My Roommate is an Alien" story

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Aug 23, 2015




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


I walked in the front door of my apartment and looked around. "What the hell?"

Landon, my roommate, walked in from the kitchen, wearing one of his shirts in front of his groin like it was an apron. An apron! "Hey, you're home!" He said to me and came over.

"Yeah, what happened in here?" I asked. You have to understand, the place was clean. Clean! Landon was a total slob and I didn't clean any more than I had to (I wasn't that much of a pig, but why clean common areas when your roommate won't pick up anything?), and was like he'd spent most of the day cleaning things up. No trash or dirty clothes anywhere, the couch looked steam-cleaned, the coffee table was spotless with only a small candy dish in the center of it, the whole darned place looked downright...civilized! Landon had washed himself up and his hair was neatly combed and his clothes weren't torn or stained. I could only assume some tremendous mess had happened, enough to make him take a day actually scrubbing down the place.

Landon had walked over to me by this time. "Just wanted to make the place look neat for you. Did you have a nice day at work?"

And he leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. On the cheek!

Now I knew something was wrong! I touched my cheek and said, "What was that for?"

Landon wasn't gay and didn't know I was, I was in the closet here and now. Once I had established myself and had money in the bank and a job I was secure in, I might consider coming out to everyone, but when you're getting your life started, you don't want to rock the boat any more than you have to, you know? Landon and I had met at a bar and found we both were looking for a cheap place to live, the roommate arrangement had evolved from that flimsy basis, hell, it wasn't meant to be permanent, after all. That had been four months ago, and we'd had a strictly platonic, perfectly superficial relationship ever since. Until tonight.

"You looked like you could use it." Landon told me. "Now, go get washed up, dinner will be ready in about ten more minutes."

"Dinner?" This evening was getting weirder and weirder!

"I made fish sticks, I hope that'll be all right. I'll go shopping tomorrow for some real food."

So I went into my room and got my dress suit off. I only had three suits, so wearing it again tomorrow was a necessity, with a weekend dry-cleaning, I always took it off the moment I got home. But this was the first time I was doing it because my roommate had made dinner for me!

What the hell was going on with Landon? Yeah, the guy didn't have a job (he survived by a trust fund his grandmother had set up for him, he was unemployed and not looking for work), he could spare the time to clean the place up and cook for both of us. But he'd never done it before.

Either the guy had gone over the edge, or he was making an effort to become a better person. Sure, that was it! I felt better. Hell, everyone goes through a messy, unreliable, leach-on-society's-ass stage, but you grow out of it. Playing "Donna Reed" to me was a hell of a way to start, but I'd take it. Gratefully, hell! A home-cooked dinner would be so fucking wonderful, I hadn't had one since I'd left home! Landon's first meal might be grotty, but I could forgive a lot.

So I donned a casual shirt and jeans, and washed my hands and combed my hair and went out to see what Landon had cooked up.

The fish sticks were there all right, but he'd taken the canned vegetables I had and done a sort of stir-fry with them, and, dear God, those were home-made biscuits in the bowl next to my plate! Landon served up my plate for me and I played Donna Reed's husband, smiled benevolently as I accepted the food. God, Landon wasn't a bad-looking stud, you know? I'd looked at, and rejected, him as even a potential mate while he'd been unkempt and lazy, but this house-husband performance of him had me looking again.

Landon sat down and we ate together, and he kept up a friendly conversation, the dinner, the apartment and what it needed to make things more beautiful (since we were starting with second-hand this-and-thats here, that topic lasted quite a while) and the current events. He dutifully avoided my job though Landon usually probed me for anything sexy or scandalous (I worked in an attorney's office, my tidbits were either incomprehensible to non-legal people or protected by privilege). I hadn't enjoyed a meal so much since a birthday party of mine some dozen years ago! Landon was lively, witty, knowledgeable and kind in his opinions. And the food was pleasant and filling and fresh and hot! Eat that after a couple of years of fast food joints and microwaved pap and you'll know how much you miss it!

I offered to clear the table but Landon pushed me away with a "no, no, this is my job. You go rest while I do the dishes."

I was sitting on the couch and feeling better than I had for some time when Landon came in about a half-hour later. "There now, dishes are done. Scoot over a bit for me, will you?"

I did and he sidled into the small area I had cleared behind me and when I tried to move on around to sit upright, he caught hold of me. I found myself perforce the cuddled in a cuddler hold. "That feels good." Landon said to me softly. "Really good."

"Yeah." I admitted, looking up at him from his chest where I was being held. "It does. Only...what brought all this on?"

"All what on?"

"You used to be the worst slob I ever knew. Never cleaned or cooked or anything."

