My Summer Vacation

By Dawson Spear

Published on Apr 25, 2010



My name is Jay White, short for Joseph Lane White III. I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. It was not gold or platinum but was more that sufficient. If the truth were known it was a sterling silver spoon. By the time I was 16 the `rents had sent me off to boarding school. I was smart and schooling came to me easily. I always thought of myself as a leader and really did not think about the other guys around me. At the time I was about 5'7, weighted about 140 pounds, I had sandy brown hair, about average amounts under my arms, on my legs and arms, none on my chest, a light beard and some around my ass hole. Just like every other 16 year old I masturbated every day and sometimes more than once. I learned about masturbating from a friend of mine, but no I never touched his dick, and never had a boy on boy, man on boy relationship. I had measured my dick and it was about 3-1/2 inches soft and 5 inches hard and was about an inch around; it was cut and had an average size head; I had compared my cock to the cocks of the other boys showering after school and I was neither big nor small. I suggest to the reader that you stop and measure your dick's circumference; it is not something I had done prior to having it forced upon me. Most of us look at the length, have some idea that it is or is not thicker than someone else's dick followed by a description of the head. I was surprised to learn that my dick was about 2 to 2-1/4 inches around soft which is neither large nor small. Yes I had seen some really small ones and a few that looked like tree trunks. There were lots of boys in the showers who had started growing hair on their chests, had heavy trails from the belly button to their pubic bush, had dense hair under their arms or a heavy beard but my lacking such heavy hair growth never was of concern to me. Looking back I suppose I might have felt differently if I had such a condition, but I certainly did not feel naked or less of a man because I lacked it.

I dated girls, made out with them and had fun with them. Looking back at it I never really tried to score a home run and was perfectly content with feeling their breasts, rubbing them and kissing. I can truthfully say I never had a homosexual thought. I did not hate the ones that were out, but I never did anything to make their life easier. Frankly I never gave it any thought one way or the other. I was not an alpha male or a control freak, but I had been raised to just naturally assume that because of who I was and my social and economic background and my intelligence I had been born into a position of leadership. In hind site I really don't know what my fantasies were when masturbating; I mean I certainly did not think of doing anything with a guy or a guy doing anything to me, but when I closed my eyes I can't say I was sticking my dick in some wet vagina. I guess I was old fashion and conservative as I referred to my equipment as a dick and testicles and a girl had breasts and a vagina. Cock, prick, tits, cunt, and pussy were words I never used or even thought about. And, as far as an asshole went, I never even discussed the orifice, much less thought about or wanted something stuck in it.

The summer between the 10th and 11th grades I was sent to camp in Canada. All of the kids were delivered to one spot at Grand Central Station in New York where we were turned over to the camp officials. They then grouped us by cabins, got us on the train and off we went. We spent the night on the train and awoke the next morning in Toronto. I went into the men's room and did the normal things I did at night like brushing my teeth and masturbating. It was the first time I had done so anywhere other than the privacy of my room be it at home or at school. The next morning we changed trains and set off north again. During the process the guys in my cabin got into a game of Blackjack in which I took everyone's money. I did not gloat or rub their noses in the feat, I simply acted as usual, that being my winning was expected, nothing out of the ordinary. Now that I think about it, what certainly led to my downfall was my attitude as a winner, a leader because it was some divine right, blessing or just occurred naturally; how could or would anyone expect anything else. I was a poor winner and my attitude over the winnings sowed the seeds of my downfall.

At some point we arrived at a station in the middle of no where and were dumped with our luggage. When I say in the middle of no where, I mean that the train station had a bathroom, a small office and one large room. There was a Hudson Bay Trading Post, the train station and that was it except for a dock. Tied up to the dock was a paddle boat which we boarded and were taken to the base camp. We were so far north that the older boys in fact canoed to the Artic Circle on one of their trips.

The base camp had no electricity other than that generated. All cooking was done over a wood stove; there were no telephones and no communications other than a short wave radio. We spent about a week at the base camp learning to carry out the various things we would be doing that summer: we were checked out for swimming in water that was at its warmest 60 degrees; we learned to canoe without turning over, to pitch two man tents, do laundry in the lake, cook over a fire, pack wooden boxes that carried our food and provisions, learned to carry those 90 pound wooden boxes on our backs as we "portaged" from one lake to another with our canoes and to get along with 15 other guys my age plus two counselors who were 21 and in college.

The two counselors basically let the 16 boys in the cabin work out a system of self government. They said the issue of self governance would take several weeks to work out; it did not; it was worked out within the first week, and I was surprised at the eventual outcome. The way the camp was run centered around the base camp; from there you started out going on over night trips; our first lasted only two nights with only one short portage. Portage is a French word the exact meaning of which I am not sure of but they were not any fun. Even before our first trip it was obvious that the running of our cabin was going to boil down to one of two guys: me and Edward. The only things we had in common were that we were both male and both white. I am what is called a WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant) and he was Roman (Dark Catholic). Where I was lean he was stocky; where I came from a privileged background his appeared to be blue collar; I had sandy blond hair, his was coal black; he had hairy legs, mine were lightly haired; he had very heavy hair growth under his arms that had started blending into the hair around his nipples and in the center of his chest, mine was lightly haired and my chest was naked; he had the beginnings of a heavy beard, and if he did not shave every day it was obvious, whereas you could not tell if I had shaved or not; he was heavy set, muscularly built not fat and I was a runner, lean, thin; he had dark eyes mine were blue; suffice it to say we were opposites. He had grown up on the streets of a city fighting and scraping and I was raised in the suburbs; his family were executives like mine, only his were of the mob and mine blue blood.

One interesting turn of events occurred the first day. We were all sweaty and dirty from having spent a night and a day on the train and I for one was certainly looking forward to a nice hot shower after supper and before bed. Bed consisted of a set of wire springs with a thin mattress on it onto which we lay our sleeping bags. We had all come with bars of soap and shampoo only to learn that first of all there was no hot water and that we bathed in the lake. When we thought about the situation it made sense as much as we were going to be gone from the base camp for days at a time, so we put on our bathing suits and set off for the lake. The shock came when we hit the water which was 50 plus degrees; you jumped in, jumped out, soaped up and rinsed off; there was no enjoyment. It also became the norm that you only bathed when your smell either got to you or your tent mate. The other result was that we really did not "see" each other naked; there was no comparisons made of each other as you turned your back when taking off your underwear and putting on your bathing suit.

Most of us brought several bars of soap which could be replenished at the camp store as well as shampoo; most of us did not bring deodorant as we were used to bathing at least daily when at home and were just beginning to experience body odor. For example when at home or at school, I took a shower when I got up in the morning before school and again after the afternoon's sports time; when at home I took a shower at least every morning and if I had played golf or some other activity and was going out that night I showered again before getting dressed. In other words I was clean and therefore really had not learned of men's body odor; boy did I have a lot to learn. Living in one large room with the two counselors and 15 other boys presented challenges as how to masturbate; the bathroom facilities were literally outhouses.

Our counselors either had plenty of experience or the camp had taught them well; they sized us up pretty well in the first 4 days and then made canoe and tent assignments. I was paired with Edward; I was not experienced enough to be able to realize that we were like two roosters in a hen house although I believe he was worldly enough to realize that a pecking order was in process. The canoes were two men to each plus the bedding, tent and the wooden box, and you got it, Edward and I were assigned to the same canoe. Thus the first item came up as to who was going to sleep on the top bunk. I had never slept in bunk beds before, much less a sleeping bag; as a result I had nothing on which to base my decision. I saw little reason to argue with Edward and his approach was laid back and non-challenging, so I gave in and took the top bunk. As a result everything worked well for the days in camp; no decisions had to be made.

The first "issue" that arose was when the two of us were to get into our canoe together. We had been tested by getting into a canoe with one of the counselors and our abilities or lack thereof were determined, and then our ability to learn how to canoe was determined and they either assigned a captain who sat in the rear of the canoe with the mate who was the other occupant who sat in the bow. In our case neither of us knew how to canoe and apparently our inexperience or canoeing abilities were equal as the counselors told us to figure out between ourselves who was to be the captain and who was to be the mate. The second issue had now presented itself.

My first reaction was obviously that I should be the captain because I was far more experienced in the ways of the world and more sophisticated than Edward. As I learned later Edward and his family ruled the block that they lived on and the blocks on either side, and as a result Edward expected to be the Captain, and in fact at home had the title of Block Captain given to him by his grandfather who was a Don or Godfather. He had earned that title by breaking the arm and knee caps of someone who had tried to stand up to his family's rule. I did not know that information until much later, when it was far too late; and, as Edward indicated it probably would not have mattered as he would have chosen me for reasons that I will pass along to you later in this story.

Edward and I debated who was to be the Captain and I finally suggested that we flip for it to see how we each did. Mistake number 3 (first I won his money at cards; and two I said I wanted to be Captain in the face of his suggesting that he be the Captain); Edward took command of our canoe and promptly was a huge failure. He became the laughing stock of our fleet of canoes. There were 8 other canoes (the counselors and 7 campers' canoes. As the leaders of our cabin, Edward and I were expected to lead the way, followed by the campers and then supervised by the counselors. As the Captain Edward was to keep us on a course set by the counselors and required him to "steer" the canoe and keep an eye on the compass. He could not steer, and could not keep in sync with me or keep me in sync with him. Clearly the Captain was expected to adjust to the speed and strength of his mate. Edward's captaincy lasted all of about 30 minutes, when the counselor made us head to shore, and then made me switch canoes so that Edward was still Captain with a counselor as mate and me as the captain in the other canoe. That was mistake number 4; I was a success as a captain.

Due to good planning the first day's leg was very short and we landed at our camp site early. Edward was steaming mad at me especially but with everyone else as well. The counselors told Edward and me to have the following things accomplished: each tent was to be pitched in a certain area but still some distance from its nearest neighbor; a latrine had to be dug in which we crapped; wood had to be gathered for the fire each night and so on to include the cooking of meals and all of the other things. Edward made some comment and I disagreed with him and said so publicly; mistake number 5 and what was worse I was right, number 6, and the counselors said so. It was obvious that our relations were strained and we were all but openly fighting. Then the counselors stepped in and told the two of us to gather our things (tent, bedrolls, clothing, toilet articles, etc.) and to follow them. They told the other boys to finish putting up their tents and to do the things that needed to be done that they would return shortly.

We were camping on a peninsular and we walked probably a quarter of a mile to the other side and they told us to pitch our tent, dig our own latrine and to otherwise get the matters settled between us; they would send one of the boys over with our supper and to be sure we were up early the next morning ready to go and that there would be only one leader and we would settle all issues between then and 8 the next morning. It seemed reasonable as it was only noon time. We were far enough away that no one in the main camp could even hear a scream a fact that became obvious shortly. Edward sat down on his bedroll making no effort to discuss the matters, suggest where to put up the tent or otherwise address any of the issues that need to be attended to that afternoon much less the leadership.

Because I would rise above his pettiness I started putting up the tent and when he made no effort to help I turned to him and said "How about get up off your rear end and help me." It should be noted that my family really did not approved of cursing and so I never did; not even damn or hell; that is also the reason that I never used the terms jerk off or beat off but did use the proper word masturbate.

"My rear end? What are you some kind of fucking fag" was Edward's response.

My reply was "Cursing is the sign of a lack of vocabulary and is unnecessary."

Edward smiled a little at me, noted that the counselors had removed themselves, stood up and walked over to me. Without saying anything he simply hit me in the stomach as hard as he could, resulting in my having the wind knocked out of me. I fell to the ground, gasping for breath, moaning and was totally unprepared for the kick to my groin which followed. Now I was doubled over, and even though the kick mostly missed my privates and was centered on my thigh it hurt badly. I looked up and Edward was drawing back his foot to kick me yet again when I rolled over into a defensive position and said "Enough".

Edward smiled and said "Enough? I haven't even started yet."

Completely shocked and unprepared for his hostility and anger I asked him what I had done to deserve this treatment.

He then started down this litany of taking his money which made him look bad, followed by my mistakes that I have already pointed out to you. The majority of them boiled down to the fact that I had made him loose face and look stupid. I made some flippant remark that simply enraged him even more. As he approached me I held up my hands in a defensive posture and said, "Let's talk this out."

He never replied. Instead he slapped me in the face and said, "Get naked."

"Do what"

His reaction was to slap me again and simply stand there. I realized he meant what he said and I started taking off my clothing. When I was down to my shoes and my underwear he looked at me like I had lost my mind. He leaned over and slapped me by swinging his hand against my check and then reversing the action. My face moved first one way and then back the other. The slaps were not gentle pats but hard and stinging. I immediately removed my underwear, socks and shoes, now standing there completely naked. Edward walked around me in a circle and laughed.

He then said, "Stand there; say nothing; do nothing; and don't move."

He then proceeded to strip himself so that he was completely naked. I have to admit I was completely intimidated by the differences in the two of us. He told me to walk around him in a circle the same as he had done to me and without saying anything; I did so and my amazement simply multiplied. The differences in size between the two of us was over whelming and in fact conveyed, without him saying a word, the impression that made me feel inferior. It was a new feeling for me. I had never experienced this feeling before, and in fact realized that I had only felt superior, not because of size but because of family position, money and brains. This was a new experience for me. Edward looked me up and looked me down and said "Do you really think that you measure up to me?"

Dumb me asked, "In what way?"

Slaps against the face. "Does it matter? I am bigger than you in every way. My arms are longer, I am far more of a man; look at the hair on my body compared to your stray hairs; you could count the hairs under each of your arms on both hands; you don't have any chest hair or hair around your tits; I have a beard and you don't even shave; look at the size of my biceps, thighs, my six pack, my shoulders and most especially my cock and nuts. In what way do you think that you're my equal? Do you want to have a simple fight to settle this matter?"

For the first time I looked down at his penis; yes to myself I referred to it as a penis, after all I mean we were in a sort of formal debate and I had never used any other term when referring to another person's equipment. I was astounded. The thing was huge. I learned later that Edward was not a grower, he was a shower; his cock soft really got no longer when it was fully erect at about 9 inches, but what was simply amazing, the thing had to be close to 6 or 7 inches around; it was cut and the head was really not much bigger than the shaft; also the shaft did not vary in size from its base to the tip. I learned later that the head was a little smaller than the shaft and that because of the size he really never became all the way hard until just before cumming or when very excited.

Edward realized that he was dealing with someone who had absolutely no street sense, no street experience and that had never hit anyone before and probably could be terrorized by simple threats and several slaps. By the same token I was not one to simply cave in. I started to say something when Edward held up his hand stopping me as my mouth opened but before I uttered a word. He said, "The only answer is yes sir or no sir."

I laughed. Before I knew what was or had happened I was face down on the ground and Edward was on top of me. He beat me about the head and in my sides. I yelled at him to stop and called for the counselors to come to my aid. It was at that point that I realized that they could not hear me and that the only person who could give me some relief was Edward. I lay still on the ground as Edward stood up his legs straddling me.

He said in a quiet voice for me to roll over. I think at that point I realized I was dealing with someone who was not `normal'; I think that the term is psychopath. I rolled over staying within or between his legs; I lay there looking up at him starting about half way up his calf to his knees, thighs, penis, testicles, chest, to his face. He was smiling, not the least visibly angry and looked down at me. I think that at that point he realized he was dealing with someone who might as well have been from Mars; I had nothing to judge his behavior against, no experience with someone like him. He stepped over me and went over to an outcropping of rock and sat down. He then said. "Come and have a seat and let me explain some things to you."

This comment was the first sensible thing that he had said and so I did. The only piece of rock available was much lower than his so that my face was about level with his crotch. I had to tilt my head back to look him in the eye; again he had the upper hand. He said let me explain somethings to you. I have never been outside of New York City other than to New Jersey flat lands and to some places in New York State; my family sent me here because we need to "groom" me and to find someone to front for us. I would have no problem beating you to a pulp; you could easily have an accident from which you never recover and I would not break a sweat or lose any sleep. My grandfather has been trying to teach me that I can't be the be all of everything all of the time and I am having a hard time learning that lesson, but I think that this afternoon made it clear to me. First I probably could learn to be the captain of the canoe but it would take time and I would lose face with the other boys and the counselors and that would be the worse thing that you can do to me: to show me up, to make me look bad, to be better than me. You have done that and I am going to have to correct that. Second, my Grandfather's plan will work and the first time it is going to work is with the canoe captaincy. I am going to be the Captain and you are going to be the Mate. You will call me Boss and say it with respect. I was dumbfounded. It will be your responsibility to be sure that I succeed as Captain and if you don't you will be punished. I laughed, and realized that I had made a horrible mistake; it was the worse of all of my mistakes.

Edward sat there looking at me, neither showing any anger or other reaction. I stopped and just stared at him. He said to me, "Why did you laugh? Was it because I said something funny or was it because you thought I was ridiculous?"

I realized that I was in deep water, and said, "Why should I do the work, handle the canoe, let you take the glory, you be the leader and the one who is respected?"

"Because of who I am" was the soft, unassuming and cold answer.

"Just who are you that you think that you are my equal?"

"Oh I am not your equal; and, you are not my equal" came the same cold unemotional reply. "I am the man in this relationship; and, you will become my bitch."

"I am no one's bitch."

"Probably not yet, but you will be. How often do you beat off" came the question totally out of left field.

"I don't beat off; I masturbate" came my `educated' response. "How about you?"

He smiled and said, "I have only beat off one time."

I must admit I was surprised as he continued, "Have you ever fucked a girl?"

I started to make a flippant reply when he held up his hand; "No" was my simple reply.

"Have you ever received or given a blow job?"

This time I was very surprised at the breadth of the question and had sense to say a simple "No."

He continued, "I am surprised, because frankly I thought that you were gay."

I was deeply offended; and said so, "Why would you say such a thing? I have never had a homosexual experience or even such a thought."

"Well that is about to change."

"I don't think so."

At that point my life changed forever. As the summer progressed I thought that it might change for the summer and until I could get out of this Hell, but I was to learn that once you became a member of the Mob there was no retirement regardless of your age or wishes. Edward looked at me and said, "I want you to come over here and to suck my cock. I want you to avoid scraping me with your teeth, even though I realize I am large you need to learn that ability; you will suck, lick and use the standard up and down movement until I cum, which you will hold in your mouth without swallowing until I tell you to do so. Do you understand me?"

"No way! I am not that kind of guy and I am not going to do it."

"Oh yes you will or I will beat you until you agree to do so. What you don't understand is that if you don't learn to suck my cock without scraping it with your teeth, or if your mouth is simply not large enough to accommodate my cock with out scraping it with your teeth, I will take a pair of pliers and simply pull your teeth so that you are able to do so. Do you understand? If you refuse me I will break an arm or otherwise beat you into submission."

I at that point knew I was defeated; I was unable to defend myself against him; my choices were either to give in to him or to be beaten into submission and then he would take what I would not give him. He stared at me and smiled, knowing he had won. He pointed at the ground in front of him and I crawled over to him. I picked up his cock and looked at it. He said very softly, "Good boy. It's big isn't it? It is heavy. Now smell it from the base to the tip and then lick it and get the taste of it. Then we will talk about the taste and smell of it"

I did as I was told. The smell was different; there was a smell of male musk mixed with urine and the rancid odor of stale cum. I looked up at him and said, "I smell old sperm. I thought that you said that you did not ...beat off?"

"I don't. I had a wet dream last night and came in my shorts. That is one of the reasons that I realized that I was going to have to find some relief today. Now taste it."

I started at the base of the shaft and slowly allowed my tongue to make its tentative way out of my mouth and to make contact with him. The taste was salty and I continued up towards the head, which I avoided because of the leakage that had started flowing from the slit in the end. I swear that the slit in the head of his cock was almost as long as the head on my cock. I simply stared down at it. At this point Edward put one hand on my throat with the fingers on the throat and his wrist just below my lips; in this manner when his cock got into my mouth he could feel it, feel me swallow and could also guide my mouth; his other hand he placed on the crown of my head and working his hands in unison he could move my head forwards and backwards or more efficiently on and off of his cock while with the hand on the throat he could control the angle and the quantity of cock he forced into my mouth. My tongue made its way with some guiding by Edward's hands and I tasted his essence. The taste was salty but sweet but did not have the odor of bleach that I had come to recognize as being associated with sperm.

Edward stood up and looked down at me said, "Come over here to the sleeping bags so that I can lie down and enjoy my popping your oral cherry." I spread out the sleeping bags so that he could lie down and be serviced.

Without further instruction, but still under the control of his two hands, I started in taking as much of his cock into my mouth as was possible. I struggled to make my mouth open wide enough to accommodate the girth of his cock; the thing was tremendous. I could literally feel the creases (the hinges of my mouth where the two lips joined top to bottom) split like I had a fever blister, and in fact I had to use some chap stick to help. It was a matter of having to increase the opening of my mouth; as I later learned the length was not the strength of intimidating factor, it was the amount of space the thing displaced; it was simply huge, probably 4 times bigger around than mine. I learned over time to accommodate the length and never had problems deep throating him, but my jaws were always sore after dancing on his flute.

He gently took my head in his hands and started teaching me how to suck a cock. "Open your mouth as wide as you can, put your tongue over your bottom teeth by sticking it out of your mouth a little; now cover your upper teeth with your upper lip. I am going to stick it in and you will gag; don't worry I am going to teach you, not suffocate you or allow you to choke to death. You will gag up or cough up some slime or juice which will mix with the precum I make and my cock will start to slide more easily; that stuff will lubricate my cock and make entry easier for you"

I know I did not do a very good job, between trying not to vomit at the thought of what I was doing, gag over the invader in my mouth, choke on his cock, not scrape it with my teeth and still swallow from time to time, lick, suck and make the up and down motions; relax my muscles so that he could guide me with his hands acting like joy sticks; he could control the up and down, side to side and in and out motions and could literally do all 3 at the same time. Either I did a better job that I realized or Edward was desperate because in not too long a time he stopped me, and pulled me off of his cock. He looked down at me, smiled and said, "See you have done a good job; we are going to drag this out for a little while so that I can enjoy it. Take a couple of deep breaths and work the kinks out of your jaws."

I could not believe it; here I was in the woods somewhere in the vast regions of Canada, naked, lying on a sleeping bag between the legs of some gangster sucking his cock and I was pleased that I was making him happy. Hell 30 minutes before I had never said the word cock, much less touched one and had never even thought about sucking on one. Edward took my head again and placed his cock on my lips; I opened again and took him into my mouth, knowing that this time I was going to be orally bred; he was going to have an orgasm, discharge his sperm and that I was going to allow it to accumulate in my mouth until he was finished, show it to him, and then on his instruction to swallow it. Up and down I went; in and out went the cock; the slime from my stomach and juices discharged by his cock making the entry and exit smoother and easier; my tongue licking and stroking the underside of this whale in my mouth; he took one of my hands and put it on his testicles and said, "Play with them; love them and persuade them to give up their white gold."

The things hung down a considerable distance beneath his cock; as I later came to learn, his sack was longer than my cock at its hardest. They were hard but fragile; they were bumpy but perfectly formed; they rose up which I came to learn was a telltale warning that the discharge process had started. When I came my sperm ejaculated and landed on my belly and on a good day might make it half was between my belly button and my breasts; Edward's cum could regularly hit him in the face, only it was never allowed to do so because I caught it either in my mouth, on my body or in my body. I could also tell he was in the process of ejaculation because the fingers on my throat started moving up and down as though he was trying to masturbate his cock by moving my throat up and down. It was erotic having him thrust and counter thrust his cock in my throat and at the same time having him moving his hand on the outside with my throat in between.

I was surprised at the force and quantity with which his sperm shot out of the head of his cock. I choked and not withstanding my efforts overflowed my mouth and leaked down his shaft into his pubic hair pooling on his stomach. Realizing I had not followed his instructions I frantically starting holding the cum in my mouth, and when it was full I pulled off of his cock and yet the cum continued to flow no longer ejaculating with force but oozing out of the end. Holding my mouth closed and breathing in and out through my nose I was amazed at the site before me: his cock had not softened at all, sperm continued to flow from the slit and the slit was gaping open; I swear that you could clearly see down into the cavity ¼ of an inch.

Edward put his hand under my chin and lifted my head so that I was gazing into his eyes; "Open your mouth and show me" came the command and I did as I was told. My mouth opened and revealed its contents. "Now swallow" and again I followed his instructions.

