My Teacher Is a Fag

By Albert

Published on Aug 30, 2007


ALL NAMES & LOCATIONS HAVE BEEN CHANGED FOR THE OBVIOUS REASONS. Again, thanks for the encouragement and inspiration.

Well, I froze, I couldn't move...I was scared completely out of my mind. The tears were starting to flow. I couldn't help it, I was slobberin' and blubberin' just like I did when I was a little kid about to get a spanking. Surely Tyrone would have mercy & forgive this one transgression. He looked at me w/ a very hard stare. "Bitch, I said crawl yo faggy ass ovah heah" Again I froze, I was so fuckin' pathetic, my nose was runnin' I began to sob. I don't think Tyrone could scarcely believe his eyes. "I don't blieve dis shit" he exclaimed. "Ya cryin' just like a lil bitch and I ain't even touch yo ass yet". I sobbed harder. "please, please, Tyrone....sir" I stammered like the pitiful helpless lil fag bitch I was. I couldn't get the words to come out. I tried to plead my case, I really did - but no words would come out. Tyrone shook his head, almost as if he were actually disappointed in me. I was paralyzed w/ fear. I lowered my head and gazed directly at the floor. "Damn fag ass mo'fucka" Tyrone said, obviously exsaperated w/ me. "Fuck it, bitch...jes, fuck ain't even worf whuppin'; yo punk ass". "Yes sir" I exclaimed, obviously relieved. "I'm so sorry Tyrone, I truly am, it'll never happen again" I promised, again like a kid who'd just been given a reprieve from a spanking. Well it worked, I'd cried my way outta trouble again, just like the lil bitch I was, I was countin' on Tyrone's feeling sorry for me, or at least figuring I was too pathetic to even bother paddling. I exhaled a long, tiresome breath of relief. I stopped whimpering, dried my fag ass eyes and wiped my runny nose and slobbering mouth clean. My stomach was still churned up in knots but they slowly began to subside.

Tyrone & I stood there awkwardly staring at each other, er ahhh, I stared at the ground I should say. He kept shaking his head. I knew he was disappointed, but I couldn't help being the coward that I am. I've been this way all my life. Physical confrontations scare me out of my wits, and I'll do anything - whatever I had to do to avoid them. Hell, that's how I became a fag in the first place. "Damn, you a fuckin' punk to yo soul, Mr Holt" Tyrone said to me. What could I say? He was rite, I wasn't about to argue. "Dis is sum real, real fucked up shit...I figured you wuz a fag...and I wuz rite...and now dis - crying like a bitch, damn ya mite as well be a woman, Mr Holt". Again I said nothing. I was too embarrassed to speak, even to agree with him, so I just stood there silent. Tyrone actually sounded as if he were so disgusted w/ me that he may even consider not seeing me anymore. That scared me, how would I know that he would keep his promise? He went on some more about how pathetic I was, and how big a bitch I was and he didn't know if he wanted to be bothered w/ me at all. Yes I was all those things, no denying, but there's one element of my personality that's even stronger and more dominant than my cowardly side, if that's possible. I was an absolute sex addict. I couldn't live w/o sex, I knew it, I accepted it a long time ago. Sex was as important to me as air, food and water, I needed it to live - as I said earlier - that's how I became a fag in the first place. But that's another chapter.