"But a life-partner should be ready to shoulder his share of the duties of their common living area." Landon protested. "Is this not true?"

"Yeah, but you were never interested in doing your part before."

"I'm interested now."

"And I appreciate that." I agreed. "Hope you keep right on doing it."

"I was hoping you'd say that." And Landon leaned down and kissed me. Long, slow and sweet, he kissed me, and if you think by that time I hesitated for a second, you've never had someone turn into the perfect guy for you only to immediately try to kiss you! I kissed back, with gas!

He turned me in his arms and I put my arms around him and we kept on kissing like that, him still holding me but me no longer lounging. The harder we kissed, the further back the weight of my body pushed him until he was lying across the armrest and I was twisting around so I could lie on top of him. He scooted down under me and now we were meshed together fully.

"Oh, God, Landon!" I heaved when we broke that long kiss for some air. "I don't know what's happened to you, but I love it. I love it!"

"I just want to please you, make you happy to have me here with you." Landon explained.

"Well, it's working." I told him. "It's working like gangbusters!"

And Landon kissed me again and I broke it only to kiss down his body, unbuttoning his shirt and kissing the exposed flesh as I went.

But when I got as far as his waist, Landon shifted and got to his feet, turned and held out his hand to me. I took it, rose and he led me toward my bedroom.

Inside, he moved to me and his hands began to undress me and stroked me as he did, punctuating the mundane tasks of removing my shirt with long, caressing motions of his fingers over my body, while his eyes feasted upon me as if I were the most desirable man he'd ever seen. I'd unbuttoned his shirt, and when he slid mine from my shoulders, I reached up and did the same to him.

He undid my belt and my pants fly with an artistry of his fingers that I'd never imagined before. My pants fell to my ankles with a soft whoosh sound and Landon knelt and his fingers slipped my briefs from my waist with equal facility and prowess. My cock was hard and eager and Landon's mouth fit over the head and shaft as if they'd been form-fitted to my manhood.

The feel of his soft, warm lips were the most intense I'd ever experienced. In that one slide of his lips over my shaft, the feel of his tongue on the underside, and I was shivering with my lust. And then he began to move and that increased the pleasure triple-fold. "Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God, stop, stop!" I begged. We'd barely begun and I was on the verge of orgasm!

Landon pulled away and as he undid his pants and stepped out of them, I fumbled my own pants from my ankles and jumped naked onto my bed.

Landon crawled in more sedately, bearing a tube of lubrication with him. He stayed on his knees above me, while his hands squeezed out some lube onto his palm, and then he began to ply it over my shaft. Again, the sensations of pleasure that washed through me were far in excess of what I'd felt before. I was sure he was doing something here, some way to stimulate my senses more than mere touches could fashion. By the time he finished lubricating my pud, I was quivering on the verge once again.

"You got to wait a moment." I gasped when he shifted to straddle me. "You stick it in now, I'll cream the moment you get it inside! Wait a moment! I don't want to come yet!"

"You will not come." Landon promised. His hand gripped me and guided it toward his dark interior. I couldn't see it, but I felt that warm anus approaching like the breath of doom.

"But I'm so fucking hot!" I whimpered. "I can't hold out, I can't!"

"You won't come yet." Landon said. "I promise you that."

And he got my glans up against his sphincter and he pushed and I slid into him.

What I thought was, "Oh, God, oh, God, I'm going out of my head, I can't take this, I can't take this, oh, God, it's like my whole world's exploding!" I shuddered and Landon held still and he kept holding still until I finally exhausted myself and lay still, trembling and sweating like a pig.

"You see?" He told me. "Everything is under control. Enjoy it without fear and without despair. Everything will happen as I intend it."

And he began to move up and down on my cock, riding me with sure, experienced motions.

Again, I found myself driven up to the very edge of climax but not quite, not quite, tipping over into ejaculation. "Oh, God, this isn't happening, it can't be! This isn't human!" I sobbed. "How can you do this! It isn't human!"

Landon leaned down and took me in his arms. "Now is your turn to move as you choose." he told me. "Do not be afraid. I shall continue to control all of it for you."

I didn't argue the logic of that, I just rolled him over and with his arms and legs wrapped around my body, I began to hunch at him frantically. I stayed still on the very edge of orgasm, teetering eternally on the precipice, but unable to jump over no matter what I did.

I shifted so that I had him lifted up onto his shoulders, me on one knee and one foot, and with one of his legs held up over my shoulders, I fucked him like that for a time, thrusting into him so hard that the bed shook like a mad thing. Landon took everything I could do to him, only small grunts escaping at my every jab into his intestines.

My eternity on the tip of delight was driving me insane, I lifted him up so he was entirely on his shoulders and me on both my feet, and holding him like that, I rammed him even harder. What did I have to do to come here? What was going to release me from this agony of ecstasy?