Without conscious thought, my tongue came out of my mouth and licked my lips and for the first time I became aware of his flavor; the taste of his essence entered into my memory. It was salty but sweet; slimy like an oyster but had a consistency that had some definition; you could not chew it, but it had more consistency than say a milk shake; it was not unpleasant although the thought of what I had done would take some time to become use to. Edward continued to smile and said, "Now lick up what leaked out of your mouth and has pooled on me." I did so without argument or need of enforcement. When done I sat back on my heels and thought to myself well you lived through it and so long as no one finds out and is none the wiser nothing has been lost. Edward said nothing, simply lying there staring at me.

He was smiling, and said, "Jay, you did a good job; but then I knew you would; you only scraped me once or twice and not hard. I am glad that you enjoyed yourself; I also knew you would as well."

I had smartened up to the point that I kept all expression from my face and said nothing, but to myself I thought, "Yea, right. You are crazy if you think that I enjoyed having my mouth raped by your cock; here I was having been sexually violated over my objections; he had forced me under the threat of breaking my arms and legs to put my mouth on his penis; to ingest his body fluids without regard to sexually transmitted diseases and he thought that I enjoyed it? Edward, however, for the first time revealed to me that he could read my mind as if I had written it plainly for him to read. He smiled and said, "Yes, you enjoyed yourself; you don't believe me do you? Well that being the case look down between your legs."

I did so and was shocked, mortified, embarrassed and surprised. There was my cock, standing proud and hard and long as it had ever been, and at some point it was clear that I had ejaculated, without knowing it, without any feeling the experience. The ejaculate had simply flowed down the shaft into my pubic hair and then dripped onto the sleeping bag. I was so surprised I said nothing but looked up at Edward who continued smiling as the tears started flowing from my eyes. I had defiled myself by having enjoyed my oral rape so much that I climaxed without me or anyone or thing touching my cock; there had been no external stimulation; no one had touched any part of me except my throat and my hair and yet I had become so excited that I had ejaculated. How? Why? When?

My embarrassment was made worse by what Edward did at that point. He sat up and took me in his arms and held and cuddled me, stoking my back and making me feel better. When I had finished with my crying jag, I realized that we were spooning with my ass flush up against his hard and throbbing cock; he blew hot breath into my ear and then slowly licked my ear canal, nibbled on the lobe and slowly started to hump me; and, to make matters worse I realized I was moving in unison with him and rubbing my ass against his cock. Then he said "Now lick up the mess off of the sleeping bag. Remember that you are not allowed to cum unless I give you permission. This time your punishment will also help you."

I licked up my cum from the bedding as he was talking. When I was done he said, "Go get my toilet kit." I did so and brought it back to him. In it was a cup with brush so that he could shave every day as well as his razor and other toilet articles. He continued, "Now go down to the lake and put some water in the cup and then come lie down on your back and spread your legs."

I did as I was told and he proceeded to lather up my meager pubic bush. He made sure that the lather was thick and foamy, continuing to spread the foam on my balls, on the shaft of my cock and up to my belly button. He then removed all of the hair. I was as naked as the day I was born. He ran his hand over the shaved area almost making me cum and said, "Much better, and now when I do let you cum if any spills you won't have any problems getting it up."

"Now I want you to put your bathing suit on, set up the tent, spread out the sleeping bags and gather some wood for a fire and then I want to explain the facts of life to you so that we can have a fun summer."

A fun summer? My life was spinning out of control. I had just finished sucking another guy's cock; hell I had not even sucked it, he had raped me; I had a stomach full of his cum; he had shaved off my pubic hair; made me wait on him and now was going to explain that I was going to have a fun summer? Not hardly. I finished up my chores and he resumed his seat on the rock and I sat a full seat below him, acknowledging him to have the seat of honor, the exalted position and was simply amazed. Edward started off asking a series of questions, which I answered and he never wrote a single thing down and as far as I can tell never ever forgot one part of my answers. He asked a final question, which was, "Jay do you have any idea why all of this is happening?"


"Well let me explain it to you as I understand it. My Grandfather is a Don. You understand what that means in the Italian community. He does not rule a nationwide family, but he does control several square blocks of New York City, and when I say rule it I mean with an iron hand. My father, his son plays no role for a variety of reasons. Apparently in our heritage the males are usually endowed with a cock that is different than that enjoyed by most men; when I say different I mean that it is not longer necessarily, but it is shaped different and certainly it is bigger in circumference. My father is not so endowed, and obviously I am as is my Grandfather. My father simply does not have what it takes to run the family and do the enforcing and he lives in Italy where he and my mother were sent by his father shortly after I was born. I have been raised by my Grandfather."

"Given the efforts to stamp out what the government refers to as `organized crime' my Grandfather made the decision to change management styles, which is causing a change in how we do business. In the short run they are changing the legal structure which I don't understand nor do I need to as in the short run it does not impact me or my assignments. Grandfather's plan centers on having a false front and coupling that with the fact that I am gay or at best mostly gay. Because of my heritage and up bringing I realize that I am going to have to get married and to sire at least two sons; beyond that I don't have to have any relationship with her. Grandfather has picked out several possible candidates and he will pick the best one for me to breed. Understanding that it is in the best interests of the Family if I don't engage in one night stands but rather have one person with whom I mate. My sexual preferences cause some complications but when discussing the subject he and I realized that it also presented some unique opportunities."

"His long range plan is for the Family to have a front person. This front person should be the opposite of me: they need to be of northern European ancestry, with blondish hair, a long thin nose, light complexion, blue eyes, upper class, already consider themselves to be and are considered by their community to be upper class, somewhat moneyed although not of any real importance as long as they give off the appearance of money; in summary what you might refer to as a blue blood WASP. I would then in effect `marry' that person and will rule the Family's empire through my spouse. Obviously because of my sexual preferences that person has to be a male but without any discussion that person would be the wife and have to carry out all of the wifely duties and responsibilities."

"We agreed on the parameters of the type of person we wanted and then discussed how to create a short list of persons. Have you noticed that this camp is made up almost entirely from a physical appearances perspective of WASPs?"

I had not thought about it, but struggling to get my arms around what he was saying I realized that almost all of us fit into that physical description. Certainly there were no Hispanics, no Africans, few Italians, or minorities. I certainly was as opposite to Edward from an appearance point of view as could be imagined.

Edward continued, "Have you ever thought about just how many of the campers here go to boarding school, and not just any boarding school but what would be a list of the very best of such schools and all in the middle Atlantic to northeast parts of the United States? Other than me what other campers do you know that are not in boarding school? Can you name or even identify any camper that goes to pubic school? Even I go to a private day school."

On reflection his statement was correct. There were a few boys who went to school in Virginia, Delaware and Pennsylvania, but most were in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont.

The explanation continued, "Grandfather's research revealed that this camp would be a perfect location for me to find someone who fit our profile. Then on the train the weeding out process started, and continued while we were still at base camp. Prior to my coming to camp I met with several profilers hired to explain to me the type of personality that we needed. I could not believe my luck when I was first put in the same cabin as you and then the way that everything has played out since that time. You see you fit the profile perfectly as to the characteristics that are on our list."

I had a confused look on my face and Edward said, "You still don't see it do you?"

"No I don't. What characteristics?"

He started listing the items like a laundry list: "Well let's see, you: have blondish hair; blue eyes; you are attractive looking; you have good teeth; you are arrogant, act in a superior manner, project yourself as being confident and knowledgeable; When Grandfather's staff were compiling a list of possible candidates you come from a moneyed family, but one whose capital is shrinking not growing; in other words your parents are spending more than they make to maintain the life style and keeping up the illusion of money; I think that secretly, although you will not admit it at this point in time, you are gay and are what the profilests call a secret submissive."

I was in total shock. As I started to sputter and object, Edward held up his hand and said, "Do you agree with me about your physical attributes?"


"Do you agree that you are arrogant, act in a superior manner, project yourself as being confident and knowledgeable?"


"Really? Just stop and think for a moment how you assume that you are correct."

"Well I admit that but it is because I am," came my reply.

"True, but that is what I am describing to you. You don't do it unnaturally or because you are putting on airs. It is just the way you are and the way you have been raised."

"What about the income?"

He was right about the income; my mother and father spent more than he earned or than the trusts provided and had discussed it often, but had done nothing to change their ways. "Yes." However, Edward was just dead wrong about me being gay or submissive, and I said so.

Jeff smiled, and said, "We will see. Certainly your performance so far this afternoon tells a different story. How do you explain the fact that you nutted just from swinging on my dick?"

"Swinging on your dick? What are you talking about?"

"This afternoon when you gave me a blow job; when you took to sucking a cock, when you without thinking about it licked your lips; when without you or anyone touching your penis as you call it had an orgasm and if you are truthful to yourself and me you will admit that has never happened before."

"But you forced me. You threatened to break my arms and legs if I did not do it. It was not voluntary!"

"True but your parents have done similar things to make you try foods and do things that you did not want at first to do. But all of that is beside the point; if the profilers are correct then you will come to realize these characteristics in yourself as the summer progresses."

He then checked his watch and said, "Let's go exploring a little and see what is around here. We have almost an hour before they said that dinner would be delivered and we need a break before we finish our discussions and come to how we are going to resolve the issues before tomorrow morning."

So we set off in our sneakers and bathing suits, the air being warm and the sun shining through the branches of the trees. We talked about how isolated things were, how simple and plain. Edward put his arm around my shoulders and squeezed me. When he did he raised his arm allowing the smell rise up; I sniffed and turned and looked over at his arm pit. The course and dense black hair stuck out from both the front and back. The odor was not unpleasant and I recognized it as being similar to me when I was in need of a shower. Without giving it any thought l sorted of leaned over getting a little closer to his arm pit thinking that I liked the smell.

He caught me and ruffled my hair and said "It smells good like a man, doesn't it?" He then pulled my head even closer and actually put my nose into the hair letting me get a substantial whiff of his body odor, saying, "Get a good long pull on my smell. I want you to learn it and love it."

I pulled back in shock at what he was saying, and looked up at him. He was smiling that little smile and I realized that I had been caught; I blushed and looked down at the grown. We were at that point at the edge of the lake and Edward started sitting down, guiding me with him; as he did so he leaned over and softly and gently put his lips on mine; then when I froze, he gradually leaned into me increasing the pressure and opening his lips allowed his tongue to come out and seductively run over my lips, all the time worming its way between my lips. As it gained access to my mouth it sought out and found my tongue and we dueled until he moved his right hand down to my groin and rubbed my hard cock. How did it get hard? When did it get hard? Why did it get hard? As these thoughts were racing through my head, Edward's left hand that had been behind my head holding me into the kiss, changed its pressure pressing my face deep into his arm pit, forcing me to breathe in his smell; after holding me there for several moments, he then started moving my head so that I was rubbed up and down, and back and forth so that the oil from his sweat glands was rubbed off on me; I was now marked with his scent. He then changed the pressure again, pushing me downward. As I came to my senses I realized that I was staring at Edward's hard and throbbing cock and he was maneuvering my head ever downwards and closer to it.

In a seductive voice Edward said, "Suck me baby; take my cock in your mouth; love it; lick it; let it stretch your lips wide; make it split the sides of your mouth until you bleed; get it all slimy with your throat snot and stomach slime; hide your teeth work your tongue."

As Edward was seducing me with his voice, and guiding my head with his left hand he removed his right hand from my cock and pulled his bathing suit down and tucked it under this massive cock and mighty balls. His cock was already leaking precum and the head was bright and shiny in the reflected sunlight. My lips were still closed, my breathing through my nose, as he pressed my lips to the head, rubbing my lips, cheeks, and nose in the accumulated cock snot. I looked down my nose and was shocked to discover that there was a strand of precum hanging off my nose. The smell was intense with musk and male hormones. With no vocal urging I opened my mouth, layered my tongue and started taking Edward's cock into my mouth. Again I could feel the edges tear as the massive male muscle forced its way deep into my oral cavity. I had somewhat of an out of body experience as I acknowledged that I was frantic to suck Edward to conclusion. I was like an addict; I could not get enough. I felt myself getting closer and closer to experiencing my own orgasm, alarm bells going off in the back of my mind, responding to Edward's instructions that I was not allowed to climax. What was I going to do? On the one hand I knew I was servicing Edward in the manner that he wanted; but by doing so I was out of control. Then my world came to a stand still; my brain was on overload with pain; I was totally confused. I stopped the sucking because there were too many instructions being sent to my brain and I could not process all of the messages. The pain was coming from my groin. I now realized that Edward had hold of my testicles and was squeezing them.

Frozen in place with his cock at the back of my throat, Edward's hand pressed down on my neck not allowing me to come up and thus preventing me from saying anything; hell I could hardly mumble with the mouthful of cock that I was experiencing. All movement had come to a halt; all functions were at a dead standstill, and he said in a calm voice, "Bitch, I am the only one who is allowed to cum. Don't you dare even think about getting your nut unless I say so. I want you so full of cum that when I kiss you I taste bleach; when you clear your throat I want you to hock up strands of cum; I want you to be able to taste your own cum; do you understand?"

I nodded my head in the affirmative and went back to sucking his cock. I felt him release my balls and I took a deep breath of relaxation as his hand found its way inside my bathing suit sneaking it way down towards it goal of my testicles. Edward said, "Spread your legs and let me take your nuts in my hand."

I did so and he cupped them, holding them gently; rubbing them with his finger tips. The feelings produced were erotic and stimulating to me, causing me concern that I might get close again and then I realized that he was in fact doing me a favor as he could tell when my cock started to stiffen up again and increase the pressure causing pain and its deflation.

My thought process went back to the blow job that I was giving Edward; his cock was finding its way ever deeper into the back recesses of my throat, causing me to gag up slime to mix with his male excretions. I acknowledged to myself that I enjoyed the taste. I felt his testicles rise up and prepared to back off when Edward said, "I am going to go ahead and get my nut; there will be no holding back. When you feel the first blast open your mouth and let me guide you."

I felt his first discharge and opened my mouth, keeping the cock in the cavity and experiencing the blasts of cum, but allowing it to run down his shaft. He pulled my head back and rubbed my face in his cum, some going in my nose; he said to me "Close your mouth and breathe in through your nose so that some of my cum goes up in your nasal cavity and in that manner you can keep on smelling me."

I did so and a quantity of his sperm was sucked up into my nasal passages. He rubbed the rest on my face. When he was finished with his ejaculation he pulled my head back down for me to clean up his pubic area with my tongue and lips. I found myself doing so and licking my lips and tasting him. To myself I admitted I enjoyed his taste; I wished I could take a bath in his sweat; I wanted to bottle the oils excreted by his glands and use it for a body rub. I needed some time to myself as I still denied I was a homosexual. Yeah right.

Edward having shot his wad laid back on the pine needles to catch his breath. He turned to me, pulled me down to him and started licking his cum off of my face; when he had retrieved a sufficient quantity he kissed me, forcing my mouth open and depositing it for me to swallow and consume. When finished he stood up, pulling me up with him and pulled me into the lake. It was cold causing us to rinse off and jump back out still in our bathing suits. We went back to the camp just as one of our fellow camper delivered our supper, telling us to be at the main camp by 7:30 with our gear if we wanted breakfast.

After supper, Edward told me to get some more wood for the fire and to come sit down so that we could finish our discussion. He asked me, "Understanding that I am in control, understanding that whatever you do, you do it with absolute respect for me, how do you suggest we handle the canoeing?

I thought for a moment and said, "Tell me what you want to accomplish."

Edward looked at me for a moment, wondering if I was being disrespectful and then realized that I had meant it from the point of view of subservience, needing to be told what he wanted so that I could figure out how to do it.

"Well" he said, "I want our canoe to continue to be the lead canoe and to do that we have to, to be able to keep up the pace, going in the direction they tell us to go in and with me in the captain's seat."

I thought for a moment and then suggested, "Why can't I keep the compass without anyone knowing it and if you will permit me I can switch sides with the paddling as needed to keep us on course."

"We can give that idea a try. Just remember that under no circumstances is anyone to have any idea that I am not totally in control."

After wards Edward said, "Take off your bathing suit and your t shirt, zip the two sleeping bags together and get ready for bed." I did so without comment, brushing my teeth. Several minutes later Edward came into the tent having brushed his teeth. He stood there looking down at me, before saying "I want you to stand up and remove my tee shirt."

I did so realizing that he wanted me to be exposed again to his body odor when he raised his arms. Then he said, "Now kneel down and take off my bathing suit. Put it to the side for me to wear tomorrow with a clean shirt out of my back pack." I did so without comment, his cock brushing into my hair as I bent all the way over to hold his foot up so that he could step out of them.

I then rolled over and lay on my side facing away from him comprehending for the first time that we would be sleeping together in one large bag, naked. Edward lay down and pulled the bag over the top of us. He snuggled up to the back of me, his cock rubbing against the back of my thighs. He put one arm under my head and the other over my arm allowing it to hang down. I froze as he ran his fingers over my nipples, squeezing them, pulling on them and generally loving them. I lay there becoming more and more frustrated, my cock hard and leaking knowing that I needed to masturbate but not being allowed to. What had happened to me? I was now allowing some damn grandson of a Mafia Don to control my sexual gratification; here he was feeling my breasts like I was some girl. Unable to control myself I leaned back into him rubbing my rear like some damn bitch in heat, advertising itself as being available.

Again he leaned over and took my ear into his mouth, blowing warm air, inserting his tongue and biting gently on the lobe. I moaned and started humping trying to find relief. Edward pulled back, rolling me over on my back, my cock standing tall and proud at its 5 inches in height and 2 inches in circumference. Edward lay down on top of me, our cocks grinding against each other making me more frustrated and in need of some relief. Moaning I spread my legs wide giving him complete access and encircled his waist, locking my legs behind his back. We kissed hard and with great passion, our tongues dueling, trading spit. Edward again pulled back, spreading his legs so that they now were on the outside of mine instead of being between mine. He slid up my body so that his cock when pushed down was about two inches from my mouth. He said nothing as I leaned my head up to take his cock in my mouth; my frustration level peaked as I could not quite reach it. I stuck my tongue out which only allowed me to get close enough to just touch the slit in the head with the tip of my tongue.

"You look frustrated. What is it you want?"

I looked up at him understanding that he wanted to hear me say it. I lay there debating with myself as he waived his hard and dripping cock just a half inch out of reach. The precum pooled between my nipples, hot and scalding to my skin.


"Please let me have it."

"Have what?"


"My what? What of mine do you want?"

I finally could stand it no longer and uttered the demanded words; "Your cock."

"What is it you want to do to my cock? Why do you want me to give it to you?"

"I want to suck it," I said in more of a sob than in words.

"Why do you want to suck it?"

"I want you to cum."

"Where? Why?"

"In my mouth. Because I need it."

My eyes were closed; I could not bring myself to look up at him while I debased myself like that and made that type of admission. Edward was not going to allow me to get away with it. "Open your eyes. Don't blink; don't turn away; and answer my questions staring me in the eye when you are doing so."

"Where do you want me to put my cock?"

My eyes were wide open, staring straight into his, and his down into mine; "In my mouth."


"Because I need your cum."

"Beg bitch. I want you to tell me in words what you want to do to my cock; I want to hear why you want to suck my cock; I need you to convince me and admit to me what you are or have become in one afternoon."

"I want to suck your cock; I need to suck your cock; I need it to make me gag."

"What are you? What have you become?"

Thinking for a moment and blinking my eyes to allow the tears to flow down my cheeks, I said, "A cock sucker; your cocksucker. I am a cocksucker."

"That is good. Now that did not hurt did it? Aren't you glad that we have that out of the way? Don't you feel better?"


"Yes what?"

"Yes Sir."

"Yes what else?"

"Yes Boss."

"Do you feel better calling me sir or boss? And, if in fact you feel better by calling me sir or boss, why?"

"Now that I have done it; now that I have experienced it I feel better. I need to acknowledge that you are in fact superior to me; I am not your equal; I need to serve you; I need to be your cocksucker; I need your sperm; I need to taste you; I wish I could fill a bath tube with your seed so that I could walla in it; I want it all over me."

"Good. Now I want you to do what you want to do."

With his having extracted from me my acknowledgment of our respective positions and his superiority; my having admitted my need to serve him and service him he slid up allowing his cock to go into my mouth. I sucked down on his hunk of male muscle, loving it, being nurtured by it; I found myself relaxing like a crack addict getting his fix; my appetite was being satisfied by the leaking cum from Edward's penis. I also realized that Edward was being impacted as well, as he started fucking me. I closed my eyes only to have him lean down and using both hands he forced my eye lids open staring down at me. Edward having opened my eyes removed his hands, using one hand to prop himself up as he leaned over forcing more and more of his cock into my mouth; the other hand he put on the shaft of his cock, using it to jack it and bring about a faster climax. He continued his unfaltering stare, not blinking but grunting with the effort to ejaculate his life seed into me. Breaking our stare he rolled off me and onto his back, taking one of my hands and putting it on his shaft and making me continue his masturbation. I did so and the sperm shot out of the head; the slit in the head gaped as the hot squiggling sperms shot high into the air landing on his chest with force, sufficient to cause a noise that it could be heard. The smell permeated the tent; we were both sweating and the smell of body odor fought with the bleach smell from his sperm.

I found myself staring down at Edward's belly where the white life giving sustenance pooled, shiny and reflecting the light given off by the lantern. Edward took his hand and used it to lift mine off of his cock while at the same time resuming the locking of our eyes. Quietly Edward said to me, "What do you want to do now?"

Edward lay there on his back, legs spread apart, staring intently at me. "Well?"

"I want to lick up your cum."

"You want to lick up my cum? Is that what you want?"

Never breaking eye contact, I confessed, "No. What I need is to lick and swallow your cum."

"Go ahead, but don't break our eye contact. Do it by crawling between my legs and lying down."

Maintaining our eye contact I crawled over and lapped up his sperm. I felt energized by it. It certainly calmed me; it fulfilled a need; when I was finished Edward lifted the hand that I had used to bring him to climax and directed it to towards my mouth to lick the remnants of sperm that had gathered on it.

Having cleaned up his seed from the pool on his stomach and my hand, Edward pulled me down into the pit of his arm and the strong, over whelming smell. I laid my head on his chest and sighed with contentment. There was one problem that I was trying to ignore: my need to get rid of the accumulated cum inside me. Edward rolled over onto his side and pulled me next to him. This time the cheeks of my ass were directly up against his still hard cock. Again I caught myself rubbing myself against his manhood; I also heard myself moaning and groaning in need. The result of my rubbing was to cause Edward's cock to stiffen itself again leaking lubricant onto and into the crevice created by the crack of my ass. As his cock gradually filled with blood it caused the head to slowly creep in between the cheeks. Edward had learned that I was overly responsive to his tongue in my ear and he again started licking, nibbling, sucking with his tongue and blowing hot air into the canal; I shivered with need and desire. "What are you trying to do? What are you doing with my cock" he asked?

"I don't know. I need to cum so badly. Please let me cum."

"Baby if I asked you to suck my cock again, right this moment would you do it?"

"Yes. Let me roll over so I can do so."

"No. If you wake up during the night you just go down there and satisfy yourself; but I want to keep you on edge; I want you to need to cum so badly that your need, your desire, or horniness will over ride any other consideration or reservation that you might have; in order for you to complete the second step in the three step process your need will drive you to do anything and everything I want you to do without question, without reservation, without hesitation. Do you understand that when I mean without question, without hesitation, without reservation?"

"Yes. Without question, without hesitation, without reservation."

"Are you willing to do whatever I tell you to do without question, without hesitation and without reservation?"

"Yes Master, Yes Boss."

"Really? Well we will see?" He paused at this point and then continued, "You do realize that what we are doing is just the first step towards the ultimate goal? Do you remember what the ultimate goal is?"

"Yes. You want a front person that you can trust absolutely to be your proxy on the various business interests that are owned, controlled and managed by the Family."

"No that is not correct. What I said was I would then in effect marry' that person and will rule the Family's empire through my spouse. Obviously because of my sexual preferences that person has to be a male but without any discussion that person would be the wife and have to carry out all of the wifely duties and responsibilities.' Are you prepared to assume those obligations, responsibilities and duties? Hell for that matter do you even know what they are? But before we can get to that point you still have to get through the second step. Why don't we continue this conversation in the morning?" And with that he started the process of going to sleep. He was nestled up against me on his side, he having pulled me so that I was on my side. His left arm was under me and I used his arm as a pillow; his right arm was draped over me exposing his arm pit and releasing his smell; the fingers of his right hand pinched and pulled on my tit; his tongue in my ear.

