My Soggy Soccer Star

Published on Nov 22, 2022


My Soggy Soccer Star Chapter 5

Chapter 5

The next few days went well and almost too fast. School was busy as usual, and Dallan had soccer games on both Wednesday and Thursday evenings, their team won both. One of the games had been almost an hour and a half drive away, but that did not bother us too much. Zavien happily said that he would come spend the weekend again, and his dad confirmed that he is allowed to do so, and Jared also asked, and he too is allowed, so it is all set. We are to meet at our house on Friday after school. Thankfully Zavien only lives about fifteen minutes by bike away, but he goes to a school that is in the opposite direction to my place, and he says that it is about a fifteen minute bike ride home, so he will be at least half an hour behind us.

Dallan got home first, as usual, then Jared and I only a couple minutes later than we normally are, and then Zavien arrived about fifteen minutes after us. Even though Dallan and I, with Dad of course, had already had a good swim workout this morning before school, it was decided that we would go swimming, so we head to the pool house, strip, clean, and then dive in to play. We played in the pool for pretty close to half an hour before getting out and slipping into the hot tub.

“So, guess what happened at school today Guys?” Dallan says happily once we are all settled.

“What?” The rest of us ask as one.

“Remember the boys I was telling you all about, the ones who love to bully?”


“Yeah, so they tried cornering me again today, and I asked them if they were gonna be big mean bullies to the little defenseless baby boy again. They all laughed and said, so you admit you're a baby. I just shook my head at them, and said it really doesn't matter what I say though, does it, because they've already decided that since I haveta wear diapers that that makes me a baby, so I may as well just embrace it. They asked if they should get me a baby bottle. I said go ahead. I told them that nothing that they can say to me will hurt me, that they're being mean and that some day soon I hope that they get what they deserve. Then one of them asked me if I'm gay too, sneering of course, and I asked him if it would make any difference no matter what I said, because no matter what, you're just gonna bully me for that too, aren't you. He actually grinned and said yes. So I said, you know what, yes, I am gay, yes, I am a diaper wearer, and yes, you are a big, mean, fat, ugly bully, and from here on out, you mean nothing to me, and any time you speak, I'm gonna pretend that you don't even exist.”

“Wow. How'd he react to that?” I ask.

“He started yelling at me, and I just looked right through him and walked away. Boy did that piss him off. I heard him running after me, so I turned to face him, but still looked right through him, and I ran backwards, dodging him completely, until he had to stop, and was gasping. I said absolutely nothing to him, and just turned and walked away. One of the others tried it too, and I just did exactly the same thing to him as well. And for the rest of the day, I just pretended like they weren't even there. Even when one of them tried to grab me, I just quickly dodged out of the way and kept walking as if he weren't there at all. I only got home seconds before you did Jett, because they actually managed to corner me, and the biggest and ugliest one of them got right in my face and told me that he was gonna pound me into the ground. I just pretended I couldn't see or hear him, but called out, 'oh god, where the hell is that stench coming from, who farted. Actually, he had pretty nice minty smelling breath, but that really didn't matter any. I saw him rear back his hand to punch me, so, as soon as I saw it coming, I dropped, and he hit the wall. I just got right back up, and while he was cradling his hand, because he hit a concrete wall, hard, he and his friends weren't really paying any more attention to me, so, I just walked away. That's when I came home.”

“That's awesome Baby, how do you feel?” I ask happily.

“Fantastic. Actually, better than that.”

“That's good. I bet his hand's wrapped even more than mine was on Monday.”

“Yeah, I think he actually broke things too. He hit the wall hard enough to hear it, it probably wouldn't have felt very good had it hit me, but then, I've taken worse hits in soccer and never cried. Man, you shoulda seen one of the bruises I got on my thigh a few months ago, that hit was way harder than he would hit me with.” Dallan grins brightly.

“Yeah, I've had a few of those hits as well.” Zavien laughed.

“Meh, it's just pain right.” Dallan giggles cutely.


“So, do you think you're gonna continue to have problems with them?” I ask.

“Hard to say. The one who tried to hit me today is definitely the leader of their little gang, and he's not exactly very smart. I'd liketa think he's smart enough to know better than to tangle with me any more, but I'm just not convinced that he truly is.”

“Well, hopefully he hurt himself enough to cause him to think twice in the future.”


We talked for almost half an hour further before getting out, then went and got cleaned, dried, and diapered. We then went and started dinner, made tea, and played a card game at the kitchen table while we were cooking. Dad came in only a few minutes before dinner was ready, so he was encouraged to go and change his soggy baby bum, which he happily did, and then came down to eat. Dallan told him the abridged version of his day, and Dad is proud of him as well.

