My Soggy Soccer Star

Published on Nov 7, 2022


My Soggy Soccer Star Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Good news. I am seriously soggy, but not leaking, yet I am likely going to very soon, which is absolutely perfect if you ask me, that means I enjoyed my mega thick baby diaper as fully as I possibly could, for as long as I possibly could. I had an amazing sleep, possibly one of the most peaceful that I have ever actually experienced. I did not jack off last night, I was so tired, but boy do I need to this morning, and so, I do so, envisioning Dallan in that super sexy quadruple thick, and already slightly soggy diaper that he had been wearing the night before.

After rubbing myself for only a few minutes through my diaper, which feels great, do not get me wrong, it is just not enough, there is too much diaper material in the way for me to truly enjoy, and so, I push my diaper down as well as I can, it actually hurts slightly as it pushes up against my balls, because I pushed it down that far for the extra access, but with it taped on so well, clearly it has no flex. Oh well, it does not hurt that much, and in fact kind of feels good.

I grasp hold of my pride and joy, and start stroking, there is already a bubble of precum on the tip as my rather long puckered foreskin retracts fully, and so, I swipe it off with my other hand, at least my finger tips are still exposed, and taste it, fuck it tastes so good. I do not think that I even made it to ten seconds, before I had my first orgasm.

And that was when I got a pleasant surprise, my first true cum, it squirted out with surprising speed and distance, and I hit my left pec with it. But then only one more little squirt seeped out after that, though I must have pulsed a full ten or fifteen times after, no more came out.

“Fuuuuuuuck meeeeeeeeeee. That was amazing.” I groaned to myself.

And then I tasted it. The bubble that had come out second is coating my fingers, and so, I promptly slip them in my mouth, and suck them clean. Oh holy fuck, the most amazing thing I think I have ever tasted in my life. I swear my eyes rolled into the back of my head as I savoured it. As soon as I can no longer taste it, I scoop up as much of the rest that sprayed, and truly savoured it as well.

Well, that only served to make me even hotter than I had already been, and managed to jack off four more times in the next ten or fifteen minutes, maybe an hour, not really sure. Unfortunately, no more sweet baby cream came out, though no, it was not creamy yet, it was still pretty thin, and it was mostly clear, but it did have a little milkiness to it, and fuck was it ever sweet.

“Wow.” I sighed deeply once done.

I repositioned my diaper, and with good timing, because I guess I had to go pee, and now that I am soft, it wanted to come out, so I got to enjoy peeing my diaper even more.

On shaky legs, I slipped out of bed and headed to the kitchen. Dad and Dallan are both already sitting there.

“Good morning.” I said as I walked in, then gave Dad hugs and kisses good morning.

“And good morning to you too Baby. Almost half an hour ago, it sounded like you had a really powerful orgasm, we heard you from here. We were already up, you actually slept in this morning.”

“It was an amazing morning. I sprayed my first load this morning.”

“Amazing, how was it, and how'd it taste?”

“Mmmmm, so fucking good.” I sighed deeply, then realized what I had just said in front of Dad. “Oops, sorry Dad.” I said, because I know he does not like me swearing much, even though he says that he knows I will, and I do use certain ones around him, and he does not mind.

“It's okay, I understand, and I'm glad that you enjoyed it as much as it sounds like you did.”

“Thanks, and probably more. I'm not sure anyone could describe just how much I enjoyed that, I doubt there are words capable of saying what I thought of it.”

“No, I feel the same way too. So, my baby's growing up.”

“Getting older, but I ain't ever growing up, I'm staying a baby for life.” I said in a huff.

“Good, same.” Dad said.

“Me too.” Dallan grinned, and yes, I did see him have to adjust his hot baby erection.

“Good.” I said.

I grabbed my cup of tea, and took a sip, then went and grabbed a glass of apple juice, so that I can take my pills, and did so right away. Dad and Dallan look to have already had cereal, and so, I went and grabbed what I want as well, then saw the time on the microwave, and was shocked, it is already six thirty. Holy crap, I either really slept in, or took a long time to jack off this morning, or more than likely it was a combination of the two.

“So, I guess there's no workout this morning, we won't have time for that.” I laughed when I pointed out how late it is.

“No, as it is, as soon as you're finished breakfast, we all needta go have showers and get ready for the day.”

And so, I ate, and as soon as I am done, I rinse my bowl, put it in the dishwasher, and then head to my room. I could not help but to admire Dallan's seriously sexy, seriously soggy baby diapered bum, I purposely followed him to check it out. It seems that Dallan has enjoyed his diaper every bit as fully as I have, same as Dad too I notice. That only served to make me hard, again.

Once more, with my hand all bandaged up, when I go to try and remove my diaper, I find that I cannot, but Dad seems to have already thought of this, because he came in seconds after me with scissors and a few other supplies.

