My Soggy Soccer Star

Published on Nov 2, 2022


My Soggy Soccer Star Chapter 2

Chapter 2

To say that I am horny beyond all fucking belief this morning as soon as I woke up, would be a major understatement, so much so, that I doubt that I could describe how horny I am if given a hundred years to attempt it. I am super soggy, like I usually am, and far harder than I ever recall being before. I decide that I deserve to be fucked once again, and so, I grab all the supplies that I need, and get my diaper and dildo prepared. When I went to lube up my gay baby bum hole, I found that I truly do not need to. I have never felt myself gaping open like I am now, and so sloppy it feels like someone squirted an entire tube of lube deep inside me.

Simply not needing to, I forgo preparing myself any further, grab my dildo, turn it on, and then proceed to fuck myself silly for another four amazing baby boygasms. I did not even have to rub myself or envision anything, I came so fast and so hard, it was shocking, especially after the night before. However, with that being said, I had dreamed of Dallan all night long and all the amazing things that I want to do to him, and have him do to me, and though I know we should wait, I truly do not wish to. I know that he feels the same way too, fuck, I sure hope he does anyway.

After my last orgasm, I damn near passed out, my dildo is still firmly inside me, vibrating away amazingly, I am holding it there as I enjoy the afterglow of an amazing fuck. I am panting harder than I do after running from all the bullies at school. I am more worn than after a grueling workout with Dad. I am also sweating more than after sitting in our sauna for half an hour. All in all, I would have to say it has been an amazing morning so far.

Even though I know that I should not be doing so, I decide to change my diaper anyway. We usually swim every second morning, so that would usually mean today, but I want and need a nice thick baby diaper, and so, I diaper myself up real well. I use another one of my super thick night diapers, and inside it I slip one of my super thirsty diaper doublers, then grab the packing tape and tape my diaper on just a little better. The tapes on these diapers are amazing, do not get me wrong, but, in about six to eight hours, after peeing it silly, and having done a good workout in it this morning, that will tax them probably beyond even their capabilities. I usually only need to use the tape when I triple or quadruple diaper, but I do not usually do a workout in it either. I popped in my soother, and head downstairs.

As soon as I enter the kitchen, I am shocked to see that Dad is not even up yet, I am the first. I decided that I need not only some tea, but a nice soothing baby bottle, so I made a huge pot of tea, figuring that Dad and Dallan would enjoy some as well, and on a whim, I prepared a baby bottle for Dallan too. With my baby bottle where it belongs, my soother now dangling from the ribbon that is around my neck, I start looking for something to make for breakfast.

I decided on peaches and cream oatmeal, hard boiled eggs, and fruit salad, so got started on it right away. Almost half way through the cooking, Dad finally came downstairs.

“Morning Daddy.” I said around my soother, for I have finished my bottle, and am now working on my first cup of tea.

“Morning Baby. I take it from your fresh diaper, and with as thick as it is, that you don't feel like swimming today?”

“Yeah, hope you don't mind, but since you're so soggy, why not go get changed, and I think you deserve a double thick diaper as well.”

“That's fine, we'll just do a different workout today, and yeah, I think I deserve a double diaper as well.”

“That's what I was thinking too. Breakfast will be ready in about ten to fifteen minutes, so could you wake Dallan up as well while you're up getting changed, and maybe give him one of my diapers and a doubler, it'll be a bit big on him still, but should fit just fine. I'm sure he'll enjoy it as well.”

“I'm sure that he will.”

I am now just cutting up the fresh fruit for our fruit salad, we will mix it with yogurt, all the while I am stirring our oatmeal occasionally. It was almost fifteen minutes after Dad left, that I have breakfast ready, but Dad and Dallan have yet to arrive, but it will hold just fine, so I wait the nearly five minutes for them to arrive.

“Morning Dallan, how'd you sleep last night?” I asked, going instantly hard from the vision of him with his hair still sleep wild, and now wearing a gloriously thick doubled baby diaper how he should, though dry of course.

“Really good, you?”

“Amazingly, but I sure wore myself out real well before going to sleep, so that probably helped.” I said, and I am pretty sure I am grinning.

“Yeah, same.”

“Good. I see you're enjoying one of my ultra thick baby diapers and one of my doublers. How is it?”


“Yeah, it is, isn't it.”


“Good, come eat you two, it's ready to go, and there's lotsa tea, and I even made you a baby bottle as well Dallan, I thought you'd enjoy it.”

“Okay, thanks.”

I damn near came as Dallan popped the nipple of his bottle in his mouth and started sucking it. It was beyond hot for a gay baby boy like me, and he is just so fucking sexy like that.

