My Shopping Adventure

By William Bennett

Published on Nov 10, 2004


Usual Disclaimer: If you are under 18 or it is illegal to read erotic stories involving sex between males---Stop---go no further. Due to overwhelming responses about this story I am adding another chapter. However the responses are split on where this story should go so I am going to try to incorporate as many of your suggestions as possible. As you probably know, part 1 was for the most part a true story, part 2 was mostly fiction with some truth thrown in there. Part 3 will be mostly fiction since you guys want this story to continue. Thanks again for all of your wonderful responses, again feel free to let me know what you think and how you would like this to continue or if you want this to continue at all.

"What do you mean, my relationship is about to change forever?" William asked.

"In due time, I will let you know." Jacob told the nervous William.

"Oh, by the way, here is your driver's license back. The first new rule is that you will see to it that the garage door is never locked. You guys live in a pretty rural area so I think you'll be safe from breakins, but I want free reign to access this house whenever I damn well please." Jacob instructed William. "Do you understand?"

"Yes, Jacob, just please don't let my boyfriend catch you here." William pleaded.

"Don't worry, as long as you follow my instructions, he won't be the wiser. In fact he may become happier with you than he ever has been." Jacob said. "But, first things first. Since you are naked and in bed, I am feeling the need to use you like my very own whore in you and suitmans bed. So lie back and prop your head up on one of those fancy pilllows."

William did as he was told and Jacob stripped naked and his big thick 8.5 inch cock was ready to assault William's throat. William did'nt know how much more he could take today. This was going to be his 5th blow job today and it was only 130pm. Jacob climbed up on the boys bed and straddled William's face. He decided that he would fuck pretty boy William's face like he fucked his ass earlier in the store, hard and fast. Jacob shoved his cock all the way down William's throat. Jacob got off on seeing his throat muscles stretch out as his cock rammed the boys throat mercilessly. He loved watching his balls bounce of William's chin. Jacob rested his arms on either side of Wiliam's face and fucked it and fucked it until he was just ready to blow his load. Then he did something that surprised William. He pulled out of his throat and pulled the boy to his feet and led him to the kitchen. He had William retrieve a glass from the cupboard and told him to get on his knees and to suck him off. Puzzled, William dropped to the floor and devoured the daddy's thick cock. He knew that Jacob was about to come. He could sense the muscles in his stomach tensing up. Right as Jacob began to blow his load he pulled his cock out of William's mouth and shot his load into the glass. Jacob put the glass down and told William to get up on the kitchen table.

"How does it feel to be violated in your own house bitch?" Jacob asked William.

"I am starting to get scared. Can we please end this game? You have gotten what you wanted. I have blown you twice. You and your friends have fucked me and you have a video of me having sex with my boyfriend." William pleaded with the man.

"I have gotten what I originally wanted, but now there are endless possibilities of where I can take this, especially since I have the tape and can ruin your upstanding boyfriends life since he is the one getting fucked in my movie." Jacob said. "Now, lay back on this lovely table where you two newlyweds eat all of your meals. All I need you to do now is to jack off for me. Lay back and stroke that cock. Think of me fucking you in the store this afternoon and then my buddies fucking you in the parking lot and finally think about that hot movie with your boyfriends ass spreading for your cock and my camera." Jacob told William.

What could he do? He was going to be blackmailed until Jacob and his buddies got tired of using him. William laid across their kitchen table and grabbed his meat. He jerked off in record time. He just wanted this to be over for now. When he was about to blow, Jacob handed him the glass and told him to shoot his come in it. William did as he was told.

"So what now? Do I have to drink this or something? William asked.

"No, you don't, but your boyfriend does. You are going to make his dinner tonight with an added dose of our cum shake. I want to watch while your boyfriend eats our cum. You are going to make a great fettucine alfredo with a cup of cum for tonight's dinner." Jacob told the shocked William. I know you have the ingredients because as I told you before, I got a good look around the house while my guys were fucking you silly earlier today." Jacob said. "Go on get started. You only have a couple of hours before you head off to work. When it is ready I want you to plate his up so I know for sure that he ate it and not you. Now get busy as I have a few things to do around here before my work is done for the day." Jacob said.

