My Weird Little Sex Life

By The Gargoyle

Published on May 18, 2005


Contents of entire work:

Part 1: AGE 5 (background, feet, mast) THREE APPROACHES (mm seduction, no sex) AGE 13-15 (mast, exhib) AGE 16-17 (exhib) OLD MACDONALD (M/F/m-teen, voy, first time)

Part 2: HIGH SCHOOL (fant, mast, no sex) OUT (mast, mm-teens, oral, first time gay)

Part 3: [untitled] (M/m-teen, mast, feet, oral, anal) GERALD (background, feet, M/m-teen)

Part 4: LIFE WITH GERALD (MM, mm-teens, MMM, oral, mast, exhib,)

Part 5 THE INCREDIBLE TRAVIS (Mm, MMm, MMFm, exhib, feet)

These chapters coming soon:

Part 6 GERALD REVISITED (MMM, M/m-teen, exhib, group)

Part 7 WORSHIPPING TRAVIS (Mm, Fm, feet, exhib, oral)

Part 8 FATHER FIGURE (Mm, fm, mast, feet) SERGE (MM, MMM, group, oral, anal, exhib) EPILOGUE (MM)

My Weird Little Sex Life Part 5

By The Gargoyle

The following content is absolutely true. I've altered most of the biographical and geographical names in effort to maintain anonymity and also to avoid duplication of given names, which I know can be confusing.


I answered a newspaper ad. A recreational indoor (arena) soccer team needed a few players. I was invited to try out. At the arena I was introduced to a handful of players including an extraordinarily beautiful teenager named Travis. He was about 5' 8'', smooth skinned with an adorably cute face and a very slim but sturdy body. He was a lightning fast runner.

After practice we hit the showers. I saw Travis naked. He was stunning. The sight of his smooth little firm body took my breath away. He had the most adorable narrow pert little ass I've ever seen to this day.

I made the team.

After our fist league game we showered, dressed and gathered at a local bar that sponsored the team. Pitchers of beer flowed liberally. The bar keepers thought the soccer league was strictly 19-and-over (drinking age). We didn't let on otherwise and several underage players drank all season. Travis drank enthusiastically and being small, got drunk quickly.

I spotted an old friend I hadn't seen since high school and I went to talk to him. While away from the table I heard quite a commotion from the team - uproarious laughter and carrying on.

I finally excused myself from the old friend and returned to the table. Travis, quite drunk, leaned across the fellow sitting between us and said loudly, "Hey Chad, come here, I wanna tell you a secret!"

Who was I to decline the wishes of such a beautiful boy? I dutifully leaned towards him, presenting him my ear as our teammates quieted and watched us. His lips approached my ear and then - he kissed me on the cheek! The gang exploded with laughter. I'd been had. Apparently he'd already snookered one or two others with this rather odd gag.

"Look, he's smiling! He liked it!" joked one of our teammates as he pointed at me. He didn't realize this was the truth. I only regretted it wasn't on the lips!

After our second league game I was under the shower next to Travis when he loudly announced, "Hey Chad, come here I've got a secret for you!" We all laughed. There was no kiss this time of course.

A core group of us became good friends and sometimes the six of us would gather at my place after the bar closed and drink some more. Travis would often walk all the way home from there in effort to sober up before getting home. His mother was very religious and not approving of alcohol - underage or not. Other times he would leave with his best friend John and crash at his place.

At one game John proposed to Travis that they just spend the night at my place afterward as I'd offered on more than one occasion. Travis agreed. I was ecstatic. I knew Gerry would approve as he'd met Travis and also found him adorable. The guys thought I was straight and Gerry was my roommate.

But John and Travis's girlfriends had come to watch the game and decided to come out with the team afterward. It looked like our plans would not come to be. Travis ended up getting extremely drunk and got into an argument with his girlfriend Sherry. As we left the bar the argument got out of control and suddenly Sherry was crying and Travis was marching away down the street. John and the others rushed to Sherry's side and I alone followed Travis. He was a mess - mentally that is. He'd always behaved in such a happy-go- lucky manner. This was new territory. He said some very disturbing things. He said he should just kill himself. This struck me sharply. I didn't know him well enough to realize this was nothing but the ramblings of a drunk teenager. I stepped in front of him, halting his march and I took his sweet face in both my hands, forcing him to look at me.