Dad and Dallan dished up first, and then I did as well, and then we sat down to eat. As we ate, we talked more.

“So, what took you two so long, I expected you down like ten minutes ago?” I asked.

“I went and changed first, and then I went to Dallan's bedroom to wake him up, and ended up offering to change him. Of course, such a loving act made him cry again, and so I ended up holding and hugging him for a few minutes as well, getting to hold onto his cute little baby diapered bum, patting it, and whispering to him how good he is.”

“Ah, I wondered about that, it looked like you'd been crying again Dallan. It's so very loving though, isn't it, and I dare say, you desperately need it.”

“Yeah.” He said quietly, but with a content smile.


As soon as we were finished breakfast, we all helped to clean up, and then headed out to the pool house to do our workout out there. We did weights yesterday, and since today is usually a swim day, dad started us on an aerobics workout. Usually we swim every other day, and then the other day we do either weights or some form of cardio workout, and Dad knows a lot, including several forms of martial arts.

Poor Dallan was really pushing hard by the time we are half way through, but he is doing shockingly well. It seems his soccer coach has at least managed to give him a really good workout, and Dallan seems to know how to push. I hope he knows how to really push in another way as well, that thought only served to make me go hard, again. Dallan did not quite make it the whole hour that we usually work for when he had to slow almost right down. Dad did not let him stop though, and then we did our cool down.

“You did really well Dallan.”

“No I didn't, I couldn't keep up to you guys.” He said sadly.

“How many of the other kids on your team do you think could do the entire hour, with me pushing them that hard?”

“Probably none.”

“And how about the kids in your class at school, could they have?”

“Absolutely not. No one can even kinda close to keep up to me.”

“Exactly. Your coach's taught you boys how to push, how to really work hard, and that's excellent, but I would've been shocked had you actually managed to do our entire routine. Fuck, it was only a little more than a year ago that Jett was finally able to fully keep up, and we've been doing this since he could walk.”


“Oh yeah. Trust me, you did spectacularly. Most can't keep up to me, Jett's only just barely able to, though he's getting better, and considering I doubt you've ever done anything quite that intense before, you're way further ahead than I anticipated you'd be. I fully expected you to start slowing down after only twenty minutes.”

“Oh. I had no idea.”

“You're constantly thinking that everyone's better than you, but you needta stop thinking like that, same thing I've been telling Jett almost his whole life. You're far better than I think you even realize is possible, and we'll happily help you to realize and utilize that. Even Jett's far better than he understands, and once he comes to terms fully with who and what he is, understands more about himself, then those bastards at school will never be able to hurt him again.”

“Thanks.” He whispered.

Yeah, he has been telling me that for years now, he tells me my physical strength is far superior to almost every other kid in my school, and that even though I know and am happy with who and what I am, that I just seem to lack the mental strength that I need in order to deal with bullies. He has tried, but I just cry when they start teasing me, I cannot seem to stop it.

“You're welcome. Now, let's go get a drink, and then we'll relax a bit, and then do something.” Dad said.

We all went and had a couple large glasses of cool water, Dad says it's bad to drink ice water, especially after working out and heating up so much, he says it is actually better if we drink warm water, but neither of us can do that, though we do often have a pot of tea after a good workout, we love green tea after a workout actually, so after our two glasses of water each, that was exactly what we made, and enjoyed that as well. We then went and sat back and relaxed, and for almost the entire rest of the day, that was pretty much all that we did too.

Our double extra thick baby diapers lasted until just before dinner, so we went and changed, going with just one ultra thick diaper, since that will be all we need to last until tomorrow morning now. Even though we all probably should have had a shower, since we clearly did not after our good workout, none of us bothered, and just got diapered.

When we went to bed, I hope that I was not the only one that masturbated feverishly while fucking myself, though this time I only used my own fingers, and pulled my diaper aside, so as not to wreck it. I made myself cum another four times before I am satisfied, and though it is still half an hour before bed time, I am too tired to read, and so, I go to sleep.

This morning I woke up feeling good and horny once more, and so, I jacked off another three times before getting up. I met Dad in the kitchen this morning, we hugged and kissed good morning as we always do, asked how each others sleep was, which was good for both, and then I grabbed a cup of tea.

“So, are we gonna swim this morning?” I asked.

“Yeah, I'll go get Dallan in just a minute here, and then we can go swimming.”


“We needta teach him how to swim though, so it might not be too much of a workout today, but that's okay.”

