Mysteries Unspoken

By M. F. Luder

Published on Mar 5, 2001


Ok, here is the next post. Hopefully someone is liking it and will be nice enough to tell me about it. At least I'm happy Angel liked it. s

Disclaimer: I don't know them. This is all my imagination. Ok? Good

Feel free to tell me anything about the story, even though it's barely in diapers. Write to:

To the ones that keep up with me: Angel, for bugging me about the story. Karen, just for being there to listen to my ramblings.

Now with the story...

Mysteries Unspoken By M. F. Luder

Chapter 2

The Mississippian opened his eyes slowly, the darkness of the room comforting to his still groggy eyes. He had shut all the blinds off. Light was something he didn't want. It was like even the weather was against him. He'd be more pleased if it was raining or cloudy. But no! It had to be sunny. At least if it was dark and raining he'd feel like the weather understood him and that he wasn't all alone.

He looked at his wrist watch. It was just 12.30pm. He still had half an hour before the guys would arrive to go out for lunch. Making his way to the bathroom, he thought of his earlier conversation with JC. It was pretty visible that he was worried about him, but he couldn't talk with him. It was his own problem and he had to deal with it by himself.

Trying not to remember the concern look in the older man's face, he washed his face, brushed his teeth and after combing his hair, made his way to the bedroom.

Sitting on the bed, he realized that he wasn't in the mood to be with all the guys in that moment.

'Not that you are ever in the mood lately' he thought to himself.

He was right, he had been trying to stay alone for a while lately. Believing that maybe he could think things over and just get passed it. But it hadn't happened. It hadn't even helped. Lunch with the guys, the idea itself make him feel awkward in that very same moment.

"Not that I have much of a choice, now do I?" he said aloud. He couldn't help but laugh a dry laugh. "And now you're talking to yourself. Way to go Lance."

He stood up and walked to the chest drawer to look for something to wear, after all his clothes were all wrinkled from the nap. Sometimes he didn't even know why he even bothered unpacking when he knew he'll have to pack the next day.

Checking his watch, he realized the guys would probably arrive anytime now. Just then a knock could be heard in the room. Walking to the door, he opened it to reveal JC and Justin standing there.

"Good to see you're in time." Lance acknowledge while letting in the room.

"Hey! We're not always late!" Complained the younger blond.

"Yeah! Only most of the time." He finished with a smile

Both best friend took a sit on the couch, the door to the bed room slightly ajar. JC just then realized that Lance had changed clothes.

"You changed?"

"Yeah. They were all wrinkled from my nap." He left awkward somehow. It was like he was being analyzed by both friends.

Justin could see that Lance felt totally uncomfortable. Looking over at the twenty four year old, he noticed that he was actually staring at Lance. Nudging him lightly, JC turned to look at the younger man. "You were staring at him." He whispered back.

The dark haired man nodded, he hadn't noticed he was doing it. He just wanted to help his younger friend, knowing that something was really wrong and ha probably been for a long time already.

"Did you sleep well Lance?" asked the older singer. If his friend didn't want to tell him directly, he was gonna do his best and try to pry it out of him.

The nineteen year old was surprised by his friend's bluntness. "Josh!" he hissed.

JC just shrugged and continued looking at the bass singer, waiting for a reaction, any indication that he felt uncomfortable at the question.

"Yeah, a couple of hours of shut eye is always good." Was the answer with a small smile.

"Have you been having trouble sleeping at night that you need to take a nap?"

"Nope. I think it was just the tiredness of the touring that is catching up on me." He knew exactly where the older man was leading and he wasn't gonna let his facade slip.

As the twenty four year old was gonna ask another question, a knock interrupted him.

Lance smiled at JC and made his way to answer the door, fully knowing that it'd be either or Joey or both of them.

"What was that all about?" inquired the younger friend.

"I needed to know if he'd been sleeping fine."

"And if he hasn't, wants makes you think he'd tell you after the way you've been behaving!"

JC placed his face in his hands. All he wanted to do was help his younger friend, but with his actions and persistence he was only pushing him away.

Justin placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. Even if he didn't think that something was indeed wrong with Lance, he was planning on finding out. Not only to help the bass singer, but his best friend as well. If there was something that truly got to JC's nerves was the fact of not being able to help a friend.

The sound of laughter brought both of them back from their reveries. Looking up from their position on the couch, they could see Joey and Chris talking with Lance, who was laughing at something that had been said.

