My Teacher My Lover

By Titan Hoop Club

Published on Jan 31, 2023


This is a story of lesbian fiction. The characters described existed only in the mind of the author. If you are offended by age-difference and interracial lesbian sex stories, please read no further.

(Lesbian College)

High school English teacher, Barbara Ross, despite her brave face in April at the San Francisco airport, was desperately lonely for her 18-year-old lover and former student, Carolyn Powers, who was 400 miles away, finishing her spring quarter at UCLA.

UCLA's mid-June finals week was circled on Barbara's calendar, which would signal Carolyn's return to Novato, an affluent suburb of San Francisco, and into Barbara's waiting arms... and bed.

Carolyn's freshman school year had been a tumultuous one for the Powers' parents. At Christmastime, their beautiful golden-haired, presumably heterosexual daughter had surprised them by announcing that she was an active lesbian. Then, during Carolyn's break between her winter and spring quarters at UCLA, she then introduced her parents to her older "lover," Barbara Ross, a 38-year-old woman who had been her former English teacher at Novato High.

Carolyn's parents were good liberals. Gritting their teeth, they let their daughter know that they approved of whatever she wanted to do. She was 18, they thought, and fully an adult.

Barbara, an affluent widow, was careful not to be possessive of her young lover, particularly as the opportunities to stray would be innumerable on the Los Angeles campus.

Barbara let Carolyn know that whenever Carolyn wanted her, she would be there in Novato. Meanwhile she was free to date freely and that there would be no jealousy on Barbara's part.

Carolyn's parents. also of affluent means, had provided a small. fashionable apartment for their daughter in Westwood, within easy walking distance from the UCLA campus.

After joining a sorority during her first quarter, Carolyn was upfront about her sexuality and even briefly dated a couple of her sorority sisters. When word quickly got out that the tall, knock-out blonde from Northern California was into girls and had her own apartment, she was practically inundated with suitors of all shapes, sizes, and races.

With her newfound freedom, Carolyn initially became very sexually active with several of her fellow coeds. That came to an abrupt halt after she successfully seduced her four-year crush and former English teacher, Barbara.

The intense sexual chemistry between the two women had proven to be life-altering for both, and they spoke frequently on the phone and on video calls.

With her formal sorority dance approaching, Carolyn had no desire to live a lie by inviting a fraternity boy. Breaking protocol, she had invited a Bruin softball player, a muscular, shot-haired senior, named Toni Willis.

Although Carolyn had been open about her sexuality when pledging the sorority, she was soon to discover that it was really more of a "Don't ask, Don't tell" arrangement with some of her sisters who were in the sorority leadership.

Epithets of "dykes" and "lesbos" were used as Carolyn and Toni embarrassedly and angrily walked out of the sorority house. Carolyn vowed to never return.

Returning to Carolyn's nearby apartment, the girls engaged in a rough, angry night of lesbian sex. With Carolyn's tacit permission, Toni ravaged every orifice of Carolyn's young body with her hands, tongue, feet, and any helpful artificial device that she could find.

Carolyn felt a little dirty as she kissed the college softball player good bye in the morning. There would be no second date.

During her time away from Carolyn, Barbara had allowed herself to be picked up for a one-night stand by a biracial middle-aged woman at a local bar.

Taking the woman back her Novato home, Barbara was able to get lost in the woman's large, pendulous mocha-colored breasts. Barbara's abject loneliness temporarily dissipated for an evening with the face of a stranger between her firm thighs.

It was finally June, Barbara excitedly phoned Carolyn to tell her to prepare for a special weeklong vacation getaway at the end of the month. Not told of the secret destination, Barbara instructed her young lover that she would need light, summer clothes and plenty of bikinis.

With finals over, Carolyn spent more than a week getting reacquainted with her parents. Barbara purposely stayed away as much as possible so that they family could have some quality time together to repair their relationship, if necessary.

Finally, the day of their planned vacation arrived. Barbara continued to tease her young lover by refusing to disclose their eventual destination as she parked her Mercedes at the International terminal of the San Francisco airport.