Dad got up and went and got Dallan only a minute later, and a few minutes later, the sexy little man walked in, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes, his hair all wild and all over the place, and his sexy baby diaper is so gloriously full, that it is swaying beneath him. I accidentally groaned from the vision. Dad smacked me, and told me to get my head out of the gutter.

That was totally not where it was, it was buried in Dallan's sexy soggy baby diaper, mashing his hot little erection in all his soggy diaper material, then pulling down his diaper, and burying my face in there to inhale everything inside, piss, dick, and balls, and from the vision I just had, I would have made Dallan pass out after making him cum no less than twelve times.

“Now, Dallan, we're gonna go swimming this morning, so we'll needta teach you how to swim, but one thing that we didn't tell you yesterday as far as I remember, is that there are no clothes allowed in our pool. So, this is to both of you, will you be able to behave yourselves?”

“I wish I could say yes, but I'm not really sure that I can say it and mean it, but I think I can. Even though I've never even seen another boy naked before, that's not actually how I wanna see Dallan, in that sexy soggy baby diaper's how I wanna see him most, and I can behave, well, sorta, the visions running through my head every time I see him like this, well, I don't really think I haveta say.”

“Same.” Dallan said.

“Good, glad you're both honest with yourselves.” Dad laughed, and we nodded.

We headed out to the pool house, and into the shower to clean up. We stripped off our super soggy baby diapers, and Dallan is as hard as I am, which I never even thought was possible to begin with. He is looking at both Dad and I, his mouth hanging open in awe. His balls are tucked up tight to his groin, and his erection is about two to three centimeters shorter than mine, and I would guess about half as big around, so nice and slim still, just like I was a little more than a year ago when I started to grow. His erection is sticking almost straight out, with only just a little upwards curve, and he pulls a little to his left. I have a little more upwards curve, and I point to the right.

“Fuck, you're hot.” I groaned. I thought I said it in my head, but Dad smacked me.


“Sorry, I thought that was in my head.” I said, not really caring, knowing that Dad really does not care either.

“He is a right hot little pretty baby boy though, isn't he.” Dad grinned.

“Oh yeah.”

“Wow, you two are really hot, and you're so big.” Dallan said, after finally getting his mouth to work properly.

Once more, I would like to make it work much more properly, and in a much better way, if you know what I mean.

“Thanks.” We both said. “I'm not really that big yet, Dad's still almost twice as big as me overall, but, like he says, I'm only just barely thirteen, and have lotsa growing time left, and that by the time I'm done, I should be right around the same size as he is. And just so you know, it was only just a little more than a year ago when my baby bone was almost identical in size to what yours is now, so I think you've got a pretty good size for your age already.” I added.

“Yours was right about the same size at ten, that's the year you started to grow, it just took a while to grow more. I do haveta agree though Dallan, you have a mighty fine young specimen there, and once you learn how to use it good and proper, I think you'll be truly happy with it.” Dad said.

“Really, thanks.” He said, and even though he is blushing, it is not that much, but then, every boy secretly wants another male to compliment his equipment.

“You're welcome. Now, let's get cleaned up. We shower very well prior to getting into the pool. We use salt water, UV light, and ozonation to purify our water, and while it's as effective as chlorine is by itself, it's not as fast, and I prefer to not clean everything too much, so we clean well before getting in, so that it saves cleaning.”

“Okay, but what about pee, I kinda can't control it at all.”

“That's okay, neither can I, and I doubt that Jett ever cares, if and when he realizes it. It's mostly pretty clean, and we can't really worry about that too much. It's really all the oils and grime from our bodies that we needta worry about. So, get good and clean.”

As soon as we are clean, Dad leads us to the pool, where we both start teaching Dallan how to swim. He is shockingly determined though, and even though he was scared, within half an hour, we had him doing a basic crawl all by himself, and by the end of our hour, he can do almost all the forms just fine. He is not great yet, but he will be soon.

“You did amazingly well Baby, you should be proud of yourself.” Dad said.

“Thanks.” He whispered.

“Let's go get a quick clean, and then head in and get diapered, get breakfast, and then get ready for the day.”

Before too long, we are all cleaned and diapered, and sitting down to eat breakfast. As soon as it is done, we all head to our bedrooms again to get dressed, since why get dressed before you have to, right, and Dallan likes this as well. Dad will have to take Dallan to school, so that he can do the change of guardianship forms up, but then after today, he will be able to ride his bike to school, since he goes to the same elementary school that I had went to, and he is actually a fair bit closer than he used to be.

Once ready to go, we all head out. I hop on my bike and head to school. Almost as soon as I entered the school, the principal was there to greet me.

“Good morning Jett. If I may, I'd liketa have a word with you please.”

“Um, sure.”

