My Submission to Matt

By Sub Boy

Published on Dec 15, 2021


It's hard to believe any of this happened to me, but here we are. It's wrong on so many levels but I find myself craving more and I know I'll gladly serve any time He asks. I belong to Master Matt. I thought I was straight - or at least mostly straight - but that's not even the worst of it. Matt is my brother-in-law. And He owns me now.

It all started when my sister started dating after moving back to town. She's quite a bit younger than I am and a great catch (smart and pretty), so I wasn't surprised when a parade of guys came through. I married my second wife and she got married to a guy named Matt the same year, and as a family we spent a ton of time together.

For a long time things were normal and we all just got along or didn't, going on family trips and game night and dinners, etc. Out of our large family, I always felt like I got along with Matt pretty well, maybe even best, mostly because I really respected him. Even though he was my sister's age, he already was a managing partner at a high-end consulting firm and he was a competitive distance runner. He was just more interesting than most of the family, and more intense. I didn't notice that I was spending more time trying to get in good with him, or that he had noticed me noticing him!

One year my other sister had a big superbowl party, and there was plenty of beer flowing. I found myself sitting next to Matt at some point on the crowded sofa, and felt his strong muscles pressing against me. I had of course noticed how fit he was, but the strength I felt now was pretty amazing. I didn't know whether to say anything or not - I mean he was my brother-in-law and it sounded pretty lame, "hey man, those muscles are rock hard! How does a runner like you build those muscles?!" is what I wanted to say.

But I kept my mouth shut because it would have been weird and I'm not - well, wasn't - gay. Watching the game was fun but I always struggled about when to go pee: during the game or during the commercials! I didn't want to miss anything (or lose my place next to Matt, to be honest), so I was holding it in but nature was definitely calling loudly. Just as I was about to hop up, Matt stood and stretched right next to me, showing off his sexy body and lithe muscles.

I took it all in: his dark strong features, hard compact build and nice ass. What was I doing? This was my sister's husband - and my wife was there too! I shifted around uncomfortably, not wanting anyone to notice me staring, but needing to pee badly too. As he turned towards the bathroom down the hallway, I had no choice but to follow.

Matt closed the door almost all the way - leaving just a sliver of light showing between the frame and the door. I could hear him taking a nice long hard piss and almost see something (although I wasn't looking, or at least trying not to). His piss was strong and hard, splashing away and making my own full bladder hurt. His piss seemed to last forever, then he just stood there shaking or stroking it, I couldn't quite tell. I didn't hear him zip and was about to explode so finally said (shakily), "hey Matt you almost done? I'm about to burst!"

He waited a second before answering then said, "yeah, I'll be done when I'm done. Hold your horses." I wanted to, I tried to, but I really needed in there. I finally heard his zipper get pulled up and then he started washing his hands, taking his time. This was killing me! He opened the door slowly and smirked at me, "baby bladder, huh?" I nodded, looking past him, just needing to pee NOW. "Seems like you followed me here when I got up - do you really need to piss?"

"YES" I almost shouted, and began trying to push past him, thinking that would hurry him out of the way. He put out a hand and even though I was taller than him, he held me back with his hand on my chest. I wasn't sure if the electricity was from my urgent need to pee or what, but there was definitely something there. "Ask nicely, boy" he drawled. I was shocked, I really needed to pee and said "please let me pee, Matt! I really have to go!"

He smirked again and said, "I could have fun playing with you" then walked out, rubbing his strong body right by mine, setting my skin on fire. I rushed to the toilet and let loose as soon as I could get there, not realizing the door was open. I looked over in shame and there was Matt glancing back, then throwing his head back and laughing out loud. I was mortified - my cock was small, soft or hard, and I hated it. But having a stud like him see was the worst, and I almost couldn't finish peeing. The other thing I noticed is my cock was wet with precum - God, I hope he hadn't noticed. The game and the whole night just got a lot less fun for me.

As I was walking back out to the living room, I considered how he had acted and what he had said. Was he hinting at something? It must be my imagination - I just felt needy for some reason. I guess now that I realized how hot he was and how he could be pretty aggressive, I just thought about him more.

I didn't end up next to Matt the rest of the game but did watch when he walked by, showing off his tight pants nicely. He smirked at me a couple times and I had no idea why but it was getting embarrassing and annoying really. I had to piss a couple more times (my cock was still wet with precum too), and the last time when I was coming back Matt was heading to the bathroom and said, "get me another beer while you're up and have it open for me when I get back." That seemed to be close to crossing the line - I mean, we asked someone up to get us a beer, not ordered - but I thought I sort of liked it and responded, "yes sir" which made his smile even bigger. This was bad.