I was not so fortunate. What was the second step? And then there was the third step. In order to try and figure it out I decided to retrace review step one. Obviously step one centered on my sucking his cock. As I lay there I realized that there was more to it than simply giving him a blow job. The oral sex was merely the manifestation of my acknowledgement that he was superior; that he was the boss; certainly the first time I could maintain I had sucked him off under duress; the second time was marginal at best, but the third time, coupled with my begging to be allowed to suck his cock; admitting that I was his personal cocksucker; pleading to be allowed to voluntarily lap up his discharged sperm and to clean my fingers was in no way forced but in fact was done to fulfill a physical and mental need of my own.

In summary, step one was my acknowledgement that he was superior, my boss, my captain, always in control and that concession was reflected in my service to him; that service was evidenced by my performance of oral sex on him with the resulting infusion of his sperm into my mouth and stomach, raised to a higher level by my allowing him to rub my face in it, to inject that sperm into my nasal cavity, and then magnified by my begging to be allowed to lap in up off of his belly. Lord, hadn't I debased myself sufficiently? What more could I do to admit his control? My brain wrestled with this issue but did not make any headway. I was trying to lie still for fear of waking or disturbing Edward's sleep, but Edward's cock was not asleep.

I decided that may be I was using the wrong approach. A review of what I knew was in order:

He had said that I was to go through a 3 step process; My performing fellatio on him, combined with my verbal acknowledgement and expressed physical craving approaching an addiction was step one; There were two steps remaining; Let's see, the second step; what had he said about the second step, "I need you to do anything and everything I want you to do without question, without reservation, without hesitation. Do you understand that when I mean without question, without hesitation, without reservation;" what could he want me to do that required me to be horny as a result of not being allowed to experience an ejaculation; I could go no further than to figure out it had to be something sexual, it had to be a continuation of his dominance; a manifestation of his maleness; not being able to make any real headway I decided to set it aside and go on; The last of the three steps had to deal with a comment he had made early on in our discussions and then repeated when he corrected my attempted paraphrasing of it moments before; frankly it sounded like he had repeated it word for word; what was it again; then I thought that I had it in mind, "I would then in effect `marry' that person and will rule the Family's empire through my spouse. Obviously because of my sexual preferences that person has to be a male but without any discussion that person would be the wife and have to carry out all of the wifely duties and responsibilities."

What I knew about a wife's responsibilities and duties you could put in a teaspoon, but I thought about it. I had to combine what Edward had said had been the plan by his Grandfather having to do with Edward's wife' being male and front with the duties and responsibilities of a wife'. Obviously he was contemplating being married but to whom; he had stated that he was going to have a physical union with a woman so as to breed her and sire at least two sons. That made sense as he had to carry on the line. So what had I figured out so far? He was going to father at least 2 sons which he had to do with a woman, but he wanted a male for a wife? How in the world could that be? Obviously he could not have a child by a man, that had to be done with a woman; but, could he and his wife' raise the sons? Edward was clearly a sexual animal needing to be drained several times a day so sex was going to have played an active role in any marriage'. So there had to be some other sexual union that Edward could have with his `wife' beyond orally taking his seed. I had heard that gays had anal sex but I had never given it any thought beyond I was not interested, thought that it was disgusting, dirty and as I have stated earlier had never played with my ass hole. As if able to read my mind, Edward at this time while asleep, flexed his cock making itself felt; it had regained all of its former glory, standing or in this case lying hard, firm, and throbbing, but most importantly it had worked its way between the twin globes that made up my ass cheeks. Using the leaking cum as lubricant, the massive head had slowly, softly and with little or no fan fare found a snug warm place. When it was flexed it was at the entrance to my ass hole. OH MY GOD!

That was how Edward could have a man for a wife'; obviously a married couple had sex and the slang for that was that the man fucked' his wife on an as needed basis; if there were two guys living together as man and wife, without question Edward was going to be the husband and he was looking for a wife. There were three ways that I knew of for a male to climax:

beat off (I was still getting use to the new vocabulary) or be beaten off; Edward had told me that he had only beaten off one time; that seemed to be true because earlier this afternoon when he had wanted to cum on his stomach instead of in my mouth so that he could humiliate me by making me beg to lick his cum up from where it had pooled, he had taken my hand and put it on his dick to finish him off; therefore he certainly was not going to be seeking sexual gratification by masturbation; blow job; Edward enjoyed being blown; it obviously felt good to him, but it also seemed that he received satisfaction, no change that to he reveled in inserting his cock into my mouth, engaging my gag reflex resulting in my coughing/retching slime from my stomach to further lube his cock and enhance his gratification; his sense of self worth was increased by his domination of me coupled with his acute observation that I had a submissive personality; that was certainly evidenced by my transformation in one afternoon from never having had my hand on another person's cock to acknowledging that I was a cocksucker who begged to be allowed to suck up a pool of his cum; and that only left the third and final means; sexual intercourse with a twist in that that term from my point of view had always been a private act between a man and a woman that either were married or were engaged to be married; it was not something that was entered into lightly or casually, rather something that was done reverently, seriously and with commitment; in the context that Edward was contemplating was anal in description.

Edward's cock continued to lie at my back entrance, causing me a number of problems. I saw two main or over riding issues: emotionally and physically.


Edward had made it very plain from the beginning that he was gay; there was no equivocation, begging the question or attempts to avoid or deny the fact. In keeping with what I had read and been exposed to on the news about Mafia families, he was also very much of a control freak. There could be no confusion about that issue; I mean the guy states emphatically that he is a homosexual and yet he is prepared to father at least two sons with a woman chosen for breeding purposes; I wonder how that works if he is strictly gay. I had heard that sometimes gay guys can't experience an erection with a woman, but I had also read where some specialist doctors could almost guarantee the sex of the offspring by having the guy masturbate in the office, collecting the sperm and then using it to fertilize the egg in the woman. A funny thought crossed mind; Edward would not or did not masturbate, but obviously he did not have an objection to being masturbated so what was he going to do have someone (me?) go with him and either beat or suck him off? Emotionally was I prepared to obey him if he demanded that I accompany him to the doctor's office, go into a room with him and then service him sexually so that he could produce a sperm sample? That was pretty much a public statement. By the same token that would be some time down the road; I mean we were only 16 almost 17 and were juniors in high school; even under the best of circumstances that would be two years away. What about the short term? What if I agreed (not knowing at this time what I would be agreeing to and not having even thought about the physical side of the equation) to his demands?

What were those demands? Well we know that the first one is that he be the Boss; I really did not have a problem with that aspect of the issue. Second I would have to be responsible for the operation of the canoe acting as a front for Edward who would sit in the stern and be the visible captain. The thought crossed my mind that this small and insignificant situation could be a forerunner for one of his stated goals and purposes. Here we were my satisfying Edward sexual needs (it may only have been blow jobs but 4 in one day ought to qualify as satisfaction) and he had charged me with figuring out how to operate the lead canoe with him getting the glory and me doing the work. I lay there for a moment quietly letting my mind go blank while somewhere in the background the processor turned things over; my making my mind go blank gave me the opportunity to contemplate the other current events. Edward's cock flexed again; there was no question but that it was resting up against my hole; I could feel its location and I could feel the precum. In my mind I could visualize the large piece of male appendage dribbling sperm; the dribble was warmer than my skin and thus was noticeable. I could tell the flexing was not a conscious thought but rather like blinking your eyes, something you just did without thought. My mind re-engaged itself and presented me with a choice: I could agree to Edward's demands or refuse. If I refused did I think that he would really break my bones or hurt me; no I did not; but I did think that he would cut me off from him, and out me as being gay making my life unbearable here at camp and he might even out me at home and at school; the question then came down to did I want to be cut off from Edward. Surprisingly the answer came rather easily; I did not want to break off my relationship with Edward. What relationship? So far I had sucked his cock 3 times, started a 4th time, finished him off and then licked up the cum; true, but he had kissed me; he had rubbed his smell on me; he had held me and cuddled me when I broke down and cried over having ejaculated because I was allowed to suck his cock; I had expressed a part of it when I had said, "I said, "A cock sucker; your cocksucker. I am a cocksucker" and then we had a brief exchange in which we said, ""I want to lick up your cum."

"You want to lick up my cum? Is that what you want?"

Never breaking eye contact, I confessed, "No. What I need is to lick swallow your cum."

I had said it when I said I had the need. I was hooked emotionally. I thought that if I could pull off the management of the canoe then I could with maturity, experience, education and help pull off whatever else was expected of me. I also thought about my long range plans; what I wanted out of life. I had no problem being the front guy and someone behind me pulling my strings.

The second part of the equation was that he had to be in absolute control; again no discussion; his partner could not nor do anything that either could be considered disrespectful or that in some way reflected on him that he was not in total control and the leader. He already had revealed the depth and width of the control item; I mean look at what had happened thus far: he had absolutely refused to allow me to have sexual relief at the risk of being punished and in fact he had stripped me of my pubic hair because I was unable to control my body's functions; he had also made it very plain that the next round of punishment would be substantial. What else that was interesting was that the reasoning was so that I would become so frustrated sexually that I would agree to whatever he demanded. What could or would that be?


There is no question but that a minor part of the physical portion of the equation had to do with size, but the vast majority of it was divided between physically carrying out or exercising of the control aspect and the other was sexual. Edward was large and it was obvious that he was only going to get bigger in a purely physical sense. He certainly had no problems using his physical size to carry out the domination of his surroundings; but by the same token it seemed as if he really wanted to exercise his control through emotions. I had no problems with his physical domination of me. So what were my hang-ups? Again I let my mind go blank while I processed my thoughts. Again his cock flexed, but I now realized that it had changed positions/location. I found myself moving my hips in a back and forth action, which I had done earlier when trying to gain sexual relief. Now thanks in part to my mind being fully engaged, the lubrication discharged by Edward's cock and my physical manifestations revealed in my hip movement, it felt like a very small portion of the head of his cock had opened up my anus.

My mind re-engaged itself instantly and I recognized that Edward would one day shortly give me or if done suddenly maneuver me into allowing him to possess me anally; to fuck me; to pop my cherry; to insert his cock into me and to breed me with his scalding hot white cum. Was I ready for this? Oh hell no. I also acknowledged that the only reason was physical; there was no way that his cock would fit into my rectum. I mean my mouth already had tears or splits in it from his cock being forced into my mouth; what would his cock do to my ass?

Now I was mentally exhausted and needed sleep physically so I allowed myself to drift off at least subconsciously acknowledging that I was gay or at least gay for Edward and would do what he wanted, the way that he wanted; I was surrendering myself to him. I was terrified as to how I was going to get his cock into me; then I remembered to let go control, surrender all of these issues to him; let them go, turn them loose and simply do as I was told. I instantly went to sleep.

I was dreaming. I could not figure out why but I was being held down; pressed down; I did not necessarily want to move but if I had to I could not; I could not figure out what was going on; fingers were rubbing themselves on my mouth; there was mumbling but I could not make out the words. I was not uncomfortable in any way; I did not feel threatened in anyway; in fact it was just the opposite. I felt safe, protected, looked after, loved, nurtured. As I awoke in stages or by layer of sleep I gradually became aware of what was going on. First I realized that I was on my back with my legs spread and raised up in the air; as I had done yesterday I was humping like I was fucking; my ankles were locked, but locked around what? This sensation continued for what seemed like forever but was only a matter of a minute or so at the most. The second sensation was of something being rubbed on my lips, I opened my eyes to see Edward, lying on top of me, my legs locked around his hips/back and him rubbing salve on the tears around my mouth. He did not know at that point that I was awake, and he was mumbling something, when he looked up and saw me awake looking at him. He stared down at me and I stared up at him.

I said "Thank you."

"You are welcome. Do the tears around your mouth hurt?"

"Not really, and then only when I stretch open my mouth."

He smiled his little smile and said, "When have you been stretching open your mouth?"

I took his question and smile in jest, paused for a moment, and replied, "I have never done so until yesterday afternoon and last night. Then I was given a chance to experience something I never thought about before. It tasted so good that I could not get enough of it in my mouth at one time as hard as I tried, but I want to keep trying."

He leaned down saying, "I heard one time that you could cure most anything with love and kisses," then continuing his downward movement until his lips met mine, this time mine were open waiting for his tongue. Why was it that everything that I saw or thought about could be tied to our mutual exploration? His tongue was in control as it took over my mouth, and after some time of exercising its dominance, it entreated my tongue to venture out and into his mouth, but only because it had been lured, coached and told that it could come out.

The entire time he was staring into my eyes and I don't think that I blinked once. He broke off the kiss, and became thoughtful. Finally he said, "You have changed over night."

"I was here the entire night. I never even got up to pee once. I don't think that I even rolled over."

"How long did it take you to go to sleep?"

"Quite a while of just lying here."

"That is not quite true. You were lying here thinking, weren't you?"

"How do you know these things? I just woke up and I haven't really had a chance to check my brain to see if I came to any resolutions while I was asleep."

"Yes, but you have, and you need to let go and let me resolve the remaining issue that you have."

"How do you know I only have one issue much less what that issue is?"

"If I told you right now you were going to be my roommate at the boarding school you go to this coming fall would you accept my decision; if I told you what college we were going to go to and our majors would you accept my decision; if I told you were would be married, that you would be my wife and that you would raise my children would you accept my decision; if I told you how I wanted you to front the operation of the Family's businesses would you accept my decisions and would you have a problem accepting all of these decisions without question, hesitation or discussion? You said last night that you were prepared to, ` do anything and everything I want you to do without question, without reservation, without hesitation.' Do you remember?"

"Yes Sir"

"Do you remember my answer?"

"Yes Sir. You were doubtful."

"That is right, because at that time you did not know all of the elements or ramifications of what I was talking about; did you?"

"No Sir."

"But you do know, don't you?"

"Yes Sir."

"And you still have one hang-up, don't you?"

"No, not a hang-up."

"Yes it is a hang-up and it is a hang-up because deep down you don't have a problem accepting the issue; your problem is that you are scared; you can't figure out in your mind how it can happen; isn't that the hang-up? It is not a problem; it is a hang-up because you have not completely accepted the parameters of our relationship. I am not upset because we are less than a day into this relationship. You don't have a problem with my control of what you are or who you are, do you?"

"No Sir."

"You don't have a problem with sucking my dick, taking my sperm, holding it in your mouth until I tell you to swallow do you?"

"No Sir."

"That is not good enough; I want you to admit what it is I am stating."

"No Sir, "I don't have a problem with sucking your dick, taking your sperm, holding it in my mouth until you tell you me swallow;

"In fact you need to do so, don't you?"

"Yes Sir."

"You don't have a problem jerking off my cock if I tell you to do it, do you?"

"No Sir, I don't have a problem jerking you off when told to do so."

"You don't have a problem licking up my sperm because you need it, don't you?"

"I don't have a problem licking up your sperm because, yes I need it."

"Does that make you a cocksucker; a member of the species who would beg to take another man's penis in his mouth and to lick, tongue, suck and otherwise to make oral love to it until it discharges the contents of that man's testicles into your mouth?"

"Yes Sir that makes me a cocksucker, willing to take your sperm directly from your cock, your prick because I have supplied the acts necessary to make it discharge into my mouth."

"Are you my bitch? Are you willing to surrender your body to me, so that if I want to I can shave your pubic hair away from around your penis and balls?"

"Yes Sir I am your bitch, and yes you can and have shaved my pubic hair from my cock and balls."

"Let's talk about your penis; do you know why I call it a penis and not a cock or a prick? If so tell me."

"Yes Sir, because compared to yours it simply does not measure up. It is technically a penis because I am physically a man, I pee and ejaculated through it. It is not a cock or a prick because I am a bitch to you."

"Are you aware that your penis not measuring up is not an issue for me, and if so why?"

"It is not an issue for you because I don't need any more of a penis or balls than I have, in order to perform my function in our relationship."

"That is correct, but do you know why?"

"Yes, it is..."

He interrupted me. "Did I ask you why?"

"No sir."

"Then don't tell me unless I ask. Now I am asking."

"It is because you are the man; it is your cock and balls that are important; not mine."

"Do you accept the fact that if I say so you will never cum again; you will have cum for the last time?"

"Yes Sir."

"You told me that you have never received a blow job. Was that the truth?"

"Yes Sir, I have never received a blow job."

"Do you realize and accept the fact that you will never, ever in your life receive a blow job."

"Yes Sir."

"You told me that no one had ever masturbated you to ejaculation. Was that the truth? "Yes Sir."

"Do you realize that you may never, ever in your life be masturbated at all, much less to ejaculation?"

"Yes Sir."

"You tell me that you have never had sexual intercourse with anyone, in which you were the male and inserted your penis into your partner, man or woman. Was that the truth?"

"Yes Sir."

"Do you realize and accept the fact that you will never, ever, in your life have sexual intercourse with anyone during which you will insert your penis into your partner, man or woman?"

"Yes Sir."

"Do you accept my authority and will you obey that authority to control every aspect of your life, to include the fact that I tell you now that you have masturbated yourself for the last time?"

"Yes Sir."

"Do you acknowledge that I may never touch your penis with my fingers in a sexual manner?"

"Yes Sir."

"Do you acknowledge that you are to never allow anyone to touch your penis except with my specific instructions and approval, and that such instruction and approval will never, ever include someone touching your penis in a manner that allows or to have an ejaculation?"

"Yes Sir."

"Do you understand and accept that I will never touch your scrotum or testicles in a manner that encourages your having or achieving a sexual climax?"

"Yes Sir."

"Do you accept that instruction and will you obey it?"

"Yes Sir."

"Do you understand and accept that no one else may masturbate your penis without my permission?"

"Yes Sir."

"What does this mean to you and are you willing to accept these restrictions and my control?"

"It means that I may never have an ejaculation without your specific permission; it means that no one may masturbate me and that I cannot masturbate myself; it means that no one may touch my penis except you without your permission; it means that you have told me that you will never masturbate me; it means that I can not have an ejaculation except one that you bring about or cause and then it will not result from your touching my penis. And, yes I accept your total control of me and my body. I don't know how at my age I can live without losing my mind and never cum again, but that is not my problem."

"What is your role in our relationship?"

"I am your bitch."

"What else?"

At this point I was emotionally wrought. I did not expect this follow up question, but realized as soon as he asked it that is was the most important question so far and that my answer was going to govern the outcome of this entire situation. Having been deep in instantaneous thought, I did not realize that I was crying; as I came out of the thought process I found him still staring into my eyes, tears running down my face, and him smiling. The answer came remarkably easily: "I am waiting to be your wife."

He never batted an eye, did not break off our eye contact, never changed the modulation of his voice. He responded, "That is right and that now brings us to your last remaining hang-up doesn't it? Are you ready to admit it?"

"Yes Sir."

"What is your hang-up? I also want you to explain why you have this hang-up and any questions or comments you might have about the hang-up. So you address the hang-up, questions, or comments in whatever order you wish."

"I am your bitch; I want to be your wife; I want to serve you, be with you, and please you. I am guessing that premarital sex by my husband to be of no concern to me, and frankly for reasons that I will go into in a moment I hope that you have considerable experience; from your point of view I also think that it is something that is of considerable concern, because you do not want to marry a whore or even someone who has messed around; from your family's perspective you must have a virgin in every respect. You must know that I told you the truth: I had never touched any cock other than my own until yours, and I now know that mine is not worthy of being called a cock and is only technically a penis, and it will never serve its most important intended purpose of being inserted into a female; I have never had any kind of sexual relationship other than kissing a girl and feeling her breasts; you are the only man I have ever kissed; obviously I had never sucked a cock before yesterday."

"Now as to my hang-up. I understand my hang-up differently since I started giving this explanation. My hang-up when I woke up this morning was a fear of when you fuck me. Not if but only when, and the fear was – used to be – but is no more of the pain resulting from how you are going to get something that big in me. I don't have that fear anymore; my hang-up is now that I fail to measure up, I fail to satisfy you, and that you no longer want me because I cannot satisfy you." I really am not crying in the sense that I am sobbing, these tears running down my face are from fear."

"Do you want me to fuck you?"

"Yes, oh God yes, please. May I ask you a question?"


"How did you know that I still had a hang up but that I wanted you to fuck me?"

Edward laughed, not a mean laugh, and said, "Stop for a moment, take a deep breath and look down and describe to me what you see."

I broke eye contact with him and let my eyes look down between our bodies. He was still holding himself up on his arms, our bodies separated until the junction where my hips lifted and went up into the air allowing me to lock myself around his hips. My penis (I will never refer to it as a cock, prick or other name; physically it is a penis by definition but cannot be described in the same words as Edward's) was straining, leaking some type of fluid; I realized that it was precum but somehow I could not call it that because again it could not discharge fluid that could be compared to what came out of Edward's cock. My hips were moving as if we were fucking; there could be no other conclusion drawn from the actions. I was embarrassed by the blatant and obvious movement and what I was trying to accomplish.

Edward said, "Look at me." I did and he continued, "You are trying to fuck yourself. You want it so bad that you don't care what would happen if I let you have your way. I am not going to lie to you, when I fuck you and let there be no mistake, I will fuck you and fuck you hard, at a time and place of my choosing, it is going to hurt, there is no question but that you will most probably bleed and there will be some tearing. I am going to prepare you to the best of my ability. When I first woke up this morning and knelt between your legs, you were still asleep and I started applying the cream to the tears where my cock split the corners of your mouth I had a very hard time not responding to your offer. You are correct when you said that I am experienced; my Grandfather started me when I was 11, trying to get female professionals to give me blow jobs knowing that I could only have dry orgasms, but wanting to hold up the family tradition of only jacking off once. I could not get hard and it was about a month later that we finally figured out that I am gay; at that point we changed approaches and brought in male whores. They sucked my cock for about a year until it was long enough to accomplish penetration allowing me to fuck them. I have been fucking and being blown ever since. You are also correct when you say the Family would never accept a person who is experienced, even if that experience was only with members of the opposite sex. My wife must have been a virgin in mouth and cunt.

A shocked look came over my face.

Edward continued, "Cunt is not a word that you have ever used is it?"

"No Sir."

"Well it is not a word I will use in reference to you except in very rare occasions. Only whores and prostitutes have cunts, regardless of whether or not they are male or female; but what you do have is a pussy." He could tell from the look on my face that I did not fully comprehend how a male could have a pussy. Continuing, Edward said, "When you take a dump you are using your rectum, not your asshole unless you wish to use the slang; when we are fucking its name changes and it becomes your pussy. The first several times we fuck you will hurt, we both will shed tears, but we are going to fuck, because I have to have it to satisfy myself and to control you. By looking down between us while you can't see your pussy right now, I promise you that the lips of it are unfurled and have opened because while you may not realize it right now but the head of my cock is about an inch into you. When I take it out you will feel it. You will walk bow legged today; now that is of no concern to me but I want to tell you that I forbid you to lie. If someone calls you out on it and asks you point blank why are you walking funny, bowlegged, or even just differently then you must tell them the truth. You may never deny me; to do otherwise is to reject me and for you to be embarrassed by what we have done together. If someone asks you if you have cold sores at your mouth, your answer must be no. You don't have to volunteer anything, but if they point blank ask you then you have two choices, you may tell them it is because my cock is so big that when you were sucking on it your mouth got torn or you may tell them to ask me. You need to be prepared by knowing that I will tell them the truth; that you are my cocksucker, that you begged me to allow you to suck my cock; that you said that you needed my cum, that you sucked me off 4 times yesterday and last night including one time when I came on my belly and you sucked it up. I give you the choice: if you are proud of your position as my lover, then it is left at that; if you are either embarrassed or want to be truly subservient and have me tell the story then it all comes out. You don't have to make your mind up now. Also realize that when I do fuck you that you will be walking bow legged and probably will have some type of packing inserted into your pussy to minimize the flow of cum and juices. Do you have any problems with that?"

"No sir."

"Good. Now I tell you what I want you to do. I want you to slowly and gently reach down around your hips to where my cock is at the entrance to your pussy and feel just how open the lips of your pussy are."

I did so and was surprised. Edward gradually withdrew his cock leaving my pussy sore. I reached down again now and could insert my fingers into the gaping hole. His juices had accumulated and I suppose mixed with some of mine. Unconsciously I moved my fingers around getting them covered in slime. When I brought them up I was trying to figure out what to do with them, when Edward took my hand, brought it up to my nose, rubbed some off on my nose and then inserted the fingers into my mouth to clean them off. He then raised up on his knees, his cock standing proud and strong pointed directly at me. He said, "Every time I fuck you when I am finished and withdraw my cock from your pussy you will take it into your mouth and clean if thoroughly and this morning is no exception, other than I have not gotten my nut yet so while you are cleaning it go ahead and take my load."