He led me to his office, and then, as soon as we are seated, he starts.

“So, after what happened Friday, again, because I know it wasn't the first, I had the school board install security cameras. You won't be able to see them unless you know they're there, but I've been getting just a few too many reports of bullying and whatnot, and it needs to stop. I just thought that what you've been going through needsta stop, and so, I'm doing what I can.”

“Thanks Sir. Hopefully it'll help.”


“I'll let you go, so have a good day.”


The morning went by reasonably well, I only got taunted about twenty or thirty times, I just ignored them. For some reason it is easier today. Then, just after I finished eating, I was heading to the library, when five boys, all bigger than me, surrounded me.

“Oh, what now. You wanna make the gay baby boy cry again, does it really make you feel that much better about yourselves?” I taunted them, before they could even say anything. A first I might say, I have no idea where it came from.

“So you admit it?” The biggest and dumbest one laughed.

“Yes, you fucking retard, you've known it for years, I've never denied either, you can call me a gay baby all you want, it only hurts you, not me. Just 'cause you're too stupid to realize that your being a bully says more about you than it does about me, doesn't mean that I'm gonna take it any more. Now, kindly fuck off.”

“How dare you, you filthy little fairy freak.” He snarled.

“You know what, one more word, just one more fucking word, and I drill your face through that wall.” I said, I am mad. I am not scared, I am not ashamed, I am not going to cry, but I am mad. Pissed off in fact.

“Fairy.” He said.

He was standing right next to the wall, and without even thinking, I punched as hard as I could. Only, I was not aiming at his head, I aimed for the wall right next to his head. That was when they realized I am a hell of a lot stronger than they thought. Hell, I did too, because my fist went right through.

“Just let that be a lesson to you, if that had've been your ugly, useless, fucking, disgusting, piece of shit head, you'd be dead now, and everyone in the school would be happy.” I said, after extracting my hand out of the hole.

I am bleeding, my knuckles are all bloody and sore.

“Fuck.” At least three of his friends said as one.

The one that I had almost killed, had looked to the hole beside his head, and cannot seem to say anything.

Just as I was about to say something else, the principal came running up.

“What's going on here?”

Then he looked at the situation. My would be bully is standing there stock still, a look of shock still on his face, he has a wet spot on the front of his pants, and I have a bloody hand, standing right next to a hole in the wall.

“These guys thought that it'd be fun and funny to tease me, and when I told him that one more word would have me drill his face through the wall, he called me a fairy, and so, I aimed for the wall instead, he had me so fucking mad that I wanted to kill him, so I thought I should hit the wall, so that I wouldn't actually kill him. Never thought my hand would go right through it. They're plywood walls, so, sorry about that, I'll pay to have that fixed.”

“But, that's 5/8” plywood, there should be no way you could punch through it.”

“Maybe that area's been hit too many times and was weak.” I said, still cradling my hand. “Any chance I can call my dad, I think he needsta take me to the hospital to check out my hand?”

“Um, no, that area's brand new, this entire hall was redone during the summer. As for calling your dad, yes, as for you five, come with us to my office please.”

“Oh, okay.”

We all followed, not one of the boys saying anything. When we made it there, I was offered the phone, and I called Dad and told him the brief story, and asked him to come and take me to the hospital. He told me he is on a crime scene, so will be here as soon as he can. When I hung up, the principal started talking.

“Jared, since you're the only one that actually spoke, you're sadly the only one I can suspend for this, and just so you know, I have everything recorded, so, three weeks in school suspension. You go to class, then you come to the office for every break. You may even also needta stay one hour every day after class, depending on the day and if I'm here or not. If you're not at school, I need a doctors note saying you were sick, and you still haveta serve that day anyway. Your parents are being called and told what's happening and why. You four, the only reason you're not sharing in that punishment is because unfortunately you said nothing. However, you're not getting away totally free. Each one of you is to write a very detailed five thousand word essay on why bullying is bad, and what it means and causes. You also have three weeks to turn it in. If you do not, then you will be expelled. Am I making myself perfectly clear?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Good. Now, Jared, it seems that when Jett snapped, he scared the piss outta you, go to the lost and found in the room to the right of my door, and find a clean pair of pants. There's likely no underwear in there, so you'll just haveta go without.”

That was when he suddenly realized it, because he looked down in shock, and burst into tears.

“And the rest of you, not one word about that to anyone. None of you'd have fared any better. As for you Jett, I refuse to accept payment for repairing the wall, we'll take care of that.”

“I'm not gonna get suspended or punished at all, but, well, I did something bad?” I asked in shock.

