway I told him that he would have to move to a different floor. He said that was crap. I told him what was crap was that he thought you should move. He kind of just left my room and I could tell he was pissed."

"Was it Dane?" He shook his head yes. "I thought he had a problem with it. He doesn't even look at me when we pass in the hall."

"Don't even worry about it. From what I can tell you are great person. Whoever doesn't want to be your friend is missing out." I was taken back by what he said. I totally didn't expect him to say anything like that. I was really touched. It gave me this sense of relief that I wouldn't have to hide that part of my life from him.

"Thanks Mark. That really makes me feel good."

"It's true." He looks at me and laughs. "And yes I do think they were there to see The Covenant." We both look at each other and chuckle.

We continued our walk back to the dorm and he told me his stories about freshmen year. He didn't really mention partying or girls. He basically studied and played club baseball. We got up to the 10th floor and I followed him to his room and we had the best sex ever. I would love to say that but it wouldn't be true. We walked down the hall to my room. I didn't want this part to come. I was really enjoying having his company. "I had a good time Mark. Thanks again for taking me out tonight."

"Will you stop thanking me. It was fun hanging out with you. You really don't seem like a freshman. By your looks or personality. How old are you turning anyway?" Now seemed like a funny time to ask that question.


"Yeah you are definitely mature for your age. Anyway I guess I'll let you get to bed. Happy Birthday!"

"Thanks Mark. Did you maybe want to eat brunch together tomorrow?"

"Yeah that sounds good. Company would be nice. I usually just eat alone."

"How about 10:00?"

"Jason it is Saturday, sleep in. At least 11:30."

"Yea I guess so. 11:30 it is."

"Ok I will knock on your door then. Goodnight Jason." "Goodnight Mark." I slip my keycard into my door while watching him walk away. I go into my room and close the door. I look around and am pleased to find my roommate nowhere in sight. I grab my phone and call my best friend Mary. I tell her about the whole night. She is happy for me but, at the same time worried that I'm getting my hopes and will probably get disappointed. She is right. As far as I know he's straight and I have no reason to doubt that. I say goodbye and that I love her. She says the same and I start to get ready for bed. Once again I'm going to bed thinking of him. I know I'm doing what Mary told me not to do but it is hard. He seems so perfect. I lie my head down and slowly replay night through my head and slowly start to drift off to sleep.

The next morning I woke up and decided to take a shower before brunch. I undressed, wrapped a towel around my waist and proceeded to the bathroom. Walking down the hall I thought back to the previous night when we were sitting in the movie theater next to each other. Every once in a while I would turn away from the movie and just look at Mark and I then realized that I wanted this to be so much more. One time when I did this Mark slowly looked over at me and smiled. I was falling for him.

My walk to the bathroom finally ended. After that I grabbed my stuff and stepped into the room with the shower stalls. There was one other person showering in one of the six stalls. The shower area is six shower heads in a row with partitions between each. The partition came up to my chin. (I'm 6'4" so it was pretty high.) The stalls on each end are bigger then the other four. Each stall has a flimsy shower curtain that always blows around while you shower. As I was walking I witnessed this happen on the far left stall. I was now very grateful for those flimsy shower curtains. As I was walking in the curtain blew open and it revealed a hot image. A guy was giving me a side view of him bending over cleaning his feet. I couldn't see his face. All I could see was his legs, ass, and some trimmed pubic hair. He had a farmers tan. I tried to not be obvious and slowly made my way to the far right stall. I was then shocked when I hear, "Hey Jason."

I look up quickly and see Mark looking at me. Taken aback that I had just seen my RA naked I quickly replied. "Hey Mark." The image kept replaying in my mind over and over again.

We didn't really talk in the shower. I didn't hear him say anything until he was getting ready to leave and said "I'll come by your room in a few minutes so we can go to brunch." I wasn't really paying attention due the fact that I was rock hard.

"Ok. Sounds good." Seeing him naked had totally made my day and it was only a little after eleven.

When I'm finally finished with my shower I head to my room. I walked into my room and still no sign of my roommate. I was kind of worried about him. I haven't seen him since before I went out with Mark the night before. I realize that I don't have the time to really worry about Corey. I kind of have this routine when I get ready for the day. I like to pick out my clothes while dancing around the room to some upbeat song. Since I was going to be sharing this cubicle with Corey for the next nine months I realize that I wasn't going to get to do that often. I figured this would be a perfect chance. So after coming to my room I push the door and drop my towel on the way to my computer. I open iTunes and that morning it was "Sexy Back." I turn it up really loud and proceed to dance around the room grabbing my boxer briefs and throwing them on my bed followed by some cargo shorts. I then open my sliding closet and pull out a white polo. I dance around with polo and tug it on. While singing "I'm bringin' sexy back. Them other boys they don't know how to act." (I know you all know the words) I grab my boxer briefs and continue my performance, "Dirty Babe." I grab my shorts and reach for a belt in my closet and finally I'm dressed. I put on some deodorant, quickly style my hair and throw on my shades. I look at my watch and noticed I was ten minutes late. I throw on some sandals, grab my keycard and cell, and I leave.

I walk over to Mark's room and it's already open. "Hey you ready to go?' I ask.

"Yeah." We walk downstairs and over to the main dining hall on campus. On the walk over I examined Mark while we made small talk about our football team. Which was hard for me to do because stat wise I knew nothing about it. Mark was wearing what he usually wears, t-shirt with our school name on it and khaki shorts. He really didn't do anything to his hair. Maybe ran a comb through it but nothing more. He was quite simple looking yet I still found him complex and attractive.

We get to the dining hall, grab our trays, and make our food selection. We take a seat in the back of the hall in a booth. We probably weren't sitting there for more then a minute when I hear, "I'm bringin' sexy back." I then realize that it is my phone ringing. I silence it. I look up at Mark and the huge smirk spreading across on his face.

Please tell me what you think.

Next: Chapter 3

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