I did, Edward inserting more of his cock into my throat than he had ever done before. He also had a larger load of sperm than normal, however the taste was as pleasing as ever. The corners of my mouth split again and I wondered what my answer would be. As I was sucking Edward to climax, he continued talking, "You need to know that I want you to continue to shave your pubic hair; I want you to keep it smooth; I have not decided yet whether or not I will ever let you grow your hair back around your penis and testicles; also do not shave any other part of your body without my permission; I know that I want your arm pit hair to stay because I like the smell of you and the hair helps with that; know also that I want the hair around your pussy to remain; I like hairy holes to fuck and it turns me on to see my percum and cum soaking your hair back there; the way it mats down; also the hair assists in keeping my cum at your entrance instead of simply running out of you.

We made it to the main campsite in time for breakfast. As we were all sitting around eating breakfast, Hugo one of the two counselors asked if the two of us had come to a resolution of any outstanding issues between the two of us? I said nothing waiting for Edward to answer; he did not, and Hugo said, "Well Jay I am waiting. Have you come to a conclusion?"

I looked up directly at him, my eyes making full contact with his and responded, "Yes. Edward is the captain of our boat and I am the mate. He has decided that the two of us will remain in the boat together. Also in answer to your question as to which of us is the leader of our cabin, he is the boss in all matters."

Jeff the other counselor looked at me and said, "Are you sure?"

Without hesitation I replied, "Yes I am sure."

There was silence and then Edward stood up and said "All right guys you heard Jay, let's get our shit together, clean up and put the canoes in the water."

The day passed without further embarrassment to me prior to getting out on the water and once in the canoe there really wasn't any time for conversation. Voices carry on the water so Edward and I had no privacy and there was no opportunity for the others.

Usually we canoed (read this to mean paddled) for about 5 hours when we would break for the day unless we had to endure a portage meaning we were on land in addition to the 5 hours of paddling. So we stopped for the day about 2 in the afternoon had a cold lunch and then set about doing the day's activities of setting up the tents, gathering wood, cooking dinner, etc. Edward had told me to handle the housekeeping side of things and had assigned several of the boys to work with me. We were working on building a fire, baking in the reflector oven and otherwise getting supper ready to cook. Edward had the boys setting up the tents handling the canoes, and other chores including his sitting with the counselors plotting the next day's journey on the map that they had.

As Edward was checking on the tent setting process I heard Herb, one of the wanna be boys (that is a guy who wants to be something more than he is and as a result runs down other people so that he can build himself up) ask Edward what was going on. Herb said, "What did you do to Jay? His mouth has tears at the corners and he is walking like he has something stuffed up his ass."

Edward never bothered to look up and said, "What are you jealous? If you have some question ask him." That seemed to stop the questioning much to my relief. Some time thereafter I was making a trip from the lake to the cooking site when Herb stopped me and asked his questions of me. I stopped and said, "Well Herb my mouth is torn because I have been sucking on Edward's cock and I am walking funny because he has started the process of fucking me; of making me his bitch. Does that satisfy your curiosity?"

The nice thing about it was that it was the truth and no one believed me; they thought that I was being flippant.

When everything was under control I decided to go exploring. Edward was in the tent lying down and I stuck my head in and asked if he had anything else he wanted me to do or if I could go exploring. He looked up and said he would come with me. I had my hiking shoes on and a bathing suit. It was warm enough to go without a shirt but Edward said put on a T shirt and take your back pack. I was puzzled as my back pack had been emptied and repacked. Much to my disappointment Edward announced that we were going exploring and asked if any one wanted to come along. When asked how far we were going he said it would be about a 5 mile hike and much to my pleasure the guys were typical teenagers and would rather sit on their ass. We were off alone.

When we got out of sight, Edward put his arm around my shoulders. Because Edward had no back pack he was without a shirt and his exposed arm pit let his smell waif to my nose. As we walked along he asked me to tell him about my family wanting to know every detail about mom, dad and my siblings. As he removed his arm from my shoulder I instantly missed the contact, but had a sharp intact of breath when his hand simply dropped straight down to the middle of my bathing suit and then inside where it was skin on skin; his hand slowed its progress when it got to the top of my crack; I don't know whether he thought that I might freeze up, say something or have some reaction. I didn't have any visible reaction although on the inside was hot with desire. His fingers toyed with my crack and then wiggled their way into the crack and down to my hole; the hole of my pussy; he fingered me until we stopped. We had been walking for about 20 minutes or so and had come to a stream. Edward said, "Let's stop for a moment, get a drink and catch our breath."

The water was cool and refreshing. We sat quietly in the sun. I had taken off my shirt to get some sun and was lying back with my eyes closed. I somehow sensed Edward's approach before I felt it as he leaned over and whispered in my ear, "I am proud of you for what you said back there." He then stuck his tongue in the ear, doing all of the blown hot air and other nibbling that made me hot and drove me wild.

"Thanks. You know that I told him the truth. It is the way I feel. He did not ask and I did not volunteer the fact that my only regret is that you have only started the process of fucking me and have not completed the process."

"I know that baby and we are going to cut the hike a little short and work on that some this afternoon."

We stood, crossed the stream even though the trail that we had been following continued straight. As we climbed the hill through the brush we gained the height advantage and were hidden by the undergrowth. After about another 100 yards we came to a clearing where the sun was bright and there was an area cleared due to a tree having been struck by lightening. I moved some branches while Edward emptied the back pack of its blanket several tubes and one of my clean white socks.

"Baby I want you to take your clothing off and lie down on the blanket."

I did so and watched Edward slowly remove his clothing. As I sat there looking up at his amazing body I became hotter and hotter with desire. Here was my man in all of his glory his incredible cock standing at attention, stiff and straight out from his body. Whereas my penis when hard pointed straight up his was at 90 degrees to his stomach. I finally figured out that due to its girth and weight gravity expressed itself by making it point straight ahead. I wanted it bad. Edward lay down and said, put your head down at my crotch and suck on my cock; lie on your belly. I want you to exercise the muscles in your throat; I want you to milk my cock; I am horny and want you bad; I can't have you yet and I am having a hell of a time not just splitting your pussy wide open." "Yes Sir." I did not express myself as if I had I would have begged him to split me open; it might have killed me but I would have died happy. I took him deep into my mouth and then into my throat. He was leaking cum in a steady stream; I enjoyed his taste, supplying me with my needed fix of sugary sweet salt.

As I was stroking my man's cock he was busy in the back pack taking out one thing and another. I felt his hands spread my cheeks open so that he had direct access to my pussy. He rubbed with his fingers, spreading the lubrication and gently inserting first one of his fingers which went in deep moving around and causing me to moan and hump his finger; having spread me open a little he withdrew the finger leaving me feeling empty, but not for long. This time he inserted two fingers one from each hand, spreading them apart, pulling first this way and then that way stretching me to such an extent that it actually hurt, but hurt in a good way. At this point he had spent probably 10 or 15 minutes inserting the two fingers and stretching me. I felt him stiffen and decided to have some fun; I slowed down my sucking and milking efforts to see if he would catch me prolonging his relief. He said nothing and I lay there enjoying his using his fingers to fuck me. I could feel his nuts slack off in their accent and so I resumed my efforts. Edward withdrew the two fingers; obviously applied some additional lubricant and this time inserted what felt like his fist. I jumped and he laughed saying, "That will teach you to slow down my efforts to cum."

I coughed and realized that he had used three fingers from each hand to pull and stretch my lips apart as far as he could; he actually pulled with both hands first with just the tips of his fingers and then slowly let the fingers sink into me and repeated the process. It took him three times before he had the fingers all the way in me. This time he pulled and moved the fingers around in a circle so that he pulled me apart from every angle. When he was done, I experienced the most incredible feelings coming from my pussy. I had absolutely no idea what he was doing. It stopped and I felt his fingers just make entry into me and then I felt the warmth of his breath and the feeling repeated itself. My mouth was full of cock, the corners had split again but I was working it and working it hard. I also realized I was in trouble because I was going to cum. I tried to get my mouth off of Edward's cock to beg him to let me cum, when I felt one of his hands leave my pussy and grab my testicles and squeeze. Instantly my need to cum vanished and he continued his oral ministrations to my pussy. He was eating me out and making me so horny I was not sure I would not pass out. I felt him start his climax and then he flooded me with his cum; it flowed like water and I was busy sucking, gulping and consuming my man's seed. When he had finished I took it out of my mouth and licked it like a lolly pop, milking it of the last drops of honey.

Edward announced he was pleased with the progress he had made in stretching me and so that was encouragement. I asked if we could just lie on the blanket for a little while and he agreed. He was on his back and I was on my side with my head on his shoulder tracing the hair on his chest. It was obvious that he was going to be very hairy when fully matured. I encircled the nubs of his breasts, pinching them gently and pulling on them as well. Edward moaned in response. He leaned down and kissed me, taking charge of my mouth and ravaging it; if his cock ravaged my pussy like his tongue was doing in my mouth I wouldn't walk funny, I wouldn't be able to walk at all. I could tell that the blow job had hardly taken the edge off of his needs; Edward was still in full rut. He rolled over on top of me as I spread my legs as far as possible, attempting to lay my knees flat on the blanket; I realized that I should start doing some exercises to be able to try and get them flat. I raised my hips up to meet him as his cock quickly regained its strength. As we started the humping motions his cock slipped over my penis and testicles seeking its prize. On one of my efforts to have it gain access his head lined up with my hole and it actually made some entry. He started fucking me with little efforts. As his cock made maybe an intrusion of an inch it started to hurt but I could have cared less. Edward was well aware however of how far he could press the issue and just kept his thrusts to that first inch. I could tell by his starting to growl that he was having a hard time controlling himself. I reached down with one of my hands and found his sack and nuts. I gently pulled and patted them and he instantly climaxed shooting sperm into my hole and soaking me between my legs. He pulled back and looked down at my hole. He smiled and conveyed a look of contentment. He then lay down on my and we lay there gasping for air me suddenly aware that he had a death gripe on my scrotum; he was not squeezing but the message had been received and I was not even close to having an orgasm. He leaned into me and kissed me with great passion. When he had caught his breath he said, "I wish I had a movie camera so that I could take a picture of your pussy opened just a little bit, but open, gaping wide with my cum all over it; there is a big gob oozing in the center, pure thick white cum, full of little baby makers; now I want you to look at my cock," and he pulled back so that I could see it. I have never seen such a site; there is stood hard as ever, certainly not reflective of having just cum two times.

As I continued my visual inspections I said, "How is it that you are still hard? You look ready to go again?"

"When I get you stretched and can fuck you comfortably without worry of hurting you, we will fuck like that and I will fuck you three or four times, cum every time and never pull it out between fucks."

I pouted a little and he smiled and said, "What's wrong?"

I replied, "I want you to pull it out between fucks because I want to suck it clean. You have to remember that you taste pure to me. Your cum energizes me."

He responded, "Well that is one of the differences between a man and his wife; I don't suck cocks and I don't eat cum. I might taste it if I kiss you after you have taken a load of mine but that is as close as I get. While we are discussing this subject I might as well remind you; you have beat off and been beaten off for the last time. I believe you when you tell me that no one has ever sucked your penis and you need to realize that they never will; No man or woman will ever be allowed to suck on your penis; and even if they did it would do no good, for when I am done, you won't be able to have an erection. Is that clear?"

"Yes sir."

"Good because my wife only cums when I let her cum, and make her cum. When I have gotten my cock all the way in you and have bred you at least once you may cum as many times as you please provided my cock, my finger, my tongue or anything that I insert into your pussy is inside you, and I have not forbidden you from cumming. Is that clear?

"Yes sir; as I understand it I will not be able to have an orgasm until you have filled my pussy with your seed, and then only while you are in the process of fucking me or have something inside me."

He stood and said, "You may not wipe yourself off. You will leave my seed on you. Now clean my cock"

We stood and dressed ourselves and I could feel the effects of his insertion of his fingers, the pulling efforts that he had subjected me to and the impact of his little bit of insertion. Frankly it felt like he had stuck a baseball bat up my ass and I walked a little funny. Edward stopped me and applied some more cream to my mouth and kissed me. He took hold of my hand and we walked back to the stream holding hands and saying nothing. We crossed the stream and stopped for a drink of water. While we were sitting there I said, "May I ask you a question?"


"Why aren't you letting me have an orgasm?"

"Because I said so."

It was obvious that there was no need to go further down that path. We made our way back to camp in time for supper. I could tell that several of the guys were looking at me funny because of my mouth and the manner of my walking; however, no one said anything to me.

The next day we paddled back to camp arriving in time for Edward to announce that the paddle boat would be in the next day and he was going to the railhead but would return that night, leaving me in charge of the cabin. We were busy with washing our clothing and other activities getting ready for out next trip. On this one we would be gone for a week. Time passed and we settled into a routine: in the mornings I would suck Edward off in the tent and he would stretch my lips; in the afternoon we would take a walk and again I would suck him off and he would stretch me. Afterwards we would lie on the blanket making out resulting in his lying on top of me; however he never again lost control to the extent that he allowed his cock to even make a slight entry into my pussy. He also clarified the no cum policy to be sure I understood that he had to have achieved full penetration so that his cock was buried to such an extent that his pubic hair was flush against my pussy. Our make out sessions evolved into his assuming his rightful position on top of me, pinning me to the blanket, his hard and leaking cock mashing, controlling and bruising my penis and testicles. I really never again referred to my male appendage as a cock or my testicles as nuts or balls; I was simply in awe of my fiancée's equipment and there could never be any comparison; as such my junk did not merit being called or bearing the same names as his.

As the make out session progressed my legs would be spread wide open giving Edward complete access, physical possession and control of my body. He would rub, grind and apply his hips to my body. At one point we were humping each other and otherwise trying to fuck without being able to achieve penetration and somehow my legs went from being outside his to inside his so that his knees were pressing my legs together; his cock came down on my testicles first spearing them with a poking motion, causing me to groan with pain and cry out; this cry of anguish only ignited Edward causing him to repeat and with force mash them with the head of his cock; his steel hard cock acted as a battering ram; I was wriggling around in pain trying to get my bruised and battered testicles out of his way when he growled at me telling me to lie still and to accept what my man was offering to me; to be still and allow my husband to exercise dominion over his property; his cock battered my poor testicles to such an extent that I felt nauseated. He continued. his cock leaking juice which thankfully lubricated me to such an extent that he head of his cock slipped or skipped off of my scrotum and went between my thighs. At that point Edward lost control and started fucking me with abandon; while his cock had not yet achieved penetration apparently the feeling produced was sufficient to bring him to orgasm; he was foaming at the mouth, biting my ear and whispering to me that I was only a pussy, not a real man; that I did not need a cock, that I could sit to piss like a woman and that when I came I did not need to ejaculate, that my juices resulting from my orgasm could just flow out of me like those of a woman. Suddenly he pulled his cock free of the orifice that my thighs had created, elevated the angle and drove the head of his cock with great force into my testicles making me gag.

Everything came to a stop, my eyes opened, my mouth gaped and I thought that I might vomit. He looked down in my eyes and said, "You were about to cum. I told you not to cum. You are my property; I own you; I control you; even though I have not yet consummated our marriage you have accepted and are now and forever under my care and control. Do you understand me?"

"Yes sir."

"We are past sir and boss is not appropriate in this setting. What should your answer be?"

"Yes my Lord and Master."

"Master will do until I fuck you and then I will be your Lord."

Edward then pointed his cock below my scrotum and finished achieving his orgasm. I then cleaned his cock for him. He rubbed his sperm onto me and would not allow me to either wash or wipe it off until I took my regular bath.

As the summer progressed Edward said to me one day, "Why aren't you eating? It appears to me that you are only picking at your food. I think that you are losing weight and with the amount of exercise we are getting paddling the canoe and the portages you need more calories."

I looked at him and tears welled up in my eyes; I responded, "I can't eat; I can't sleep. I have no desire; frankly I don't even care about cumming any more; I have only one thought day in and day out and that is your consummating our relationship. I am so sexually frustrated that I am past wanting relief for myself and need to achieve it so that I can fulfill my duties to you. At this point I would give up my ability to ever have another orgasm simply to experience your full penetration, your final act of consummation; you're making me your mate. My other problem is I don't know how we can accomplish the privacy needed to do what I think you are going to want to do."

"Whose problem is that?"

"Yours Master."

"Then why are you worried about it? Don't you think I can take care of it?"

"You are right."

The next day as we were packing our stuff for the next camping trip Hugo the head counselor came to me and said that the Camp Director wanted to see me. Somewhat shaken I went to the admin building and was shown in to his office. He told me that there was not any real problem but that I had to take the boat to the rail head to meet a member of my family who needed to see me; I would miss the next camping trip which was to be a week long. Again I was reassured that everything was alright.

When I returned to the cabin I looked for Edward and could not find him. Puzzled I resumed my duties and unpacking my part of the provisions. Edward showed up about 30 minutes later and I told him about my meeting. His response was puzzling; he looked at me and said, "That is strange because I got the same news. I guess we are going to take the boat together."

I asked Edward if we should pack some clothing as I did not know if we would be spending the night and he said with a smile, "No as there is no place at the rail head to spend the night."

We left the next day on the boat; I remained puzzled and anxious to see who was there and what they wanted. When we arrived at the dock I noticed a small single engine plane that had pontoons that was pulled up on the beach. I had never seen a plane like that. We got off the boat and I could see no one so the two of us went up to the train station. Two men stood there with the station master. They spoke to Edward who obviously knew them and he opened the door and stood aside for me to enter. Inside was a man with his back to us who was taller than Edward with dark hair, broad shoulders; as he turned I immediately knew that he was Edward's Grandfather and that Edward would look just like him. He looked down at me and said, "Do you think that I would allow my grandson, my name sake, my successor, to consummate your relationship without my approval?"

"No sir."

"No sir? What happened to Master and Lord?"

I did not hesitate before replying, "I have but one Master and when he consummates our relationship he will become my Lord."

The old man smiled and turning to Edward said, "I wonder what we will do for the next week as I have already made up my mind. You have my blessing to become engaged, to consummate the relationship, but the two of you may not marry until I say so."

We walked outside and the two men accompanied us to the plane where we boarded took off and flew for about 30 minutes to what turned out to be the nearest town with a hotel. As we got off the plane one of the two assistants gave Edward several sheets of paper that made up our reservations for a suite at the hotel and the reservations for the train to take us back to the rail head to return to camp in a week's time. We walked to the hotel which fronted on the lake where we had landed. I knew better than to ask any questions; Edward stopped off at the front desk and informed them that we had arrived and the clerk responded that we had already been checked in and registered. He also gave Edward an envelope.

We went up to the room at which time Edward ordered from room service without asking what I wanted. I understood and accepted control but I thought that he might have at least have asked if I was hungry, on top of which he had ordered things that we had never discussed much less had experienced such as a chocolate mocha milkshake. I had never had one much less knew what it tasted like, but I also knew better that to ask any questions. When Edward got off the phone he turned to me and I could sense immediately that something was different; he was not necessarily different but he was acting differently. I decided to say nothing but to wait and see what transpired.

Without any introduction, Edward said, "Take off your clothes. Do you know the reason that you were not told to bring a change of clothes?" "No sir."

"Well there are two reasons: the first is simple and kind of fun. You aren't going to need them because we are going to stay naked and fuck the entire week. That isn't exactly true but it does bring me to the second and more serious reason. In addition to our consummation of our relationship, and by the way the reason that I have not fucked you yet is that I had to have my Grandfather's blessing, and the fact that you are going to learn what I meant when I told you, that I would always be in total control of each and every issue and that you would do what I told you to do, without question, without hesitation, without reservation." Do you remember that/"

"Yes Master."

"Good because before I left I destroyed all of your clothing that you had at camp. Hand me the clothing you just took off."

I did so and he tore the shorts, underwear and T shirt to shreds. He left the socks on the bed and threw the shoes into the trash can. I was surprised but had no idea of his point. He then went over to the dresser and opened the top drawer and handed me a thong and said put it on. I did so and realized that I had no idea how to wear it as it was so pointed on the bottom as to simply divide my scrotum so that one of my small testicles hung out on either side and the head of my little penis poked out of the side as well. I turned around puzzled and Edward laughed as he walked over and pulling the band out from my waist reached in and lifted my scrotum up and pulled my penis so that both were raised straight up and thus were covered. He turned me around pulling on the string that connected the point to the bank so that it went deep into my crack. "For the time being that is the only underwear you will wear. I am going to have your body modified so as to have you pierced at the bottom of your scrotum and a ring inserted so that the point attaches to the ring removing the need for the strap. With that modification I can have unfettered access to your pussy any where any time."

"The rest of this week you will wear a pair of your new underwear all of the time unless you are naked; so when room service knocks go to the door in just your underwear, open the door, have them deliver the food, sign the check and thank him. Never cover yourself or attempt to hide yourself. Do you understand?"

"Yes Master."

"Now in addition to our consummation we will spend the week making sure that you understand the extent of my control, the absolute obedience to my every instruction regardless of how dangerous, stupid, gross or demeaning it may seem. I must have absolute control and you must accord it to me. All of that is in addition to the sexual trauma that you will be subjected to. If we succeed and know that I will help you, but you must help me because I have to report back to my Grandfather that we have passed this test, then he will explain to us how we proceed forward with our lives."

At that point there was a knocking on the door and a voice called out, "Room Service." I turned and went into the living room and opened the door. The waiter's eyes widened seeing me standing there in my new thong underwear but pushed the trolley ahead of him. I held out my hand for the delivery ticket, added a 20% gratuity, signed it and thanked him. He left. At that point I was shaking, and turned to see Edward standing in the doorway smiling and naked. I know that the waiter had seen him as well.

Edward walked into the living room and said, "Well done. Don't you think you are a bit overdressed? Sit down after you remove your thong and let's eat and talk a little more.

I was simply astounded. Here I am practically naked dealing with the room service waiter and now in fact naked, but I sit down and Edward serves me what he wants me to eat including the milkshake. He indicated that we were eating a lunch high in carbohydrates on purpose and that afterwards we were going to take a nap, so don't be anxious nothing was going to happen right-a-way. What he did want to talk about was to be sure I understood the process; he explained that during the week we would be spending at the hotel I would be pushed far past any limits that I would most probably encounter during our life together, but that it was done for two reasons, first because his Grandfather wanted to be sure of my commitment and second because they wanted to be fair to me. He explained to me that he would demand things of me that were gross, humiliating, embarrassing, depraved, disgusting, painful, and degrading. He also said that his love, commitment and protection to me would be demonstrated. Edward reminded me of something that he had said to me, that being, "I want you to need to cum so badly that your need, your desire, or horniness will over ride any other consideration or reservation that you might have; in order for you to complete the second step in the three step process your need will drive you to do anything and everything I want you to do without question, without reservation, without hesitation." Do you remember that?"


"The proper response is Yes Master because until we start to make love we aren't lovers. At the moment you are my property to do with as I wish. Do you understand the difference?"

"Yes Master."

"Good because we are not going to fuck until later; first you have to prove your devotion, commitment, and ability to subject yourself to humiliation, embarrassment and degradation as proof. First you need to know that as we sit here you are about to be outed. The people in the cabin will be informed of our homosexual behavior. Pictures of you lapping up the cum from my belly, pictures of my finger fucking you and even the time when I got an inch or so of my cock in you will not just be shown but copies will be given to anyone who wants a copy. You have one last chance to stop it before I call down to the front desk and tell them to notify the camp officials of your proclivities and activities. I need for you to tell me your answer right now and if you don't tell me to stop the distribution the default is for the distribution to be carried out. If you say nothing then you will be deemed to have agreed. Now if you object tell me. Now instantly!"

I dropped to my knees and took his cock as far into my throat as I could do so working my throat muscles making it impossible for me to say anything. Edward allowed me to suck him for 3 or 4 minutes before lifting me up, kissing me, holding me close to him and whispering in my ear, "l love you. I used this test first for a reason. I want you to know that as we go through this ritual that I am with you. You are going to become my wife, my spouse and my partner. The terms of our partnership may be different that those of any other husband and wife that you have ever heard about, but we are in this together. Now stop and think for a moment; yes you have been outed, but I have been outed with you. Yes everyone in that cabin knows that you have been having a homosexual relationship with me. What is it that they know? They know that you have been servicing me. At that point that makes you a fag, queer, homo and piece of shit; and it makes me someone who took advantage of your sexual preferences. When it becomes public everyone will want to see me repudiate you; but am I going to do that; hell no; what I am going to do is to go back to that camp with you, holding my head high and your hand demonstrating my love for you, my commitment to you and my pride in you. I will have by act and deed outed myself when I could have avoided it. My Grandfather could think of no greater proof to you of my commitment, devotion and love."

