My Son's Father

By Dave Elliott

Published on Nov 22, 2004



Please note. The material in this document is intended for adult reading only. If explicit homosexual sexual acts and coarse language offends, continue no further, you have been warned.

I quietly opened the door to my sons' bedroom. The light from the passage casting a beam of light on his bed. He was sleeping peacefully; as I watched him I thought how much he was like his father. God has it been two years since he was conceived. I turned left the room leaving the door ajar. As I descended the stairs Stephen was just coming out of the downstairs bedroom, tucking in his shirt, and then checking out his appearance in the hall mirror before running a comb through his hair. "Ok Dave it'll be the same time next week" He said "Yeh fine mate...every thing to your satisfaction" I asked "Oh god yeah just peachy couldn't be better as always" He replied. My wife Ellen came from the room Stephen had just left moments before, pulling up the zip on her skirt and adjusting it. "Goodnight Stephen...give my regards to your wife" She said "Like bloody hell" He replied with a wide grin on his face and left closing the door behind him. I followed Ellen to the large spacious lounge that was part of our early century villa. I watched as she moved one of the pictures on the wall and her fingers deftly twirled the knurled knob on the safe as she searched for the combination. The hundred dollars she held in her hand was placed inside along with the other three one hundred-dollar deposits we had made previously in the evening. "Would you like a coffee my love" I asked "Yeah I could murder one darling" She replied. I turned and headed for the kitchen

Twenty minutes later the doorbell rang. Ellen turned to me smiled and said. "That's for you darling I'll leave you to it. Old man Smithies is right on time again as usual it must be love". The grin on her face getting bigger--My thoughts went back a couple of years...

Ellen and I had taken time out to actually have a holiday together, the first in a long while. Since re-discovering my homosexuality our lovemaking had not been the same. My sexual interests had turned more and more toward the male species.

When I'd met Ellen I thought she was so marvellous in fact she still is, it was I who was at fault not her. I had forgotten how beautiful and desirable a woman she was until that afternoon over two years ago. I married her because I was in love with her and I also thought it would cure my homosexuality. It did...for a while.

Then the firm I worked for was invited to a product launch. I always enjoyed product launches, a time to meet up with other members of the company and in general have a good time. It was always two to a room and this time I was sharing with a guy who I had never met. There was nothing sexy about him, he was perhaps the opposite. Average height balding, bearded face and a beer gut. I would never in a thousand years put him down as the guy who would get me back to my addiction to cock again.

The first day of the launch had gone well and at the finish I had gone back to the room, followed shortly by my room mate.

"Whew thank goodness that's over...I need to take a shower" He said

He did not go to the bathroom to disrobe he merely started to undress there and then in front of me, peeling off each piece of garment and discarding them on the bed. His body was not that of a Greek god, it was his cock that caught my eye. It had been quite some time since I'd been this close to a real live one. I tried hard not to be seen looking at it but what I saw did excite me a little in fact quite a lot. I watched until his fat backside and big belly had entered the bathroom. He did not close the door or draw the shower curtain and from where I sat I had a good clear view as he turned on the shower and let the water cascade over his body. He sang and hummed softly to himself as he lathered on the soap. His body was pink and flabby and surprisingly devoid of hair just the bushy pubic hair from whence grew the piece of flesh that interested me. It seemed a little larger than when he had stood before me as his soaped hand fondled it. I quickly looked away when he glanced up and caught me gazing at him.

When I heard the shower turn off I made sure my concentration was well and truly on the magazine I had picked up to read. He did not wrap the towel around himself instead he marched past me towel in hand and proceeded to dry himself when standing by his bed. A quick glance at his wet body, and at his wet cock, water still dripping down the slightly hard shaft.

"I think I'll have a shower myself" I said, starting to disrobe. I was going to test this guy. I had a feeling he was sending out a message and was keen to see if I was reading him right. When I was completely naked I lingered a little then dropped my watch on the floor, getting down on all fours to retrieve it. I pointed my hind end deliberately toward him letting him have a full view. Nothing was said and like him I proceeded to the shower leaving door and shower curtain open for further viewing, again when I'd finished I walked naked back to the room and picked up a towel drying myself off in front of him, keeping my hind end toward him for his further viewing. If I thought I was going to be jumped on and ravaged I was disappointed. In fact I thought I'd misread him completely. He merely dressed and said he was going to the bar for a drink. Obviously my arse had no attraction to him and likewise I dressed and went to the bar where I stayed along with a few others until bedtime, returning to an empty room and climbing into bed and sleep.