"What happened?" asked Justin as he too wanted to be let on the joke.

"I was just telling Lance how Joey and I had gone shopping earlier this morning and he had been flirting with a cashier, everything had been going fine until her 'boyfriend' had come by and had almost killed Joey."

The nineteen year old was holding his laughter as well as he could considering the circumstances. Looking over at the New Yorker, he noticed that his older friend seemed very interested on the carpet pattern and his cheeks were completely red from embarrassment. "I can't believe it!"

"And then." Chris continued the story, throwing a glance every now and then at his very uncomfortable friend. "He had wanted to beat the crap out of Joey." He said as he patted him on the back. "Turns out this guy lifted weights. You should have seen him. He was like 6"5', two hundred pounds and muscles like Schwarzenegger!" by this time Chris himself was laughing over, holding onto his younger friend by the arm.

"God Joey! Only this kind of things happened to you." Added the nineteen year old as he kept picturing Joey trying to fight someone like that. It was right down hilarious!

"I didn't know she had a boyfriend!"

"Of course you didn't. You kept telling her how beautiful she was and how you wanted to know the city and if she wanted to help you. It was obvious she was waiting for that Hulk to let you know she was taken!"

"What do you say if we head to the restaurant?" suggested Lance. He could see that Joey was starting to feel a little bit uncomfortable with all the joking around the incident.

The guys all nodded and made their way to the elevator JC too joined the party after the laughter had died down and only patted the 'victim' on the back, letting him know that they'll forget it soon enough.

Lunch went without anything beyond the usual. Some laughing, cracking jokes, some lettuce and carrots flying by. Nothing much.

However JC still kept a close eye on the bass singer. Everything seemed kinda normal, but he could see under the young man's masquerade. He would talk with the guys like nothing was going on, even laugh at the jokes. But from time to time, he would kind of just... stay quiet. Not long enough for anyone else to notice. no one else but JC, as he kept trying to figure out what was wrong. Then, just as quickly ash e had gotten quiet, he'd get into the conversation and enjoy the moment.

Now they were back on their rooms and JC kept thinking it over as he laid down on his bed. He tried to think of something that could have the Mississippian so worried about. It wasn't anything related to the group, as he had put down that possibility as soon as he had thought about it. It had to be something personal. Something private. But what?

'Maybe a fight with his parents?' he thought. Lance had always thought very highly of them. Specially of his mother. She had been there for him, supporting him in every way possible when he wanted to follow his dream. She had even been on the road with them from time to time.

He scratched that possibility right away. lance and his mother had a very tight relationship and he was sure Lance was such a great son, he'd never do anything against her wishes.

'Then what?!'

That had been the question running through his mind when he felt someone lay down next to him on the bed.

"Thinking about Lance again." It was an statement, not a question.

The older man sighed. "Yeah." Looking at Justin, who was sitting by his side he continued. "You think I'm wrong? That I'm seeing too much in nothing?"

Now it was Justin turn to sigh. He too thought that something was going on with the bass singer, even though he didn't know why. "To tell you the truth, I do believe you're right. I noticed earlier at lunch."

"You too?"

"It wasn't easy not to look at Lance when you were staring at him." The nineteen year old answered, remembering his friend's behavior at the restaurant.

"I was not starting!" JC said as he turned to look at the ceiling once again.

"Yes you were! I kept looking back and forth between you and Lance." Justin had been surprised when Lance himself didn't notice JC staring at him and, if he had, he hadn't shown it.

"What did you notice?"

"Nothing much." Standing up from the bed, Justin walked to the windows and opened them, suddenly feeling short of air. "Did you notice something?"

Sitting on the bed himself, JC looked at the nineteen year old as he walked back to the bed and sat by his side. "Nothing too important. It was like he'd grow somber from time to time, staying quiet for a moment, but not too long for anyone to notice."

"You should let him be Josh. If you keep insisting him about it, you'll push him away."

"Then what do I do?" His voice betrayed his sense of dejection. JC felt horrible at not being able to help the younger man. He felt helpless and it was a feeling he hated.

"He already knows you'll be there for him if he needs you. You told him already. Now just wait."

JC sighed. Wait. A lot easier said than done.

I know it took me a lot longer to put this up, but I just didn't have the time. Sorry.

If you have anything to tell me, let me know at:

And check out my page:

Take care and investigate.

M. F. Luder

Next: Chapter 3

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