Naked on camera

By Charlie O

Published on Sep 20, 2022



Miles Brown had been bragging about how good he was at basketball. He bragged that the only people who could, possibly beat him were NBA players. Marcus Scribner had heard enough so he challenged him to three games of twenty-one, sort of like a best of three challenge. Whoever won two out of three games got to have the loser do whatever the winner wanted for a week! Miles beat him the first game. "I told you I'd beat you." Miles said. "The contest isn't over, yet." Marcus said with a grin. Then he won the second game. "Now, it's like, sudden death. The last `winner take all' game."

Miles would not admit it but, he was real nervous. The first game he'd barely won by two points and the second, he lost by ten points! Things were not looking good for Miles. "Let's change the game a bit." Miles said. "Say what?" Marcus said incredulously. "No way! Stop trying to get out of the punishment!" "I'm not. Just listen." Miles said. "Let's play HORSE. If one of us misses, the get a letter..." "I know hoe HORSE is played, Miles." "But here's the twist." Miles said. "If you get a letter, you lose a piece of clothing... and, the other person gets to take that piece of clothes off you." And, what about that other part?" Marcus asked. "What other part?" Miles asked, confused. "About the other person having to do what the winner says for a wee?" Marcus said. Miles smiled weakly and said, "That part still remains." Marcus smiled and said, "You're on!"

So, Miles started out hot. He was able to throw up a shot that Marcus just couldn't duplicate. "Come here, Marcus." He said with a grin. "What you gonna take off me?" Marcus asked. "That shirt." Miles said. Marcus got low enough so Miles could do just that. "Damn!" Marcus said, faking like he was irritated. He wasn't though. Things were going according to his plan. He was bare chested, and Miles started to drool. "Just how I planned it." Marcus thought to himself.

Because he was drooling over Marcus' fine chest, Miles missed his next shot. "My turn." Marcus said. So, he mad a crazy half court shot (Which Miles missed by a mile.). "What do you want off me?" Miles asked sullenly. "Your shoes, I think?" Marcus said. Miles looked at him strangely but, let Marcus take his shoes off. Then, since Miles had missed that shot, it was Marcus' turn to make a shot. Marcus shot the ball from the top of the key. When it was Miles' turn to make the same shot, he missed badly. As a matter of fact, it was an air ball!

Even Marcus was confused. That was one of Miles' favorite shots. "He never misses that shot!" Marcus thought. "Well damn!" "Come here, Miles." Marcus said with a smile. "Let me see them feet again." Marcus too off Miles' socks this time. Now, Miles started to get worried. "He might take my drawers next!" Miles thought. "Oh shit!" Next, Miles took a shot. This time, he made it. When it was Marcus' turn, he missed. So, Miles walked up to Marcus and grabbed his pants by the belt loops. "I take it you want my pants." He said. Miles just smiled as he unbuttoned and unzipped Marcus' pants. The pants fell to the ground and Marcus stepped out of them. So, now, Marcus had his shoes, socks and, underwear on. Miles just had his socks and shoes off. This was not looking good for Marcus.

So, Marcus had to really dig deep and pull out all the basketball shots he new of. When it was his turn again, he did a behind the back shot. And, lucky for him, it went in. When Miles tried the same shot, it bounced off the back board and hit the ground. Unfortunately for Miles, he was gonna lose another piece of clothing. This time, Marcus took his shirt. "Man, you got some nice muscles." He said as he pinched Miles' nipples. "That wasn't my arm." Miles said, slightly annoyed. That had turned him on, though. His dick started to stir. Now, Miles really started to panic. "Now, what am I gonna do?" He asked himself. "I'm almost naked!"

Next, Miles made to simple shot that Marcus made as well. When it was his turn, Marcus made a sky hook. Miles failed that shot miserably. Miles looked down at himself. Now, all he had on was his pants and drawers. When it was Miles turn, he tried a shot from the corner three spot. Unbelievably, Marcus made that shot as well. When it was Marcus' turn, He decided to do a 360 dunk! Miles walked up to Marcus and said, "I forfeit." "Really?" Marcus said, surprised. "There's no way I can make that shot." Miles said. "You win."