The morning light was streaming in through the drawn curtains when I awoke. My room mate must have returned at whatever hour and gone to bed. I lay there contemplating the ceiling and feeling very disappointed that what I'd thought about had not happened. I heard him groan then his voice "Shit is it morning already"

"Yeah sure must have got what you wanted last night" I said "Naw not at all" He said

"If you don't mind I might grab the shower first off" I said.

"Yeh go for it mate" He replied.

This time I did the same as last night I threw back the covers revealing my naked body (No night attire) and slowly walked to the shower, again leaving door and shower curtain open. I took a sly glance in his direction he was laying on his back hands behind his head and he was watching me as I showered. I made sure that he received a good long view of my rear end. Then shutting off the shower I walked back to the room picked up the towel and slowly started to dry myself. He was quite open as he watched me towelling off his eyes running up and down my body.

"I'll have my shower now" He said as he rose and like me had slept naked.

I continued to dry myself as I watched him in the shower twisting and turning under the cascading water. I openly watched as he soaped and washed himself. I wrapped a towel around my waist and sat in the chair until he finished washing. It was the same as last night he made his way to his bed and started to dry himself off. My eyes were fixed on his cock when his voice broke my trance.

"Here would you like to touch it?" He asked.

Suddenly caught out I stammered "Oh no...I "

"No go on you can have a play with him...I know you want to" He said

"Oh look sorry I..."

He took a few steps toward me, now standing right next to me. "Go on put it in your hand feel how good it is" He said invitingly. Oh god I wanted to so much it was now or never. Once I did I knew I was lost forever. Like an alcoholic with that forbidden drink, if I touched it now it was all over for me.

"Go on I've seen you drooling over it, just reach out and touch it"

It felt soft and clammy in my hand as I squeezed and fondled it, but it was not going to stay that way for long, each moment I held it, each squeeze and fondle made it larger and larger, until it was full grown. Oh god I was done for, a wonderful wanting feeling flowed through my body, and suddenly I was a homosexual again. It had been quite some time since feeling my last rock hard cock in the palm of my hand an it excited me no end to have one once again. They were beautiful objects when all hard. Skin stretched so tight around the hard shaft. That bulbous end and the Cyclops eye looking at me inviting me to kiss it.

"Mmmmm" It felt so good in my mouth as my tongue explored hungrily over the surface.

"Oh shit I should have woke you last night" He said

"Mmmmmm" was all I could say, trying to nod at the same time in agreement

His hands held my head firmly against his fat wet belly as I sucked eagerly like a man dying of thirst at the tap of life. Up and down the hard shaft, hand, mouth and tongue creating havoc with our emotions. Then the great gasp from my partner "Ahhhhhh!" as the warm wet sticky fluid spread over my tongue and down my throat forcing me to gag as I fought to swallow it.

"I wasn't sure about you last night" He said "I wanted to fuck you when I came back...I wasn't too sure whether you did or didn't'?" He said

"Did or didn't do what?" I asked knowing full well what he meant

"Fuck" He said

"Well I guess we know what we will be doing tonight don't we" I replied

"Yes...that arse of yours is going to be mine" He said.

It was around ten that night when he eventually entered me. His arse rose and fell on mine sending his cock in and out his balls banging against my bum. His fat belly slapped down on top of me, his weight pushing me into the mattress as he arse rose and fell, his cock, the first cock in a quite some time giving me a long overdue fuck. It was good to feel a mans hot breath on my neck, hear his heavy excited breathing and grunting with each stroke and thrust. "Uh...uh...uh..." Thrust, thrust, thrust. That was it. I'd had the forbidden fruit. I was a homosexual again eager to make up for lost time, which I did; any male seaming to have a sexual interest in me was encouraged. Sexual interest in Ellen starting to wane.

Thus it was as I walked the beech that hot sunny summer morning, the warm golden sand beneath my feet. I'd left Ellen at the rented beach house to read and sunbathe; unaware of what was going to take place a couple or so hours later. I liked to search for good quiet sunbathing areas where I could strip naked, feel the warm zephyr like breeze move gently and sensually over my body. There was something about being naked that I liked. The place I was heading for was a spot I'd found a couple of days ago and it gave me a great opportunity to work on an all over tan. As I walked further and further down the beach away from the populated popular area. I could hear the sea gulls screeching and scattering as I approached. The gentle lapping of the surf. There was little of it today; it certainly wasn't a surfer's paradise at present. I waded part way in feeling the cool salt water around my feet and ankles. "Ah here we are my own little place" I thought to myself. Up the rising sand dunes with their grassy tussock, if I kept walking I would come to bush and pine trees, but today I just wanted to strip naked and catch the summer suns rays on naked body. I dropped into the sandy hollow, throwing my knapsack to the ground. One last look around. To the north where I'd come from nothing, not even a speck. To the south a tiny dot someone out walking but not hear enough to worry about.