“So that we don't haveta try and bandage your hand up again, possibly causing pain, and because I don't know how to bind it properly, I have stuff here to waterproof it instead. Then I also have the stuff to remove your well wet baby diaper, since I doubt you'll be able to at the moment anyway.”

“Oh, thanks, good idea.”

Dad got me all set in just a few minutes, and then I headed to my bathroom to have a shower. I have a nice long hot shower, Dad told me to, to give him time to have a quick shower and get diapered, so that he could come back and help me. As soon as I hopped out of the shower, I dried off as best I could, and headed back to my bedroom for my diaper. Dad is already there, and so, he got me diapered first, and then took the waterproofing wrapping off my hand. He is happy to see that it is not wet. It would not hurt anything, but it would probably get itchy and smelly if it did get wet.

Dad then helped me to get dressed. I do not strictly need help with that, I could have managed just fine on my own, but I know he enjoys it just as much as I still do, and so, I happily allowed him. He snaps me up into my diaper shirt, puts my socks and pants on, buttons them up, and then helps me into my over shirt. In thanks, I give Daddy a nice big hug.

Now that we are diapered and dressed and ready for the day, we meet Dallan in the kitchen once again, where we all make our lunches. As soon as we are done, even though I do not have to leave for another ten minutes, I decide to head out anyway. I give Dad a hug and kiss goodbye, say goodbye to Dallan, and then head out. As soon as I make it to school, I head to the office, and ask the secretary if the principal is in yet, and she says he is, and calls him for me.

“Good morning Jett, how are you today, and how's your hand?” He asked when he came out to find me.

“Good morning Sir, I'm great, and my hand's good, just really bruised and scraped up. The doctor at the hospital said nothing's broken, and he even sees no cracks or fractures, but says that there could be tiny ones that they can't see, but wouldn't affect me anyway. It'll be sore for a few days, but otherwise he says I'll heal and be good as new shortly.”

“That's great. Jared just got here a few minutes ago as well, and is waiting in the quiet room.”

“Oh, perfect, I was kinda hoping that you'd give us some time this morning. I think before he even really sees any other kids with what he's currently wearing, and I trust he is?”


“Good, anyway, before anyone else can possibly find that out, I think I'd liketa sit with him and talk to him for a while. It could be lunch before he's ready.”

“Good. I hoped you would. It looks like he's done a lot of crying, and his dad told me that he's had another full week added to his punishment, and it sounds like he got a good spanking as well, even though his dad said he normally despises doing such a thing, but that Jared had desperately needed it. He almost started to say something about being here today, but his dad said that just one word and he would add an entire week, that they'd talked about it, and that Jared has to come to school, especially in diapers.”

“Yeah, I'm sure it was a pretty rough night for the both of them last night.”

“Yeah, and honestly, Jared looks like crap. I doubt he slept at all.”

“I bet, whereas I finally had my best sleep ever. I'm finally at peace with who and what I am, and who and what all the bullies are.”

“Good to hear. Go ahead and go talk to Jared, you might be the only person who can help him now, and I think he needs you.”


I entered the room, took one look at Jared, and he burst into tears. He whimpered out the words, “Please just leave me alone, this is already bad enough, I don't need you rubbing it in too.”

Instead of leaving, I entered fully, closed the door behind me, and went up to the bigger and slightly older boy, pulled him to me, because he is standing, and hugged him. Of all the things that he was expecting me to do, I am certain that that was most certainly not one of them. He was as stiff as a board for a good solid five minutes, but eventually something snapped inside him, and he started sobbing. I had to have held him for easily half an hour, maybe even more as he cried huge pitiful sobs.

I whisper right into his ear as soon as the sobbing stops. “Wow, and here I thought that the pain you caused in me was bad. The hurt you've been giving to yourself as you bullied me for all that you truly want and need and are has been way worse, hasn't it. And yes, I think I understand exactly what that was all about. I don't want you to say anything yet, you're not ready for it.”

As soon as Jared finally stops crying, and has relaxed some, I finally let go. I urged him onto the couch, and I sat on the other end, facing him. I just look at him, watch him, I want and need for him to talk first, but only when he is ready. It took him close to ten minutes, I figure, before he finally did speak.

“Jett, I'm so sorry, I'm such a bad person, I was so mean to you. How can you be here now, how can you hug me? You should hate me, you shoulda hit me and put me outta your misery, because, like my dad said, had you hit me that hard, there's no way I woulda survived. That's what I deserved.” He said, and though there are no more tears left, he did still sob a bit as he said it.

“Jared, I don't hate you, I don't wanna see you die, but you're suicidal, aren't you?”

“Yeah.” He whispered.

“Will killing yourself change anything, do you truly think it'll make what you did better?”