So, Marcus unbuttoned Miles pants and, slowly, slid them down Miles' legs. As he slid Miles' pants off, he was surprised to find Miles' dick stretching the fabric of his boxer briefs. "Looks like someone wants to be free." Marcus said. He was, of course, talking about Miles' dick. "Let's free him shall we. Nice undies, by the way." Miles was wearing a pair of black bikini briefs. Marcus yanked Miles' briefs down to his feet. "Now, come up out them clothes!"

Miles came up out his pants and underwear. He stood there naked, embarrassed about his predicament. He stood there as Marcus circled around him, gawking at him from every angle. Miles covered his dick and balls. "Put them hands up." Marcus said. Miles reluctantly put his hands up in the air. Now, Marcus could see all of Miles' bits and pieces. Marcus grinned like the Cheshire cat in `Alice in Wonderland.' "So, what do you want me to do?" Miles asked. "Just stand right there," Marcus said. "With your hands up. Let folks see you in your nakedness." Miles looked around and he noticed that they had stopped what they were doing and were, now, staring at him!

"You do realize people are staring at us, don't you?" Miles said. "Correction." Marcus said. "They're staring at you, my friend!" Marcus was right. They were just staring at him. Miles tried to, slowly, put his hands over his crotch. "I said, keep them hands up!" Miles giggled nervously. Marcus looked around for a second. "Let's go over to that fence." Before they left, Marcus picked up Miles' shirt and underwear. "What are you gonna do with that?" Miles asked. Marcus grinned and said, "You see."

When they got to the fence, Marcus grabbed both Miles' hands and, using Miles' own shirt, tied Miles to the fence. Miles struggled to get loose. "Don't bother trying to get loose." Marcus said. "I got you tied tight." Miles ignored Marcus and continued to struggle. "I'd better make sure, though." He got behind Miles and began to tickle his underarms. "HAHAHAHAHA! STOP! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Miles screamed with laughter. Then, Marcus stopped. "Just making sure you couldn't get loose." Marcus said. "Now, let the torment begin!"

Marcus rubbed his strong hands all over Miles soft skin. He rubbed Miles butt cheeks. "You got some real soft ass cheeks." Marcus said. Miles tried not to moan but, this was starting to feel real good to him. Then Marcus slid his hand between Miles' legs. "Let me see them balls." Miles gasped when Marcus, gently, grabbed his balls. He caressed them. "You like that, Miles?" Marcus asked. "You like it when I caress them nuts, don't you?" Again, Miles stifled a moan. Then Marcus, gently parted Miles ass cheeks. "Look at that sweet, pink, little hole." Marcus, gently, slid a finger up Miles' ass. "Just waiting to be fucked. The minute Miles heard he might be getting fucked, his dick got rock hard. "Would you like me to fuck you, Miles?"

Miles' dick was rock hard and there was no way to hide it. "Yes." He said softly. "I didn't hear you." Marcus said with a grin. "Speak up!" "You're not gonna make me say it out loud, are you?" Miles asked. "Or I could just leave you here, naked, and tied up. I mean, Trevor and Diggy are still looking to fuck you...." It only took Miles half a second to think that through. "Yes!" Miles screamed a lot louder. As he predicted more people started staring at them. "Looks like people are watching." Marcus said. "Why don't we give them a show.?" He started grinding on Miles' ass as he reached around and fondled his nipples. "Ffuucckk!" Miles moaned softly. "Shit!"

Miles moaned and groaned as Marcus grinded on his ass. He could feel Marcus' big dick through his underwear. "You can feel my big, hard dick through my underwear, can't you?" Marcus asked. "Mmmm, yess!" Miles said with a grin. At this point, Miles wanted Marcus' dick more than ever. "What would you do for this dick?" Marcus asked. "What do you want me to do?" Miles asked, curious. "I'll do anything."