Barbara happily revealed that their destination was Thailand. Carolyn nearly screamed with excitement. Thailand, with its famous beaches had been atop Carolyn's wish list of vacation spots. Carolyn had forgotten that she had told Barbara this during one of their many lovemaking sessions.

Barbara explained that they were headed to a very exclusive beachfront resort where they would have their own private bungalow for a week. Carolyn squealed like a preteen girl at a boy band concert, and excitedly clapped her hands.

Barbara also explained that the resort was lesbian-friendly, and that they would be free to be themselves. Once again, Barbara looked Carolyn in the eye. "Honey, this is your vacation too. If the opportunity presents itself, either of us can hook up with whomever we like... as long as we come back to the same room at night." Carolyn nodded that she understood.

The 16-1/2 hour flight was long and dull. With first class sleeping seats, Carolyn and Barbara were as comfortable as was possible to be. Both managed to drift off to sleep for several hours during the long flight.

Exiting the plane, Barbara was approached by an older woman who said, "Your daughter is very lovely." Barbara cheerfully thanked the woman for the compliment and thought to herself, "If that woman only knew that I plan to be knuckle-deep in that pretty girl's pussy as soon as we get to the resort!"

It took a 3-hour drive by limousine to arrive at the Lustrous Pearl Resort. It was already dark in the early evening when they finally arrived, but they could smell and hear the nearby ocean.

Barbara checked in quickly, and she and Carolyn were shown to their luxury beachfront bungalow. Wanting to acclimate to their new time zone, they agreed that it was too early to go to sleep.

Deciding to have a drink, the pair ordered room service. Each bungalow had a fire pit outside with several chairs surrounding it. Barbara arranged to have the fire lit before the drinks arrived.

Sinking comfortably into their chairs after their long flight from San Francisco and the drive from the Bangkok airport, Barbara sipped on a Cosmopolitan, while Carolyn enjoyed her first Singha, a local Thai beer.

Two figures appeared out of the darkness. One was a woman of about Barbara's age, and the other was a pretty teenager, noticeably younger than Carolyn.

In an unmistakable French accent the woman introduced herself: "I am Isobel," she said cheerfully, "This is my daughter, Monique."

Monique was a sweet looking, waifish-figured girl. At about 5'2" in height, and with a cute, dark-haired pixie haircut. Carolyn thought the girl looked like a young Audrey Tautou. Even only lit by the firelight, it was easy to see Monique's dark tan. Carolyn assumed that the pretty teen had been at the resort for several days already.

"It's nice to meet you both," Barbara answered with her most refined school teacher voice. "My name is Barbara, and this is Carolyn," she said, nodding to the younger girl. "Won't you join us?"

"Merci," Isobel said as she and her daughter sat down. Looking at Carolyn, Isobel asked, "This is your daughter?" Carolyn gave a shy giggle at the uncomfortable position that Barbara had been put in."

"No," Barbara answered. "Carolyn is my..." searching for the right word, she came up with "girlfriend."

Isobel seemed unfazed by Barbara's answer. "My apologies," said Isobel. "She is a very beautiful girl." Isobel continued, "I too am lesbian. Monique recently told me that she is very curious. So here we are. Thailand is a friendly place for women like us. I come here often for business and pleasure."

Barbara was slightly shocked that Isobel had apparently brought her young daughter to Thailand for the seeming purpose of having her pussy eaten to see if she would like it. Barbara looked at the young girl. However, Monique's eyes never moved from Carolyn.

Two separate conversations eventually took place. The women talked about their lives and careers, while the teenagers talked about the sun and the wonderful beach.

Barbara apologized for yawning, telling the mother and daughter that she and Carolyn were jetlagged after arriving from San Francisco that very day. Excusing themselves before going into their bungalow for the night, they agreed to meet up with their new French friends in the morning.

As Carolyn and Barbara began undressing for bed, Carolyn could talk about no other subject than Monique: "Isn't she absolutely darling?" Carolyn gushed. "She's only 15, and so pretty, and she speaks three languages." Barbara was a little surprised when she found out that the French girl was only 15-years-old.

