My Touchy Roommate

By Kels Brecter

Published on Oct 14, 2010



It started shortly after I moved in; the constant touching, hands on my shoulder, a brush against my arm, sitting right up next to me at the dinner table, a kiss and a hug good night, a kiss and a hug every time one of us left the house, a kiss and a hug good morning, wanting to massage my feet, wanting to do my hair; on and on it went. Good grief dude, were roommates, not a couple, and I wanted to keep it that way. I was not looking for a partner and I was not looking for hook-ups, I had my hot ass fuck buddy on the side and that is exactly how I intended to keep things.

Eventually I had to have the talk, "I like you as a friend," I told him, as nicely as I could, "But I'm not interested in anything beyond that." He said he understood, and then everything would be fine, for a while, like two days, then it would slowly start all over again. A brush up against my leg at the movie.

Its not that I did not find him attractive, because he is a good looking man and can get anybody he wants with a smile and a grab of his crotch. He is tall, blonde, puppy eyed and rugged with kind of a Brokeback Mountain kind of look. And a huge dick; huge. So it was never anything personal, but even if I did not already have a fuck buddy I don't think I would have been interested, just not my type, I prefer the skinny runts a little younger than me with perhaps a bit of color, and with a dick that can slide nicely down my throat without dislocating my jaw.

I moved in during a transitional time in my life; I was having a hard time paying the bills and in a job that had not given me any kind of raise in over five years; I was at a dead end with no way out. That was until my friend offered me a spare room at his place with rent practically at the price of dirt, so I took advantage of the opportunity to try a career change. Since I had always enjoyed writing for myself I decided to see if I could make a go at it as a career, or at least as a second income, so I checked out a bunch of 'how to write your first novel' books from the library, and moved in with the intention of just being left alone with my books, paper, and a type writer.

It was much more difficult than I thought, writing was no longer fun, I now had to worry about grammar, punctuation, character development, flow, structure and style. I had to learn about how to publish a book and all the different agents and publishing companies out there, which was a bit overwhelming with so many options from old school publishers to new age e-books and online publishing, all of them wanting me to submit my stories according to their guidelines: this one only accepts stories written in times new roman while this one wants only bookman old style, this one wants double space and this one wants no space, one wants two inch margins and that one wants three inch margins, cover letters and no cover letters, mail only and online only, jps format and ebgb format. It was all becoming too much, trying to write a first novel, learning how to publish it and a roommate popping his head in my door every half hour asking if he can touch me?again. I wanted to scream. So when he saw how stressed I was becoming he came up with the perfect solution?for him; "How about a massage?" He offered, again and again. So?I gave in, he really has done so much for me and if all he asks for in return is an opportunity to touch me, and I get a massage out of it, then why fight it, it's a win win. Plus, he is even a licensed massage therapist so he must be pretty good at it.

On the evening of the massage I took a shot of Jagger, shook my head and went in the massage parlor in the house, flickering candles and soft music filled the empty space. Stripping down to nothing I climbed on the table, then just before I hid my face in that soft circular think at the end of the table I saw my roommate enter the room in only his boxers, I was not looking for a happy ending but I should have known then that perhaps he had different intentions.

I took a couple deep breaths and told myself to relax as I heard him squeeze the oil bottle and then his hands rubbing together, quickly. Those hands then touched my back; warm, soft, soothing. I took another deep breath, letting it out slowly as I allowed myself to melt to his sensuous touch. Warm. Smooth. Bliss. It was nice, the silky smooth hands slid over my butt to my legs, my feet, tenderly massaging each one, every toe, back up my legs, over my butt and up to my shoulders. He moved to the head of the table to focus on my neck and shoulders, smoothing out the sore and tired muscles. It felt good and I took another deep breath to relax into it. For just a moment I opened my eyes and saw his dick through the circular pad I was resting my face in, he was hard, and all wrapped up in a bright orange condom. I couldn't believe it, what was he thinking, and when did he slide out of his boxers? A bit of panic came over me and I did not know what to do, should I get up and leave? But I was enjoying the massage so much I did not want to end it, or say anything to distract him. I quickly closed my eyes and pretended not to notice; maybe it was just some fetish he had to wear condoms.

He circled around me and continued to work on my back for almost another hour, I was totally allowing myself to let go, drifting off into a hazy sleepful bliss. His hands went to my butt again, cupping a muscle in each hand, squeezing, and then?I felt a twitch of arousal, down there. Or was it? Maybe it was just the way my body moved under his touch, but my dick felt good.

"Roll over and I will work on your front now," he whispered. So I did, keeping my eyes closed and taking another deep breath to settle into the new position on my back. He rubbed his hands together again and then placed them onto my chest, smooth and warm, as he worked my pecs, then my abs, then my hips and inner thighs, every now and then lightly brushing up against my balls or my soft dick as he rubbed his hands over me. Blood began to rush downward and in seconds my dick was engorged with it. It did not happen slowly, I did not sense it coming, not that I could have stopped it if I tried. My body was completely relaxed, almost in a hypnotic trance as my dick throbbed mid air above my stomach.