I burst into tears, and said "Thank you. I love you with all of my heart."

"The second thing that you need to be told is that when camp is over you will be required to inform your parents and family of your decision. I will be with you; I will demonstrate my love for you by standing with you. You should also know that as of this moment that all of your expenses will be met by me; I am to be your husband I am responsible to you and for you. I hope that they will stand beside you and accept me, however I am prepared to be rejected and if they reject you as well then know that I will still stand beside you.

"Third, I told you that I was going to have some body modifications done to you. Do you have any questions or problems?"

"No Master."

"Are you sure? You know because I told you that I am going to have your scrotum pierced and a ring inserted so I assume that if you had some objection or comment you would have said so, but you need to know that is not the only one I am contemplating. Do you have a problem with that?"

"No Master."

"You don't know what I am contemplating. Do you have a problem?"

"No Master."

"What if I told you that I want to have you castrated because they are a pitiful excuse for a set of testicles? Question or objection?"

"No Master."


"Yes Master." I do think that I caught him by surprise, but I was deadly serious.

Edward had a frown on his face when he said "What?"

I said "Would you please consider fucking me first, cum inside me so that I can have one last orgasm? Either way the testicles attached to my body are for you to use, abuse or dispose of as you sit fit."

"Do you know the difference between a man being castrated and a man being nutted?"

"No Master."

"Well I would only castrate you if it were necessary to save your life medically; but if you cheat on me, if you let some man or woman use you or if you use them, then I will nut you. Nutting you means that I would cut off you little penis and surgically remove your scrotum and its contents, and feed them to you. Do you understand?"

"Yes Master." "Do you realize that if you don't do what I say, how I say to do it, when I say it, without question or hesitation then I will beat you?"

"Yes Master."

"Do you understand that as my wife it gives me complete and total control over you and that you have no recourse?

"Yes Master."

"Do you accept that?"

"Yes Master."

"How many kinds of fluids come out of the end of my dick?"

"Two Master."

"Wrong. Three. Name them"

"Urine, sperm and I don't know."

"You have failed me. Do you have an excuse?"

"It would not matter if I had an excuse or not Master. I have failed you, disappointed you and you should punish me."

"There are three which you can liken to grades of gasoline: regular, medium and high test. Piss, Precum and Cum."

"Do you enjoy sucking my cock?"

"Yes Master."

"I have never sucked another man's cock. How can you lower yourself to suck my cock and still have any self-respect?"

"I enjoy sucking your cock because it brings you pleasure. I enjoy sucking your cock because it brings me closer to you, it allows me to keep a part of you with me; I suck your cock because it is an illustration, a demonstration of my devotion and love for you. Not only don't I lose any self-respect, I am not worthy of having self-respect except for my ownership by you. No one would envy me if I were not accepted by you now as your slave and then as your wife."

"Get on your knees and crawl over here."

I got down on my knees and crawled the three steps to his feet. "Yes Master."

"Keeping your hands behind your back, put my cock in your mouth."

"Yes Master."

"Now that you have my cock in your mouth create suction around it and do not move."

I followed his instructions, looking up at him when his piss started flowing into my mouth. I was at first surprised, but recovered quickly and started swallowing. After about 5 swallows it stopped. He withdrew his cock holding it in front of my mouth. I was not sure if he was giving me a chance to catch my breath or if he was done. After about 10 seconds, l leaned forward and licked the last drop from the head.

He said, "Get on your feet and come with me."

I followed him into the bathroom where he told me to get into the tub and to lie down. I did so and he then started at the top of my head and covered me in his piss all the way to the bottom of my feet. He then told me to turn over, lie down and to spread the cheeks of my ass. I did so and he finished pissing on me. He then said to me, "I have marked you as my own the way an animal marks his territory. You are mine for the time being; you will be mine for ever when we consummate the relationship later this afternoon or evening. Now rinse yourself off."

"Do you realize and accept that my pissing on you and marking you is a symbol of our attachment?"

"Yes Master."

"Do you accept it as such?"

"Yes Master."

"I had a bowel movement this morning. I knew that we would be going through this ritual and purposely did not wipe myself. If I told you that I needed you to wipe me would you have any reservation?"

"No Master no reservation."

"If I told you to crawl over here and lick me clean, any reservation?"

"No Master."

"What kind of person would suck on another person's asshole in order to clean it of shit and other debris?"

"One who was told to do so by his Master."

"Do it." Where upon he stood, lay down on the floor and raised his legs. I never thought twice but immediately crawled over to him, using my hands I separated the hairy cheeks of his ass and dove in. I licked, slurped and sucked him clean."

"What kind of low life have I asked to marry me?"

"One that would die for you."

At this point he sat up, spread his legs and said, "Crawl over here and lay your head down on my thighs, face up. I want you to open your mouth as wide as you can, stick out your tongue and never blink or take your eyes off of me. I am about to insert something into your mouth. I want you to taste it and to then put it into your cheek and keep it there. Do not swallow it. Do you understand?"

"Yes Master."

I did so and stared up into his eyes with adoration. He cleared his throat of an obvious large piece of flem. He leaned over and brought it to his lips and slowly opened his mouth allowing it to drop down into my open and waiting mouth.

"What kind of person would allow another to hock up mucus and have him spit it into his mouth?"

"One who lives to serve that person."

"Have you ever touched a man's cock other than mine?"

"No Master."

"Have you ever taken another man's cock into your mouth?'

"No Master."

"Have you ever felt another man's testicle's other than mine?"

"No Master."

"Do you swear on your life?"

"Yes Master."

"Do you swear to never touch another person in a sexual manner?"

"Yes Master."

"Do you swear to never allow another person to touch you in a sexual manner?"

"Yes Master."

"Do you swear that you will always obey my every command, wish and whim?"

"Yes Master."

"Do you swear that you will always love and cherish me, to respect me and to accord me the honor due me by you?"

"Yes Master."

Smiling he said, "Do you realize that you have just about answered all of my questions?

"If you say so Master."

"Do you know what happens if you are deemed worthy?"

"Your wishes."

"Do you understand that you will suck on my cock until it is hard, and then I will insert it into your pussy; that the very act of doing so will cause you to bleed; that you may well have to have medical attention as a result; that if you are physically unable to accommodate my cock, that I will have you surgically altered so that you can take my cock?"

"Yes Master; I am prepared to take your cock; I need your cock; I need for you to fuck me, cum in me."

"Is that because then I have said that you can cum?"

"No Master. If I never cum again I want you, I need for you to make me yours. I can only be made yours by your consummating our relationship. I can't do it, only you can do it. I beg you to take me; to fuck me; to accept me as yours so that I can call you my Master and Lord."

"Come here."

I crawled over to him and sat back on my haunches looking him in the eye. He reached forward and pulled me into his lap and held me. Looking at me he asked, "Do you still have my sputum, my hocked flem in your mouth like I told you?"

"Yes Master."

"Can you still smell the remnants of my shit on your nose, taste it on your lips, and remember it from seeing it?

"Yes Master."

"I am about to kiss you. I want your mouth open and I want you to pass back to me my mucus that I spit into your mouth. I want you to put your tongue into my mouth and to wipe in on my tongue, to run it over my teeth, I want you to then lick my lips so as to wipe the my shit back on to me. Do it now."

I did so without thought. Edward held his head down and left his mouth open until I was done.

"Do you know why I made you eat my shit, take a hock of my flem?"

"No Master."

"Because it is a symbol of my acceptance of you as my wife to be. Now stand up."

I obeyed my Master who took my hand, placed it on his shoulder, picked me up and carried me to the bedroom.

He laid me on the bed and turned to the closet and removed a camera, set it up with the necessary lighting. He then pointed out to me the screen on the ceiling next to the mirror. He said, "I want you to roll up on your shoulders, sticking your pussy up in the air, spread your cheeks and look at what is still your virgin rectum. Notice the hair around it?"

"Yes Master."

"Do you know why I have not shaved it?"

"No Master."

"Because when I come in you some of it will either seep out or my cock or will be pulled out with my cock and I like to see the globs of cum stuck in your pussy hair. It is an external manifestation of what I have deposited in your pussy. "We need to have a discussion about some housekeeping chores."

"Yes Master."

"When you have a bowl movement I want you to clean yourself. To do that you may take a shower and simply soap up a finger and insert it as far into you as you are able. If you are unable to access a shower then you will have to squat and do so without the benefit of a shower. You will need to finger yourself until you are clean. Now you can keep a fleet enema in your back pack and insert it into yourself and it will clean you out. You may have to repeat it but it will work best including a shower. I tell you what, get up and go into the bath room."

We did so together, both naked and he told me to sit on the toilet. "Do you have to take a dump?"

"No Master."

"Ok. Lie down on the floor on your side, one leg on top of the other."

He handed me a bottle that looked a lot like a bottle of contact lens solution except it had a longer nipple on the end.

"Now insert the end into your rectum. Do you have it in all the way? You should be able to feel the bottle flush up against you. Now squeeze slowly but completely until the bottle is empty."

I did so and continued to lie on the floor. He rolled me over on my back and massaged my stomach. It hurt and the rumbling and gurgling could clearly be heard.

"Sit down on the toilet and take a dump."

I had never had a bowl movement in front of another person before, but did as I was told. I farted and then a stream of water came out mixed with lumps of shit. I was mortified and it clearly showed.

Master smiled down at me, lifted my red face so that I was staring him in the eyes as another lump came out, followed by a fart and the splash as it landed in the bowl. He said, "Why are you embarrassed?"

"Because I don't want my Master to see me having bowel movement."

He looked at me for a moment, leaned down and kissed me, gently but with open mouth. I kissed him back. He continued to hold my chin as I continued to expel water and movement, and then said, "At the moment you are not my slave and I am not your Master; I am your fiancée, you are about to become my wife to be and I am about to fuck you; you may refer to me however and say whatever you wish, without fear of retribution. Now having said that I want you to stand up and lean over."

I did so and to my surprise he wiped me gently with a warm wash cloth. He then made me lie down again and repeated the process. This time I was clean except for some colored water. I started to wipe myself but he stopped me. We returned to the bedroom and he had me lie down on the bed on my stomach. To my absolute amazement Edward lay down beside me and rubbed my back while kissing down my spine until he reached the crack of my ass. Without any hesitation he spread my cheeks and licked, slurped and using his tongue cleaned me from the last enema.

He then said, "When you have cleaned yourself I suggest that you lubricate yourself with a water soluble lube. I have several tubes for you. If you fail to use it or don't use enough you may well hurt yourself when I start to fuck you. With that he handed me a tube that had a long applicator on the end, showed me how to insert it into my rectal passage and squeeze a large dose up into me. He then rolled me over, and stood and then turned on the camera, adjusted the picture and climbed on the bed. I was lying on my back, legs spread, my knees almost flat against the sheets; my exercises had been paying off. He lay on top of me, covering me and started kissing me. He licked me starting at my hair line and worked his way down my face including both sides of my face, ears and neck.

I put my arms around his neck, raised my legs and wrapped them around him, in effect opening myself to him. He was nibbling on my ear when he whispered, "Don't close your eyes. Keep them open and looking at the TV screen on the ceiling or the mirror." I was amazed at how erotic we were being.

Edward lifted himself up slightly by his hips resulting in his cock slipping over mine and then hanging down pointing downward, mashing and poking my testicles; I knew from past experience that his cock head would bruise my scrotum. I was not prepared for the rampage that his cock was on; and in fact the next morning we realized that my sack was black and blue from the punishment it had received from his cock. Precum flowed out of the slit in the end of his cock, lubricating me and allowing his cock to slide on down towards its goal. Feeling what was going on, I tilted my hips slightly and Edward pulled a pillow down and lifting me up by my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist slipped in under by butt. It lined me up perfectly with him.

I felt his cock make contact with my rosebud. It poked and prodded far too big to gain entry. I wondered if Edward was going to finger me or have some type of foreplay to loosen me up and make me ready to take him. As we were making out and humping each other he whispered in my ear, "Just relax. I am not going to touch your hole, finger you, or engage in any foreplay that involves stretching you. Just relax and let me lead the way. Trust me."

I did and continued to feel his cock head thrusting, poking, prodding and trying to get into me. He whispered into my ear, "Push out every time you feel me pressing in."

I kissed him, taking the initiative, wanting him, needing him; I pushed out as I felt his slimly head touch my pussy and felt me open slightly; obviously he felt it as well as his cock made some small entry. I looked up at the monitor to see what it looked like. I was amazed, it looked like a porn film. The brownish pink of my wrinkled rosebud was plain to see; the engorged head of Edward's cock, bright, shiny and throbbing with precum was resting up against it. Repeatedly Edward poked it at my entry; slowly and with repeated effort by Edward's cock pushing in and my pushing out you could see the rosebud begin the process of stretching, expanding by losing its wrinkles as it began the process of accepting Edward's cock, my being deflowered, Edward consummating our relationship and my being fucked. If felt like it was the size of a baseball bat and that he had gotten a foot into me. Looking up at the TV screen he did not even have all of the head in me. I could clearly see my hole even though it was only an inch deep wide open and gaping where his cock had established a beach head. He withdrew it and the hole slowly started to close up; I fiercely pressed my lips to his, opening my mouth and luring his tongue into mine, needing him to take control; at the same time I pressed up with my hip as high and hard as I could, meeting his cock on it downward thrust. The searing white pain took my breath away. I froze my movement keeping my arched position and he stopped his downward thrust as we froze in place. I looked up into the mirror and then to the TV screen seeing that about 2 or 3 inches of his cock had gained entrance. He whispered, "You know that was dumb?"

"I know but I could not wait. I need you."

Look in the mirror and tell me if you see any blood."

"Not yet."

"There does not have to be any."

"Every thing I have read says that when a husband breaches his wife's pussy for the first time there is supposed to be blood on the marriage sheets. Don't you think that your Grandfather has made sure that the maid calls him in the morning with a report?"

Edward started laughing, gasping for air. "You are too much. The old man has met his match in you. Do you really believe that or are you just bull shiting me?"

"I am serious. I want there to be blood on the sheets and I want it to be blood from my pussy. He might be able to tell the difference and even that does not matter. I love you. I want to be your wife. That entails that I give myself to you, and that you pop my cherry. To do that you have to break my hymen. Now please do it. I know it is going to hurt and frankly I am not opposed to having the house doctor come by in the morning. Grandfather probably has engaged his services as well."

With that l lowered my ass to the bed and Edward simply followed me, refraining from pushing any more of him into me for the moment. We looked into each other's eyes, as he covered my mouth with his, his tongue running over my teeth; as he felt me lift my hips up pushing out with my rectal muscles, he drove his hips downward with all two hundred plus pounds of alpha male thrust, behind his cock causing the remaining 6 or so inches to split me open. I screamed as the pain racked my body, my nails raking his back, my eyes rolling up into my head; I may even have lost consciousness for a moment. I cried, tears running down my cheeks. Edward held me tightly licking me and whispering that he loved me. He bit me on the ear lobe hard; my eyes flew open looking at him with puzzlement, wondering why he had bit me. He was licking my tears as he said, "I just cam in you. You have now been bred by me and have my permission to cum."

I ignored the pain as I lowered my hips causing his cock to retract some what and then pushed up starting the up and down movement that evidences the mating ritual. Edward joined in the rhythm pulling back and then driving his cock home. I pushed up trying to get even more of it into me. I think that he made 3 strokes before I had my orgasm. The sperm flowed out of me like water. Even Edward was surprised and said, "Did you just piss on me?"

"No husband that was my first orgasm in almost a month."

"No way those little testicles of yours made that much stuff."

He smiled at me, kissed me and asked, "Feel better? Was the wait worth it?"

"Yes, Edward, husband, master, Lord it was worth the wait."

He lay down on me, his cock still buried deep in my pussy. We did not sleep but lay there him on top kissing and cuddling, when he pulled his hips back and started the process all over. I stopped his movement, and using my weight rolled him over. I could tell he was not pleased by my being the initiating one, his thinking that I wanted to change positions. Looking down at him and smiling, I slowly pulled up making his cock slowly leave my pussy. I leaned down and took his cock into my mouth. As I did I could in fact see two globes of his cum hanging off of the flange of the head. I looked at him as I slowly licked the head, sucking the cum off and then taking the entire head in my mouth sucking the sperm remaining in the pipe line. When complete, l lowered my self back onto his cock and then rolled back putting him on top. He looked down at me shaking his head. I was afraid I had done something wrong with a reflective look on my face. He smiled and said, "You amaze me. You remembered and that had to hurt first pulling off my cock and then re-inserting it into you."

I smiled and said, "Lover the only hurt I felt was being empty. I know I will pay for it in the later, but right now I am in heaven." I can't say we fucked that afternoon. He made love to me; he took me to heights I never thought possible. We dozed and finally about 5 or so woke up and I hurt. I winced as I got out of bed and limped to the bathroom to take a leak. As I finished Edward came in and said turn on the shower, which I did and then we got in. We washed each other, kissed and acted like lovers. He then made me turn around so that I was facing away from the shower head and bent over. He spread the cheeks of my ass and gently washed my rear end. I could tell that he was concerned and he gently poked and prodded. Getting out of the shower he put on a terry cloth rob, told me to dry off and to do the same. When done I found him in the living room finishing a telephone conversation. I had on a matching terry cloth robe. Edward shook his head, and said, "Either naked or the thong."

Shortly there was a knock on the door and upon opening it dressed in my thong I found a middle aged man dressed in coat and tie with a black bag; obviously a doctor. The doctor took me into the bedroom and laid me on the bed while Edward stood and watched. The doctor told me to lie face down on the bed, to put my head down on the sheets, but to kneel putting my ass up in the air, and then to spread my legs giving him complete access. Gloving his hands, Edward told him to just use some of our KY in the tube on the table, which he did making his access easier. I felt him insert several fingers from his left hand, spreading them open and with the assistance of a flash light he was able to see deeply into my love chute. He then put the flashlight down and inserted his fingers as far into me as he could, feeling around. He slowly rotated his fingers pushing and pulling. All of a sudden he touched something that sent me into orbit. I made enough of a show that Edward asked what was going on. The doctor did not reply but ran his fingers gently over the spot one more time, and then said, "I will show you in a moment."

Pulling his fingers out of me and stripping off his glove, he turned to Edward and said open your robe. Edward did so and the doctor smiled and said, "I am not surprised that you have a great deal of bruising with the girth on that cock. The only tearing is on the outer lips. I could give you something for the pain but it seems to me that the pain is something that you want to experience to be able to demonstrate your love. You will bleed a little but simply clean yourself thoroughly after each bowel movement; turning to Edward he said as the husband you have some responsibilities which include to slowly and gently inserting your cock into his pussy. Let it have the opportunity to open as you insert it."

"Also let me show you how to tell if he is suffering from any tears. You probably need to either check him or have a doctor check him daily. Put some of the lube on two of your fingers and then insert them just inside his rectum."

Edward said, "Doctor, we are discussing the fact that my cock is of such a size that it causes a tear. I don't fuck rectums, I fuck pussies."

"Please forgive me. Put you fingers just inside the lips of his pussy; now slowly rotate them in a full circle and continue to do so until your finger is all the way. Now comes the hard part you are going to have to push to get some extra insertion, so just push hard. Feel how smooth and regular the surface feels? If he experiences a tear you will be able to feel it. Now while I am at it, do remember when he moaned?"

"Yes. What did you do to cause that?"

"Well he has something called a prostate gland that you can feel. It is located in slightly different locations from one person to another. Push in all of the way and turn your fingers towards his belly button and move your fingers around until you feel a good sized lump."

Edward did so causing me to moan again.

"I see from the camera that you filmed the sequence. Turn it on and let me show you what I mean."

We went into the living room, me mortified that someone, even my doctor was going to see Edward take me for the first several times. We sat there and the doctor showed us in slow motion what we should do differently to avoid any more tearing. Then the doctor said, "Come back into the bedroom and let me show you what I want you to do."

So the three of us went back into the bedroom and I resumed my position up on my knees with my shoulders and head flat on the bed. The doctor said, "What do you do to gain an erection?"

Edward said, "Frankly I am enjoying myself with him so much the only problem I have is not keeping an erection," whereupon he opened his robed, walked up to the side of the bed, allowing his cock to be taken into my mouth to wet it and get it ready. Edward then put some KY on the head of his cock and approached my back end. The doctor was standing there and asked, "May I?" indicating that he wanted to lift Edward's cock to show him how to fuck me without causing as much damage. He held the cock at the lips of my hole and told Edward to start pressing in and for me to press out. We did so in unison allowing his cock to gradually be consumed by me; it was not done without pain or difficulty, but it was done.

Edward said, "Fine. Now I want you to remove all of his pubic hair from his penis up to his belly button. He is shaving now but I want it removed so that it does not grow back."

The doctor replied, "Please don't take offense but I want to be able to protect myself if necessary." Turning to me, he continued, "Jay I have been told to apply a process to your body which will kill all of the hair follicles. Do you realize that the hair will never grow?"

I looked at him and said, "Whatever Edward says to do is fine with me."

"I realize that but I need for you to understand and agree with what I am going to do."

I them returned to the bedroom and lay flat on the bed while the doctor applied this cream to my pubic area. I lay there for about 20 minutes while the doctor and Edward continued the conversation.

Edward said, "I want you to pierce both of his titties and insert these gold bars.

The doctor said that is fine but I need an assistant. Is there someone here at the hotel on staff that you can trust to assist?"

Edward replied walking to the beside telephone, "My grandfather engaged a young man named David who is the room service waiter. I will arrange for him to come up." Edward picked up the telephone and spoke with the manager arranging for David to be with us for the rest of the evening.

In the mean time, the doctor had taken a bottle of alcohol and cleaned the pinkish brown areas making up my titties. He asked Edward if he wanted the bars through the nipples or the main part of the breast. He and Edward then discussed one option versus the other. They decided on the smaller piercing so that they just went through the nipple.

The doctor reached into his bag and withdrew a syringe and a bottle of fluid as Edward went to the door to allow David into the suite. He was telling David that he wanted him available for the rest of the evening and that he wanted David to assist the doctor. Upon seeing the doctor with the syringe he stopped the process.

"Doctor he is to have no pain killers. If you need to give him a shot to stop infection or for some other reason fine, but his piercing is to be part of his commitment to me and our engagement to be married."

David's eyes got large and the doctor said "Fine, but I need something for him to bite down on and to muffle any scream."

Edward said, "David help me find the white sock that I used this afternoon in his mouth when I busted his cherry." They found it by the pillows.

The doctor put the sock in my mouth, Edward sat down on the bed next to my head and gently held my head in his hands, stroking me and saying how proud of me he was and how much he loved me. Next the doctor had David wet a towel and remove the hair killing substance and clean me up. Then David held up each of my nipples as the doctor pushed a large gauge needle through. Once the needle was through he left it with some on each side of the nipple, while he found the size bar that Edward had specified, then inserting them.

At that point the doctor took the sock out of my mouth and gave me some tissues so blow my nose and wipe my eyes, saying "I hope that did not hurt too much. Now let me show you what you have to do several times a day for the first week. You twist these bars around so that if there is any substance like discharge or scabbing that you loosen it by the twisting. Then you clean each with more alcohol. Now let me tell you that it is going to sting, but if you don't do it the chances of an infection are great. You have to do the twisting and moving of the bar in order to keep your flesh from simply growing over and becoming attached to the implant."

Edward then said to the doctor, "I also want you to help me figure out a means by which he no longer can achieve an erection."

The doctor seemed puzzled, "If he can't achieve an erection why not just surgically remove the penis? You realize if you do that he will not be able to be brought to have a climax?"

David's face might have pictured mine and was shocked to say the least. They were discussing my body parts as if I were in a different place.

"Why not?"

"Because you won't be able to perform oral or manual stimulation to cause an ejaculation."