Breaking the awkward silence, I clumsily and meekly reminded Tyrone of his promise. He assured me that he had no intention of letting anyone know about us. I felt relieved and was almost overjoyed when he said he was most def - gonna keep fuckin dem lips a yo's. I didn't want to stop seeing him, after all - he was my only source of sex - and I can't live w/o it. Summoning up all my courage - I offered my best Mrs Robinson impersonation. "Tyrone - I'd like you to know that I'll be available to you whenever you wish, provided I have your assurance of total and complete'll get your grades, and I'm intelligent enough to know that you have the upper hand in a most advantageous situation for yourself. You'll find me easy to get along with, and just maybe there'll be some perks in having a teacher for a friend" Tyrone looked at me as if he thought I was trying to make a fool of him. I assured him that was not the case. "Well, whad u sayin' is like if I want sumthin' I can come git it from you, rite Mr Holt?" "Basically, yes" I replied. "Well, da first thang we gon do is see about chu sucking my dick erryday cuz I needs to git off a lot, and a hot mouf like yo's a do nicely". "Everyday?" I inquired. "Yea, erryday, da way I see it like I live a long way from heah and I gotta catch da bus, but da bus gits heah too early & my grandma lives 'round da corner and I go stay wid her til it's time to come to school" I nodded my head in understanding. He continued "whad we can do is like you tell her, ya being a teacher and shit...ya tell her I'm coming early for special kinda counseling and she'll let me come early, dat way won't nobody know shit" I agreed to the plan, hoping I really wouldn't have to lie to an old lady. "School starts at 8, I get here at 7 every morning, what time would you prefer to meet?" I asked. "I git to my grandma's 'bout 6:30 or so, she gon make me eat sum breakfast first but after dat I can come on over and ya can start to sucking me, we can both git heah at 7 and ya can give me a nice long good blowjob wid dem pretty dick sucking lips a yo's" "Tyrone, everyday?" I asked. "Bitch I said erryday and yo ass betta be heah!" he demanded. Naturally I quickly agreed. I really didn't have any problem with our arrangement, but I didn't want to get locked into anything everyday. I had deep feelings for Tyrone and I knew at that age young dudes can change their minds at the drop of a hat. But I figured we could give it a try and see what happened.

But, Tyrone wasn't finished w/ me just yet...I could tell by the mischevious gleam in his eye that he still wanted to punish me some how. I meekly spoke up "Tyrone, it's getting late, we've been here almost two hours now, I think maybe we should leave, you can go first and I'll leave later, just in case. This way we won't raise any suspicions". "Naw bitch", he exclaimed, 'You leave when I say you leave". :Yes sir" I quietly obeyed. He began to stroke his meaty black prick, again rite in front of me. Incredibly the fabulous monster was getting hard again. My cock hungry faggot lips were beginning to water. I couldn't believe it, not even a 17 yr old in prime condition could possibly be ready for more hot loving. He stepped closer to me and pressed his huge black cockhead to my lips. I kissed it tenderly Then he slid it into my hungry mouth, ever so gently. It was rock hard again, believe it or not. The smooth velvety taste made me close my eyes and moan around his prick. I loved Tyrone's cock, I knew that now. My life had been filled w/ nothing but anonymous sex until now. But with Tyrone, I wanted to continue seeing him, everyday, just like he demanded. I knew I would accomodate him, I couldn't help myself. I would just have to pray for forgiveness for having sex w/ a 17 yr old. Usually with a coward like me, the conscience dictates, but for some strange reason my all consuming desire for Tyrone was starting to dominate my personality. I wanted to suck his prick, to make him happy, to give him immense pleasure, to be the best prick sucker he's ever had. I wanted him to want me to suck him, to command me to suck him, and to not take no for an answer. I wanted him to crave my blowjobs as much as I craved his thick black prick. Tyrone began to moan softly and I was pleased. He put his hand on the top of my head and I began to prepare my lips for his very brutal, but most welcome assault. Anticipating the hot and thick and creamy load I would be eating again, very shortly.

To my somewhat of a surprise, Tyrone took a step backwards away from me. Puzzled, and very careful not to let his black prick slip from between my lips I leaned forward a little to compensate. Again he stepped back, this time I had to crawl forward on my knees to keep up. He stepped back once again, likewise I did the same - knowing full well the consequences of letting his pretty black prick slip from between my tightly clamped lips. He backed all the way until he came to a chair by the window. He pulled my hot lips forward onto his prick and sat down slowly. His prick never escaped my greedy lips. "AAAAaahhhhh" he sighed. "Here faggot, you do all the work" he said and proceeded to pump my hot lips up & down on his magnificent prick. Again and again and again and again he pumped my hot lips on his prick. I didn't mind, I let him have his wish. Suddenly Tyrone squeezed my head between his big black hands and furiously began pumping my lips up & down his prick like a person gone mad. I panicked, i slobbered all over him, I covered my teeth w/ my hot lips so as not to accidently bite him and let him pump away furiously w/ his assault on my lips. Then grabbing me behind the head w/ both hands Tyrone shoved all 9 inches of thick black male meat into my made into a pussy mouth and held me there as tightly as he could. No air, but I didn't care, "gggmmmmpphhh" was all I could manage as I desperately tried to avoid choking and gagging on his magnificent black meat. I was expecting another huge load of tasty hot thick cum when all of a sudden Tyrone released my head w/ one hand and let the window shade up on the window next to us. My heart froze, if anyone were there he could possibly see me with a mouthful of hot black prick.