"You're not gonna kill yourself," I said earnestly. "There are people who love you!" He looked at me wide-eyed. I was referring to his mom and girlfriend but deep down, I suddenly realized - I was talking about me. I worried for a moment I'd said too much.

He stormed on and I followed along. Somehow during his ranting he kicked off one running shoe. I rescued it and carried it for him. I think he was heading for home but I managed to steer him to my house.

Gerry wasn't home yet. Travis slumped down on the couch. I poured him a large glass of water but he wouldn't take it. I sat beside him on the couch. He said mournful things. I was scared. I didn't know if he might be suicidal. He cried. I put my arm around him. He lay his head on my shoulder. I was overwhelmed by the tenderness of the moment. Here I was basically cuddling with the most beautiful boy I'd seen since Kyle - except I was starting to fall for Travis in an even bigger way than I did with Kyle. And Travis was becoming even more beautiful to my eyes then Kyle had been.

The phone rang. I went to it. It was John. He correctly guessed that we'd came to my place.

"Jesus Christ, John! Is this kid suicidal or what? You gotta get over here!" John told me to relax. He explained that this happens sometimes and not to worry. Travis was just drunk. He wouldn't do anything crazy. They were taking Sherry home. Travis was my responsibility alone.

Travis had meanwhile stumbled to the bathroom. I heard him puking into the toilet. When I finally got off the phone I found Travis lying on the bathroom floor. There was puke on his shirt and on the floor. He was pretty much out of it. I pulled him to a sitting position and leaned him against the tub. Thankfully he was only 130 lbs and easy to manhandle. He'd somehow got a bit of vomit in his hair.

"Come on buddy. You're going in the shower." I pulled his shirt off him. He was a rag doll. He co-operated to the small degree his semi-consciousness allowed. I pulled his socks off him. He had beautiful feet - size 8 and very smooth. I was stunned that I'd never really noticed how cute his feet were before.

"Come on, stand up! Let's get your pants off!" I couldn't believe this was happening. I wrapped my arms around his sleek naked torso and lifted. He cooperated. I leaned him against the wall and unbuttoned his jeans. I dragged down the zipper. My heart was beating like a hammer. This crazy episode was becoming the most erotic encounter I'd ever had. I started to pull his pants down.

"I'm okay," he blurted. He stumbled out of his jeans and struggled to free himself from his white underwear. He was naked. There wasn't one millimeter of space on his body I wouldn't be thrilled to lick. I'd have licked his puke off him if he'd offered! He was that sexy. I wrapped one arm around his narrow waist and turned on the water with the other.

I guided Travis under the spray. The water hit my clothes. It hit the floor. I couldn't have cared less. I was prepared to stay there and hold him. I was prepared to wash him myself. Good god, how I wanted to do that.

"I'm okay," he said again. He was snapping out of it. I left him to wash himself.

One of the couches pulled out into a bed. I dressed it up with two sheets. No blankets. It was warm in the house.

He wandered into the room in just a towel and wet hair, looking unbearably cute and sexy.

"Where'm I sleepin?"

"Right here."

He dropped the towel and fell onto the bed.

I went and gathered up his clothes - everything - and put them in the laundry. I went back upstairs to find Gerry home. He stood staring at the couch, mouth agape.

"Is that Travis?" he gasped.


"He's naked!"


"You stripped him naked? Are you crazy? What's he gonna think when he wakes up?"

I explained the situation. Gerry went to bed. I stayed up to stare at Travis's body and jerk off. I came several times.

The next morning I found Travis sitting at the kitchen table wearing just a sheet. He didn't remember a single thing from the night before. I told him everything - except the jerking off of course.

"So was I walking around here naked?" he asked, grinning adorably.

"No." - not nearly for long enough, I wanted to add but refrained.

I fetched his clothes from the laundry. He dropped the sheet and dressed right in front of me. I tried not to stare.

I was now officially infatuated with Travis. His face, his body, his sweet demeanor. I loved everything about him. I desperately wished to spend another night alone with him but there was no prospect for that to happen. I came up with a plan. It was devious. I'm not proud of this.