“It won't. The kids you bullied, they'll feel sorry for you, but it won't cure them. Your dad will die inside, he'd be so insanely sad, he won't ever truly recover from it, and you just die. Instead of dying, why not try living instead! Try fixing what you broke, learning to love who and what you truly are deep inside, because I think I finally understand, but I think I've suspected it for a while. No, dying, that's not the answer, living, that's the answer. I think we both know that your dad gave you this particular punishment for a very good reason, you may not accept it yet, but I think we both know. Again, don't say it, I don't think you're quite ready for it yet.”

“But, how do I live, when I've never done it, and how do you fix what's broken when you don't know how or where it's broken.”

“Easy.” I said, and stood up, I then went and stood in front of Jared, reached up and grabbed his hand and pulled him up into a standing position as well, and then stood with my hand out for him to shake.

“Hi, my name's Jett.” I said.

“Um, I know.”

“No no, now you tell me who you are and shake my hand.”

And so he did, though he was looking at me funny.

“It's really good to meet you Jared, would you liketa be my friend?”

“But....but....but, why?”

“Because, I think it's what you need most of all right now, a friend who understands. I know you're diapered, even though most won't be able to see it, I can tell, and as you well know, I understand that all too well. Also, it's friends that make the world a place we wanna live in. My dad's been trying to teach me that since you started bullying me, but I guess I wasn't ready to learn it yet, but now I am. It's also friends who help to fix what's broken inside each other, and I can help you heal the hurts you've caused in others as well.”

“Why though?”

“Just because, I think we're far more alike than I ever realized before yesterday.”

“What do you mean?”

“I've always needed diapers, but I truly love them though. You see, I could wear catheters, I just prefer diapers. I'm also gay. I think I've known that, deep inside, for a long time. I knew all that, I accepted that, I even liked that. My dad knows, and he loves me for it, and has always shown me all the love that he could. Had it not been for him, I doubt I could've made it with how much you and your friends, as well as so many of the others bullied me. However, before this weekend, I was never at peace with it. I let you guys bully me, even though I wouldn't have changed a thing, I was too weak in the head to withstand what you said and did. But, something changed this weekend, I fell in love, I finally became fully comfortable and at peace with who and what I am, I am stronger now because of it, and yesterday, your words didn't hurt me.

“But, you know, the funny thing is, as soon as you started harassing me yesterday, I took a good hard look at you and your friends, and I finally saw who each and every one of you are. You see, my dad's always told me that bullies are usually one of two things. They're either insanely jealous of what you have, or they're small minded assholes who think that bullying is fun. A couple of your friends are small minded assholes, and you already know which ones will turn on you the second they find out what you're wearing. Two of them I think you already suspect that they won't and why. You, however, as soon as I saw you, I knew who and what you are, and you were so much weaker in the head than I ever was, because you took the frustration of not being able to have what I have and bullied me for it.

“Don't feel bad, my dad warned me that that sorta thing was gonna happen, and that I just needed to grin and bear it, smile at my tormentors and ask them if they're done, or if they feel better now for pointing out that I'm a gay baby diapered freak. But, I couldn't do it, your words did hurt me, and made me cry. I just wanted to be friends, but no one would do that because they're so afraid that I'm so different. Now I don't care, because I've found another boy who's just like me, and I fell in love with him, and even though we haven't even changed each others soggy baby bums yet, we've never touched or kissed, we both know, but my dad's making us take our time and learn each other and ourselves first. I finally know deep love, so your hatred couldn't hurt me.”

“You think I'm a gay baby diaper lover too?”

“It doesn't actually matter what I think on that, though, does it. Regardless of what I think or feel, it's you that hasta make that choice. You either finally decide to be who and what you are deep inside, and I think you've not just suspected it for a while, but have known it deep down for a while, and it scares the gay diaper loving piss outta you, even though I think you want it so desperately to make you complete, or you deny who and what you are, and just become more and more miserable. One of those choices leads to happiness, the other leads to utter misery and probably death.”

“I'm so afraid.”

“Why though, what are you afraid of?”

“Everyone finding out that I'm a freak.”

“Ah, yes, you're afraid that the bully will become the bullied.”


“Meh, so what, it's not so bad. You already know that your dad knows, not just suspects, don't you, and that maybe this isn't punishment so much as what you desperately need, and even want. You already know that he knows your every secret, yet he doesn't hate you. Now, I want you to tell me who and what you are, I want you to finally be honest with yourself. I don't think you've ever actually said out loud who and what you are, deep inside, have you. I want you to tell me what you want, need, love, desire, I want you to tell me it all. Nothing you can say will make me hate you, or be disgusted with you. I have a feeling that we're both very much alike, and when you're done, I'll finally tell you all that about me as well.”

“Please don't make me say it out loud. Feeling it, seeing it every time I close my eyes, that's bad enough, I can't say it too.”

“But you needta say it. Keep denying who and what you are, and it'll eat you up, I think it already is.”


For close to ten minutes, I sat there, watching him, finally his shoulders slumped again, and he gave another sob, but he did not cry, and finally started speaking.