Carolyn excitedly continued: "Three languages. I guess they just get a better education in Europe. By they way, Monique promised to teach me to body surf tomorrow. i can hardly wait!"

Barbara was now naked as she smiled at her golden-haired 18-year-old lover. "I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time tomorrow. Now let's get some sleep."

Carolyn was topless as she kissed her lover. Barbara had just enough strength to caress each of Carolyn's firm 36-C breasts before almost collapsing into bed. Carolyn removed her panties and slid into bed as she said, "I want to give you a little thank you for the trip."

With a mischievous smile, Carolyn began gently licking Barbara's dark-haired pussy as her older lover gently drifted off to sleep with a smile on her face.

As they had so many times before, Barbara and Carolyn woke up the next morning with their naked bodies sexily entwined.

This time Barbara planted her body atop the naked, blonde, 18-year-old, saying: "I'm sorry I fell asleep. Let me make it up to you." With that, Barbara began licking and sucking Carolyn's large breasts as she rapidly finger-fucked the teenager to a good morning orgasm.

Monique, in the bungalow next door, could easily hear Carolyn's moans and cries of sexual pleasure. Monique's hand reached beneath her beach shorts and began rubbing her hairless young pussy as she listened to Carolyn and Barbara enjoying lesbian sex.

Dialing for room service, it was delivered by a very attractive Thai girl who couldn't have been more than 17-years-old, The server was wearing a very tiny bikini which revealed her shapely ass. She introduced herself: "My name is Apsara. If you need my special services, please ask for me." The pretty Thai girl then exited the bungalow.

Carolyn looked at Barbara quizzically. "Apsara is a little hottie," Carolyn remarked. "Was she saying to us that she was on the room service menu?" Barbara shrugged. Thailand was surely not Omaha, Nebraska.

After eating breakfast and feeling rejuvenated after their long trip, Barbara and Carolyn walked hand in hand as they surveyed the resort grounds in the morning light. There were only a handful of other bungalows in the pricey resort. Most of the guests seemed to be milling around or sitting on the beautiful beach.

A middle-aged German lesbian couple introduced themselves to Barbara and Carolyn. Carolyn had the familiar, but uncomfortable feeling that they were undressing her with their eyes. She had had numerous similar experiences since the age of 12. It was always kind of weird.

Carolyn noticed that most of the guests appeared to be middle-aged or older, no doubt due to the high cost of the vacation. Other than Monique, the only other girl around her age appeared to be a very tall, very slender, topless Black girl who was being held very tightly and possessively by a short, stocky woman who seemed to be in her 50's.

Suddenly, a pair of hands reached around Carolyn and covered her eyes. It was Monique, along with her mother. "Good morning, sleepy head," the 15-year-old said. "I've been up for hours." Carolyn smiled affectionately at the young girl.

Monique looked at Carolyn disappointedly. "I thought we were going to the beach? You are not in a bathing suit, I think?" Monique's small buttocks was exposed in her T-back thong, and she was wearing only a thin, white T-shirt which barely concealed her clearly erect, braless brown nipples.

Carolyn excused herself to go into her bungalow to change into her bikini. Carolyn asked Barbara to help her apply some sunscreen. Before Barbara could react, Monique cried out, "I will help," and quickly followed Carolyn into the bungalow.

Isobel smiled at Barbara. "I think Monique has, how do you say? A crush on Carolyn. Do you mind?" "Not at all," Barbara cheerfully replied. After a few seconds of reflection, Barbara wondered if she had just given permission for the 15-year-old girl to have sex with her young lover?

"Why don't we sit in the sand and talk while the young people play in the water." This seemed a good suggestion as Barbara was anxious to get some sun.

Walking into the bungalow, Barbara could see that Carolyn was now wearing just her small bikini bottoms. Monique was happily rubbing white sunscreen all over Carolyn's nearly-naked body, paying particular attention to Carolyn's magnificent, large breasts.