Marcus grinned evilly. "Would you let videotape the sex we're about to have?" He asked. Miles thought about that for a moment. "While I'm yours Miles ask, do you promise to make me do the naughtiest things you can think of?" Miles asked. "The naughtier the better." Marcus said with a wink. "Then, I'm down." Miles said. "But, first, we gotta walk to my trailer." Marcus said. "But that's on the other side of the lot." Miles said. Marcus smiled again and said, "I know."

So, Miles and Marcus (Miles still naked and Marcus half naked) made their way to Marcus' trailer. That walk felt like the longest walk on planet. Maybe because Miles was naked, and he felt so embarrassed. Or maybe it was because the dudes from Grown-ish were milling about the lot (their sets were next door). Every time they would see one of the guys, they would come over and chat. Next thing Miles new, they would smack his ass. Then his crush, Diggy Simmons walked over, and he nearly died on the spot!

"Hey, um, what's going on here?" Diggy said. He reached over and caressed Miles' face. "Oh, Miles, here lost a basketball bet." Marcus said. "So, now, he has to do whatever I say for the week." "So, he got you ass out, hunh, man?" Diggy asked Miles. "Uh hunh." Miles said as he looked at the floor in shame. "I don't mind being naked." Miles thought. "I just didn't want Diggy to catch me like this."

"Pick that head up, bro!" Diggy said. The way he said it sounded like an order. Miles picked his head up right away. "Now, let me get a good look at you." He walked around Miles. When he got to Miles' back side, he whistled loudly. "Jesus! That ass is phat!" Immediately, Diggy reached out and touched Miles' ass. "And firm, too." Then he stuck his middle finger up Miles hole. His eyes widened. "You need to fuck this young man till your dick comes out his mouth!" Both Miles and Marcus cracked up. "I'm serious. That hole is hella deep! Fuck him deep for me!"

"Oh, he will." All three dudes turned around. Standing there, listening to their conversation was Anthony Anderson. "Well, guys... I gotta go." Diggy ran off, leaving Miles and Marcus to deal with Anthony. "I have one question." Anthony said. "Why is Miles naked? Don't get me wrong, any day I get to see this young man's butt naked, it's a good day." Marcus looked a tad disappointed. "Marcus don't get offended. Every time I see your lips, I keep imaging them on my dick. Lord Jesus, don't get me started!"

"The reason Miles is naked," Marcus said. "Is because he lost a bet and he's gotta do what I say for the next week." "Well, that makes sense." Anthony said. "Where are you guys off to?" "My trailer." Marcus said. "I'm gonna fuck him silly." "Can I come, too?" Anthony asked. Miles and Marcus looked shocked. "For real?" Marcus asked. "Yes." Anthony said. Marcus shrugged his shoulders and said, "Sure, why not?"

When they finally got to Marcus' trailer, Marcus stripped out of the remaining clothes he had on. Anthony looked down and saw Marcus' feet and grinned. "Man, you got some real pretty feet." He said. Then Marcus moved closer to Anthony, smacked his ass, and said, "You a real cute butt!" Anthony was shocked that Marcus had just smacked him on the ass. "Now, strip, nigga!" The boldness in Marcus' voice got Anthony real hot and bothered. Meanwhile, Miles just stood there, in shock.

Anthony, however, did as he was told, stripping out of his clothes. When he was done, Marcus ordered him onto the bed with his ass in the air. "Miles, go sit your naked ass in front of Anthony." Miles hopped onto the bed. "Lay on your back with your legs spread out." Both Anthony and Miles seemed to know what Marcus really wanted. So, when Miles got on his stomach with his ass in the air, Anthony dove face first into Miles' ass and began to hungrily eat him out. Meanwhile, Marcus grabbed the belt from Anthony's pants. Then....