“Jett, I think I'm a gay baby boy diaper lover. I want another gay baby boy diaper lover as a baby boyfriend. I wanna baby diaper bum fuck each other, I wanna suck each other, I wanna cum and piss in each others mouths and baby diapered bums, I wanna piss fuck each others cummy pissy gay baby diapered bums. I even want baby bottles and baby soothers, I want cute baby clothes, I wanna treat my baby boyfriend as a cute little baby boy, and have him do the same for me. Most of all, I want love.”

“No Jared, that's not what you think, it's what you know deep inside isn't it. Thank you for finally telling me though, but we're exactly the same.” I said, and then pretty much said all that back to him, my dreams and desires as well.


“Oh yeah, and I can't wait for that either. So, tell me, after your diaper punishment's over, are you giving up your baby diapers?”

“I just don't wanna, I'm not sure I can now. It feels even better than I ever dreamed it would. I'm already getting soggy, and it feels wonderful.”

“Good. The world needs more gay baby boy diaper lovers. Have you read any gay baby diaper love stories?”

“No, couldn't, that would've tortured me even more.”

“Fair enough. You should now, though. What I was gonna ask, was had you read about double, triple, or even quadruple diapering yet, and if so, how much do you wanna try it?”

“No, never.” He said in awe.

“So, what you do, is you get diaper doublers, and you wear one inside your thickest baby diaper, that's double diapering. Triple is wear one of your thickest diapers, just with hundreds of holes poked in it, and then another thick baby diaper, but with a doubler in it. Now with that added bulk and weight, I suggest you add tape to the mix, because it gets too heavy for the diaper tapes to hold by themselves. Finally is quadruple diapered, which is exactly the same, but you have a doubler in both thick baby diapers, and add more tape. You can also double diaper with two diapers and no doubler added, or triple diaper and just use two doublers, there's all sortsa ways to go about it. Just use your imagination and your kinkiness, and it can be so fucking amazing. Just this weekend, me, my dad, and my soon to be baby boyfriend quadruple diapered each other, and we peepeed them 'til they were so fucking wet, it was amazing.”

“Wow, your dad's a diaper lover as well?”

“No, he's a full on gay baby boy diaper lover as well, which was why it was so easy for me to admit to him a long time ago that I thought I was as well, because I'd known it from him.”

“And has he ever, you know, fucked you?” He asked, blushing quite madly.

“No, even though he knows I've dreamed, he said that he doesn't love me like that, and that he'll never give that to me, so don't even bother.”

“Oh.” He said, blushing even more.

“It's okay. To tell the truth, I woulda ridden my daddy from the time I was eight had he let me. Fuck did I ever dream. I've also dreamed of sucking every drop of cum and piss he could feed me since about then as well. I can't even tell you how often I've dreamed of grabbing his warm pissy diapers and sucking them dry, but he's always locked his bedroom door, probably for that reason. I can't wait 'til I getta suck my boyfriends warm pissy baby diaper, and I've enjoyed my own way more than I can possibly tell you.”

“Oh. I enjoyed mine this morning.” He whispered hoarsely.

“That's awesome. Have you at least peed on yourself in the bath, maybe aimed well enough to taste it?”

“No, never, couldn't do it. In fact I stopped having baths because the urge to do that was so high.”

“Shame that, all that wasted baby pee.”

“Yeah. I'm still so afraid though.”

“Of the other kids, or your dad?”


“Your dad already knows though, and you know it, don't you. Why do you think he gave you this particular punishment.”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“No guessing about it. I suggest you go home and tell your dad who and what you are, that you're not giving up your thick thirsty tape on baby diapers ever, ask for some ultra thick baby diapers and diaper doublers, baby bottles and baby soothers, and all that, and finally be free at home. Once you can be free there, then you can finally start to know happiness. Of course, the other kids here are another story, but meh, whatever. Once you're comfortable with who and what you are, then their words really can't hurt you, trust me. And whatever you do, when they do tease you, don't hit anyone or anything, it really fucking hurts.” I grinned, holding up my bandaged hand.

“Yeah, well, you woulda hurt me way more.”

“Hence the reason I hit the wall, and not your head.”

“How are you so strong to be able to punch through a plywood wall like that?”

And so, I told him.

“Wow, how'd you ever let us bully you if you can do all that?”

“Physical strength means nothing, that takes mental strength, and I finally have that.”

“Oh. I don't. I just don't think I can face the other kids like this.”

“Well, you're gonna haveta. You know as well as I do that your dad's doing this to you for a very good reason. You need it to finally be happy. You haveta face your demons, you haveta accept who and what you are, but, the good news is, you don't haveta face it alone. No one will really even know it anyway, unless they pat that cute little soggy gay baby diapered bum of yours, because unless you know exactly what to look for, you can't see it. You do have a diaper shirt on though, right?”