Travis is a New York Giants fan. I bought tickets- Giants vs. Redskins. I paid a fortune for them. And if the plan failed it would mean a lot of hard-earned money up in smoke.

We were out drinking after the game as usual. I told him a co-worker had Giants tickets he didn't want and offered them to me because I'm a Redskins fan. This was entirely a lie. Travis was thrilled. He wanted to go. He'd never been to an NFL game before. It was a long drive, I explained. I wanted to get a hotel room. I would pay for it. He was agreeable. I was thrilled. I went out and bought a Redskins jersey.

I don't remember the game. I bought us plenty of beers and watched Travis get drunk. We partied after the game and eventually cabbed it to the hotel. I'd made sure to get a room with one bed only. He slept in just his white underwear. I cherished the experience of lying beside him in bed. I was too afraid to touch him.

In the morning we watched TV in bed. He lay on top of the covers, still in just his undies. He leaned against the headboard with his right foot flat on the bed, his right knee up and his left ankle crossed over his right knee. I lay to his right and I stared at the sole of his foot for the longest time. This boy had the cutest face, sexiest body, sweetest butt and cutest feet I'd ever seen. He was a walking jackpot of sexuality. It was all overwhelming.

Travis and I were becoming good friends. I was falling ever so much in love with him. I confessed this to Gerald. He didn't mind at all. He was also entranced with Travis's adorable looks and sexy body and urged me to take advantage of any situation I could.

I dreamed of being Travis's best friend. I dreamed of being able to take him in my arms and hug him. I dreamed of being privileged to rub his feet. I couldn't imagine being so lucky as to have any of these things come true. Little did I know.

I came out of the closet to John and to Travis. Both were totally cool with it but urged me not to tell anyone else on the team.

The Jersey trip for a Giants game would become a tradition. The next season we got to two games. At the first game Travis joined me in the hotel lobby when I went in to register. The bastard at the desk saw that our room had just one bed and offered us a room with two beds. Same price. Travis was right there, so I was forced to agree. I was heartbroken.

He got very drunk again. Back at the hotel he stripped off his shirt and laid down on the bed - on top of the covers. He was passed out in no time. I was frightfully nervous. I knew what I had to do. I carefully laid down on his bed beside him. I was uncontrollably nervous. My heart was pounding so hard I imagined it was shaking the whole bed. I couldn't seem to calm myself. I wanted so bad to somehow cuddle with him but what would he do if he awoke and caught me in his bed?

All of a sudden he was awake and throwing up! He didn't even notice my presence until I grabbed him and lifted him upright. He soiled that bed something awful!

He showered and emerged in just his underwear - boxers now. I invited him to share my bed. I'd rolled all his sheets into a ball and stuffed them in the far corner of the room but his mattress was damp. He accepted. These were smaller beds. He fell asleep. I rolled onto my side facing him. I put my arm around him. I loved it. I must have laid awake for an hour gently holding him.

He awoke suddenly. I pretended to be asleep. He took my wrist and gently lifted my arm off him and slipped out of bed to use the bathroom. He never said anything about my arm being around him.

We continued playing soccer the next season. After a game Travis alone came to my place. Gerry was out. We didn't drink. We just talked. He was going to stay the night and removed his shirt as he got ready for bed. I desperately wanted to share that pull-out couch with him.

I became very emotional. I confessed my love for him. I cried and cried. He was very understanding. He wasn't like Kyle at all.

"I'd give anything to hug you," I said through tears. "Anything."

"Okay," he said. I couldn't believe it. I invited him to put his shirt back on. I wanted to demonstrate that it wasn't about sex - even though it was to a large degree. He didn't bother re-dressing. I wrapped a thin bed sheet around him and then I put my arms around him. It was the sweetest thing that had ever happened to me. I held him tight. He hugged me back.

"You don't have to hug me back," I said.

"That's okay," he said. I held him close. I wanted him to feel the tenderness. I wanted him to feel the sincerity. It felt to me that my poor overburdened heart was finally releasing this tremendous mass of love that was running through my arms and into him. I wanted him to feel that love.