First I discarded my shirt, and then stepped out of my shorts and undies. The hot sun and breeze moving over my body. Oh god it felt so good, so sensual first a breeze then the warm sun caressing my buttocks Oh god I'd love to be fucked right now. I thought I reached into the knapsack and took out the beach towel, spreading it on the warm sand, then the suntan lotion, spreading it liberally over my body. Now lying on my back, eyes closed as I daydreamed, daydreams about some nice hunk that would join me in a little bit of cock fun.

Time to turn over on my stomach; let the sun at my back and bare buttocks. I lay with head resting on my arms as I returned to my fantasies. They were suddenly shattered by the sound of a voice.

"Hi there buddy, mind if I join you, you got yourself a real good pozzy there"Oh god I felt so embarrassed at being caught out.

"Oh er, yes, yes I guess so" I stammered, at the same time looking for something to cover my nakedness with.

He must have read my mind as he said "No don't bother covering up I'll join you, I doubt if anyone else will be along to join us...or disturb us" It was the way he said disturb us that got my mind working. Hey this could be the guy I'd been fantasying about all afternoon, after all who would join a naked bloke on the beach.

He threw his own knapsack down next to mine removing a beach towel and spreading it close to my towel.

"Hey that back of yours is going to get red raw, you got any lotion on it" He asked

"Er no I couldn't reach there" I replied.

"Well I think I should spread some on for you...better be safe"

I rested my head on my arms again, letting him rummage in his bag for some lotion. "Ohhhh" I said as the cool liquid hit my body. Firm hands followed massaging the fluid into my skin. "Mmmmm! That feels real good" I said as his hands worked their magic. Around my neck down to the small of my back and up again, over and over.

"You like that" He asked

"Mmmmm it makes me feel real good" I replied. I was starting to get that feeling in my loins

"Yeh I thought it would" He said A cool squirt hit my buttocks, followed by warm firm hands squeezing and massaging them. Adrenalin started pumping through my veins. I was filled with sudden excitement.

"How about that then" He asked "Oh god yes, that's great" I replied.

His firm hands and fingers squeezing and caressing. The next squirt hit the crevice between my buttocks and started to trickle between my legs and thighs. A finger followed searching for my love tunnel entrance, then thrusting inward.

"Ohhh, ahhhh" I gasped, at the same time letting my legs part a little and thrusting upward onto the inserted finger.

"Now what about that, how does that feel my fiend" He asked.

"Oh god that is fantastic" I eagerly replied, letting my pelvis and hips work in time with his finger fucking.

"I've got something even better for you" He said

"Oh what's that?" I replied and at the same time turning my head toward him for the first time.

"OH MY GOD" I exclaimed as my eyes fell upon the biggest cock I'd ever had the privilege to see, and Id seen quite a few big cocks in my time. He must have read panic in my eyes as he flung himself on top of me pinning me to the deck.

"Hey, hey take it easy...just relax it's going to be ok, it'll go in me" He said as my heart pounded in my chest. I could feel the warm contour of his enlarged penis against my skin, hard and throbbing. His pelvis moved back and forth, his cock pressed firmly against my buttocks.

"Now just image that inside you buddy...would you like that?" He asked

My mouth was dry. I could only croak "Oh god yes please"

"Then just relax and between us we'll get it in"

He wasn't going to let me change my mind as he lay on top of me. He reached for the sun lotion and first one finger then two fingers he slowly with and enlarged my entrance, making sure I had a liberal amount of lubricant.

"Now some on my shaft and we are in business" He said

"You ready for it pal" He asked

"Yeh, yeh...go for it" I said at the same time reaching for the cheeks of my ass and pulling them apart.

"Ok...just relax, completely relax" He said as I felt the large bulbous end caress the entrance, he pressed inward.

"Ohhh, ahhhh" I was saying

"Just relax buddy it's going in" He said Another deep breath, relax, relax My love tunnel slowly opened and enlarged as he pressed inward. Oh god I think I can feel it partly inside. I thought to myself

"It's going in old buddy, I've got the head in" He said

Yes he was right I could feel it, it was in. His hips and pelvis twisted and pushed and inch by inch I felt myself being enlarged. There was no doubt he was going to get it in. I could now boast that this was the biggest cock I'd ever had.