“Good, that at least hides the fact lots, especially when you raise your arms. I hope it's a cute babyish one.”

“No, just plain white.”

“Too bad. You should see mine.” I said, and then stood up and pulled off my top shirt to show it off.

“Wow, that's cute, and really babyish.”

“Thanks. This is one of my favorites. I have a couple that I can't wear under certain shirts because they show through too much, and so I have more plain ones, but even still, all my baby shirts are like this.” I said, and put my shirt back on.

“Jett, how do I do this?

“What do you mean?”

“Be like this?”

“That's easy, be yourself, the gay baby boy diaper lover that you are deep inside.”

“But I don't know how to.”

“I think over the next couple days you'll figure it out just fine. You've already admitted that you never wanna give up your baby diapers, the rest should be easy.”

“Yeah, but, well, um, I kinda want a boyfriend, another gay baby boy diaper lover.” He said, blushing fiercely once again.

“Know how you feel. In this case, I think I haveta tell you the same thing that my daddy told me. Find yourself first. Explore yourself first. Find out everything that makes you moan and sigh, even find the things that make your diapered dinky go soft. Finally figure out how to be the gay baby boy diaper lover you are, find out just how amazing it can be, and then, once you do that, then I think you're ready to start searching for a baby boyfriend. My daddy even says that I needta slow right down, that right now I take minutes to cum when I play, and have several baby boygasms, but that I needta learn to prolong it, make myself last as long as I can, and only cum once, and then be satisfied.”

“Oh, um.” He blushed even more.

“Oh please. You know all boys jack off, right.”

“Um, no, I don't actually.”

“Ah, I see. Whenever you started to, disgusting visions popped into your head, and you hadta force yourself to stop.”

“Yeah, I couldn't be that person.”

“But you are.”

“Yeah, I know.” He sighed sadly.

“Don't sound so down about it, it's not that bad.”

“Yeah, says the person who's been bullied since he started school because of who and what he is.”

“Yeah, only because I let you. I wasn't strong enough.”

“Yeah, well, neither am I, I think we can both agree on that.”

“Certainly, yet you're already starting to understand, and since you're older, hopefully that part'll be easier on you. I know the next couple to a few weeks won't be easy on you, but you needta do it. But I'll tell you what, I'll ask my dad if you can come spend the weekend at our place this weekend, and since it's a long weekend too, you'll really getta enjoy being diapered as thickly as you deserve, and be around three others who are all the same.”

“Really, you'd invite me to your house? But why?”

“Because, we're the same, because you're scared and need a friend, and most importantly, you needta be around more people like yourself so that you can learn to be who and what you are. And just so you know, we swim naked, and so too will you.”

“Oh.” And he blushed almost fully with that.

“I probably shoulda left that as a surprise, but right now you're not ready for any surprises. Instead I think you needta face facts and just do it. But admit, you'd really liketa see three other gay baby boy diaper lovers in nothing but mega thick and soggy baby diapers, as well as naked.”

“Um, honestly, I think I'd prefer seeing you diapered, but naked would be kinda nice too. I've never even seen another boy naked before.”

“Really, but you're into sports and whatnot? How'd you get cleaned up after games and whatnot?”

“I didn't, I just went home.”

“Wow. I've been trying my hardest to see naked boys for years, and trust me, when I got the chance, I usually was my hardest too.” I grinned brightly to him.

“Yeah, except that's what I was trying to avoid.”

“I know. So, you're well over fourteen, and I'm sure you can cum, but you say you never jack off, so, does that mean you've never even tasted your cum yet?”

“Oh god no, that's nasty.”

“Oh yeah, so gloriously nasty. I just finally had my first wet cum, this morning in fact, and promptly slurped it up, and it was the best tasting thing I think I've ever had.” I sighed deeply.

Jared, though, is looking at me like I have three or more heads, his mouth and eyes are as wide open as I have ever seen on anyone, and the blush that I thought could not get any more, got more. I can see that he is trying to speak, to say something, but he just cannot. And then he came.

I had been able to tell that he had been incredibly hard, it was evident in how uncomfortable he had looked, so I am shocked it took so long. It took a good couple minutes for him to come down, and when he did, he looked to me in embarrassment. There is also a look of hunger there though.

“That looked like an amazing baby boygasm. Now, I want you to dig deep, scoop up as much of that hot gay baby diaper loving cum as you can, and slurp it all up. You're a baby, and you you need your fresh baby boy milk, so, get your first drink of baby boy milk.” I whisper to him, though it is hoarse sounding, and I too need to cum, desperately.

I do not think that he even thought about it, but he did do exactly what I told him to do. As he slips his fingers into his mouth, I am watching his eyes, and I saw a baby boy get the milk that he so desperately needs, they rolled back, and then they closed, and he savoured it deeply. He went back for more, three times, before he was satisfied that he got it all.