Frozen w/ embarrassment, I just kept my eyes closed and prayed that no one was outside the window. Thankfully no one was around, at least not at the moment. Tyrone resumed his furious assault of pumping my hot, greedy lips up & down his shaft. Things resumed as before when all of a sudden I heard Tyrone raise the window and call out to someone. I almost shit my pants rite then & there. "Oh God, no, no, no!!!" I kept repeating to myself. Tyrone's strong black hands had a death grip on my head so I couldn't break away. "Yo, mane, come ovah heah" Tyrone yelled. I could hear the footsteps. Maybe I could just bite Tyrone and breakaway and I could never do that, and we both knew it. Actually in reality, I didn't think whoever Tyrone was yelling at could really see me, unless he leaned up against the wall and looked in. It sounded as though this guy was not that close to the building. "Yo man, come heah, over heah, closer" I heard Tyrone say. I held my breath. "Come on mane, closer" "Whassup T?" I heard the young man say. It still didn't sound as if he moved any closer to the wall so maybe I was safe, provided I kept my head down w/ my lips crammed full of Tyrone's prick. I was afraid the kid may be able to see the top of my head in Tyrone's lap, anybody could put 2 & 2 together and that would be it, finito, kaput for me. "Hey man, is you evah had yo dick sucked by a teacher before?" Tyrone bluntly asked. I heard the young man snicker and comment that he'd like Ms Woods to blow him. She was a red haired beauty, taught math, and according to all the students - too strict and entirely too mean. "Naw mane, fuck dat bitch, I mean is you evah had a blowjob from a fag teacher?" I wanted to die from sheer embarrassment rite then. "A fag???" "Yeah mane, we got us a fag teacher heah" Tyrone quipped. "I ain't know that" the young man replied. "Yeah mane, I could hook you up w/ him". I gave myself up for dead then, this is it I said to myself, I would somehow tear my lips from Tyrone's prick and run to my car and leave town and disappear. Thankfully the young man said he wasn't interested in fags, despite Tyrone's encouragement and insistence. "You don't know what chu missing, mane" Tyrone said. "Naw fuck dat shit, I ain't on no fags, I'll kick one's ass tho". Tyrone kept insisting "I could hook you up mane, dis fag can suck dick betta'n a woman can, anyday of da week" Still not daring to move or breathe I heard the young man refuse Tyrone's most generous offer. "Let me know if you change yo' mind and I'll hook you up" Tyrone said lastly.