"Doctor you need to understand that I have never put a man's cock in my mouth, much less given a male a blow job, and I have no intention of doing so to him. Not only that but as you can see from his size that he is barely average in size; so we don't refer to it as a cock; it does not compare to mine, but it is a male appendage so it is by definition a penis. I only touch his penis and testicles to either examine them or to control his ejaculation by squeezing them, I have found that I like to play with them from time to time, but he has no need of them to climax, because he is allowed to have an ejaculation only because I create the stimulation that brings about his fulfillment."

"Then why keep them?"

"Well I thought about that, but from what I have read, if I have his penis removed then he would have a stump and would have to stand to pee because there would be nothing to point down. By leaving his penis there but without an erection and by having it continuously pointing down he can pee like the bitch that he is becoming. I have never considered having him castrated for hormonal reasons but also because I like the feel of him tightening down on my cock when he cums. That is why I want to be able to control his ejaculation."

"Oh, I understand now. Not only do you want him not to be able to experience an erection you want me to fix him so that his penis is pointed down. There is a new procedure that I am knowledgeable about whereby I measure the length of his penis both flaccid and erect and then using a PA and a ring arrange it so that the PA is connected to the ring. This arrangement also allows you to manually pull the testicles up and the pressure from the penis being pulled downward with some pressure, it holds and traps the testicles between the penis and his body."

"That is what I am talking about."

"Ok. Jay what Edward wants me to do is to insert a PA in your penis. Do you know what that is?"

I had no idea what they were saying. "No."

The doctor said, "Lie back on the bed," and my having done so he spread my legs, pulled up a chair and sat between my legs. He picked up my penis and pulled down the foreskin revealing the pink wet head, and continued, "I would put a ring through the head of your penis and the foreskin. Because it would not be for show, but in fact serve a purpose it would by necessity be fairly large. On the end of the ring would be a clasp or clip. Then I would insert a ring," and stopping for a moment he turned to David and said, "Now is the real reason that I needed you. Jay I want you to slide down to the end of the bed, allowing your legs to hand off the end, and with just the beginnings of the cheeks of your ass on the bed." I did so, with the doctor between my legs, and the legs spread as far wide as possible. The doctor continued, "David put several towels on the floor."

He then took my hard penis in his hand and pushed it down so that it was pointed towards the floor. He also pushed it in so that it went over the top of my scrotum and was rubbing up against my `taint.' He then marked on my taint where the head ended and where the point of the foreskin stretched to and made a mark there. He then had David pull up on my scrotum and to hold it in the pulled up position, also allowing my penis to separate the testicles in the scrotum. He then said to Edward, "How do you make him soft short of his ejaculating?"

Edward said nothing but reached over and grabbed my testicles and started flicking them watching my penis simply wilt.

The doctor then compared the measurement seeing how tight he could trap my scrotum. He then made another mark on my taint. He told David to continue holding my scrotum, while Edward came around to the end of the bed and the doctor explained to Edward that he would put the PA in the head of my cock and the ring in my taint so that when the cock was soft everything would be normal and there should be no discomfort; but if my cock tried to gain an erection, it would pull against the PA but could not grow any without causing extreme discomfort.

Edward seemed pleased, and then said, "Doctor, if you insert the PA and ring now how long will it be before I can fuck him again?"

The doctor replied that he thought that while I would be in pain for several days there would be no reason that Edward could not fuck me if he did so while I was on my side and he entered me from the rear. Continuing, the doctor said, "Edward have Jay get you hard and let me show you."

I opened my mouth and took Edward down into my throat pulling on his testicles and he gained his erection rather quickly. The doctor then had Edward lie on the bed behind me, me on my side, and told David to hold my top leg up in the air while Edward inserted his cock between the cheeks of my ass and we started the process of Edward slowly pushing in and my pushing out which permitted his entry without any real pain. As Edward lay there with his cock buried in my pussy the doctor showed him how Edward's cock would not rub against either the ring or the PA. Edward seemed satisfied.

The doctor then had Edward withdraw and me roll back over on my back. He then checked his measurements one last time and said, that he was going to put the PA in first even though it would be the longer procedure he wanted the PA in place to be sure that the ring would work properly. He turned to Edward and indicated that he thought that I might lose consciousness if I was not given something for pain. Edward looked at him and said, "Doctor would you and David step out of the room for me for a moment please?"

They did so and Edward sat down on the bed and pulled me up to him being careful not to rub against my breast and the newly inserted bars with gold balls on the ends. Holding me, licking me where my neck and shoulders joined, he put hickies on me as well as , kisses and said, "Sweet heart if you decide that you need some pain killer to deaden the pain of the piercing of the head of your penis and the foreskin as well as your `taint' I will consent. I will leave it up to you."

"Edward do you love me?"

"Yes." There was no bullshit, not conditions, just a short straight forward answer.

"Tell the doctor to come back in."

The doctor looked at me and said, "Have you made a decision?"

I responded, "You will have to ask my fiancée. He makes all decisions in our relationship and he will make all decisions when we are married."

Edward smiled and said, "Nothing. The piercing will be the breaching of his maiden head."

Edward sat next to me, holding my hands, whispering love and admiration, while David held my cock and the doctor took a deep breath and drove a needle through the head and foreskin piercing both and coming out the other side. He left the needle sticking out of my penis while he took out various sized PAs before deciding on one that seemed quite large to me. I had chomped down on the sock and squeezed Edward's hands. The doctor then inserted the PA and moped up the blood. I can tell you that my penis was as limp as it ever had been. David then allowed it to drupe down while he pulled up on my scrotum holding it in place while the doctor had the penis separate my testicles so that one was on each side of the shaft of my penis. He then pinched the skin as near to my scrotum sack as possible without breaching the sack. He then inserted a needle and pulled a ring through that was about the size of a quarter. He then again cleaned the areas with alcohol and told Edward that he would have to wipe me to be sure that no excrement infected the wounds until they healed. He also said that the ring in my `taint' and the clasp in my penis had to be rotated, twisted and manipulated like the ones in my titties several times a day. Also with the PA you have to clean the head of his penis every time he urinates or has an ejaculation."

Edward told David to get one of the thongs in the dresser with a snap hook on the end and to bring it in. They then helped me to stand, which I was able to do if I squatted so as to keep my legs apart. I lifted a leg and stepped into the belt that went around my waist. The triangular cloth hung down, and the doctor and Edward kneeling down made me spread my legs so that they could then open the clasp and hook the covering into the ring between my legs. At that point the PA held my penis down, trapping my scrotum up and the ring allowed the thong to cover me but allow complete and unfettered access to my pussy.

The doctor said, "It is up to you but I would not fasten down his penis for several days, but there is no question but that the training of the brain will start as soon as the pleasure over comes the pain and he starts to experience an erection."

The doctor continued, "The literature states that it takes about a week to condition the subject completely. He will try to have an erection and in fact may experience one, but thereafter each will be slightly less erect until he no longer will be able to experience an erection at all. He then can be taught to unclip the PA and wash himself and then reattach it. In the meantime you will need to control the clasping and unclasping"

Edward said, "That does exactly what I want done and as a matter of fact it appears that he cannot unclasp it by himself. That then makes him dependent upon me to allow him or deny him the right to control his penis and scrotum"

The doctor said, "Well I am glad. I will come back if you need me, I am always on call. Let me know the when you want me to come back. I am going to leave something for pain in case you decide to give it to him."

Edward and David helped me to go into the living room to lie on the sofa. I had on my robe and the thong underneath. Edward had David call the maids to come clean the bathroom, change the sheets and to leave clean towels. Edward made me drink some water and put cool washcloths on my forehead, just as the maids arrived. I could hear them in the bedroom and looked at Edward as he looking at me started to laugh, knowing that we had caught Grandfather having bribed the maids to check the sheets for the bloody evidence. The doctor's having allowed the blood from the piercing of my penis and `taint' to also spill on the sheets had only added to the lore.

Noting the time Edward asked me what I wanted for supper. I said some soup. He had David get him a steak and me some broth and some red wine. Having consumed both David left with instructions to be back about 9 in the morning and we went to bed.

When Edward was done in the bathroom he turned off the lights and got into bed. I was lying on my back and he leaned over to kiss me good night. I turned on my side facing away from him and backed up to his front. He put his arm over me being careful not to touch my pierced nipples but otherwise did not start the love making process.

When he still just lay there, I turned and said, "I turned on my side to make myself available to you. Have I done something wrong?"

"No babe you have not done anything wrong. Because of what you have been through this afternoon I do not want to do anything to impose upon you or cause you pain." He leaned in at that point and we kissed. I ran my hands over his chest, relaxing into his embrace; I cannot describe the joy I got from running my hands over his hairy chest. I scooted over so that we were close like lovers, and he being concerned said, "If you get too close it will cause me to rub against your wounds. I don't want to hurt you."

I kissed him using lots of tongue and said, "Edward I love you with all of my heart. I need to explain something to you. Less than 6 weeks ago I thought and this is an important element of what I am explaining, in my mind as recently as 6 weeks ago I had never had a homosexual thought. I had never touched nor had another man touch my penis except when I was a baby and the doctor when giving me an examination. I had never had anyone insert anything into my rectum except the doctor for examination purposes. Six weeks ago I had never kissed a man except my dad. In that intervening 6 weeks that has all changed."

"Now as I lie here the following has happened: I have sucked your cock; I have acknowledged that I am a cocksucker; I have not only swallowed your sperm, your sperm invades my mind; when I now have a bowl movement I flush myself clean and refer to my rectum as a pussy; I have allowed you to fuck me, to breed me; I agreed not to have an ejaculation except when your cock is in my pussy or when you otherwise give me permission; I went for more than a month as a 16 year old male used to beating off at least once and usually 2 or 3 times a day every day without an ejaculation because of your rule imposed over me; I no longer have a `cock, dick or prick' I have a penis; I have told you and I meant it that if you wanted to have me castrated you could do so; today when the doctor told you about surgically removing my penis I never objected and if you had told him to remove it I guess it would be gone by now; you indicated that you wanted my breasts pierced without any type of anesthesia and I agreed and I now sport two little gold bars with balls on the ends; you told the doctor that you did not want me to ever have another erection and in order to carry out this directive, the doctor inserted a Prince Albert in the form of a ring into the head and foreskin of my penis and attached to that ring is a clasp with a lock so that to remove it I have not only your permission but your assistance; as a result of my never having another erection and the modification of my penis I have to squat to urinate; speaking of urination I have now drunk and I am prepared to continue to drink your urine upon your command; you instructed me to lick your asshole clean after you had a bowl movement and did not wipe yourself and I am prepared to continue to do so; you have exposed me physical inspection by David the room service waiter and the maids have seen the sheets where you have fucked me repeatedly earlier today; you have outed me to the guys back at the camp and told me that I will have to face them their knowing that I have voluntarily sucked your cock and that you have fucked me and cum inside me; you have asked me to become your wife, with the understanding that I will allow you to control my life in every aspect to include your breeding some woman to birth at least two sons who I will raise."

"Why and how has all of this happened in less than 6 weeks to a perfectly normal 16 year old boy in a free country? I don't know and frankly don't care. Here is what I do know and what I do care about:

I have agreed to turn my life over to you to control; I have allowed you to have my body parts modified at your direction and you have done so; I have become your bitch; I have agreed to be your wife; I have acknowledged that having accepted your proposal that there is no retraction;"

"Now why would a guy agree to those things or allow those things to happen? There are two possible answers: First the guy is crazy as hell and I am not crazy; or Second that I love you with all of my heart, and that love requires that I serve you; it is not merely that your every whim be my command, I feel as though I must anticipate your whim. I have been with you a sufficient amount of time that I know that you need sexual relief; I appreciate your being concerned about my experiencing pain, but you have to realize that the love and need to serve you and belong to you overrides any humiliation that results in my belonging to you, any embarrassment that I might experience from being outed to the guys and counselors at camp, school, college or otherwise; the pain that I experience from not being allowed to serve you, to meet your needs, to be available to you far exceeds any pain from what we do tonight and the nights to follow; if I could stand someone taking a needle 8 to 10 inches long and a quarter of an inch around sticking it into and through my penis because that pain is nothing to the pain I would experience if you deny me, then please, please don't deny me."

"I beg you that between now and the moment that I die to use me, make me prove my love, devotion and commitment to you. Our marriage may not be recognized in the eyes of the law and it may not occur until your Grandfather blesses it, but please do not reject me because that pain will kill me."

"I need it and I know that you need it as well. The doctor said we could do it if we lay on our sides." I turned over and moved down to take Edward into my throat, working my muscles until he was hard and dripping; removing his cock I asked if, "... he wanted me to take his load in my mouth or in my pussy?"

"Your mouth," where upon I sucked him of his load. I had really gotten to the point where I enjoyed the taste and texture of his sperm. It really had a clean, refreshing taste, slightly sweet. Yes it was slippery without any real structure or form but like yogurt, I enjoyed it. When I was done I continued to hold him in my mouth waiting until he became hard again and then I rolled over onto my side and lifted my leg. I reached behind me and inserted his cock between the cheeks of my ass with the head resting against the lips of my pussy." We slept for about two hours when I awoke thinking someone was killing me.

The pain I felt in the head of my penis was sharp and throbbing. I was moaning and twisting around in the bed, resulting in Edward awaking. He turned on the light in alarm and pulled back the sheet to expose my penis trying to become erect; it was bleeding from both points where the doctor had inserted the needle as well as from the slit in the head. Edward paused for a moment and then realized what had to be done; he reached over and squeezed my testicles until my cock deflated all the way and the pain ceased; only the throbbing continued. Edward applied some of the salve that the doctor had left. I realized but did not say, that it was the first and only time that Edward had ever touched my penis or testicles in any fashion other than to impose some control over me or to discuss my modification. He took me into his arms, kissing me and loving me and we returned to sleep.

I had discovered that I usually had to pee at least once every night and this night was no exception. I carefully got out of bed without waking Edward and made my way gingerly into the bath room keeping my legs apart. I sat on the toilet to pee which was a first. I did not have to hold or point my penis down as it was already in that position. My problem became that when the doctor had inserted the ring he had done it in such a manner that the foreskin now covered the head of my penis and could not be moved back, meaning that when I urinated that it seeped out of the closed covering and that I could not shake or otherwise clean it. I was at a loss as to what to do when I realized that Edward was standing in the doorway and I looked up at him. He did not have to say anything for me to read him, so I said, "You did not forbid me to try and urinate without waking you and obtaining your permission."

"Well you are now forbidden to urinate without my involvement. I need and want to control you and it brings me pleasure, just like my using or abusing you brings you pleasure." Edward said to me, "Are you finished?" "Yes." "Let's get you back to bed. I want you to give me just a moment so that I can get the pillows stacked up and some towels. Did you pee in your thong?" "Yes, I could not drop it like you would take down your underwear, could not figure out how to unfasten it and I did not want to wake you." I could not figure out what he was going to do, but stood at the side of the bed while he stacked 3 pillows up and put a towel over them and at the base of the stack. Then he said, "Lie down so that your but is on the pillows and you are hanging off the end." I did so and he then came and knelt on the bed between my legs. He spread them as far open as he could and I determined that he was just about at eye level with my pussy, penis and testicles. Edward looked at the ring that was fastened to me somewhere near where the taint started and my scrotum ended. He reached in and I could feel him fumbling around, when he obviously figured out how to unhook the thong. He said, "Well from now on either you wake me up, or you sleep in the raw." He then studied how the penis was attached to the ring and then I could feel him hold the head of my penis gently while he pulled down on the latch opening the clasp and allowing him to detach it from the ring, so that my penis would be free and my scrotum to be pulled down into its natural free swinging position. Edward then carefully disconnected the ring so as to allow him to free the head and the foreskin. Frankly it hurt as badly as when the doctor had put it in. Edward first skinned back my foreskin exposing the wet pink head so that he could clean it with some bottled water followed by peroxide. He then stood and got the alcohol and poured a small amount over the wound and then put the ring and clasp back in. This re-insertion hurt the worse. That started the wound to bleed for a short period of time. Meantime, Edward poured some alcohol on the site of where the ring was and manipulated the ring to ensure it was free. He then reached up to my breasts, manipulated the bars and doused both in alcohol. He then removed the pillows and got me comfortable, turned off the lights and got back into the bed. He had left the light on in the bathroom and the door cracked so that there was some light in the bedroom. He snuggled up to my back, whispering how much he loved me. I realized just how gentle and caring he had been and also how much his ministering to me had changed how he behaved around me. He had never touched my penis, scrotum, taint or my pussy except to either have sex or to conform my behavior. I felt his cock as it poked me, and so without saying anything to him I lifted my leg, reached behind me taking his prick in my hand, guiding it so that it was resting on the lips of my pussy. I pushed back and felt him press forward and he slowly entered me. I did not know how we were going to complete our physical act because Edward had no place to hold on to me. Normally when we fucked we moved all over; our unions were not quiet, gentle or sedentary. To help him I started using my muscles working his cock and he slow fucked me. Edward was obviously on edge as he came rather quickly whereas he was normally a considerate lover making sure that I enjoyed a climax, however this time that was not the case. Frankly I was not sure I wanted to cum because we had just spent 15 minutes cleaning my penis and I did not want to repeat the process that quickly. Edward left his cock in me and put his arm over me holding on to my stomach and we returned to sleep. Sometime later I woke to feeling Edward's cock flexing and obviously regaining in its erect state. When I wake up I do so gradually so when I first started I was still so asleep as not to be aware of my body modifications and was stimulated by the cock working its magic deep inside me. I also began to realize that the head of Edward's cock when fully inserted in me rested on my prostate, so that every time his cock was fully in me it had rubbed against my nut and made me need him. I was in need of sexual gratification and relief and started to move. This action with a large part of my brain still being asleep made my cock instantly proceed from totally flaccid towards fully erect. The pain was blinding and immediate. I froze, tears came to my eyes and I moaned in agony. My poor mangled penis lost its stiffness and wilted like a drought had stripped it of all its strength. Edward held me allowing me to gradually come back to earth knowing that he was with me. He whispered in my ear, "How bad was it?" "Bad enough so that I won't forget and you can be sure that it won't take long for the brain to put a stop to all erections. Frankly I don't ever want to experience another." "Let me try something." He gently pulled his cock out of me and rolled me over on my back. He then got between my legs and inserted his finger into me, reaching as far into me as he could until he felt my nut. He then gently manipulated it, stoking, massaging and making finger love to it. He continued saying, "Go ahead and get your cum. Just try and do so without getting hard." He continued his fingering of me and my penis tried to get hard only for the pain to start over and then it would wilt. Strangely my gratification while hard to maintain continued slowly and over about 20 minutes he finally was able for me to cum. The discharge was bloody and runny but the feeling was intense. Edward then had to disconnect my penis once again, this time having to get his hands in my cum which was another first. He repeated the process of cleaning my penis, having to manipulate the ring and clasp and applying alcohol. He then did so to my breasts and finally we were able to go back to sleep. When we finally woke up it was daylight and I felt better. My wounds were still fresh and hurt but not nearly as badly as when we went to bed or when we were awakened during the night. I had been awakened by my cock trying to get hard but the brain stopped the process before the pain got out of control. Edward got up first and used the bathroom. When he was finished he came to the bed and motioned for me to spread my legs so that he could disconnect my penis and the ring holding my foreskin over the head of my penis. He could tell something was going on and asked what the problem was. I was embarrassed and said I have to take a dump. I started for the bathroom when he stopped me, and said give me just a moment. He went into the bathroom and then he told me to come in. Edward had put some plastic boxes in the tub with what looked like a bussing pan waiters use. He told me to sit down on the plastic boxes and to have my movement there and it would go into the bussing pan; while puzzled I followed his instructions and had my movement and urinated at the same time. Edward picked up the pan and dumped it into the toilet. He then removed the hand held shower head, moving it to my ass (I guess since I had been using it for non-pussy purposes I could refer to it in that manner) and using a washcloth he cleaned me. He then inserted his fingers into me using the water and his fingers to clean my hole. I was touched that he had used his fingers to clean the shit out of me. When I was clean, he told me to lie still, stood and washed his hands thoroughly before cleaning my wounds and pouring alcohol on them. He then reinserted the rings, clasps and dried me off. I put on the clean red thong that Edward had specified and with his help I started learning how to hook the thong to the ring. I put on the robe and was fully dressed. Edward then showered and finished dressing just as David knocked on the door and entered the living room with our breakfast. David went into the bedroom and bath straightening it while we ate. He had several bags with him and Edward asked him if had been able to pick up the items on the list last evening. He smiled and said that he had. In the bags was a pair of white shorts. He told me to put them on. They were tight, I mean really tight, and you could clearly see that I had on what appeared to be red bikini underwear that had no back; the crack of my ass was clearly visible. Edward then handed me a red spandex top and a pair of boat shoes. He walked around me and said that I looked good. Edward, David and I then went down and using David's car went on a trip around the town. There was a shopping center and I saw a men's store. I asked Edward if I could have some money as he had my driver's license, passport, the cash that I had (including some of his that I had won at the blackjack game on the way to camp); he had taken the credit card given to me by my parents and cut it into pieces saying that I no longer needed it. I had not considered the fact that I had no identification, money or ability to get any. "What do you want to buy?" "I would like to look in the men's shop to pick up a couple of things and then I want to go into the pharmacy." He gave me $50.00. I went into the men's shop with him and while he was looking else where I purchased 6 pairs of really tiny bikini men's underwear in his size. In the pharmacy I purchased some menstrual pads to help me get over the draining wounds; I had put a washcloth in my thong to stop any leakage this morning. I also purchased a small box of the largest size tampons that were available as well as some different kinds of lube. Edward then asked if I was ready and we returned to the hotel. He told David what to bring us for lunch and that we would need him about 5 that afternoon. We enjoyed lunch sitting and talking to each other and then went into the bedroom where we got into the bed after taking off our clothes. I then gave him his bikini underwear; he had always worn boxer shorts which were baggy, hid his physical form and did nothing for me; I recalled when I had worn boxers and smiled at the realization that those days were over. Edward asked me why I had purchased the underwear for him. Taking the white pair I persuaded him to put them on and then pulling him over to the full length mirror I said, "Look at you. One of the reasons that I get on my back for you and spread my legs is your body. I can't see it in those baggy shorts; you are hot; your olive skin looks like you have a year round sun tan; covered with the dark curly hair it makes a contrast; your muscles ripple, your white teeth sparkle and my damn penis is killing me."

He laughed and said, "Do you really get off on me?"

"Yes. Let me show you."

"All right; what do you want me to do?"

"Lie back on the bed, put your head on a pillow and close your eyes."

He did so with the white micro bikini contrasting with his skin color and black hair molded to him revealing every nook and cranny in hic massive cock and balls; the head of his cock was sideways to his left, and you were able to clearly see the head and the outline of the flange. His large balls full of sperm had been lifted so that they would fit and were to the opposite side of the underwear from his cock.

I started with his toes, examining each with the small tuft of black hair running down to the toe nail. I realized that the nails needed clipping so I got the nail clippers and did each toe in turn. When done with the nail, I would suck each toe like it was a mini cock, running my tongue over and around each one. I then moved up to the foot itself, relishing in the smell that had been generated by a morning of walking around and some sweat. It was a funky smell obviously not the same as his cock and balls or his arm pits but still a smell that was erotic. When done with a foot I rubbed it with some Nivea cream that I had bought that morning. When done I dragged my tongue up his left leg until I got to the knee where I lifted the leg and licked, kissed and stoked the area behind the knee cap with my fingers. Edward was moaning and groaning. I also verbally described each body part as I was applying my love to it.

With his underwear still on and in place it was easy for me to simply skip over that area when finished with the right leg, so I moved up his belly until I got to his belly button. He had neither an inny or an outie; it was neutral so sucked and licked it on my way to his tits where I stopped and ran my fingers over them twisting the nubs, pulling on them and rubbed them. I licked, sucked and nibbled my way up his chest until I reached his face where I spent at least 20 minutes describing him verbally and applying my oral love making. By that point Edward was growling and squirming. I told him to roll over.

"What about my cock and balls? You have not touched them."

"Master please roll over."

He did so and I gave him a back massage as well as rubbing the backs of his legs. I then had him roll back over onto his back. I was straddling his legs, so I lifted up and spread them, getting between them and pulling down and off his bikini underwear. His cock stood straight up for a moment before gravity took over and it fell back onto his stomach, as his scrotum sank between his legs due to their weight.

Edward said, "Look at what you have done to my new underwear." I did and the area that had covered his cock was soaked with precum. He then continued, "I have never had anyone do that to me before, either the verbal description or the touching, stroking, kissing, sucking, and general feeling me up. I need you to slow down for a moment because otherwise I am going to cum and I don't want to do so just yet."