"I can't take it anymore, I can't!" I groaned as I lowered him once again onto the bed. "Landon, God, what did you do to me? I got to come, man, I got to, please, man, please!"

"Let me complete you." Landon said soothingly and he rolled us over so he was on top of me again and with him lying on my chest and moving so gently, so slowly, he undid whatever he was doing to me and let me complete my climax, because, all of a sudden, my passion was mauling my senses anew and this time, I crested the peak and went crashing over and down the other side!

"Oh, God, I'm coming, I'm coming!" I howled and I began fucking into Landon's ass like a crazed rabbit and I came, oh, God, did I come! My balls unloaded every ounce of jizz they had in them, I felt like my testicles were becoming a pair of empty sacks, and all of that love-juice was jetting up into Landon.

And Landon lifted up to sit on top of my spasming cock and he gave a single soft sigh and his cock exploded out and sprayed me liberally with his spunk, hot ropy strands of silken sperm-wads slashed out and striped my chest, and I moaned and emptied myself into him and he spurted a few final dribbles that fell into my navel and it was done.

"Oh, man, you are so fucking incredible!" I moaned to him. "Why the fuck didn't we do this long ago if you're gay."

"If I'm what?"

"If you're gay. I thought you were straight, man, that's why I never said anything, never did anything." I sighed as I held him gratefully. "Now I know you're gay, God, man, I don't ever want to let go of you."

"I'm" Landon said to me with horror.


Landon jerked himself out of my arms and got off the bed. Backed away from me like I was toxic waste. I lay there and tried to figure all this out. What the hell was going on here? Landon comes across as the world's best roommate, then the world's best gay lover, then when I compliment him on that, he acts like I've called him an axe murderer.

It took me about an hour, but I decided I'd better go talk to him. After all, even if he went back to the way he used to be, that was better than me losing him entirely. I needed his help to pay the rent for at least another year.

I got my sleeping shorts on and went into the hall and looked toward Landon's closed door.

With the weirdly green glowing light coming from the cracks all the way around it. Pulsing in slow steady rhythm.

"What in the hell is this?" I asked nobody in particular. I was going to knock, but you don't knock on a door with a glowing green light on the other side of it. You go over, and carefully, quietly open it up.

Landon was in there, naked and hooked into something size of a coffin, only this thing was wired up like stereo equipment and electrodes were hooked into various parts of his body. He was completely oblivious to me. I walked in and looked this over, considered it.

Well, this explained a lot.

I got out of there and back to my room and spent a long, sleepless night thinking this all through. When my alarm went off, I staggered in to the kitchen to find Landon in there cooking me breakfast. I just sat down and waited for him to bring it to me, ate it quietly and he did the same.

When we finished, I looked at Landon and said, "Landon, don't you think it's time you told me the truth?"

"There is nothing to tell."

"Yes, there is." I said. "Let me get you started. First, you're not a human being. I'm guessing you're an alien. Right?"

Landon looked at me hard, and then said, "Yes, I am an observer sent here to study your world. I am only here to observe, not to interfere in any way. An evaluation of your species."

I nodded. "I figured as much. And to do this, you took Landon's place. Where is Landon, anyhow?"

"Aboard our ship, by his own willing cooperation. We have placed him in a form of suspended animation. He isn't unconscious or being harmed in any way, we have it a program...that feeds his senses all the elements of a normal life here on this world. A better life than he had, in fact. I believe he is using the opportunity to take a virtual trip around the world. His every experience on that voyage will be the same as if he actually had done it."

"That sounds like Landon, all right. All the pleasure and none of the effort." I nodded. "The only thing left, then, is to get me to agree to all this."

"That is true." Landon said. "Our plan was to not have you notice the difference beyond a simple improvement in performance. A happy being does not question overmuch, we have learned. We thought the two of you were life-partners, but your arrangement here was apparently not as close as we thought. A mere case of cohabitation."


"So now that you know, what can we do to gain your silence for my visit here on this world?"

"How long are you going to be here?"

"Two of your years."

"Is that all?" I sighed. "Well, it'll have to do." I rose. "Keeping me quiet will be easy. Just keep doing what you did yesterday. Cleaning the house, cooking my meals, and all the rest."

"We can agree to that." Landon said to me.

"Well, in that case, I'm going to call in to work sick today." I said. "Then you can join me in bed for some of that 'all the rest' with me. For the rest of the day, that is."

Landon slowly gave me a broad smile. "I can agree to that as well."

I matched his smile. "Like you said, a happy being doesn't question much. And for the next two years, with an alien for a roommate, I plan to be the happiest damned person you ever saw!"


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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