We had a really good weekend, we played lots, we talked lots, Dallan and Zavien had only one practice on Saturday this weekend, but only because they have a game Sunday evening, which we all go to, and once more, their team wins it.

Monday after school, Dallan happily tells me that the boy who tried to hit him has a pretty decent sized cast on his hand, and considering that he is right handed, which is of course his casted hand, he can hardly do anything. The others of his gang tried to harass Dallan some more, but he just pretended like they were not even there, and the one time one of them tried to grab him, he just shrugged it off and kept on walking.

Tuesday, however, Dallan came home with a very blackened and swollen eye.

“What the hell happened to you?” I ask as I get home, he and Dad apparently have been home for well over an hour already.

“Well, one of the gang decided that they were all sick of being ignored, so, they cornered me again, but this time three of them had to hold me, while one of them hit me three times in the stomach, and then when I said, who the hell is tickling me, I guess that kinda really pissed him off, because he took the shot to my face. I'm afraid I accidentally retaliated, fortunately the principal saw the entire thing, and had already sent someone to rescue me.

“The hit to my eye hurt, not gonna lie, and it kinda really pissed me off, a lot, I was already fighting being furious at being purposely hit the three times, and when he did that, I gave just one right hook under his chin, I kinda broke three of his front teeth, and he's gonna be in the hospital for a couple days. So, yeah, I ended up going to the office and the principal made me spill everything, and when I asked him how long he hasta suspend me for, he said it's supposed to be three weeks as well, same as all the others, but that mine will only be in school, for one week, and only for half of lunch, just because that's the minimum he can give me for fighting, but that he has never been more proud of a student in his life.”

“Wow. So, you called Dad then, then what?”

“So, yeah, Harris came and got me, got the whole story, went and talked to the other kids' parents who were all there, and told them that if one of their children so much as looks at me the wrong way from now on, that he's gonna be pressing charges, but that this time he won't. He then took me to the hospital, because I took three pretty hard hits to the stomach, and I'm pretty bruised there too, as well my eye was already getting really swollen and bruised, so he wanted me fully checked out. The eye socket's fine, but he did crack the bridge of my nose ever so slightly, but there's nothing they can do for that, and there's no clear and obvious damage to my stomach, other than just being bruised. I've been told to take the same pills that you hadta, same amount even, but that I'm gonna needta take them for at least a week. I already had them, and trust me, they're not helping in the least, I'm really sore. The doctor told us, though, that if absolutely anything changes, like I start peeing blood, get dizzy or blurred vision, or get a fever, that I haveta come back right away. He doesn't think I will, he says I seem to have fared it pretty well.”

“Yeah, it looks like you're pretty sore. Let me lift up your shirt and look at your stomach.”

He put his arms to the side and I very gently lifted his shirt, I had been able to see that he had taken off his diaper shirt and not put it back on, so I am able to see everything, and if possible, his stomach actually looks worse than his face does.

“Wow, that's pretty bad.”

“Yeah. Even though I hurt, I do feel good. No one's gonna mess with me now, a lotta kids saw what happened, that I took those hits so easily and just smiled, not to mention I knocked him out with just one hit. He was still unconscious when he got to the hospital. I wish I could say that I feel bad for doing it, and maybe later I will, but right now I don't, and Harris says I shouldn't either.”

“No, you definitely shouldn't.”

“I'm gonna be keeping Dallan home tomorrow, because it's gonna be tomorrow that all the pain slams into him, not to mention that sooner, rather than later, he might crash a little from this, but I'm on a case that I really needta be working on, so I'm gonna have you stay home with him tomorrow at least Jett, to watch over him.” Dad tells me.

“Okay, makes sense.” I say.

“Harris, do you think it'd be okay for me to go into the hot tub, I feel like that'd feel nice right now?”

“I don't see any reason why you can't, but it might not feel too great either. I've often found that heat doesn't make bruises feel all that good, but that cool does, but it will help you relax and will certainly calm you down, and once you are, going for a light swim or soak in the pool might be just the ticket.”

“Good.” He says, and is already stripping.

Dallan cannot lift his arms up high enough to remove his shirt, because it stretches him too much, which he claims to be very uncomfortable right now, so Dad moves in to help him as gently as he can. Dallan is easily able to undo his pants and kick them off, and like me, he is able to use his toes to peel off his socks, so does so. Dad and I also strip down to just our soggy diapers before heading out to the pool.

When we get there, and as soon as Dallan removes his diaper, Dad asks for it, so that he can check it out.

“At least wearing diapers makes it really easy to check for blood in your urine.” Dad says, and then inspects Dallan's diaper carefully. “Nope, all clear, but I want one of you to check every diaper for the next two days, at least, and no double or more diapering, I wanna know as soon as possible if there are any issues, and even wearing double will mean it takes nearly twice as long to know about it.”