"Oh buddy I'm right in there does it feel?" He asked

"Oh my...just fabulous...I can't believe we did it" I replied "It must look real good" I said There was a pause then a reply. "It looks real good...your arse is stretched wide's never going to be the same again" He said. Then laughed and added "You'll have a funny walk from now on"

I felt his hot breath on my neck as he whispered in my ear "I'm going to fuck you now buddy" I felt the shaft slide in and out as his arse rose and fell, rose and fell. Thrust, thrust, thrust...easy steady motions. My pussy ass becoming accustomed to its new size. As he bounced up and down he could feel the contours of my bum with each inward thrust.

"Hey what's your name pal" He said as his shaft slid back and forth. "David" I said

"Hey I'm Michael" He replied I laughed and said "Very pleased to meet you Michael" He laughed and replied "Me too"

"You got a regular boy friend David" He asked

"No I'm married" I replied

"So you have a husband" He said assuming it was a homosexual relationship

"No a wife, female, women" I said

"Oh sorry I assumed it was another male you were with"

"No she is a real live woman" I said

"So do you fuck her on a regular basis?"

"No not really... our relationship has lessened in the past year or so...I rarely fuck her now" I replied

"So who fucks her for you" He asked

"No one she wouldn't do that" I said

"Oh yeh she must be a cold non feeling women then" He said

"No I don't think so she's very attractive" I replied.

"And no one is fucking must be very naïve if you think that"

"She just wouldn't do that sort of thing" I replied

"So you get yourself fucked by a bloke and you think that your wife wouldn't do the same thing...does she know you're a poofta" He asked

"Of course not...I keep that part secret" I said

"She is probably doing the same thing" He said

"No not Ellen" I said defiantly

"I bet I could get to fuck" He said challengingly

"I bet you couldn't" I said again more defiantly All the time his arse was rising and falling, pumping his hard cock back and forth. He was obviously a talker. Some guys loved to talk as they fucked, this was one of them.

"Ok you're on...$100 says I get to fuck her"

He was calling my bluff, there was no way he was going to get to fuck Ellen but I was unsure of myself I hesitated

"Come on put your money where your mouth is" He said

"Oh I don't know" I said hesitating.

"Look I'll make it easy for you...if I don't get to fuck her I pay you $100...if I do fuck her it's quits...let's just say I get to fuck her for $ owe me nothing" It sounded too good to be true. "Yeh, yeh you're on" I said hesitantly.

"Oh great" He whispered closely in my ear two fucks in one day, first the husband then the wife" He sounded too confident; now on consideration I may have been too hasty. Thrust, thrust, thrust went his cock. His arse rising and falling at a steady rate. "Oh god isn't fucking just the best things in the world" He said excitedly. "God yes, yes" I replied excitedly His arse was continuing to rise and fall his shaft piston like in its action. I would love to have a picture of it to see what it looked like. The motion was speeding up his arse pounding faster and faster

"Oh I feel all excited now...I'm going to cum" He said There was no great outburst or exclamations. Three final thrusts, then he lay still. The monster was pulsing and throbbing its final moments, warm sticky sperm spewing from the hard shaft filling my own love tunnel. We remained locked together as we both felt the afterglow of our love making. Lying there I could hear the gulls squawking and gentle surf lapping on the foreshore, the slurping sound as his cock withdrew, limp and exhausted "God if your wife is as good as you to fuck I'm going to have a great day" He said. Perhaps this was not a good idea. How was he going to approach the subject? Did we just walk in an say "Hey honey this is Michael he's a great guy he's here to fuck you sweetheart" I could see no way he was going to get between those lovely legs of Ellen's

"I'm for a swim" He announced and then was up and off, out of the sand bunker and streaking down to the water stark naked. I watched as he dived head long into the surf, well what surf there was. Then taking a look around the area to make sure we had no prying eyes I followed suit. The cool salt water felt good as I likewise plunged beneath the surface. He continued to ask questions about Ellen what was she like, how had we met, does she work, blond, redhead brunette. I told him everything. "Hmmm I like blondes" He said "Is she a real blonde--I mean I'm going to find out" He said with a smile.

"She's a real blonde" I replied.

"Who was it you said was fucking her" He asked

"No one fucks her" I said getting a little irritated at his remarks

"Where she works--what about a male colleague"

"No there's no one" I replied but he'd suddenly got me thinking. Neville--Neville Granger he's always sniffing around--he is somewhat older but a good-looking guy Ellen would like him. There was the odd time I'd come home and his car was outside, but I'd never caught them at it, we were all good friends could it be Neville. The more I thought about it the wilder my imagination became. It would be quite easy for him to slip her a length and without me catching them. The bedroom was at the front of the house, if she was to pull her skirt up and her knickers down, all he had to do was unzip his fly remove his stiff cock and insert it into her. If they heard my car it would take only moments for him to pull out, her to pull up her knickers and straighten her skirt. He on the other hand would have his stiff member safely tucked back in his trousers not forgetting the zip and the pair of them back in the lounge looking the picture of pure innocents. God yes it could be. Now I wondered if it would be easier than I'd anticipated for Michael to slip Ellen a length of that monster of his.