As William was starting dinner (still naked by the way), Jacob went out to his truck and retrieved a large bag and went into the living room, bathroom and finally the bedroom. William assumed he was doing some more snooping to find things to use against him later but Jacob was actually installing mini-cams in each of those rooms unbeknownst to William. Jacob decided that William and his boyfriend weren't just going to appear in a porn short on the net, but that they would actually be the stars of a full length porn movie.

A short while later, Jacob was mulling around the house going through the boys personal things. He was especially turned on to be going through their underwear drawer and checking out the kind of lube they used as well as seeing if their were any "toys" around. William obviously liked the sexy designer underwear like 2xist and Calvin's while the boyfriend went for simple tighty whities and they both apparently wore boxers for bedtime. He was disapointed to find no dildos or butt plugs. He made a mental note of that. William approached Jacob and told him he needed to use the bathroom and start getting ready for work. Jacob said, "You know that I have been thinking that besides the fact that you are a selfish bitch toward your boyfriend but you are also a dog!! I mean you put up absolutely no resistance at all in that bathroom today. You could have said no, but instead you let me do anything I wanted to your slutty ass. With that being said, there will be no use of the bathroom or shower today." Jacob told a stunned William.

"But I have to do my "business" and clean up for my job." William said.

"You can do your business and get cleaned in the way a dog would my little bitch". Jacob said. "I want you to get on all fours and walk like a dog into your backyard."

William's eyes started to tear up. "Oh god, please don't do this to me. I have done everything you wanted, but please don't humiliate me this way." William pleaded with Jacob.

Jacob grabbed William and pushed him over the kitchen table as he pulled off his belt from his jeans. Jacob proceeded to whip William's ass with fury. "I told you as long as you followed my orders your boyfriend wouldn't find out about today. Now this whipping is my one and only warning to you. On all fours NOW and get outside!!" Jacob ordered.

"OK-OK, please stop. I will do it". The defeated William conceded to Jacob. He could feel the welts all over his cute bubble butt ass.

Slowly he got on all fours and walked like a dog into the backyard. Jacob instructed the defeated boy to lift his leg and piss like a dog. Jacob of course captured the whole process on tape. "This was too good to be true", Jacob thought to himself. "Good boy, now crawl a little further and squat for me. You said you had to do your business, so take a nice big shit for me like a good doggy. Jacob told the now crying William. He wanted this boy completely broken and was slowly devoiding him of any pride and masculinity. Jacob actually didn't get into this scene at all, but knew that pissing and shitting were two of the most private things a man could do. Forcing him to do it like a dog in the yard while filming it would put him close if not over the breaking point of William ever disobeying him. When he was finished, he crawled over to Jacob with tears running down his face. Jacob told William to stay in that postion. His hands and knees were filthy as well as his ass. Jacob grabbed the garden hose and hosed William down with the ice cold water spraying the water hard at his dirty ass. Jacob then told William to get back in the house. William never felt more degraded in his life.

"Go and pull out the dirty clothes basket for me." Jacob told William. "Pull out a pair each of your boyfriend's socks and underwear as well as an undershirt and put them on. Until further notice you will never wear your own clean undergarments. At night, you will throw in a clean set of your own into the basket to avoid suspicion. Is this understood?"

"Yes, sir." William replied.

This was the first time that William had referred to Jacob as sir. His plan was working and the boy was breaking. "Put the rest of your work clothes on and then plate up his dinner. Don't forget to add the cum to his sauce. Put the rest of dinner in a large container. This will assure that he eats us--as well as his dinner." Jacob said.

William finished getting ready for work by gelling his hair and brushing his teeth. Jacob asked him if he was ready. William told him he was.

"Good, now tonight is going to be a short shift for you. At 8pm I want you to tell your boss that something you ate for lunch didn't agree with you and that you need to leave early." Jacob told William. "You then need to arrive at the Expressway Motel, room 227. Do you understand? If you don't show or get there past 830pm I will send a copy of you and your boyfriend's movie to him. Kevin and Michael will meet you there and give you the next set of instructions."

"Kevin and Michael?", William asked.

"My two buddies who fucked your pussy in your car earlier today." Jacob said.