“Makes sense, even though I'd love nothing more than to quadruple diaper right now and enjoy that fully.” Dallan smiles.

“I know Baby, I know, but this is important. It's like the doctor said, though, there's no damage that they can see, but that with as much bruising as is already there, it could hide something. He was right on the fence as to keeping you overnight for observation, and only our promising to be extra vigilant in keeping an eye on you did he even allow you to come home.”

“I know, I wasn't complaining, but you haveta admit, if it were you, you'd wanna nice super thick baby diaper to comfort you right now too.”

“Oh, I know full well the reason why, and you're right, I would, so therefore I don't blame you in the least, but sadly you just really can't right now.”

“Yeah, I know.”

We showered off and then went and slipped into the hot tub, all of us sighing deeply as we do so, though Dallan does wince a little too.

“How's it feel?” Dad asks.

“Mostly good. I think I agree with you on bruises not liking heat so much, but it was only momentary.”

“That's good.”

We stayed laying there for a while, not even talking, and then went and slipped into the pool, Dad telling Dallan to absolutely not jump in right now, who funnily enough agreed that that probably would not feel at all good right now, and he sighed even deeper. We just ended up floating on our backs for the most part, not swimming or doing anything really, though Dallan would often rotate and float on his stomach for a few minutes so to cool off his stomach more. We stay in the pool for even longer than we had the hot tub, but finally we go clean off, get dried off, and then head in to get diapered up.

“So, how you feeling now?” Dad asks after getting Dallan into a fresh diaper.

“Much better now. Thanks. Is it time to have more pills again though?”

“You had your first dose a little after lunch, and dinner is your next, which is in an hour, so not quite yet Baby. You'll haveta wait I'm afraid.”

“Thought so.”

“It's not a good idea to take them on an empty stomach anyway. You'll survive. Now, why don't you go lay down for a bit, just curl up on the couch, you could probably stand to have a quick nap before dinner.”

“You know, that actually sounds like a really good idea, now that you mention it.” He says, and then yawns, which was funny.

“Would you like me to come and sit with you, you can lay your head in my lap and I'll play with your hair while you rest, or maybe even sleep?” I offer to my baby.

“I think I'd really like that.” He smiles warmly to me.

“I'll come get you baby boys for dinner when it's ready then.” Dad says, and then we separate.

I grab a blanket from the blanket chest, then sit down. Dallan lays down so that his head is pretty much laying right on my diaper, which causes me to giggle, he grins, and I place the blanket over my baby. As soon as we are both settled, I start playing with Dallan's still damp hair, running my fingers through it, and he sighs deeply. Within five minutes, Dallan is sound asleep, and I happily stay there, comforting my baby for just over an hour, when dad comes and whispers to me that dinner is almost ready, so I give Dallan a light shake, and he wakes up almost right away.

“I thought you said I could sleep for about an hour, I don't even think I slept for more than a couple minutes.” He said, yawning and stretching, but then wincing slightly too.

“You slept for just over an hour Baby, you zonked out almost instantly, and I stayed playing with your hair the entire time. It was very relaxing for me as well. Your hair's now dry and everything.”

He reaches up to feel it, and realizes that I am right.

“Wow, didn't feel like it, but I do feel lots better though. Dinner and pain pills does sound really good right now though.”

“Then let's go eat Baby.”

Dallan winced really good as he stood up, and I put my hand out to steady him, and he grabs hold of it in thanks, but then keeps holding it tenderly as we walk to the kitchen. He is pretty much leaning right into me, though, so I am supporting him a bit, and no, I do not believe that it is because he is sore, but I do not mind in the least. As soon as we sit down, Dad has Dallan's pills already there, with a glass of water, but there is also a baby bottle of apple juice, and a mug of tea. I also have a bottle and mug. Dallan happily takes his pills, and then we dish up, and enjoy a nice dinner together.

We decided to watch a movie, and then some TV before bed, and once more, Dad changes both us baby boys, because he wants to check Dallan's diaper himself, and clears him, so we head to bed. Just before coming upstairs, Dad gave Dallan his pills with a pretty large glass of warmed milk, which he happily took.

It was not even half an hour after crawling into bed, that Dallan came into my room. I had not really fallen fully asleep yet, but I was almost asleep, so I woke up instantly.

“What's the matter Baby?”

“Can I come sleep with you?”

“Of course, come climb into bed Baby.” I say, lifting the covers for my baby boyfriend.

As soon as Dallan climbs in, he rolls so that he is on his side, so that his back is facing me, and I scoot forward just a bit more, because I was already on my side facing him anyway, and wrap my arms around him. I am not sure which one of us sighed deeper from this, it might have been a tie. Dallan slipped into sleep almost instantly again, and I followed only seconds after it felt like.