I sat back on my heals simply staring at him as a person and him as an animal, his physical presence. I subconsciously licked my lips.

Edward continued, "You get off on just sitting there staring at my body don't you?


"How are you doing this without getting hard?"

"That is the selfish reason that I am doing it. I have had the beginnings of at least 10 erections, but each one is less strong and less painful. The real test is when I move on to the next stage." With that said I leaned down and took both of his testicles into my mouth. I rolled them around with my tongue, playfully and gently bit them, dragging my teeth over them, licking the course black curly hair that could be found on them. My penis instantly started to become erect; just as instantly the pain became intense; I froze in place and my penis wilted.

As I restarted the process, Edward said, "You started to get hard didn't you?"


"And the pain stopped the process? Is this starting and stopping process causing any bleeding?"

"I don't know."

"Well pull down your thong and look."

I did so, removing the mini menstrual pad I had put in to contain any bleeding or wound discharge. On the pad was some spotting, but no real blood. I showed it to him.

"Good. Now show me if you have learned how to take your thong off."

I did so which left me naked. My cock was pulled down separating my testicles and dividing my scrotum into two halves. My testicles when fully pulled taught and held in place were closer to my belly button that the base of my penis. Hanging out of my pussy was the string attached to the tampon that I had inserted to stop the leakage of Edward's cum.

"What in the hell have you got in your pussy?"

"A tampon. The doctor told me that after every time you fuck me I need to either go dump it out or put in a tampon because of the leakage."

"Well I better buy some stock in the company. Can you reuse the tampon, so that you don't have to use a new one every time we fuck?"

"That depends on you and the amount of sperm you deposit in me."

I returned to Edward and immediately concluded that my being naked and on display made me more inclined to have an erection. Edward said, "Turn around so that you are facing my feet."

I did so and continued to suck and play with his testicles. I could plainly see that Edward was leaking precum at a serious rate. I pulled his cock so that it was sticking straight up in the air and licked up the cum that had accumulated on his stomach. Other than lifting up the cock I had not touched it. Edward pushed me so that I got a little closer to his feet which resulted in my penis being directly over his. Edward then started fingering my pussy, first with one, then with two, followed by three. I was full when his finger touched my button causing me to fly over the edge and start my climax and orgasm. I froze due to the blinding white pain resulting from my penis trying to get hard. There had been no warning other than the fact that I could feel that I was going to have a massive orgasm. Apparently my penis had been in a flaccid state until the climax had snuck up on it. There was some cross in my wiring and I had almost cum without having an erection and my brain was still programmed so that you could not cum without having a hard on, so it had sent an urgent instruction for the blood to get to the head, causing the sudden blinding pain. It hurt so bad that I was holding my breath, tears ran down my cheeks and my nose watered. When I looked down blood had in fact seeped out of the two insertion sites as my cum continued to drip out of the head of my penis onto Edward's cock which was standing straight and tall and covered in my sperm.

Edward put his hands on my sides rolling me over and assuming his rightful position on top of me. He held his hips back keeping his cock from rubbing on me and slipping several pillows under my ass. Without any fanfare he slowly inserted his cock deep into my canal using as lube my sperm that had coated his hard throbbing cock. Once inside me he waited until I looked at him and then ever so slowly he started thrusting. I had not appreciated just how horny I was, especially seeming I had just had a massive orgasm. Edward was an accomplished lover taking me to heights that I had never thought possible. He made sure that is cock was aimed at my button, although he kept his sense of humor and would aim it away to see me squirm trying to put myself in position; he would growl at me that he was the man and I the bitch and to let him fuck me as he wanted. That growling and wording only made me hotter for him. After 5 or 6 thrusts of not hitting my spot he would change the angle and drive me up the wall.

It was obvious that both of us were watching my penis. Being held down and in position kept it still and out of the way. I kept turning my gaze to it to see if anything changed; nothing had and I gradually shifted my attention to Edward and exercising my anal muscles; I worked his cock by tightening down as he withdrew his cock, making him exert extra effort and pushing out as he commenced the downward plunge; I also started meeting him by lifting up my hips to meet his downward thrusts. I felt several twinges from the head of my penis but nothing bad. After 10 or 15 minutes I knew that my orgasm had started and was building; there was still no reaction from my penis; I reached down to play with Edward's balls and felt that his sack had started drawing up signaling the start of his trip. I worked at helping my lover achieve as strong a climax as I could and all of a sudden realized that I was on the verge of cumming myself; there was no question but that it was 9 on a scale of 1 to 10, much stronger than normal. I also became panicky because I was afraid that I would get hard. I did experience some discomfort but not any real pain. Edward shot his load deep in me, my prostate feeling the warm and sensuous bath of sperm as it shot out of the head of his cock breeding me thoroughly. He pulled out about ¾s of the way and sat there staring down at the spot where we were joined by his cock. All of a sudden I could feel the sperm flow from the end of my penis. It became clear to me that with my penis aimed down that I had cum all over his shaft, that none of it had landed on my scrotum because it was held up and out of the way. Edward pushed in almost all of the way as my discharged occurred. The process really could not qualify as an ejaculation because with no tunnel for the sperm to shoot out of, it just sort of flowed. It had simply covered his cock, pubic hair and scrotum; he was covered, wet and sticky.

Edward said, "That has to be the absolute hottest thing I have ever seen. The sight of you cumming, the idea that a penis could spew its load without being hard is simply incredible; I don't think that your penis swelled hardly at all. Did you have a good orgasm?"

I was touched; first he cared if my pierced and tied down penis had caused me any pain; second he thought that looking at my small and insignificant member was hot; and finally that I had experienced a more than satisfactory climax. By the time that we had completed the coupling, he had ended up in what had come to be my favorite position – him on his knees, legs spread so that he looked like he was butterflied; he simply knelt on the bed between my legs and then spread his legs apart, lowering his crotch down. With my ass on several pillows it raised me up and my legs were in what I had come to call the frog position; I raised my knees as high or close to my shoulders as I could and at the same time tried to keep the knees flat on the bedding. In this manner I was as wide open to him both visibly and physically as I could be and not dislocate some major joint.

Edward said to me, without flexing or otherwise moving his cock, but while his cock was still in me and from what I could feel had not lost any of its firmness, "What is your favorite position for us to fuck in?"

"Without question the one we are in now. Why"

"From my point of view, I can look down on you and what do I see? You are completely open and vulnerable to me. I mean I could take a knife and emasculate you of your penis and testicles without interference. You cannot bend your legs together if you wanted to. From an emotional perspective you are defenseless to me and my slightest whim; it creates a power trip the like of which I have never experienced. Why do you like it?"

"For exactly the same and yet opposite point of view. I am completely at your mercy; I am open and vulnerable to you and your cock."

Edward changed the subject and said, "How much pain that time?"

"Very little. I really did not have even a twinge until I realized that I was about to cum and my penis was not hard."

"Well there was no blood that time, which makes me glad. Now let me ask you some questions and make some observations. First, do you agree that when we fucked prior to this time, and especially before I had your penis strapped down that you always were aware of your penis flopping around?"

"Yes and that was something that I looked forward to. I was concerned about me and my orgasm and my penis was a part of the equation."

"Did you worry about getting your nut?"



"By trying to rub my cock, hold it against you or otherwise create friction so that the rubbing process would occur. Remember that the only way that I had experienced an orgasm resulted from my hand rubbing my penis."

"What about now?"

"Well prior to this last time, I had some concern about when and if the pain was going to happen because my penis tried to get hard. This time was totally different until the very end and then only for a moment when I realized that I had forgotten about my penis, it becoming hard, and my getting off."

"Well what were you doing or thinking about?"

"Because my penis could not be rubbed and because I did not want it to get hard I was not worried about it. Frankly I did not even think about my penis until the very end when I felt a twinge of pain and realized that I had started climaxing with a soft penis and without touching it."

"Well what kind of satisfaction did your achieve?"

"This orgasm was one of the best ones that I can remember. I am not sure of the reasons right this minute, but I was never worried about my penis or my climax."

"From my perspective, and I think that we have been together enough that you are able to read me and my desires. Not needing to explain, much less apologize, I demand from my fiancée and then my wife as you know complete and undivided attention. You also know that you are not my first piece of ass, either figuratively or literally. I have always resented my partner worrying about their cock or in your instance your penis, their balls, your testicles or their nutting instead of devoting all of their attention to me and my nut. That is exactly what I wanted to achieve. Now tell me what you were doing and/or thinking about because I have to tell you that your pussy did things to my cock that have never been done before?"

"Well now that you mention it I remember not having to be concerned about me, or whether or not what you were doing was helping or furthering my process towards an orgasm. My mind was blank except for the results and feelings coming from your cock. I then was able to concentrate on working the muscles in the walls of my pussy so to enhance what you were doing. The interesting result was that it made it just that more intense for me."

"See that is what I have been trying to put into words. A cocksucking, cum eating pussy like you gets off by being dominated by a cock like me. You in fact can achieve a more intense nut by the total disregard of your needs and the 100% devotion to mine, and in fact because of that you are benefited. The more I dominate, humiliate, embarrass, control and impose myself on you the better it is for you. Do you agree?"

"Yes. In fact the thing that is of interest to me right now is that I am getting the horny feeling again and yet my penis has not received any messages."

"Well there is one other side issue that is new. The few times I have fucked a female they have a liquid that they produce when they climax. That liquid somehow gets fucked out of their cunt and gets on a guy's cock and in his pubic hair."

I was trying to figure out where he was going with this line of conversation when he brought up a by product of the body modifications to mind.

"When I had your penis pointed down it is now aimed at the shaft of my cock. Your scrotum is no longer between us, because it is now on top of the shaft of your penis. Therefore when you achieve your climax your sperm runs down onto my cock, gets in my pubic hair and wets my nuts. It also adds lubrication."

I tried to sit up and see what he was talking about, but I could not. Edward seeing what I was trying to do slowly withdrew his cock from my shute and it became obvious to me that I had experienced a large discharge which had flowed out and all over him. As he slowly pulled his cock out, I could see more and more of it. Strands of cum and/or pussy juice hung down, one in particular looked as if it was going to drop on the bed. Edward looked at me and I could tell from his gaze that I should not let that happen. I quickly leaned forward and lapped the strand up and to his bulging nuts where is originated. I proceeded from there to the head of his cock, cleaning it and all the bits and pieces stuck to it. I worked my way down to his pubic hair and scrotum. It must have taken me 5 to 7 minutes to get him all the way clean. I lay back when done and Edward said, "Did you just have a twinge?"


"I thought so I could see it in your face."

"Was there any twitch or movement by my penis?"

"No neither the head nor the shaft moved at all."


As he was asking and I was answering he slowly put his cock back in me. We both were in the butterfly position, my favorite. I lay back and thought to myself I could stay like this forever; well not forever because Edward was right I needed to be kept in my place, humiliated, embarrassed and subject to his control. Edward was lazily fucking me him getting close and then backing off. I realized that my penis was leaking precum out of the end only because I could feel the squishy sound of Edward's cock sloshing in and out. There was no question but that his cock scratched my itch. I worked my muscles lying there staring up at him. He was incredible. I reached down with my hand and started playing with his balls tugging on them, cradling his scrotum, meeting his thrust, locking my arms around his neck and pulling myself up so that I could nibble on his ear lobes, the area where his neck met his shoulder; two could leave hickies; we had been fucking for a while and I was ready to cum. I could tell from the tempo that I was having an impact on him as he increased the pace. He looked down into my eyes and I realized that I had a problem; his stare and slight smile was making me hard. I tried my hardest to relax and make my penis go limp, but the thing refused and I started to hurt.

Edward could see the hurt in my eyes. He leaned down and said, "You hurt don't you?"

"Yes Master it is starting to hurt."

"Do you know why?"

"No Master."

"Because you are worrying about you. You need to subject yourself to me. I have deliberately slow fucked you this afternoon (we had been at it almost 45 minutes this trip) and I am going to continue to do so. I hope you don't start to bleed but you can bet that I have enough control to make this last another 45 minutes."

My penis slowly continued to get hard, increasing the pain. I started to moan and thrash around under Edward. Finally I reached down to snap or flick my scrotum to stop me from getting any stiffer; Edward stopped me telling me to put my hands behind my head and to not move them until I was told I could do so. I followed his instructions thinking that he would flick my testicles for me. No such luck; instead Edward reached down and put his hand on my penis, starting to slowly stroke it as if he were going to gently and lovingly masturbate me. It felt so good, until the blood continued to flow into my penis and the pain struck. I thought I would faint; I cried out in anguish as Edward continued to sit still with his cock in me, flexing it from time to time, but focusing entirely on my poor penis; he stoked and played with it. The little thing kept trying to get stiff and was slowly tearing itself apart. The pain was incredible; my eyes were watering real tears; I sat up slightly and saw that in fact my poor penis was bleeding. I looked up at Edward and saw what I could only describe as tough love. He smiled down at me and said "Who is in charge here?"

"You master."

"What have I told you about you experiencing erections?"

"That I am not suppose to have them."

"Then why are you resisting me and trying to experience one now?"

"I don't know. Why won't you let me flick my testicles to make it go down?'

"Because that simply corrects the result; it does not eliminate the cause. You must learn and accept the fact that your penis is never to get hard again. When it breaks the rule it must be punished. Now lean back, close your eyes and remember what your duties and responsibilities are."

I lay back on the sheets, closing my eyes and remembered that I was here to serve my Master; that I was here for his pleasure; that I was inferior in every way; as I did so my mind started to address what he was doing, how he was doing it and what I should be doing to increase his pleasure sexually but also as a man. As I did so the pain in the head of my penis slowed and then stopped. The pain did not go away it just did not get any worse. I opened my eyes and realized that he was smiling down at me, as he leaned down and kissed me deeply. I could tell that his having to let me learn the lesson again had hurt him as deeply as it did me; in a totally different way but hurt none the less.

Edward broke off the kiss and said, "You do realize that I don't want you to bleed? I don't want you to experience pain; that I love you?"

"Yes I do and I am sorry that I did not meet your expectations." Again we kissed his tongue taking my mouth hostage. Edward picked up the pace, taking all of my concentration to work my muscles, to work his scrotum, rub him like he liked to be rubbed when fucking me, and to do the other things that I had learned made him feel good. I could tell that he was testing me to determine where I was on the trip to climax land. I was learning how to tell my orgasm was approaching without any conscious thought. The strange thing was that I really did not care if I came or not, I wanted Edward to be taken to new and ever greater heights. As I realized he was getting there and was close, I was totally surprised when he yanked his cock out of my pussy, moved back on the bed, and forcibly pulled me off my back and down on his glistening cock, covered in my juices as well as his precum and left over cum from his prior orgasms. I immediately shifted course and started to suck him deep into my throat, working those muscles, licking him and working him to fruition. He exploded in my mouth with a huge load of sperm, the excess leaking out of my mouth and running down his shaft. All of a sudden I was over come with a climax that rocked me. It was without a doubt better than any I had ever even dreamed about. I came so hard that I was stopped in my tracks; I could not move even my tongue; I just froze in place as the ejaculation ran out of the end of my penis. I could not comprehend how I had such a tremendous orgasm without the resulting pain from my penis; I looked down to see, fully expecting to find the PA pulled from the head; instead I was amazed to see a watery substance flowing from a totally soft small penis. I pulled up on Edward's mammoth cock only to be told to clean him up.

As I was doing so, Edward continued, "See the orgasm that you just experienced without any doubt was the largest in terms of your expulsion of sperm wasn't it?" With my mouth full I simply nodded my head affirmatively.

"Do you know why?"

This time I nodded my head negatively.

"Because when I pulled my cock out of your pussy and shoved you down on it, you were so surprised, so disconcerted that you lost your train of thought and simply acted like the bitch you are slowly becoming."

I heard the door to the living room open and was startled. I did not know at that time that Edward had given David a key. I pulled up on his cock only to feel his hand on the back of my head holding me down. I really did not want David to see me. I could just imagine the sight that he would see: me on my hands and knees; Edward's cock in my mouth; the last of his ejaculation running down his shaft; cum mixed with blood dripping off of my penis; old cum, fresh precum and pussy juices running out of my pussy and down my legs. Edward while holding my head down, called out to David, "Come in here. I will be done in a moment; we are just finishing up this round." As David walked in the room Edward released his hold on my head and it came up and turned slightly to the right to look David straight in the eyes. I must have been some sight, with cum dripping out of three places, the room had to simply smell of sex and Edward's cock enjoying every minute. Edward never missed a beat; he pulled my head back down on his cock and said to David, "Is there a movie showing in town this evening and if so what it is."

He and David carried on a conversation as David looked in the newspaper. He allowed my head to come up off of his cock as he pulled on my legs, turning me around so that he had easier access to my pussy; with David looking on in wide eyed amazement, Edward stuck two fingers in me, scraping fluids from my love chute; his fingers were covered with slime and cum and were sufficiently covered so that they were about to drip; I knew what he demanded without a word being said. I opened my mouth and took his fingers in cleaning and sucking them. Subconsciously my tongue came out of my mouth and licked my lips.

Edward pulled me around so that we were face to face, with him being able to see David over my shoulder. Edward patted my head and kissed me before saying to David I hope that one day you will find someone who makes you as happy as Jay makes me.

It was obvious that David was sporting a hard on. David said he was going to going to tell them maids not to come in until later as Edward told him that we were going to take a nap, showers and get dressed. He left making sure the do not disturb tag was still on the door. When we were alone I told Edward that I needed to take a dump. He replied that he thought that it was nothing more than several loads of cum wanting out but it was probably a good idea if we went into the bathroom to take care of cleaning my penis of the blood, the discharge and the remains of the orgasms that I had experienced. I sat on the toilet waiting for Edward to leave the room so that I could get rid of some of the gas that had accumulated from the constant fucking that I had received most of the day.

Edward asked, "What are you doing?"

I made up some lame comment and he replied, "Don't you think that if I have wiped your asshole for you when you took a shit, washed out your asshole, and then fingered it clean that you can't pass some gas in front of me?"

"But Master I don't want to cause you any discomfort by my having to fart or do other similar things in front of you."

"What parts of you don't belong to me?"


"What parts of you don't I control?"


"Do you think that I am embarrassed when I fart?"

"No Master."

"Well then why do you think that I would be embarrassed when my love farts? Don't you realize that I am you? What is it going to take for me to convince you that I am you? That if you do what I want then I will consume you, I will totally control you; that when you fart you will realize that it is just an extension of me farting. Now go to the bathroom."

With that he amazed me. He reached between my legs as I sat on the toilet and wiped his hand along my crack, dragging his fingers through the cum, ass slime and I am sure at least some shit and pulled them out putting them in front of my nose. I thought that he was going to feed the mess to me. The smell was not pleasant but I was prepared to lick his fingers clean, when he put the fingers into his own mouth, cleaning them in the process, and this time stuck his fingers deep into my pussy, once again conveying the drippings into his own mouth. I thought that I was amazed until he leaned forward and kissed me sharing his mouthful of sex with me; then I was blown away. As I sat there on the toilet and he was kneeling he again reached between my legs carefully not rubbing up against my penis which was still bleeding and unhooked my penis setting it free. I was puzzled until he took it in his mouth. I could not believe that Edward had my penis in his mouth; his tongue carefully stayed below the head so that he did not cause me pain. I was also very surprised when I did not get hard. The feeling was intense as the watery sperm my poor testicles produced ran into his mouth. Without saying anything he pulled me off the toilet, laying me flat on my back, opening my mouth with his hands and allowing my cum to drip into my mouth. He then kissed me, pulling my tongue into his mouth to clean the cum and leftovers.

He then cleaned my penis and the ring as well as my breasts. Taking me by the hand we went back to bed. This time I lay on my side with him behind me. I realized that he was as sexually excited as I had ever seen him, his cock dripping and leading the way. He immediately stuck it into me and took me with great force. My penis never stirred. When he had exploded in me he did not pull out, rather he put his arm over me and pulled me to him even closer, saying, "What else do I need to do to show you my love and my commitment to you?"

All I could do is sob. Edward went to sleep with his cock still deep in me. I could feel his cum slowly making its way out of me in a seeping sort of manner. I could not get to sleep. I became to understand just how fortunate I was to have Edward, to have realized at my age exactly what made me whole. My only confusion arose over how I could make myself worthy of Edward's obvious love. What could I give him? What could I do to show him my love, devotion and total commitment to him? With those thoughts in my mind I went to sleep wishing that my mind would come to some conclusion over night.

Edward fucked me from the rear twice more during the night, never taking his cock out of me. I felt so complete and full of love for my man. Overnight I had come to the conclusion that I must demonstrate daily to him my love. I realized that I must consciously take advantage of each opportunity to do so. When I first started to wake up the next morning, it was daylight. I lay still and slowly became totally aware of my surroundings. We had obviously been physical in our love making as we were lying diagonally across the bed on top of the sheets. We were on our sides, Edward's arm was over my chest playing with my breast piercings and his cock was flexing. I had come to know Edward's routine; he liked to drain his bladder first thing, and then take a piece of my ass; there was no love making; it was a purely physical act; he liked it best with me on my knees, ass up in the air, legs spread wide apart and my head and shoulders flat on the bed. There was no kissing, no petting, just let's get it on.

Taking my first opportunity, I stretched and slowly allowed his cock to slip free and before he could roll over, get out of bed or say anything, I rolled over and took his cock into my mouth. He obviously thought that I was simply cleaning up his cock after its withdrawal from my puss, but when I starting pulling on his sack, rolling his nuts and using my throat muscles, he put his hand on my head to indicate that he want me to let go so that he could go take a leak; I did not let up my suction. Edward laughingly said you are going to get a mouthful of something you might not want; I held on never varying the suction that I had put on his cock. He realized the message I was conveying and relaxed allowing his piss to enter my mouth; he was smart enough to know that there was no way for me to swallow as fast as it flowed so that he would fill up my mouth, let me swallow and then continue. Finally he was done, but I did not stop the blow job I was giving him.

Edward turned around so that we were in the classic `69' position with me attached to his cock and his head on my thigh playing with me. He slowly stroked the lips of my pussy, never entering the canal, just running his fingers over it, around it and gently pulling on the hair. Then he moved his hand up and disconnected my penis from the ring; he then used one of his hands on my penis and testicles and the other continued on the lips of my pussy. The feeling was fantastic however I concentrated on sucking his cock, working my lips, tongue and lightly scraping with my teeth; I did not give my pleasure a second thought which was strange because normally I would have been worried about having an erection. At some point Edward inserted two of his fingers into my pussy and worked my button hard; I say at some point because I was really only concerned about Edward and paying little to no attention to myself. Edward worked his thighs and legs so that my head was trapped between them and he forced me down on his cock and held me there; I was not sure if I could get a breath and pulled back meeting his resistance; I gave in and let him hold me; I worked at relaxation and he gradually allowed me to come up about a half inch which was just sufficient for me to breath out through my nose and to suck in two large gulps of air before he forced his cock back into my throat; I then felt the explosion which resulted in the first two blasts going straight to my stomach before he pulled my head back so that I would get his taste. We lay there, me nursing his cock of the last bits of orgasmic juice that was leaking when I realized that I was about to experience my own climax. Frantically I looked down only to see that my penis was lying there leaking precum was at it 3½ inch flaccid state; the head had not swelled; the shaft was soft and pliable. Edward smiled at me, unhooked my penis, picked it up and let it flop down; all of a sudden I shook as I was overtaken by my climax; it was as strong or stronger than any that I had experience with an erect penis; instead of there being any type of shot of sperm, it simply flowed out of the head. Edward was holding it up by the wrinkled foreskin, watching the watery sperm drip down onto his chest, his cock still in my mouth.

He pulled his cock out of my mouth with a loud pop and reached down and pulled it up with his other hand, saying, "Gee look your weenie at last has something in common with my cock; my cock is soft. I really think that you have had your last erection." He continued to play with my `weenie' as he called it marveling in the fact that someone could cum, receive a blow job, have someone play with it, feel it, stroke it and have someone be brought to a climax by the rubbing of their prostate, enjoy the experience and never get hard.