I went to the refrigerator and grabbed us both beers even though I was pretty drunk and should have been done. I sat on the sofa, the game was over and it was just post-game stuff so everyone else was in the kitchen or on their way out the door. Matt came back in and stood blocking my view, his crotch at my eye level. "Good boy" he said and he reached for the beer, then took a swig and stretched still standing there, showing off his tight lightly hairy abs and perfect cum gutters. I was mesmerized, and he knew it.

Matt sat down near me and I was very aware of him. He seemed to spread his legs further than normal and my eyes were drawn to his crotch. There was definitely some bulge there...fuck, what was I doing? I tried to pay attention to the TV but he was shifting around and occasionally touching his crotch and I couldn't not pay attention.

All of a sudden his voice startled me, "so do you follow men into the bathroom often?" I was shocked and tried to laugh it off, mumbling a surprised "no, of course not!" He barely paused and continued his question with "or just me?"

Had I been sober it probably would have turned out better, but I tried to explain myself. It started fine: "look, I just needed to piss really badly" but then sort of devolved as my voice cracked, "but you were in there and seemed to take a while, and hearing your strong piss made it worse." He smirked at me and asked, "Did you watch me piss?"

Normally I would have lied and said not at all, but the booze had me off-balanced. "No, not really" was the best I could manage and his smile got even bigger. His sexy voice was turning me on. "Well you need to decide if you want to watch me piss and how much you'll pay for the privilege!" then took a big swig of beer and got up to leave.

I sat there stunned, wondering what the fuck just happened. What I do know is my little dick was rock hard and leaking, thinking about watching Matt pull out his cock and start pissing while I watched. Fuck.

My wife came out then and said she was ready to go. She was quiet as she drove us home, so I wasn't sure she noticed anything going on or not. I mean, nothing had really happened, right? That's when I got a text notification and saw it was from Matt. My wife asked who texted and when I told her it was Matt, she asked what he wanted. I opened it up and was instantly thankful she was driving and couldn't see the text: "hey boy, by the way, no touching your little dick until I get an answer". I mumbled something to my wife about it being a mistake.

I didn't answer the text - I mean, that was way over the line, but I did find my dick thinking about the text, and Matt, and his tight sexy body and great smile and smoldering eyes. Fuck, this is not good. I almost jacked off the next morning when my wife was gone to work, but decided I needed to clear this up. "Sorry man, not sure if you meant to send that to me" was all I could think to say. I waited all day, constantly checking my phone, and never heard back. Maybe I had imagined the whole thing - too much beer!?

My wife Sara texted that she was having dinner with Matt's wife that evening - she was excited because they weren't close and she was looking forward to bonding with her. I was relaxing on the couch and started thinking about Matt and the previous night, and realized my cock was wet yet again. I started stroking my cock through my clothes, and quickly whipped it out and was going for it, moaning and imagining all sorts of dirty things with Matt when the doorbell rang.

Deciding to ignore it, I was getting close when my phone pinged: a text from Matt. "Answer the door, dumbass!" Fuck. Really? I tried to pull myself together and went to answer the door, not holding it open very wide since I had no idea what Matt was doing there. That didn't deter him and he pushed in past me and said, "Close the door." I mean, that's what I would have done anyway of course so I did, and as I complied he asked sharply, "Why didn't you answer the door, boy?"

I licked my lips, stalling, and said, "Look Matt, I'm not sure what's going on but this isn't cool. I'm super uncomfortable." I hoped that would end things but he just grinned and said, "That's because you haven't admitted who and what you are yet, boy." I wanted to crawl in a hole but said, "Come on, let's not make this weird."

Matt stood there looking at me then reached out and touched my chest like the night before. Again, I felt electricity or something, even through my shirt, and his eyes were locked with mine. God they were deep and dark and gorgeous! "You haven't answered either of my questions, boy." I had questions! Like what was going on with my wet dick, and why he was calling me boy, and if those things were related.

But something clicked in me. "I didn't answer the door because I was jacking off" I said, a little angry and a lot embarrassed but hoping the thought of me jacking off instead of being with my wife - his sister - might break the tension. Nope, just more staring. A full minute went by and I finally squeaked, softly: "And yes, I want to watch you piss."

(Where did that come from?! My mind was racing and I thought back to all the times I had checked out other guys at the urinals, telling myself I wanted to see how I measured up - even when I realized how small I was compared to others. And Matt was just so damn strong and sexy. And staring at me.)