When I woke in the morning, I feel a deep calm in me, I am still holding Dallan the way that I remember doing so when we went to sleep, and it is far more light out than it should be. I did not want to move and ruin anything, though, so I just lay there and cuddle my baby like he deserves.

It was probably close to twenty minutes later that Dallan started coming awake, and when he does come awake, he sighs deeply. Very gently he rolls in my arms, so that he is now facing me, and then presses his lips to mine, and kisses me very deeply. For close to ten minutes we kiss, and I know that Dallan is every bit as hard as I am, because we are pressed together well enough to feel it, as I am certain that he can feel my hardness as well.

When Dallan started slipping his hand down between our bodies, I had a feeling I know where he intends to go, but I am okay with that, and wish to do so as well, so I also start moving my hand down his body, also taking the time he is to pet him in several good areas. Finally Dallan slips his hand deep inside my soggy diaper, and softly wraps his fingers around my erection, and so I do so to his as well.

Still we are kissing, slowly, gently, passionately, only now we are just as slowly and gently stroking each others erections. This is our very first time, and it feels so much better than I thought it would. I mean, why would it be any better to have someone else do something to me that I have done happily millions, maybe even billions of times already. Oh, but it does. It was so amazing, that I came probably only twenty or thirty seconds after Dallan started stroking me, but then, so had Dallan in my softly stroking hand, and it felt utterly amazing to feel him orgasm by my hand as well.

Neither one of us detached either hand or mouth, and so we continue to stroke and kiss just as tenderly. Our second orgasm takes nearly five minutes to explode, but still we do not stop, and continue going, until we have a third probably close to ten minutes later.

Finally done, I feel Dallan scoop up as much of my cum as he can get, and he extracts his hand, and then brings his hand up. Just as he does so, he pulls away from our kiss only just enough to lick off his messy hand. There is more than enough of my cum coating my side of his fingers that I decide to lick some off as well, and only a few seconds later, we have his hand all cleaned, and as soon as he pulls it away again, we reach back in and continue our kiss, only now we also get to share my cum, and it is even more amazing.

Finally we break our kiss only a minute later.

“Wow, that was amazing, way better than when I do it to myself, and your cum tastes even better than I dreamed it would.” Dallan sighs deeply.

“Yeah, I agree, and sharing my cum like that was way better too.”

“Mmmhmm, will you change my super soggy baby diaper please?”

“Okay Baby, I'd like that.”

I hop out of bed right away to go gather the diaper change supplies that we are needing, and though I would love nothing more than to quadruple diaper each other again, there is something to be said for getting to change my baby more often instead, and I feel that from now on, we are going to be changing each other more often than not, which is of course equally great.

If anything, Dallan's stomach and eye look worse this morning than they did yesterday, so I very carefully release the tapes on his soggy baby diaper, and then wash him down very gently, because the bruise comes right down into his diaper area. When I pull Dallan's diaper out, I inspect it carefully to ensure that there is no hint of blood, and I see nothing at all. However, as I had been doing so, the urge to press my nose into the soggy diaper I am currently inspecting is shockingly high. So, I did so, I sniffed it deeply, and even sucked a little. Much like when I had been taking the pain killers, the smell and taste was not as good, but it was still a gift from my baby, and I am certain that once he is off the medications, that it will be so much better.

I do not always suck my diapers, but occasionally the desire to do so is high, much like it was now, but I do enjoy it. I once even sucked my diaper as dry as I could, and then put it right back on again, it was pretty awesome.

When I lower the diaper from my face, I look to Dallan, and see that he is smiling brightly. It seems that he had enjoyed watching me do so.

I then grabbed Dallan's fresh diaper and slip it underneath him, and then proceed to giving him a baby lotion and diaper rash cream application that makes him cum once more. Finally I tape him up, just as he is coming down.

“Wow, best fucking soggy baby bum change ever.” Dallan sighs deeply.

“Glad you enjoyed it as much as I did Baby.”

“Mmmhmm, now it's my turn, take my place Baby.”

And so, I do so, and Dallan proceeds to changing me, and the first thing that Dallan does once my diaper is out, is pull it up to his face, and licks it clean, since I guess not all my cum has soaked in yet, but then I hear him sniff and then suck, and it was really erotic to witness, as my rock hard teen baby erection can attest to, since it pulsed a lot from witnessing it.

Finally Dallan proceeds to diapering me, and my lotioning and creaming were also explosive. The first shot was only just enough to almost fill in my belly button, and then one more tiny shot oozed out over Dallan's fingers. Since I have already cum so much this morning, I had not even felt that I would have that much. I scooped it out of my belly button, and presented it to Dallan as his for making me feel so good, and he happily sucked my fingers dry. That, in and of itself, was erotic.