WHACK! WHACK! Marcus slammed the belt across Anthony's ass cheeks. "OH GOD! FEELS SO GOOD!" Anthony cried out. "I need more!" WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! "You want more," Marcus said. "I'll give you more!" WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! Anthony felt like his ass was on fire! WHACK! WHACK! "YESSS!" Anthony cried out, his body twitching like crazy! WHACK! WHACK! Marcus was whoopin' that ass like a mad man. Anthony knew this didn't make sense. "I should get up." He thought to himself. "This is degrading. I'm being whooped like my momma whooped me by my teenaged costar! This is nuts!"

But Anthony didn't get up. He was enjoying every swat of the belt way too much. Every lash of the belt brought wave after wave of pleasure. Sweat dripped from Anthony's brow dripped onto Miles' ass cheeks. The pain did not affect how deep his tongue went up Miles' ass. "FFFUUUCCCKKK!" Miles moaned as Anthony' tongue went deeper in that ass. "JESUS! EAT MY ASS!" "You heard the man!" Marcus said with a smile. "Eat that ass!"

When Anthony began to nibble on Miles' ass lips, Miles went nuts. He tried to cover his ass. "Let me at that ass!" Anthony said. "LET ME AT THAT ASS!" As Miles tried to cover his ass, Anthony grabbed each arm by the wrists and held them there while he continued to eat Miles out. Anthony munched on Miles' ass cheeks, driving Miles bonkers! "Fuck, no!" Miles said. "Mmmmmm!" Miles dick was starting to get hard, and his hands were being held behind his back. He couldn't stroke his dick like he, desperately wanted to. So, As Anthony ate him out, Miles' moans got louder. He needed to be fucked and he needed to be fucked now!

Luckily, Marcus needed to fuck someone... NOW! He pushed Anthony out of the way and slid his dick up Miles' tight hole. "Ooooh!" Miles moaned. "Mmmmmm! Marcus nine-inch dick slid up Miles' tight asshole. "Oowweee!" Then, suddenly, Marcus roared. Marcus turned and saw that Anthony had slid his dick into Marcus' hole. Even though Anthony's dick wasn't as big as his (It was only eight ½ inches), it was the biggest thing Marcus had ever had in his ass! Anthony was popping Marcus' cherry!

"You feel me up in that ass, Marcus?" Anthony whispered in Marcus' ear. "Yes." Marcus moaned softly. "Now, I'm not gonna hurt you." Anthony said. "Just as long as you don't hurt Miles." Anthony kept his dick still Marcus' ass, letting the young man get used to his dick. "Of course, I won't man!" Marcus said, sounding indignant. "I love this little human with all my heart!" Marcus wrapped his arms around Miles' waist. Miles had to admit, he loved Marcus to. "Alright. Now, that the love fest is over, can I fuck you, Marcus?"

"Yes." Marcus said. "But be gentle. You got what amounts to a missile up my ass!" Anthony and Miles chuckled. "I should put my dick up your ass, Miles." "For God's sakes!" Miles said, exasperated. "It's about time!" "I knew you wanted my dick!" Marcus said, excited. "Are you kidding?" Miles asked. "I've been wanting that dick since I was thirteen." "That long?" Marcus said. "Oh, I would have gone nuts!" Anthony said. "Well, today's the day!" Marcus said. He positioned himself and gently slid his dick up Miles' ass. Miles gasped suddenly. Marcus caught a tear falling from his cheek. "Are you okay?" Marcus asked, worried. "Yea... I'm okay." Miles said. "Just never thought your dick would feel this good." Marcus wrapped his arms around Miles as Anthony, slowly, slid his dick in and out of Marcus' hole.