"I don't want to let go," I pleaded.

"That's okay," he said. He was so kind to me. He's not gay, if that's what you're thinking. I've never doubted he's straight. But while he has a lot of hang-ups and insecurities about certain things, he's always been entirely comfortable with his body and with all things sexual.

I caressed the back of his head and his neck. I kissed him on the cheek and finally pulled away.

This was the first of many many hugs and that wasn't the only liberty he would eventually grant me.

At the next Giants game we managed four tickets and John and Gerald came along. Only John got particularly drunk. The next morning Travis was in the shower when Gerald proposed we fill the ice bucket with cold water and dump it over Travis for a joke. I guess we weren't quiet enough about it and Travis caught on. As Gerald approached the shower, Travis whipped the curtain back and tried to upset the bucket onto Gerald. They both got doused. Gerald took the worst of it, getting his clothes wet but he was thrilled to finally see Travis's dick and wrestle with a gorgeous naked boy.

Gerald and I shared a lodge in cottage country with three other couples, two gay and one straight. We were all great friends. We spent most of our summer weekends their. John and Travis and their girlfriends rarely visited us there. They were just teenagers after all and my lodge buddies ranged from early 20's to early 40's at the time.

But John and Travis's group began to disintegrate. Both of them broke up with their girlfriends. Then their friendship turned sour. Travis had been fired from his job and blamed John (they were co-workers) for having a part in it. The others in the gang sided with John. I sided with Travis naturally. The feud became serious. We were ostricized, cut from the soccer team. I was thrilled! I wouldn't miss them one bit. This brought Travis and I much closer together. I became his only close friend. We found another soccer team who took us on. I asked him one day if we were best friends. He said yes. I was euphoric. I hugged him tenderly.

He started visiting us at the lodge more often and became friends with all our gay friends. They teased me about Travis. They knew damn well I had a thing for him.

"He looks 14!" they would tell me. They were right. Travis was a very late developer physically.

During one visit to the lodge I sat at one end of a couch while he sat at the other. I told him to give me his foot and I would give him a foot rub. It had taken me a long time to find the courage to propose this and I was very sad when he declined.

During another visit he lay on the couch with his eyes closed. I couldn't tell if he was sleeping or not. I moved fast. I grabbed his ankle, lifted it, turned and sat with his small socked foot in my lap and began to massage it. He opened his eyes, looked at me and closed them again. He didn't object!

I was so turned on and so nervous I thought I would have a heart attack. My face was burning. I must have been blushing something awful. After rubbing his foot and toes through his white sock for a while and absolutely loving every moment of it, I put it down and grabbed the other foot. Heart beating wildly I summoned all the courage I could muster and pulled off the sock. His warm smooth foot in my hands turned me on like nothing ever before in my life. I lovingly rubbed, caressed and fondled every toe and every inch of his foot and ankle. Then I put the sock back on for him.

"Thank you," was all he said. I went to the bathroom and dropped my pants. My shorts were full of pre-come even though I didn't recall having an erection during the footrub. I jerked off and came quickly. I kept jerking off and came again.

The next Friday I arrived at the lodge without Gerald. He had stopped coming regularly. But that evening he showed up unexpectedly with Travis in tow. Travis had phoned looking for me and asking if he could come to the lodge for the whole weekend! Knowing how much it would mean to me, Gerald brought him up. We all hit the booze pretty hard. Travis was drunk and I was on cloud nine, knowing he would probably share my bed that night. I would never have dreamed what a wild time was about to be had that night!

One of the other couples, Bill and Carson, had brought a friend as well. Her name was Lois. She was a top-heavy girl. She was straight and a self-admitted fag-hag. I've never seen her again since but I'll never forget her for the incredible favor she would unwittingly do me that night.

All ten of us were gathered around the bon-fire that evening after dark. We'd been drinking perhaps heavier then usual and the mood was campy, funny and merry. Travis was having a great time. At one point My buddies were teasing me about my end-of-night ritual, which was to always take a quiet walk by the lake with someone before retiring to bed. They were playfully ragging on me saying they'd all taken a turn and I would be on my own that night.