Finally Dallan has me taped up as well, and I sigh deeply.

“Wow, definitely best fucking soggy baby bum change ever. I don't know about you, but I think I wanna change each other from now on.”

“I agree. And I'd kinda liketa sleep together from now on as well. I know your dad probably thinks it's still too soon, but we've gone way slower than I ever thought I could. If it weren't for him, I would've already lost my virginity to you, probably the first day we met, because I wanted to, believe me.”

“I believe you, because I would've done the same. I think Dad'll be fine. We've taken our time, we've learned a lot about ourselves, and I really do love you so very much, and I can feel the same from you, and just so long as we take our time still, he'll haveta be good with it, because we can't go back from what we did today, and I don't wanna, any more than I can tell the same from you.”

“You're right. Now, I desperately need my pills and some food.”

“Yeah, I'm sure you do, and I could use breakfast too, so, come on Baby.”

Walking was highly uncomfortable for Dallan, so I offered my support, and he happily leaned on me. The stairs were hard though, and took us nearly five minutes to go down, and poor Dallan was sweating pretty good by the time we made it.

“Phew, that was way worse than yesterday.”

“Yeah, but it's like the doctor told you, you haveta keep moving, just take it easy, even though it's gonna hurt.”

“I know, but I definitely need my pills now.”

“I'm sure you do Baby. Go ahead and sit down, you needta rest a bit after that, and I'll get everything.”

“Thanks Baby.”

I grab Dallan his pills and a glass of milk to start, and while he is taking them, I prepare two baby bottles of apple juice and get the kettle going for a nice large pot of tea. Once those are going, I get started on some breakfast for us. Seconds after the tea is ready, our breakfast is as well, so I serve it, and we eat it all.

“Much better, thanks. Sorry I couldn't help.” Dallan says.

“No worries Baby, I'm happy to do it to help you out.” I smile warmly to my baby.

“I'd loveta go downstairs so that we can watch a movie, but then the sucky thing is, I haveta go downstairs, which won't be fun.”

“Yeah, and then later we'll haveta come back upstairs again.”

“Yeah, no kidding. Oh well, like the doctor also said, I can't damage anything by walking, and that the more I do so, the faster I'll heal.” He says, and then stands up to do so.

Once more, I offer my assistance, and it takes a little less time to get downstairs, Dallan already claims to be feeling better after eating. Chances are it is just because he is less stiff now. When we arrive, we decide on a movie to watch, and then curl up to watch it. After our movie, we go and play games for a while, then watch another shorter movie before I went up to make lunch, telling Dallan to just stay downstairs, so that he does not have to traverse the stairs unnecessarily, and he begrudgingly agrees. I just make a quick lunch and bring it down with lots for us to drink, Dallan's pills, as well our diaper change supplies, because we are getting close to that time again pretty soon anyway.

After we finish eating, I decide to change my baby, and when I pull out to inspect his diaper, I am happy to see no blood once more, so that is really good. Dallan then changed me.

We had drank our baby bottles with lunch, and now we are enjoying our tea as we play more games again. About an hour before dinner, I help Dallan upstairs, so that we can go and make dinner, and Dallan decides to help and do what he can, when he can. He says that once standing, it is not uncomfortable to stay standing, and as long as he does not move fast, or make any sudden movements, that it does not hurt. Sitting or standing up, he says, is definitely the hardest, though climbing the stairs he says is still a little worse.

Dad got home only minutes before dinner is done, and he asked how we are and how Dallan is doing. As we finished off dinner, and then sat down to eat, we told Dad everything, and he is happy, but says that he will change us baby boys after dinner, so that he can inspect Dallan's diaper once again, which we do so as soon as we are done. I just went and grabbed all the diaper change supplies, even for Dad, and he changed us on the coffee table, and then Dad changed himself on the floor. Dallan's diaper is still clear of blood, so that is excellent.

It was decided that because Dallan is still not moving very fast, because of the pain, that he would have to stay home the next day as well, which of course means that I get to as well. I called Jared and asked him to bring me all my work, having to tell him why I was not at school and everything. I had never called him the day before, so he was shocked to hear this, but was glad that Dallan is going to be just fine.

The following day was much the same again, and while the bruising does not look any worse now, nor does it look any better either, Dallan does claim that he is not quite as in pain as he was, which he will happily accept. After checking Dallan's diaper, Dad cleared us for quadruple diapering, figuring that if there has been no blood by now, that he should be fine, but still insists that we monitor Dallan carefully, which I agree to. Dad quadruple diapered both us baby boys, which we both enjoyed, a lot. Of course, the only problem with that is that we will not get our really good super soggy bum changes that we had given each other the day before, but, in the same breath, holding off and doing so only once today, which will be at bedtime now, will definitely be far better for it.

