My Student Writes a Porn Story

By Art Gibson

Published on Nov 28, 2021


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Remember, this story is fiction. The author does not recommend you try this stuff at home (Unless you absolutely must)

My Student Writes A Porn Story. C-3

I forgot Foster's comment about making me release during class until he entered the next day. I stared as he walked in. He wore the shortest of shorts. They were above mid-thigh. He had on a mesh shirt tighter than he ever wore. He took his seat, smiling, licking his lips.

He had another think coming if he thought he could get me aroused today. I was ready for him. My brain was closed to his antics. The class started. All students were working on individual assignments. I did not need to stand to lecture. I had outsmarted him.

That's when he began rubbing himself. He spread his legs, letting me see what was between them. I tried to look away. Crap. I could see his hard outline in the shorts. Then I saw more. His tip protruded about an inch beyond the hem of his shorts. His right index finger rubbed just the tip. He let me see he was cut. I stared. His left index finger rubbed his left nipple. His right index finger sped up. I saw something glisten at his tip. I knew what that was, and he knew I knew. He actually smirked at me as he dipped that damn finger in his juice and brought the finger to his lips. He sucked. I had to hide my moan.

I glared at him. He smiled evilly and rubbed himself faster. I was rapidly hardening. He smiled. He knew the affect he was having on me. I wanted to get up and walk around the room to check on my students. I couldn't. My pants tented straight away from my groin. I couldn't let my students see my condition. Foster rubbed faster. His mouth looked slack. His eyes were hooded. His hips were actually thrusting. He wouldn't, would he? Not in the front of his classmates.

Just as I was sure he was about to release, he tucked himself away and raised his hand. I nodded at him.

"I need a pass to the men's room," he said in a voice laced with lust.

I knew what he was going to do. He smiled a little boy smile as he stood in front of me, thrusting his waist forward. I had to stare. A spot formed on his shorts.

Next, he leaned over my desk as if asking a question. "You'd like to join me, wouldn't you? You know what I'm going to do and I know you would like to watch, maybe even join me. We would do it together, maybe even help each other." Then he smirked. "Oh, you got class. You can't leave. Well, think of me while I'm gone. I'll be quick and I'll think of you while I am releasing. Maybe I'll imagine your mouth is receiving my juice, or better yet, another one of my openings, there is only one other, isn't there? I'd like you inside. Would like to be in me, deep in. Opening me wide as you thrust, as you release your batter inside my opening. I hope you are big enough. Maybe I can put some of mine on this pass, you know after, for when I return it to you."

I had difficulty calming myself after Foster was out of the room. Returning, he slapped his pass on the desk. It was gooey. I could smell his release. I fought the temptation to touch it, to lick it. "Would you place that in the wastebasket, please, Mr. McNeal?"

He did as I asked. The rest of the class continued with no more Foster activity. He stopped by my desk as he was leaving. "Saturday. Sweet shop. Maybe you could come over to my apartment after dark, just to talk. I'd like us to get to know one another outside school. We can order pizza." He smiled. Those eyes, that cute face, that little body. I knew I was a goner for Foster McNeal.

Foster laid off the sexual antics for the rest of the week. He actually seemed pretty normal. I felt anything but normal as I looked at this boy in my class. What would it be like with him. Friday, at the end of class, he stopped at my desk. "Tomorrow, noon?" I nodded. "What about in the evening?"

So help me. I agreed with a nod. His smile caused my heart to skip a beat. "Pack a gym bag. Stay the night if you want." He strutted away, leaving me staring. I was so deep in trouble.

That night I called Hudson. "Whas up, bro," he said. You get together with that high school kid yet?"

"I need advice, Hudson."

"I'm your Dear Adam, bro."

"I think there's another name for the column and it's not Adam."

"Aw, use Adam since you want guy advice. Tell me about your issue."

I filled Hudson in on what happened in class. The Sweet shop meet and greet. Then the Saturday night at Foster's apartment.