I came out of my dazed thoughts to a short question from Matt: "how much?" I was confused - I wanted it A LOT - but realized he was asking how much I would pay to see it! Matt makes a ton of money. I didn't know what to say and just blurted out "one hundred?" which came out much more of a question than a statement.

He finally dropped his hand from my chest and let it fall to his crotch, rubbing just a bit, eyes still locked. "Double it, boy." I was trying hard not to look down at his hand on his crotch, but fuck this was hard! "Okay" I gave in totally - or so I thought. He shook his head no and I was scared he was going to leave and tell the whole family - I was panicking really, heart racing. What did he want?

Finally it dawned on me. I still didn't want to say it but had no choice if I was finally going to get to see this stud pissing. "Yes, sir, please." came out quietly but almost steadily, I was proud of myself. And the huge smile on Matt's face said I finally said the right thing.

"ok boy, it's an extra hundred if you want to see me unzip and whip it out then shake it off" - he was just being mean now, and I nodded and said again, "yes Sir. Please." He was close to laughing now and said "HEEL!" then started towards the upstairs. I was confused since the guest bathroom was right there, but I followed that hot perfect ass upstairs and through our bedroom to the master bath. He sauntered over to the toilet, smirked at me and said "KNEEL!" pointing at a spot next to the toilet. I obeyed, now looking up at this sexy god.

"I want this experience to always be burned in your brain, especially the fact that it's here in the bathroom you share with my sister," he said. He slowly - slowly - reached for his fly, and even more slowly started sliding it down. My eyes were locked on his crotch and I glanced up seeing that he loved this, loved the attention and power. I was out of control and just gasped out, "can I smell it, Sir?" as he finished unzipping. What the hell was wrong with me?!

"Five hundred total, boy," was all he said, and I quickly responded with my refrain, "yes Sir. Please!" He turned towards me with his fly open and I had a glimpse of a big bulge pressing against his sexy blue underwear before he grabbed the back of my neck and roughly pulled me into his crotch. I inhaled deeply and was 100% hooked - oh fuck, he smelled amazing. Manly. Strong. He smelled like he looked!

I buried my face in his crotch and then felt an almost painful tap at my crotch! His shoe was pressed against my rock-hard cock and he laughed and said, "That's enough, boy, I gotta piss." I leaned back and watched as he turned back to the toilet, reached in, and pulled out his cock. Oh my god, this was so horny! His cock was nice and thick with a tuft of dark pubes poking out of his underwear! It was longer than mine of course but not as long as some I had seen at the urinals, but I was in love. Like him - all of him - it was strong and sexyand perfect.

"I know you were trying to watch last night and this is what you wanted," Matt said as he started to piss! Another strong, heavy stream, the piss slit flared wide, pissing longer than I usually did. I licked my lips. Was I really thinking about tasting it? What if he put just the last drops on my tongue? Would I swallow it? Would I pay? God.

His stream of piss dropped off and he shook his dick then stroked it briefly and shook again, much like I had thought he did last night, before sliding it back into his underwear and zipping up faster than he had unzipped. I was disappointed - I wanted more; even if I didn't know what. But Matt apparently did: "You like that boy? It's a good start and you're going to be a good faggot for me, aren't you?"

Something in me rebelled at that and I mumbled, "I'm not gay, Matt - you know that." SMACK! He slapped my face hard as I was kneeling there, almost knocking me over, mostly from surprise. He looked pissed off honestly and I was a little scared, he was just so intense. "You will address me as Sir when we're alone, faggot, for now - if things work out, you might be able to address me as Master but you have a long way to go if this is how you act."

I knelt there, stunned, and didn't know what to say. What did I want? Things had been happening so fast. My cock certainly knew what I wanted and Matt seemed to too, but this was out of control already. Matt looked disappointed, sighed and said, "Well apparently you need more time and training than I thought. I am way too busy to have to wait on you to figure shit out. Just pay up, boy."

I had Matt's venmo info from family stuff, and reached in my pocket to send him the money. I felt like I could cry. I started with, "I'm sorry" but he cut me off and said, "You'll figure it out but on your own time." and spit right in my face! I couldn't believe it, the entire side of my cheek and chin was wet with his spit. He was staring intently at me and I couldn't help tongue snaked out to taste his spit. He smiled again and it was like the room lit up. "Later, fag!" he said and walked out of the house, leaving me kneeling there feeling lower than low.

And wondering when I'd get to see him next, and what he would do to me.....

Next: Chapter 2

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