Jared dropped off what little my teachers had thought I would need to keep up, and he stayed to visit for probably close to an hour, but then headed home, and I did the work that I needed to do, which took not even an entire hour to do it all.

Shortly after dinner, Dallan's coach called to tell him that he has a game tomorrow, so Dallan had to break the news to him, which it sounds as if he is not happy with at all. Dallan did say that he will still be there to support the team anyway, but that games and practice will be pretty much out of the question for probably another week still, since he still cannot move fast or make any sudden movements at all without hurting. He understood, and thanked Dallan for at least supporting his team, and told him to get better and that he will see him tomorrow afternoon.

Dad also told Dallan after dinner, that tomorrow, sore or not, that he has to get back to school, since he cannot really hurt himself now, and he agreed, saying that he does want to get back to normal anyway, even though we have both enjoyed spending the days together.

When Dallan and I went to bed, we had an amazing super soggy baby bum change, making each other cum four times as we kiss and stroke, while still wearing our quadruple thick baby diapers, since why not, and every time we cum, Dallan pulls his hand out, and we lick off all the mess, and then kiss more, enjoying it even more in this wondrous way. Finally our baby diapers are changed and we are cuddled up together, we both fall fast asleep pretty fast.

We are up this morning with more than enough time to go for our morning swim, and though Dallan is still sore, and pushing was pretty much out of the question, he did manage to last for a lot longer than I had thought he might. Dad says that that is really good though. We enjoy the hot tub and the sauna, and then a final cool down dip, before going and getting cleaned up, dried off, and then finally inside to get diapered properly like we deserve. We got breakfast, then got our lunches ready, then went and got dressed. As we were putting on our shoes to head out, Dad gave some final instructions.

“Now, I want you to make certain to take it easy today Dallan. If anyone even so much as threatens to hit you in any way, tell them that you've been given permission to kick them in the balls as hard as you can, because another hit to the stomach or face right now will result in severe damage. Of course, you're not to do so unless absolutely necessary, but most boys, when told something of the nature, will instantly back off, at least if they have more than half a brain cell in their head.”

“Hell, if someone threatened me with that, I'd turn and run, no shame whatsoever.” Dallan giggles, but then cringes and stops.

“Me too.” Dad and I say together.

“And call me if there are any problems at all. I wasn't lying to those kids' parents, any harassment at all from any one of them, and the police will be involved from now on.”

“Okay.” He smiles warmly.

“Oh, and Jett, when you get home, make sure that Dallan has a nap, he's likely gonna need it.”

“Okay Dad, will do.”

And as soon as that was done, because we are done everything else, we all head out. Dallan was able to ride his bike, no problem, so that is good. As soon as I was certain that Dallan was good, I hopped on my bike and headed to school as well. Jared met me as soon as I got there, and when I asked how come he is not in the quiet room like he is supposed to be, he happily explained it.

“Yesterday one of my old friends managed to corner me, and accused me of being gay and wearing diapers. I mean, how silly can you get, right. So, I smiled warmly to him and asked him if I was, would that be a problem. He started laughing and telling everyone that I'm gay and wear diapers, and when he turned back to me, I just smiled to him and told him that I was once as stupid as he is, that now I am free, and that I don't ask for or need his permission or approval to be who and what I am. He tried teasing me more, and even tried to hit me, but I just calmly moved, and then turned to walk away. He tried again, but I just did what Dallan did, and told him that he no longer exists to me, and that from now on, I'll no longer see or hear him, and then pretended he didn't exist. It was awesome.

“Pretty much as soon as that happened, both he and I got called to the principals office, and he told Terry that he's being fully suspended now, but that he still hasta do the essay, and that while he's out of school, that he hasta go see a therapist. He then turned to me, said that he rather enjoyed how I'd handled myself, and that my punishment's now done, because everyone will now know, and that's really way worse than in school suspension. Of course I thanked him for that, but said that now that I know who and what I am, a gay baby boy diaper wearer, nothing they can say will hurt me anyway. He said he was proud of me.”

“That's great, but how come you never said when you dropped my stuff off yesterday?”

“Wanted it to be a surprise for today. Come on, let's go do something.”


We had a really nice day at school, and I must say, it so so much nicer having someone to hang out with. I guess what had happened to Jared the day before had went around really fast, because we saw a lot of whispering, but no one said anything to us at all. Mind you, no one would be seen near us either, but really, that is their problem. At least twice throughout the day, we heard the word boyfriends, but we just grinned and went about our business.

“Wanna come to our place this afternoon?” I asked as soon as Jared and I met in the main entrance hall at the end of the day.