"Well, the Sweet shop is fine. His apartment is iffy. I'd wait. Until he graduates. How much longer?"

"About two weeks."

"Better wait. Tell him you want to be with him, but he needs to wait two more weeks. Use the pleasure deferred angle. Tell him it's like edging. The result will be intense."

"What do you know about edging, little bro?"

"I've edged since I learned how to masturbate. Remember those two friends I told you about in middle school? Well, I did not tell you, we did a bit more than only fool around. This one kid had a seventeen-year-old brother who would join us. We would get naked and be tied side by side, touching. I actually enjoyed feeling his movements when he became turned on. I loved his skin rubbing against mine.

"Then his brother showed us how to edge. I learned so much and I had the strongest release when he did that to me. Once my friend released so strongly, one spurt hit my lips. I stopped doing it with those guys, like I told you, when I became interested in girls. I still edge, though.

"Sometimes when my roomy is horny, we watch each other edge. I taught him how to edge. He gets wild. I should send you a video of him moaning and humping his hand. Sometimes we trade and he humps my hand. It ain't gay if you are just having fun.

Wait `til this kid graduates, like I told you. Then you won't have any issues. Oh, say nothing about, you know, me and my roomy."

"Hudson, you perv. Are you sure you aren't gay or at least Bi? How about if I help you sometime you are here? Would you like that?"

Hudson was quiet for some time. Then he spoke, quietly. "I'd like to do that with you. You and me, Parker." Then his voice brightened. "Stay safe and do nothing with that student twink of yours."

We told each other goodnight, and that we loved each other. I ended the call, wondering if Hudson was totally straight. I hadn't just offered my brother a hand job, had I?

I did not expect what happened Saturday night.

Foster and I met up at the Sweet shop. He must have prepared carefully. His mullet looked wavy in a way that I would kill to run my fingers through his curls. His shirt bagged just enough to tease me, as I knew what he had underneath it. His hiding those nipples made me want them more. I sat across from him.

"Are you wearing eye-liner?" I asked.

"Do you like it? I only used a little. I wanted to accent my eyes. Does it do that?"

"Oh, yeah."

"Did you notice my gloss?"

I studied his shiny lips. Studied was the incorrect word. I stared like I wanted to ravish them.

Parker licked his lips seductively. "Calm down, teach. Can't have you getting carried away where someone might see. Anyway, we are just talking here. By the way. You still coming over to my place?"

So help me, I nodded I was.

"Got your stuff?"

Look Parker. I'm not sure about tonight"

"All we are doing, teach is getting familiar with each other. Did you think we would do more, like sword fighting." Maybe some sixty-nine stuff. Oh, teach. Your face is getting red. Is something else reacting. I know it is. Want to come over now, get started early?"

"No. Let's talk. Pretend I am telling you about a lesson."

"Ew. I like lessons. I want you to teach me. Will you teach me? I never been taught by anybody. Would you give me my first lesson? I already know you are a skilled teacher. But how skilled are you really in these lessons?"

He licked his lips and smiled seductively at me. I was coming under his spell.

"I'm not skilled, Parker. I am not trained to teach this stuff."

"I like that. We could learn together. There are very explicit movies that we could watch together. We could teach each other. I'd really like that. Would you?"

"Yes, I would, only not tonight."

His lower lip jutted out as he begged, "Please?"

I switched gears. "Tell me your story. That's what we are here to do, right?"

"Deal. But one condition. You must tell me your story."

He paused. I said, "It's a deal."

"Good. You will tell me at my apartment tonight."

"Wait. What?"

"You sure are dense for a teacher. I'll tell you mine here only if you agree to tell me yours at my place."

Then, as he said these words, I felt his shoeless foot rubbing my calf.

"You really fight dirty."

"I'll take that as you agree to be over tonight."

His foot was now on my thigh and getting closer to my goods. "I'll come over, okay. Just stop what you are doing." Now his foot was on my cock, which had hardened. His foot felt so good.