“You enjoyed your baby milk, a lot, by the looks of it.”

“That was the most disgusting, vile thing I've ever done in my life, and I loved it.” He sighed deeply.

“Good.” I said.

I then stand up, face Jared, and start stroking the front of my diaper, through my pants of course, and just before I can cum, I too dig deep, slip my hand inside my soggy baby diaper, and cum into my hand. I admit, I damn near slumped to the ground. It was so powerful that I damn near blacked out, but I managed to hold it all together just fine. As soon as I stop pumping, I pull my hand out, and looking right into Jared's eyes, I lick off all my cum.

“So, how was it, watching me be so disgusting and vile?” I grin brightly again.

“I think I just went harder than I was before.”

“Good. And tell the truth, how much did you wanna grab my hand and lick off all my baby milk for yourself?”

“Way more than I should admit.” He said, the tiniest grin peeking through.

“Good. In all fairness, I wanted yours as well, but you needed it more than I did.”

“Yeah, I think you're right.”

“Besides, we're not boyfriends, and we never can be, so we really shouldn't do that for each other anyway.”

“I know.” He said, but he sounds sad from it.

“Yeah, I know what you're thinking, but I've already found the boy that fills my heart so full, and when you're ready, I think the one that fills your heart will come along.”

“I hope so.” He said sadly again.

“I'm gonna sit down again, then once I'm comfortable, I want you to lay down with your head in my lap. After your powerful baby boygasm, possibly your first real one, and with all the emotional purging you've done this morning, you look like you're about to pass out. I'm gonna play with your hair and make you relax so fully you'll probably never have felt so good.”

As soon as I was comfortable, I had to urge Jared to lay down and place his head on my lap, but eventually he did. As soon as he did, I whisper to him to close his eyes and shut off his brain, and go to sleep. It took maybe five minutes before I hear soft snores coming from Jared. I had placed my pack close to the couch, so I reach into it, grab my phone, and start reading the story I am reading on it, all the while, my one hand is still playing with Jared's hair.

I figured that it was a little better than an hour that Jared slept for, and when he woke up again, it was with the deepest, most contented sigh that I have ever heard in my life. I know he is awake, yet he has made no move to get up and ruin what I am doing for him, and I have not stopped, I will let him decide that.

Finally, some fifteen minutes after waking up, Jared did move, but he got up, and hugged me so tightly he almost popped a couple ribs out of place I swear. And then he kissed me. It was not a deep, passionate, loving kiss, yet it was very loving as well. It was not long, there were no tongues involved, but it showed just how much he loves and trusts me, only as a very good friend. When he finally pulled away from me, he would not look at me, so, I grab his chin, and move his face so that we are looking at each other. I then leaned in, and kissed him the same way.

“That was a very nice thing you did, how do you feel?” I whisper as softly as I can.

“I...I....I....feel good.”

“Good. That was a very nice kiss, a kiss of deep friendship, it was nice. I've never felt that before, I had no idea friends could kiss like that and not have it be sexual. I never even got hard.”

“I didn't know either, and neither did I. I think I'm starting to understand what you mean about being at peace with myself though, I think that's what I'm feeling.”

“Good.” I smiled warmly.

We sat back down and talked for a little longer, just getting to know each other, but, before we know it, the lunch bell is ringing. We both have our packs, and so, we grab our lunch and eat, not going out to do so.

As soon as we finish eating, I ask, “So, are you a super soggy baby boy yet?”

“Not quite, but getting there I think.”

“Good. Normally, if I change outta my super soggy night diaper just before school, I usually last the entire day. I'm getting good and soggy, which is perfect, but I'll easily last 'til after school. How about you?”

“I don't actually know.”

“Would you like me to check for you?”


“The squeeze test, of course. Here, stand up, unbutton your pants and drop them down a bit. I'll do the same.”

“Um, why?” He blushed massively.

“Just because.” I giggle. “Trust me, I won't do anything that'd hurt you, and that includes anything sexual, because right now I think that's possibly the one thing that'd hurt you the most. You definitely needta get your head on straight long before you start moving in that direction.”

“Oh, um, okay.”

As soon as he is standing, and so am I, we both undo our pants and lower them in the front just a little, but more than enough to expose our diapers through our diaper shirts enough for what I need. I reach forth and cup the front of Jared's soggy diaper, and find that he is about half full, almost exactly the same as I am.

“Okay, so you're about half full, same as me. Check mine, then check yours, this way you get a feel for what it's like.”

And with an even more massive blush, Jared does so. I had to cough when Jared held on for just a little longer than he needs to, not that I am complaining, but really, he should not be doing so either. His eyes snap up to mine, he pulls his hand away as if it were burnt, and I can see tears threaten to fall.

“It's okay, really it is. I don't mind, I just don't think you're ready for that sorta thing yet, and really, I do have a boyfriend in waiting, so I probably shouldn't let you either. Felt real nice though. Now, go ahead and check yours and compare them.”