Our swimming over I followed Michael up the beach back to the sand dunes, the sight of his naked body tight arse end making me excited once more. Even slack as it was it was impressive, but what disturbed me was that I was excited at the prospect of watching it being inserted into Ellen. I shook my head to clear and rid myself of such thoughts as we picked up our towels and dried off. My eyes were never off his cock or my thoughts on what might be later in the afternoon. Packing our gear we walked back along the beach, each step taking us nearer to our beachhouse and Ellen. My responses to his questions were automatic; my mind wasn't on them. The nearer we got, the faster was my heart rate, my stomach in a knot, my mouth dry. Oh jeez it was going to be all on I thought. A question from Michael got my attention. "Do you want to watch" He asked

"Eh--what?" I replied suddenly taken aback.

"Do you want to watch me fuck Ellen--your wife" He asked again. He was real sure, very confident he was already calling her Ellen. God he's going to do it, I knew deep down he was going to do it, what does he know that I don't. My mind had already been playing pictures of them together.

"Er yes, yes I'd like that" I stammered watching his smiling face. "Well when we get there you introduce me, offer some refreshments then take off and leave us alone for a while--let me go to work on her--get her confidence. If your around she may not respond so well--you can come back and watch--if you want" He said with a wink and a grin on his face a mile wide.

We entered the property from the beach, walking to the covered patio. Ellen was laying on one of the two sunbeds. God I'd forgotten how great she looked. People buy houses because of there views and for a while stand and admire that view day after day, then it becomes ho-hum and forget it's there until one day someone who has never seen it before comes along to remind you just how great that view is. Today was such a day as she lay back dressed in just a bikini, skimpy blue bottom and skimpy blue top, her sensuous sun tanned body looked real desirous inside it. The look on Michael's face said it all; it was beaming with excited anticipation. His eyes exploring every inch. The cleavage of her well-formed moulded breasts, down and over her flat stomach, his imagination working furiously at what lay beyond the material that was the bottom part of her bikini. Right now there would be a stirring in his loins, perhaps a little stiffening of his cock.

"Ellen this is Michael; Michael this is Ellen" I said introducing them. "I have offered Michael some liquid refreshment"

Pushing her sunglasses on top of her head she smiled one of her most charming smiles and greeted our guest. Michael took the opportunity to grab the other sunbed and stretched out alongside Ellen.

"Hey I'll get us some fruit juice--orange alright with you Michael" I asked

"Whatever's going" He replied. I went to the fridge my hands trembling, legs feeling weak as I took the jug containing the fruit juice and three glasses back to the patio. The conversation seemed to be going well, mind Ellen was a good conversationalist and I would think Michael was also.

I poured three glasses handing one of them to Michael, at the same time his head and eyes giving a quick nod to the right and his lips silently wording "Fuck off"

"Hey sweetheart did we have some of those chocolate cookies left"

"No of course not--you know darn well you finished them last night"

"Oh shit yeah that's right--I'll just nip to the local store--won't be long"

The silently moving lips of Michael's seemed to be mouthing. Twenty minutes. I took off slowly down the drive heading for the local store, this far from the city centre it was the only one. My thoughts were going mad, Michael alone with my wife, just what was happening right now as step by step I slowly made my way to purchase the cookies. There were more people than usual there and I had to wait my turn deep in thought. I selected the type I liked and whilst I waited I perused the magazine stand, the girlie mags caught my eye. On the cover of one was the picture of a voluptuous young female hugging herself thus forcing and accentuating of her breasts being held in place by the black laced edge bra. He smooth legs were encased in black nylon stockings that were being held up by the black suspender belt the white thighs a real turn on. The face seemed that of Ellen as I gazed pensively at the photo. Hands--Michael's hands were roaming, touching, exploring her body. A voice broke into those thoughts "Hey can I help you fellah?" It was the storeowner; the other customers had gone it was him and me now. I looked back at the young girls' picture. It was nothing like Ellen