“Well, I suppose I could punish you if you really want me to, but, honestly, the way these boys have been treating you lately I'd say has been more than enough punishment. So, no, I don't feel that you deserve it.”

“Well, thanks, I guess.”

“You're welcome.”

“Come on Jared, I'll take you and help you find some pants.” I said, because he was still standing there, crying in shame. Not one of his friends has even looked at him yet.

When I went to the door, he was still standing there, so I grabbed his hand and pulled him, and this time he followed, like I was leading a lost puppy. When we entered the lost and found room, I tried asking Jared what size his pants are, but he would not answer.

“If you don't tell me, I'm just gonna come over there and check for myself.” I said softly.

“You're gonna bully me now, aren't you?” He whispered.

“As much as I deserve to do so, because you and your friends have been my leading tormentors since I started school, I'm not mean, I'd never tease, taunt, bully, or berate anyone, and I'd certainly never do so while they're down. No, I'm trying to show you some compassion, some kindness, I have a feeling that it's not something that you're used to feeling.”

And now he started sobbing, full on pitiful sobs, I can honestly say that I have never seen anyone cry like that. He even crumpled to the ground and curled up in a ball, crying.

“Wow, how much are you hurting inside to cause this.” I said, though I have no idea if he can even hear me right now.

I decided that I should probably try and help him, so I got down and told him that I do not hate him, that he needs some help, and to let me help him. The sobs decreased, eventually, but still he would not uncurl.

“Jared, I think you're in serious trouble. I think there's something wrong with you. Can you talk, should I call 911?”

“No.” He whispered hoarsely.

“You've realized how much of a monster you've been to me, haven't you?”

“How can you not hate me? I'm a horrible person.”

“Easy, my hating you wouldn't change anything, it'd just make me more miserable. Do you think you can stand up yet?”

“You're really not gonna tattle on me?”

“No, why, should I?”

“It's what I'd do.”

“You should be thankful that I'm not like you then. You don't have a loving home, do you?”

“I don't know. I think my dad loves me, but, well, he works two jobs and can't be around, I hardly ever see him, I have no idea who my mom is, I pretty much raised myself.”

“Have you admitted to yourself that you're gay yet?”

“No, of course not, why would I do that?” He asked in panic.

“Oh, I don't know, because I think you are.”

“Oh god no, I'd never be like that.”

“Like me, you mean?”

“I'm not gay.”

“Mmmm, you don't even believe yourself, do you, even though it sounds like that's the lie you've been trying to tell yourself for a long time. You're scared shitless that you are, but you keep telling yourself that you're not. You're fourteen right, you're in grade nine, so that'd put you at about a year older than me. Anyway, my dad says that the older you get, and the more you fight who you truly are, the greater the chance that you just completely shut down. Like you just did there. I think I'm your scapegoat, aren't I, the one who made you feel better about yourself. Hate to tell you this, but not any more, I'm not taking that shit any more, so either admit it, find another scapegoat, or probably shut down permanently soon, and probably end up killing yourself. The choice is yours. Now, what's your pants size?”

He told me, but said nothing else about what I just said. I searched through the stacks of pants, and found a pair of sweat pants that are about his size.

“Here, these should be fine. There's some plastic bags here to put your wet clothes in, I'm guessing you're not the first person this has happened to, otherwise they wouldn't have the bags here. I'll turn my back if I really haveta, but you needta get changed. Hopefully my dad'll be here soon to take me to the hospital, my hand's killing me.”

He took the offered pants, kicked off his shoes, and turned away from me and very quickly changed. I could not help but to admire his pretty fine ass. It took everything in me not to whistle at him. Probably would have been funny to see the look on his face though. Granted, that might have made him crash again.

“There, feel better?” I asked.

“Yeah, thanks.”

I opened the door, to find that the principal is there, waiting for us, with another man.

“Oh shit, Dad.” Jared said.

“Oh shit is right. I just finished watching the recording of what happened, as well told about the bullying that you've been doing. That stops now. From this day forth, for twice the time you're suspended for, you're diapered. When you're not in school, you're doing extra work. I don't know how I'll do it, but I'm gonna make sure that I'm home more often, because clearly you need me at home more. As for bullying this young man for being gay, how could you do something like that, when I very clearly see it in you as well, have since you were five. And when I tell your Uncle Marcus, oh, he's gonna have words for you. He's gay, my oldest and dearest friend in the world, you hadta know he was gay, no one could possibly be that blind. Now, back to the diapering, like I said, suspension time, times two, that's the minimum. If I find out that you've peed anywhere but your diaper, I add a day. Any complaints, and I add two days. If I find you without one, that adds a week. I can't be there to monitor you at all times, so, you're gonna haveta be a man and take your punishment with head held high, and do it, because when I do spot checks, and I will, you know what'll happen. Now, anything you care to say before I finalize your punishment?” He said dangerously.