Edward reached down and grasped me by my hair and pulled me up to clean up his chest of my watery discharge; he then slapped me on the ass and said lets get in the shower. I always enjoyed giving him a bath. It gave me the opportunity to pay close attention to his body; I always marveled at the difference in our bodies; we were the same age, both males, both healthy, both smart, and yet I realized that I would never be a male compared to Edward; I could never measure up to him, for his hairiness, to his strength, muscles, cock, or overall size and body mass. Even my sperm had never been the equal of his; what guy would not be intimidated by a comparison of sperm; whereas mine was watery, runny and generally weak looking his was pure white, thick, holding a shape and pattern and was expelled with such force that it there was anything in its path you could distinctively hear it splatter. I was not envious as it assisted in helping my mind set that I was here to serve him.

I washed his hair, allowing conditioning to soak in, while I was scrubbing him with a wash cloth. When I got to his rectum, he bent over and I soaped my finger up and inserted it to be sure he was clean; normally I then rinsed his hair, he stepped out of the shower/tub and I dried him off before getting back into the shower to wash and clean myself. Edward would normally sit on the toilet to watch and supervise my bathing myself; however, today was different. When I was done he told me to step in front of him and I did so. He took the wash cloth and lathered it and started scrubbing me; he then checked my face and neck for black or white heads, cleaning me of several in the process; when he got to my backside, he bent me over and I prepared myself for his insertion of his finger into me; instead he took the hand held shower head down, kicked my feet apart, told me to spread my cheeks and put the nozzle up against my hole; water was forced in with great pressure; he held me down with his left hand in the middle of my back while aiming the head with the other; as the pressure built up I started to squirm and he relented, telling me to go sit on the toilet to expel the dirty water. I did so and he repeated the process until I expelled plain clear water.

I dried myself off as he was getting dressed and lay down on the floor. David had obtained a hand held mirror and with a little practice I was able to fasten the clasp in the head of my penis to the ring, pulling my scrotum up in the process, all without looking or help. The healing process had come along nicely and the alcohol really no longer burned when Edward administered it. I asked him if what I had laid out to wear suited him and he smiled and said yes. We were dressed in shorts, a shirt and boat shoes with no socks. Edward had on his bikini underwear and I had on a thong. We ventured out of the hotel to sightsee around the town.

After walking around town we had made some purchases; he had picked up some micro mini bikini underwear and I realized that they had to be for me as Edward was larger than me. He had also purchased me two Speedo type bathing suits. At that time we found a small restaurant with outside seating on the lake where we sat to have lunch. We spent a very enjoyable 2 hours talking as lovers do. Out conversation started with Edward telling me his life story, starting out with things he first remembered. We drank sparkling water, ate a light lunch and talked. He told me about being raised in the city as part of a mob related family and his Grandfather. When he was finished he said to me, now I want you to ask any question you want and I pledge to you that I will answer it and answer it truthfully and fully to the best of my knowledge. I responded by saying let's walk back to the hotel and I would think while walking.

We spoke about returning to camp the next day on the train to the railhead. We had to catch a particular train or we would miss our connection with the boat. Edward asked me if I was anxious about returning; I thought for a moment and said, "Yes I am anxious; not as anxious as I was but to some degree yes."

He had started calling me `Jayzee', and asked, "What are you anxious about?"

"Well I was concerned that I was going to be outed. I no longer have that concern. I mean I don't plan on advertising myself publicly, but I am now perfectly comfortable with who I am and what I am. I guess I am concerned that a couple of the guys who can be real assholes don't make life absolutely unpleasant for the last trip; we really only have 10 more days after we get back so there can't be too much of a problem. I suppose the train trip south could be a pain but nothing I can't handle, especially knowing that I have you beside me."

"Good. What are you going to say when one of the guys makes some statement or asks some question?"

"Well first of all I am not going to lie; second, I am not going to deny an accusation unless it is false; third, I am going to be myself."

"What are you going to do if I tell you to do something?"

"Do it."

"But, what if it is something that is either embarrassing to you, or something that can open you to ridicule?"

"That is your problem not mine. If you want your wife to be embarrassed then I will be embarrassed; if you want me open to ridicule then I will be ridiculed."

"Those are good answers. You have come a long way in the last several days."

"I guess so; a week ago my penis would still get hard; a week ago I could get through any type of airline security; now I am like Fort Knox; it will take them an hour just to `wane' me."

"Are you concerned about telling your parents?"

"Again not my problem. I figure I will address that issue when you tell me I am to do it and what your plans are for us; until then I am not going to concern myself."

"What do you mean when I tell you?"

"Well what I know so far is that we are going to go to the same school, we are going to be roommates. Your being admitted I am sure has been taken care of by your Grandfather; if he can get you into the school without an interview and in less than a month, then having us assigned to a two man room should be no problem for him. You have not told me what is going to happen when we leave the camp. I mean we are on the train from here to New York where I am supposed to meet my parents. When you think I need to know what we are going to do, how we are going to do it, and when we are going to do it then you will tell me. I mean I guess that I will be at home with my parents from the time we get back until I leave for school."

"Well you guess wrong. My Grandfather is going to insist that you are either in his company, my company or that a chaperone be with you at all times. I may as well go ahead and tell you what the plans are: we will take the train back and when it stops here we will get off and not return; we will be picked up by plane and flown back. At that time Grandfather, you and I will meet your parents at a hotel in New York and have dinner. At that time you will tell them the truth as to your sexuality, your plans about school, college and our living arrangements. Do you have a problem with any of that?"

"Not if you stand beside me."

"Good, I will be right there."

"My parents are going to be upset."

"We are aware of that. We will not force anything on your mom and dad; if they accept us fine; if they don't accept us then we will deal with it; I realize that could make it very difficult for you and I want you to know that I will always be there for you."

Edward took my hand in his and we held hands walking the rest of the way back to the hotel.

When we got back to the hotel we went up to our suite and made love. It was just like a fairy tale; there was no kink; no role playing, just two guys in love. He was on top, in the missionary position, my legs locked behind him; my penis was locked down, never even had an extra drop of blood surge to the head, and yes I came again. There was no question in my mind that this was the most sensual coupling that we had ever enjoyed; Edward was leaning down over me, his cock lying still inside me, except when he flexed it; he would lower his face towards mine, mouth open, tongue hanging out and when I tried to capture it he would pull back and the swoop in to lick and kiss me; it drove me wild with desire; the kissing was remarkable; we lay there kissing and petting, me having given up my manhood with absolutely no regrets. Afterwards we slept. When we awoke we lay there making out, kissing, stroking and just loving each other, my feeling his cock, balls as well as running my hands over his body. He was simply amazing.

"Edward looked up at me and said alright it is time for you to ask questions."

"I know what you said about the basic qualifications that someone had to have for you to choose them, but once you got past that point why did you pick me?"

"Because you have the fine balance between being assertive, but at the same time submissive. I realize that sounds contradictory but it is not. You were assertive this morning when without asking or waiting until I told you, you decided to take my morning piss. That is assertive and yet at the same time submissive; I mean how else would you describe drinking a guy's piss?"

"Have you made your bones?"

"No and Grandfather has forbidden me to do so, because of the new tact he wants to adopt?"

"Will I have to make my bones?"

"No, we don't send our wives to clean up messes."

"When will we be married?"

"When Grandfather says so."

"Well how will our relationship work?"

"I don't know the answer to that question. He will have to explain that."

"When did you know you were gay?"

"When I could not get it up from some woman hired to suck me off."

"The family does not frown on a homosexual relationship?"

"Few people will stand up to my Grandfather."

Well what about when he is no longer there?"

"He will have to explain that to us."

"When will we have children?"

"After college?"

"Speaking of college where are we going, what courses will we study?"

"XYZ College, a small liberal arts college, a part of the Ivy League; you will study business and me prelaw. Then you will get your MBA and I will go to law school."

"Where will we live until school starts, during vacations?"

"Where Grandfather tells us to live. I don't know any more than that."

At that point Edward had me tell him my life story and then we played the question and answer session. Edward asked me several questions that I had not asked him. The first one surprised me; "Why had I submitted to him?"

"You made me tingle when I got too close to you, and you made me hard when I could smell you. You always smelled of sex. You always smelled like you just climbed out of a shower, and like sex. You could read me and know me before I knew myself."

Edward had shut the door to the bedroom from the living room when we had come in to make love and take our nap. I could hear people moving around and wondered what was going on. He told me to get up and open the door and see what was going on. It never occurred to me to either cover myself up or to be concerned; I simply walked over to the door, naked, penis anchored down between my legs, my testicles pulled up where my pubic hair would have been if I had any, and my gold bars shining from my tits. David was in the living room setting up a dining table, arranging flowers and making preparations for dinner.

I asked Edward if he wanted me to give him a massage before we took a shower and he said no, for me to go ahead and clean myself up. I did so leaving him alone with David. I came out of the bath, all clean and sweet smelling to be met by David who said that Edward had gone out for a moment and said that I was not to leave the bedroom and that he had laid my clothing on the bed. I got dressed, not bothering to shield or hide myself from David's gaze; why would I" He had already seen me sucking Edward's cock and seen Edward with his cock buried to the hilt in my pussy, what more was there?

David finally asked the questions that were on his mind, "Did it hurt?"

"Did what hurt?"

"When the doctor punched a hole in your... well all of the holes?"

"Damn right it did?"

"Does it still hurt?"

"No not really?"

About that time Edward returned to the bedroom, kissed me and said for me to stay in the bedroom while he took a shower. He told David to plan on going ahead with the plans starting in 30 minutes. I wondered what was going on. Edward had left on the bed a pair of pants in an off white color made of cotton gauze type material. It was translucent so anyone could see clearly that I had on a thong with no back, lime green in color which matched the color shirt I had on. I was barefoot.

Edward came out of the shower, dressed and kissed me. He said, "Tonight I want to be special for several reasons not the least of which is it is our last night."

Holding my hand he opened the door to the living room. There was a table set up for two, with candles, flowers a soft music playing. At one of the place settings was a small gift wrapped box. Holding my hand we walked over towards the sofa and sat down only to be brought a glass of red wine by David. Edward nodded to him and he went into the bedroom. Edward turned to me and said, "Jay I have had the best time with you. You are fun to be with, you make me feel complete and I want you as my partner. Will you marry me? You know that it will not be easy; I am a demanding difficult person, who demands on having his own way; I am not considerate; I won't tolerate backtalk, disrespect or insolence. I used the word partner a moment ago, but you must realize by now that it will be a different kind of partnership. In plain language I will be the cock and you the pussy; I am the man and you are the bitch; I fuck you and you take my cock when, where and how I want to impose it on you; all of that having been said, that does not mean that I don't love you, that I will tolerate anyone treating you with disrespect or hurt you. Will you be mine until the day we die? I pledge to you that I will never love another; you know that does not mean I may not fuck someone or use someone, but I won't love them. You also know like every other rule of our partnership it is not equal; you know that you may never again touch another man's cock or nuts, you may not kiss them, or allow a man to make any type of sexual advances to you. You may not have any sexual contact with a woman either."

"Edward, I love you with all of my heart; I pledge to be your wife, your partner and your bitch."

Edward stood up and went over to the table, picked up the present and handed it to me. I opened it to find a gold bracelet with today's date. He put it on my wrist and again kissed me. I was able now to read his body language at least to some degree. He put his arms around me and we kissed passionately. All of a sudden I had a huge physical need to be taken, possessed, consumed by him; I for the first time admitted to myself that I was attracted to him and sex with him was incredible. I whispered into his ear, "I love you, I need you, I want you."

He lay down on top of me and we dry humped each other making out and just genuinely enjoying each other. Licking my ear, knowing I was hot, Edward whispered, "Does my babe need my cock; is your pussy got an itch; is my cock better than all those years alone with your hand?"

I was arching my back up off the sofa, meeting him, rubbing myself against him; I was in heat, wet with need; dripping with desire; "Please Edward, please; take me now, fuck me please"

"No babe not now."

He stood up and extended his hand to help me off of the sofa and to the table. We talked and I only remember parts of what was said; he said that it was now official we were one; and oh by the way we will be at camp two days from now, so happy 17th birthday. Why was I surprised that he remembered. I am sure dinner was great, but I have no idea what we ate; I know that we finished the bottle of wine, adjourned to the sofa and David rolled the table out of the room and left us. I had gotten myself under control and I was surprised that Edward had not been more responsive before dinner, but I accepted it and was trying to bury my needs.

I excused myself to go to the bathroom; I was now able to reach down and disconnect my thong so that I could sit on the toilet and pee, shake off the limp piece of flesh men called a cock but on me was a penis and reconnect it. I returned to the living room to find Edward sitting on the sofa smiling at me. Something was different, but I could not identify the situation. It was as though I could smell it, that I could see it but it was like it was in a haze; I could hear the rustling of it but not make out what the noise was or if something was being said; Edward's body language was different as well. I also became aware that I was different as well; I was on edge; I had an itch but could not figure where to scratch; I was hungry but not for food; I was thirsty but not for water; I also felt devilish.

As I walked to the sofa Edward playfully pulled down on me saying, "Come on down here and get your desert." I have no idea why but I pulled away from him, smiling. He looked up at me with a surprised look on his face because I had never refused him. He sprang up off the sofa grabbing for me. I resisted him, twisting to get away from him. He got his hands on me encircling my arms pressing them into my sides and picking me up. I hit on him telling him to put me down; he carried me to the bedroom, threw me on the bed and fell on top of me. Weighting so much more than me I could not push him off but I was squirming trying to get out from under him. He pulled my hands together and then holding them in one of his hands he lifted them above my head. Holding my body flat with his weight he took the other hand put it in the neck hole of my shirt, looked me in the eye, said nothing but simply ripped the shirt down the middle. He then shuffled closer to my head, lifted up and rolled me over onto my stomach; once having done that he simply put his hand in the waist of my pants and ripped them off of me.

I could feel him pulled down his pants and then his sack full of balls and sperm followed by the hard and wet head of his cock. He put his knees between mine, pushed them far apart, and panting said, "Deny me bitch; refused to suck my cock; try and keep me from breeding your pussy; watch this bitch and rammed his cock deep between the cheeks of my ass; it bounced off of the head of my penis, pushing it out of the way, before being pulled back and thrust forward again. This time it found its mark and sank into me. I stupidly thought that now that he was in me that he would get under control; wrong. He fucked me like a mad man; he lay down on my back putting his head next to mine and bit me; hard, first on one side of my head and then the next. Thankfully it did not take more than 5 or 6 thrusts before he came. Unlike when we made love he did not leave his cock in me, rather pulling it out while it was still dribbling cum from the head.

He quickly and forcibly rolled me over and using his fingers pried my mouth open so he could sink his slimily dick into my mouth. He face fucked me until he came flooding me with cum; he held my nose shut so that I had to quickly swallow in order to breathe. When finished sucking his cock, he ripped the waist of my thong destroying it, reached down and unhooked smiled when he saw my cock was totally limp and ram his cock back into my pussy. This time he fucked me slowly and completely. When he was done he leaned down and kissed me, saying, "That is what I meant. You can read me and I can read you. We both knew what we wanted, but I have to tell you I was surprised before we started."

"What do you mean, because I felt the same way?"

"Tell me how."

"Well I thought that you smelled differently; it was though you had been sweating and I had my nose either in the crack of your ass, or around your nuts or cock. I guess it was the smell of musk."

"You smelled even with your pants on like a cunt in heat. Do you realize as excited as we got and as much cum as flowed out of you that your penis never got hard?"

"Yes. I guess that I am over that now."

"Answer two questions, can you remember the last time that you truly had an erection?"

"No. I mean it was several days ago but not the incident or circumstances."

"Do you miss them?"

"No, if anything the climaxes are better, stronger and more satisfying."

"Come up here. I am going to suck on your balls, play with your clit, rub your spot in your pussy and see if I can get you hard. You have my permission to unhook yourself, let it hang free just like any real guy would and to have an erection."

He and I tried for almost an hour. I had two climaxes but never did my penis move. Edward was pleased, reconnected me and we slept. The next morning we were up early putting the things we were going to take back to camp into a bag and leaving the rest which the hotel was going to hold for us. We sat beside each other on the train, both dressed in shorts. I was surprised earlier when Edward told me to be sure to put a pad inside my shorts so that I would not leak, but no tampon. I had really not had much leakage in the last several days so it was not necessary. Obviously I did as I was told.

We sat at the end of one of the passenger cars so that no one could sit beside us, across the aisle was an open space for suitcases, and luggage and the seats in front of us were facing in the same direction as we were. The train had just started rolling out of the station and I was reading the newspaper when I felt Edward's hand sneak behind me and slide down inside my shorts. His middle and index fingers slithered into my crack and then into my hole. He did not look at me but continued reading a book that he had and never looked over at me. If he was not going to say anything it certainly was not my place to do so, and besides it felt good. His fingers hit my spot and I had a hard time not jumping and then the fingers separated slightly so that one was on either side of my button, rubbing and making me hot. I did not know how I was going to continue to sit still and if he continued what I was going to do when I cam. In fact it was only a matter of minutes before I had my first orgasm. I thought that there was no harm done, and I sort of lifted the cheek of my ass so that he could more easily remove his fingers; no such luck; he just went back to manipulating my prostate. I was glad that I had followed his directions and put the pad at the bottom of my thong. In the 3 hour train ride he made me cum 4 times and I swear the last time it was dry. I was a nervous wreck and simply exhausted. When he removed his fingers he held them up to my nose for me to smell; the odor of his cum from our morning fuck coupled with the musk from my body and I sucked them clean.

He whispered to me, "You do realize that you will not be able to have an orgasm until we get out on the next trip and so I thought that I would drain you."

"How are you going to make it that long?" Edward had never gone more than a half of a day.

"You are going to be sucking me off multiple times every day and night."

I was concerned over the reception we would get at the camp when we got off the boat. It was interesting; the cabin as well as the counselors were about evenly divided, half talking with Edward and half talking with me; some talked with both. I came to find out that even the most straight of the straight had found a guy to service them; the ones that claimed to be straight did nothing to reciprocate, but were merely serviced; some flopped both ways and some like me discovered that they were gay. It really was not a bad experience.

We left the group at our town, which we referred to as where we had been on our first honeymoon, and were flown back on a chartered plane. Edward's Grandfather was there together with the two guys who sat all the way in the front of the plane; at one point Edward was told to go sit with them leaving me and his Grandfather alone. He smiled at me and said, "Well are you prepared to call Edward `your Lord and Master'." I smiled at him and said "I am far pasted that point. He owns me body and soul."

"Has Edward made it clear that you are going to have to tell your parents?"

"Yes Sir."

"What do they know so far?"

"I called them before we got on the plane and told them I would not be on the train but would meet them at the hotel just as Edward instructed me. I explained that my tent mate was flying home and offered to give me a lift. They had no problem with that."

"So what are you going to tell them?"

"What would you suggest?"

"I will leave that up to you to think out. I will tell you that it is necessary that you be up front with them. You are now 17 which makes you still a minor but no longer do you have to be controlled by them. Now don't take that to mean that you may disrespect them but only that you are now free of their legal authority. What I would suggest that you do is to sit here quietly and plan it out in your mind. When you have done so if you want to share it with me I would be pleased to listen to you and make suggestions."

I was surprised at how smooth he was; there was no question but that he had broached the subject as a suggestion, but the steel behind it was there. I sat there, closing my eyes and thinking it through. There was no question it was going to be a rough time. When I was done, I stood and walked to the front of the plane and asked Edward if he would come and sit with me. We sat about half way between the two men and Grandfather as I had come to call him. I recanted to Edward what I planned on saying to be sure that I had all of the items included. He was pleased and we walked back to Grandfather. He looked up at me and said, "Well?"

The three of us sat and I rehearsed the speech again. Grandfather said, "I am impressed. He first discussed it with his intended before he rehearsed it for me. That reflects the respect and position of importance that he gives to you."

I must admit that I was nervous. When we arrived at the hotel we were taken up to a large suite and took a shower. I wondered about putting on one of my Speedo bathing suits in place of my thong and decided that was exactly the wrong approach. I was not ashamed and refused to act as if I were. Mom and Dad arrived shortly afterwards and I introduced them to Grandfather and to Edward. They thanked them for giving me the ride and we discussed the summer.

I stood up and said, "Mom, Dad I need to tell you some things. This summer has completely turned my life upside down. I have discovered that I am gay; at least I am gay for Edward. I want you to know that I never had an inkling that I was, but I can assure you that there is no doubt in my mind that this is the way that I am; there is no doubt in my mind that Edward is the guy I want to spend the rest of my life with; he is transferring to my school. I want to have your blessings; I need you and the support of my family."

Dad sat there for a moment, and said "Jay I am glad that you have the courage to face this situation head on; I am proud that you have told your mother and me; I can't say that I am glad you are gay because life is going to be harder for you, but I can't live your life for you." He stood up and gave me a hug as did my mother who was crying.

We then discussed the coming school year. I told them that I needed to go back with Edward, but that with their permission he and I would come out to our house in a couple of days. I also asked them if they would sign the necessary papers that said I was emancipated thereby bestowing on me the rights that I would otherwise have to wait until I was 18 to get. They agreed and Grandfather asked them to stay and have dinner with us. They did and we had a very nice time sitting in the dinning area of the suite, mother sitting beside Edward and talking to him and father beside Grandfather talking with him; I sat there quietly listening to the two conversations. Afterwards Grandfather, mom and dad left with Grandfather's two men, leaving Edward and me alone.

I looked at Edward and realized that he had not showered. I saw his masculine body, young and strong, already covered with hair. I went over to him and asked if I could take his clothes off, and he gave me permission. His cock was beautifully shaped, long, thick and stiff. I could not help but notice how prominent his cock and balls were without any interference from clothing. One word came out of his mouth, "Strip."

I did so including my thong. Standing naked except for my jewelry, before my husband to be, I was nervous. He snapped his fingers and pointed at the floor in front of him. I immediately got on the floor on my knees before him, my hands at my sides. He moved his hips so that his cock came down on my lips and rubbed back and forth. I noticed that Edward had a smell about him that came from his having made love to me that morning and not having showered afterwards. His odor filled me with need, consisting of the mixture of old sperm and urine; it was intoxicating. Again one word came out of his mouth, "Open." I did so and the head of his cock rested on my tongue, just inside my mouth. "Swallow": was the one word command as his piss flowed hot and pungent into my mouth; when he was done urinating he moved aside and snapped his fingers indicating that he wanted me on the bed with my head hanging over the side; I immediately did so but not to his satisfaction, resulting in his snapping his fingers at me and saying, "More."

His cock was as hard as I had ever seen it and precum was flowing from the slit. His one word commands continued with him again saying "Open." I did so and his cock entered into my mouth and throat. He fucked me without mercy or concern, flooding me with his cum. His cock never softened a bit and mine never moved.

Edward looked down on me, his eyes glazed over when he gave me the next command: "Get in the middle of the bed on your back." I did so as he knelt on the bed, crawling over so that he was between my spread legs. He looked down on me, saying, "What a hungry bitch you are; you can't wait for my cock to be inside you can you? You want me to breed you; damn if I don't think that you would have my baby if I could knock you up. I am glad that you know that pussy of yours is mine to use whenever I want it."

I was past the point of caring; I told him that I would do whatever however, whenever he wanted me to if he would just marry me, make me his wife and fuck me, all so that I could feel his cock in me. I could not believe the feeling of subservience that came over me; I cried real tears and begged like a cunt for him to take me and breed me. A rush of total submission came over me and I begged like a whore for him to fuck me right now!

He lay down on me and told me to take his cock and put it at the lips of my pussy. I did so for the first time realizing that I was awash with sweat between the cheeks of my ass. Edward felt it also as he said, "When did your pussy start leaking? Did you cum without my permission?"

"No Master I have not cum. I am just hot for you." I held his cock as he moved up and down my crack soaking it in the fluid there, and then he slowly sank inch after inch of it into me. He paid no attention to whether or not I was close but there was no question when he came. He flooded me and I could feel it flowing out of me and he continued to fuck me with the in and out motion. Finally he pulled it out, sitting back on his heels looking down at me. I quickly got into position to such him clean and I did so and while I was at it I took his hairy nuts into my mouth and cleaned them as well.

Edward lay back on the bed and said clean me. I did so starting at his toes and licking all the way to his ears. I sucked the toes, I rubbed myself in his arm pits and then I rolled him over and sucked his ass hole. I had completely degraded myself and I was happy.

"Say what you are."

"I am your wife."


Edward slipped off the bed and stared down at Jay. His heart was beating hard and he looked at the young man lying on the bed in front of him and felt contentment and joy. Jay had the cutest bubble butt, hairy on the back and bare in the front; his legs were toned and strong. He felt blessed. He said, "I love you."

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