"Oh sorry lost in thought" I croaked mouth dry

limbs shaking He seemed to want to talk I wasn't really listening to him, my own thoughts were on the beachhouse and what or where was Michael up to now. A customer broke up our conversation and I left the store, with heart pounding. My strides were a little quicker but limbs weak; surely I'd given him enough time. I strode up the garden path expecting to hear voices conversing with each other. No it was quiet. When I reached the sunbeds I knew something was on. Ellen's blue bikini top lay on the ground. Into the house, I moved quietly through the kitchen placing the cookies on the bench. Nothing! I stood there head cocked to one side listening, then a murmur from down the passage. I followed the sound. I could hear her moans and then there on the floor leading to the bedroom was Ellen's bikini bottom half. Oh no, no I don't believe it, it can't be, as I slowly took the final step and peered around the open door. Oh my god. The sight before me was unbelievable it could not be happening. I pinched myself just to make sure I wasn't dreaming it. There was Ellen naked as, on her back knees bent, those lovely legs wide apart. He finger was inserted into the wet pink slit of the blond fury glen that was nestled between her thighs a soft low moaning came from her.

Michael was just removing his shorts and undies his big throbbing cock was in his hand. Moving on to the bed and kneeling between her widely spread legs. He pointed the monster at her wet slit. It was a magnificent beast to behold. The tapered end, the corona, then the vine like veins winding all the way up the shaft. It was like a giant torpedo being prepared to be placed in the launching tube. I watched as the bulbous end touched the moist lips.

I raised my hand in the air in protest. Screaming at him to stop. The only trouble was nothing came out of my mouth--not a sound. I stood there watching like some statue in the park. He pushed onward, lips parting, her cunt eating up the monster that was being fed into it. Inch by inch it vanished inside her until all that was left was the sack coating his big balls that were dangling beside her arse. I heard her gasp "Ahhhhh" Her back arched, buttocks rose upward forcing herself onto the hard shaft. I couldn't move I was frozen to the spot. Her cunt was stretched wide open just as my own love tunnel had been earlier in the day. He threw his head back, eyes closed, his hands moving down her legs feeling her warm thighs-- thighs that had been impaled on his warm hard shaft along with her cunt. A long intake of his breath through clenched teeth as he relished on the feeling he was getting from penetration.

"Oh my god that feels so gooood" He declared.

Now he covered her body with his, arms around her hugging her tightly. His lips and mouth kissing her neck and ear. Then in a loud whisper for me to hear he declared.

"Now I'm going to fuck her David"

My eyes dropped to his hind end, his arse was well formed tight with a nice contour to it. In fact his whole body was so perfect. I watched as it rose up, then dropped back down, rose and fell. Thrusting in to her. Thrust, thrust, thrust. Stroke after stroke. Oh god he was, yes he was fucking her and it was my wife he was fucking. I should be pulling him off shouting at him to leave her alone, but I wasn't I was enjoying it, a feeling stirring in my loins at the sight before me. I could only imagine the shaft now sliding back and forth between Ellen's thighs, he sighs and moaning was enough to tell me she was enjoying it. I could hear the squelch and slurp as his arse end gyrated. More screams of delight from Ellen. For the first time I looked at her, her eyes were wide glazed and staring at me but she wasn't seeing me, she had no apprehension of me being there. I could have been a million miles away. My cock was getting harder by the minute watching Michael bounce up and down on top of her. I started to undress. I heard Michael say "Do you like watching a real man fuck your wife David" My reply was barely heard as I croaked "Yes, oh yes" He stopped his motions then raised himself up letting me view the scene between her thighs. "Take a look at that David does that excite you" He asked I could only nod in agreement at what I could see. His hard shaft was now wet, covered with Ellen's cunt juice. His hips moved a few times letting me see the monster moving, sliding inside her. Then laughing he threw himself back into the job at hand. Thump, thump, thump. I now stood beside the bed naked stroking my own hard inadequate cock. I could watch Michael fuck my wife all day, I found it so exciting. I heard the slurp as Michael withdrew from within. Then turning her over and placing her on all fours, I could see her now well fucked slit, then with hands firmly on her hips he penetrated from behind. Again I head her gasp "Ahhhhh!" as he entered. I loved the sight of the shaft vanishing inside her. Now I could see quite plainly his hard cock as it moved back and forth, first all the way in then a glimpse as it returned only to vanish from sight again and again and again. He thrust into her harder and harder. She was screaming for more "Oh yes, yes, yes" "Harder, harder, harder". The perspiration was starting to show on Michael. I heard the slap, slap, slap as his thighs pushed up hard against her hind end. Her blond hair hanging down and her firm breasts bouncing back and forth with each powerful forward stroke. I was sexually excited watching. Ellen's naked form was perfect, taught skin the nice firm rounded hind end that Michael was pounding away at, all added to the excitement. His hands running sensually over her body touching, exploring. Smoothly over her rounded buttocks, up over her back and shoulders, then under, closing around her firm breasts squeezing, massaging. Fingers caressing the hardened nipples. The look on Ellen's face said it all, she was enjoying it, but not alone, Michael's hips were swaying back and forth, the expression of sheer joy on his face also. "Oh fuck yes, yes" I heard him whispering eyes closed.