I did not know what to do, and could not move anyway. I was flooded with emotions of complete relaxation and arousal at the same time; my dick was screaming "oh for the love God just touch me, please, touch me for just a minute." And my mind was screaming "no, don't! Go soft-go soft, this can't be happening." But my dick was not listening; he was ready to go and was not coming down until he got the attention he was looking for.

My roommate continued to work around my body, massaging, ignoring the raging hard on in front of him. Part of me was grateful that he was being a professional, these things happen, but I knew that he was teasing me?no, torturing me, for all the times I had pushed him away. I knew that if I opened my eyes I would see a big smile on his face as if to say "pay backs a bitch isn't it!"

He massaged me for about another twenty or thirty minutes, all the while my dick becoming more and more angry as he was being ignored, twitching with each spasm that ran through him as he continued to beg for a simple touch, just one simple stroke. My breathing went from long simple breaths to quick gasps of air as my entire body was in a spasm from his touch, I could not wait for the massage to end so I could run to my room and take care of it, but I was feeling so good and relaxed.

My roommate moved to my feet again and placed his palms on the bottom of them, pushing forward until my knees bent as my legs went up in the air, stretching as he pushed. He climbed up on the bottom of the table as he placed his shoulders under my knees and pushed his torso on the under part of my legs, pushing his weight onto me as he stretched my legs and lower back. I wondered if he did this move with all his clients or if I was getting the special treatment. It was a bit uncomfortable, yet erotic and good too.

He repositioned himself, keeping my legs over his shoulders and resting his dick against my crack, it was then that I noticed just how big he really is; I think I whimpered a little, still fighting the feelings that were flooding my body of wanting it, but pushing it away. He pulled his dick away from my ass and I heard the squeeze of the oil bottle again as a stream soaked my hole, building up a puddle. The oil bottle dropped to the floor and seconds later the massive mushroom head of my roommates cock was pressing against my tightness. I tried to tighten up but I was too relaxed from the massage.

"Please. Don't. Stop." I heard over and over again in my mind. I really did want to yell at him to stop but I didn't, I just laid there, eyes closed, legs up. I didn't want it, I was scared, all I wanted was a simple massage and now I was being taken advantage of. God, I was loving it.

He pressed forward and there was a slight pop as the head of his cock broke in, I squirmed and wiggled and he stopped, allowing me to catch my breath. Soon as I relaxed he pushed forward again.

Remember when I told you earlier that I like a nice dick that can slide nicely down my throat without cracking open my jaw? Well that goes for bottoming too, I'm not like most bottoms, as in I'm not up for the challenge of seeing just how far I can be split open. But that's just what was happening to me now as he pressed into me. My ass had never taken that kind of abuse so I know I had to be tight for him, and I could tell it was a struggle for him to push it in. "Please. Don't. Stop," I said to myself again as I grit my teeth from the pain, a groan escaping from my jaw while he moaned in pleasure. Finally, what felt like ten minutes but was probably only two, if that, he was all the way inside me. I felt a smile on my face, I was proud of myself for the accomplishment. Then quickly clenching my jaw again in anger, how dare he force this onto me!

"Please. Don't stop!" I heard again, but this time I think it was out loud, I'm not sure. In long, slow strokes he slid his dick up and down in my tight red hole, while my body squirmed under him, spreading my legs apart to allow him more access, to allow him room to slam into me harder and harder, and he did. A drop of sweat landed on my forehead and I screamed in pleasure as my nut sack tightened up, wanting to push a load out. I was close. I was there. So soon? I didn't want to cum, that would only prove to him that I enjoyed it, so I tried to fight it, hoping that he would cum first then I could still run to my room to take care of it myself, or call my fuck buddy. My throbbing dick still had not been touched but he was getting all the attention he could handle, he was happy, he felt fucking good.

Another drop of sweat landed on my forehead and my roommate began to mumble through his breath. "Oh my God, you are so fucking tight?so tight?you feel so good." His body tightened up and he fucked me fast, furious. "You feel so fucking amazing?I'm gonna?Oh man, I'm gonna?." He didn't need to say what he was about to do, he just did it; his entire body trembled as he came deep inside of me, his breath almost stopping, then gasping. Another drop of sweat.

I arched my back, throwing my head back and spread my legs as I screamed in my head, "I fucking hate you for doing this to me," just as a gush of cum shot upward onto my stomach to my chest, drenching my torso. Then just as I thought I was done I came again, another quick squirt onto my pubes and stomach as my body shuddered once again. I took a minute to catch my breath then felt my body relax, almost numb as I melted back into the table, my eyes still closed.

Only then did my roommate pull out of me and gently lay my legs back down on the table. I heard foot-steps across the floor, and then the closing of the door. I lay there for a long time, not sure how to feel. Was it relief? I picked up a towel and cleaned myself up before tip toeing to my room and climbing into bed.

We never talked of the 'massage,' and he never attempted to hit on me again, respecting my boundaries from that day forward. And the funny thing is, our friendship became strong after that, so I suppose we both just had to get that out of the way, release some tension in order to move on. So If I can learn anything from this experience it's that I should let my boundaries slip a little, relax, have some fun and fuck all my new friends when we first meet. Get it out of the way kind of thing.

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