After a while, the three men created a steady rhythm. In out in out. As they fucked, Marcus slid his hand down to Miles' dick and stroked it slowly. "Mmmm." Miles moaned. "Miles, you got a real big dick, you know that?" Marcus asked Miles. "Not as big as yours." Miles said with a grimace. "Trust me on that." He backed his ass up on Marcus, dick. "FFFUUUCCCKKK!" Miles AND Marcus cried out in unison. "So, this is what it feels like to have a torpedo up your ass!" Marcus thought. "Jesus!"

Anthony was fucking Marcus' hole like a man possessed. He slammed his dick deep up Marcus' hole. "FFUUCCKK!" Marcus moaned aloud. Anthony's body dripped with sweat as he fucked Marcus good. "MMMMMM!" Anthony could feel his balls tighten. He grabbed Marcus by his shoulders and fucked him deeper. "Oh, my ass!" Just then... "I'M GONNA CUMMM!" Anthony cried out. Seconds later, Marcus felt Anthony pull out of his ass. Then he felt Anthony's cum all over his ass cheeks. That got Marcus hot!

Marcus piston fucked Miles hole. "Look at that pretty ass!" Anthony said. Then Marcus heard a camera click. "Is he taking pictures of my ass?" Marcus thought to himself. "I hope so." As he continued to fuck Miles, he continued to hear the clicking sound. Then he turned his head and said, "Are you done taking pics of my ass?" "Yes," Anthony said. "But I'm not done with your ass?" That left Marcus slightly confused. Then he felt something cold and wet on his ass cheeks. He looked back to see Anthony licking his entire ass, ass crack included. When Anthony was done Anthony said, "I had to clean up my mess!"

Anthony got up and got dressed and before he left, he said, "That was a good fuck, sweet cheeks!" Seconds later, Anthony was gone. Marcus bent down and whispered to Miles, "Now, back to business." He got up off Miles for a moment. "Turn on your back with your legs in the air." "Can you put those on me, first?" Miles asked, pointing to the pair of handcuffs he saw on Marcus' table. "Sure." Marcus said. "That'll give me a chance to set up the camera. "You really gonna videotape us fuckin,' man?" Miles asked. Marcus grinned and said, "I sure am!"

Marcus setup his camera and went back to where Miles lay. He roughly turned Miles onto his stomach and handcuffed Miles' hands behind his back. Then he put a pillow underneath his hips, lifting his ass in the air. "I've said it once," Marcus said as he groped Miles' ass. "And I'll say it again. You have a real cute butt." He slapped Miles' ass hard. Then he turned him onto his back. He put Miles' legs on either side of him and slid his dick up into Miles' ass. "Miles, say hi to the camera!" "I can't believe I'm being fucked on Camera!" Miles said as he shook his head in disbelief. Marcus kissed Miles on the lips as he slid his dick up Miles' asshole. "Mmmmm." Miles moaned. Marcus, gently, slid his dick in and out of Miles' hole, making Mils moan with pleasure. "Damn, bro!" Marcus said. "This ass feels so good! I may never come up out of here!"

"Please don't." Miles begged. "You feel so good inside me." "I gotta come out of you eventually, bro." Marcus said. Miles looked real disappointed. "But I guess we can fuck whenever you want." "Or, at least, grab my ass, sometimes?" Miles asked. "You mean, after this week is over?" Marcus asked. "Uh hunh." Miles said. "Sure, why not." Marcus said. He bent down and bit Miles on the neck. "Ouch!" Miles screamed. Then Marcus grabbed Miles' nipples and pinched and caressed them gently. Then he switched positions, laying Marcus on top of him. "Why'd you switch positions?" So that everyone can see that cute ass of yours." Marcus grabbed Miles' ass and groped it roughly. Then he spread Miles' ass cheeks with his hands so that everyone could see his hole. "Now, everyone can see your hole." "I can't believe my ass is on display like this." Miles said. Marcus slid his dick back up Miles' hole. This time, he sat Miles up on his hard dick. He bounced Miles up and down on his dick. "FUCK!" Miles cried out. "OH MY GOD! THIS DICK BIG!"

The End

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