Ellen's "Oha, oha, oha" Keeping in time with the swaying hips. "Oh god she's a great fuck David" He gasped as if short of breath. Every once in a while he would stop, gyrate his hips a few times. Ellen screaming out each time he did so. Her hands firmly holding and squeezing his buttocks as she tries so hard to pull him further inside her warm pulsating cunt. He pushes her forward into the mattress falling on top. His arse pounding faster and faster. His breath coming in quick short pants "Uh, uh, uh, uh"

"Oh I can't hang on much longer I'm going to cum inside of her" He declared.

"Oh god no, no you're not using a condom and I don't know if she's been taking the pill' I said

"Too late Dave I'm going all the way buddy" His arse pounding up and down in a great frenzy--Then one final thrust and pause, I knew right then his cock was spewing out his seed, the millions of tadpoles rushing through her passage eager to fertilise her eggs. Another thrust as he released a further squirt of sperm, pauses. Then a final thrust and a final squirt of semen, before he collapses exhausted on top of her.

I stare transfixed at the scene before me. Michael turning toward me. "Well you didn't get $100--but you don't have to pay me any money either--she was worth every cent of $100--you should get her to do it more regular" He said

He removed his defunct penis, still showing signs of her pussy juices. I hear Ellen still moaning from the pounding she has just taken, then roll on her back bend her knees and part her legs. The gash between her legs was all pink and wet, like a nice ripe melon, my eyes transfixed my mouth hungry and eager to feed on it. Michael can see that hunger in my eyes. "Hey why don't you give her a fuck David--she may be a little slack for you but she's all opened up and ready for it" My mouth dry, voice weak I nod and murmur agreement. Then slip first one leg then the other leg over my shoulders, hands on her firm buttocks, my mouth and lips bite into the sweat moist flesh, my tongue delving well into her crevice licking at her love nub. I taste a cocktail mix of sperm and pussy fluids. I feel heady, light-headed and intoxicated with its taste. Her excited screams are muffled as her warm thighs clamp my ears and head like earmuffs her hands also holding on tightly, her back arches up pushing her pussy onto my warm mouth and tongue. The orgasm flows through her body

It was never going to be long and drawn out. I was ready to cum. I quickly pulled my mouth away and frantically pushed my hard cock into her warm moist and inviting velvet lined cunt. I let out a great sigh "Ohhhhhh" and with less than a dozen strokes and a final upward thrust sperm spewed from my hard penis. "Oh god. Oh god, oh god" Was all I could manage as I felt myself being drained. I lay in Ellen's' arms enjoying the afterglow of passion, removing a pubic hair from my mouth. The first I'd enjoyed with her in a long time. Sleep swept over both of us and it was a while later when I awoke our arms still entwined. I looked around the bedroom, there was no sign of Michael, Ellen stirred opened her eyes, they were now clear and focused. "Ohhh, mmmmm" She purred squeezing me tight "That was wonderful darling--we haven't made love like that for a long time--it must be the sea air that does it" What about Michael I thought, does he figure in this.

"Did your friend what's his name leave?" She asked

"Er yes, yes he went earlier" I replied

"Oh just as well" She giggled "We wouldn't want him seeing what we were doing"

"Oh, er no, no that would never do" I replied. Hell she doesn't remember what has gone on this afternoon. I thought to myself. "Mmmm--we must do it more often" She murmured in my ear.

The first sign was when she missed a period. After a visit to the doctor it was confirmed she was pregnant. At first she blamed me for not being careful enough with our lovemaking. Then we both became used to the situation and looked forward to the birth. The day arrived and we had a boy and as he grew I could see Michaels' likeness in him. I started to feel guilty about the whole thing and I could not let it go on. Our lovemaking was on the decline again and I thought I was not being fair to her by hiding my homosexuality. I decided to come clean One day I sat her down and blurted out the whole sorry affair. I waited for the bomb to explode at the end, but she just sat there looking at me quietly for what seemed an eternity.

"Well seeing as it's the time for confessing--I've got to tell you that Neville and I have been having an affair for quite some time" "Ha--I knew it I thought you were--Michael said...."

"Oh you're boyfriend...and hero Michael said...are you in love with him?" She asked

"No of course not I never was he was just a one off...I never saw him after that day" I replied

"Tell me truthfully did you enjoy watching as he screwed me?"