Slowly his hand crept down to his own equally soggy diaper, and this time, when he felt himself for longer than was strictly necessary, I let him, but when he caused himself to cum, again, I damn near did as well.

“Now that's how a soggy baby diaper check should feel.” I giggle to Jared, and once more, his eyes snap up to mine, his hand jolts away from his diaper, and he blushes more again.

“Sorry.” He whispers ashamedly.

“Don't be. Damn near made me cum, watching you do so, though. Now, I think baby deserves more baby milk, so go ahead and scoop it up.”

This time, with more purpose, Jared does exactly that and goes back three times to gather all his baby cream, savouring each finger full immensely. He takes damn near five minutes, in fact, to do so, and I enjoy watching. As soon as he is done, and is once more looking at me, I stroke my insanely hard gay baby diapered dinky for just three seconds, and explode once again myself. Having felt Jared feeling me, then watching him as he pretty much jacked off in front of me, then watching as he scooped up, ate, and thoroughly enjoyed his cum, caused me to raise to unprecedented heights of orgasm, and though I felt that there would be no way for me to have had near enough time to create more, I did squirt a couple more shots of my thin watery cum into the front of my diaper. I scoop up as much as I possibly can, and I too enjoy it every bit as much as Jared had enjoyed his.

“Fuck, that never gets old, and it tastes so fucking good.” I moan.

“Yeah, I think I'm starting to agree with you.” Jared grins shyly.

“Good. Well, we should probably right ourselves and make ourselves more presentable. There's no telling when or if someone might come in, and I personally don't actually wanna be caught with my pants down, this time literally.” I giggle once again.

“No shit.” Jared also giggles.

We both readjust our diaper shirts so that they are containing our soggy baby diapers properly, and then pull up and do up our pants as well.

“So, I have some homework for you to do tonight, failure to complete said homework will result in severe punishment, am I making myself clear?” I say, with as much authority as my young boyish and changing voice can possibly muster.

“Wh....wh....wh.....what homework?” He stuttered cutely.

“You must go to Nifty, find and read at least one gay diaper love story, and hold off from jacking off. Then you must go to X Tube and watch at least three gay diaper love videos, without jacking off. Then you must go to bed, after changing your super soggy baby bum, and then explore your own body, find all your best and worst spots, spend at least one hour doing so, do not cum, and then go to sleep. I'll do exactly the same thing, then in the morning, we'll compare notes, and we can rub ourselves to orgasm while watching each other again, and this time cum into our hands, so that we can enjoy more of our cum.”

“I don't think I'll be able to do that.”

“You can and will. It'll be just as hard for me, I promise you that, every dirty meaning possible intended by the way.” I grin.


We ended up sitting back down to continue talking and learning each other, for quite a while, then I happened to notice the clock.

“We've been here all day, did you know, and the bell's gonna ring in just a few minutes, it's almost time to go home.”

“Really.” He asks, whipping around to look at the clock.

“Yeah. Well, we should probably get ready to go, but remember your homework.”

“You too.” He grinned to me.

A few minutes later, the bell rang, so we headed out. The principal stopped us for only a moment as we exited, asking Jared how he feels, to which he said he is feeling better, not good yet, but better. Both of us smiled at that. We said goodbye to each other moments later, because we live opposite directions from each other, but both only within just a few minutes of the school. When I got home, Dallan was already home, he had just arrived himself.

“Hi Baby.” I say happily as I enter.

“Hi Baby. It sounds like you had a really good day today.” He smiles brightly to me.

“Yeah, it was amazing. I need a super soggy baby bum change, and it looks like you do to, so, let's go change and then I'll tell you all about it.”

“Okay, double with our ultra thick night time baby diapers?” Dallan asks cutely.

“Oh, if we must.” I mock sigh, but giggle.


We each head to our bedrooms, where we strip and change ourselves. The desire to go and offer Dallan the chance to change me, and then change him is so fucking high right now it is not even funny, but I know it is not time. I know what will happen if we do that, and I am starting to understand what Dad means. I do have to leave myself pointing up though, because pointing myself down simply is not an option. Not that it matters all that much, my diapers come up almost to my belly button, whereas my dick certainly does not, so there is still plenty of diaper material in the way when I pee.

As soon as I exit my bedroom, Dallan is just exiting his as well, and so, we head to the living room, sit down, and I tell him absolutely everything.

“Wow, I can't wait to meet him, and now I think I have some homework to do as well, I'm so totally doing the same thing. In fact, what do you say we do our homework together today. Together, but separate, and when we touch our own bodies, we can watch each other.”

“Fuck, I just don't think that's a good idea. Sure, we can watch movies and read together, but as it is, holding myself back is harder than even my dick.”

“Me too, but it's like your dad keeps telling us, we haveta learn to control our dicks. Come on, let's do our homework.”