“Okay, can we call Zavien and see if he wantsta come over as well?”

“Sure. You really like him, don't you?”

“Oh yeah, he's so fucking hot, and he's super nice, but also a gay baby boy diaper lover.”

“Good, you want him as a baby boyfriend, don't you?”

“So much.”

“Good.” I say as I am pulling out my cell phone to make the call, and as soon as Zavien picks up, I ask him if he wants to, and he says he will meet us there as soon as he can.

Jared was very happy with that, so we head to my place, but Jared does make the call to his dad, telling him what he is doing, and I even tell him to ask to come to Zavien's game tonight, and that we will drop him off at home after that, and his dad was good with that. Jared and I made it home only minutes after Dallan did.

“Hi Baby, how are you?” I ask as soon as I see Dallan, but go get my kisses before he can even answer.

“Mmmm, much better now, thanks.” He sighs deeply as soon as I let go.

“That's good. Zavien should be here in a few minutes as well, so wait to tell us how your day was 'til he gets here, okay Baby?”

“Oh, okay. I was supposed to have a nap after school remember.”

“Shit, forgot about that. Oh well, do you think you need one, you still can, it won't matter?”

“Well, maybe if I lay down on the couch and tell you about my day as you play with my hair, and then you tell me about your day as well, that'll be more than enough of a rest. I'm tired, but I don't think I needta actually sleep, just lay down and relax for a bit, but I'd liketa go swimming again, so we can do that after.”

“Okay Baby, sounds good.”

It was only a few minutes later when Zavien arrived, and as soon as he is in the house, we all strip down to just our soggy baby diapers.

“So, Zavien, you're diapered?” Dallan pointed out.

“Yeah, full on gay baby boy diaper lover. Admitted to my dad everything the night before last, and he smiled and said he's happy for me. We went and bought lotsa nice things, and now I'm diapered all day every day, which is amazing. No one's noticed at school, yet, but unless you smack my bum, you really can't tell, and there's always too much noise there to hear what little noise the diapers make, so it'll probably be a while before anyone does, but I'm okay. Not like I have any friends there anyway.”

“That's great.” We all say as one.

“So, how was your day Baby?” I finally ask, Dallan has already laid down with his head in my lap again, and I am already playing with his hair softly.

“Well, everyone looked at me in shock, I mean, my eye is pretty awful looking still, but I just grinned and said my stomach actually looks worse. Everyone heard what I did though, another boy, a pretty little gay boy if I'm not mistaken, asked me how I took those hits and just laughed, so I told him I'm a lot stronger than most kids, and that I get hit and hurt way worse playing soccer. Almost no one else talked to me though.

“The boys who were bullying me, though, not one of them so much as even looked at me, and when I grinned to the boy who's all casted, he damn near started crying. I got permission from the principal to go and talk to him and the boy who hit me at lunch, and made them spill what they got.

“Well, to start with, the one who's all casted, he has almost a dozen breaks in his hand, and hadta have surgery to fix things, but then he's also got six weeks of in school suspension and three months of grounding at home, his parents are making him see a therapist, and he hasta apologize to me, but in public. The one who hit me, he also got six weeks in school suspension, but only two months of grounding, he's also seeing a therapist, and his parents are making him do a whole years worth of community service, and one day, every weekend, he hasta go pick up trash at a park or two for eight hours. He was released from the hospital that afternoon as soon as he woke up and they were certain there was no major damage. His teeth that I broke are pretty bad, and he's got an appointment with a dentist to see what they can do. I couldn't even apologize to him, I'm still so angry at him especially.

“I promised them that if they continue to harass me, that we will be calling the cops from now on, but they both promised that they're not gonna do so, because they were warned that they'd be shipped off to boarding schools in northern Russia if they bullied anyone any more.”

“That's really good Baby.” I said, and then told him of mine and Jared's day.

“How about you Zavien?” Jared asked.

“Meh, it was school. I mean, no one talks to me anyway, but now getting to wear diapers like I wanted to is so much better, so that's good.”

“That's really good. So, is your dad just gonna meet us at the game this evening then?” Dallan asks.

“Yeah, he said that's not a problem.”

“Good. So, you guys wanna go swimming now then?” Dallan asks.

“Okay.” We all say as one, and head out there.

We are all in just our soggy diapers, so we each remove our own, and then get cleaned up before slipping into the pool. We swim and play for a bit, but, before too long, we head to the hot tub to sit back, relax, and talk, and we have a really nice time. Once well soaked, we get out, clean up again and dry off, then head to Dallan's and my bedroom to get diapered, where we urge Jared and Zavien up onto the bed first, and Dallan and I happily double diapered them. Sure, it might show up under Zavien's soccer shorts a little more later, but probably not, and we all feel that we deserve it anyway. As soon as they are diapered up how they deserve, Dallan and I took their places and they happily double diapered us as well.