"No one can see what I'm doing. Relax and listen. I have quite a story to tell you."

He kept up a steady rubbing. I had to suppress a moan.

"Before I start, get comfortable. Undo your belt and button. Lower the fly."

I looked around.

"Don't worry. The table cloth hides this. Do it. You know you want me doing this. I can see how your eyes are losing focus. Go on. Do it."

He had some spell on me. His eyes glistened and stared into mine. I undid my belt, the button, and unzipped my fly. His eyes glistened in expectancy.

He continued to rub as he unveiled his life. I remember the highlights, my mind having difficulty focusing on much other than the heat rolling out of my groin as he used both feet on me.

His dad discovered gay porn on Foster's laptop. His dad busted a gasket. Foster walked five miles to his grandma and grandpa. He sobbed his story. They called Foster's dad and told him he was a low-down piece of crap and he was no longer their son. With their help, Foster gained emancipation.

I interrupted his tale. "Quit stopping. Rub me like you mean it." Foster grinned. I knew he knew what he was doing to me. He could tell when I was almost ready to orgasm. He would move his feet away. The little turd was edging me, and I did not like what he was doing. I reached to grab my hard cock.

"Don't," Foster said. "If you do, wait until class Monday. I will give you something to cum by. The entire class will see you totally over the edge. Let me finish my story."

I sighed and squirmed. Foster was totally into this edging and continuing his story. I was so ready, I only heard him say something about a trust fund in his name, his grandparents dying, and he moving to his apartment.

"That's my story. Zip up."

"What? Zip up? You know what you have done?"

"Yeah, teach or can I call you, Parker. Seems like I should refer to you as Parker, since I have been turning you into a sexual frenzy. Zip up. Drive me home."

That is how I ended at Parker's apartment that Saturday night. The access road was curvy and tree lined. It was close to town, but unless you knew where to enter the drive, you would never see it. I admitted we were in a very secluded area.

When I stopped and parked my car, Foster said. "My apartment is above a garage where my landlord stores his antique cars. In exchange for me being here and answering if the alarm is activated, he never bothers me and my rent is half what I'd pay elsewhere. Parker, we are safe here. No one will know. Come on. Follow me."

Foster's apartment was super clean. Nothing out of place.

"You must be a neat freak," I smiled.

"I always like things orderly. Check my closet. See how ordered I have it. He showed me the bedroom and, of course, his closet was ordered."

I studied my student. No, I had to rethink that. He was Foster.

"Did you see my 72 inch TV?"

"Nice," I said.

"Nice? It's great. You and I will see some great porn shots on that one."

"Uh, I'm not sure about this."

"A little late. You still horny? Oh yeah. You're horny. Your pants and your eyes don't lie. Let's get ready. I have a great video with three teens. I saw it once. I came for a week after. Get undressed. We are heading for the land of enjoyment."

Before I could protest, Foster had disrobed and stood in all his beauty. My eyes went to his cock, hard, cut and leaking. Foster trimmed his ginger pubes, and I really needed to rethink using Little when I thought about Foster. Foster was anything but little. I knew I was in deep trouble. If He intended that monster to enter me, I needed a long prep time.

"Take `em off while I get us some soda. We will use the couch." His words brought me to my senses.

I could not be rational. He had me so worked up that I forgot about waiting. I walked naked to the living room. Foster smiled and watched me sit next to him.

As keyed the video, he directed, "Sit close. Let's cuddle. And kiss me before the video begins. And don't worry, I need to graduate before we go all the way. I am ready, but I can wait another ten days. Tonight is just about getting to know each other.

Just before I put my lips on his, I said. "I really want to get to know you Foster McNeal."

C-4 will? I haven't decided. Probably graduation, the brother more involved, and maybe Foster and Parker's first.

***Every so often, a reader gives me an idea for a story. The idea for this one came from Jeffery B. Maybe he or someone else can suggest further escapades for Foster and his teacher. The idea of Parker's brother came from Jeffrey B.

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Next: Chapter 4

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