Seeing Barbara, Monique turned a bright shade of red. "This is alright?" Monique sheepishly asked. "Of course," replied Barbara. The 38-year-old began to undress and change into her own two-piece swimsuit.

Monique resumed rubbing sunscreen on her tall, blonde, new friend. The young girl was momentarily distracted as Barbara was now standing in the room naked as she changed clothes. Looking eagerly at Barbara, Monique said sincerely, "You are very beautiful." "Merci," Barbara replied graciously, with a little wink.

Carolyn whispered something in Monique's ear. In a matter of moments, Carolyn and Monique were giggling, and gleefully rubbing sunscreen into Barbara's naked body.

Carolyn was wearing her matching black bikini top as she and Monique exited the bungalow. The small, black top barely covered her areolae, and her large breasts looked like they were fighting to escape from the restricting fabric,

Making the walk towards the crashing waves of the cool blue water, Carolyn was stopped by Monique. "What are you doing, Carolyn?" Carolyn looked at the younger teen with a puzzled look.

"No one wears a top at the beach," Monique explained. With one quick pull, Monique untied Carolyn's bikini top. Carolyn removed her top and tossed it in the general direction of Isobel who was sitting in the sand on a beach chair.

Monique, likewise, squirmed out of her thin t-shirt and threw it towards her mother. Carolyn gazed appreciatively at the beautiful, waifish, 15-year-old. Monique's slender body was head-to-toe a deliciously golden brown, with not a hint of tan lines. Her little, red, thong bathing suit bottom barely covered the slit of her young pussy. Monique's most prominent feature, however, were her perky and pointy, adolescent breasts. Seeing them. Carolyn had the urge to put them into her eager mouth, but instead ran toward the water.

All eyes seemed to be on the beautiful young girls as their breasts bounced and their asses jiggled as they ran on the sand, then dove into the water. The two German lesbians seemed particularly admiring, as they gazed longingly at the ravishing teenage girls.

Carolyn and Monique began splashing in the water as the waves crashed over them. Like two puppies they began to play and wrestle joyfully, as if they were the only two girls in the world. Their happy laughter could be heard on the beach.

Barbara pulled up her beach chair to sit next to Isobel, who was wearing a large sun hat and sunglasses. Isobel was topless. Her breasts were small for a grown woman, but not unattractive. Isobel's breasts were pointy like Monique's.

Sitting down, Barbara marveled at the beautiful blue water. She gave a satisfied sigh. It was good to be on vacation after the long school year. Eager to start on her tan, Barbara removed her bathing suit top, revealing her firm, 34-B breasts.

As Barbara prepared to apply more sunscreen to her bare breasts, Isobel took an impulsive liberty, briefly caressing and squeezing one of Barbara's breasts before acknowledging, "They're very nice."

Isobel drew her hand back and the two women wordlessly smiled at each other. Their eyes then returned to the girls and the crashing waves.

Even Barbara could see that the teenagers seemed exceptionally drawn to one another as they played and tumbled in the cooling water. Barbara noticed that as the teenagers joyfully wrestled in the surf, their hands were all over each of their young bodies, often "accidentally" brushing against the other's nubile breasts.

As Isobel looked at the frolicking teens, she asked Barbara, "Do you think they will make love? I believe that Monique is ready emotionally, and she is smitten by Carolyn. She is so beautiful."

Barbara answered, "Car is a big girl, and she is free to do what she wishes."

Changing what she perceived might be a sore subject, Isobel said: "Barbara, why don't you join me tomorrow? There is the most marvelous open-air market about an hour's drive from here. Then we can get a "special massage." The salon has the most beautiful girls.

The whole idea seemed wonderful to Barbara. She graciously accepted. Barbara wanted to see more of Thailand besides the beautiful resort, and a massage would do her good, she thought.

Isobel and Barbara chatted amiably while Monique cradled Carolyn's nearly-naked torso as she taught the 18-year-old to body surf.