“We need to get dinner going Babies, so that we can eat before the game, so, let's go make dinner.” I say as we are leaving the bedroom.

As we made dinner, we sat at the table, playing card games, talking, joking, laughing the entire time, and only minutes before we have it ready, Dad comes home, he is urged to go change his soggy baby bum, so he does, and then we sit down to eat, us boys telling him how our day was, and he tells us of his, but it was mostly just a boring day for him. Clearly Dad had been okay with taking the others to the game and then dropping Jared off at home, because Zavien's dad will still be going to the game anyway, so will take him home with him afterward.

Shortly after dinner was done and cleaned up from, we got ready to go, Zavien already has his gear by the door, so he grabbed it and got into it. Dallan decided to get dressed properly as well, because he will at least sit on the bench with his team, and just be emergency backup only, though Dad says that he hopes that he will not have to play, but Dallan agrees, saying that he is still way too sore and that running will feel real bad right now. Dallan does feel that it is still important to be with his team, even if injured. We hop in the car and drive the thirty minutes to the game, at least this game is just in the next city this evening.

It was a really good game, super close the entire time, for every goal one team scored, so too did the other, only seconds later in many cases, and it was like that until the bitter end. This is the first game that we watched that Dallan's team had not won, but it had been so closely matched the entire time, that even myself that really does not enjoy watching sports was on the edge of my seat the entire time. Dad and I went to the bench just as the last of the players from the field finally got in. Just as the coach started speaking.

“Excellent game boys, not so much as one mistake could be seen, you played excellently, and even though we were short one player tonight, there's no guarantee that he could've made the difference, not with how you all played. I know, the score says you lost, but hey, you can't win 'em all, but that was a damn good game, you sure as hell didn't give them an easy victory, and I'm sure the next time you meet them that it'll be every bit the nail biter as this game was, and it won't matter then who wins either. Of course, the next time we face off with them, we'll hopefully have our full compliment of players, which will hopefully make the difference, so Dallan, no more getting in the way of flying fists.”

“Wasn't exactly my idea Coach.” Dallan giggled.

“Well, I should hope not, but plan better next time, we're just about to start playoffs here, and we can't have you taking time off just to rest.” He threw up his hands in mock disgust.

“Sorry Coach, I'll try and be a better team mate in the future.” Dallan gave a good performance of being cowed, but ruined it by giggling.

“Good. So, we have only four more games in regular season, with losing this game tonight, that puts us in second place, but we now also don't face these boys again until playoffs. I want full practice both Saturday and Sunday again this weekend, and expect to be pushed to your breaking point. We have games both Tuesday and Wednesday next week, but both are at home, I expect all of you to be at your absolute best. Will you be good to go by then Dallan?”

“I'll still be in pain, but the doctor told me that after five days I'm to resume regular activities, no matter how uncomfortable it is, but you'll haveta forgive me if I shy away from anyone about to hit either my stomach or my face, they're still really sore.”

“It looks like it, and I can't say's I blame you.” He laughed.

“Believe it or not, but my stomach looks way worse than my face does. The bruising goes from just underneath my boy boobies to right inside my diaper, right to the top of my groin, and there's so many colours. It looks horrible actually.”

“Yikes, and they're sure there was no damage?”

“He wasn't sure, but he didn't see anything either, and told us what to watch for, but there was nothing. I'm supposed to go back tomorrow for a rescan, just to be sure, but he didn't think he'd find anything. He's just hoping that the swelling will have gone down enough by tomorrow to make sure that there was nothing missed. Obviously if there was, and they haveta do something about it, then I can make no promises.”

“Clearly. Just keep me posted, and get better.”

“Will do coach.”

“All of you, again, great job tonight, see you Saturday.”

We headed out then, and took the nice drive home. We talked happily as we did, but Dallan admitted something.

“You know, even though everyone on the team's always known that I was diapered, tonight was the very first time I've ever actually said anything about my diapers. It felt nice actually.”

“That's good Baby.” I smiled warmly to my baby.

We drop Jared off at home, telling him to have a good night, and that I will see him in the morning, and then we head home. It is now almost bed time, and even though Dallan did not play, he also did not truly get the nap this afternoon that he probably really should have had, so he is starting to fade. As soon as we get home, I take my baby to our bedroom and change him, but then he repays the favour and changes me as well, Dad comes and gives us hugs and kisses goodnight, because I told him we were just going to head to bed right away, and then I curl up to my baby, tickle his chest lovingly as he falls asleep, and like that, I too end up falling asleep, almost an hour early.

Next: Chapter 6

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