“It's too late to say sorry, isn't it?”

“Way too late for that. By the sounds of it, years and years.”

“For what it's worth anyway Jett, I truly am sorry. But Dad, please, anything but that?”

“Two times plus two days. Wanna keep complaining?”

“No.” He said, and the tears are rolling down once again.

“I thought not. Now, continue to cross me, or this young man, and I tell your secrets, all the ones you think I don't know, I know more than you'll ever know. I work hard to provide everything I can for you, but clearly my not being there for you has hurt you more than I suspected. For that I apologize to you, and so, I'm gonna see what I can do about that, but, you still deserve, and so will therefore get punished.”

Jared said nothing more.

“Principal, I'd ask that you watch Jared while at school and ensure that he's diapered as well. If I haveta ask all his teachers as well, I will.”

“I'll do what I can, though technically speaking I'm not strictly allowed to condone any punishment that might be considered damaging to a student, because some might claim that that's well above and beyond punishment. I'm not gonna say anything, though, because I'm of the firm belief that the punishment should fit the crime, and that punishment fits like a well fitting diaper.”

“Thanks, and I agree.”

Just then, my dad came walking in. Before he could say anything, I asked the principal something.

“Sir, where will Jared be serving his time while he's in school?”

“In the quiet room just inside the main offices here, why?”

“Because I'd like permission to come and sit and talk to him tomorrow, to tell him some things that he needsta know, and just be there for him, I think he's gonna need it.”

“If it were anyone else asking, I'd say no, but I think I understand why you wanna do so, and I think you might be right.”

“Thanks, and I hope I am too, because if I'm not, I think we all see where it ends, except Jared himself.”

“True. Well, your dad's here now, so, you should go get your hand looked at.”

“Thanks.” I said, and then turned toward Dad and headed his way, because he had seen that we were talking, so he did not want to interrupt.

As we drove, and as we waited at the hospital, I told Dad everything. He hardly said a thing, other than when he was talking to the triage nurse.

Finally, as soon as I finished my tale, Dad said, “I'm proud of how you handled yourself today. Are you starting to understand why it was so much easier today?”

“Thanks, and yeah, it's 'cause I'm falling in love, isn't it.”

“Along those lines yes. You're becoming far more sure of who and what you are, you're starting to understand what love really is, and you're finally becoming mentally strong.”

“Thanks. It felt kinda good to show them how powerful I really am, even though my hand really hurts now.”

“I'm sure it does, punching through fifteen millimeter plywood, no matter who you are, is gonna hurt. I just hope you haven't broken anything. At least all the cuts have stopped bleeding.”

“It actually didn't really even bleed all that much.”

“That's good.”

We were called in only a minute later, and the doctor only asked what happened, took a quick gentle feel of it, before claiming that he does not feel that anything is broken, though it could be, he says at worst I may have some cracks or fractures, but that regardless, he will still immobilize my hand, otherwise moving it will be very painful for the next few days. He is still sending me down to the imaging department to get some good pictures of it, to be sure though. We were back to our room only thirty minutes later, and we are alone for almost thirty minutes, talking the whole time, before my doctor came back.

“Well young man, you're shockingly tough. Not only did you punch right through some rather thick plywood, but you managed to do so without causing any actual damage. We can't see so much as one minor crack anywhere. Of course, there could by tiny ones that we simply can't see, but would really not cause you any problems whatsoever. So, other than just hurting lots over the next few days, there's really not much you can do to damage it further. I'm still gonna wrap it to make it more comfortable, because moving it today and tomorrow won't feel good with all that bruising and swelling, but the day after tomorrow, you're to grin and bear it, take the wrap off, and start using it as normal. You may take two hundred milligram Advil to help with the pain and the swelling, as well you may take the same size of Aspirin if you need it for added pain relief, but only one of each, you can take them at the same time, up to as much as four times per day, with food. You may do that for no more than five days, after that, the main swelling and the bulk of the pain should dissipate, at which time I want you off the medications, since they'll do you more harm than good. Any pain after that shall just serve as a reminder not to punch solid objects, because next time we may need to cast you.”

“Thanks Doctor, but really, it was either punch the wall or punch his face in, I still think I made the better choice.”

“Yes, I think you did as well, because a hit of that kind of force may've killed someone.”

“Exactly why I did what I did.”