Finally exhausted, the two teenage girls eventually walked up from the surf. Carolyn's large 36-C breasts swayed suggestively as she negotiated her way through the soft sand. Isobel's eyes seemed to be locked onto the 18-year-old's beautiful body, which was covered only by a very small thong bikini bottom, which barely covered her silky, blonde pussy hairs. Carolyn's boobs shook enticingly as she briskly dried her blonde hair with a beach towel.

While Isobel was admiring Carolyn, Barbara was soaking in the head-to-toe golden-tan body of 15-year-old Monique. The 15-year-old's pubescent breasts were delightfully pointy while they continued to bud to maturity on her slender, tan chest.

The foursome agreed to meet for dinner in the restaurant that night. Both parties then returned to their respective bungalows.

Carolyn headed directly for the shower, saying that she wanted to wash off the salt water and sand before taking a nap.

Returning from the shower naked, and with a towel on her head, Carolyn laid face down on the bed. Barbara softly petted and stroked Carolyn's back and athletic, bubble-butt until the teenage beauty fell asleep.

Dinner was awkward for Barbara. She felt as though she was chaperoning two teenagers on a date as Carolyn and Monique amiably chatted and laughed at each other's silly jokes.

As Carolyn and Barbara walked back to her bungalow, Carolyn noticed Apsara, the pretty Thai server, exiting the bungalow of the older German couple. Apsara struggled to adjust her bikini bottoms as the older women continued to paw her topless torso.

Apsara gave each of the women a final kiss as she put on her bikini top and walked into the night.

Returning to their bungalow, Carolyn, with a concerned look on her face asked Barbara: "Are you mad at me?" Barbara touched Carolyn's face and smiled, "Of course not, darling." Barbara knew that she had been cool to her young lover at dinner.

Beginning to undress, Barbara resumed the conversation with her back turned to Carolyn: "You really like that little girl, don't you?" The 18-year-old paused before answering. "I guess so," said Carolyn. She's a lot of fun." "That's not quite what I meant," continued the older woman."

Barbara turned around to show that Carolyn that she wasn't angry or jealous. "Do you want to have sex with Monique?" Carolyn carefully paused before answering, "Um, I guess so." Carolyn answered honestly. "To tell the truth, she's so young, and a virgin..." Carolyn then added, "I don't know if she's ready, or would even want to. I don't want to end up with her thinking I'm a molester.":

Carolyn continued: "She is obviously very flirty with me. I guess I need to eventually find out what she wants. Yes, I'd love to lick her little pussy and those pointy tits!"

Barbara then explained that she and Isobel would be going on an excursion for several hours the following day. Then Barbara joked, "It would be the perfect time to give it the old college try."

"You're the best, Barbara," Carolyn said, giving her older lover a firm, closed-mouth kiss. Carolyn then began opening her legs as she sat on the couch. Barbara was soon on her knees and was petting Carolyn's 18-year-old blonde pelt while her tongue began to satisfy her 5'9" lover. The two would make passionate love until the early morning.

Carolyn was still lounging naked in bed as she watched Barbara put on a pretty, floral print dress for her excursion with Isobel.

Kissing Carolyn, Barbara said sincerely, "Good luck." No explanation was needed as she exited the bungalow. Carolyn soon heard Isobel's rental car drive away.

Shopping in the open-air market was fun and interesting. Barbara purchased two light floral floral dresses for Carolyn before driving with Isobel to the spa.

The women-only spa was spartan compared to some of the more luxurious facilities that Barbara had visited in the United States.

Barbara selected and paid for an oil massage. She was allowed to pick from among several attractive bikini-clad Thai women of various ages. Barbara selected a beautiful girl of about 25. Her long, straight, black hair went down to the middle of her dark, slender back. The young woman's breasts seemed unusually large for an Asian. Perhaps they were surgically enhanced Barbara thought. Barbara had a thing for boobs.

Isobel said a few words in Thai and then paid her money as both women went to the massage room to undress.

There were no private rooms, only one larger area with three massage tables. Naked, Isobel and Barbara placed towels on their rear ends as they laid on their individual tables. The massage tables were set up in a way that the guests could also voyeuristically glimpse the nude massages of others.