Mercifully, that was over and I could finally take a breath. Just a show of power from Tyrone, I thought to myself. Somehow, someway, I managed to grow a pair and actually reached up and drew the shade close, almost taking Tyrone's big black dick out of my mouth in the process. He laughed profusely, he knew how embarrassed I felt. Tyrone slumped back in his chair to enjoy the rest of the blowjob. He was in no hurry to get off, I wasn't in any particular hurry for him to cum, but I did want to get out of there. Tyrone's little shenanigans were making me very nervous. Tyrone's nine inch ebony fuckpole slid very esasily between my lips and I couldn't help but marvel at the way it glistened with my saliva. It truly was a wonder to behold, coal black dick, nice and shiny and wet, just perfect for a fag like me to slobber all over. I wondered if he really would cum in my mouth again, I had to admit by now my mouth was eager for another hot load of his to eat. Go ahead and jam it in the back of my throat, just give it to me, baby, over and over again, I thought. I was so dreamy eyed and fantasizing so hard I didn't notice that Tyrone was increasing the tempo of his mouth fucking, so much so that he was already at the edge of cumming and I was totally clueless. Suddenly he smashed my head all the way down his black prick and exploded again in my mouth for the third time. Caught completely off guard, I openly choked on the first load, I actually panicked for a second, as if I were drowning, I felt like his cum would shoot back out of me thru my nose if I didn't swallow it quickly. I gulped as quickly as I could, taking entire mouthfuls with each swallow. Tyrone moaned incessantly, his death grip ever present on my head. The big black prick, still throbbing between my lips, was beginning to calm down. I got excited, maybe he would let me taste the after cum, just maybe and I could savor Tyrone on my tongue and actually taste his hot cum. No sooner had Tyrone's magnificent prick stopped shooting in my hot mouth when he actually removed the black dick from my greedy cocksucking lips before I could taste even a smidgeon of after cum. I was furious, needless to say. But I wouldn't dare express any anger to Tyrone, and we both knew that. Still desperately hoping for just the tiniest drop of cum, I managed to ask "was there anything I did wrong, Tyrone?" I imagined I looked so pitiful rite then. "Naw baby, ain't nuthin' wrong" Tyrone reassured me. Still bewildered, I wondered if I would get to eat the after cum. "Shit bitch, how many times ya think dis mo'fucka can git off?" I think that was rhetorical. He sighed heavily and I actually think even he didn't expect to cum so much in one afternoon.

I remained on my knees, damn it I couldn't help it, I desperately wanted Tyrone to shove his prick back in my hot mouth so I could finish eating the after cum. Tyrone stepped closer to me and held his pretty black prick just inches from my lips. "Like it baby?" he asked. "Yes, yes, yes, yes" I found myself saying before I realized it. "Then why don't you crawl ovah heah & kiss it" Tyrone said. "Yes, yes, yes" was all I could muster in my heated exchange. I eagerly crawled over to him and grabbed the magnificent black tool in my right hand and milked it down a couple times in a vain effort to squeeze some after cum. :Please, please" I found myself saying softly. Tyrone grinned. At long last a tiny droplet glistened on the head of the beautiful black prick. Like a starving dog w/o a bone I swallowed the entire length of Tyrone's black prick again just to get one drop of cum. I was ready to blow him all over again, if he'd let me. I was desperate for him now and he knew it. "I'll do anything to suck your prick again, Tyrone" I begged, unashamedly. "I know you will bitch" Tyrone answered sarcastically. I didn't care about the bitches and the faggots anymore, "Call me anything you want, fag, bitch, slut, whore, punk" I begged. Tyrone cracked up. "Tyrone, I'm serious" I implored. "I know you is, faggy" Tyrone quipped. "Yes, yes, I'm faggy, your faggy, all yours, Tyrone, your very own faggy to own and have suck your prick whenever you like" I was as earnest as I could be, I acutally meant every word. "Just remember your promise not to tell anyone" I reminded. Tyrone angrily withdrew his prick from my hot, begging mouth and snapped "Bitch don't ya evah fuckin' tell me what to do, I told yo punk ass I wouldn't tell now leave me da fuck alone bout dat shit 'fo I go git dat paddle and I'll use it dis time" He scared the life out of me, I knew he meant it. I nodded vigorously and went to take his meaty black prick back into my mouth when he placed his hand on my forehead and stopped me cold.