I swallowed hard and replied "Yes...yes I did" Trying to read her reaction to my answer.

She just looked long and hard.

"I'll get some gear and move out" I said

Her answer was cool and very unexpected "No don't bother you might as well stay here...after all we have a son to take care of...even if he is the result of your boyfriends seed...a hundred that what he said?"

"A hundred dollars what?" I asked

You said Michael would pay me a hundred dollars"

I realised what she meant. "Yes that's what he said...a hundred dollars"

Life seemed to settle remarkably well after that, more than I'd ever dreamed it would do. It was as if nothing had ever happened.

It was approximately three months later, life seemed normal. We were sitting in the lounge, I'd found a good novel and Ellen was on the computer. I heard the door bell ring and I was about to get up to answer it

"Leave it, it's for me" She said

I looked at her quizzically wondering how she could know it was for her.

I heard their voices, one of them a mans, there was talking then nothing...just quiet. I could stand it no longer my curiosity got the better of me and I went into the hall to see who it was. Nothing, nobody there...I searched the down stairs rooms...nothing. Then climbed the stairs to the bedrooms. The spare bedroom door was closed. I tried the door knob but the door was locked. I pressed my ear to the door. There was no doubt about the sound that was coming from within

"Huh, huh, huh" The bed-head making knocking sound in time. Donk, donk, donk. It was the sound of fucking. What was going on? I would wait and ask her after they finished. I turned and quietly made my way back downstairs to the lounge. I couldn't really concentrate on the book. I sat waiting watching the clock on the mantelpiece as the time ticked away, my mind trying not to visualise the guy upstairs fucking Ellen.

At last voices, they were coming back. The guy taking a look in the hall mirror adjusting his appearance running a comb through his hair. It was the person who I would get to know as of many Stephens'.

Ellen descending the stairs her fist gripping dollar bills, one hundred of them as it turned out.

When the guy had left I looked at her the question on my mind.

"Don't bother asking...he's a client only. I got to thinking about your boy friend Michael saying he would pay me a hundred dollars. So I bought a cell phone, put an add in the paper and have built up my own business...and seeing as you don't mind guys screwing me you shouldn't have a problem with this" She said

I was speechless; there was nothing I could say. I'd admitted to her that I liked watching as Michael had fucked her but I never thought it would have gone this far.

"So how many clients do you have?" I asked

"Twenty regular plus the casuals'" She replied

"And all pay $100 a time" I asked

"Every one of them...on that Michael was right" She said.

I just stood there mouth open speechless staring at her.

We converted the spare room downstairs into a bedroom. It seemed to make more sense than the upstairs bedroom. I could listen to the sounds being emitted from within. I should really put a two way mirror in one day.

I suggested we should have a little brother or sister for Jason. Maybe you should stop taking the pill and not use condoms. One of the clients could be the father.

"And what if the baby turned out to be black" She asked

I'd forgotten that she had four black clients. "Doesn't matter, he or she would still be welcome" I said

"If I do have another it will be to Neville"

"Does he still fuck you" I asked


"But he'd never leave his wife for you would he?"

"No but that would not matter" She replied

I remember a time I stood outside listening to the love making

"Oh no, no not there please" I heard Ellen pleading

"Come on, come on you bitch, you'll love it up there"

"Oh no, oh no I can't...oh, ah ouch! No please"

There was a pause as he struggled to get it in

"There now that's like that feel nice and tight"

I knew where he was and what he was doing; she was going to get an arse full of cum.

Next morning at breakfast she said

"I don't know how you could enjoy having a man put it up your arse...I got no enjoyment from it"

"Well you've got all the right running gear...I don't I make use with what I've got"

It got me to thinking...the result...the door bell that night.

"That's for you darling I'll leave you to it. Old man Smithies is right on time again as usual it must be love". The grin on her face getting bigger. Don't forget I've got an all nighter to night. Trevor will be here after he's finished with the clubs.

"Christ! How time fly's I thought it was only last week he was here" I said. "I'll give you a call about midday and a cuppa eh"

"That would be great darling...thanks"

An all night session was hard on her. It meant all night. No guy wanted to pay $600, have a one off fuck and then go to sleep with a good looking blond next to him

I let old man Smithies in.

"Straight through let's get rid of those pent up frustrations eh"

"He, he, he" He laughed through his toothless wicked grin. His bony hand gripping my left buttock tight and squeezing it hard.

"Yeh you sexy bastard you...first you suck then I fuck eh!...he, he, he."

I quietly closed the door behind us.

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