He spent only a few minutes wrapping my hand to make certain that it is as immobile as possible. He signed us out, and then we headed home, though we swung into the pharmacy on our way to grab the medications, since we almost never have that sort of thing in the house. Fortunately we are not too late for Dallan, but he is walking up seconds after we got out of the truck.

“What happened to you?” He asked in shock at seeing me with my hand bandaged.

“Oh, you know, just punched a hole through a fifteen millimeter plywood wall to prove to a few bullies what'd happen if they continued to piss me off. My hand kinda went right through it though, and hurt. I didn't expect to actually go through it, so we just got home from the hospital, thankfully it was quiet in there and we got in almost right away, or we may not've made it home in time, but Dad woulda come picked you up if he hadta.”

“Wow, you really punched right through that thick 'a plywood wall, that's pretty impressive.” He grinned.

“Wasn't trying to show off, and it really hurt, but I think they get the hint, and hopefully it goes around too, and will maybe lessen the taunts.”


“Well, I don't know about you two, but I need a seriously soggy baby bum change, and I for one plan to go quadruple thick. I then need a baby bottle and a pot of tea and to curl up and cuddle with my daddy.”

“Other than the baby bottle, I think I can agree to that.” Dad said.

“I think I'd like the same things please, including a baby bottle.”

“Good.” I said.

We all headed to our bedrooms, but then I encountered a problem. I cannot use my right hand, nearly at all, and even though I am almost totally ambidextrous, I know that I cannot diaper myself with just one hand. My teachers will likely hate the next couple days though, because even though I can write with my left hand, it is nowhere near as neat as when I do so with my right hand. I grab all my diaper supplies that I had already prepared, and headed to Dad's bedroom. His door is open, and he is almost done.

“Ah, I wondered if you'd be able to diaper yourself with one hand pretty much useless right now.”

“Yeah, because I'm mostly right handed, I just can't seemta do it, so, would you help a baby out, and diaper me like a baby?”

“Sure Baby, come lay down and I'll get you all taken care of, just no cumming.”

“I make no promises if you enjoy lotioning and creaming me up as much as I usually enjoy doing so to myself.”

“And I do so to myself as well, normally, but I figured this was gonna happen, hence my door being open, but no, I won't. I hope you know how to masturbate left handed.”

“Hell yeah, why do you think I'm almost fully ambidextrous, if I use just one hand too often, it gets too sore.” I grinned.

“Same.” Dad laughed.

As soon as he is out of the way, I lay down, and enjoy having my daddy diaper me. We do not do this often, even though I do like having Dad change me still from time to time, but since I was eight, I have enjoyed lotioning and creaming myself almost even more than having Daddy diaper me, so clearly I do so myself more often than not now, and yes, he knows exactly why, we have never hid that from each other.

“Mmmm, thanks Daddy, that was really nice. Now, I need a baby bottle and my pills, and I definitely think I want one of each, and I think I'd liketa make myself a pot of your nettle tea to help with the inflammation.”

“You're welcome Baby, you know I still love changing my beautiful baby boy, every bit as much as you love me doing it.” He smiled warmly to me. “As for tea and meds, sounds good to me as well. My back's a little tender and sore again, so I think that's what I'll make myself, since it does help a shocking amount.”


Dad has always hated taking more medications than is needed, so, even though he does have a bad lower back, and a bad knee, he usually only drinks nettle tea for its anti inflammation properties, and it works well.

Dallan is just leaving his room as we are leaving Dads, and he looks super sexy in his quadruple thick baby diaper as well. He has one of his, and one of mine, each with a doubler in it, but clearly his has holes in it.

“Mmmm, you look delicious like that.” I groaned.

“So do you.”

“Heads outta each others diapers you naughty baby boys.”

“Can't help it.” We both said, exactly the same thing, at exactly the same time, almost as if we had practiced it, and then burst into giggles, even Dad laughed.

“Yeah, know how you feel. Now, let's go get all set up, shall we.”

I made two baby bottles, but also poured Dad some apple juice in a glass, while Dad is making the tea. He is making a full four litre jug, so Dallan can have some of that as well, even though he might not need it, he might enjoy it. It is not as bad as you would think something like nettle sounds like it should be, we actually like it, but it sure does help with the aches and pains. As soon as I have the bottles filled and ready to go, I grab the pills and grab the one of each that I am allowed to take, and down them with half of Dads glass of apple juice, but then refill it, so that he gets to enjoy it as well. I then pop the nipple of my bottle in my mouth and start sucking it dry, same as Dallan. We manage to finish our bottles at the same time, Dad has already downed his glass of juice, and then, just after we finish cleaning them up, our tea is ready, now poured into nice thermal mugs, and we go and sit down.