"Come on Chad, I'll go with you!" blurted Travis and stood to leave. The night was far from over but who was I to turn down a walk in the dark with a gorgeous drunk boy! I grabbed a couple extra beers and we headed away.

The lake wasn't far. We sat on a bench and talked quietly under a thousand stars. We listened to the loons calling. He said how lucky I was to have a place like this. He'd rarely been in such an environment in his life. He said it must be nice to sit on he dock and put your feet in the water!

"I don't know," I said. "Let's find out, shall we?" he immediately stripped off his runners and socks as did I and we walked down to the dock. I was in shorts and I sat at the end of the dock and put my legs in the mild water. Travis was wearing jeans. He started to join me then realized his pants were getting wet. So he stood up and took them off, joining me in just his tee shirt and boxers! I was delighted.

Travis confessed that he was turned on by Lois' big breasts and hinted he'd like to sleep with her. I knew he'd only ever slept with one girl - his ex girlfriend Sherry.

The dock shook. Gerald had appeared behind us. He whistled at Travis.

"Nice legs!" he praised.

"You know I never been skinny dipping!" announced Travis. Gerald and I looked at each other like we'd just one the lottery.

"We do all the time," said Gerald. This was a strategic lie of course. "I think I'll go for a dip now!" He added and began to disrobe. Travis scrambled to his feet and standing right beside me, facing me, he peeled off the tee shirt and dropped the shorts. I looked up at his beautiful naked dick. Gerald grabbed his bare little ass and Travis squealed playfully and thrust his groin forward to escape the groping, nearly whacking my forehead with his dick! I'm sure he was teasing us purposely. He was always very uninhibited when under the influence of alcohol.

The three of us horsed around in the water. Gerald took to grabbing Travis and "throwing" him at me! This gave us both plenty of opportunity to get our hands on his firm naked body.

When Travis decided he'd had enough he tried to climb back up on to the dock and of course Gerald and I helped him, getting liberal feels of his adorable ass in the process. We all climbed out and Gerald and I used our shirts to dry ourselves the best we could. We had extra clothes in the lodge of course. Travis began walking naked toward the lodge.

"I'll just dry off by the fire!" he declared.

"Whoa there!" said Gerald and grabbed his arm, leading him back, worried I suppose, what the others would say about a naked boy wandering around. I was fine with that idea. I thought Travis's body was the eighth wonder of the world and should be seen by everyone on the planet! And I knew Carson and Ray wouldn't mind. They'd both on separate occasions asked me enviously if I'd been sleeping with Travis. But whether their respective partners, Bill and Walt might get jealous or not, I didn't know.

I took Travis's tee shirt and somewhat dried him with it. He giggled as I buffed his butt cheeks. Then he again wandered off toward the lodge again, still naked.

"Chad!" Gerald growled, "Do something!"

"Who cares?" said I. "Don't worry about it." So he didn't. We got dressed and Gerald rounded up the boy's clothes while I returned to the campfire.

Ray and Walt had already gone inside to bed as had Mark, our straight friend. Most unfortunately his wife Pauline was busy fetching a blanket to cover Travis up with. Lois wasn't shy to look at Travis' body and they both laughed and giggled about it. Carson just sat there gazing at Travis like he was looking through the gates of heaven, praying to get in.

Pauline appeared with a blanket and offered it to Travis. He stood from his lawn chair and turned around. All eyes looked at his butt until Pauline wrapped the blanket around him.

He sat. Our chairs were adjacent. We all talked. More beer was consumed. The subject of massage came up. This was one of Gerald's penchants, both giving and receiving. He started giving Lois a shoulder rub. I got brave. I stood behind Travis and gave him one. He dropped the blanket to his waist and asked me to scratch his back. I did. I was thrilled that he welcomed my touch. He kept asking me to do it harder. He asked again and again. I was alarmed how viciously he wanted me to scratch. My nails were leaving white lines on his back.

Gerald approached and began to help out.

"Why do you like this, Travis," he asked? "Did Sherry do this to you?"

"Yeah," he responded.

"When you had sex?" probed Gerald.

"That's right!" he admitted. I was amazed at Gerald's perceptiveness and thrilled with the situation. Here was the sexiest boy ever - being pawed by two gay guys, stared longingly at by another, and the sexual connotations were all over the place.