William felt defeated and saw absolutely no end to this nightmare in sight. Part of him wanted to come clean with his boyfriend so that Jacob had nothing else to blackmail him with but deep in his heart he knew that he would never be forgiven for this indiscretion that got way out of control. He didn't want to lose everything so he made the decision then and there to show up at the motel tonight. He followed the instructions to the letter and arrived at room 227 at 830pm. As he approached the door he found a note addressed to "William"--Read before knocking or entering this room!!!! The note read: Good boy, glad you could make it. You have made the right decision. There is a bag hanging on the door knob. Remove it and fill it with your clothes!!! Before you enter this room you must be naked!! When you are naked---knock and you will be allowed to enter. William was terrified as to what Kevin and Michael had instore for him. He swallowed hard and started to strip outside of the motel rooms door. He prayed harder than he ever has before in hoping that no one would come along and catch him nude in front of a motel. All he needed now was to be arrested for lewd behavior in public. In a matter of seconds the cute William was naked and knocking on room 227's door. The door opened and he entered. He was shocked to see what was in that room!

He immediately recognized Kevin and Michael. But there were at least 7 other men in the room as well as a sling. William was soon surrounded by the men. Kevin told them all to go ahead inspect their prize for the evening. As the men were fondling him from head to toe, Michael (the stocky one) informed William that he would be starring in yet another chapter of their porn movie. This particular scene would involve William being gangbanged from all 9 men in the sling. This would take place for the next 4 hours, just intime to get him home from work right on schedule. William immediately regretted the decision of not telling his boyfriend and going to the motel. He wanted to run but there was no escaping 9 men and he was of course naked and his keys were in the bag with his clothes.

Michael said. "William, lets get started. Hop up in the sling, the cameras are set up and ready to go."

"Please, this has gone on long enough. I want out of here." William told the room full of men.

"It is too late for that. Besides you are almost done. We just need this as the final climatic scene and we will be done with you. Your boyfriend will never be the wiser unless he shops for porn movies online, and somehow he doesn't look the type. Just let us use your hot little body one more time and we are through with you and you can go back to your little boring suburban life." Kevin (the tall one) explained to the boy.

"Can you tell me exactly how much I am in this movie?" William asked.

"Sure, you are in the movie jerking off on your kitchen table, being used by Jacob like a dog, Jacob face fucking you in your bedroom, fucking your boyfriend though his face is not clearly visible and of course this gangbang scene that you are about to star in." Michael told William. "Now lets stop wasting time and get on with this. Get up in the sling and be prepared to suck 9 cocks as well as have that pussy of yours stretched and cum in by a grand total of 72 inches of thick manmeat."

William started to cry but stopped himself and slowly started to lift his beautiful boyish "top" body into the sling for the fuck and suck of his life. Once his body was in the sling, Kevin and Michael secured his wrists and ankles to the sling. The cameras were turned on and the men each took up a postion. Kevin took the postion at William's soon to be pummeled ass and Michael placed his thick cock at the trembling boys lips. The fuck session had begun. William was being assaulted by cock in both ends of his body while the other 7 guys in the room (all coworkers of Kevin and Michael as he later figured out) watched, cheered them on and stroked their own cocks in anticipation of fucking the boy from both ends. Kevin and Michael came almost simultaneously and William got a load of cum down his throat which he quickly swallowed and another blast up his ass. The men walked away from William as soon as they were through and two more cocks took their places.

The chants were getting louder and worse as the fuck session went on. "Yes, lets fuck this bitch until she can't walk", "Yeah we are stretching out your whore pussy for ya'", "Fill his belly full of cum". Every nasty thing the men could think of saying they did. William was never more sore or humiliated in his life. William became numb after a couple of hours of the nonstop fuck and suck session. He could feel the cum oozing out of his ass and down his legs at one point. He had swallowed so much cum he thought he would be sick. Out of the corner of the room he heard a man yell, "That's it guys, we have all cum in this slut twice now, so we have the the final scene of the movie. That's a wrap."

William actually felt a glimmer of hope that this nightmare was finally ending and that he could go home and forget this entire day.

Kevin said, "We are done with the movie but we still have the bitch for another hour. What do you say we film a bonus scene and surprise Jacob?"

Michael said, "Sure, but what else can we do to him that we haven't already?"