As soon as we do so, I cuddle right into Daddy on one side, and Dallan sits on his other, but Dad pulls him in closer, so that he is cuddling us both. I do not cry, only because I was not actually scared today, but I do need to feel the closeness anyway. It has always been like that, when the bullies are extra hard on me, Dad cuddles me after diapering me extra thick, and I have almost always cried lots and lots. But today I do not cry, I do not feel the need to, because I feel calm and at peace in my head.

Once I fully relaxed, though, because I had still been tense, but only in my body, as if I had been really wound up, ready to strike, we started talking, and dad made me say everything all over again, all of my feelings, everything. I even admitted that today, for the first time ever, I was not scared.

“I'm very proud of you Baby, you did exactly what you've needed to do for a long time. Prove to both them and yourself that you're not scared of them any more, and just how strong you are. I'm glad that you kept your head about you when you were angry, you know just as well as I do what would've happened had you hit him in the head that hard, and I never want that on your conscience. So, what are you gonna do tomorrow at school?”

“Well, smile warmly at anyone who bothers to say anything, but, as soon as I get there, I'm gonna go find Jared and sit and talk with him. I'll even offer to be his friend if he wants that. He's been my biggest bully since I started school, and fully ninety five percent of the times my pants were pulled down were by him. I think his dad does know his deep dark secrets, and I think one of them just hasta be diapers, which is why he punished Jared like that. I started to wonder more than a year ago if that wasn't half his problem, I have something that he wanted so much, but couldn't possibly get. If I can, without making him crash, I'll get him to admit it to me. We might end up having to skip the first half the day as we talk, but I think the principal will be okay with that.”

“Excellent. As you well know, since I've told you before countless times, sometimes our bullies want what we have more than even they understand. Of course sometimes they're just small minded assholes, but I think you're right. From the way you said it of what his dad said to him, I also assume you're correct in that he knows, and maybe this punishment isn't so much punishment that Jared needs, but needs desperately in other ways.”

“Yeah, and I've finally started to see it too. You know, it was actually today, when I wasn't scared, that I finally looked at him, for the first time, truly looked at him, and I saw it instantly, he's gay, every bit as much as me, there'll never be a female in his life, ever. One of his friends is at least bi, but possibly gay as well. The others I don't think they are at all. I finally feel good. You've always made me feel great at home, but then school just made me miserable, and so, ever since I've started school, I've never been totally happy, but now I am.”

“Very good Baby. As you very well know, I know exactly how you feel. I was a lot older when I finally realized that I'm the creator of my own happiness, or misery, and I was letting all those around me make me miserable. That's why I always worked so hard to make you happy, to try and let you see that, but you just couldn't see it yet. I'm glad you finally have.”

“Thanks. It feels nice, so peaceful.”

“Good. So, Dallan, how do you feel, hearing all this?”

“I think I understand what you mean. If I don't let them make me miserable, I won't be. I've always tried that, especially with my mother, but they tried harder, so it was difficult sometimes.”

“Believe you me, I know. You're far younger than I was when I finally realized even that much, and even younger than Jett. He's been starting to understand for a while now, but he just couldn't grasp it yet. You have a bit more work before you're to Jett's stage, but, I think now you'll get it pretty soon. We are the creators of our own happiness, our happiness comes from within, if we are happy with who and what we are, then the fact that others are not, will not hurt us. You're a good little gay baby boy diaper lover, you know and accept that, you're even okay with it, but you're not strictly happy with it yet. It'll come, faster now that you're here I think, and finally feeling love of family, and starting to feel love of a partner. I know you're falling for Jett, and he's falling for you, but both of you have so much more work to do on yourselves before you can truly start working with each other, at least in my opinion, and in this case, my opinion is the only one that counts. Both of you, get your heads on straight first, know, understand, and love who you are, work on feeling all that feels good, to yourself, and only then do I say you're ready to explore someone else.”

“Thanks.” We both said, and I do finally understand exactly what he is saying too.

From the peaceful smile on Dallan's face, I think he is finally starting to understand it as well.

We ended up talking so much, that it was dinner time before we knew it, and so, we went and made and ate dinner, enjoying it a great deal. After having sat for way longer than Dad or I are used to, we decided to go play active games, and went and did so until bed time. Clearly none of us are in need of soggy baby bum changes when it does come time for bed, even though we are all so gloriously soggy. Hopefully we will be ready for seriously super soggy baby bum changes come morning though, because I for one do not care to remove my mega thick baby diaper until such time that it is pretty much leaking. Just before bed, I took more pills to help, and then passed out rather quickly.

Next: Chapter 3

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