Barbara's masseuse was the first to enter the room. Still dressed in a bikini, the shapely young woman quickly removed it as she warmed the oil for Barbara's massage.

The dark-skinned Thai girl was attractively slender with a full, dark bush. Her breasts were sizable, with deep brown nipples, and stood out prominently from her chest as she bent over the prone Barbara, and began to softly apply oil, and massaging Barbra's nude body.

Isobel looked on as the masseuse eventually found her way between Barbara's butt cheeks and slightly open legs. The pretty Thai woman began to gently rub and finger Barbara's pussy as the 38-year-old softly moaned her approval.

Barbara was momentarily jarred out of her bliss when Isobel's tiny masseuse walked in, dressed in a black robe. Removing the robe, it was quickly discernable that Isobel's masseuse was a little Thai girl of not more than 12-years-old. The pretty, preadolescent had clearly not yet hit puberty. Her chest was completely flat like a young boy, and her tiny slit was smooth, and completely hairless.

Isobel was now sitting naked on the massage table. She welcomed the young girl, Kamala, by name and a tender kiss as she helped the tiny girl onto the massage table. Kamala had obviously serviced Isobel before.

Barbara was mesmerized by the scene unfolding before her. She seemed to no longer notice that her own masseuse was now aggressively finger-fucking her pussy.

Barbara had heard from lesbian friends that preteen girls were available for sex in Thailand, but now she was watching it with her own disbelieving eyes, as Isobel and Kamala seemed to be engaged in a well-practiced routine.

Reversing roles, the "tween" girl laid flat on her back. Her knees were up and her legs were open. Kamala's hairless pussy was being eagerly admired by Isobel. The French woman then ran her hands sensually across the undeveloped body of the young Thai girl. Isobel stopped to caress and lick the Thai girl's juvenile brown nipples.

Feeling some pain and hearing a slapping sound behind her, Barbara noticed that her masseuse was now almost-violently assaulting her pussy with her hand. The Thai woman was apparently jealous that Barbara's attention had been drawn to the pretty, naked little girl.

Meanwhile, Isobel was now between the 12-year-old girl's slender legs. A single finger disappeared in and out of Kamala's bald, tight, vagina before Isobel's tongue began to ravage it with the ferocity of a hungry lioness.

Simultaneously, Barbara's masseuse flipped her onto her back. She regained Barbara's undivided attention by passionately tongue-kissing the high school teacher and pleasurably rubbing Barbara's B-cup breasts with the warm oil.

Barbara happily began to squeeze and caress her masseuse's showy boobs, which were soon placed in Barbara's willingly receptive mouth.

Kamala was busily lapping Isobel's pussy as the French woman straddled her young face. Isobel leaned forward and reintroduced her active hands to Kamala's tight, preteen pussy.

As the time that the women had prepaid for began to expire, the sexual intensity was soon raised like the grand finale of a fireworks show.

Barbara's masseuse was now furiously eating her pussy while her free hands madly caressed the 38-year-old's fit, Western body. Barbara experienced a welcome orgasm before the masseuse bowed and placed her hands together as she exited the room. Isobel later informed Barbara that it was known as a "Wai," and it was a sign of respect.

Kamala was now lying flat on her little stomach. Isobel's tongue and fingers were penetrating forcefully into the 12-year-old's anus. Kamala's legs flailed wildly in response.

Isobel and Barbara showered wordlessly side-by-side, removing the sticky oil from their naked bodies. Isobel, feeling that she somehow owed Barbara an explanation, looked directly at the school teacher and said, "I adore little girls... and beautiful women as well." The French woman leaned in to kiss Barbara under the streaming warm water. The women then began to erotically soap and stroke each other's naked bodies while their tongues continued to dance together.

It was getting dark as the two women drove back to the resort. Barbara and Isobel were each absorbed in their own private thoughts, wondering how Carolyn and Monique were getting along during their prolonged absence. The two women also speculated as to whether they would take their new relationship beyond simply fondling in the shower?

The End of Part 2. Stay tuned for more fun in Thailand.

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