Kevin said , "Watch this, turn the camera back on." At that point he started to work his fingers into poor William's ravaged asshole. Normally he would have started slow, but since he was so stretched out there was no need to be gentle. In one motion he had four fingers up the boys ass. Kevin started to work his thumb in William's ass as well. William realised at about the same time as the watching crowd that he was about to be fist fucked. His body began to shake violently from pure fear of his ass never recovering from this. He was immediately held down and Kevin continued forcing his hand up William's ass. He pushed his hand until he was buried up to his wrist in William's former "top boy" asshole. Kevin then surprised everyone by pushing his cock into the stretched out ass as well. The pain was incredible despite being as stretched out as he was. Then Kevin did the unthinkable...he started to jerk off in William's ass. He beat his own cock while buried up William's ass. This scene was too hot as the other guys in the room surrounded the slung up boy and started jerking off while watching Kevin fist-fuck and jerkoff in the boy. Kevin announced that he was going to blow one final load. The other 8 guys decided that they would give William a cum bath.

Cum started flying everywhere. William was doused in cum all over his head, face and body. The boy was drenched in cum. Kevin then said, "Now we have a final scene." He then pulled out of William's ass abruptly leaving the boy feeling empty and more dirty than he had ever in his life. Michael then helped William get out of the sling and told him he could clean up before he left. William went into the bathroom and showered the layers of cum out of his hair and all over his body. He reached back and felt his asshole. It was huge. He didn't think it would ever close back up. It felt like his ass lips were hanging down past his balls. We he had finished showering he emerged from the bathroom and Michael had his clothes ready for him. As William started to get dressed, Kevin said, "Before you go we have a little gift for you. Bend over the bed for a second."

William didn't move. He thought to himself, "Oh God not again."

"Relax this is just a parting gift and will only take a second." Kevin said.

With that, he thrust a huge 15 inch butt plug up William's ass. William was so loose he didn't even flinch. He just accepted the plug and continued to get dressed so he could go home and rest his weary fucked out cum dumped body. He would take the plug out along the way home. Hopefully when he got home his boyfriend would already be in bed and he could just quietly sneak in and go to sleep. He would definitely have a need to call in sick for a few days until his ass and body recovered from the intense fucking that he had received.

As William was driving home, his cell phone rang with an unknown number. He was reluctant to answer, but some little voice in his head told him that he should.

"Hello", William said.

"Good boy, heard you were a hot fuck tonight and we even got a bonus fist fuck scene." Jacob said from the other end of the line.

"I'm so glad that you were happy with my performance sir". William said.

"I got some great footage of your uptight boyfriend tonight as well. He loved dinner !!! Appparently Cum Pasta is a new favorite of his as he cleaned his plate. I jerked off and blew a load watching him eat. I also got a great shower scene with him. He showers very erotic when he is alone. He also gave me a nice bonus shot tonight as he masturbated in your bed smelling your dirty briefs, then shot a great big load that hit his own face." Jacob told William.

William couldn't respond. He just gulped and sweated perfusely.

"I can't wait to edit my movie and start selling it. You two could make me a fortune. Oh, by the way I finally figured out who your boyfriend is." Jacob said.

"You did?" A nervous William asked.

"Yes, I went through the mail on the counter and I knew the name sounded familiar and then it hit me. He is John McDonald son of Buddy McDonald the mayor of your fair city. He is also the head of all of the county libraries." Jacob said. "Yes I think you two will make me lots of money when I market that movie starring the hot top William and the mayor's son John. Now hurry home, I am waiting for you. I need a good blow job before bed tonight."

"Where are you?" William asked.

"In your living room. John is asleep and I am having a beer on the couch waiting for you to get home so I can see if that plug is still up your ass and also waiting for my goodnight blow job". Jacob said. "I want to fuck your face again while I check out your stretched out pussy."

"Oh my God, does he know your there?" William asked.

"Of course not, it is quite easy to sneek around this house for hours with him home and not be detected. Now hurry up and get your ass here. I am hard and naked on your couch. My cock is missing your mouth." Jacob said.

"I am pulling in the driveway now, I'll be right in." William said.

To be continued???????????????????????????????????????

Next: Chapter 4

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