“Okay.” I said, even though this is probably a very bad idea, but I kind of feel like it is the very bestest of best ideas in the world at the same time.

“Goody. Let's go grab our computers then.”

Dallan took off to his bedroom to grab his computer, so I do the same, and we meet back in the dining room, since that will be the easiest place to do so.

“So, videos or stories first?” I ask.

“Stories.” Dallan answers.

So, we both head to Nifty, and then start searching. We are looking for shorter stories, and I am the first to find one that sounds promising that neither of us have read yet, so we both start reading. I finish reading just about an hour later, and Dallan finishes only a couple minutes after.

“Wow, that was a really good one.” Dallan said, repositioning himself once again.

“Yeah, it was. Now, we can watch movies together on the same computer, and since mine has the bigger screen, we'll use it.”

Dallan agreed instantly, and so, I brought up the next website, and for well over an hour, we watch all sorts of naughty gay diaper loving men enjoy their diapers. Sometimes they were alone and we just watch as they enjoy their diapers and themselves, or sometimes they are with others, and enjoying even more. I honestly have no idea how I have not yet cum spontaneously, I am so hard it hurts, and I can feel my erection pulsing madly.

“Are you in as much discomfort as I am?” I ask Dallan as I shut down my computer.

“I sure hope you're not as uncomfortable as I am right now. It feels like if I fell over right now, and my dick hit solid steel or concrete, it'd break right through either, maybe even both at the same time.”

“Nope, that's pretty much exactly how I feel right now.” I giggle.

“Not sure I'll be able to hold off tonight.”

“Me neither, but like Dad says, this is important to do too, and even though I know it's right, right now it certainly doesn't feel like it.”

“Yeah. I'm kinda getting hungry though, should we get dinner, your dad's gonna be home soon.”

“We better.”

And limping, we head to the kitchen to make dinner. Dad got home about half way through, and he can clearly see that we are both still diamond hard, and chuckles and asks, “What's up boys?”

“Oh, you know, the sky, the sun and stars, oh, and my baby diapered dinky.” I giggle.

“Yeah, I can tell. You're both hard. You weren't naughty baby boys were you?”

“Oh yeah.” We both sigh deeply, which then leads into the explanation, and I am still telling the story of the day as we sit down to eat, and finish only as we finish eating. I had only given Dallan the brief overview earlier, since I knew I would have to tell Dad everything now, hence taking so much longer this time.

“Very good Baby, I'm proud of you. Just another day or two, and he'll be as free as you are, and he'll make a most excellent friend.”

“Thanks Dad, it feels good.”

“Good. So, how's your hand feeling, and how was changing your own diaper today?”

“Actually, now that you mention it, it's not too bad. It's still sore, but it's not throbbing any more, and I was able to change myself, so that's good. I took my pills at lunch, but I didn't at dinner, but I will at bedtime.”

“That's good. Well, you boys still have homework to do, so we can all go and sit in the living room and read for the night tonight, but if you watch any more videos, turn the sound off, so that we don't interrupt each other.”

“Okay.” Dallan and I say together.

We both go grab our computers, which we set on the kitchen counter earlier, while Dad heads to his bedroom. He takes an extra few minutes, though, because he has to strip and change as well, and he comes out a few minutes later in a fresh double diaper as well. We all sit back with our computers, and after every short gay diaper love story that I read, I watch a few gay diaper love videos. When it was getting close to bedtime, Dad told us to head to bed, but that we are not to touch each other, nor are we to cum. Not entirely convinced that either is even remotely possible right now.

We crawl into my bed, since I have a queen sized bed, whereas the bed in the guest room, which is now Dallan's, is just a double. We both lay on our sides, looking at each other, and then as I move my hand down to start stroking various areas of my body, Dallan does the same. Dallan's nipples are definitely erogenous zones, whereas mine almost do nothing for me. My belly button was like that, whereas Dallan's just made him giggle. Both our inner thighs are damn near as sensitive, and the backs of my knees are, while Dallan's were his calves.

For almost an hour, we did that to ourselves while watching each other intently. We are both still insanely hard, and I need to cum something fierce, but it is not as bad as I had assumed that it would be. As soon as we both stop, we sigh deeply. I saw Dallan start moving forth, and so, I do so as well, and just as our lips touch for the very first time, our eyes close, and we share a tender kiss.

I end up wrapping my arms around my beautiful baby boyfriend and pulling him in even closer to me, so now we are touching almost fully. Dallan's hot young erection is poking me in the belly, whereas mine is poking him in the leg. As much as we both want more, we both know that we must hold off, and so, somehow we manage to do so.

After kissing for easily ten minutes, maybe more, I ask Dallan to stay the night with me, and he agrees, so, I pull up the blankets, turn off the light, and wrapped all up in each other, we both pass out so totally. I have never had a sleep so perfect in my life.

Next: Chapter 4

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