"I was filled w/ fear, would he actually refuse me??? "I gots someplace to go" Tyrone said coldly. I was panicking, almost having an anxiety attack, I couldn't stand the thought of him leaving me. "Tyrone, I'd do anything to suck you again" I blurted out w/o thinking. "Don't you want me to suck you some more?" I almost begged. Tyrone held his prick in his hand and looked at my pathetic begging lips and told me to kiss it goodbye for the day. My heart sank, I was crushed, I couldn't bear for that precious black prick to be taken from me. I gripped it, ever so tenderly and planted the softest, most warm and loving kiss I could manage upon the shiny prick head. My eyes were filling with tears, but I quickly hid them from Tyrone. He couldn't actually leave me, he just couldn't...could he. "Please, please, please, please don't leave" I whispered, cried, pleaded half aloud. "Naw baby, I gots ta go, I gotta piss like a mug, gots bitches ta see, ho's to go fuck!" Tyrone said. My anxiety attack boiled over, I don't know what possessed me, I never felt like this before. "Tyrone, Tyrone" I softly but despearately begged/whispered. He went to pull his pants up, Instinctively I reached out to pull them back down. "Tyrone, Tyrone...Tyrone...Tyrone, don't go" I softly begged again. "Dam bitch, stop crying, shit Mr Holt, you worsen a lemme go." I kissed his sneakers, top and bottom, i kissed the kuffs of his jeans all the while begging, 'please, please...please...Tyrone...don't go, please...let me suck your prick one more time, it'll be the best cocksucking ever" I promised. "No bitch, now move" he commanded. The tears rolled down my cheeks, I couldn't help myself. I was hoping maybe to shame him into letting me suck him some more. But I think Tyrone knew, no I'm sure he knew, if I got his tasty black prick between my cock hungry, impossible to satisfy lips, he'd never get it out of my mouth again. I continued kissing my way up & down his pants legs all the while whimpering and begging him not to go. He was finally ready to zip up and the thought of not being able to see that gorgeous black dick drove me over the edge.

"I need it, Tyrone" I blurted out just as he was about to stuff his black prick into his shorts. He completely ignored me. I was crushed, but even more desperate, and determined as the last few inches of the most important prick in the universe was about to disappear from me. "I need your piss" I blurted out. I couldn't believe what I'd said. I stood absolutely still, not daring to breathe. Tyrone looked at me as if he thought I were crazy. "Bitch what'd chu say ta me?" he demanded. I froze again, naturally. "Bitch don't make me bitch slp yo' ass" Tyrone angrily demanded. Afraid that I had offended him I quickly backed down. "Ansa me fag!!!!" I drew in a deep heavy breath and bowed my head. "Nothing" I weakly offered. "Nuthin' my ass' bitch, ya said ya wanted my piss???" Oh no, what had I done, I was scared out of my mind again. I couldn't answer, couldn't even breath. My chest was heaving up & down and I wasn't even breathing. Tyrone raised his hand as if to slap me, I didn't know what to do. All of a sudden a deliberate calm came over me, I began to breathe again and my chest stopped heaving. I looked Tyrone square in the eye and casually said "I need your hot piss" as if I were asking for a glass of water. Tyrone couldn't believe his ears. He was downright befuddled, then just as quickly he caught on and grinned, showing me all those delicious, pearly white teeth of his. He quickly seized control of the situation and demanded: "where do you need my piss, bitch?" My momentary moment of calm was rapidly fading. I backed down from my position and just looked at the floor. "Bitch I asked where ya need my piss" Tyrone again demanded, very angry. Again I froze, my guilty conscience was creeping back into the picture. Hadn't I corrupted this 17 yr old manchild enough??? Tyrone reached under my throat and grabbed me by the collar. Instinctively I closed my eyes in fear of being punched. "Naw bitch, ya started it, now ya gonna finish it, where do ya need my piss" he raised his hand to backhand me. His black prick slipped out thru his zipper, I knew I had to have it any cost. He pulled his dick out of his pants. "Now bitch, where do ya need my hot piss" he demanded. It was no use fighting it, I submitted to my deepest longing for his ebony fuckstick. "On me", i weakly, punk ass bitchly, answered. "On you??" Tyrone demanded. "On you, bitch, where at on you?" He held his prick up to me, scant inches from my trembling cock hungry lips. "On me, on me" again I weakly responded like the punk fag bitch I am. "On you where, dammit!!!!" Tyrone exploded. Again, the calm returned to me and I said matter of factly: "All over me, Tyrone, I need your hot piss on me...all" and then I took the plunge "Even, inside my mouth, I need your hot piss Tyrone, and I can't live without it!" I slumped exhausted on my knees and said to myself "please forgive me for corrupting a minor". Tyrone grinned a very mischevious and toothy grin, He took his beautiful prick completely out of his pants then and stood directly in front of me. "Open wide" he commanded. What else could I do, I had to have Tyrone, I couldn't live without him.


Next: Chapter 6

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