"Why don't you lay on the bench? It'll be easier," suggested Gerald. Travis stood and stepped to the bench and then to my shock and unbridled delight, he pulled off the blanket, laid it on the bench and then stretched out on top of it, face down, his adorable body entirely exposed to several grateful admirers!

Gerald and I knelt on either side of him and slowly, lovingly scratched his back - and his butt - and his legs. We would run our nails down his back, over his sweet little ass - and down his legs. Then - and this is the best part - we would retrace our path but with the palm of our hand, smoothing over his baby-soft skin. He had hair on his head, armpits and pubic area - and a little on his shins. That was it. The caressing of his bare butt was the most arousing thing I'd ever experienced up to that moment - but things would get even better!

Do you like your feet scratched? I asked. He didn't reply. I went and sat at his feet, taking one into my hands. It was a little dusty from walking around naked. I lightly scratched the sole of his adorable foot.

"You know what I love?" said Lois. I looked up. Pauline had gone to bed by this time. I hadn't noticed when. I think she was uncomfortable with all this. Lois was looking at me as I played with Travis's bare foot.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Getting my toes sucked!" A shiver went through me. I could have kissed her for saying this.

"Really?" said I, playing dumb. I held Travis's foot towards her. "Show me how!" Lois giggled wildly at this but didn't move to accept the offer. I turned back to the foot in my hands. The toes were so small, so adorable. I took them between my lips. I ran my tongue along them. God, how I loved it. I sucked and sucked, moving from one side to the other, usually sucking a few toes at a time. I switched feet and sucked some more. I had a hard-on now and didn't care if anyone noticed.

Bill excused himself and left for bed. Carson said he'd be right in. But first he approached us and began to assist Gerald with the scratching of Travis's back.

"You do his back," instructed Gerald, "I'll do his bum!" That startled me. Surely Travis would object at this point. He turned slightly, trying to peer over his shoulder at us.

"Is someone sucking my toes?" he asked.

"Yeah," said I, praying he wouldn't tell me to stop.

"I can hardly feel it," he said, and rested his head back in his folded arms. Did he want me to suck harder, I wondered. Or was that his way of telling me to just give up on it. I didn't know how to take the comment. So I continued to lick and suck his beautiful toes.

Gerald was rubbing and squeezing his narrow butt cheeks.

"Did Sherry ever nibble your bum?" asked lawrence.

"No," said Travis.

"Do you mind if I?" Again I thought he'd gone too far.

"I don't care," Travis murmured. I was shocked. Gerald wasted no time. His lips and teeth were all over the boy's sweet ass. Carson was practically drooling on himself.

We continued our worshipful assault on his naked body.

"Spread your legs a little," I heard Gerald say. And to my continued amazement Travis complied. I finally took a break from his feet and moved next to his butt, across from Gerald. His lips were glued to one firm ass cheek. I tapped him on the head. I wanted a turn and Gerald understood. As he lifted his head I saw that his arm was between Travis's legs. He withdrew it, took my wrist and thrust my hand into that same position. I suddenly had Travis's balls in my hand! I fondled them lovingly while I attacked his firm buns with my lips and tongue. Gerald took a turn sucking toes.

My lips found Travis's crack. I pushed my tongue in. I probed downward. I found his little rose bud. I gave my first ever rim job to a gorgeous straight teenager while 3 people looked on. Who could have imagined?

Travis finally put a stop to it. He carefully turned himself over on to his back. I prayed that he would be hard. I would suck it for sure.

He wasn't hard. He sat upright on the bench. He wanted to just sit and talk and watch the fire. So we did that. We sat and talked. Travis watched the fire and the rest of us watched his dick. Gerald asked him if we could take pictures of him.

"I don't care," he said. But no one had a camera handy. That was perhaps the worst tragedy of my existence - that no one had a damn camera that night.

To be continued.

Is anyone still following this? It's all true, I assure you. I just don't know if you find it interesting or not. If you'd like to hear the rest, please let me know. Thank you. [Note the '0' in garg0yle is a zero!]

Next: Chapter 6

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